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Progress in Nuclear Energy 52 (2010) 837e849

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Progress in Nuclear Energy

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Development of integrated dose assessment program for accident analysis of LILW

managed in temporary storage facility
Min Ho Ahn a, *, Kun Jai Lee a, b, Seung Young Jeong b
Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 335 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, 34 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-338, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study a program, INDACþþ, was developed to conduct accident analysis on low and intermediate
Received 5 February 2010 level waste (LILW) managed in a temporary storage facility (TSF). In order to conduct this work, a variety
Received in revised form of parameters were considered such as risk factor, radionuclide inventory, atmospheric dispersion factor
25 June 2010
(c/Q), dose conversion factor, and so on. The main risk factors leading to arbitrary accidents were
Accepted 25 June 2010
developed by the master logic diagram (MLD) method based on a fault tree analysis (FTA). The dose to
curie (DTC) method was used to calculate the radionuclide inventory. Then, the release rates with respect
to the type of wastes and radionuclides were considered in order to evaluate the amount of radionuclides
Master logic diagram
released by the risk factors. Furthermore, the atmospheric dispersion factor (c/Q) was calculated by the
Radionuclide inventory PAVAN code based on various models and assumptions suggested in the U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.145.
Atmospheric dispersion factor The dose assessments for arbitrary accidents originating in the TSF for LILW management are conducted
Dose assessment by considering the external exposure dose by radioactive plume and the internal exposure dose by
Temporary storage facility breathing. Synthesizing many parameters, the INDACþþ, which is an integrated dose assessment code
LILW package for normal reaction operation and for accident analysis of LILW managed in the TSF, was
developed using Visual C# in Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003. Furthermore, the INDACþþ can calculate
the radiological risk with regard to the main risk factors for workers and the public.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the integrated dose assessment code package for KINS, has
already been developed and is currently used by the regulator
Nuclear facilities can release radionuclides to the atmosphere (KINS, 2000). However, this code cannot cover arbitrary acci-
under routine operating conditions and through unintentional dents related to low and intermediate level waste (LILW)
events. As a result, people who live and work around nuclear management in temporary storage facilities (TSF). In Korea,
facilities could be exposed to radiation from a number of especially, the period of temporary storage of LILW has been
pathways: external exposure because of direct radiation from relatively longer than that of other countries. Therefore, there
radionuclides in the plume or deposited on the ground and could be risk with respect to a variety of arbitrary accidents
internal exposure because of inhalation of radionuclides in the originating in the TSF at each reactor site (Ahn et al., 2010).
air or ingestion of foods or other materials (e.g., soil) that have The main objective of this study is to develop an integrated dose
been contaminated by radioactive materials (Till and Grogan, assessment program for routine operating condition and for acci-
2008). Therefore, the Nuclear Emergency Response Plan (NERP) dent analysis of LILW managed in the TSF. In order to conduct this
is responsible for the protection of workers and the public in the work, a variety of parameters were considered such as risk factor,
vicinity of nuclear power plants (NPPs) (Cheng et al., 2008). In radionuclide inventory, atmospheric dispersion factor (c/Q), dose
order to know exposure dose resulting from release of radio- conversion factor, and so on. The main risk factors leading to
active materials under normal reactor operation, INDAC, which is arbitrary accidents were developed by the master logic diagram
(MLD) method based on a fault tree analysis (FTA). Fire and the
dropping of drums were considered as the main risk factors in this
study. Then, the release rates with respect to the type of wastes and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ82 42 350 3858; fax: þ82 42 350 3810. radionuclides were considered to evaluate the amount of radio-
E-mail address: daniel-holy@kaist.ac.kr (M.H. Ahn). nuclides released by the risk factors. Furthermore, the atmospheric

0149-1970/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
838 M.H. Ahn et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 52 (2010) 837e849

Fig. 1. Failure when moving radioactive waste drums to the transfer system.

dispersion factor (c/Q) was calculated by the PAVAN code based on 2. Consideration of the parameters for dose assessments
various models and assumptions suggested in the U.S. NRC Regu-
latory Guide 1.145 (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1982, 1983). 2.1. Risk factor
Synthesizing the above parameters, the INDACþþ, which is the
integrated dose assessment code package for normal reaction 2.1.1. Initiating event analysis
operation and for accident analysis of LILW managed in the TSF, was Generally, initiating event analysis has been used to identify
developed using Visual C# in Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003. potential risks such as accident sequence analysis of probabilistic

Fig. 2. Failure when transferring the drums to the TSF.

M.H. Ahn et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 52 (2010) 837e849 839

Fig. 3. Failure when lifting and managing the drums at the TSF.

safety analysis (PSA) in NPPs. For analytical convenience, the Fig. 1 shows the representative initiating events with regard to
initiating events are usually categorized as either internal or failure when moving radioactive waste drums to the transfer
external events. Internal events occur within the process, and system. Also, Fig. 2 shows those with respect to failure when
include such things as operational errors, equipment failures, or transferring the drums to the TSF. Then, Fig. 3 shows those
loss of protective system. On the other hand, external events are regarding failure when lifting and managing the drums at the TSF.
initiated outside the process or facility; thus, an operational error or
a failure of a piece of equipment is an internal event, while earth- 2.1.3. Establishment of the initiating event
quakes, fires, floods, or aircraft impacts are external events (EPRI, Through filtering and grouping of all initiating events derived by
2004; Jung et al., 2003). the MLD method, we can suggest the main initiating events leading
A logical evaluation was considered in order to derive the to arbitrary accidents, which are fire and the dropping of drums.
initiating events through the FTA, which is the logic model used in Namely, two kinds of initiating events could be understood as the
the PSA with regard to NPPs. Logical evaluation was conducted with main risk factors originating in the TSF for LILW management.
the methodology called MLD, which is in the form of a fault tree. Furthermore, the risk factor with respect to the dropping of drums
could be expressed with two criteria: lifting failure and worker’s
2.1.2. Master logic diagram error due to piling too many drums on a vehicle and errors caused
The MLD is a basic method of identifying initiating events. This by an unskilled worker. Fig. 4 (a) shows the risk factor resulting
method is based on the FTA but does not have that method’s formal from the dropping of drums managed in the TSF. Then, the risk
mathematical properties (Papazoglou and Aneziris, 2003). factor with regard to fire could be represented in both the gas
Furthermore, the FTA is expressed in logical symbols with regard to generation due to the dropping of drums and collision with some
all cases in which the experimental targets cannot be used objects and fire initiated within transport vehicle or due to pres-
anymore. Once a system failure is defined by the top event in the ence of combustive materials in the TSF. Fig. 4 (b) also shows the
fault tree, a variety of pathways related to system failure can be risk factor with respect to the fire.
deductively pursued.
In this study, the three accident branches were considered to 2.2. Radionuclide inventory
develop the initiating events: failure when moving radioactive
waste drums to the transfer system (vehicles), failure when trans- In order to conduct dose assessment for accident analysis of
ferring the drums to the TSF, and failure when lifting and managing LILW managed in the TSF, we first calculated radionuclide inventory
the drums at the TSF. Furthermore, each accident branch was with respect to accidental events originating from the main risk
divided into three kinds of failure conditions: failure induced by factors. The dose to curies conversion (DTC) method was used in
mechanical conditions, failure induced by thermal conditions, and order to calculate the radionuclide inventory. The source terms
failure induced by both mechanical and thermal conditions. considered for the dose evaluation were the following 13
840 M.H. Ahn et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 52 (2010) 837e849

Table 3
Flammability multiplier factor with respect to type of waste.

IFL Flammability fc Example of

tendency waste forms
0 Flammable 1.0 Combustible trash
1 Burns if heat 0.05 Dewatered resins, unsolidified filter
2 Low flammability 0.0025 Dewatered sludge, materials
solidified in polymer
3 Nonflammable 0.000125 Activated metals, liquids and other
materials solidified in cement

NRC (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 2008). The fC

value could be calculated via the following experimental equation:

fC ¼ 10ISC (1)
where fC indicates the operational dispersibility factor and ISC
denotes the scatter subindex. Tables 1 and 2 show the release rates
with respect to each radionuclide and type of waste (Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, 1986).
For evaluation of the amount of radionuclides released by fire,
the flammability multiplier factor (fF) was used with the release
rate. The following experimental equation was considered to derive
the fF value:

fF ¼ 20IFL (2)
where fF indicates the flammability multiplier factor and IFL
denotes the flammability subindex. Table 3 shows the flammability
tendency according to the type of waste (Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, 1986).

2.3. Atmospheric dispersion factor (c/Q)

Fig. 4. The main risk factors (a) for the dropping of drums, (b) for fire.

In this study the atmospheric dispersion factor was calculated

by the U.S. NRC computer program PAVAN (Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, 1982). Generally, PAVAN code has been used to esti-
mate relative ground-level air concentrations (c/Q) for potential
Table 1
accidental release of radioactive materials from nuclear facilities.
Release rates with respect to radionuclides.
This program is based on various models and assumptions sug-
Radionuclide Multiplier gested in the U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.145, “Atmospheric
H 0.9 Dispersion Models for Potential Accident Consequence Assess-
C 0.75 ments at Nuclear Power Plants.” In the case of ground-level release,
Tc 0.038
129 the c/Q values are evaluated via the following equations (Nuclear
I 0.038
Particulates (non-volatile nuclides) 0.019 Regulatory Commission, 1983):

c 1
ðx; i; jÞ ¼   (3)
Q Uijð10Þ psyj ðxÞszj ðxÞ þ A=2
radionuclides: 3H, 14C, 55Fe, 58Co, 60Co, 59Ni, 63Ni, 90Sr, 94Nb, 99Tc,
129 137
I, Cs, and 144Ce, as indicated in Notice 2008-65 mandated by
c 1
the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2008). And ðx; i; jÞ ¼   (4)
then, the release rates with respect to the type of wastes and Q Uijð10Þ 3psyj ðxÞszj ðxÞ
radionuclides were considered to evaluate the amount of radio-
nuclides released by the dropping of drums. Particularly, we used c 1
ðx; i; jÞ ¼   (5)
the operational dispersibility factor (fC) for considering the release Q Uijð10Þ pMij ðxÞsyj ðxÞszj ðxÞ
rate of the dropping of drums, suggested in a document by the U.S.
where i is the grade of wind speed, j is the level of atmospheric
stability, x is the distance (m), c/Q is the atmospheric dispersion
Table 2
Operational dispersibility factor with respect to type of waste. factor (s/m3), Uij(10) is the wind speed measured at a height of 10 m
(m/s), syj(x) is a horizontal dispersion coefficient (m), szj(x) is
ISC Dispersion fc Example of waste
tendency forms
a vertical dispersion coefficient (m), A is the cross section of the
facility, and Mij(x) is a horizontal vortex factor.
0 Severe 1.0 Dewatered sludge ash, dirt, and other
miscellaneous powder Based on the models in the U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.145,
1 Moderate 0.1 Trash, dewatered resins PAVAN code provides the c/Q values as functions of wind direction for
2 Slight to moderate 0.01 Waste solidified in cement various time periods, using a meteorological joint frequency distri-
3 Low 0.001 Waste solidified using vinyl ester bution (JFD) of wind direction and wind speed by atmospheric
styrene, sealed sources
stability (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1982; Hwang et al., 2004).
M.H. Ahn et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 52 (2010) 837e849 841

Fig. 5. Flowchart of integrated dose assessment program for accident analysis (INDACþþ).

Fig. 6. Radionuclide inventory module.

842 M.H. Ahn et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 52 (2010) 837e849

Fig. 7. (a) Wind rose evaluation module, (b) Atmospheric dispersion factor module.
M.H. Ahn et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 52 (2010) 837e849 843

Fig. 8. Dose assessment and risk module.

The calculations of the c/Q value are based on the theory that using the cross section of the facility (A), building wake effect
materials released to the atmospheric will be normally distrib- was considered to prevent underestimation by assumption of
uted (Gaussian) about the plume centerline. A straight-line a straight-line trajectory of the plume. Also, using the horizontal
trajectory is assumed between the point of release and all vortex factor (Mij(x)), the meandering effect was considered to
distances for which the c/Q values are calculated (Nuclear prevent overestimation by assumption of a straight-line trajectory
Regulatory Commission, 1983; Hwang et al., 2004). Especially, of the plume.

Fig. 9. Radionuclide inventory released to environment due to the dropping of drums.

844 M.H. Ahn et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 52 (2010) 837e849

Fig. 10. Radionuclide inventory released to environment due to fire.

2.4. Dose assessment modeling for user-friendly features. Fig. 5 shows the flowchart of integrated
dose assessment program for accident analysis of LILW managed in
According to the above parameters, we conducted dose assessment the TSF. This program could be divided into four modules as
modeling with respect to accident analysis of LILW managed in the TSF. follows:
In contrast with routine operating conditions, the short time exposure
pathways resulting from radioactive materials released into the envi-  Radionuclide inventory module
ronment due to arbitrary accidents originating from LILW managed in  Wind rose evaluation module
the TSF can generally be derived with the external exposure from the  Atmospheric dispersion factor module
radioactive plume and the internal exposure from breathing (Hwang  Dose assessment and risk module
et al., 2004). In this study, the internal and external exposure dose
assessments were estimated
 with the following equations: Especially, this program was linked with a module called INDAC,
X 1 c evaluating the exposure dose that resulted from releasing radio-
Dp ¼ Qi DFPi (6)
3600 Q active materials under normal reactor operations (KINS, 2000). This
means that the developed program in this study can be more useful
X c  for all users because the INDAC cannot conduct dose assessment
Db ¼ Qi Bri DFHi (7) with respect to arbitrary accidents originating in the TSF for LILW
i management. Furthermore, the INDACþþ can calculate the radio-
where Dp is the external exposure dose from the radioactive plume logical risk with regard to the main risk factors for workers and the
(mSv), i is radionuclides, c/Qi is the atmospheric dispersion factor public.
(s/m3), Qi is the amount of radionuclide released (Bq), DFPi is the Fig. 6 shows the main window for the radionuclide inventory
dose conversion factor for external exposure (mSv/h per Bq/m3), Db module. In this module, we can consider a variety of information
is the internal exposure dose from breathing (mSv), Bri is the such as the type of drum, radionuclide inventory, physical form of
breathing rate (m3/s), and DFHi is the dose conversion factor for radionuclide, release rate, and so on. Fig. 7 (a) shows the wind rose
internal exposure (mSv/Bq). evaluation module. We can easily predict the main wind direction
Especially, the final dose assessment can be conducted in terms and wind speed through the meteorological data in this module.
of the effective dose for workers and the public, considering the Furthermore, Fig. 7(b) shows the atmospheric dispersion factor
release rates of the radionuclides. module based on the various models and assumptions suggested in
the PAVAN code and U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.145, respectively
(Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1982, 1983). Fig. 8 shows the dose
3. Development of integrated dose assessment program for
assessment and risk module. The dose assessments for arbitrary
accident analysis
accidents originating in the TSF for LILW management are con-
ducted by considering the external exposure dose from the radio-
Synthesizing many parameters, the INDACþþ, which is an
active plume and the internal exposure dose from breathing. Also,
integrated dose assessment code package for normal reactor
the risk values are derived by a variety of risk factors referred to in
operations and for accident analysis of LILW managed in the TSF,
the International Commission on Radiological Protection Publica-
was developed using Visual C# in Microsoft Visual Studio.NET
tion 60 (ICRP) (International Commission on Radiological
2003. Furthermore, the program developed in this study was based
Protection, 1990).
on the circumstances of the graphical user interface (GUI) to allow
M.H. Ahn et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 52 (2010) 837e849 845

Fig. 11. Meteorological characteristics at Kori NPP; wind rose (a) for spring, (b) for summer, (c) for fall, (d) for winter, and (e) for total period.

4. Case study for accident analysis of LILW managed general spent resin (200 L), spent resin solidified by cement
in the TSF (200 L), and general spent filter (200 L). Furthermore, the evalu-
ation of the radionuclide inventory was only conducted with
4.1. Parameters for the case study respect to the waste stream packaged in the DOT-17H (200 L), the
representative drum used in nuclear power plants (NPPs). Then,
In the case study, seven waste streams were considered in 320 drums, which were produced in the mid-1990s and stored in
evaluating the radionuclide inventory: the general DAW (200 L), the second TSF at the Kori NPP, were used to conduct the final
the shielded DAW (200 L), concentrated waste solidified by dose assessment for workers and the public originating from the
cement (200 L), concentrated waste stabilized by paraffin (200 L), main risk factors.
846 M.H. Ahn et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 52 (2010) 837e849

Fig. 12. (a) Atmospheric dispersion factor considering downwind direction, (b) Atmospheric dispersion factor considering all directions.

Table 4
Effective dose resulting from the dropping of drums for workers.

Waste stream DAW (general, 200 L) DAW (shielded, 200 L) Concentrated waste (general, 200 L) Spent resin (general, 200 L)
Radionuclide H 1.05 E11 2.62 E12 5.71 E11 2.32 E13
C 2.13 E14 5.36 E15 9.81 E15 2.46 E12
Fe 2.71 E14 6.64 E15 3.56 E16 2.16 E12
Co 2.77 E41 5.13 E42 1.24 E42 5.36 E40
Co 4.90 E12 1.22 E12 8.36 E14 3.26 E10
Ni 4.00 E14 1.00 E14 6.59 E16 2.27 E12
Ni 5.99 E13 1.51 E13 4.48 E14 5.63 E10
Sr 7.64 E13 1.92 E13 2.10 E15 2.07 E11
Nb 6.79 E13 1.70 E13 9.07 E16 1.69 E13
Tc 6.60 E14 1.66 E14 9.15 E14 2.22 E13
I 8.70 E12 2.19 E12 3.32 E13 1.07 E10
Cs 3.71 E12 9.35 E13 2.36 E13 1.11 E09
Ce 1.12 E18 2.61 E19 5.47 E21 3.96 E18
Total activity 3.00 E11 7.52 E12 5.79 E11 2.13 E09

Table 5
Effective dose resulting from the dropping of drums for the public.

Waste stream DAW (general, 200 L) DAW (shielded, 200 L) Concentrated waste (general, 200 L) Spent resin (general, 200 L)
Radionuclide H 1.26 E13 3.15 E14 6.85 E13 2.79 E15
C 2.44 E16 6.14 E17 1.12 E16 2.82 E14
Fe 3.34 E16 8.18 E17 4.39 E18 2.67 E14
Co 3.53 E43 6.55 E44 1.58 E44 6.83 E42
Co 6.13 E14 1.52 E14 1.04 E15 4.07 E12
Ni 0.00 Eþ00 0.00 Eþ00 0.00 Eþ00 0.00 Eþ00
Ni 7.85 E15 1.98 E15 5.86 E16 7.38 E12
Sr 1.07 E19 2.69 E20 2.94 E22 2.91 E18
Nb 8.95 E15 2.25 E15 1.20 E17 2.23 E15
Tc 8.12 E16 2.05 E16 1.13 E15 2.73 E15
I 8.71 E19 2.19 E19 3.33 E20 1.08 E17
Cs 4.27 E14 1.08 E14 2.72 E15 1.27 E11
Ce 1.42 E20 3.32 E21 6.95 E23 5.03 E20
Total activity 2.48 E113 6.21 E14 6.91 E13 2.42 E11
M.H. Ahn et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 52 (2010) 837e849 847

Table 6 general spent resin was high compared to that of other waste
Effective dose resulting from fire for workers. streams. The activity of concentrated waste solidified by cement
Waste stream DAW DAW Concentrated Spent resin was the lowest. However, the radionuclide inventory resulting from
(general, (shielded, waste (general, (general, fire with regard to the DAW (general) was relatively higher than
200 L) 200 L) 200 L) 200 L) that resulting from the dropping of drums. Then, the waste stream
Radionuclide 3H 1.05 E10 3.28 E14 7.13 E13 1.16 E13 solidified by cement, such as concentrated waste and spent resin,
C 2.13 E13 6.70 E17 1.23 E16 1.23 E12
55 had low activity when the radionuclide was released due to fire.
Fe 2.71 E13 8.29 E17 4.45 E18 1.08 E12
Co 2.77 E40 6.42 E44 1.55 E44 2.68 E40 In the case of the atmospheric dispersion factor (c/Q) for
Co 4.90 E11 1.52 E14 1.05 E15 1.63 E10 workers and the public, we first collected all meteorological data
Ni 4.00 E13 1.26 E16 8.24 E18 1.14 E12 observed at the height of 10-meter at the meteorological tower of
Ni 5.99 E12 1.89 E15 5.60 E16 2.82 E10 the Kori NPP from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2007. According
Sr 7.64 E12 2.40 E15 2.62 E17 1.04 E11
Nb 6.79 E12 2.13 E15 1.13 E17 8.44 E14
to the analysis of the meteorological data, the main wind direction
Tc 6.60 E13 2.08 E16 1.14 E15 1.11 E13 was west and the atmospheric stability was generally unstable.
I 8.70 E11 2.73 E14 4.16 E15 5.37 E11 Fig. 11(a)e(d) shows the wind roses for each season by analyzing
Cs 3.71 E11 1.17 E14 2.95 E15 5.53 E10 the meteorological data at the Kori NPP. Fig. 11(e) presents data for
Ce 1.12 E17 3.26 E21 6.83 E23 1.98 E18
the total period. Then, Fig. 12(a) shows the c/Q value considering
Total activity 3.00 E10 9.40 E14 7.24 E13 1.07 E09
the downwind direction based on the U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide
1.145. In contrast, Fig. 12(b) shows the c/Q value considering all
4.2. Result and discussion directions. Generally, the c/Q value considering the downwind
direction was relatively high compared to that considering all
Fig. 9 shows radionuclide inventory released to the environment directions. However, if the meteorological conditions are changing
due to the dropping of drums. The radionuclide inventory of to a bad condition (high frequency), the c/Q value shows obvious
general spent resin was relatively high compared to that of other differences in the range between 87% and 97%. Then, the distance of
waste streams. The activity of concentrated waste solidified by the c/Q value for workers was set at 50 m so as to include all
cement was the lowest. Fig. 10 shows the radionuclide inventory workers around the second TSF at the Kori NPP; the distance for the
released to environment due to fire. The radionuclide inventory of public was also established as 700 m, which reflects the restricted

Table 7
Effective dose resulting from fire for the public

Waste stream DAW (general, 200 L) DAW (shielded, 200 L) Concentrated waste (general, 200 L) Spent resin (general, 200 L)
Radionuclide H 1.26 E12 3.94 E16 8.57 E15 1.39 E15
C 2.44 E15 7.68 E19 1.40 E18 1.41 E14
Fe 3.34 E15 1.02 E18 5.49 E20 1.33 E14
Co 3.53 E42 8.18 E46 1.97 E46 3.42 E42
Co 6.13 E13 1.90 E16 1.31 E17 2.04 E12
Ni 0.00 Eþ00 0.00 Eþ00 0.00 Eþ00 0.00 Eþ00
Ni 7.85 E14 2.47 E17 7.33 E18 3.69 E12
Sr 1.07 E18 3.37 E22 3.67 E24 1.45 E18
Nb 8.95 E14 2.81 E17 1.50 E19 1.11 E15
Tc 8.12 E15 2.56 E18 1.41 E17 1.37 E15
I 8.71 E18 2.74 E21 4.16 E22 5.38 E18
Cs 4.27 E13 1.35 E16 3.39 E17 6.36 E12
Ce 1.42 E19 4.14 E23 8.69 E25 2.52 E20
Total activity 2.48 E12 7.76 E16 8.64 E15 1.21 E11

Fig. 13. Effective dose on all drums with regard to each waste stream for workers.
848 M.H. Ahn et al. / Progress in Nuclear Energy 52 (2010) 837e849

Fig. 14. Effective dose on all drums with regard to each waste stream for the public.

area boundary with respect to the Kori NPP. For a design-based FTA. Fire and the dropping of drums were considered as the main
accident in a reactor facility site, generally, the larger c/Q value risk factors in this study. The DTC method was used to calculate the
must be selected between the c/Q value of the 95 percentile and the radionuclide inventory. Then, the release rates with respect to
max c/Q value. However, the c/Q value with respect to the TSF the type of wastes and radionuclides were considered to evaluate
could be used with the c/Q value of the 50th percentile in order to the amount of radionuclides released by the risk factors. Further-
prevent conservative result (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, more, the atmospheric dispersion factor (c/Q) was calculated by the
1983). Considering the c/Q value corresponding to the 50th PAVAN code based on various models and assumptions suggested in
percentile, the c/Q value was chosen to be 2.35 E3 s/m3 for the U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.145 (Nuclear Regulatory
workers and 2.82 E5 s/m3 for the public. Commission, 1982, 1983). Especially, using the cross section of the
After considering all conditions for accident analysis of LILW facility, the building wake effect was considered to prevent under-
managed in the TSF at the Kori NPP, the dose assessments were estimation by assumption of a straight-line trajectory of the plume.
conducted in terms of the effective dose for workers and the public. Using the horizontal vortex factor, the meandering effect was also
Furthermore, this case study progressed with a drum whose surface considered to prevent overestimation by assumption of a straight-
dose was the highest with respect to each waste stream stored in line trajectory of the plume. The dose assessments of the arbitrary
the second TSF at the Kori NPP. Then, the waste streams for dose accidents originating in the TSF for LILW management are con-
assessment were limited to four kinds: the general DAW, the ducted by considering the external exposure dose from the radio-
shielded DAW, concentrated waste solidified by cement, and active plume and the internal exposure dose from breathing.
general spent resin. Table 4 shows the effective dose resulting from Synthesizing many parameters, the INDACþþ, which is the
the dropping of drums for workers. Table 5 shows the effective dose integrated dose assessment code package for normal reaction
resulting from the dropping of drums for the public. Table 6 shows operation and for accident analysis of LILW managed in the TSF, was
the effective dose resulting from fire for workers. Table 7 shows the developed using Visual C# in Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003.
effective dose resulting from fire for the public. Then, Figs. 13 and 14 Especially, this program was linked with a module called INDAC,
show the value of effective dose on all drums used in the case study evaluating the exposure dose that resulted from releasing radio-
with regard to each waste stream for workers and the public, active materials under normal reactor operations. This means that
respectively. Especially, the value of the effective dose of the the INDACþþ can be more useful for all users because the INDAC
general spent resin was the highest regardless of the main risk cannot conduct dose assessment with respect to arbitrary accidents
factor. The effective dose of the concentrated waste solidified by originating in the TSF for LILW management. Furthermore, the
cement was the lowest. Furthermore, through the case study we INDACþþ can calculate radiological risk with regard to the main
were able to determine that the value of the effective dose with risk factors for workers and the public.
respect to each waste stream for workers was about a hundred
times higher than that for the public. In addition, we determine one
thing that the value of the effective dose resulting from fire with Acknowledgements
regard to the DAW (general) was relatively higher than that
resulting from the dropping of drums. This discrepancy might be This study was funded by the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety
due to the integrity of DWA (general) on fire. and was partially supported by the Brain Korea 21 project of the
Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
5. Conclusion
In this study, a program, INDACþþ, was developed to conduct
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