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INEQUALITY- Assembly script


Student 1- Anchor =

Student 2-Prayer =

Student 3- Thought of the day =

Student 4- Word of the day =

Student 5- Skit main female protagonist =

Student 6- Extra (male)

Student 7- Boss=

Student 8- Extra (male)

Student 9- Ending scene-

Scene 1
Student 1: Good morning todays assembly is presented by Class 6C on the topic equality and
inequality. Lets start the day with a lovely prayer by Student 2.

Student 2: ~PRAYER~

Student 1: Now Student 3 will read the thought of the day

Student 3: ~Thought of the day~

Student 1: Its always good to keep your vocabulary updated. So today’s word of the day will be read
by Student 4.

Student 4: ~Word of the Day~

Student 1: Now let us learn about inequality.

Mukesh sir: *Sir starts teaching about maths inequalities*

Student 1: Wait-no Not that kind of inequality. Lets just start the skit

Scene 2
*Camera turns to face Student 5 on the sofa

Student 5: its already time for my shift at my office? I need to go.

*Student 5 stands up and goes out the door*

Scene 3
*Student 5 comes in*

Typing on keyboard


Scene 4
Boss: Okay employees stop working. Now, I will hand out the weekly pay check.

Student 8: [Standing in front of wall scene Someone at home hands a note sized paper with
“₹5000” written on it in blue ink.]

Student 6: [Standing in front of wall scene Someone at home hands a note sized paper with
“₹5000” written on it in blue ink.]

Student 5: Standing in front of wall scene. someone at home hands a note sized paper with

Student 5 says: But sir- we all do the same job and I have worked just as hard as them. Why do I
have a lower salary?

Boss: Are your eyes working properly? He is a man. And you are a?

Student 5: woman

Boss: Very good! Now everyone can leave for today.

*Fades to black

Scene fades in*

Scene 5
Student 5: I have to pay the kids’ school fees, tuition fees, pay for my mother’s treatment, pay the
house’s rent and of course pay for basic needs. I wont be able to pay for all of these with just one

*Fades to black
Scene fades in*

Scene 6
Text on screen- “ Diwali- At the mall”
Student 7(boss): Wow! The mall is decorated so nicely *looking around* Huh? Is that Student 5?

Student 5: Just completed my 4th shift for today. 2 more jobs and I can finally go home. Even after
working 6 part time jobs I am not able to earn enough money to fulfil all my needs. What am I going
to do?

*Fades to black

Text-“ The next Day…”

Scene fades in*

Scene 7
Student 7: Today I would like to call Student 5 in front of us. I have an extremely important
announcement to make.

Student 5: comes forward

Student 7: I would like to apologize to Student 5 for being biased and not giving equal treatment to
all my employees. I would like to give her the salary she deserves from now on. Personally, I would
like to give her 10000 rupees in recognition of the hard work she is doing. I am sorry. *bows down*

Student 5: Thank you so much!!

Scene 8
Student 9: From this story we learn that we should not discriminate between people. Whether
based on gender, cast, religion or colour, discrimination is not okay! We should treat everyone
equally so we can all live in harmony. Thank you!

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