AI in Telecom

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DELIVERY MODE: ILT/VILT – Instructor Led Delivery, Virtual Instructor Led
PRE-REQUISITE: Wireless Fundamentals, 4G Network Architecture
TARGET AUDIENCES: Telecom Engineers

Day 1: Understanding the Basics of AI in Telecom
Session 1: Introduction to AI in Telecom
• Overview of the workshop agenda
• Importance of AI in the Telecom industry
• Key AI use cases in Telecom

Session 2: Fundamentals of AI
• Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
• Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning
• Data pre-processing and feature engineering

Session 3: AI Tools and Technologies

• Overview of popular AI frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch)
• Introduction to programming with Python
• Hands-on: Setting up Python environment

Session 4: Data Collection and Management in Telecom

• Importance of data in Telecom
• Data collection methods
• Data storage and processing for AI applications

Session 5: AI Models in Telecom

• Introduction to telecom-specific AI models
• Case studies: Predictive maintenance, fraud detection, network optimization
• Session 6: Hands-on Exercise: Data Pre-processing
• Participants work on data pre-processing tasks
• Data cleaning, feature extraction, and data transformation

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Day 2: Practical Applications of AI in Telecom
Session 7: Machine Learning in Telecom
• Introduction to supervised and unsupervised learning
• Telecom use cases for ML: Customer churn prediction, customer segmentation

Session 8: Deep Learning in Telecom

• Deep learning basics
• Telecom use cases for deep learning: Network anomaly detection, speech

Session 9: AI for Customer Experience

• Personalization and recommendation systems
• Sentiment analysis and chatbots
• Hands-on: Building a simple recommendation system

Session 10: AI for Network Optimization

• Network performance monitoring
• Predictive maintenance
• Hands-on: Implementing a network anomaly detection system

Session 11: Ethical Considerations in AI

• Data privacy and security in Telecom
• Bias and fairness in AI applications
• Regulatory compliance

Session 12: Future Trends in AI and Telecom

• 5G and AI
• Edge computing and AI
• AI in IoT for Telecom

Session 13: Closing Remarks and Q&A

• Recap of key takeaways
• Resources for further learning
• Participant questions and feedback

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