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Installation and Upgrade Guide

OpenText™ Archiving and Document

Access for SAP Solutions

The OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP

Solutions installation guide describes the installation of the
basic components including DocuLink, DesktopLink, Forms
Management, and Web Viewer integration.

Installation and Upgrade Guide
OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions
Rev.: 2021-Apr-23
This documentation has been created for OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions CE 21.2.
It is also valid for subsequent software releases unless OpenText has made newer documentation available with the product,
on an OpenText website, or by any other means.

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Table of Contents
1 What is OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions ............................................................................ 7
1.1 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions
software packages ............................................................................ 7

2 Prerequisites for Archiving and Document Access for

SAP Solutions ............................................................................ 9
2.1 Required knowledge .......................................................................... 9
2.2 Software packages ............................................................................ 9
2.3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................... 10
2.4 SAP prerequisites ........................................................................... 10
2.5 Installation tool ................................................................................ 12
2.6 Web Dynpro configuration ............................................................... 12

3 Installing the Basis package .................................................. 13

3.1 Installing packages .......................................................................... 13
3.2 Generating roles ............................................................................. 17
3.3 Configuring components .................................................................. 18
3.3.1 Configuring rendition management ................................................... 18
3.3.2 Configuration for Web Viewer .......................................................... 19
3.3.3 Setting number ranges .................................................................... 25
3.3.4 Defining authorizations .................................................................... 26
3.3.5 Defining settings for logging ............................................................. 26
3.3.6 Defining settings for optional sample projects .................................... 26
3.4 Rendition management ................................................................... 27
3.4.1 Configuring Rendition Management .................................................. 28
3.5 Forms Management ........................................................................ 28
3.5.1 General information ......................................................................... 28
3.5.2 Installing Forms Management .......................................................... 29
3.5.3 Authorizations ................................................................................. 30
3.6 DesktopLink .................................................................................... 30
3.6.1 General information ......................................................................... 30
3.6.2 Authorizations ................................................................................. 31
3.7 Imaging Integration ......................................................................... 31
3.7.1 General information ......................................................................... 31
3.8 DocuLink ........................................................................................ 31
3.8.1 General information ......................................................................... 32
3.8.2 Authorizations ................................................................................. 32
3.8.3 Testing the DocuLink installation ...................................................... 33

4 Installing the SAP Fiori OData Services packages

(OTEXBASO) ............................................................................ 35

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions iii
Table of Contents

4.1 Installing the package ...................................................................... 35

5 Installing the SAP Fiori UI package (OTEXBASF) ................ 37

5.1 Installing the package ...................................................................... 37

6 Installing the ERP option package (OTEXERP) .................... 39

6.1 Installing the ERP package .............................................................. 39

7 Installing the CRM option package (OTEXCRM) .................. 41

7.1 Installing the package ...................................................................... 41

8 Installing the Foundation component of Vendor Invoice

Management for SAP Solutions for Fiori business object
browsing (OTEXBASB) ........................................................... 43
8.1 Installing the package ...................................................................... 43
8.2 Activating the BC set ....................................................................... 44

9 Installing language packages ................................................. 45

10 Upgrading Archiving and Document Access for SAP

Solutions .................................................................................. 47
10.1 Upgrading to Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions
21.2 (20.4) ...................................................................................... 47
10.1.1 Upgrading from version 16.2 ............................................................ 48
10.1.2 Upgrade from version 16 ................................................................. 49
10.1.3 Upgrading from version 10.5.0 ......................................................... 49
10.1.4 Upgrading from version 10.0.0 ......................................................... 50
10.1.5 Upgrading from versions prior to SAP 6.0 ......................................... 51
10.1.6 Upgrading from SAP 6.0 and Livelink ECM - Suite for SAP
Solutions 9.5.1 or 9.5.2 .................................................................... 52
10.1.7 Upgrading from Livelink ECM - Suite for SAP Solutions 9.5.0 ............. 53
10.1.8 Upgrading from Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions
9.6.0 to 10.0.0 ................................................................................. 54
10.1.9 OpenText Employee File Management 2.5 ....................................... 57
10.1.10 Equivalencies of Add-On packages .................................................. 58
10.2 Upgrading the SAP system .............................................................. 60
10.2.1 Exchange upgrades keeping 21.2 (20.4) ........................................... 61
10.2.2 Conversions to SAP S/4HANA On-Premise ...................................... 62

11 Uninstalling OpenText Archiving and Document Access

for SAP Solutions .................................................................... 63
11.1 General process ............................................................................. 63
11.1.1 Prerequisites for uninstalling ............................................................ 64
11.2 Performing manual steps ................................................................. 65
11.2.1 Archiving and Document Access component OTEXBAS .................... 65

iv Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

Table of Contents

11.2.2 Archiving and Document Access ERP package component

OTEXERP ...................................................................................... 67
11.2.3 Archiving and Document Access CRM package component
OTEXCRM ..................................................................................... 68
11.2.4 Archiving and Document Access OData Services component
OTEXBASO .................................................................................... 69
11.2.5 Archiving and Document Access Fiori Apps component OTEXBASF .. 70
11.2.6 Archiving and Document Access Solution Framework for Business
Object Browsing component OTEXBASB ......................................... 72
11.3 Uninstalling with SAINT transaction .................................................. 72

12 Handling communication protocols ...................................... 73

12.1 Maintaining OLE application ............................................................ 73
12.2 Maintaining SAP ArchiveLink application .......................................... 75
12.3 Maintaining viewer components ....................................................... 80
12.4 Assigning protocols to logical archives (content repositories) ............. 84

13 Troubleshooting ...................................................................... 85

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions v

Chapter 1

What is OpenText™ Archiving and Document

Access for SAP Solutions

With OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions, you can
automatically store SAP and non-SAP data and documents on a secure server. This
increases operational efficiency by freeing IT from the time-consuming chore of
manual backups and recovery. It also offloads data from production systems for
improved system performance and faster upgrades.

OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions offers a range of
options for integrating SAP documents and other documents in the different SAP
applications, including emails, faxes, images and informal correspondence. Besides
archiving documents, you can manage, search, display and edit them.

1.1 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for

SAP Solutions software packages
OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions consists of the
following SAP packages:

• SAP basis package OTEXBAS

Provides all base applications:

– OpenText™ DocuLink for SAP Solutions

– OpenText™ DesktopLink
– Forms Management
– Imaging Integration
– ArchiveLink attributes
• SAP ERP package OTEXERP (optional)
Optional package with ERP specific functionality

– Allows use of DVS/PLM nodetypes in DocuLink

– Provides transaction /ixos/plm as an uploader transaction for DVS/PLM
– Provides client independent objects and code for sample DocuLink projects,
which are not only SAP ERP specific but can also be used for base examples
• SAP CRM package OTEXCRM (optional)
Optional package with CRM specific functionality.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 7

Chapter 1 What is OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

– Allows use of SAP CRM link range in Content Management node type in
– Client independent objects and code for a sample DocuLink project in SAP
• SAP Fiori package OTEXBASO (optional)
Optional package with OData services for SAP Fiori
• SAP Fiori UI package OTEXBASF (optional)
Optional package with SAP Fiori specific user interface functionality for
ArchiveLink PLUS and test application
• Solution Framework for Business Object Browsing package OTEXBASB
Optional package with extensions to OpenText™ Archiving and Document
Access for SAP Solutions and the Foundation component of Vendor Invoice
Management for SAP Solutions to build Fiori apps for business object browsing

8 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

Chapter 2
Prerequisites for Archiving and Document Access
for SAP Solutions

2.1 Required knowledge

The following knowledge is required from the person dealing with the installation
as described in this document:

• In-depth knowledge of SAP administration tasks, in particular the SAP Add-On

Installation Tool (SAINT).
• Basic knowledge of the employed operating system.

2.2 Software packages

Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions consists of the following
software packages (for the current version numbers, check the latest Release Notes
in OpenText My Support):

• OpenText SAP Basis package

• OpenText SAP ERP package (optional)
• OpenText SAP CRM package (optional)
• Enterprise Library package
• OpenText Imaging Clients package
• OpenText Imaging ExchangeLink (optional)
• OpenText Imaging NotesLink (optional)
• OpenText SAP OData Services package (optional)
• OpenText SAP Fiori UI package (optional)

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 9

Chapter 2 Prerequisites for Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

2.3 Terms and definitions

When describing the installation, the following terms and definitions are used:

DPA Name of the system used by OpenText

OTEXxxx Package with the ID xxx
<SID> System ID of the SAP system
<MDT> Client into which the import takes place
/usr/sap/trans/EPS/ Package directory in the system

2.4 SAP prerequisites

Check the following prerequisites:

SAP support packages

See the latest version of the Release Notes in OpenText My Support for required
support packages for your SAP system.
Transport system
The SAP application transport system is installed, which means the jobs
RDDPUTPP and RDDIMPDP are set up in the correct clients and scheduled to run
periodically or event-triggered.
OSS notes
Check the following OSS notes to avoid known problems with the SAP Add-On
Installation Tool (SAINT):

• SAP 7.00

– 822380 – Problems w/ add-on inst/upgrade to SAP NW 7.0 AS ABAP

– 822379 – Known problems with Support Packages in SAP NW 7.0 AS
– 1597766 – Problems for add-on install./upgrade in SAP NW 7.31 AS
– 1597765 – Known problems with Support Packages in SAP NW 7.31 AS
– 1843158 – Problems with add-on installation/upgrade to SAP NW 7.40 AS
– 1843157 – Known problems with Support Packages in SAP NW 7.40 AS
• Installation information
1611525 – Archiving and Document Access 10.0 by OpenText

10 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

2.4. SAP prerequisites

• SAPCAR tool
212876 – The new archiving tool SAPCAR
• Activation of the Business Configuration sets (BC sets)
1274142 – SCPR116: Activation links error in BC Set activation

Patch levels

• Patch level for SAP ERP 6.0 – The minimum requirement for software
components SAP_BASIS and SAP_ABA is release 700, patch level 18. This
patch level is required for enhanced functionality, for example, additional
icons in the GOS attachment list based on the SAP enhancement technology.
• Patch level for SAP CRM 7.0 – The minimum requirement for software
components SAP_BASIS and SAP_ABA is release 701 BBPCRM minimum
release 700.
• Patch level to install optional OData package – This package can be
installed on SAP backend systems either with Backend Event Provider
(IW_BEP release 200, patch level 10) or with SAP Gateway Foundation
(SAP_GWFND, at least release 740, patch level 09). Though not required for
installation, at runtime the OData services of Archiving and Document
Access for SAP Solutions call RFC functions of the basis add-on (OTEXBAS)
of Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions .
• Patch level to install optional Fiori UI package –
This package can be installed on SAP frontend systems with SAP_BASIS 740
or newer with User Interface Technology SAP_UI 752 or newer. At runtime a
SAP_UI release of 753 is required. Although not required for installation, at
runtime the Fiori app calls the OData services of Archiving and Document
Access for SAP Solutions.

System upgrade
When you have to upgrade your SAP system and you already installed
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions using packages, you have to
use vendor keys or attribute change packages (ACP).
For more details, see “Upgrading the SAP system” on page 60.

Note: The documentation is updated regularly. Therefore, check for the latest
version on OpenText My Support.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 11

Chapter 2 Prerequisites for Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

2.5 Installation tool

Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions uses the SAP Add-On
Installation Tool (SAINT) for installation. SAINT uses single PAT files (extension
*.PAT) which integrate several transport files; these collections are also called

On the product ISO image or ZIP archive, the single PAT files are archived in
SAPCAR files (extension *.SAR) that can be extracted using the SAPCAR command
line tool. The different SAPCAR files are located in a DATA folder below the
respective package folder named as the package and SAP release. For example,
INST_BAS_700/DATA/OTEXBAS_INST_2040_700.SAR contains the archived PAT file
to install the package for SAP basis release 7.00 or higher.


• The handling of the installation procedure within SAINT differs depending

on the SAP system used. For more details, see the respective SAP
• The SAP OSS Note 1353451 Use enhanced SAINT functions in CRM ADDON
MANAGER ( describes
how to use enhanced SAINT functions on CRM systems, for example
selecting target Support Packages.
• .SAR files obtained directly from OpenText, for example from OpenText My
Support do not contain a digital signature. You can configure the SAINT
transaction to ignore this. .SAR files issued by SAP directly do contain a
digital signature.

2.6 Web Dynpro configuration

Configuring Web Dynpro comprises the following stages:

• General Web Dynpro configuration of the web application server(s) which

provide the Web Dynpro UI (such as configuration of the ICM, activating
services, etc.). For details, see the SAP documentation.
• Check the activation of the following services by executing the SICF transaction:

– <Path of Web Dynpro services>/ixos/dc

– <Path of Web Dynpro services>/ixos/dcview

To configure the Web Dynpro UI for the ArchiveLink Full Text Search, see section 20
“Customizing ArchiveLink PLUS” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

12 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

Chapter 3

Installing the Basis package

This chapter describes the installation of the Basis package of the Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions on an SAP application server. Read also the
chapter “Prerequisites for Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions“ on page 9 with general information about installation in an SAP

The Basis package contains several basic functions that are required by other
components of the Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions:

• Basic components

• Rendition management

• Forms management
• DesktopLink

• Imaging integration

• Migration management

• DocuLink

• DocuLink Web UI (based on Web Dynpro framework)

Tip: The Basis package also includes the OpenText License Report function,
which is described in more detail in section 24 “OpenText License Report” in
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-

3.1 Installing packages

The basic components are installed with the Basis package. Every single installation
package for Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions is protected with a
specific password. During the installation, this password is requested by SAINT.

SAP Note 567695

SAP requires having a SAP Note number that contains information regarding
the installation and upgrade of OpenText software. Depending on the number,
an installation password exists, which is needed for installation and delta
See SAP Note 567695, which is the general note related to Add-ons for
Software Partners.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 13

Chapter 3 Installing the Basis package

To install the Basis package:

1. Copy the respective SAPCAR files (*.SAR) located on the installation medium in
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions\SAP to the target SAP
application server in the /usr/sap/trans folder. This is the parent folder of the
DIR_EPS_ROOT folder.


Archiving and Archiving and Archiving and
Document Access Document Access Document Access
for SAP Solutions for SAP Solutions for SAP Solutions
for Basis OData Services Fiori UI Component
Component 20.4 Component 20.4 20.4
Release 2040_700 2040_700 2040_700
Password 9396CA55B8 9396CA55D7 9096CA55DE
Source Path /INST_BAS_700/ / /INST_FIORI_740/
40_700.SAR 2040_700.SAR 040_740.SAR


Archiving and Archiving and Foundation
Document Access Document Access component for
for SAP Solutions for SAP Solutions Vendor Invoice
ERP Component CRM Component Management for
20.4 20.4 SAP Solutions for
Business Object
Browser 20.4
Release 2040_700 2040_700 2040_700
Password 9391D956B8 9597D94BB8 9396CA55DA
Source Path /INST_ERP_700/ /INST_CRM_700/ /
40_700.SAR 040_700.SAR 040_700.SAR

14 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

3.1. Installing packages

2. Extract the SAPCAR file to the /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in folder with the

following command:
SAPCAR -xvf <name of SAPCAR file>

The resulting PAT file is extracted to the EPS/in folder relative to the path of
the SAPCAR file.

Note: With Basis 7.00 or higher, you can use the SAINT and SPAM
transactions to upload and extract the SAR files from the frontend.

3. Carry out import of packages as described in the respective SAP

documentation. For this, you will need the password for the installation

4. When the import is finished, continue with the activation of the BC sets.

For every client, the Business Configuration Sets (BC Sets) must be activated after

To activate BC sets:

1. Execute the SCPR20 transaction.

The Business Customizing Set screen appears

2. Activate the BC Sets in the following sequence:


3. If you experience errors during BC Set activation, repeat the respective

activation procedure up to three times.

Tip: Transaction SCPR20 offers a menu option Utilities > Compare >
Compare BC Set with Tables. This allows you to compare the differences
between the contents of the Business Configuration Set and the
customizing tables of the SAP system. Furthermore, another option of this
feature allows you to display all contents of the BC set.

For every client, the default project $GARMISCH is required by DocuLink.

To create the DocuLink project $GARMISCH initially:

1. Execute the SPRO transaction. In IMG, go to OpenText Archiving and

Document Access for SAP Solutions > Doculink for SAP > DocuLink
Administration > Customizing Maintenance and Upgrade > Create DocuLink
Project $GARMISCH.

2. The start screen of the /IXOS/DC_A_CREATE_GARMISCH report is displayed.

3. To create the DocuLink project $GARMISCH on your client, select Create

$GARMISCH. Execute the report by pressing the F8 function key.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 15

Chapter 3 Installing the Basis package

The program confirms the execution with a message Project $GARMISCH


4. Exit the report and the J6NA transaction.

5. Execute the J6NP transaction.

In the list of the existing DocuLink projects, the project $GARMISCH is listed.

Note: Do not manually modify the $GARMISCH DocuLink project. It must either
be created with the initial report or imported by a transport.

To export the DocuLink project $GARMISCH from your customizing client:

1. Start the J6NP transaction.

The DocuLink: Customizing: Project Overview dialog is displayed.

2. Click on the $GARMISCH item to position the cursor on this DocuLink project.

3. Click the icon or press SHIFT+F6.

The Transport version(s) dialog is displayed.

4. Keep the settings and click Continue.

You are prompted to select a transport request.

5. Create a customizing request and click Continue.

6. After the transport request was created, leave the J6NP transaction

7. Follow the standard procedure to release a customizing transport request.

For more information about the export of DocuLink projects as customizing

transport requests, see section “Standard functions in the tab view” in
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS)
and section “Versions” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

The customizing tables that contain the content of the DocuLink project
customizing are flagged with Log data changes. You can use the SCU3 (table
history) transaction to track changes in the DocuLink project customizing.

16 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

3.2. Generating roles

3.2 Generating roles

The following roles are delivered with the application:


To generate the roles:

1. Start the PFCG transaction.

2. On the Utilities menu, click Mass Generation.

3. Select Roles with Non-Current Profiles. In the Role field, enter /IXOS/*.
After an upgrade, select Roles with Current Profiles for New Generation, and
in the Role field, enter /IXOS/* to generate updated profiles.

4. Follow the steps to generate the profiles.

5. After an upgrade, perform a mass comparison:

a. On the Utilities menu, click Mass Comparison.

b. As role, enter /IXOS/* and select Cleanups.
c. Follow the steps to do a mass comparison.

6. Start the PFCG transactio and check the following roles one by one:


ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 17

Chapter 3 Installing the Basis package

7. Ensure that the Authorizations tab has a green icon. If it is yellow, you must
regenerate the authorizations: Click Display Authorization Data, and then

If you have directly assigned the authorization profiles J_6NG*, J_6NB* and J_
8A* to user data in the past, You must replace these assignments by the
respective roles from the list above or by a role of your own. The description of
each role in the PFCG transaction describes, which example profile it replaces.
The user maintenance mass changes transaction SU10 provides a powerful user
selection by authorization data to find users directly assigned to authorization
profiles like J_6NG_MIN or J_8AFM_DISP.

For more details about these example roles, see OpenText Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS). They are replacing
the example authorization profiles J_6NG*, J_6NB* and J_8A*.

3.3 Configuring components

3.3.1 Configuring rendition management
After successful installation of the Basis package, you may configure the Rendition
Server API.

To configure Rendition Server API:

1. Execute the SM30 transaction to maintain the tables /IXOS/RSA_T_CONF and /

IXOS/RSA_T_RENS. For more information, see OpenText Archiving and Document
Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

Note: The following steps are only required when rendition management
shall be used within DocuLink.

18 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

3.3. Configuring components

2. Execute the SM30 transaction to maintain the table /IXOS/RSA_T_TAFO

containing the target formats used in the Rendition Task Profiles (table IXOS/
The following value pairs are valid:

Document class MIME type of a Web object

PDF application/pdf
TIF image/tiff
TXT text/plain
ORIGINAL original

This standard setting of table /IXOS/RSA_T_TAFO is also delivered by activating

the BC set /OTEXBAS/DOCULINK_ALL1622. The MIME type = original has to be
in lower case letters. In the DocuLink Rendition Server task profile, this special
type can be used to download the files without converting them.

3. Execute the DocuLink administration transaction J6NA to maintain the tables /


3.3.2 Configuration for Web Viewer

Note: The customizing procedure with the /ixos/oa_cust table has been
superseded by the parameters defined in the new /ixos/oa_cust_a table.

By default, documents that are opened from within the SAP GUI are displayed in
the SAP viewer, or, if it is installed, in Windows Viewer. Compared to the SAP
viewer, Windows Viewer offers additional functionality to edit documents,
however, it requires an additional client installation. If you would like to take
advantage of additional viewer functionality without an additional installation
process, you can use the Web Viewer.

To do so, you may configure the viewer integration on the SAP server in a way that
the required viewer will be used.

To maintain the imaging integration:

• Activate the user exit to use a different viewer other than the standard SAP

a. Run the SE16 transaction and open the TOAEX table.

b. Create a new entry with these values:
c. To use a different viewer also for SAPGUI for JAVA create the following
entries with these values:

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 19

Chapter 3 Installing the Basis package


After installation, the viewer components must be configured and customized using
the following tables:

• /ixos/oa_cust_a
Legacy table - it is still evaluated, but do not use it anymore. A description can be
found in guides of version 10.5 SP1 or older.
• /ixos/oa_doctype
Document classes and their viewer types (if not defined, the default viewer for
ArchiveLink documents will be used)
• /ixos/oa_locales
Languages used (optional, for Web Viewer only)
• /ixos/oa_iprange
IP settings used to optimize network performance (optional, for Web Viewer
• /ixos/oa_cust3
Force MimeType settings to display documents

To configure the external viewer:

1. In the IMG, navigate to OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions > Imaging (Viewer) Integration > Standard Customizing and run
the Maintain Viewer Usage and Settings activity. Alternatively, you can run
the SM30 transaction and open the /ixos/oa_cust_a table.

20 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

3.3. Configuring components

2. Define the following settings:

Path and Script/appl

Path name and script/application name to call Web Viewer: the source code
of the Web Viewer must be located directly below the application directory
of the web server. Therefore, the application name is WebViewer.
Viewer Usage
Possible values:
No external viewer is used.
Yes, if winviewer is not installed locally
The external viewer specified in the Viewer Type field is used if the
Windows Viewer is not installed locally.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 21

Chapter 3 Installing the Basis package

Yes, if SET/GET parameter /IXOS/OA_JV = X

User-specific configuration; if the SET/GET parameter /IXOS/OA_JV = X
(defined in the user profile), the external viewer specified in the Viewer
Type field is used.
The external viewer specified in the Viewer Type field is always used.

Viewer Type
Possible value: Web Viewer
Disable Caching
Specifies whether the information on the cache server stored in ArchiveLink
Cache customizing is used when generating the URL.
Disable Applet Inpl.
Not used anymore, also Viewer Window Width and Viewer Window
Use Cached Build
Not used anymore, also Viewer Window Width and Viewer Window
Use HTTPS Protocol
If activated, the secure HTTPS protocol is used when the script is run.

3. If you selected the Web Viewer option above in the Viewer Type field, you can
specify the following additional parameters for default settings in the Web
Viewer Settings area:

Do not show Thumbs

Deactivates the default display of thumbnails.
Do not show Header
Deactivates the default display of the header line.
Show Notes
Activates the default display of document notes.
Open in curr. Window
Stops Web Viewer from opening a new browser window; viewer uses
current window instead.
Authorization Check
Activates evaluation of authorization object J_6NV_WEBV, which defines
rules for accessing and processing documents.
Use Signature
Restricts the usage and acceptance of URLs to signed Web Viewer URLs

22 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

3.3. Configuring components

To configure the document classes:

1. In the IMG, navigate to OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions > Imaging (Viewer) Integration > Standard Customizing and run
the Maintain Document Classes for Viewer activity. Alternatively, you can run
the SM30 transaction and open the /ixos/oa_doctype table.

2. Define the following settings:

Document Type
Enter the document extension without leading dot, for example, JPG for
JPEG image documents.
Viewer Type
Enter the viewer type which will be used to display a specific type of
document. Possible value is Web Viewer.
Only document types maintained in the table /IXOS/OA_DOCTYPE are
opened with the JavaViewer or the Web Viewer; for all other
documents, the default viewer for ArchiveLink documents will be
After activation of BC set /OTEXBAS/VIEWER_CUSTOMIZING, the following
document and viewer type combinations are maintained by default:

Document Web Viewer


To configure the viewer languages:

1. In the IMG, navigate to OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions > Imaging (Viewer) Integration > Standard Customizing and run
the Maintain Languages for Viewer activity. Alternatively, you can run the
SM30 transaction and open the /ixos/oa_locales table.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 23

Chapter 3 Installing the Basis package

2. Select the required languages for the viewer.

Note: This setting does only apply to the Web Viewer and does not
influence the standard locale set for SAP.

3. To create an entry, click New Entries and specify the parameters for the new

In order to optimize the network performance, you can assign specific IP address
ranges of a repository to a specific server. If the IP address of a client is within this
specific range, then the Web viewer from the local server specified in the fields
Servername:Port and Path and Script/appl is used to view documents.

To assign IP address ranges:

1. In the IMG, navigate to OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions > Imaging (Viewer) Integration > Standard Customizing and run
the Maintain IP Ranges for Viewer activity. Alternatively, you can run the
SM30 transaction and open the /ixos/oa_iprange table.

24 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

3.3. Configuring components

2. Specify the content repository and the range of the IP addresses.

3. Specify the server and the required script in the Servername:Port field and the
Path and Script/appl field respectively.

To configure the Force MimeType settings to display documents:

1. Run the SE16 transaction and open the /ixos/oa_cust3 table.

2. Define the following parameters:

Document type for which the settings are defined.
MIME type which should be used on a client to display documents for the
corresponding document type. The MIME type settings (for example, app/
LLVIEW ) have to be specified in the client registry.
An example for the client registry setting could be:
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\app/LLVIEW]

3.3.3 Setting number ranges

Set the number range interval 01 for number range objects /IXOS/DCLO and /IXOS/
DC_K. The user must be authorized to do that.

You need number ranges in the following cases:

• /IXOS/DC_K: archiving is performed to tables, which contain the document ID in

the key.
• /IXOS/DCLO: the protocol feature is activated for the attribute objects.

To set number range:

1. Execute the SNRO transaction.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 25

Chapter 3 Installing the Basis package

2. Enter /IXOS/DC_K or /IXOS/DCLO as object.

3. Click the Number ranges button.
4. Click the Change intervals button.
5. Click the Insert interval button.
6. Modify the interval 01:
From number = 1, To number = 9999999999.
7. Save your changes.

3.3.4 Defining authorizations

You must set up authorizations and assign them to users. Some authorization
profiles are also supplied by the following components of Archiving and Document
Access for SAP Solutions:

• Forms Management
For more information, see “Authorizations” on page 30
• DesktopLink
For more information, see “Authorizations” on page 31
• DocuLink
For more information, see “Authorizations” on page 32

Tip: For an overview of authorization maintenance, see section 4.3

“Authorizations in SAP systems” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

3.3.5 Defining settings for logging

To use the user action log, you must set the number range /IXOS/DCLO as described
in “Setting number ranges” on page 25.
For more information on the user action log, see OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions
- Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD).

3.3.6 Defining settings for optional sample projects

Optional DocuLink sample projects are available as downloads. If you want to use
these projects, you must define a number of additional settings in the SAP
application. For more information, see section 2.6 “Sample projects overview” in
OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-

Note: This guide uses the sample archive name DU as the default.

• If you want to test the authorization, select data selection in the sample project
Linked objects. You must also assign the users the profile J_6NB_PROF
supplied with the sample project.

26 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

3.4. Rendition management

• To archive documents within the document flow SD, the archive must be set
correctly in the OAC3 transaction for the link J_6NGDKOR (object type)/J_6NGDKORR
(document type).
• To archive documents for customers in the sample project Linked objects, the
archive must be set in OAC3 transaction for the link J_6NG_CUST/J_6NG_CUST.
• Some number range intervals are required for the sample projects. Use the SNRO
transaction to maintain them:

– For $EX_LINK (Linked objects) and $EX_FOLDER (Folder demo

(recurrent structure)) maintain interval 01 for the number range J_6NG_
DIV. Enter 1000 as the starting number.

– For $EX_CMDEMO (Demo CM document model) maintain the same number

range J_6NG_DIV, but with a different interval and distinct values, for
example interval 02 from 1000000001 - 2000000000 if the interval 01 from
1000 - 1000000000 was used for $EX_LINK.

3.4 Rendition management

The rendition management consists of the OpenText Rendition Server API (also
referred to as Rendition Server API) and two DocuLink monitoring projects called
RSUMONITOR and RS_TRFC_ST. Both monitoring projects may be downloaded from
OpenText My Support.
The Rendition Server API is a prerequisite for OpenText DesktopLink and is also
required when document processing/output utilizing the OpenText Rendition
Server shall be used in DocuLink.

The optional DocuLink monitoring projects called RSUMONITOR and RS_TRFC_ST are
utilities to review the logs of document renditions processed by the Rendition Server
API. RS_TRFC_ST is used for the display of the My job overview feature within


• Rendition management also requires the installation of OpenText Rendition

Server as described in the OpenText Rendition Server - Installation and
Administration Guide (RS-IGD).
Installation of the monitoring project is not mandatory for rendition
management. It is intended as a help for the rendition log administration.
• After installation, you have to configure the rendition management. For
details, see “Configuring rendition management” on page 18.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 27

Chapter 3 Installing the Basis package

3.4.1 Configuring Rendition Management

After successfully installing the Basis package, you may configure the Rendition
Server API.

To configure the Rendition Server API:

1. Start the SM30 transaction to maintain the tables /IXOS/RSA_T_CONF and /IXOS/
RSA_T_RENS. For more information, see OpenText Archiving and Document Access
for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

Note: The following steps are only required when rendition management
shall be used within DocuLink.

2. Start the SM30 transaction to maintain the /IXOS/RSA_T_TAFO table with the
target formats used in the Rendition Task Profiles (table IXOS/RSA_T_CONF).
The following value pairs are valid:

Document class MIME type of a Web object

PDF application/pdf
TIF image/tiff
TXT text/plain
ORIGINAL original

This standard setting of the /IXOS/RSA_T_TAFO table is also delivered by

activating the BC set /OTEXBAS/DOCULINK_ALL1622.
The MIME type = original has to be in lower case letters. In the DocuLink
Rendition Server task profile, this special type can be used to download the files
without converting them.

3. Start the DocuLink administration transaction J6NA to maintain the tables /


3.5 Forms Management

3.5.1 General information
The following SAP partner name spaces are used:

• J8AF*
• J_8AF*
• J_8AS*

Message class is 81.

28 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

3.5. Forms Management

3.5.2 Installing Forms Management

Forms for forms overlay can also be maintained in a OpenText TCP Context Server.
This requires additional preparation.

To install Forms Management:

1. Perform the basis package installation with the SAINT tool . For more
information, see “Installing packages” on page 13.

2. Install the Business Application Integration (BAI) on the server for OpenText
TCP Context Server.

3. Import the mapping configuration for Forms Management for OpenText TCP
Context Server in OpenText TCP Modeler.

a. Start OpenText TCP Modeler.

b. Activate the BAI plug-in:

i. Go to the menu, select Tools - Options and click the Plug-Ins tab.
Mark the TCP Mapping Tool check box in the list of available plug-
ii. Restart OpenText TCP Modeler. Now, the Mapping Configuration
node appears in the navigation area.
c. Right-click the Mapping Configuration node in the navigation area.
d. Select the Import Configuration command from the context menu.
e. Enter the path and file name of the mapping configuration file sap_
OverlayForm.ixbxml. This file is contained in a ZIP archive file located in
the patches area of OpenText My Support:
Forms Management (All Versions) - mapping configuration file
sap_OverlayForm.ixbxml (

Note: Although located in a folder for ADA version 10.5.1, the file is
valid for all versions.

4. Perform the required customizing steps described in section 15 “Archiving with

OpenText Forms Management” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 29

Chapter 3 Installing the Basis package

3.5.3 Authorizations
Authorization profiles have to be assigned to users who are working with Forms
Management. For more information, see section 15.2 “Rights for OpenText Forms
Management” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario
Guide (ER-CCS).


• Profile J_8AFM_ALL: Possesses all authorizations.

Tip: For an overview of authorization maintenance, see section 4.3

“Authorizations in SAP systems” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

3.6 DesktopLink
In addition to the installation, you must perform the OpenText Imaging Clients
installation on a client in order to work with OpenText DesktopLink.

3.6.1 General information

Used SAP partner name spaces
The following SAP partner name spaces are used:

• J8AM*
• J_8AM*
• J_8AS*
• J8A3*
• J_8A3*

Message class is 81.

Special authorizations
To allow access to DesktopLink via SAP Logon pad, for example, for saving to
OpenText DesktopLink or opening from OpenText DesktopLink functions using
drag and drop, an additional authorization for the J8A8 transaction is required.

30 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

3.7. Imaging Integration

3.6.2 Authorizations
Authorization profiles have to be assigned to users who are working with
DesktopLink. For more information, see section “Authorizations” in
OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS)
for details).


• Profile J_8AM_ALL: Authorizes the user to archive all object types.

• Profile J_8AM_ADM: Authorizes all utilization and customizing rights, including
converting document formats and assigning target document classes.

Tip: For an overview of authorization maintenance, see section 4.3

“Authorizations in SAP systems” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

3.7 Imaging Integration

3.7.1 General information
The Livelink Imaging Integration with SAP contains the integration of OpenText
Imaging Web Viewer with and RFC functions that allow generic calls of functions
from Preindexing in OpenText Imaging Enterprise Scan.


• See the compatibility matrix in OpenText My Support to find out which

versions of OpenText Imaging Enterprise Scan allow calls of functions.
• Implementation of calls of SAP functions during Preindexing in OpenText
Imaging Enterprise Scan requires support from your OpenText consultant.

3.8 DocuLink
The Basis package installation also installs the component OpenText DocuLink for
SAP Solutions (short: DocuLink).

For general information on installation in an SAP environment, see “Prerequisites

for Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions“ on page 9 .

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 31

Chapter 3 Installing the Basis package

3.8.1 General information

The following SAP partner name spaces are used:

• /IXOS/
• J6N*

3.8.2 Authorizations
DocuLink provides some authorization profiles that you can use as basis to set up

For more information, see section 24 “Authorizations” in OpenText DocuLink for SAP
Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD).


• Profile J_6NG_MIN: Minimum profile for entry to DocuLink (without projects).

• Profile J_6NG_CREA: Display and create authorization for all projects.
• Profile J_6NG_ALL: Possesses all authorizations; suitable for testing DocuLink.

To modify authorizations:

1. Execute either the SU02 or PFCG (Profile Generator) transaction to modify the

2. Each user must be assigned the minimum profile J_6NG_MIN as otherwise

nothing will be visible when the user attempts to call DocuLink!

3. Enter a user to test the general authorization J_6NG_ALL. This user can then test
all functions to ensure that they work and thus ensure that installation has been
completed successfully.

4. After assigning authorizations, do not forget to log on to the SAP application

system again.

Tip: For an overview of authorization maintenance, see section 4.3

“Authorizations in SAP systems” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

32 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

3.8. DocuLink

3.8.3 Testing the DocuLink installation

After the DocuLink installation has been completed, you can test the installation
with the J6NY or the J6NP transaction in a SAP GUI in the client <MDT>.

If it is not possible to execute the transaction, reset all buffers using the /$SYNC or /
$TAB transaction .

Note: This action is not recommended during live operation of the system.

Then repeat the installation.

To check the installation:

1. Execute the J6NY transaction in a SAP GUI in the client <MDT>.

2. Double-click a project in the J6NY transaction; the appropriate view(s) should


Note: This is only possible if you have imported the supplied DocuLink
sample projects. We recommend that you complete this optional import of
the sample projects for testing purposes.

If no error message appears, the installation was successful.

However, if you receive the error message (OL 808)

The object with the runtime number '0' is not defined

the supplied object types could not be generated. In this case, perform the following

To generate object types:

1. Execute the SE80 transaction.

2. Enter J6NG as the development class.

3. Click the Display button.

4. Open the Business Engineering folder.

5. Open the Business object types folder.

6. For each of the listed object types:

a. Double-click the object type.

b. Click Generate.
No success message appears.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 33

Chapter 4

Installing the SAP Fiori OData Services packages


Install this optional package, if you want to use the Fiori UI control for an
attachment list using ArchiveLink PLUS. You can install this package on an SAP
backend system with Backend Event Provider or SAP Gateway Foundation (read
release notes for specific requirements). The package contains the OData services
(model, service, model provider class, data provider class) for an attachment list
using ArchiveLink PLUS. For information about integration the functionaliy into
SAP Fiori apps see section 22 “Integrating Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions into SAP Fiori apps” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

4.1 Installing the package

To install the SAP OData Services package:

1. Copy the respective SAPCAR file (*.SAR) located on the installation medium in
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions\SAP to the target SAP
application server in the /usr/sap/trans folder. This is the parent folder of the
DIR_EPS_ROOT folder.

File Source path Target path

OTEXBASO_INST_2040_ INST_ODATA_700\DATA\ /usr/sap/trans

2. Extract the SAPCAR file to the /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in folder with the

following command:
SAPCAR -xvf <name of SAPCAR file>

The resulting PAT file will be extracted to the EPS/in folder relative to the path
of the SAPCAR file.

Note: With Basis 7.00 or higher, you can use the SAINT and SPAM
transactions to upload and extract the SAR files from the frontend.

3. Carry out the import of packages as described in the respective SAP


Note: The optional SAP OData Services package does not contain any Business
Customizing Sets (BC Sets).

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 35

Chapter 5

Installing the SAP Fiori UI package (OTEXBASF)

Install this optional package if you want to use the Fiori UI control for an attachment
list using ArchiveLink Plus. You may install this package on an SAP frontend
system with User Interface Technology. For specific requirements, see the release
notes. The package contains the Fiori UI apps (BSP applications) for an attachment
list using ArchiveLink PLUS (/OTX/ALF_DOC_UI), a test launcher app (/OTX/RMF_
LAUNCH) and Fiori UI view (/OTX/ALF_DOCS4BC and new version /OTX/ALF_
DOCS4BC_02) for the integration into the Fiori app of the Foundation component of
Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions. For information about integration
the functionality into SAP Fiori apps see section 22 “Integrating Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions into SAP Fiori apps” in OpenText Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

5.1 Installing the package

To install SAP Fiori UI package:

1. Copy the respective SAPCAR file (*.SAR) located on the installation medium in
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions\SAP to the target SAP
application server in the /usr/sap/trans folder. This is the parent folder of the
DIR_EPS_ROOT folder.

File Source path Target path

OTEXBASF_INST_2040_ INST_FIORI_740\DATA\ /usr/sap/trans

2. Extract the SAPCAR file to the /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in folder with the

following command:
SAPCAR -xvf <name of SAPCAR file>

The resulting PAT file will be extracted to the EPS/in folder relative to the path
of the SAPCAR file.

Note: With Basis 7.00 or later, you can use the SAINT and SPAM
transactions to upload and extract the SAR files from the frontend.

3. Carry out the import of packages as described in the respective SAP


Note: The optional SAP Fiori UI package does not contain any Business
Customizing Sets (BC Sets).

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 37

Chapter 6

Installing the ERP option package (OTEXERP)

In addition to the Basis package, you can install the optional ERP package. The ERP
package contains specific code and objects, such as the following:

• DVS/PLM document nodetype in DocuLink – SAP GUI and SAP GUI for HTML

• Code to support optional DocuLink example projects – provided as download in

My Support

• DesktopLink support of PLM/DVS – transactions /IXOS/PLM, /IXOS/PLM_DL, /


• ERP-specific sample BOR objects

6.1 Installing the ERP package

To install the ERP package:

1. Copy the respective SAPCAR file (*.SAR) located on the installation medium in
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions\SAP to the target SAP
application server in the /usr/sap/trans folder. This is the parent folder of the
DIR_EPS_ROOT folder.

File Source path Target path

OTEXERP_INST_2040_ INST_ERP_700\DATA\ /usr/sap/trans

2. Extract the SAPCAR file to the /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in folder with the

following command:
SAPCAR -xvf <name of SAPCAR file>

The resulting PAT file will be extracted to the EPS/in folder relative to the path
of the SAPCAR file.

Note: With Basis 7.00 or higher, you can use the SAINT and SPAM
transactions to upload and extract the SAR files from the frontend.

3. Carry out import of package as described in the respective SAP documentation.

Note: The optional ERP package does not contain any Business Customizing
Sets (BC Sets).

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 39

Chapter 7
Installing the CRM option package (OTEXCRM)

In addition to the Basis package, you may install the optional CRM package on CRM
systems. The CRM package contains coding to support the CM hierarchy link range
CRM in DocuLink and CRM-specific coding to enable the DocuLink CRM example
project, which can be downloaded from My Support. The CIC integration is
described in the OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions - Customizing and
Administration Guide (DC-CGD).

7.1 Installing the package

To install CRM package:

1. Copy the respective SAPCAR file (*.SAR) located on the installation medium in
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions\SAP to the target SAP
application server in the /usr/sap/trans folder. This is the parent folder of the
DIR_EPS_ROOT folder.

File Source path Target path

OTEXCRM_CRM_INST_ INST_CRM_700\DATA\ /usr/sap/trans

2. Extract the SAPCAR file to the /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in folder with the

following command:
SAPCAR -xvf <name of SAPCAR file>
The resulting PAT file will be extracted to the EPS/in folder relative to the path
of the SAPCAR file.

Note: With Basis 7.00 or later, you can use the SAINT and SPAM
transactions to upload and extract the SAR files from the frontend.

3. Carry out the import of packages as described in the respective SAP


Note: The optional CRM package does not contain any Business Customizing
Sets (BC Sets).

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 41

Chapter 8

Installing the Foundation component of Vendor

Invoice Management for SAP Solutions for Fiori
business object browsing (OTEXBASB)

Install this optional package to get additional functionality for creating custom Fiori
apps for business object browsing.

You can install this package on an SAP Fiori backend system if the following is

• Basis Package of the Foundation component of Vendor Invoice Management for

SAP Solutions (OTBCBAS)
• Basis package of Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions (OTEXBAS)

The package contains web object data handler classes for SAP Data Archiving and a
Fiori layout to create perspectives for business object browsing. Furthermore, the
IMG hierarchy of Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions is extended
with relevant nodes for customizing scenarios that involve business object browsing.

For more information about integrating the functionality into SAP Fiori apps, see
section 22 “Integrating Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions into SAP
Fiori apps” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario
Guide (ER-CCS) and section 13 “Integrating Extended ECM for SAP Solutions into
SAP Fiori apps” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions - Customizing Guide

8.1 Installing the package

To install SAP Fiori UI package:

1. Copy the respective SAPCAR file (*.SAR) located on the installation medium in
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions\SAP to the target SAP
application server in the /usr/sap/trans folder. This is the parent folder of the
DIR_EPS_ROOT folder.

File Source path Target path

OTEXBASB_INST_2040_ INST_BASBOB_700\DATA /usr/sap/trans
700.SAR \

2. Extract the SAPCAR file to the /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in folder with the

following command:
SAPCAR -xvf <name of SAPCAR file>

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 43

Chapter 8 Installing the Foundation component of Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions for Fiori business object browsing (OTE

The resulting PAT file will be extracted to the EPS/in folder relative to the path
of the SAPCAR file.

Note: With Basis 7.00 or later, you can use the SAINT and SPAM
transactions to upload and extract the SAR files from the frontend.

3. Carry out import of package as described in the corresponding SAP


8.2 Activating the BC set

To activate the BC set:

1. Execute the SCPR20 transaction.

2. Activate the BC Set /OTEB/BC_TEMPLATE_01.

3. If you experience errors during BC Set activation, repeat this procedure up to

three times.

Tip: Transaction SCPR20 offers a menu option Utilities > Compare >
Compare BC Set with Tables. This allows you to compare the differences
between the contents of the Business Configuration Set and the
customizing tables of the SAP system. Furthermore, another option of this
feature allows you to display all contents of the BC set.

Note: Currently, the BC set /OTEB_/BC_TEMPLATE_01 only delivers the

English perspective texts of layout _OTEB_BC_TEMPLATE_01. Texts in
other languages will be provided in related language packages. If you
created perspectives from the layout before translations in other languages
existed, the texts need to be translated.

44 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

Chapter 9

Installing language packages

This chapter describes how to install language packages on an SAP system.

Note: Depending on the delivery bundle, you may also have an ISO image file
containing installation files for components that must not be installed on an
SAP system, for example, language installations of Imaging clients. For more
information, see the installation guides and release notes for these components.

The Add-On installation packages and Add-On support packages include the
default language, which is English. You must use the language packages to install
other languages. For more information about available languages, see the current
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions Release Notes. You can find the
language packages related to the SAP Add-Ons of OpenText Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions on OpenText My Support (https://

Language packages for support packages

If not stated otherwise, the language packages of OTEXBAS related to support

packages are cumulative. They include merged language texts of the main
version and of previous and current support packages.

To install a language package:

1. In OpenText My Support, go to Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

( and then go
to the Downloads area. Note that you can also obtain the language packages for
support packages and other patches navigating through the Patches area. Do
one of the following:

• If you have installed the installation Add-Ons, select and open the folder for
your version. Open the Language Packs folder, select and open your
language folder, and then download the ADA_<version>_<language
abbreviation>.zip file that contains the language packages as *.SAR files.

• If you have also installed the support packages (recommended), select and
open the folder for your support package version. Open Software >
Languages folders, select and open your language folder, and then
download the ADA_<version>_<language abbreviation>.iso file. On the
ISO image, you will find all available language package files for the selected
language in the OpenText SAP Language Packages folder.

For more details, see the text file stored with the corresponding language
package file in the language folder.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 45

Chapter 9 Installing language packages

2. Upload your language file to your SAP system. Each ABAP Add-On has a
specific language package.

Note: Note the following options:

• Extract the SAPCAR file with the .SAR extension to the SMLT path folder
of your SAP system. Usually the path is set to the EPS\in system folder.
Use the SAPCAR tool to extract the file.
• Starting with SAP_BASIS 7.00, you can import and extract the file
directly in transaction SMLT.

3. Use transaction SMLT to import your language package.

Before starting to import language packages, OpenText recommends
reading the SAP help ( about importing a language.
In the SAP help, navigate to the application help for the appropriate SAP
release and read the following chapters:

• Preparing to Import a Language

• Importing a Language
• Language Import with Transaction SMLT
• Post-Import Actions

4. After installing the language package, perform the necessary post-installation

steps, for example, such as those described in sections Language Supplementation/
Client Maintenance in the SAP help ( Note that the
language package of OTEXBAS contains client dependent data which requires
specific action Client maintenance in transaction SMLT.

Note: After importing language packages to the SAP system, it can

become necessary to reset certain buffers. For example, you can use the
following transactions:

• /$SYNC – reset all buffers

• /$OTR – reset OTR text buffers (HTTP texts)
• /$CUA – reset SAP GUI object buffers
• /$DYNP – reset SAP GUI dynpro buffers

Localization of Fiori apps

Starting with version 16.2, the Fiori apps contained in the Fiori UI Add-on package
OTEXBASF deliver i18n properties files, which are mapped to text tables on the
SAP system. Therefore, specific language packages for Add-On package OTEXBASF
will be made available on OpenText My Support. The installation procedure is the
same as already described above.

46 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

Chapter 10
Upgrading Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions

This part outlines the different upgrade and update scenarios. Upgrading Archiving
and Document Access for SAP Solutions may be included in a bigger upgrading
scenario of Extended ECM for SAP Solutions. For more information about supported
combinations involving OpenText™ Content Server and Extended ECM, see part II
“Installing Extended ECM for SAP Solutions” in OpenText Extended ECM for SAP
Solutions - Installation and Upgrade Guide (ERLK-IGD).

Depending on your current system configuration, you can do one of the following:

• “Upgrading to Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 21.2 (20.4)”
on page 47
• “Upgrading the SAP system” on page 60

In both cases, OpenText provides special upgrade packages.

10.1 Upgrading to Archiving and Document Access

for SAP Solutions 21.2 (20.4)
This new version of Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions is 21.2.

On SAP (ABAP) side it consists of the Add-Ons of version 20.4. See the table for an
overview of released installation packages:

Installation package
OTEXBAS 2040_700
OTEXERP 2040_700
OTEXCRM 2040_700
OTEXBASO 2040_700
OTEXBASF 2040_740
OTEXBASB 2040_700

The apps of the Fiori Add-On OTEXBASF 2040_740 can run against OData services
of version 16.2 or 16. Some features or bug fixes depend on the most recent code of
OTEXBAS 2040_740 and OTEXBASO 2040_700.

Upgrading to Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 20.4 is only tested
as upgrade from version 16.2. For more information, see “Upgrading from version
16.2” on page 48.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 47

Chapter 10 Upgrading Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

Note the following:

• Upgrade from version 16 – For an upgrade from version 16, install version 16.2
as an intermediate step. For more information, see “Upgrading from version
16.2” on page 48.
• Upgrade from version 10.5.0 – For an upgrade from version 10.5.0, install
version 16 as an intermediate step. For more information, see “Upgrading from
version 10.5.0” on page 49.
• Upgrade from version 10.0.0 – For an upgrade from version 10.0.0, install
version 10.5.0 as an intermediate step. For more information, see “Upgrading
from version 10.0.0” on page 50. Then install version 16 as an intermediate step.
• Direct upgrade from versions prior to 10.0.0 – The direct upgrade from versions
prior to 10.0.0 requires special care. For more information, see “Upgrading from
versions prior to SAP 6.0” on page 51.

10.1.1 Upgrading from version 16.2

Release 20.4 includes new installation packages. Therefore, on SAP the upgrade is
installing the new packages.

1. Install all required SAP Notes. For more information, see “SAP prerequisites”
on page 10.
2. SAP_BASIS 700 0018 is required.
3. Install the installation packages for Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions 21.2 (20.4) with the SAINT tool. For more information, see:

• “Installing the Basis package“ on page 13

• “Installing the SAP Fiori OData Services packages (OTEXBASO)“ on page 35
• “Installing the SAP Fiori UI package (OTEXBASF)“ on page 37
• “Installing the ERP option package (OTEXERP)“ on page 39
• “Installing the CRM option package (OTEXCRM)“ on page 41
• “Installing the Foundation component of Vendor Invoice Management for
SAP Solutions for Fiori business object browsing (OTEXBASB)“ on page 43

48 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

10.1. Upgrading to Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 21.2 (20.4)

10.1.2 Upgrade from version 16

1. Install all required SAP Notes. For more information, see “SAP prerequisites”
on page 10.
2. Choose one of the following options to fill the gap from version 16:

• Quick approach: Continue with steps of previous section “Upgrading from

version 16.2” on page 48.
• Including approach: Upload the relevant installation packages of version 16.2
(“Packages for delta from 16” on page 49), and include them in a big
installation queue in transaction SAINT with the Add-Ons mentioned in
“Upgrading from version 16.2” on page 48.
• Delta approach: Install the relevant packages of version 16.2 and install them
with transaction SAINT (“Packages for delta from 16” on page 49). Then
continue with the steps of “Upgrading from version 16.2” on page 48.
The following delta upgrades are supported.
Table 10-1: Packages for delta from 16

Previous add-on release Installation packages required

OTEXBAS 1600_700 OTEXBAS_INST_1620_700.SAR
OTEXERP 1600_600 OTEXERP_INST_1620_600.SAR
OTEXCRM 1600_700 OTEXCRM_INST_1620_700.SAR

Note: Use the SAINT transaction to put several Add-Ons at once in one
installation queue.

You can also get an overview of the add-ons installed on your SAP system

10.1.3 Upgrading from version 10.5.0

1. Install all required SAP Notes. For more information, see “SAP prerequisites”
on page 10.
2. You have the following working options to fill the gap from version 10.5:

• Quick approach: Continue with steps of the previous section “Upgrading

from version 16.2” on page 48.
• Including approach: Upload the relevant installation packages of version 16.0
(see “Packages for delta from 10.5” on page 50) and include them in a big
installation queue in transaction SAINT. Continue with the steps of the
including approach with the Add-Ons of “Upgrade from version 16”
on page 49.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 49

Chapter 10 Upgrading Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

• Delta approach: Install the relevant packages of version 16.0 (“Packages for
delta from 10.5” on page 50) and install them with transaction SAINT. Then
continue with steps of the delta approach of section “Upgrade from version
16” on page 49.

The following delta upgrades are supported:

Table 10-2: Packages for delta from 10.5

Previous add-on release Installation packages required

OTEXBAS 1050_700 OTEXBAS_INST_1600_700.SAR
OTEXERP 1050_600 OTEXERP_INST_1600_600.SAR
OTEXCRM 1050_500 OTEXCRM_INST_1600_700.SAR

Tip: Use the SAINT transaction to get an overview of the add-ons installed on
your SAP system.

Note: The SAINT transaction allows to put several Add-Ons at once in one
installation queue.

10.1.4 Upgrading from version 10.0.0

1. Install all required SAP Notes. For more information, see SAP prerequisites.
2. You have the following working options to fill the gap from version 10.0:

• Quick approach: Continue with step of section “Upgrading from version

16.2” on page 48.
• Including approach: Upload the relevant installation packages of version 10.5
(see “Packages for delta from 10.0” on page 50) and include them in a big
installation queue in transaction SAINT and follow up with step 2b of section
“Upgrading from version 10.5.0” on page 49.
• Delta approach: Install the relevant packages of version 10.5 (see “Packages
for delta from 10.0” on page 50) and install them with transaction SAINT.
Then continue with step 2c of section “Upgrading from version 10.5.0”
on page 49.

The following delta upgrades are supported:

Table 10-3: Packages for delta from 10.0

Previous add-on release Installation and support packages

OTEXBAS 1000_700 OTEXBAS_INST_1050_700.SAR
OTEXERP 1000_600 OTEXERP_INST_1050_600.SAR

50 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

10.1. Upgrading to Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 21.2 (20.4)

Previous add-on release Installation and support packages

OTEXCRM 1000_500 OTEXCRM_INST_1050_700.SAR

For CRM 7.0 and higher, the installation package OTEXCRM_INST_1050_700 is
available. In version 10.0, an installation package OTEXCRM_INST_1000_500
was available that could be installed on CRM 5.0 and higher.

Tip: Use the SAINT transaction to get an overview of the add-ons installed on
your SAP system.

10.1.5 Upgrading from versions prior to SAP 6.0

Depending on the exact SAP Release and Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions version you are currently using, you may need further consulting. In the
following, you find examples from where you may be starting from.

Example: DocuLink 2.x on an R/3 4.6C system – Upgrade to SAP 6.0 and follow the
instructions to upgrade from DocuLink 2.x to DocuLink 6.0. Continue with the path described
in “Upgrading from SAP 6.0 and Livelink ECM - Suite for SAP Solutions 9.5.1 or 9.5.2”
on page 52.

Example: DocuLink 3.x on an R/3 4.6C system – Upgrade to SAP 6.0 and continue with the
path described in “Upgrading from SAP 6.0 and Livelink ECM - Suite for SAP Solutions 9.5.1
or 9.5.2” on page 52.

Example: DocuLink 2.x on an R/3 4.7 system – You have the following options:

• Install the transports of DocuLink version 9.6.0 and apply the upgrade description for
DocuLink 2.x to 9.6.0. Do the upgrade to SAP ERP 6.0 and then continue to upgrade the
OpenText Add-Ons as described in “Upgrading from Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions 9.6.0 to 10.0.0” on page 54.
• Upgrade to OTEXBAS and OTEXERP 10.0.0 as described in “Upgrading from Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions 9.6.0 to 10.0.0” on page 54 and then do the upgrade
from R/3 4.7 to SAP ERP 6.0. After that perform a delta upgrade from 10.0.0 to 10.5.0 as
described in “Upgrading from version 10.0.0” on page 50 followed by a delta upgrade
from 10.5.0 to 16 as described in “Upgrading from version 10.5.0” on page 49 and then and
then followed by a delta upgrade from 16 to 16.2 as described in “Upgrade from version
16” on page 49.

Do not forget to select the exchange packages of OTEXBAS and OTEXERP 10.0
during IS_SELECT phase. Read the disclaimer about SAP system upgrades
in the OpenText Archiving and Document Access Installation and Upgrade
Guide 10.0.0 (

Example: DocuLink 3.x on an R/3 4.7 system – You have the following options:

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 51

Chapter 10 Upgrading Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

• Install the transports of DocuLink version 9.6.0 and follow the upgrade description for
DocuLink 3.x to 9.6.0. Do the upgrade to SAP ERP 6.0 and continue to upgrade the
OpenText Add-Ons as described in “Upgrading from Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions 9.6.0 to 10.0.0” on page 54.

• Upgrade to OTEXBAS and OTEXERP 10.0.0 as described in “Upgrading from Archiving

and Document Access for SAP Solutions 9.6.0 to 10.0.0” on page 54 and then do the
upgrade from R/3 4.7 to SAP ERP 6.0. After that, do a delta upgrade from 10.0.0 to 10.5.0 as
described in “Upgrading from version 10.0.0” on page 50. After that, perform the delta
upgrade from 10.5.0 to 16 as described in “Upgrading from version 10.5.0” on page 49 and
then followed by a delta upgrade from 16 to 16.2 as described in “Upgrade from version
16” on page 49.

Do not forget to select the exchange packages of OTEXBAS and OTEXERP 10.0
during IS_SELECT phase. Read the disclaimer about SAP system upgrades
in the OpenText Archiving and Document Access Installation and Upgrade
Guide 10.0.0 (

Note: Contact your OpenText consultant for planning your individual upgrade
strategy. Furthermore, the Knowledge Base of OpenText My Support provides
additional articles about upgrade paths.

10.1.6 Upgrading from SAP 6.0 and Livelink ECM - Suite for
SAP Solutions 9.5.1 or 9.5.2
Livelink ECM - Suite for SAP Solutions 9.5 also delivered a branch for 6.0 including
transports for R/3 4.6C. After that, two special add-on package versions 9.5.1 and
9.5.2 were available for use in R/3 4.6C for both reselling and direct OpenText
customers. In these cases, you need to upgrade your R/3 4.6C to a SAP ERP 6.0
system. To do this, the following upgrade path is recommended:

1. After performing transports of version 6.0 on R/3 4.6C, use transaction SAINT to
install Add-ons of OTEXBAS and OTEXERP of version 9.5.1 on client 000.

2. Use transaction SAINT to install Add-Ons of OTEXBAS and OTEXERP of version

9.5.2 on client 000.

3. Upgrade your SAP system to SAP ERP 6.0. During this system upgrade, select
the Exchange upgrade packages of OTEXBAS 0962_700 and OTEXERP 0962_600
to execute an upgrade to version 9.6.2 on ERP 6.0.

Read the disclaimer about SAP system upgrades in the OpenText
Archiving and Document Access Installation and Upgrade Guide 9.6.2

52 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

10.1. Upgrading to Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 21.2 (20.4)

There is a significant change in the interfaces of DocuLink User-Exits when
changing from version 9.5.1, 9.5.2 or SAP 6.0 to 9.6.2. If you had DocuLink
projects with User-Exits, contact your OpenText consultant to re-
implement the User-Exits based on the interfaces as introduced with 9.5.0
or 9.6.x.

4. Continue with the upgrade path of version 9.6.2 as described in “Upgrading

from Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 9.6.0 to 10.0.0”
on page 54.

If you have the non-unicode DocuLink 6.0 branch installed on an R/3 4.7 or newer
system, and you want upgrading to DocuLink 10.5, you also must upgrade to SAP
ERP 6.0 or an EhP of SAP ERP 6.0.
In this case, we recommend the following upgrade path:

1. Install the Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 9.6.0 transports.

Between 6.0 and 9.5, there is a significant change in the interfaces of
DocuLink User-Exits. If you have DocuLink projects with User-Exits,
contact your OpenText consultant to re-implement the User-Exits based on
the interfaces as introduced with 9.5.0 or higher. Consider to do this step
at the end of your full upgrade path before going live with the updated

2. Upgrade your SAP system.

3. Continue with the upgrade path from version 9.6.0 as described in “Upgrading
from Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 9.6.0 to 10.0.0”
on page 54.

10.1.7 Upgrading from Livelink ECM - Suite for SAP Solutions

This section treats the transports of this release for SAP Basis 6.x and later. Install the
transports of version 9.6.0 and follow the path as described in “Upgrading from
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 9.6.0 to 10.0.0” on page 54.

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Chapter 10 Upgrading Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

10.1.8 Upgrading from Archiving and Document Access for

SAP Solutions 9.6.0 to 10.0.0
To start from transport version 9.6.0 or later, OpenText recommends the following
upgrade path:
9.6.0 < 9.6.1+SP1 < 9.6.2 < 9.8.0 < 10.0.0 < 10.5.0 SP1 < 16 < 16.2 < 16.2 SP1 SP2 .... < 20.4

This upgrade path can be followed directly on ERP 6.0, CRM 7.0, SRM 7.0 systems or
their respective EHP releases. If your SAP System is an older release, e.g. R/3 4.7,
SAP ECC 5.0, SAP CRM 5.0, or SAP CRM 2006, the last supported ADA version is
10.0.0 including SP1 + SP2. To upgrade to version 20.4, you must upgrade your SAP
release first and then upgrade to 20.4. For more information, see “Upgrading the
SAP system” on page 60.

On ERP systems – If you also want to update the optional OTEXERP package, note
that the OTEXERP package 9.6.1 only supports ERP 6.0. Using an Attribute Change
Package, it supports also EHP2, EHP3 or EHP4 for ERP 6.0. If you have already
installed a higher EHP x for SAP ERP 6.0, install OTEXERP 9.6.2 with its installation

To follow the upgrade path, note the following:

1. Download all installation and upgrade resources from the SAP Service
Marketplace and/or OpenText My Support. Customers who bought from SAP
are entitled to get access to OpenText My Support and its Patch areas.

2. To obtain the Add-On’s installation passwords, see the installation guides of

Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions versions 9.6.1 - 20.4.

3. Check the latest Release Notes of Archiving and Document Access and the
Patches area in OpenText My Support (
knowledge/llisapi.dll/Open/14162727) for language packages. As long as no
language packages are available for 20.4 you may also update to 16.2 packages,
install the language packages and then continue to update to 20.4.

4. When upgrading from 9.6.0, for example as customer who bought the license
from OpenText, install all client independent transports delivered for Livelink
ECM Suite for SAP Solutions 9.6.0 from the installation medium. Do not apply
any patches.

5. When upgrading from 9.6.0 with patches of 9.6.0, there can already exist some
erroneous entries of Add-On packages OTEXBAS and OTEXERP. This is a known
issue. Contact OpenText Customer Support to be provided with a special
correction program and guidance how to use it.

6. Upload all Add-On packages of OTEXBAS (and optionally OTEXERP) to the EPS\
in folder of your SAP system:

• Installation packages of OTEXBAS and OTEXERP 9.6.1

• Support package 1 of OTEXBAS 9.6.1

54 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

10.1. Upgrading to Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 21.2 (20.4)

• Delta upgrade packages of OTEXBAS 9.6.2 and OTEXERP 9.6.2

• Delta upgrade packages of OTEXBAS 9.8.0 and OTEXERP 9.8.0
• Installation packages of OTEXBAS 10.0.0 and OTEXERP 10.0.0
• Installation packages of OTEXBAS 10.5.0 and OTEXERP 10.5.0
Support Package 1 of OTEXBAS 10.5.0
• Installation packages of OTEXBAS 16 and OTEXERP 16
• Installation packages of OTEXBAS 16.2 and OTEXERP 16.2.
• Installation packages of OTEXBAS 20.4 and OTEXERP 20.4.

7. Check if you already have configured DesktopLink and DocuLink as GOS

services. Execute transaction SM30 and check table SGOSATTR. Note down the
entries, for example entries like IXOS_DC or IXOS_DL.

8. After installing the packages in Step 9 to Step 14, do not apply any BC set
activation yet. Instead, check and apply the BC sets of version 20.4 in a later

9. Execute transaction SAINT on client 000 to install package OTEXBAS 9.6.1. In the
same installation queue, select support package 1 as target patch level. Also
install OTEXERP 9.6.1 in the same installation queue. Skip OTEXERP 9.6.1 if
you have issues with the EHP level of SAP ERP 6.0.

10. Install OTEXERP 9.6.1 or skip, if you have issues with the EHP level of the SAP
ERP 6.0 Release.

11. Execute transaction SAINT on client 000 to install the delta upgrade package of
OTEXBAS 9.6.2. Also install delta upgrade package of OTEXERP 9.6.2 in the
same queue. If you had to skip the installation of 9.6.1, use the installation
package of OTEXERP 9.6.2 instead.

12. Execute transaction SAINT on client 000 to install delta upgrade package of
OTEXBAS 9.8.0. and delta upgrade the package 9.8 of OTEXERP 9.8.0 in the
same queue..

13. Execute transaction SAINT on client 000 to install installation package of OTEXBAS
10.0.0 and installation package of OTEXERP 10.0.0.

14. Execute transaction SAINT on client 000 to install installation package of OTEXBAS
10.5.0 and installation package of OTEXERP 10.5.0.

15. Execute transaction SAINT on client 000 to install installation package of OTEXBAS
16.0.0 and installation package of OTEXERP 16.0.0.

16. Execute transaction SAINT on client 000 to install installation package of OTEXBAS
16.2 and its support packages. Then install installation package of OTEXERP 16.

17. Execute transaction SAINT on client 000 to install installation package of

OTEXBAS 20.4 and installation package of OTEXERP 20.4.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 55

Chapter 10 Upgrading Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

If no language packages for 20.4 are available yet, you may install the language
packages of 16.2.

18. Run transaction SM30 and check table SGOSATTR. Look for entries from
DocuLink and/or DesktopLink using names IXOS_DC or IXOS_DL. Check if the
entries are consistent with the settings of the other services. Replace the entries
with the ones you noted down before in step 7. This is necessary because in
versions 9.6.1 to 9.8, entries were erroneously included. This can cause errors
when calling GOS. For more information, see section 12 “Archiving using
generic object services (GOS)” in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for
SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

19. Run transaction SCPR20 to perform the following BC Set activation for OTEXBAS
20.4 on your test client:


Now you can generate the roles. For more information, see “Generating roles”
on page 17.

Note: You cannot apply Business Configuration Sets (BC Sets) on systems
with a productive client. Apply the BC Sets on a development or test client
to create customizing transports for the production system. You can
execute transaction SCPR20 using the menu option Utilities > Compare >
Compare BC Sets with Tables. This allows you to check the content of the
BC set compared to the current content of the systems customizing tables.

20. If you have used DocuLink before, execute transaction J6NA to delete generated

Note: Alternatively to steps 12 – 18, you may also apply the approaches
described in sections “Upgrade from version 16” on page 49- “Upgrading from
version 10.0.0” on page 50.

On CRM-Systems – instead of the optional OTEXERP package for each version you
can install the respective OTEXCRM package in the same queue as the related OTEXBAS

Per version, the following packages are available:

• For 9.6.1 – OTEXCRM packages for CRM 4.0 and CRM 5.0
• For 9.6.2 – OTEXCRM packages for CRM 4.0, CRM 5.0, CRM 6.0, and higher
• For 9.8.0 – OTEXCRM package for CRM 5.0 and higher
• For 10.0.0 – OTEXCRM package for CRM 5.0 and higher
• For 10.5.0 and 10.5.0 SP1 – OTEXCRM package for CRM 7.0 and higher
• For 16 – OTEXCRM package for CRM 7.0 and higher

56 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

10.1. Upgrading to Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 21.2 (20.4)

• For 16.2 – OTEXCRM package for CRM 7.0 and higher

• For 20.4 – OTEXCRM package for CRM 7.0 and higher

Example 10-1:

You are starting on a CRM 7.0 system and you have installed 9.6.2 with
optional OTEXCRM package. Use the following for upgrading:

1. delta upgrade package for OTEXCRM 9.8

2. installation packages of OTEXCRM 10.0
3. installation packages of OTEXCRM 10.5
4. installation packages of OTEXCRM 16.0
5. installation packages of OTEXCRM 16.2
6. installation packages of OTEXCRM 20.4

Alternatively to steps 2 – 5, you may also apply the approaches described in

“Upgrading from version 16.2” on page 48 to “Upgrading from version 10.0.0”
on page 50.

If you are starting on lower releases, check “Upgrading the SAP system”
on page 60.

On SRM-Systems – there is no optional SRM-Package for Archiving and Document

Access for SAP Solutions. Just follow the upgrade path of package OTEXBAS.

Note: Contact your OpenText consultant for planning your individual upgrade
strategy. Furthermore, the Knowledge Base of OpenText My Support provides
additional articles about upgrade paths.

10.1.9 OpenText Employee File Management 2.5

The OTEXEIM 0250_... add-on packages of OpenText Employee File Management 2.5
works together with the respective OTEXBAS 0962_... add-ons of Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions 9.6.2. They contain some objects which were
migrated to the OTEXBAS 0980_... add-on packages of Archiving and Document
Access for SAP Solutions 9.8.0. Therefore, customers with an installation of OTEXEIM
0250_... should always do the combined upgrade with the upgrade packages
OTEXEIM 0300_... and OTEXBAS 0980_... before upgrading to version OTEXBAS
1000_... of Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.0.0. Read the
installation and upgrade guides and Release Notes of OpenText Employee File
Management for more details.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 57

Chapter 10 Upgrading Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

10.1.10 Equivalencies of Add-On packages

This chapter lists how releases and support package levels of Add-On packages are
superseded by releases or support package levels of the directly following release
version. The list refers to support packages and versions released until Archiving
and Document Access for SAP Solutions 16.2 SP1.

Release/Support Package level Superseded by

Livelink for SAP Solutions 9.6.0 and Patches OTEXBAS 9.6.1 SP1
OTEXBAS 9.8.0 OTEXBAS 10.0.0
OTEXBAS 9.8.0 SP1 OTEXBAS 10.0.0
OTEXBAS 9.8.0 SP2 OTEXBAS 10.0.0 SP2
OTEXBAS 10.0.0 OTEXBAS 10.5.0
OTEXBAS 10.0.0 SP1 OTEXBAS 10.5.0
OTEXBAS 10.0.0 SP2 OTEXBAS 10.5.0
also see Release Notes
Livelink for SAP Solutions 9.6.0 and Patches OTEXERP 9.6.1
OTEXERP 9.8.0 OTEXERP 10.0.0
OTEXERP 10.0.0 OTEXERP 10.5.0

58 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

10.1. Upgrading to Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 21.2 (20.4)

Release/Support Package level Superseded by

Livelink for SAP Solutions 9.6.0 and Patches OTEXCRM 9.6.1
OTEXCRM 9.8.0 OTEXCRM 10.0.0
OTEXCRM 10.0.0 OTEXCRM 10.5.0

Use this table to continue the step-by-step upgrades in transaction SAINT as

described starting with section “Upgrading from Livelink ECM - Suite for SAP
Solutions 9.5.0” on page 53.

Example 10-2:
You have a source SAP ERP system with OTEXBAS 9.6.0 SP3 and OTEXERP 9.
6.2 installed. To upgrade to 20.4, proceed as follows: the table shows OTEXBAS
9.6.0 SP3 > superseded by OTEXBAS 9.8.0 SP2 > superseded by OTEXBAS 10.
0.0 SP2 > superseded by OTEXBAS 10.5.0 > superseded by OTEXBAS 16
superseded by OTEXBAS 16.2, superseded by OTEXBAS 20.4.

Do the following:

1. Upload OTEXBAS 9.8.0 including SP1 + SP2 and OTEXERP 9.8.0. Install
OTEXBAS 9.8.0 in transaction SAINT. Select SP2 as the target support
package level.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 59

Chapter 10 Upgrading Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

Install OTEXERP 9.8.0.

2. Upload OTEXBAS 10.0.0 including SP1 + SP2 and OTEXERP 10.0.0. Install
OTEXBAS 10.0.0 in transaction SAINT. Select SP2 as the target support
package level.
Install OTEXERP 10.0.0.
3. Continue with OTEXBAS 10.5.0 and OTEXERP 10.5.0.
4. Continue with OTEXBAS 16 and OTEXERP 16.
5. Continue with OTEXBAS 16.2 and OTEXERP 16.2.
6. Finally install OTEXBAS 20.4 and OTEXERP 20.4.

10.2 Upgrading the SAP system

Disclaimer When you upgrade an SAP release (R/3, ERP, CRM) to a later release, the system
automatically recognizes that an SAP add-on is installed and requests the respective
upgrade package. This way the standard SAP upgrade procedure also updates the
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions add-ons to the relevant version.

If you import an upgrade into an SAP system with Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions and the data of the respective upgrade
packages is not read (upgrade phase IS_SELECT), the Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions add-ons (i.e. OTEXBAS, OTEXERP,
OTEXCRM) will no longer work after the upgrade procedure. Since the status
of the system is then inconsistent, OpenText can no longer accept any

Note that there are no exchange upgrade packages for Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions 20.4. Keep the existing packages (select
KEEP in upgrade phase IS_SELECT). You may need a vendor key or an
Attribute Change Package. For target SAP releases with SAP Netweaver
7.02 and later, SAP enforces to use Attribute Change Packages (ACPs)
instead of vendor keys to match the versions of the target release.

See the Release Notes of Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 20.4 to
get information about ACPs and vendor keys.

60 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

10.2. Upgrading the SAP system

10.2.1 Exchange upgrades keeping 21.2 (20.4)

Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions21.2 is delivered with packages
that are installable on several S/4HANA, ERP, CRM and SRM Systems based on SAP
NetWeaver 7.0 or compatible. Therefore, no Exchange Upgrade packages were
created for this version. Instead, keep the already installed Add-On packages of
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions as suggested in the table below.
To do this, select KEEP to keep the packages during upgrade phase IS_SELECT.
Read the sections about Attribute Change Packages (ACP) and vendor keys in the
release notes of OpenText Archiving and Document Access for details. For newer
releases Attribute Change Packages are used to provide matching import conditions.

Note: Contact your OpenText consultant for planning your individual upgrade

The following exchange upgrades are supported:

Table 10-4: EHP Upgrades for SAP system

Upgrade from ADA 16 on Upgrade to ADA 20.4 Upgrade

SAP ERP 6.0 EHP x for SAP ERP 6.0 Select KEEP in the upgrade
EHP x for SAP ERP 6.0 phase IS_SELECT of
Vendor keys are required.
SAP CRM 7.0 EHP x for SAP CRM 7.0 Select KEEP in the upgrade
EHP x for SAP CRM 7.0 phase IS_SELECT of
Vendor keys are required.
SAP SRM 7.0 EHP x for SAP SRM 7.0 Select KEEP in the upgrade
EHPx for SAP SRM 7.0 phase IS_SELECT of
Vendor keys are required.

Note: See the latest Release Notes of Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions to get the required vendor keys. Check also for additional notes on
installation and updates.

To perform an exchange upgrade procedure:

1. Follow the standard SAP system upgrade instructions. During upgrade phase
IS_SELECT, select KEEP for the installed add-ons Upgrade with SAINT Package
(applies to OTEXBAS, OTEXERP, packages).

Note: If necessary, get the most recent ACP files. In the case of older
releases vendor keys may still be available. Read the release notes for

2. After the upgrade, no activation of BC sets is necessary.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 61

Chapter 10 Upgrading Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

Note: Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 20.4 is not delivered
anymore for older releases like SAP R/3 4.7, SAP ECC 5.0 , SAP CRM 5.0 or
SAP CRM 2007. If you have an older version of Archiving and Document
Access for SAP Solutions installed on SAP R/3 4.7 or SAP ECC 5.0, you can
upgrade first to version 10.0, do the system upgrade and use the exchange
upgrade packages of 10.0 as described in the OpenText Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions 10.0.0 installation guide (https://
Another valid path option would be to do Exchange upgrades with Archiving
and Document Access for SAP Solutions 9.6.2 or 9.8 at place and then on the
target SAP release to continue an update path as described in “Upgrading from
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 9.6.0 to 10.0.0” on page 54.

From SAP CRM 5.0 or SAP CRM 2007, you can upgrade OTEXBAS and OTEXCRM
to version 10.0 and then do an exchange upgrade to the SAP target release, for
example SAP CRM 7.0. On the target release, continue a delta upgrade by
installing OTEXBAS and OTEXCRM version 20.4 as described in “Upgrading from
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 9.6.0 to 10.0.0” on page 54.

10.2.2 Conversions to SAP S/4HANA On-Premise

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 20.4 supports the
current versions of SAP S/4HANA On-Premise.

See the respective SAP documentation for information about all relevant
prerequisites and steps.

The release notes of Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 20.4 and the
specific release notes of OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions – Edition for SAP S/4HANA On-Premise give further details.

62 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

Chapter 11
Uninstalling OpenText Archiving and Document
Access for SAP Solutions

11.1 General process

You uninstall Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions with the same tool
that you use to install: the SAP Add-On Installation Tool (SAINT).

SAINT shows a new tab for uninstallation. Before the actual uninstallation, you
must perform mandatory steps. This varies according to your system. There may
also be optional steps, which you can perform to completely clean your system from
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions remnants.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 63

Chapter 11 Uninstalling OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

11.1.1 Prerequisites for uninstalling

• The SAP system meets the minimum technical requirements for Add-On
uninstallation. For more information, see “Add-On Uninstallation” in the
documentation of SAP Add-on Assembly Kit 5.0 or higher (
• Update SAINT/SPAM to at least version 0066
• Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 16.2 with Support Packages:
Import an Attribute Change Package (ACP) for every component that you want
to uninstall. For details, see the following sections.
• Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 16.2: Install Support Package
1 of the following ABAP Add-Ons:
OTEXBAS 2040_740, OTEXCRM 2040_740

64 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

11.2. Performing manual steps

• Solutions Accelerators must be uninstalled first. Ask OpenText for assistance.

• Components that are built on other components must be uninstalled before the
For example, first uninstall Archiving and Document Access ERP specific
(OTEXERP), then Archiving and Document Access base (OTEXBAS)
• There may be manual steps necessary before you can actually uninstall. For more
information, see the following section.

11.2 Performing manual steps

Before removing a component, you must perform manual steps to undo customizing
or remove custom code.

You need not undo customizing in the Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions component itself, for example, deleting DocuLink projects. These will be
deleted with the component’s uninstallation.

Customizing for Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions done in the SAP
system outside the component itself, need to be undone manually, for example,
service entries in the SGOSATTR table related to Archiving and Document Access
for SAP Solutions only.

11.2.1 Archiving and Document Access component OTEXBAS

Importing the Attribute Change Package (ACP)
Download the following Attribute Change Package from OpenText My Support
( and import
it the Support Package Manager (SPAM):
ACP OTEXBAS===2040_740

Performing mandatory manual steps before uninstalling

Perform these steps before you start the uninstallation. Otherwise, the uninstallation
will fail or the system can be corrupt afterwards.

• Run the su02 transaction to remove the following profiles:



• Use the PFCG to remove the following authorization objects from custom created
roles/profiles for DocuLink, Archiving, and Licensing:

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 65

Chapter 11 Uninstalling OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions



• Delete custom implementations and objects, which refer to data dictionary

objects delivered by Add-On OTEXBAS.

– Remove function modules for custom or user exits:

○ Section “User exits” in OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions -

Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD)
○ Section 10.4.1 “User exits” in OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions -
Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD)
○ Section 23.4 “Defining Rendition Server task profiles” in OpenText
DocuLink for SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-
○ Section “Maintaining customer exits” in OpenText Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS)
– Remove storage tables for ArchiveLink attributes, which make use of data
elements, domains or structures of OTEXBAS.

○ If no data records in those tables are required anymore, you can delete the
○ If you still require the data, please replace any references to OpenText
data dictionary objects with other objects accordingly.
○ Section 20.3 “Customizing additional ArchiveLink attributes” in OpenText
Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS)
• Remove customizing of Generic Object Services in the SGOSATTR table. Remove
any entries for DocuLink or DesktopLink. Adapt the Next service field of the
entry preceding the removed entry to point to the following entry. If the service
is the last, leave the field empty.

– Section 12 “Archiving using generic object services (GOS)” in OpenText

Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS)
– Section 20.2 “Customizing the Business Content window in the GOS menu”
in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide

Performing optional manual steps before uninstalling OTEXBAS

These steps will not prevent uninstalling the component and cause no issues on the
SAP system if not executed, but are recommended to clean up the SAP system.

66 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

11.2. Performing manual steps

• DocuLink – Delete all generated programs. For more information, see Section
25.1 “Administrating (deleting) generated programs” in OpenText DocuLink for
SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD).
• If you do not have any movable data of SAP Records Management, you can
remove some predefined element types. For more information, see Section 13.3.1
“Providing element types in the SAP NetWeaver Folders Management system”
in OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-
Run the SRMREGEDIT transaction. Delete the following nodes:

11.2.2 Archiving and Document Access ERP package

component OTEXERP
Importing the Attribute Change Package (ACP)
Download the following Attribute Change Package from OpenText My Support
( and import
it the Support Package Manager (SPAM):
ACP OTEXERP===1620_600

Performing mandatory manual steps before uninstalling

Perform these steps before you start the uninstallation. Otherwise, the uninstallation
will fail or the system can be corrupt afterwards.

Similar to OTEXTBAS, remove custom implementations of DocuLink, DesktopLink

or ArchiveLink PLUS referring to data dictionary objects of OTEXERP. Replace such
references with other object references or remove the using objects, if they are not
required any more. For more information, see “Archiving and Document Access
component OTEXBAS” on page 65.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 67

Chapter 11 Uninstalling OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

11.2.3 Archiving and Document Access CRM package

component OTEXCRM
Importing the Attribute Change Package (ACP)
Download the following Attribute Change Package from OpenText My Support
( and import
it the Support Package Manager (SPAM):
ACP OTEXCRM===2040_740

Performing mandatory steps before uninstalling OTEXCRM

Perform these steps before you start the uninstallation. Otherwise, the uninstallation
will fail or the system can be corrupt afterwards.

Similar to OTEXTBAS, remove custom implementations of DocuLink, DesktopLink

or ArchiveLink PLUS referring to data dictionary objects of OTEXERP. Replace such
references with other object references or remove the using objects, if they are not
required any more. For more information, see “Archiving and Document Access
component OTEXBAS” on page 65.

If you integrated DocuLink views into the IC Web client, undo the customizing in
reverse order to delete any customizing from the IC WebClient:

• Section “Adapting the navigation bar profile” in OpenText DocuLink for
SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD)
• Section “Configuring the transaction launcher” in OpenText DocuLink for
SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD)
• Section “Creating a transaction launcher URL” in OpenText DocuLink for
SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC-CGD)

If the SAP CRM system has an upgrade history starting from old CRM 5.0 and using
OTEXBAS 10.0 or lower in its past, there may still be residuals of old customizing of
the IC Win Client integration. Undo the customizing of the 10.0 version in reverse

Note: The following links point to the 10.0 version of OpenText DocuLink for
SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC100000-CGD).

• Section “Adapting the CIC profile” in OpenText DocuLink for SAP
Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC100000-CGD)
• Section “Defining a component profile for the workspace” in OpenText
DocuLink for SAP Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC100000-
• Section “Creating a new workspace” in OpenText DocuLink for SAP
Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC100000-CGD)

68 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

11.2. Performing manual steps

• Section “Creating a new workspace class” in OpenText DocuLink for SAP
Solutions - Customizing and Administration Guide (DC100000-CGD)

11.2.4 Archiving and Document Access OData Services

component OTEXBASO
Importing the Attribute Change Package (ACP)
Download the following Attribute Change Package from OpenText My Support
( and import
it the Support Package Manager (SPAM):
ACP OTEXBASO==2040_740

Performing mandatory steps before uninstalling OTEXBASO

Perform these steps before you start the uninstallation. Otherwise, the uninstallation
will fail or the system can be corrupt afterwards.

To clean up the Fiori backend and frontend systems, you reverse the customizing
you did before. For more information, see Section 22 “Integrating Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions into SAP Fiori apps” in OpenText Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

• Clean up roles on frontend and backend system.

• Remove alias assignments, services and nodes of the OData service /OTX/ALDS_
ODATA_SRV on the frontend system.
• Optionally, delete the ICF node <default_host>/sap/opu/odata/otx/alds_
odata_srv on the frontend system.
• If the backend, on which you plan to uninstall OTEXBASO, is the last backend
providing data for /OTX/ALDS_ODATA_SRV to your Fiori frontend system, remove
all Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions applications on the
frontend system. For more information, see “Archiving and Document Access
Fiori Apps component OTEXBASF” on page 70.

To clean up role assignments and delete roles:

1. Run the PFCG transaction.

2. Find all roles that you created for Archiving and Document Access.
3. Remove the user assignments, and, optionally, delete the roles.

To remove alias assignments, services and ICF nodes on the frontend system:

1. On an active frontend system, do the following:

a. Run the /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE transaction.

b. Find the /OTX/ALDS_ODATA_SRV service: Namespace = /OTX/, External
Service Name = ALDS_ODATA_SRV.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 69

Chapter 11 Uninstalling OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

c. If the service is available, check if the list of system aliases for that service
contains an alias, which refers to the SAP server on which you are going to
uninstall the OTEXBASO component.

d. Delete the system alias from that list.

e. Optional If there is no further alias assigned to service /OTX/ALDS_ODATA_

SRV, you can do the following:

i. Delete or deactivate its ICF node. There is a manage ICF Node menu
for the service. Or you may search in transaction SICF for <default_

ii. Delete the service from the list.

f. Optional If you do not have another need for the system alias, you can
remove it in transaction /UI2/GW_SYS_ALIAS.

2. If the /OTX/RM_WSC_ODATA_SRV service has no aliases assigned or has been

deleted completely, make sure that there is no active Fiori app running on the
frontend system that uses the Fiori app of OTEXBASF.

11.2.5 Archiving and Document Access Fiori Apps component

Importing the Attribute Change Package (ACP)
Download the following Attribute Change Package from OpenText My Support
( and import
it the Support Package Manager (SPAM):
ACP OTEXBASF==1620_740

Performing mandatory steps before uninstalling OTEXBASF

Perform these steps before you start the uninstallation. Otherwise, the uninstallation
will fail or the system can be corrupt afterwards.

To clean up the Fiori backend and frontend systems, reverse the customizing you
did before. For more information, see Section 22 “Integrating Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions into SAP Fiori apps” in OpenText Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

• Identify and delete Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions related
applications both cross-client and client-specific on the frontend system.
• Clean- up roles on the frontend system.
• Following “To remove alias assignments, services and ICF nodes on the frontend
system:“ on page 69, remove alias assignments, services, and nodes of the OData

70 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

11.2. Performing manual steps

To identify applications related to Archiving and Document Access:

1. Find a Business Object Browsing Fiori app based on the Foundation component
of Vendor Invoice Management for SAP Solutions. On the SAP backend on
which the Foundation of VIM for SAP configuration is maintained, search for
entries of database table /OTX/PF62_T_PERV with column BSP_APPL containing
a pattern *OTX/ALF*. This leads to the perspective ID’s integrating Archiving
and Document Access apps. You have the following options:

• Use the perspective maintenance of the Foundation of VIM for SAP to

remove the usage of Archiving and Document Access perspective views.
• If specific target mappings exist on the frontend, delete the mappings with
the Fiori Launchpad Designer.

2. Find a Archiving and Document Access app. On the frontend system,

run /UI2/FLIA to open the Fiori Launchpad Intent Analysis. Find intents,
which use pattern */otx/alf*, or have the value for test launcher = /sap/bc/
ui5_ui5/otx/rmf_launch in column Launchpad Application.

3. Find custom apps, which are extended with Archiving and Document Access
app. Run transaction /UI2/FLIA to open the Fiori Launchpad Intent Analysis.
Identify custom Fiori apps, which integrated Archiving and document Access
controls by code extension.

To delete applications related to Archiving and Document Access:

Make sure that you are deleting only apps, which you do not need anymore.

1. Run the /ui2/flpd_conf transaction and logon to the Fiori Launchpad

Designer cross-client.

2. Find the Archiving and Document Access application, and drag it to the recycle
bin icon, which occurs once you start dragging.

3. Repeat with all Archiving and Document Access applications.

4. Run the /ui2/flpd_cust transaction and delete all client-specific Archiving

and Document Access applications.

To clean up role assignments and delete roles:

1. Run the PFCG transaction.

2. Find all roles that you created for Archiving and Document Access.

3. Remove the user assignments, and, optionally, delete the roles.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 71

Chapter 11 Uninstalling OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions

11.2.6 Archiving and Document Access Solution Framework

for Business Object Browsing component OTEXBASB
Performing mandatory steps before uninstalling OTEXBASB
Perform these steps before you start the uninstallation. Otherwise, the uninstallation
will fail or the system can be corrupt afterwards.

Remove custom implementations based on the classes and exits referring to data
dictionary objects of OTEXBASB. Replace such references with other object
references or remove the using objects, if they are not required anymore.

Performing optional manual steps before uninstalling OTEXBASB

If you have activated the BC Set /OTEB/BC_TEMPLATE_01 on your system, the
tables /OTX/PF62_T_PLTK and /OTX/PF62_T_PLYT contain text keys and translated
texts for layout_id = _OTEB_BC_TEMPLATE_01.

Remove this data before or after uninstallation, because the uninstallation will
remove the entry with layout_id = _OTEB_BC_TEMPLATE_01 from table /OTX/PF62_

However, the data in those tables will not have any harmful effect. In case of
reinstalling table OTEXBASB, you will have the BC Set again and can compare with
existing data, which allows you to do further adjustments, if needed.

11.3 Uninstalling with SAINT transaction

Use the SAINT transaction for the uninstallation. You can first use it in test mode to
simulate an uninstallation process before you actually run it.

To use SAINT in test mode:

1. On the menu, select Extras > Settings.

2. On the Import Queue tab, select the Test option.

3. Click Confirm.

4. Perform the uninstallation. If it reports errors, you can view error logs, continue
or roll back.

5. Clear the Test option, if the test mode did not report errors.

To uninstall a component with SAINT:

1. In the SAINT transaction, open the Uninstallable components tab.

2. Select the components to uninstall.

3. Click Start.

72 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

Chapter 12
Handling communication protocols

Communication protocols define the way a document class is handled in SAP

applications. A protocol is assigned to an archive (content repository, storage
system). This ensures that all documents of a document class held in the same
archive (content repository) are handled in the same way.

Tip: For more information about protocols, see Section

“Communication protocols in SAP systems” in OpenText Archiving and
Document Access for SAP Solutions - Scenario Guide (ER-CCS).

This chapter describes the handling of the ArchiveLink communication protocols on

an SAP application server. You have to perform a manual configuration of the two
main protocols OT_OLEU1 and OT_HTTP2.

12.1 Maintaining OLE application

The OLE applications for OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer (ALVIEWER.APP) and
OpenText Imaging Enterprise Scan (IXOS.IXSCAN.SC2SAP) have to be modified or
created if they do not exist yet.

To modify or create OLE applications:

1. Execute the SOLE transaction and go to change mode.

2. Check if OLE applications ALVIEWER.APP and IXOS.IXSCAN.SC2SAP exist.

3. Create or check the OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer application using the
following values:

OLE application
Type Info key

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 73

Chapter 12 Handling communication protocols

4. Click .
The ClassId (CLSID) is registered for the OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer

5. Execute the SOLE transaction and go to change mode.

6. Create or check the OpenText Imaging Enterprise Scan application using the
following values:

OLE application
Version number
Type Info key

74 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

12.2. Maintaining SAP ArchiveLink application

7. Click .
The ClassId (CLSID) is registered for the OpenText Imaging Enterprise Scan

12.2 Maintaining SAP ArchiveLink application

If the ArchiveLink applications do not already exist, you have to create them

The following ArchiveLink applications must be present:


To modify or create ArchiveLink application:

1. In the IMG, run the OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP
Solutions > DesktopLink and Archiving for SAP Solutions > ArchiveLink >
Front End Communication Customizing > Maintain Applications activity.
Alternatively, you can run the OAA4 transaction (ArchiveLink Application
If not already listed, create the ArchiveLink applications listed above (IXSCAN_

2. Double-click the specific ArchiveLink application entry for additional


ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 75

Chapter 12 Handling communication protocols

All functions for the selected ArchiveLink application are listed.

3. Double-click a specific function to maintain or modify its settings.

The following shows the maintaining screen of function Archive from frontend
for the ArchiveLink application IXSCAN as an example.

76 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

12.2. Maintaining SAP ArchiveLink application

4. Enter the application name, specify events (M - Method, S - Set, G- Get) and the
corresponding commands according to the following tables.

Note: In the following tables, only maintained functions are explicitly

listed; use the line entries in the right order. Do not change the other


Function Application Event Command

Archive from IXOS.IXSCAN.SC M SendDoc2DP @AID,
Frontend 2SAP
G @EID=ErrorID
Store File on IXOS.IXSCAN.SC M SaveActiveDocMultipage 0
Frontend 2SAP
G @DPA=DocPathName
G @EID=ErrorID

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 77

Chapter 12 Handling communication protocols


Function Application Event Command

Archive from IXOS.IXSCAN.SC M SendDoc2Archive @AID, @DID, @URL
Frontend 2SAP
G @EID=ErrorID
Store File on IXOS.IXSCAN.SC M SaveActiveDocMultipage 0
Frontend 2SAP
G @DPA=DocPathName
G @EID=ErrorID


Function Application Event Command

Display Stored ALVIEWER.APP S Language=@LAN
M ShowAppWindow
M OpenDocumentSimple
G @EID=R3ReturnCode
Retrieval on ALVIEWER.APP M GetDocument @AID,@DID,@DPA, ,
G @EID=R3ReturnCode
Display Local File ALVIEWER.APP M ShowAppWindow
M OpenDocumentFromFiles
G @EID=R3ReturnCode
Archive from ALVIEWER.APP M ArchiveDoc @AID,
G @EID=ErrorID
Store File on ALVIEWER.APP M GetDocument @AID,@DID,@DPA,,
G @EID=R3ReturnCode
Close Window ALVIEWER.APP M CloseStack @WID


Function Application Event Command

Display Stored ALVIEWER.APP S Language=@LAN
M ShowAppWindow
M OpenDocumentSimpleUrl
G @EID=R3ReturnCode

78 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

12.2. Maintaining SAP ArchiveLink application

Function Application Event Command

Retrieval on ALVIEWER.APP M GetDocument @AID,@DID,@DPA, ,
G @EID=R3ReturnCode
Display Local File ALVIEWER.APP M ShowAppWindow
M OpenDocumentFromFiles
G @EID=R3ReturnCode
Archive from ALVIEWER.APP M ArchiveDoc @AID,
G @EID=ErrorID
Store File on ALVIEWER.APP M GetDocument @AID,@DID,@DPA,,
G @EID=R3ReturnCode
Close Window ALVIEWER.APP M CloseStack @WID


Function Application Event Command

Display Stored ALVIEWER.APP S Language=@LAN
M OpenDocumentSimpleUrl
G @EID=R3ReturnCode
Display Local File ALVIEWER.APP M ShowAppWindow
M OpenDocumentFromFiles
G @EID=R3ReturnCode
Archive from ALVIEWER.APP M ArchiveDoc @AID,
G @EID=ErrorID
Store File on ALVIEWER.APP M GetDocument @AID,@DID,@DPA,,
G @EID=R3ReturnCode
Close Window ALVIEWER.APP M CloseStack @WID

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 79

Chapter 12 Handling communication protocols

12.3 Maintaining viewer components

These protocol settings determine which viewer component will be used for
document display:

For document display, the Web browser is invoked.
For document display, the Web browser is invoked. For scanning using the
archive ID and the document ID, an URL is created that can be signed. This URL
is passed on to the scan client.
For document display, the OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer will be invoked
via OLE.
For document display, the OpenText Imaging Windows Viewer will be invoked
via OLE. For scanning using the archive ID and the document ID, an URL is
created which can be signed. This URL is passed on to the scan client.

The protocols have to be modified or created if they do not exist yet.

To modify or create protocols:

1. Execute the OAA3 transaction (Protocol settings Maintenance).

If not already listed, create the protocols listed above (OT_HTTP2, OT_HTTP3, OT_

2. Double-click on the specific protocol entry.

80 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

12.3. Maintaining viewer components

The Overview of Protocol screen appears; a tree view shows the details of the
respective ArchiveLink protocol.

3. Double-click on a specific function.

A list of related document classes is displayed.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 81

Chapter 12 Handling communication protocols

4. For explicit maintenance, select the combo box item of the required document
class and then double-click on the document class entry.
The following shows the settings screen for the document class ALF.

82 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

12.3. Maintaining viewer components

5. Modify the settings according to the following tables.

OT_HTTP2 protocol

Function Doc.class Communication Application

Display Stored Document ALF OPEN_V_URL IXVIEWERU
Display Stored Document MSG ARCHIVELNK
Archive from frontend FAX , JPG OPEN IXSCAN
Close Window * OPEN DUMMY

OT_HTTP3 protocol

Function Doc.class Communication Application

Display Stored Document ALF OPEN_V_URL IXVIEWERU
Display Stored Document MSG ARCHIVELNK
Archive from frontend FAX , JPG OPEN IXSCAN_HT
Close Window * OPEN DUMMY

OT_OLEU1 protocol

Function Doc.class Communication Application

Display Stored Document * , ALF , FAX , JPG , OPEN_V_URL IXVIEWERU
Retrieval Frontend * OPEN IXVIEWER
Display Local File * ARCHIVELINK
Archive from frontend FAX , JPG OPEN IXSCAN
Close Window * OPEN DUMMY

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 83

Chapter 12 Handling communication protocols

OT_OLEU2 protocol

Function Doc.class Communication Application

Display Stored Document * , ALF , FAX , JPG , OPEN_V_URL IXVIEWERU
Retrieval Frontend * OPEN IXVIEWER
Display Local File * ARCHIVELINK
Archive from frontend FAX , JPG OPEN IXSCAN_HT
Close Window * OPEN DUMMY

6. Click to store the settings.

12.4 Assigning protocols to logical archives (content

These protocol settings define the protocol to be used for all documents in a specific
logical archive.

To assign a protocol to a logical archive:

1. Execute the OAC0 transaction.

2. Select an already created logical archive and click the Full Administration

3. Enter either OT_HTTP2 or OT_OLEU1 in the Protocol field.

4. Click to store the settings.

84 Installation and Upgrade Guide ER210200-IGD-EN-01

Chapter 13

When general problems occur during installation, check the following points, or
carry out the tasks described:

1. Check if the SAP basis version on your system is supported by the component
you would like to install. For more information, see the latest Release Notes in
My Support.
2. For Oracle database only: Check whether the OracleTCPListener has been started
on the SAP database server.
3. Check the transport directory in the /usr/sap/trans/bin/TPPARAM file; it
should be specified as the global parameter transdir. Copy the data and the co-
file into this directory. Repeat the addtobuffer and import commands.
4. Modify the TPPARAM file so that the comments are on a separate line like in the
following example:
<SID>/dbname = <SID>
# TCP/IP name of transport host
<SID>/dbhost = <TRNASHOST>
# <DBTYPE>: ora sqd mss
<SID>/dbtype = <DBTYPE>
# normally PATH linked to \\<TRANSHOST>\sapmnt\<SID>\SYS\exe\run
<SID>/r3transpath = R3trans.exe
# normally PATH linked to \\<TRANSHOST>\sapmnt\<SID>\SYS\exe\run
<SID>/sapevtpath = sapevt.exe

5. Check if the correct authorizations and number ranges were defined.

6. If issues occur when calculating Archive URLs, check SAP support note 1833702
( The note fixes issues of
function SCMS_LOCATION_GET, which is used in function SCMS_URL_GENERATE.

ER210200-IGD-EN-01 OpenText™ Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 85

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