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Discovering which of your chakras is
out of balance provides you with the
opportunity to journey into wellness.
ELENA IACOVOU uncovers the foods to eat
for mind, body and spirit.

According to yoga science, a pulsing communicate, your intuition and your

energy field, also known as your higher spiritual self.
energy body, surrounds your physical What’s more, Dr Minich states that
body and is created by the collective identifying which of your chakras is out
vibration of seven chakras – a Sanskrit of balance and eating plant-based foods
word meaning ‘wheel’. Invisible to to strengthen those chakras can aid
the human eye, these seven wheels of your overall health and wellbeing. “By
energy interconnect along the axis of following a chakra-based diet, [you can]
your spinal column, in a straight line, expect more than just better digestion;
beginning from the base and finishing look forward to personal growth and
at the crown of the head. change throughout your whole life,”
The job of the energy body is to help she says.
maintain the health of your physical
body by taking in and sending out The food–chakra connection
energetic vibrations for which the It’s believed that because of the way
chakras act as the ‘conductors’ that keep these seven chakras intercommunicate,
the energy flowing freely throughout if one of them is out of balance, all the
your whole body. Our health is others will ‘know about it’ and will
determined by this flow of energy from also be in disharmony. Similarly, if an
the chakras through the energy circuits imbalance is eliminated in one of them,
and into the metabolic network of the energy will flow freely to all the
the body, as it keeps our vital organs others, balancing them out – and this
functioning optimally. Moreover, our is why food plays an integral role to
body uses this energy on a cellular balancing our chakras.
level to maintain homeostasis of the Each chakra has its own vibrational
body’s systems. frequency and colour, so by eating
According to Dr Deanna Minich, foods with similar frequencies and
nutritionist and author of Chakra Foods colours, any blocked chakras will open
for Optimum Health, in addition to and the energy will flow harmoniously
protecting your physical health, each of throughout all of them, also affecting
these seven chakras represent different all seven core aspects of your life.
core aspects of your personality and “For example, if you find you’re
patterns of behaviour. On a spiritual imbalanced in the fire (solar plexus)
level, your chakras relate to your sense chakra – yellow in colour representing
of safety, your emotions, your personal your personal power, everyday actions,
power, your feelings, the way you and energy – it may be because you’re Australian Natural Health | 49

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eating too much sugar and not enough becoming more intuitive of how your
legumes or yellow-coloured foods,” says Purely by balancing moods compel you to eat in a certain
Dr Minich. “By changing your eating what you eat based way, and by choosing to eat foods that
habits to eat foods resonant in colour
and vibration to the fire chakra, you can
on the chakra you balance your third eye chakra, this
will allow you to begin to release the
begin to feel more powerful, energetic find you’re most out strong emotional response of eating
and have more self-esteem. Conversely, of balance with, the just to fulfil a craving and to also heal
this will create a ripple effect, impacting
all the other chakras and their core
‘energy’ of the food will food addictions. Flexing your intuitive
muscle is an important skill to develop
aspects, where you may start to notice begin to spiral through with respect to what truly nurtures
physical changes, or experience mental to all the others, you because you’ll be able to separate
shifts in how you perceive the world,
also altering the way you make choices.
creating personal truth from illusion about what you eat
and why.”
“In other words, purely by balancing transformation Balanced intuition enables you to
what you eat based on the chakra you and keeping you realise who you truly are as a spiritual
find you’re most out of balance with,
the ‘energy’ of the food will begin to
healthy holistically. being by connecting you to your inner
knowing, which allows you to be
spiral through to all the others, creating more resolute in your thoughts and
personal transformation and keeping conscious of the foods you’re consuming actions. When this shift in energy
you healthy holistically.” and eating mindfully can aid those who happens, the domino effect it has on
are trying to shift weight. “Weight loss your throat chakra impacts on how you
The benefits of a chakra diet happens because how you eat begins to communicate, making you more vocal
As this diet works on a spiritual change; you begin to slow down and about your needs.
level, you’ll begin to experience more become more mindful of what you’re “If you have a hard time expressing
harmony, a better relationship with eating and you become more intuitive emotions, thoughts and feelings
yourself, better sleep patterns, a sense of how your emotions impact on your through sound in a way that is
of grounding, and you may even notice cravings,” adds Dr Minich. “When you authentic and true, this is an indication
relief from physical pain. And according are not feeling your emotions, you can that you have not been able to find
to Dr Minich, becoming more bury them into food and eating. By your inner voice, but look outside
of yourself for validation,” says Dr
Minich. “When you activate your
throat chakra, your words will become
congruent with your heart, you’ll be
able to speak your truth from a place
of wisdom and grace and you’ll release
all fear, doubt and control regarding
the decisions you make in your life.
Connecting to your throat chakra
will also enable you to create a more
enriched relationship with food. The
throat chakra is connected with the
act of tasting, chewing and swallowing
food, making it accessible to the rest
of our body in a way that is needed for
your highest good.
“And when all your chakras begin
to balance, you’ll be able to give and
receive more love, life will become more
colourful, you’ll feel more confident
and capable to follow your dreams and
you’ll serve as a conduit to the flow of
universal energy and peace.”


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Cultured Lactobacillus Extract

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How to identify an
imbalanced chakra
To help her clients determine
which of their chakras is out
of balance, Dr Minich created
a quiz that focuses on your
mental, emotional, physical and The root chakra, or The sacral chakra, The solar plexus chakra,
spiritual patterns and behaviours. muladhara or svadhisthana or manipura
Do you feel safe in your Do you refrain from eating Does your daily life energise
“Answering these five questions for body? emotionally? you in a healthy/ stimulating
each chakra will be sufficient to Y N Y N way?
help you begin to determine which Y N
of your chakras is out of balance,” Is surviving in your Do you take a creative
she says. “It’s also adequate for you everyday world easy? approach to life? Are you confident yet not
Y N Y N egotistical?
to repeat this quiz every month Y N
so you can monitor your progress Are you in harmony with Do you aim to have fun in all
and find which chakra you need to your family of origin you do? Do you maintain work-life
work with next.” and/or upbringing? Y N balance?
To take the quiz, answer the Y N Y N
Are you able to create a
questions with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. Do you avoid foods that healthy, fulfilling partnership Do you only say yes to things
The chakra for which you score disagree with you? with another person? you can comfortably do?
the most ‘no’ responses (indicating Y N Y N Y N
greater imbalance) is the chakra
you should focus on. If you score Are you free of joint Do you feel adequately Are you free of digestive
pain and inflammation? hydrated? complaints and conditions?
equally high on two or more Y N Y N Y N
chakras, focus on all of them by
eating the suggested foods. For
each chakra, all the core aspects The heart chakra, The throat The crown chakra, The third eye
are highlighted so you’re also aware or anahata chakra, or or sahaswara chakra, or ajna
Is your heart open vishuddha Is your life full of Are you good at
of which areas of your life and
but with select Do you feel free to meaning? solving problems
personality you’ll be influencing. boundaries that are be you? Y N based on what
To work further with a trained healthy? Y N you know?
food and spirit practitioner, visit Y N Do you have faith that Y N Do you speak your everything works out as
Do you do some truth in a clear and it needs to? Do you get
aerobic activity on a conscientious way? Y N impressions about
regular basis, such Y N things yet to happen?
as walking, biking, or Do you feel that you Y N
running? Do you speak up if radiate an inner glow?
Y N there are issues you Y N Do you have a
feel strongly about? consistent, healthy
Are you routinely Y N Do you regularly eat sleep pattern?
setting aside time certain foods that are Y N
in your schedule Do you find it known to be good for
to do what you feel enjoyable to converse detoxification? Are you able
like doing rather with others? Y N to focus your
than what you feel Y N attention without
obligated to do? Is your nervous system relying on external
Y N Can you easily make healthy (e.g., no pain, substances (e.g.,
a decision even numbness)? caffeine, alcohol)?
Do you feel grateful when there are many Y N Y N
for your daily meals? choices?
Y N Y N Are your moods
Is it easy to breathe Y N
while you exercise?


048-055_The Chakra Diet B.indd 52 21/10/2016 4:51 pm

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Foods to
eat for each
chakra The sacral chakra
Core aspects: emotions,
relationships and eating patterns
Water: drink plenty of water
and eat fruits and vegetables
high in water content
The throat chakra (pale blue) Fats and oils: extra-virgin olive
Core aspects: communication, oil, flaxseed oil and coconut oil
creativity, authenticity and choices High-fibre foods: whole
Foods grains, zucchini, celery, broccoli,
cabbage and cucumbers
Sea plants: nori, algae, dulse and arame
Orange-coloured foods:
Soups/sauces/juices: savoury
carrots, pumpkin, mandarins,
sauces, warm vegetable soups, stews,
sweet potatoes and nectarines
broths, fruit and vegetable juices
High-water fruits: watermelon,
cucumbers, cantaloupe and grapes

The third eye chakra (indigo)

Core aspects: intuition, visualisation
and reflection The root chakra (red)
Core aspects: sense of safety,
connection with others and the
Healthy unsaturated fats: omega-3 physical body
fats from fish, nuts, seeds and vegetables
Purple/blue-coloured foods:
blueberries, grapes, eggplant, raisins, Protein: beans, tofu, yoghurt,
purple kale, purple cauliflower and meat and plant-based protein
purple potatoes Minerals: dark leafy vegetables,
Spices: oregano, dill, ginger, black nuts, grains and seeds
peppercorns, rosemary, turmeric and Root vegetables: beets,
curcumin parsnips, turnips and radishes
Chocolate: dark chocolate, cocoa and Red-coloured foods: tomatoes,
raw cacao strawberries, raspberries,
watermelon and cherries


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The crown chakra
(violet or white)
Core aspects: spirit,
connection, purpose
and meaning
Organically grown foods
White-coloured foods:
cauliflower, garlic, pears,
coconut products, onions,
cabbage and white beans
Refrain from white
processed foods: white
bread, white flour, white
sugar, white salt
Incorporate a detox:
eat high-fibre foods such
as non-starchy vegetables,
berries and legumes

The solar plexus chakra

Core aspects: personal power,
everyday actions and energy
Carbohydrates: bean soups,
yellow split peas, garbanzo beans,
millet, quinoa and hummus
High in soluble fibre:
oatmeal, apples, pears,
legumes and flaxseeds
Yellow-coloured foods:
fresh organic corn, lemons,
pineapples and bananas

The heart chakra (green)

Core aspects: feelings, heartfelt
passions and sense of compassion
Cruciferous vegetables:
broccoli, bok choy, collard
cabbage and brussels sprouts
Sprouts and leafy greens:
alfalfa, micro greens and spinach
Green-coloured foods:
asparagus, watercress, avocado,
zucchini and kale

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