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BY: - Deepak Sir

170- A Manas Nagar Shahganj, Agra
Ph No: - 9675435439
1. Three bags contain 7 white, 8 red; 9 white, 6 red and 5 white, 7 red balls respectively.
One ball, at random, is drawn from each bag. Find the probability that all of them are of
the same colour.
2. The probability of A solving a problem is and that of B solving it is . What is the
probability that
(i) atleast one of them will solve the problem ?
(ii) only one of them will solve the problem?
3. A and B throw a die alternately till one of them gets a "6" and wins the games. Find their
respective probabilities of wining if A starts the game.
4. The probability that A hits a target is and the probability that B hits it is . If each one of
A and B shoots at the target, what is the probability that
(i) the target is hit ?
(ii) exactly one of them hits the target?
5. Two cards are drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards one-by-one without
replacement. What is the probability of getting first card red and second card Jack?
6. Events A and B are such that ( ) ( ) and ( ̅ ̅ ) . Find whether the
event A and B are independent or not.
7. A random variable X has the following probability distribution
X 0 1 2 3
P(X) 0.1 0.2 0.3
Find (i) (ii) P( ) (iii) ( )
8. From a lot of 10 bulbs, which includes 3 defectives, a sample of 2 bulbs is drawn at
random. Find the probability distribution of the number of defective bulbs.
9. A bag A contains 4 black and 6 red balls and bag B contains 7 black and 3 red balls. A die
is thrown. If 1 or 2 appears on it, then bag A is chosen, otherwise bag B. If two balls are
drawn at random (without replacement) from the selected bag, find the probability of
one of them being red and another black.
10. A pair of dice is thrown. It is given that the sum of numbers appearing on both dice is an
even number. Find the probability that the number appearing on at least one dice is 3.
11. There are two Bags, Bag I and Bag II. Bag I contains 4 white and 3 red balls while another
Bag II contains 3 white and 7 red balls. One ball is drawn at random from one of the bags
and it is found to be white. Find the probability that it was drawn from Bag I.
12. A and B throw a pair of dice alternately. A wins the game if he gets a total of 7 and B wins
the game if he gets a total of 10. If A starts the game, then find the probability that B
13. Three machines E1, E2, E3 in a certain factory produce 50%, 25% and 25% respectively,
of the total daily output of electric tubes. It is known that 4% of the tubes produced by
each of machines are defective and that 5% of those produced on E3 are defective. If one
tube is picked at random from a day's production, calculate the probability that it is a
14. A man is known to speak truth 3 out of 5 times. He throws a die and reports that it is a
six. Find the probability that it is actually six.
15. Bag I contains 3 red and 4 blue balls and Bag II contains 4 red and 5 blue balls. One ball
is transferred from Bag I to Bag II and then a ball is drawn from Bag II. The ball so drawn
is found to be red in colour. Find the probability that the transferred ball is blue.
16. Three bags contain balls as shown in the table below :
Bag Number of white Number of black Number of red balls
balls balls
I 1 2 3
II 2 1 1
III 4 3 2
A bag is chosen at random and two balls are drawn from it. They happen to be white and
red. What is the probability that they came from the III bag?
17. Suppose a girl throws a die. If she gets a 5 or 6, she tosses a coin three times and notes
the number of heads. If she gets 1, 2, 3 or 4, she tosses a coin once and notes whether a
head or tail is obtained. If she obtained exactly one head, what is the probability that she
threw 1, 2, 3 or 4 with the die?
18. There are three coins. One is a two headed coin, another is a biased coin that comes up
heads 75% of the time and third is an unbiased coin. One of the three coins is chosen at
random and tossed, it shows head, what is the probability that it was the two headed
19. In a set of 10 coins, 2 coins are with heads on both the sides. A coin is selected at random
from this set and tossed five times. If all the five times, the result was heads, find the
probability that the selected coin had heads on both the sides.
20. A bag X contains 4 white balls and 2 black balls, while another bag Y contains 3 white
balls and 3 black balls. Two balls are drawn (without replacement) at random from one
of the bags and were found to be one white and one black. Find the probability that the
balls were drawn from bag Y.
21. Three rotten apples are mixed with seven fresh apples. Find the probability distribution
of the number of rotten apples, if three apples are drawn one-by-one with replacement.
22. In a shop X, 30 tins of ghee of type A and 40 tins of ghee of type B which look alike, are
kept for sale. While in shop Y, similar 50 tins of ghee of type A and 60 tins of ghee of type
B are there. One tin of ghee is purchased from one of the randomly selected shop and is
found to be of type B. Find the probability that it is purchased from shop Y.
23. Two cards are drawn simultaneously (without replacement) from a well shuffled pack of
52 cards. Find the Mean and Variance of the number of black cards.
24. In a game, a man wins ₹ 5 for getting a number greater than 4 and loses ₹ 1 otherwise,
when a fair die is thrown. The man decided to throw a die thrice but to quit as when he
gets a number greater than 4. Find the expected value of the amount he wins, lose.
25. There are 4 cards numbered 1, 3, 5 and 7 one number on one card. Two cards are drawn
at random without replacement. Let X denote the sum of the numbers on the two cards
drawn. Find the Mean and Variance of X.
26. The reliability of a COVID PCR test is specified as follow:
Of people having COVID, 90% of the test detects the disease but 10% goes undetected. Of
people free of COVID, 99% of the test is judged COVID negative but 1% are diagnosed as
showing COVID positive. From a large population of which only 0.1% COVID, one person
is selected at random, given the COVID PCR test, and the pathologist reports him/her as
COVID positive.
Based on the above information, answer the following:
(i) What is the probability of the 'person to be tested as COVID positive' given that he is
actually having COVID?
(ii) What is the probability of 'person to be tested as COVID positive' given that he is
actually not having COVID?
(iii) What is the probability that the 'person is actually not having COVID?
(iv) What is the probability that the 'person is actually having COVID given that 'he is
tested as COVID positive' ?
(v) What is the probability that the 'person selected will be diagnosed as COVID
27. In answering a question on a multiple choice test for class XII, a student either knows
the answer or guesses. Let 3/5 be the probability that he knows the answer and 2/5 be
the probability that he guesses. Assume that a student who guesses at the answer will be
correct with probability 1/3. Let E1 , E2 , E be the events that the student knows the
answer, guesses the answer and answer correctly respectively.
Based on the above information, answer the following:
(i) What is the value of P(E1) ?
(ii) Value of P( E |E1) is
(iii) Find ∑ ( ) ( ) equals
(iv) Find value ∑ ( )
(v) What is the probability that the student knows the answer given that he answered it
28. An insurance company believes that people can be divided into two classes: those who
are accident- prone and those who are not. The company's statistics show that an
accident-prone person will have an accident at sometime within a fixed one-year period
with probability 0.6, whereas this probability is 0.2 for a person who is not accident-
prone. The company knows that 20 percent of the popoulation is accident -prone.
Based on the above information, answer the following:
(i) What is the probability that a new policyholder will have an accident within a year of
purchasing a policy?
(ii) Suppose that a new policyholder has an accident within a year of purchasing a policy.
What is the probability that he or she is accident prone?
29. In a school, teacher asks a question to three students Ravi, Mohit, Sonia. The probability
of solving the question by Ravi, Mohit, Sonia are 30%, 25% and 45 % respectively. The
probability of making error by Ravi, Mohit and Sonia are 1%, 1.2% and 2%, respectively.
On the basis of above information, answer the following questions.
(i) Find the conditional probability that an error is committed in solving question given
that question is solved by Sonia.
(ii) Find the probability that Sonia solved the question and committed an error.
(iii) Find the total probability of committing an error in solving the question.
If the solution of question is checked by teacher and has some error, then find the
probability that the question is not solved by Ravi.
30. Given three identical boxes I, II and III, each containing two coins. In box I both coins are
gold coins, in box II both are silver coins and in box III there is one gold and one silver
coin. A person choose a box at random and takes out a coin.
On the basis of above information, answer the following questions.
(i) Find the total probability of drawing gold coin.
(ii) If drawn coin is of gold, then find the probability that other coin in box is also of gold.
31. A doctor is to visit a patient. From the post experience, it is known that the probabilities
that he will come by train, bus, scooter and by other means of transport are respectively
and . The probability that he will be late are and and if he comes by train,
bus and scooter respectively, but if he comes by other means of transport, then he will
not be late.
On the basis of above information, answer the following questions.
(i) Find the probability that he is late.
(ii) Find the probability that he come by scooter given that he is late and also find the
probability that he comes late given that he comes by other means of transport.

Answer keys
1. 2. (i) , (ii) 3. 4. (i) , (ii) 5.
6. A and B are not independent events 7. (i) (ii) (iii)

8. X 0 1 2 9. 10. 11. 12.


13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20.
21. X 0 1 2 3

22. 23. 24. 25.

26. (i) 0.9 (ii) 0.01 (iii) 0.999 (iv) 0.083 (v) 0.01089
27. (i) (ii) 1 (iii) (iv) 1 (v)
28. (i) 0.28 (ii) 29. (i) 0.02 (ii) 0.009 (iii) 0.015 OR 0.8
30. (i) (ii) 31. (i) (ii)

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