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School of Management
End-Term Examination, February’ 22


COURSE CODE: MBBA111L MAX. DURATION: 3 hours (9 am- 12 pm)

COURSE NAME: English Communication-1/ English Communication 101

Instructions: -
 There are four questions in all.
 Attempt any two from question 2,3 & 4.
 Assume any information that might be necessary to complete the tasks.
 Please submit your answers in MS Word document. Do not submit photos of hand-written
answer scripts.
 Save your answer script file with your first name and last three digits of your enrolment
number(e.g. Ajay_112)

Compulsory Question

Q1 . Cover Letter Marks: 15

Online networking

As with traditional networking, the goal of online networking is to make connections with people
who are advanced in their fields. An online correspondence might lead to “electronic mentoring,”
from an expert in the field of your interest. Making online connections with industry professionals is
also a great way to keep tabs on the latest business trends and potential job leads.

Your task: Write a cover letter to any expert in your field of interest who you are very keen to work
with. Your objective is to explore an internship opportunity with him/her.

Q2. E-mail Revision Marks : 10

Revise the following interoffice e-mail that has faults in grammar, spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, word use, and number form. Also pay attention to developing a conversational but
professional tone, using familiar words, and striving for increasing the readability of the e-mail.

Interoffice Memo

DATE: February 20th 2022

TO: Jasmin Khurana, Manager, HUMAN RESOURCES

FROM: Deepak Walecha, CEO

SUBJECT: Losing Payroll Data Because of Hacking

It has come to the attention of the undersignedthat on January 28th the software database
maintained by Alpha data services for the purpose of preparing payroll for our employees was
accessed illegally. We did not learn about the “hacking” of the system until yesterday when Alpha
made a examination of their system. Our employees payroll records include social security #s,
employees addresses and payroll information such as various deductions. A review of the five
hundred sixty-six names in the database shows no damage to the data or modification of the data.
We don’t think their was any malicious intention to destroy or annihilate the data. Individual bank
account information and such like for employees are not part of the file. It appears that names may
have been copied however no other information was lost. The computers holding the database were
immediatley taken off-line, and meticulously examined to ascertain whether any data were found to
be corrupted. New more extensive firewalls have been added, to provide better Security. However,
because of these changes, payroll records will not be available before March 10th.

A letter from myself to all employees as well as the same message on the company Intranet, will
henceforth go out this p.m.. Pertaining to this matter, please do what you can to minimize concern
among employees. Ensure them that there personal data have not been harvested, and that we
have took appropriate steps to prevent and avoid future hacking. I appreciate your help

Q3. Revise the following sentences/paragraphs according to instructions. Marks: 1*10=10

Revise the following sentences to emphasize the perspective of the audience and the “you” view.
3a) I have granted you permission to attend the communication seminar

3b) Our safety policy forbids us from renting power equipment to anyone who cannot
demonstrate proficiency in its use.

3c) To prevent us from possibly losing large sums of money in stolen identity schemes, our bank
now requires verification of any large check presented for immediate payment.

3d) So that we may bring our customer records up-to-date and eliminate the expense of
duplicate mailings, we are asking you to complete and return the enclosed card.

Revise the following sentences to make the tone conversational yet professional.
3e) As per your recent request, the undersigned is happy to inform you that we are sending you
forthwith the brochures you requested.

3f) Pursuant to your letter of the 12th, please be advised that your shipment was sent June 9.

3g) BTW, Amy was pretty ticked off because the manager accused her of ripping off office

3h) The undersigned respectfully reminds affected individuals that employees desirous of
changing their health plans must do so before December 30.

Revise the following sentences to eliminate terms that are considered sexist or that suggest
3i) Every employee must wear his ID badge on the job.
3j) The conference will include special excursions for the wives of executives.

Q4. Short notes Marks: 5*2=10

Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

4a) Communication Styles

4b) Proxemics
4c) Three Rhetoric Appeals-Ethos ,Pathos and Logos
4d) Barriers to Communication

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