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Do zoos and circuses abuse animals

The animal welfare position is that humans have a

right to use animals, but cannot harm animals and
must treat them humanely.Animals in circuses are
often beaten, shocked, kicked confined in order to train
them to be obedient and do tricks. no animals should
be forced to perform tricks in order to earn money
for their humans.some zoos and circuses are well
being and welfare of animals, providing them with
proper care.frustated by years of beating and many
of them countless animals,trainers and members of
the public have been ijured and even killed.

Facts about circus animal abuse

1 . tigers naturally fear fire, but they are still forced to
jump through fire hoops in some circuses and have
been burned while doing so.
2. Trainers use whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric
prods, bullhooks and other painful tools of the trade
to force animals to perform.
3. Virtually 96% of a circus animal’s life is spent in
chains or cages.
Do zoos and circuses abuse animals

Circuses are not fun for animals. The solution is to

go boycott circuses with animals, and support
animal-free circuses.

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