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History - costumer project:

Version Date Change log Who
1.0 19.09.2019 Create Document DPF
2.0 15.11.2019 Added Modules for process the signals of the HPU DPF

Version Date Description Who
19.09.2018 ATTENTION: This tool does not consider possible combinations of the individual components. The user is responsible for ensuring that the PME
assembled components can actually be used in combination!
19.09.2018 Under certain circumstances it may happen that the images added in the "Overview" page are no longer selectable. To fix this problem, first check if PME
V1.0 the sheet protection is active. If it is, deactivate it. Otherwise, this malfunction is probably due to an internal function provided by Microsoft. If this
happens, you have to restart the program.
08.03.2019 DONT DO: To copy variables/descriptions/… from a cell to another, ist necessary to use copy+paste, not cot out+paste. Cut out will destroy the
V1.2 JHA
layout and references from formulas that refer on the cutted cell.
01.04.2019 ATTENTION: All functions are tested with german and english language settings. If you have problems with some functions while using another
V1.3.1 JHA
display/program language, please set the language to english.

What does this Excel file do and what does it not do?
What does Hardware project planning with Inline- and S20-I/O incl. control hardware, which is used in hydraulics.
this file do?
Links to the datasheets of the used hardware
Overview for the electrician where which cabel has to be connected
Definition of variables for the different I/O-terminals
Derivation of the I/O address assignment and the declarations for the PLC program

What No E-Plan replacement

doesn't do
this file?
No configuration of power terminals or dimensions.
No temperature analysis is done in the control cabinet.
No connection to IndraWorks, all data have to be copied manual.

Feedback: Is desired and goes to SAL71.

Seite 1 von 40
xls-development - History:
Version Date Change log Who

16.09.2019 Modules:
- Safety CPU for XM added
- Safety CPU for CML added
- XM42 added
V1.4.4 JHA
- Information cells added, S20 Modules give information about sercos tact synchronousity

- Error in Main cleared. Picture was inserted after a control box if one is selected before inserting module (PME)
14.08.2019 Release DC-IH/SAL71
V1.4.3 Jannik Haag (Tel. +49 9352 18-6943)
Philipp Merz (Tel. +49 9352 18-6812)
13.08.2019 Modules:
V1.4.3 JHA
- S20-SGI-2 added
V1.4.2 06.08.2019 Release
Extra Pictures:
- HPC added

V1.4.2 JHA
- ErstelleCopyCode: Error in Suffix-Generation. Added "_i" to all variables. Now it distinguishs between Inputs and Outputs and adds "_i" or "_q".

-S20-RS added

V1.4.1 04.06.2019 Release

04.06.2019 Modules:
V1.4.1 JHA
- S20-DI-16/4 added
V1.4.1 26.04.2019 Automation Interface: Modules can now be transfered to IndraWorks. The declaration code is sent to the GVL_IO in IndraWorks. PME
V1.4 25.04.2019 Release
27.03.2019 General: JHA
- Modules IL IB 24 PWM IN PAC added
- More pictures added to "Extra Pictures". Userform Layout improved

- Copy Buttons --> Dropdown

- Handling for Dropdowns (Code in Overview, 60_ComboBox, 01_Main, ...)
- Column for second current consumption added (for external supply)
V1.3.1 02.04.2019 Release
27.03.2019 General: JHA
- Modules S20-AI-4-RTD, S20-AI-8-RTD, S20-DOR-4/2-220-AC and S20-PWM-4-T added

V1.3.1 - Copy Buttons: Code added to prevent empty clipboard errors

- Copy Global: Code added to prevent empty clipboard errors
- Code detects the language and inserts the formulas in corresponding language
V1.3 22.03.2019 Release
V1.3 11.03.2019 VBA: JHA/PME
- ErstelleVariablenName improved (Error repaired)
- InsertControll Extentions improved (Error repaired)
- ErstelleCopyCode improved (Error repaired)
- LoadProject improved (Identifies the Design of the Module-Sheets and can copy from old to new as well as from new to new)

- sheet for hardware costs calculation added
- DWORDS added to all digital modules
- 2-Axis Module: Design of encoder description and encoder code creation improved (additional general encoder line)
- S20BK+: Added a field for the Adress Encoder values
- All: Column added, that can contain the description of the connected hardware pin

- Added "Project description field"

V1.2.3 21.01.2019 VBA: PME

Hardware-Cost-Calculation inserted.
Bug-fixing: AutomationInterface
V1.2.2 09.01.2019 VBA: JHA/PME
- Troubleshooting: Excel closes when two overviews are present when resetting when a module is inserted in second Overview -
Troubleshooting: Sheets are deleted when reset overview is used while the 4 main sheets are not in correct order
V1.2.1 12.12.2018 Modules: JHA
- Print-Layout from sheets 1-4 improved
V1.2 05.12.2018 Release
V1.1.2 30.11.2018 VBA: JHA
- VBA-Modules renamed for better vision
- Unused variables (and declarations deleted)
- Code-commentary extended
- Extention Modules/Sheets are automatically renamed to be linked to the corresponding control
- Copy Code improved/repaired

Seite 2 von 40
V1.1.1 27.11.2018 VBA: JHA
- Buttons for Function-Modules for XM/CML-Controls added
- Sheets for the Function-Modules added
V1.1 21.11.2018 Release
V1.0.4 20.11.2018 VBA: JHA
- button layout assimilated for all buttons
- Insert extra pictures added
V1.0.3 15.11.2018 VBA: JHA
- sheet for hardware dimensions calculation inserted
- security promt added to prevent accidential
- Button help file -> user can choose the language of the help file/documentation -
Copy Overview Button added
V1.0.2 15.11.2018 VBA: JHA/PME
- improvement of sort pictures and modules function
- improvement of reset overview and reset entire project function
V1.0.1 14.11.2018 VBA: PME
- improvement of the automatic startadress calculation
- Load Project improved
- property handling moved to "ModuleInformation"-module

Seite 3 von 40
V1.0 Release
V0.9 12.10.2018 VBA: JHA
- S20 Bus-current demand calculation inserted
- New Line calculation improved, sets new lines to the defined rows, even if pictures in upper lines are moved
- Insert Picture improved. Error message if there is already a picture at the desired insert-position.
V0.8 25.09.2018 VBA: PME
- Function for sorting entire project added to Content
- Presentation of content improved
- Sort function improved, so that it can be used with several Overviews
- R-IB IL SGI 2/F-PAC module added
- Load project function
V0.7 14.09.2018 PME
- Code commentary changed to english and standardized module and function-headers inserted
- bug fixing
--> Renaming of modules inserted, because of the bug in the "Worksheet.Copy()"-function
- Reset-project function inserted
- Show Name function extended
- Open Module function extended
- Sort Pictures function extended
- Possibility to insert a module after a selected image inserted
- Several necessary functions added
- Global variable- and constant list inserted and all global variables/constants copied to this files
- 01_Content: functions extended
- Development of Worksheet functions started
- Bug fixing
--> formula in several modules extended
--> non necessary adresses deleted
--> links to datasheets inserted
V0.6 16.07.2018 VBA: JHA
- Show Name function inserted
- Sort Pictures function inserted
- Code-commentary extended
- Check column for comissioning added
V0.5 27.06.2018 VBA: PME
- Module-structure edited
- Update-function inserted
- Picture positioning improved
- Code-commentary extended
- Formula for automatic preparation of variable names
V0.4 17.05.2018 "Modules: PME
- Formula in the modules edited, because in some cases IndraWorks extends the used address range
--> for example if the startaddress of an DWORD is not divisible through 4
--> Several corrections done
- Visualization created
- Reset-function edited, so that it can be used for several coversheets
--> only the pictures and documents that are insert on the page where the reset-button is pressed
are deleted
- Documentation/Help and button for opening created"
V0.3 02.05.2018 Modules: MRR/PME
- Size of the pictures edited which are inserted

- Table of Contents and Coversheet added to the file
- Reset-function extended
- UUID added to name/properties of inserted documents and pictures
--> for identifiying the inserted sheets and pictures
- Adding formula to Inline-Modules
- Normalize-function created
--> Does syntax-settings
V0.2 27.04.2018 Visualization: PME
- Creating a surface for inserting the needed documents and pictures.
- Generating macros to insert documents and pictures
- Disposal of the pictures improved
- Reset function
--> to delete all inserted pictures and documents
V0.1 15.03.2018 Start of development JHA,
Modules: (MVK, FZA)
- Creating formula for the excel sheets which are inserted by this tool. With this formula, the addresses for the modules are calculated.
The code that is generated is directly prepared, so that it can be used in IndraWorks.
- "Refresh table of Contents" - function
--> used to create automatically a table of with the titles of all used modules
- "Copy declaration code" - function
--> used to copy the generated code for the global variable list

Seite 4 von 40
Project name Crossbar Cooler
Customer name FlSmidth
Creator Daniel Pfeuffer
Date 15.11.2019
Version 2.0
Project descripton Crossbar Cooler is used for cooling down chalk rocks in cement production systems.

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Table of Contents
Confidential !!!Internal Use Only !!!
02_Overview (1)

Seite 6 von 40
Projectname Crossbar Cooler

Sercos Bus Sercos Bus


Sercos Bus

Sercos Bus

Sercos Bus

Seite 7 von 40
Usage ZZZ_MLC1
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Control Type IndraControl L75.1

Mat. Number R911173004

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Seite 8 von 40
Digital Onboard Inputs

Pin definition Pin Input Description Input Connection Checked

IN 1 1.1
IN 2 2.1
+24V 1.2
+24V 2.2
+24V 1.3
+24V 2.3
IN 3 1.4
IN 4 2.4

Pin definition Pin Input Description Input Connection Checked

IN 5 1.1
IN 6 2.1
+24V 1.2
+24V 2.2
+24V 1.3
+24V 2.3
IN 7 1.4
IN 8 2.4

Seite 9 von 40
Digital Onboard Outputs

Pin definition Pin Output Description Output Connection Checked

OUT 1 1.1
OUT 2 2.1
GND 1.2
GND 2.2
GND 1.3
GND 2.3
OUT 3 1.4
OUT 4 2.4

Pin definition Pin Output Description Output Connection Checked

OUT 5 1.1
OUT 6 1.2
GND 2.1
GND 2.2
GND 1.4
GND 1.3
OUT 7 2.4
OUT 8 2.3

Seite 10 von 40
Usage ZZZ_S20-S3-BK
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-S3-BK+

Mat. Number R911173318
Information Sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Connection Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Rotary encoding switch configuration

Switch Value Description Sercos Adress Checked


Seite 11 von 40
Usage K5X_1_S20-AI6_AO2-SSI2
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-AI6-AO2-SSI2

Mat. number R911173120
Information Sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Pin definition Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Seite 12 von 40

Pin definition Pin SSI (Axis 1) Sensor connection Checked

Axis Name
Clock + 00
Clock - 01
Data + 10
Data - 11
24V 20
GND 21
Shield 30, 31

Pin definition Pin SSI (Axis 2) Sensor connection Checked

Axis Name
Clock + 02
Clock - 03
Data + 12
Data - 13
24V 22
GND 23
Shield 32, 33


Pin definition Pin Analog (Axis 1) Connection Checked

Extern 24V Valve - drive 1 // Panel 1, K5X.1 Y10 Pin A
Extern GND Valve - drive 1 // Panel 1, K5X.1 Y10 Pin B
Extern Other
AO1 04 Flow SP - drive 1 // Panel 1, K5X.1 Y10Y11 Pin D
AGND 05 Flow SP - drive 1 // Panel 1, K5X.1 Y10Y11 Pin E
24V 14 Pres oil port A - drive 1 // Panel 1, K5X.1 N10P01 M12 Pin 1
AI1 15 Pres oil port A - drive 1 // Panel 1, K5X.1 N10P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 24 Pres oil port B - drive 1 // Panel 1, K5X.1 N11P01 M12 Pin 1
AI2 25 Pres oil port B - drive 1 // Panel 1, K5X.1 N11P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 34 Position - drive 1 // Panel 1, K5X.1 N12Z01 M12 Pin 1
AI3 35 Position - drive 1 // Panel 1, K5X.1 N12Z01 M12 Pin 2

Pin definition Pin Analog (Axis 2) Connection Checked

Extern 24V Valve - drive 2 // Panel 1, K5X.1 Y20 Pin A
Extern GND Valve - drive 2 // Panel 1, K5X.1 Y20 Pin B
Extern Other
AO2 06 Flow SP - drive 2 // Panel 1, K5X.1 Y20Y11 Pin D
AGND 07 Flow SP - drive 2 // Panel 1, K5X.1 Y20Y11 Pin E
24V 16 Pres oil port A - drive 2 // Panel 1, K5X.1 N20P01 M12 Pin 1
AI4 17 Pres oil port A - drive 2 // Panel 1, K5X.1 N20P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 26 Pres oil port B - drive 2 // Panel 1, K5X.1 N21P01 M12 Pin 1
AI5 27 Pres oil port B - drive 2 // Panel 1, K5X.1 N21P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 36 Position - drive 2 // Panel 1, K5X.1 N22Z01 M12 Pin 1
AI6 37 Position - drive 2 // Panel 1, K5X.1 N22Z01 M12 Pin 2

Seite 13 von 40
Usage K5X_2_S20-AI6_AO2-SSI2
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-AI6-AO2-SSI2

Mat. number R911173120
Information Sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Pin definition Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Seite 14 von 40

Pin definition Pin SSI (Axis 1) Sensor connection Checked

Axis Name
Clock + 00
Clock - 01
Data + 10
Data - 11
24V 20
GND 21
Shield 30, 31

Pin definition Pin SSI (Axis 2) Sensor connection Checked

Axis Name
Clock + 02
Clock - 03
Data + 12
Data - 13
24V 22
GND 23
Shield 32, 33


Pin definition Pin Analog (Axis 1) Connection Checked

Extern 24V Valve - drive 3 // Panel 1, K5X.2 Y30 Pin A
Extern GND Valve - drive 3 // Panel 1, K5X.2 Y30 Pin B
Extern Other
AO1 04 Flow SP - drive 3 // Panel 1, K5X.2 Y30Y11 Pin D
AGND 05 Flow SP - drive 3 // Panel 1, K5X.2 Y30Y11 Pin E
24V 14 Pres oil port A - drive 3 // Panel 1, K5X.2 N30P01 M12 Pin 1
AI1 15 Pres oil port A - drive 3 // Panel 1, K5X.2 N30P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 24 Pres oil port B - drive 3 // Panel 1, K5X.2 N31P01 M12 Pin 1
AI2 25 Pres oil port B - drive 3 // Panel 1, K5X.2 N30P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 34 Position - drive 3 // Panel 1, K5X.2 N32Z01 M12 Pin 1
AI3 35 Position - drive 3 // Panel 1, K5X.2 N32Z01 M12 Pin 2

Pin definition Pin Analog (Axis 2) Connection Checked

Extern 24V Valve - drive 4 // Panel 1, K5X.2 Y40 Pin A
Extern GND Valve - drive 4 // Panel 1, K5X.2 Y40 Pin B
Extern Other
AO2 06 Flow SP - drive 4 // Panel 1, K5X.2 Y40Y11 Pin D
AGND 07 Flow SP - drive 4 // Panel 1, K5X.2 Y40Y11 Pin E
24V 16 Pres oil port A - drive 4 // Panel 1, K5X.2 N40P01 M12 Pin 1
AI4 17 Pres oil port A - drive 4 // Panel 1, K5X.2 N40P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 26 Pres oil port B - drive 4 // Panel 1, K5X.2 N41P01 M12 Pin 1
AI5 27 Pres oil port B - drive 4 // Panel 1, K5X.2 N41P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 36 Position - drive 4 // Panel 1, K5X.2 N42Z01 M12 Pin 1
AI6 37 Position - drive 4 // Panel 1, K5X.2 N42Z01 M12 Pin 2

Seite 15 von 40
Usage K5X_3_S20-AI6_AO2-SSI2
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-AI6-AO2-SSI2

Mat. number R911173120
Information Sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Pin definition Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Seite 16 von 40

Pin definition Pin SSI (Axis 1) Sensor connection Checked

Axis Name
Clock + 00
Clock - 01
Data + 10
Data - 11
24V 20
GND 21
Shield 30, 31

Pin definition Pin SSI (Axis 2) Sensor connection Checked

Axis Name
Clock + 02
Clock - 03
Data + 12
Data - 13
24V 22
GND 23
Shield 32, 33


Pin definition Pin Analog (Axis 1) Connection Checked

Extern 24V Valve - drive 5 // Panel 2, K5X.3 Y50 Pin A
Extern GND Valve - drive 5 // Panel 2, K5X.3 Y50 Pin B
Extern Other
AO1 04 Flow SP - drive 5 // Panel 2, K5X.3 Y50Y11 Pin D
AGND 05 Flow SP - drive 5 // Panel 2, K5X.3 Y50Y11 Pin E
24V 14 Pres oil port A - drive 5 // Panel 2, K5X.3 N50P01 M12 Pin 1
AI1 15 Pres oil port A - drive 5 // Panel 2, K5X.3 N50P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 24 Pres oil port B - drive 5 // Panel 2, K5X.3 N51P01 M12 Pin 1
AI2 25 Pres oil port B - drive 5 // Panel 2, K5X.3 N51P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 34 Position - drive 5 // Panel 2, K5X.3 N52Z01 M12 Pin 1
AI3 35 Position - drive 5 // Panel 2, K5X.3 N52Z01 M12 Pin 2

Pin definition Pin Analog (Axis 2) Connection Checked

Extern 24V Valve - drive 6 // Panel 2, K5X.3 Y60 Pin A
Extern GND Valve - drive 6 // Panel 2, K5X.3 Y60 Pin B
Extern Other
AO2 06 Flow SP - drive 6 // Panel 2, K5X.3 Y60Y11 Pin D
AGND 07 Flow SP - drive 6 // Panel 2, K5X.3 Y60Y11 Pin E
24V 16 Pres oil port A - drive 6 // Panel 2, K5X.3 N60P01 M12 Pin 1
AI4 17 Pres oil port A - drive 6 // Panel 2, K5X.3 N60P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 26 Pres oil port B - drive 6 // Panel 2, K5X.3 N61P01 M12 Pin 1
AI5 27 Pres oil port B - drive 6 // Panel 2, K5X.3 N61P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 36 Position - drive 6 // Panel 2, K5X.3 N62Z01 M12 Pin 1
AI6 37 Position - drive 6 // Panel 2, K5X.3 N62Z01 M12 Pin 2

Seite 17 von 40
Usage K52_4_S20-AI-8
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-AI-8

Mat. Number R911172536
Information Not sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Connection Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Seite 18 von 40
Analog Inputs

Pin definition Pin Input Description Input Connection Checked

U1+ 00
U2+ 01
U3+ 02
U4+ 03
U5+ 04
U6+ 05
U7+ 06
U8+ 07
U1- 10
U2- 11
U3- 12
U4- 13
U5- 14
U6- 15
U7- 16
U8- 17
I1+ 20 System Pressure P Line - Panel 1 // K52.4 N1AP01 M12 Pin 1
I2+ 21 Flow feedback - Lane 1 // Panel 1 // K52.4 Y10XXX Pin F
I3+ 22 Flow feedback - Lane 2 // Panel 1 // K52.4 Y20XXX Pin F
I4+ 23 Flow feedback - Lane 3 // Panel 1 // K52.4 Y30XXX Pin F
I5+ 24 Flow feedback - Lane 4 // Panel 1 // K52.4 Y40XXX Pin F
I6+ 25 System Pressure P Line - Panel 2 // K52.4 N5AP01 M12 Pin 1
I7+ 26 Flow feedback - Lane 5 // Panel 2 // K52.4 Y50 Pin F
I8+ 27 Flow feedback - Lane 6 // Panel 2 // K52.4 Y60 Pin F
I1- 30 System Pressure P Line - Panel 1 // K52.4 N1AP01 M12 Pin 2
I2- 31 Flow feedback - Lane 1 // Panel 1 // K52.4 Y10 Pin C
I3- 32 Flow feedback - Lane 2 // Panel 1 // K52.4 Y20 Pin C
I4- 33 Flow feedback - Lane 3 // Panel 1 // K52.4 Y30 Pin C
I5- 34 Flow feedback - Lane 4 // Panel 1 // K52.4 Y40 Pin C
I6- 35 System Pressure P Line - Panel 2 // K52.4 N5AP01 M12 Pin 2
I7- 36 Flow feedback - Lane 5 // Panel 2 // K52.4 Y50 Pin C
I8- 37 Flow feedback - Lane 6 // Panel 2 // K52.4 Y60 Pin C

Seite 19 von 40
Usage K5X_5_S20-AI6_AO2-SSI2
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-AI6-AO2-SSI2

Mat. number R911173120
Information Sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Pin definition Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Seite 20 von 40

Pin definition Pin SSI (Axis 1) Sensor connection Checked

Axis Name
Clock + 00
Clock - 01
Data + 10
Data - 11
24V 20
GND 21
Shield 30, 31

Pin definition Pin SSI (Axis 2) Sensor connection Checked

Axis Name
Clock + 02
Clock - 03
Data + 12
Data - 13
24V 22
GND 23
Shield 32, 33


Pin definition Pin Analog (Axis 1) Connection Checked

Extern 24V Valve - drive 7 // Panel 2, K5X.5 Y70 Pin A
Extern GND Valve - drive 7 // Panel 2, K5X.5 Y70 Pin B
Extern Other
AO1 04 Flow SP - drive 7 // Panel 2, K5X.5 Y70Y11 Pin D
AGND 05 Flow SP - drive 7 // Panel 2, K5X.5 Y70Y11 Pin E
24V 14 Pres oil port A - drive 7 // Panel 2, K5X.5 N70P01 M12 Pin 1
AI1 15 Pres oil port A - drive 7 // Panel 2, K5X.5 N70P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 24 Pres oil port B - drive 7 // Panel 2, K5X.5 N71P01 M12 Pin 1
AI2 25 Pres oil port B - drive 7 // Panel 2, K5X.5 N70P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 34 Position - drive 7 // Panel 2, K5X.5 N72Z01 M12 Pin 1
AI3 35 Position - drive 7 // Panel 2, K5X.5 N72Z01 M12 Pin 2

Pin definition Pin Analog (Axis 2) Connection Checked

Extern 24V Valve - drive 8 // Panel 2, K5X.5 Y80 Pin A
Extern GND Valve - drive 8 // Panel 2, K5X.5 Y80 Pin B
Extern Other
AO2 06 Flow SP - drive 8 // Panel 2, K5X.5 Y80Y11 Pin D
AGND 07 Flow SP - drive 8 // Panel 2, K5X.5 Y80Y11 Pin E
24V 16 Pres oil port A - drive 8 // Panel 2, K5X.5 N80P01 M12 Pin 1
AI4 17 Pres oil port A - drive 8 // Panel 2, K5X.5 N80P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 26 Pres oil port B - drive 8 // Panel 2, K5X.5 N81P01 M12 Pin 1
AI5 27 Pres oil port B - drive 8 // Panel 2, K5X.5 N81P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 36 Position - drive 8 // Panel 2, K5X.5 N82Z01 M12 Pin 1
AI6 37 Position - drive 8 // Panel 2, K5X.5 N82Z01 M12 Pin 2

Seite 21 von 40
Usage K5X_6_S20-AI6_AO2-SSI2
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-AI6-AO2-SSI2

Mat. number R911173120
Information Sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Pin definition Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Seite 22 von 40

Pin definition Pin SSI (Axis 1) Sensor connection Checked

Axis Name
Clock + 00
Clock - 01
Data + 10
Data - 11
24V 20
GND 21
Shield 30, 31

Pin definition Pin SSI (Axis 2) Sensor connection Checked

Axis Name
Clock + 02
Clock - 03
Data + 12
Data - 13
24V 22
GND 23
Shield 32, 33


Pin definition Pin Analog (Axis 1) Connection Checked

Extern 24V Valve - drive 9 // Panel 3, K5X.6 Y90 Pin A
Extern GND Valve - drive 9 // Panel 3, K5X.6 Y90 Pin B
Extern Other
AO1 04 Flow SP - drive 9 // Panel 3, K5X.6 Y90Y11 Pin D
AGND 05 Flow SP - drive 9 // Panel 3, K5X.6 Y90Y11 Pin E
24V 14 Pres oil port A - drive 9 // Panel 3, K5X.6 N90P01 M12 Pin 1
AI1 15 Pres oil port A - drive 9 // Panel 3, K5X.6 N90P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 24 Pres oil port B - drive 9 // Panel 3, K5X.6 N91P01 M12 Pin 1
AI2 25 Pres oil port B - drive 9 // Panel 3, K5X.6 N90P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 34 Position - drive 9 // Panel 3, K5X.6 N92Z01 M12 Pin 1
AI3 35 Position - drive 9 // Panel 3, K5X.6 N92Z01 M12 Pin 2

Pin definition Pin Analog (Axis 2) Connection Checked

Extern 24V Valve - drive 10 // Panel 3, K5X.6 Y100 Pin A
Extern GND Valve - drive 10 // Panel 3, K5X.6 Y100 Pin B
Extern Other
AO2 06 Flow SP - drive 10 // Panel 3, K5X.6 Y100Y11 Pin D
AGND 07 Flow SP - drive 10 // Panel 3, K5X.6 Y100Y11 Pin E
24V 16 Pres oil port A - drive 10 // Panel 3, K5X.6 N100P01 M12 Pin 1
AI4 17 Pres oil port A - drive 10 // Panel 3, K5X.6 N100P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 26 Pres oil port B - drive 10 // Panel 3, K5X.6 N101P01 M12 Pin 1
AI5 27 Pres oil port B - drive 10 // Panel 3, K5X.6 N101P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 36 Position - drive 10 // Panel 3, K5X.6 N102Z01 M12 Pin 1
AI6 37 Position - drive 10 // Panel 3, K5X.6 N102Z01 M12 Pin 2

Seite 23 von 40
Usage K5X_7_S20-AI6_AO2-SSI2
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-AI6-AO2-SSI2

Mat. number R911173120
Information Sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Pin definition Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Seite 24 von 40

Pin definition Pin SSI (Axis 1) Sensor connection Checked

Axis Name
Clock + 00
Clock - 01
Data + 10
Data - 11
24V 20
GND 21
Shield 30, 31

Pin definition Pin SSI (Axis 2) Sensor connection Checked

Axis Name
Clock + 02
Clock - 03
Data + 12
Data - 13
24V 22
GND 23
Shield 32, 33


Pin definition Pin Analog (Axis 1) Connection Checked

Extern 24V Valve - drive 11 // Panel 3, K5X.7 Y110 Pin A
Extern GND Valve - drive 11 // Panel 3, K5X.7 Y110 Pin B
Extern Other
AO1 04 Flow SP - drive 11 // Panel 3, K5X.7 Y110Y11 Pin D
AGND 05 Flow SP - drive 11 // Panel 3, K5X.7 Y110Y11 Pin E
24V 14 Pres oil port A - drive 11 // Panel 3, K5X.7 N110P01 M12 Pin 1
AI1 15 Pres oil port A - drive 11 // Panel 3, K5X.7 N110P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 24 Pres oil port B - drive 11 // Panel 3, K5X.7 N111P01 M12 Pin 1
AI2 25 Pres oil port B - drive 11 // Panel 3, K5X.7 N110P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 34 Position - drive 11 // Panel 3, K5X.7 N112Z01 M12 Pin 1
AI3 35 Position - drive 11 // Panel 3, K5X.7 N112Z01 M12 Pin 2

Pin definition Pin Analog (Axis 2) Connection Checked

Extern 24V Valve - drive 12 // Panel 3, K5X.7 Y120 Pin A
Extern GND Valve - drive 12 // Panel 3, K5X.7 Y120 Pin B
Extern Other
AO2 06 Flow SP - drive 12 // Panel 3, K5X.7 Y120Y11 Pin D
AGND 07 Flow SP - drive 12 // Panel 3, K5X.7 Y120Y11 Pin E
24V 16 Pres oil port A - drive 12 // Panel 3, K5X.7 N120P01 M12 Pin 1
AI4 17 Pres oil port A - drive 12 // Panel 3, K5X.7 N120P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 26 Pres oil port B - drive 12 // Panel 3, K5X.7 N121P01 M12 Pin 1
AI5 27 Pres oil port B - drive 12 // Panel 3, K5X.7 N121P01 M12 Pin 2
24V 36 Position - drive 12 // Panel 3, K5X.7 N122Z01 M12 Pin 1
AI6 37 Position - drive 12 // Panel 3, K5X.7 N122Z01 M12 Pin 2

Seite 25 von 40
Usage K52_8_S20-AI-8
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-AI-8

Mat. Number R911172536
Information Not sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Connection Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Seite 26 von 40
Analog Inputs

Pin definition Pin Input Description Input Connection Checked

U1+ 00
U2+ 01
U3+ 02
U4+ 03
U5+ 04
U6+ 05
U7+ 06
U8+ 07
U1- 10
U2- 11
U3- 12
U4- 13
U5- 14
U6- 15
U7- 16
U8- 17
I1+ 20 Flow feedback - Lane 7 // Panel 2 // K52.8 Y20 Pin F
I2+ 21 Flow feedback - Lane 8 // Panel 2 // K52.8 Y80 Pin F
I3+ 22 System Pressure P Line - Panel 3 // K52.8 N1AP01 M12 Pin 1
I4+ 23 Flow feedback - Lane 9 // Panel 3 // K52.8 Y90 Pin F
I5+ 24 Flow feedback - Lane 10 // Panel 3 // K52.8 Y100 Pin F
I6+ 25 Flow feedback - Lane 11 // Panel 3 // K52.8 Y110 Pin F
I7+ 26 Flow feedback - Lane 12 // Panel 3 // K52.8 Y120 Pin F
I8+ 27
I1- 30 Flow feedback - Lane 7 // Panel 2 // K52.8 Y20 Pin C
I2- 31 Flow feedback - Lane 8 // Panel 2 // K52.8 Y80 Pin C
I3- 32 System Pressure P Line - Panel 3 // K52.8 N1AP01 M12 Pin 2
I4- 33 Flow feedback - Lane 9 // Panel 3 // K52.8 Y90 Pin C
I5- 34 Flow feedback - Lane 10 // Panel 3 // K52.8 Y100 Pin C
I6- 35 Flow feedback - Lane 11 // Panel 3 // K52.8 Y110 Pin C
I7- 36 Flow feedback - Lane 12 // Panel 3 // K52.8 Y120 Pin C
I8- 37

Seite 27 von 40
Usage ZZZZ_S20-S3-BK
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-S3-BK+

Mat. Number R911173318
Information Sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Connection Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Rotary encoding switch configuration

Switch Value Description Sercos Adress Checked


Seite 28 von 40
Usage ZZZ_S20-DI-16_1
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-DI-16/1

Mat. Number R911172543
Information Not sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Connection Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Seite 29 von 40
Digital Inputs

Pin definition Pin Input Description Input Connection Checked

Input WORD
IN1 00 Emergency stop hydraulic unit // ZZZ S08XXX
IN2 01 Position inlet valve filling pump // ZZZ D01Z41
IN3 02 Position inlet valve main pumps 1 // ZZZ D1AZ41
IN4 03 Diff. pressure main pumps 1 > 75% // pressure Filter 1-1, ZZZ D11P41
IN5 10 Diff. pressure main pumps 1 < 100% // pressure Filter 1-1, ZZZ D11P42
IN6 11 Position inlet valve main pumps 2 // ZZZ D2AZ41
IN7 12 Diff. pressure main pumps 2 > 75% // pressure Filter 2-1, ZZZ D12P41
IN8 13 Diff. pressure main pumps 2 < 100% // pressure Filter 2-1, ZZZ D12P42
IN9 20
IN10 21
IN11 22
IN12 23
IN13 30
IN14 31
IN15 32
IN16 33

Seite 30 von 40
Variable Declaration for IndraWorks

Address Variable name Copy code to Global variable list in IndraWorks

%IW156 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX156.0 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX156.1 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX156.2 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX156.3 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX156.4 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX156.5 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX156.6 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX156.7 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX157.0 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX157.1 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX157.2 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX157.3 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX157.4 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX157.5 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX157.6 #NAME? #NAME?
%IX157.7 #NAME? #NAME?

Seite 31 von 40
Usage ZZZ_S20-DO-16_1
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-DO-16/1

Mat. Number R911172542
Information Not sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Connection Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Seite 32 von 40
Digital Outputs

Pin definition Pin Output Description Output Connection Checked

Output WORD
OUT1 00 Enable powersupply controller main pumps 1 // ZZZ YYYXXX
OUT2 01 Enable powersupply controller main pumps 2 // ZZZ YYYXXX
OUT3 02 Enable powersupply controller main pumps 3 // ZZZ YYYXXX
OUT4 03
OUT5 10
OUT6 11
OUT7 12
OUT8 13
OUT9 20
OUT10 21
OUT11 22
OUT12 23
OUT13 30
OUT14 31
OUT15 32
OUT16 33

Seite 33 von 40
Variable Declaration for IndraWorks

Adresse Variable name Copy code to Global variable list in IndraWorks

%QX26.0 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX26.1 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX26.2 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX26.3 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX26.4 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX26.5 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX26.6 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX26.7 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX27.0 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX27.1 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX27.2 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX27.3 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX27.4 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX27.5 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX27.6 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX27.7 #NAME? #NAME?

Seite 34 von 40
Usage ZZZ_S20-DO-8_2-2A
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-DO-8/2-2A

Mat. Number R911172541
Information Not sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Connection Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Seite 35 von 40
Digital Outputs

Pin definition Pin Output Description Output Connection Checked

Output BYTE
OUT01 00 Oil heating // oil tank, ZZZ Y01C31
OUT02 01 Water valve // oil cooling, oil conditioning circuit 1, ZZZ Y02C31
OUT03 02 Water valve // oil cooling, oil conditioning circuit 2, ZZZ Y03C31
OUT04 03 Release pressure // Header 1, ZZZ Y11C31
GND 10
GND 11
GND 12
GND 13
OUT05 20
OUT06 21
OUT07 22
OUT08 23
GND 30
GND 31
GND 32
GND 33

Seite 36 von 40
Variable Declaration for IndraWorks

Adresse Variable name Copy code to Global variable list in IndraWorks

%QX28.0 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX28.1 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX28.2 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX28.3 #NAME? #NAME?

%QX28.4 #NAME? #NAME?

%QX28.5 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX28.6 #NAME? #NAME?
%QX28.7 #NAME? #NAME?

Seite 37 von 40
Usage ZZZ_S20-AI-8
Docu EN Link
Docu DE Link

Module Type S20-AI-8

Mat. Number R911172536
Information Not sercos tact synchronous

Hardware dimensions

Power Supply

Pin definition Pin Description Connection Checked

24V DC a1 24V Power Supply
24V DC a2 24V Power Supply
GND b1 Ground
GND b2 Ground

Seite 38 von 40
Analog Inputs

Pin definition Pin Input Description Input Connection Checked

U1+ 00
U2+ 01
U3+ 02
U4+ 03
U5+ 04
U6+ 05
U7+ 06
U8+ 07
U1- 10
U2- 11
U3- 12
U4- 13
U5- 14
U6- 15
U7- 16
U8- 17
I1+ 20 Oil temperature oil tank // ZZZ N01T01
I2+ 21 Oil level oil tank // ZZZ N01L01
I3+ 22 Oil pressure inlet oil conditioning filter 1 // ZZZ N02P01
I4+ 23 Oil pressure inlet oil conditioning filter 2 // ZZZ N03P01
I5+ 24 Oil pressure inlet oil return oil filter 1 // ZZZ N04P01
I6+ 25 Oil pressure inlet oil return oil filter 2 // ZZZ N05P01
I7+ 26 Oil pressure oil heating // il pressure oil heating,, ZZZ N06P01
I8+ 27
I1- 30
I2- 31
I3- 32
I4- 33
I5- 34
I6- 35
I7- 36
I8- 37

Seite 39 von 40
Variable Declaration for IndraWorks

Address Variable name Copy code to Global variable list in IndraWorks

%IW158 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW160 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW162 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW164 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW166 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW168 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW170 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW172 #NAME? #NAME?

%IW158 #NAME? #NAME?

%IW160 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW162 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW164 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW166 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW168 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW170 #NAME? #NAME?
%IW172 #NAME? #NAME?

Seite 40 von 40

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