Updated Supplier Code of Conduct & Trust Line

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External Communication

Scope: Full Procurement

Mean: SSP SRM / Suppliers

Updated Supplier Code of Conduct and Trust Line

Dear Partner,

As a supplier of Schneider Electric, we want to ensure you are familiar with our updated Supplier Code of Conduct
and Trust Line, and know how to access it.

Schneider Electric Supplier Code of Conduct

At Schneider Electric, our purpose is to empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging
progress and sustainability for all.

With sustainability at the core of our purpose, culture, and business, we believe we have a part to play in
contributing towards a sustainable and inclusive world. We have made six long-term commitments and
developed targets aligned to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. These not only relate to
our own business operations, but our extended ecosystem including our customers and suppliers. Our
Schneider Electric Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) reflects the basic tenets of our relationship and
expectations from our supply partners.

We need your full support and collaboration to ensure that the commitments in the Supplier Code of Conduct
are acknowledged and taken on. We expect all suppliers to participate, and will continue to engage with you in
our efforts to fulfil the requirements on four main priorities: carbon footprint reduction, circular economy,
decent work for employees and ethics in doing business. We measure and communicate our progress on
these topics through the Schneider Sustainability Impact Dashboard.

If you are aware or become aware of any issues that might compromise achievement of these goals, at your
own premises or within your own supply chain, we urge you to notify us without delay.

It’s critical we work together and coordinate our efforts so that we can make the world more sustainable and

One of our Sustainability Impact goals is to live up to our principles of trust by upholding ourselves and all
around us to high social, governance and ethical standards. Trust Line is an important tool to enable this.

What is Trust Line?

Trust Line is Schneider Electric’s global helpline for external stakeholders. It is a confidential channel where
you can ask questions and raise concerns about ethics, compliance, or Schneider Electric’s ‘Trust Charter,
Schneider Electric’s Code of Conduct’ and related policies.

What can be reported?

We all have the right to work in a positive environment. With that right comes the responsibility of acting in an
ethical manner and doing the right thing if someone is not acting appropriately. Corporate misconduct can
threaten the livelihood of an entire company. If you have an ethical question, or have concerns, we rely on you
to contact us via Trust Line.

How does it work?

Trust Line is the secure and confidential way for you to ask a question or register a concern. Once you have
made your submission via the portal, you will receive a report key and password to follow-up on your
submission. An electronic summary is sent to Schneider Electric’s Compliance team for review and to determine
further action.

Am I protected against retaliation if I call the Trust Line?

You will not be subject to retaliation from Schneider Electric for any report of a suspected violation that is made
in good faith even if it later turns out to be factually incorrect. Knowingly providing false or misleading
information however will not be tolerated.

Are reports to the Trust Line secure and confidential?

Yes. When you submit a report via the web portal, Schneider Electric Compliance Hotline ensures a secure and
confidential environment for collection, storage, and transmission of the hotline reports.

Who can use Trust Line?

The Trust Line is designed for external stakeholders to report any concern related to Fraud or Ethical

If you have any further questions about Trust Line or our Supplier Code of Conduct, please reach out to your
Schneider Electric contact.

Access Trust Line.

Dan Bartel

Chief Procurement Officer

Schneider Electric | Global Supply Chain | www.schneider-electric.com


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