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Mohamed Mostafa Bassiouni 143665 A4

Marketing assignment 1

Good evening. Thank you for being here with us.Let me introduce myself first my
name is Mohamed and I work for ………. That is a market research company. We
are mainly here to know your opinion and thoughts about transportation
companies. There are some points I need to cover with you at first before we start.
1)You should be sure that everything you say will be kept secret and your real
name will not appear in our interview.
2) This interview is for research purpose only and this interview is to gather
information only , this is not an advertisement or a survey.
3) This interview will take approximately 1 hour long.
4) be aware that this interview will be recorded on video and you will be sound
recorded for data collection purpose.

1) please introduce yourself .
2)What do you usually do daily ? (answer)
3) do you like to travel ?
4) which transportation method you like to use when travelling ?
5) do you prefer using a bus while traveling and why ?
6) what is the first thing that comes into your mind when thinking about bus
companies ?
7) what is the points that are important to you when it comes to selecting a bus
company ?
8) which bus company do you prefer to travel with and why ?
9) what are the strength and weak points you see in bus companies?
10) have you ever tried go bus before ?
11) what is the criteria you have upon choosing bus companies?
12) what are the advantages and disadvantages between different bus

Thank you for your time we have finished the interview and I hope you have
enjoyed our discussion.

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