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User Manual

Clarity Provisioning Suite

Performance Manager User Manual

Document Version: 1.3

Date: 25 Aug 2009
Copyright Information
Copyright © 2009. Clarity International Limited. All rights reserved. Clarity
International and the Clarity logo are registered trademarks of Clarity International
Limited, in Australia and other countries. All other trademarks or registered service
marks in this document are the property of Clarity International or their respective
owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Clarity International
assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document or for any obligation to
update information in this document. Clarity International reserves the right to change,
modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice.

Document Information
Document History
Version Date Amendment Name Role
1.3 25 Aug 2009 Latest Release Swati Mohanty Author

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Overview
Performance Manager - Overview ....................................... 6
Performance View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Launching the Performance View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Navigator Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Ribbon Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
View Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Sub-views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Generating a View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Chapter 2 Templates
Templates ............................................................ 16
Performance Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Chapter 3 Settings
Settings .............................................................. 20
User Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Automatically Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Manually Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Chapter 4 Time Configuration

Time Configuration .................................................... 30

Chapter 5 View Configuration

View Configuration .................................................... 34
Save the content of the different Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Show/Hiding sub-view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
At A Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Busy Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Chapter 6 Table Behaviour

Table Behaviour ....................................................... 64
Options menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Commercial in Confidence 3

Index ........................................................................... 81

4 Commercial in Confidence


The Clarity Performance Manager application enables the Service Provider to monitor
performance of any network equipment regardless of technology or vendor. It handles
performance monitoring of any Physical or Logical Network Resources (e.g. Trail
Termination Point, Network Elements, circuits and services).

Commercial in Confidence 5
Performance Manager - Overview

Performance Manager - Overview

Performance Manager allows any authorized user:
• to view the current performance of an Object in a service provider’s
• to generate performance reports based on these objects,
• and to perform capacity planning and trend analysis of projected values based
on current values.

Performance View
The visual component of Performance Manager is called the Performance View. The
Performance View is one of many views embedded in the Clarity Workbench. It is
controlled by the Navigator component (refer to the Navigator documentation for
more information) and the Performance Manager ribbon.
The Performance View is used to display Performance Views related to the selected
Objects in a service provider’s network. Threshold breaches and trend forecasts are
also presented in this view.

Figure 1–1. Performance Manager

Performance Manager consists of one or more Performance Views that display the
Performance reports, and a Ribbon Control tab that contains the ribbon controls that
allow users to configure each Performance View. Users choose the elements they are
interested in monitoring by clicking on Objects in the Navigator.

6 Commercial in Confidence
Launching the Performance View

Launching the Performance View

The Performance View and Performance Manager ribbon control are not automatically
initiated when the user launches the workbench.
Performance Manager is launched from the Quick Launch Toolbar.

Figure 1–2. Quick Access Toolbar

To launch Performance Manager

1 Left-click on the Performance button on the Workbench Quick Access Toolbar.
The Performance Manager application displays (see Figure 1–1 on page 6).

Figure 1–3. Performance Manager

Commercial in Confidence 7
Navigator Pane

Navigator Pane
The Navigator pane drives Object selection for Performance Manager. Refer to the
Workbench User Manual for further information on the Navigator Pane.

Figure 1–4. Navigator Pane

Users can choose multiple Objects by holding down the Ctrl key down and left-clicking
the Objects. Users can only select multiple Objects of the same Object Type. For
example, a user is not permitted to choose various Equipment, some Cards, a Location,
and a Service at the same time.
As the user Ctrl key + left-clicks each Object in the Navigator, a new report is
generated for that combination of Objects. The reports generated after each event are
discarded when an additional Object is selected.

While the Navigator should allow the user to select multiple objects from different
parents (for example, selecting multiple equipment from two different customers);
Performance Manager does not treat these actions with special consideration. All
selected Objects appear in the same Performance View regardless of whether their
parents within the Navigator tree hierarchy are different (refer to Tree Hierarchy in
the Workbench User Manual for further information).

8 Commercial in Confidence
Ribbon Control

Ribbon Control
The Performance Manager application is controlled and configured by a number of task
groups within the Performance ribbon.

Figure 1–5. Performance Manager ribbon controls

These task groups are:

• Templates: this task group controls the Performance Templates that are
used for generating Performance Reports in the Performance View. For more
information see Templates on page 15.
• Settings: this task group controls the contents of the Performance View
that apply to all sub-views. For more information see Settings on page 19.
• Time Configuration: this task group controls the time range and
frequency that Performance Manager should use when retrieving
Performance Reports. For more information see Time Configuration on page
• View Configuration: this task group controls the configuration of each
sub-view in the Performance View. For more information see View
Configuration on page 33.

Commercial in Confidence 9

The View is a container for all the sub-views used to monitor the performance of
selected Objects from the Navigator. The Performance Manager View is comprised of
the View Header and Sub-Views.

View Header
The View header contains the following information:
• Template Title: the current name of the template that was used to
generate the content in the View. This value is the title attribute of the
Performance Template.
• Time Range: either an absolute start and end date or relative time that has
been defined by the user.

Figure 1–6. View header

The Template Title label always reflects the current template that was used to generate
the contents of the Performance View.
The Time Range label shows either an absolute start and end date, or the relative time.
The value to be displayed is taken from the Time Configuration task group.

10 Commercial in Confidence

By default, the Performance View is separated into five sub-views which report on the
Performance of the selected Objects in different ways.

Figure 1–7. Performance Management sub-views

The Sub-Views within the Performance View are:

• At A Glance: a report that uses gauges or charts to show the last
performance results for each value for each selected object type
• Summary: a statistical summary of each measurement in the performance
report, including forecasted values of each measurement
• Report: generates a graphical or tabular report To show the Performance
information of each Object
• Busy Hour: a report that shows the busy hour value and when it occurred
for each measurement selected
• Events: a list of threshold breaches that have occurred for each selected
Object within the selected time period
Each Sub-View can be independently controlled using the View Configuration task
group. The All sub-views button is used to control common configuration across all
the sub-views (see View Configuration on page 33 for more information).
These sub-views can be moved, hidden or resized to suit the users’ requirements.

Commercial in Confidence 11

Options menu
The behavior of the columns shown in the various Performance sub-views can be
changed by the options menu.
The options menu allows the user to:
• Expand data
• Collapse data
• Sort columns in Ascending order
• Sort columns in Descending order
• Clear Sorting
• Group by a column
• Hide the grouping
• Remove a column
• Resize a single column
• Resize all columns
• Filter data
See Chapter 6, Table Behaviour for detailed procedures.
To open the options menu
1 Right-click on the header of the column you wish to manipulate.
The menu option displays as shown in Figure 1–8.

Figure 1–8. Columns behaviour options menu

Docking sub-views
Each sub-view is contained within a sub-window that can be moved around within the
Performance View.

The Navigator pane can also be docked on the left or right side of the workspace. For
further information see Docking Views/Panes on page 51.

12 Commercial in Confidence

To dock sub-views
1 Left-click on the header of the Sub-View.
2 While holding the left-click button the mouse, move the cursor away from the Sub-
View header.
Images of possible docking positions display on the view.
3 Move the cursor towards the required image until the pane changes colour to blue
and then release the mouse button.
The Sub-View is docked in the selected position.

Hiding Sub-Views from the Close button

The Close button can be used to hide each sub-view. The remaining sub-views
displayed are rearranged to occupy all the space available within the Performance View
as shown in Figure 1–9. For further information see To show and hide sub-views on page

Figure 1–9. View with the Busy Hour and Summary sub-views hidden

Resizing Sub-Views
Each sub-view can be resized depending on user preference. A user can resize each sub-
view by dragging on the border when the pointer becomes a double-headed arrow
(standard Windows behaviour).

Commercial in Confidence 13

To resize a Sub-View
1 Move the mouse to the border of the sub-view.
The cursor becomes a double arrow.
2 Left-click the mouse button.
A vertical line appears.
3 While holding the mouse button down, drag the line to increase/decrease the size
of the sub-view to the required dimension.
4 Release the mouse button.
The sub-view is resized to the dimension selected.

Generating a View
The information required to generate a request to retrieve the Performance View is:
• Template Title: the unique identifier for the Performance Template that is
used to generate the Performance View
• Objects: the list of Objects that the user is interested in. The Object Type for
all the selected Objects is the same, and always matches the supported
Object Type that is defined in the selected Template.
• Time configuration: if the user does not manually set the time configuration,
then this information is automatically obtained from the Performance
Template configuration. This value defines the start and end date for
retrieving performance views
• Interval: if the user does not manually set the interval configuration then this
information is automatically obtained from the Performance Template
configuration. This value defines the sampling rate for the Performance View.

14 Commercial in Confidence


This section provides a detailed description of the functions of the Templates task

Commercial in Confidence 15

The Templates task group allows a user to choose the template used to generate
views for a particular Performance View. Each template has a user-defined grouping
associated with it that allows the task group to combine templates together in logical

Figure 2–1. Template menu

In our example window above, three different template groupings have been
• Soft Switches
The template name displayed is derived from each Performance Template title
The text in the drop-down menu shows the title of the template that has currently
been applied to generate the contents of the Performance View which is in focus (in our
example shown in Figure 2–1 is TDM and Soft Switch - EWSD - SMA). Left-click on the
Template button to show a menu of available Performance Templates that have been
configured, and separated into different groups.
To show the template title
1 Hovering over a Performance Template displays a tool tip comprising the title and
the description of the template as shown in Figure 2–1.
To refresh the template list
1 Click the Template button to refresh the list of templates displayed in the menu.

Performance Templates
The contents and appearance of the Performance View and each of its sub-views are
controlled by the Performance Template. Each template contains all the information

16 Commercial in Confidence

necessary for Performance Manager to generate a set of Performance Views given the
template name, the Object, and the start and end times. The template contains the
visual configuration for the Performance Graphs, and the derivation logic for the
Performance View.
The View does not support multiple performance templates within the same View. That
is, the user cannot use more than one template in the same Performance View.
Before a view can be generated, users must select an Object from the Navigator. The
Performance View then determines which Performance Template it should apply based
on the Objects that were selected. By default, Performance Manager automatically
selects the best Performance Template to use based on the Object(s) selected and the
list of Templates configured.
The Auto Select Template option in the Templates task group instructs
Performance Manager to determine the best Performance Template to use. A User can
override this functionality by clicking on the drop-down list and choosing the Template
that they want to use. Overriding the Auto Select Template option means that
Performance Manager applies the user selected Performance Template to any Objects
selected in the Navigator.
Once Performance Manager has determined the best template to use, it then generates
the view based on the template.

Commercial in Confidence 17

18 Commercial in Confidence


This section provides a detailed description of the functions of the Settings task group.

Commercial in Confidence 19

The Settings task group allows a user to control the contents of the Performance
View. Using this task group, a user has the ability to Save, Load, and Delete User
Configurations; control the Objects that the View is reporting about; and control the
Measurements which are presented.

Figure 3–1. Settings task group

User Configuration
A User Configuration is a snapshot of the interface settings - it saves the Object(s)
selected, the time setting, the interval setting and the Navigation template for later use.
The User Configuration button displays a list of User Configurations previously
configured by the User.

Figure 3–2. User Configuration button

A User Configuration contains the following attributes:

Name Description

Template The Template that was used to generate the Performance View.
Represents the unique title for a Performance Template.

Title Unique name for the User Configuration. This is defined by the
user, and is a mandatory property

Description A description of the User Configuration

Table 3–1. User Configuration

20 Commercial in Confidence

Name Description

Time This is the default time configuration that will be applied when
Configuration generating Performance Views using this template. It defines the
time period over which Performance Manager will report data
when generating the View.
Users can override the default values by using the Time
Configuration task group. The value is always relative. It consists
of a numeric value indicating the amount of time, and a time unit
value which can be SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, or DAYS.

Table 3–1. User Configuration

A list of User Configurations is displayed in the User Configuration menu. The text
displayed for each User Configuration is the Configuration Name attribute.
To show the Configuration Name and Description
1 Hover the cursor over the name of a User Configuration listed in the menu.
A tool tip is displayed.

Figure 3–3. User Configuration tooltip

Loading User Configuration

To load a User Configuration
1 Click the User Configuration button.
The User Configuration menu displays.
2 Click the Load option.
A menu of User Configurations is displayed.
3 Use the slider control to locate the required User Configuration.
4 Left click on the required User Configuration.
The selected configuration loads, regenerating the contents of the current
Performance View.

Commercial in Confidence 21

Figure 3–4. Load User Configuration

Deleting User Configurations

From the User Configuration Delete button the user is able to either delete all User
Configurations or one or more User Configurations.

Figure 3–5. Deleting User Configuration

To delete User Configurations

1 Click the User Configuration button.
The User Configuration menu displays.
2 Click on the Delete button.
A menu of User Configurations is displayed.
3 Select the check box associated with the configuration to be deleted from the list
of User Configurations.
4 Click the Delete Selected Configurations button.
The Delete Selected User Configurations? message box is displayed asking to
confirm the user’s choice.
5 Click the Yes button to delete.
The User Configuration(s) that have been selected are deleted.
To delete all User Configurations
1 Click the User Configuration button.
The User Configuration menu displays.

22 Commercial in Confidence

2 Click on the Delete button.

A menu of User Configurations is displayed.
3 Select the Select All/None check box at the top of the menu.
All the check boxes on the menu are selected.
4 Click the Delete Selected Configurations button.
The Delete Selected User Configurations? message box is displayed asking to
confirm the user’s choice.
5 Click the Yes button to delete.
All User Configurations are deleted.

When a User Configuration that is currently in use has been deleted, that User
Configuration continues to exist in the memory until the user loads a different User
Configuration, or changes the Performance Template (either manually or automatically
by interacting with the Navigator / View).

Saving the User Configuration

To save the current Performance View being displayed for future use
1 Click the User Configuration button.
The User Configuration menu displays.
2 Click the Save button.
The Save Configuration sub-menu displays.
3 Enter the required fields (see Table 3–1 on page 20).
Performance Manager generates a User Configuration using the information
provided in this dialog. The Title field represents the Configuration Name. The
rest of the attributes required by the User Configuration are obtained from the
current context of the Performance View. The Title field is a mandatory attribute.
4 Click the Apply button to save.

If the user does not define a Title, Performance Manager refuses to save the User
Configuration. If the user defines an existing Title, the current user configuration is

Commercial in Confidence 23

Figure 3–6. Save Configurations

A User Configuration does not save the current state of the sub-views. It only saves
enough information to regenerate the current Performance View

The Objects button allows a user to control which Objects to generate performance
reports for.

Figure 3–7. Objects button

Click the Objects button to open the Objects menu.

24 Commercial in Confidence

The Objects menu lists all the Objects which are currently selected in the
Performance View. This list originates from:
• The user selecting a number of objects from the Navigator by holding the
Ctrl key + clicking on the Object Type search results.
• The user opening a User Configuration.

Figure 3–8. Objects menu

The user can select or clear Objects to include in the final Performance Report by
selecting or clearing the check box associated with each Object.
To select Objects to display in the View

Option 1: Select all Objects

1 Click the Objects button.
The Objects menu displays.
2 Select the Objects check box at the top of the menu to select all the Objects
3 Click the Apply button.
All the results selected are used to generate the View.
Option 2: Select some Objects
1 Click the Objects button.
The Objects menu displays.
2 Select the check box next to the Name of each result required.
3 Click the Apply button.
Only those selected results are used to generate the View.

New Performance reports are only generated when the user clicks the Apply button.

Any changes to the list of selected Objects are immediately reflected in the list of
results displayed.

Commercial in Confidence 25

The Measures button allows a user to control which measurements to generate
performance reports for.

Figure 3–9. Measures button

Click the Measures button to open the Measures menu.

The Measures menu lists all the measurements which exist in the active Performance
When the active Performance Template is first loaded, Performance Manager adds all
the measurement definitions within the template into this list. The measurement display
text is derived from the Name attribute of the measurement definition for each
measurement (which has been defined in the template).
Actions taken to enable or disable a measurement in the list takes effect immediately
after the Apply button is clicked, without having to refresh the Performance Report.

Figure 3–10. Measures menu

26 Commercial in Confidence

Users can choose to hide or show the measurements within the template by selecting
or clearing the corresponding check boxes.
To select measures to display in the View

Option 1: Select all results

1 Click the Measures button.
The Measures menu displays.
2 Select the Measures check box at the top of the menu to select all the measures
3 Click the Apply button.
All the measurements for the template are displayed in the View.
Option 2: Select some results
1 Click the Measures button.
The Measures menu displays.
2 Select the check box next to the name of each measurement required.
3 Click the Apply button.
Only the selected measurements for the template are displayed in the View.

The changes are only applied once the user clicks the Apply button is clicked.

If no measurements are selected, the Apply button is disabled.

Automatically Update
By default, Automatically Update button is selected, meaning that any interaction the
user makes with either the Navigator, Templates Task Group or Time Configuration
Task Group causes the Performance View to automatically regenerate.

If the user clicks automatically update when no equipment objects are selected the
view becomes empty.

Figure 3–11. Automatically Update menu

Commercial in Confidence 27

For example, if a user Ctrl key + left-clicks ten Objects from the Navigator, the View
generates ten Performance Reports, and only the last Performance Report will
represent what the user was truly interested in. This behavior wastes a lot of System
resources generating intermediate reports which are just discarded.
This functionality can be disabled by clicking the Manually Update button. See
Manually Update on page 28 for more information.

Manually Update

Figure 3–12. Manually Update button

To manually generate a view

1 Click the Manually Update button.
2 Click the Generate button for the View to be updated with the currently selected
objects in the Navigator.
This allows users to select all the Objects they are interested in before generating a
Performance View to generate this information. This means that Performance
Manager does not generate unnecessary intermediate Performance Views.

Figure 3–13. Generate button

28 Commercial in Confidence

Time Configuration

This section provides a detailed description of the functions of the Time Configuration
task group.

Commercial in Confidence 29
Time Configuration

Time Configuration
The Time Configuration task group allows a user to control all time related
information to be applied to the active Performance View. From this task group, a user
can configure the start and end time and date as well as the sampling period for the
Performance Views. The From and To time format always reflects the locale settings
of the user’s machine.

Figure 4–1. Time Configuration task group

The user can configure the sampling period for the Performance Views by setting the
Interval drop-down list. The sampling period also controls the frequency at which the
Performance Reports are automatically refreshed if the user selects the Auto Refresh
check box.

Figure 4–2. Time Configuration menu

The user can choose to configure the time as either a relative time compared to the
current System time, or as an absolute value between two points in time.
To configure a relative time
1 Click on the Last # DAYS drop-down button.
The Time Configuration menu displays (as shown in Figure 4–2).
2 Select the Relative radio button.
3 Select a number value from the drop-down list.
4 Select the time interval from the drop-down list.
5 Click the Apply button.

30 Commercial in Confidence
Time Configuration

To configure an absolute time

1 Click on the Last # DAYS drop-down button.
The Time Configuration menu displays (as shown in Figure 4–2).
2 Select the Absolute radio button.
3 Select a From date either from the calendar (displayed by clicking on the drop-
down arrow as shown in Figure 4–3) or by entering the required date,
4 Select a To date either from the calendar (displayed by clicking on the drop-down
arrow) or by entering the required date,
5 Click the Apply button.
The View is re-generated the new time configurations applied.

Figure 4–3. Calendar for selecting an Absolute time value

When defining the absolute time, the From time should always be less than the To

Commercial in Confidence 31
Time Configuration

32 Commercial in Confidence

View Configuration

This section provides a detailed description of the functions of the View Configuration
task group.

Commercial in Confidence 33
View Configuration

View Configuration
The View Configuration task group is used to control the individual sub-views within
the Performance View. The name of each button corresponds to the name of the sub-
view that it is responsible for.

The View Configuration task group comprises of the following buttons:

• Save the content of the different Views
• Show/Hide sub-views
• At A Glance
• View Summary
• View Report
• Busy Hour
• View Events
Some of these buttons allow a user to configure the Objects or Measurements which
appear in each of the sub-views.
The list of Objects displayed in the drop-down menu is always the same as the object
types appearing in the Objects button list (see Objects on page 24).
The list of measurements displayed in the drop-down menu is always the same as the
measurements appearing in the Measures button (see Measures on page 26).
The Objects and Measures buttons allow a user to configure all the Objects and all
the Measurements that appear in all the sub-views. The buttons within the View
Configuration task group only allows the user to control the measurements and
objects related to the sub-view that it is responsible for. Changing the measurements or
objects being reported on in one sub-view does not affect the other sub-views in the
Performance View.

Save the content of the different Views

From the Save the content of the different Views button, a user has the ability to
do the following:
• Save a report for All sub-views
• Save individual sub-views reports

34 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

Figure 5–1. Save the contents of the different Views button

Saving All Sub-Views

This option on the Save the contents of the different Views menu saves all the
information contained within each sub-view into a single document. This document can
be saved in Microsoft Excel, or HTML format.
To save all sub-views

Option 1: Save directly:

1 Click the Save the contents of the different Views button.
A Save dialog displays prompting the user for the location where the user wishes to
save the document, the type of document to save (Microsoft Excel, or HTML) and
the name of the file.
2 Enter the location, file name and select the type.
3 Click Save button to save the document at the specified location.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each sub-view.
Option 2: Save indirectly:
1 Click the Save the contents of the different Views menu (drop down arrow)
The Save the contents of the different Views menu displays.
2 Select the Save All button within the Views menu.
A Save dialog displays prompting the user for the location where the user wishes to
save the document, the type of document to save (Microsoft Excel, or HTML) and
the name of the file.
3 Enter the location, file name and select the type.
4 Click Save button to save the document at the specified location.
5 Repeat steps 2 - 4 for each sub-view.

Commercial in Confidence 35
View Configuration

Figure 5–2. Save All button

Saving an individual sub-view

Save the contents of each sub-view in a separate document by clicking on the associated
Save buttons. The document can be saved in Microsoft Excel, or HTML format.

The Save button is only enabled when the sub-view is shown. The user does not have
the option of clicking the Save button if the sub-view is hidden.

To save individual Sub-Views

1 Click the Save the contents of the different Views menu (drop down arrow)
The Save the contents of the different Views menu displays.
2 Select the required Save check boxes.
A Save dialog displays prompting the user for the location where the user wishes to
save the document, the type of document to save (Microsoft Excel, or HTML) and
the name of the file.
3 Enter the location, file name and select the type.
4 Click Save button to save the document at the specified location.

36 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

Figure 5–3. Example of a Report Sub-View saved in Microsoft Excel

Show/Hiding sub-view
The Show/Hide sub-views button allows the user to hide sub views shown in the
Performance Manager view.

Figure 5–4. Show/Hide sub view button

To show and hide sub-views

1 Click the Show/Hide sub-views button.
The Show/Hide sub-views menu displays.
2 Show or hide each sub-view by selecting or clearing the associated sub-view check
When a check box is selected that sub-view is displayed in the Performance View.
When cleared, the sub-view is hidden.

Commercial in Confidence 37
View Configuration

Figure 5–5. Show/Hide sub-views menu showing the Events sub-view hidden

The Show/Hide sub-views menu always reflects the current state of the sub-views.
For example, if a user has clicked the Close button of the sub-view to hide it, the next
time the user opens the Show/Hide sub-views menu, the check box next to that
hidden sub-view will be clear.

The previous configuration made in the sub-view remains in memory. Once the sub-
view is shown again, all configurations made prior to it being hidden are applied once
again to the sub-view. To show the sub-view using the Show/Hide sub-views button
enables the button corresponding to the sub-view.

The user can also hide a sub-view by clicking on its Close button (see Hiding Sub-Views
from the Close button on page 13).
The data in columns displayed in the sub-views can be manipulated - for further details
see Table Behaviour on page 64.

At A Glance
The At A Glance sub-view displays the latest measurements related to the selected
Objects, and gives a user a way to quickly identify any possible performance issues by
looking at the most recent performance data. By looking at each gauge or chart, a user
can compare how the selected objects are performing
If thresholds are configured for the displayed measurements, users can find out ‘at a
glance’ all threshold breaches for the latest retrieved measurements for each selected

38 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

If a user chooses to automatically refresh the Performance Report, then the At A

Glance sub-view shows the latest measurement from each selected Object in near

Figure 5–6. Gauges show in the At a Glance sub-view

The At A Glance sub-view displays the last value that was obtained for each
measurement, grouped together by the selected Objects. It is a conceptual gauge you
would see related to the last recorded performance measurement of each selected
Object based on the chosen time range.
When a threshold is configured for a particular measurement, then Performance
Manager shows a coloured bar for each threshold severity as shown in Figure 5–6.
The sub-view can be logically separated into rows and columns. Each row represents
the Object that is being measured. Each column represents the measurements collected
against each of the Objects. Each row contains the same measurements appearing in the
same column; thereby allowing a user to quickly compare measurements between
different object types.

Commercial in Confidence 39
View Configuration

Figure 5–7. Report sub-view displaying gauge layout

Users can configure the measurements that are displayed in the sub-view by using the
At A Glance button in the View Configuration task group. From this button, a user
can choose from the menu as many measurements as they wish to be generated as

Figure 5–8. At A Glance menu

40 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

Performance Manager generates all the gauges/charts on the same row and display a
horizontal scroll bar if necessary. By doing this, the user can visually compare the same
measurements across different Objects (since they are in the same vertical column).
The list of measurements appearing in the At A Glance button is obtained from the
current Performance Template chosen for the Performance View.
Changing the measurements using the At A Glance button changes all measurements
currently being displayed by the sub-view for all selected Objects.

It is not possible for a user to choose the measurements to be displayed for each
individual Object.

To select/deselect Measures to display in the At A Glance sub-view

Option 1: Selecting All Measures

1 Click the At A Glance button.
The At A Glance menu displays.
2 Select all of the measurements by selecting the Measures check box.
Checking the Measures box selects all measurements in the list, and clearing the
Measures check box removes all the selections.
Option 2: Selecting individual measures
1 Click the At A Glance button.
The At A Glance menu displays.
2 Select the required measures by selecting the check box.
Clearing the Measures check box removes the selections.
Interaction with the At A Glance button immediately updates the At A Glance sub-
view. For example, if we were to clear the ErrdSec measurement shown in Figure 5–8,
that measurement immediately disappears from our sub-view for all the object types.
To display a Gauge display (default)
1 Click the At A Glance button.
The At A Glance menu displays.
2 Select the Gauge radio button.
The sub-view displays as Gauge.
To display a Radar Chart
1 Click the At A Glance button.
The At A Glance menu displays.

Commercial in Confidence 41
View Configuration

2 Select the Radar Chart radio button.

The sub-view displays as Radar Chart.

Figure 5–9. Radar Chart display in the At-A-Glance sub-view

The Summary sub-view allows a user to view statistical information related to all the
collected Performance Data for the selected time period and selected Objects.

Figure 5–10. Summary sub-view

The sub-view also presents users with a forecast of future values for each quarter over
the coming year based on the data which was retrieved for the configured time period.
The Summary information can be used to find out whether each selected Object is
running without issues (by looking at the statistical information such as Maximum
Minimum and Average) as well as view the forecasted values to determine whether or
not there is cause for concern given current measurement trends.

42 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

The Summary sub-view displays a table per selected Object. Each measurement
within the Performance Report is expected to contain all the Summary Information. For
each Object, the Sub-View iterates through each measurement and display the
Summary information for that measurement.

Figure 5–11. Summary menu

Use the Summary button to control the measurements and Objects which are
displayed within the Summary sub-view. Selecting or clearing the measurements and
Objects within the menu immediately shows or hides the measurements and objects
that are being generated in the sub-view report.
To select Measures to display in the Summary sub-view

Option 1: Select all Measures

1 Click the Summary button.
The Summary menu displays.
2 Select the check box next to Measures in the Summary menu.
3 Click the Apply button.
The sub-view is filtered to show all measures.
Option 2: Select some Measures
1 Click the Summary button.
The Summary menu displays.
2 Select the check box for the required measure(s).
3 Click the Apply button.
The sub-view is filtered to show only those measures that match those selected in
the menu.
To select Objects for the Summary sub-view

Option 1: Select all Objects

1 Click the Summary button.
The Summary menu displays.
2 Select the check box next to Objects in the Summary menu.

Commercial in Confidence 43
View Configuration

3 Click the Apply button.

The sub-view is filtered to show all objects.
Option 2: Select some Objects
1 Click the Summary button.
The Summary menu displays.
2 Select the check box for the required object(s).
3 Click the Apply button.
The sub-view is filtered to show only those objects that match those selected in
the menu.

Show Forecasts
The User can also enable or disable forecasts by selecting or clearing the Show
Forecasts check box.
If the Forecast check box within the Summary button is enabled, then the sub-view
generates the forecast columns in the sub-view.

By default forecasts are not displayed.

To show Forecasts
1 Click the Summary button.
The Summary menu displays.
2 Select the Show Forecasts check box.
The results forecast for the next four quarters are displayed in the report.

Figure 5–12. Summary sub-view displaying forecasted results

To hide Forecasts
1 Click the Summary button.
The Summary menu displays.
2 Clear the Show Forecasts check box to disable forecasts.
The results forecast for the next four quarters are removed in the report.

44 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

The Report sub-view allows users to view all the performance data that was returned
by the Performance Views in a graphical or tabular report. Users can switch between a
chart or report format using the Report button (see To select a Chart display (default)
on page 46 and To select a Report display on page 47).

Figure 5–13. Chart display for the Report sub-view

The look of the Chart or Report depends on the Report Type that was chosen for the
template as well as the number of Object Types a user has selected.
For Charts, a new graph is generated for each Performance Report retrieved. The
colours for each measurement are configured in the Performance Template. In the case
where the colours are not configured (for example when generating a MEASUREMENT
Report Type) then Performance Manager automatically chooses the colours for each
Each graph is configured with a Y axis by default. If there are measurements defined in
the template that associate the measurement to the Y1 axis, then Performance Manager
creates an Y1 axis on each Chart. The display text for Y, Y1, and X Axis are configured
in the Performance Template. The title for each graph is the Performance Template
title. Appended to this is the focus of the Performance Report (measurement, object,
or time that was configured in the request; depends on the report type).
The user can control many aspects of the Performance Graph, and some part of the
tabular report as well by using the Report button and its associated menu options.

Commercial in Confidence 45
View Configuration

Figure 5–14. Report Menu

The Measurements that appear in the chart and report can be shown or hidden by
selecting or clearing the associated check box.
To select Measures for the Report sub-view

Option 1: Select all Measures

1 Click the Report button.
The Report menu displays.
2 Select the check box next to Measures in the Report menu.
3 Click the Apply button.
The sub-view is filtered to show all measures.
Option 2: Select some Measures
1 Click the Report button.
The Report menu displays.
2 Select the check box for the required measure(s).
3 Click the Apply button.
The sub-view is filtered to show only those measures that match those selected in
the menu.
To select a Chart display (default)
1 Click the Report button.
The Report menu displays.
2 Select the Chart radio button.
A Chart is displayed in the sub-view and the supplementary Show and Scale options
on the Report menu are enabled.

46 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

To select a Report display

1 Click the Report button.
The Report menu displays.
2 Select the Report radio button.
A Report is displayed in the sub-view and the supplementary Show and Scale
options on the Report menu are disabled.

Figure 5–15. Report display option selected with supplementary options disabled

For Reports, a table is generated for each Performance Report retrieved by

Performance Manager. The title displayed for the tabular report is configured as the
Performance Template title. The user can sort each table by the different available fields
for that report.

Commercial in Confidence 47
View Configuration

Figure 5–16. Report format for the Report sub-view

To show Grid lines

1 Click the Report button.
The Report menu displays.
2 Select the Chart radio button.
A Chart is displayed in the sub-view and the supplementary Show and Scale options
on the Report menu are enabled.
3 Select the Show Grid Lines check box.
Grid lines are displayed on the chart in the Report sub-view.

48 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

Figure 5–17. Report sub-view displaying Grid lines

To show a Legend
1 Click the Report button.
The Report menu displays.
2 Select the Chart radio button.
A Chart is displayed in the sub-view and the supplementary Show and Scale options
on the Report menu are enabled.
3 Select the Show Legend check box.
A legend is displayed on the chart in the Report sub-view.
4 Select from the arrows to change the position where the format legend is

Commercial in Confidence 49
View Configuration

Figure 5–18. Report sub-view displaying legend

To show Trends
1 Click the Report button.
The Report menu displays.
2 Select the Chart radio button.
A Chart is displayed in the sub-view and the supplementary Show and Scale options
on the Report menu are enabled.
3 Select the Show Trends check box.
The trends are displayed on the chart in the Report sub-view.

50 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

Figure 5–19. Report sub-view displaying trends

To show Thresholds
1 Click the Report button.
The Report menu displays.
2 Select the Chart radio button.
A Chart is displayed in the sub-view and the supplementary Show and Scale options
on the Report menu are enabled.
3 Select the Show Thresholds check box.
The thresholds are displayed on the chart in the Report sub-view.

Commercial in Confidence 51
View Configuration

Figure 5–20. Report sub-view displaying thresholds

To Auto Scale the Y Axis

1 Click the Report button.
The Report menu displays.
2 Select the Chart radio button.
A Chart is displayed in the sub-view and the supplementary Show and Scale options
on the Report menu are enabled.
3 Select the Auto Scale Y Axis check box.
The Y and Y1 axis are automatically rescaled to display the entire range of values
on the chart in the Report sub-view.

Figure 5–21. Report sub-view displaying automatically scaled Y Axis

To manually scale the Y Axis

1 Click the Report button.
The Report menu displays.
2 Select the Chart radio button.
A Chart is displayed in the sub-view and the supplementary Show and Scale options
on the Report menu are enabled.
3 Select the Manual Scale Y Axis check box.
4 Enter a value range to display on the Y Axis.
5 Enter a value range to display on the Y1 Axis.
6 Click the Apply button.
The chart regenerates displaying the specified range. For example 30 to 85.

52 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

Figure 5–22. Report sub-view displaying manually scaled Y Axis

The chart allows the user to zoom in on any arbitrary area on the graph, and then
zoom back out to the original view and as well as easily pan the chart to view other
locations of the graph.
To zoom in of the chart
1 Move the cursor to inside the area of the chart.
2 Select the start of an area that you wish to examine in detail and left-click and hold
the mouse button down.
Two red lines - one horizontal and the other vertical intersect at that point as
shown in Figure 5–23.
3 Hold the mouse button down and move the cursor to capture the area your
This area is highlighted by a shadow as shown in Figure 5–24.
4 Release the mouse key.
The chart resizes to display only the area selected as shown in Figure 5–25 with

Commercial in Confidence 53
View Configuration

slider controls on the X and Y axis (refer To pan the chart on page 55 for more

Figure 5–23. Selecting a starting point to examine in detail

Figure 5–24. Shaded area to examine in detail

54 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

Figure 5–25. The shaded area displays in detail.

To pan the chart

Use the slider controls to pan around the chart.

• Left-click on the X axis slider and drag to move to the left or right.
• Left-click on any point on the X axis outside the slider - the slider moves to
that point.
• Left -click on the buttons shown in Figure 5–26 to move either the far left or
• Left-click on the Y axis slider and drag to move up or down.
• Left-click on any point on the Y axis outside the slider - the slider moves to
that point.
• Left -click on the buttons shown in Figure 5–26 to move to either the top or

Commercial in Confidence 55
View Configuration

Figure 5–26. Slider control

To zoom out to the original display size

1 Left-click on the Left button on the X axis to return the X axis to its original size.
2 Left-click on the Upper button on the Y axis to return the Y axis to its original size
as shown in Figure 5–27.

Figure 5–27. Button to restore zoomed area of chart to normal detail

Busy Hour
The Busy Hour report allows users to find out at what time in the day the selected
Object was the busiest. Typically a user is interested only in monitoring the busy hour

56 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

values for a few measurements (for example, calls carried, bandwidth utilisation, etc.). If
the Performance Report spans over many days, then the Busy Hour for each day is
displayed in the report for each measurement that has been configured to capture the
busy hour information.

Figure 5–28. Busy Hour sub-view

The Busy Hour report shows a busy hour table for each Object.

Commercial in Confidence 57
View Configuration

The Busy Hour menu allows a user to show and hide the Objects and measurements
which are being displayed in the Busy Hour Report.

Figure 5–29. Busy Hour menu

To select Measures for the Busy Hour sub-view

Option 1: Select all Measures

1 Click the Busy Hour button.
The Busy Hour menu displays.
2 Select the check box next to Measures in the Busy Hour menu.
3 Click the Apply button.
The sub-view is filtered to show all measures.
Option 2: Select some Measures
1 Click the Busy Hour button.
The Busy Hour menu displays.
2 Select the check box for the required measure(s).
3 Click the Apply button.
The sub-view is filtered to show only those measures that match those selected in
the menu.

58 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

To select Objects for the Busy Hour sub-view

Option 1: Select all Objects

1 Click the Busy Hour button.
The Busy Hour menu displays.
2 Select the check box next to Objects in the Busy Hour menu.
3 Click the Apply button.
The sub-view is filtered to show all objects.
Option 2: Select some Objects
1 Click the Busy Hour button.
The Busy Hour menu displays.
2 Select the check box for the required object(s).
3 Click the Apply button.
The sub-view is filtered to show only those objects that match those selected in
the menu.

The Events view displays all threshold breaches for all selected Objects over the time
period nominated in the Time Configuration task group (see Time Configuration on
page 30). It is used to quickly identify problems that have occurred for different object
Performance Manager obtains all the Performance Threshold breaches for the selected
Objects for the selected start and end time. It also applies the severity filters configured
by the user within the Events menu. The resulting list of threshold breaches is
displayed in the Events sub-view as a tabular report.

Figure 5–30. Events sub-view

Commercial in Confidence 59
View Configuration

The user has the option of sorting the fields by clicking on the field names. The severity
colour mapping is defined within the Performance Template used to generate this
Performance View. In the case where the Events sub-view is not generated in the
Performance View, then Performance Manager sets the default colours for each
severity based on the following:

A threshold severity always matches one of these severities.

The Events button is used to configure the threshold severities that are visible in the
Events sub-view.

Figure 5–31. Events menu

To select Severity Levels

Option 1: Select all severity levels

1 Click the Events button.
The Events menu displays.
2 Select the check box next to the Severity menu.
3 Click the Apply button.
The sub-view is filtered to show all threshold breaches that match the selected
Severity values.
Option 2: Select some severity levels

60 Commercial in Confidence
View Configuration

1 Click the Events button.

The Events menu displays.
2 Select the check box for the required severity level(s).
3 Click the Apply button.
The sub-view is filtered to show only those threshold breaches that match the
selected Severity values.

By default, all severity values are returned.

Commercial in Confidence 61
View Configuration

62 Commercial in Confidence

Table Behaviour

This section provides a detailed description of the table behaviour of the Performance
Manager sub-views.

Commercial in Confidence 63
Table Behaviour

Table Behaviour

Options menu
The behavior of the columns shown in the various Performance Manager sub-views can
be changed by the options menu.
The options menu allows the user to:
• Expand data
• Collapse data
• Sort columns in Ascending order
• Sort columns in Descending order
• Clear Sorting
• Group by a column
• Hide the grouping
• Remove a column
• Resize a single column
• Resize all columns
• Filter data
These options are explained in detail in the following sections.
To open the options menu
1 Right-click on the header of the column you wish to manipulate.
The menu option displays as shown in Figure 6–1.

Figure 6–1. Sub-view Option Menu

64 Commercial in Confidence
Table Behaviour

Users are allowed to sort the records against an unlimited number of fields in ascending
or descending order.
To sort by column for a sub-view in ascending order

Option 1: From the option menu

1 Right-click on the column header you wish to sort.
The menu option displays (see Figure 6–1 on page 64).
2 Click the Sort Ascending option.
An arrow pointing up displays above the highlighted column title and the rows are
sorted in ascending order as shown in Figure 6–2.
Option 2: From the column header
1 Left-click on the column header you wish to sort by. That is, if the column is
unsorted, left-clicking sorts it in an ascending order.
An arrow pointing up displays above the highlighted column title and the rows are
sorted in ascending order as shown in Figure 6–2.

Figure 6–2. sub-view sorted in ascending order

To sort by column for a sub-view in descending order

Option 1: From the option menu

1 Right-click on the column header you wish to sort.
The menu option displays (see Figure 6–1 on page 64).
2 Click the Sort Descending option.
An arrow pointing up displays above the highlighted column title and the rows are
sorted in descending order as shown in Figure 6–3.
Option 2: From the column header
1 Left-click on the column header you wish to sort by. That is, if the column is
unsorted, left-clicking sorts it in a descending order.
An arrow pointing up displays above the highlighted column title and the rows are
sorted in descending order as shown in Figure 6–3.

Commercial in Confidence 65
Table Behaviour

Figure 6–3. Sub-view sorted in descending order

To unsort by column for a sub-view

1 Right-click on the column header you wish to unsort.
The menu option displays (see Figure 6–1 on page 64).
2 Click the Clear Sorting option.
The arrow above the highlighted column header disappears and the rows are
displayed back in their original order as shown in Figure 6–4.

Figure 6–4. Sub-view unsorted

Users are allowed to group data against an unlimited number of columns. Each grouped
column can be sorted either in ascending or descending order.
To create a grouping by a column

Option 1: From option menu

1 Right-click on the column header you wish to group.
The menu option displays (see Figure 6–1 on page 64).

66 Commercial in Confidence
Table Behaviour

2 Click the Group By This Column option.

The column title is then displayed in the header (see Figure 6–6).
3 Additional columns can be grouped by repeating the step (see Figure 6–7).
Option 2: From the column header
1 Left-click on the header of the column you wish to group and holding down the
mouse and move it up to the table header that is labelled “Drag a column header
here to group by that column” (see Figure 6–5).
2 Release the mouse button when it is in position (see Figure 6–6).
The column title is then displayed in the header.
3 Additional columns can be grouped by repeating the steps above (see Figure 6–7).
The example shown below illustrates how are the records are grouped using the
Object and Measurement columns.

Figure 6–5. Selecting a column to group

Figure 6–6. Object column grouped in the Summary sub-view

Commercial in Confidence 67
Table Behaviour

Figure 6–7. Grouping the Measurement column in the Summary sub-view

To ungroup columns

Option 1: From option menu

1 Right-click on the column title in the header that is to be ungrouped.
The menu option displays (see Figure 6–1 on page 64).
2 Click the UnGroup option.
The column title is removed from the grouping box indicating that it is no longer
grouped and returned to the header line.
3 Additional columns can be ungrouped by repeating the steps above.
Option 2: From the column header
1 Left-click on the column title in the header that is to be ungrouped and remove it
from the header (see Figure 6–8).
2 Release the mouse button when it is in position.
The column title is removed from the grouping box indicating that it is no longer
grouped and returned to the header line.

Figure 6–8. Ungrouping a column in a sub-view

Ungrouping the column that is at the highest level does not ungroup other columns.
Only the column that is moved is ungrouped. That is, in the example shown ungrouping
the Object column does not ungroup the Measurement column.

68 Commercial in Confidence
Table Behaviour

To hide the grouping

1 When the columns have been group, right-click on any of the grouped headers
The menu option displays (see Figure 6–9).
2 Click the Group by Box option.
The grouping box is hidden as shown in Figure 6–10.

Figure 6–9. Options menu

Figure 6–10. Grouping box is hidden

To show the grouping

1 Right-click on any of the column headers that are visible.
The menu option displays (see Figure 6–1 on page 64).
2 Click on the Group by Box option.
The grouping box is again displayed (see Figure 6–11).

Commercial in Confidence 69
Table Behaviour

Figure 6–11. Grouping displayed

To expand data

Option 1: From the option menu

1 Right-click on the grouped column header you wish to expand.
The menu option displays (see Figure 6–1 on page 64).
2 Click the Full Expand option.
The column expands to show all the data as shown in Figure 6–12.
Option 2: From the column
1 Left-click on the [+] icon on the records you wish to expand.

Figure 6–12. Expanded data

To collapse the data

Option 1: From the option menu

70 Commercial in Confidence
Table Behaviour

1 Right-click on the grouped column header you wish to collapse.

The menu option displays (see Figure 6–1 on page 64).
2 Click the Full Collapse option.
The column collapses to hide all the data as shown in Figure 6–13.
Option 2: From the column
1 Left-click on the [-] icon on the records you wish to collapse.

Figure 6–13. Collapsed data

Remove a Column
If a column is not required, it can be removed from the data shown.
To remove a column
1 Right-click on the grouped column header you wish to remove.
The menu option displays as shown in Figure 6–14.
2 Click the Remove Column option.
The column selected is removed as shown in Figure 6–15.

Commercial in Confidence 71
Table Behaviour

Figure 6–14. Remove this column option

Figure 6–15. Avg column has been removed

Choose a Column
The Choose a Column option allows the user to customize the column order or
select what columns they wish to display.
To choose a column
1 Right-click on any column header.
The menu option displays (see Figure 6–1 on page 64).
2 Click the Column Chooser option.
The Customization window displays outside the GUI (see Figure 6–16).
3 Drag and drop the selected columns to the Customization window to customize
the layout of the sub-view as show in Figure 6–17.

72 Commercial in Confidence
Table Behaviour

Figure 6–16. Customization window

Figure 6–17. Customized columns

Data Filtering
Records in a sub-view can also be filtered using any of the columns provided using the
filter drop-down lists. These lists mimic the filtering user interface implemented in
Microsoft Excel. Like spreadsheets, Grid Views can display filter buttons within column
headers. These buttons provide access to filter drop-down lists that contain unique
values from corresponding columns. Select the desired value and the View displays only
those records that match the specified value.

Commercial in Confidence 73
Table Behaviour

Figure 6–18. Filtering a column in a sub-view

Users can also do a filter even when the columns are used as a Group Header.
Filter Editor
The Filter Editor provides users a more advanced filter option. The Filter Editor
window can be opened through the columns right click menu.

Figure 6–19. Filter Editor

The Filter Editor window allows users to build their own custom filters using
combinations of multiple fields and various conditions.
To create a new filter criteria

For example - filtering against the Entity Type.

1 Right-click the Entity Type header.
A drop list of options displays.
2 Select the Filter Editor option from the list.
The Filter Editor window opens (see Figure 6–19).
3 Right-click on the condition (And).
A drop down list of conditions displays (see Figure 6–20).
4 Select the required condition (e.g. Not Or).

74 Commercial in Confidence
Table Behaviour

5 Right-click on the column name.

A drop down list of available columns displays (see Figure 6–21).
6 Select the required column from which to filter (e.g. Entity Type).
7 Right-click on the Begins With comparison operator.
A drop down list of conditions displays (see Figure 6–22).
8 Select the required condition (e.g. < Is less than).
9 Enter a value.
10 Repeat above steps for additional filter criteria as required.
11 Click the Apply button.

Figure 6–20. Filter Editor conditions

Figure 6–21. List of available columns

Commercial in Confidence 75
Table Behaviour

Figure 6–22. List of comparison operators

Filter Panel
The Filter Panel is displayed at a sub-views bottom-most edge.

Figure 6–23. Filter Panel

This is a multi-functional panel that offers users the following benefits:

• It displays the currently applied filter condition.
• It allows users to clear the currently applied filter condition by clicking the
Close button on the panel.
• It enables users to temporarily disable the currently applied filter by using the
built-in check box.
• It provides a most recently used filter condition list. This is especially useful if
users need to switch between two or three filter conditions all the time. In
such instances, they will not have to construct their conditions again and
again - simply choose a previously specified filter criteria from the list.
• It allows users to invoke the Filter Editor window described in the previous

76 Commercial in Confidence
Table Behaviour

Resizing Columns
If the text in a column is too wide for the size of the column, it is truncated.

To resize column widths

1 Place the mouse pointer on the line between the columns in the column header.
The pointer changes to a double-headed arrow.
2 Click with the left mouse button and drag the double-headed arrow to the right to
widen the column or to the left to make it narrower (see Figure 6–24).
3 Follow these same steps to change the width of other columns.

Figure 6–24. Resizing columns in a sub-view

To resize a column width to automatically be resized to fit the widest entry

Option 1: From the option menu

1 Right-click on the column header you wish to resize.
The menu option displays (see Figure 6–1 on page 64).
2 Click the Best Fit option.
The column will automatically resize to match the longest entry in that column.
3 Alternatively click on the Best Fit (all columns) option.
All columns automatically resize to match the longest entry in each column (see
Figure 6–25).
Option 2: From the column header

Commercial in Confidence 77
Table Behaviour

1 Place the mouse pointer on the line between the columns in the column header.
The pointer changes to a double-headed arrow.
2 Double-click with the left mouse button.
The column automatically resizes to match the longest entry in that column.
3 Follow these same steps to change the width of other columns.

Figure 6–25. Best Fit (all columns)

Rearranging Column Order

The order of how the columns are displayed in sub-view can also be rearranged.
To rearrange column order:
1 Left-click on the header of the column you wish to rearrange and holding down the
mouse move it towards the column where it is to be repositioned.
The cursor changes to a block icon indicating an area outside the permitted
parameters until it is moved to over a column header where it is allowed to be
2 Release the mouse button when the column header is repositioned over the new
The column order is rearranged as shown in Figure 6–26.

Figure 6–26. Moving columns in a sub-view

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Table Behaviour

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Table Behaviour

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About Clarity

Clarity is the telecommunication industry's Operational Support System (OSS) business process
automation company - providing a pre-integrated product and database that streamlines the 17
eTOM elements of OSS into a single suite. This also allows Clarity to provide executive visibility
of the network's impact on revenue and customer experience across both service fulfillment and

Having simplified the management of both legacy and next-generation network environments,
Clarity OSS is network and services neutral, driven by templates that are rapidly configurable to
allow operators to cut time to market for any new service by two-thirds. Today Clarity simplifies
network support for over 90 million subscribers worldwide.

Established in 1993, Clarity's global headquarter is in Sydney, Australia, with offices in Asia, the
Middle East, Europe and North America.

For more information, please visit us at



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FAX: +61 2 9955 9999

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