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Taguig Campus


Field Study Student: Joshua C. Aloro Date: 02/24/2023

Resource Teachers: Ms. Darleen Tiña Subject: FS 1– EIM
Grade Level & Section: Grade 11 - Ampere Time: 6:30AM to 9:00AM
School: Bagumbayan National High School

Part 1
The School as a Learning Environment

At the end of this activity, you should be able to determine appropriately a social, psychological, and
physical environment supportive of learning.

Field Laboratory Experience

Your task is to:
1. Visit a school and look into its facilities and areas that support learning (i.e., classroom, library,
playground, canteen, etc.)

Checklist of the School as a Learning Environment

Check whether the school has the following facilities. Describe briefly the facilities that are available.

Facilities Available Not Description

Library / Learning resource center ✓ The library was organized and separate. But
all of students not allowed with classes.
Canteen ✓ The canteen for me it was good place because
it’s all separate and organized the foods and
Clinic ✓ Clinic it was a very clean and all of things in
the clinic are clear
Guidance Office ✓ Although I couldn't look inside, I can
You can definitely feel the door suddenly cold.
Playground ✓
Pavilion / Stage ✓ The stage really big space for the students, for
the conducting performance.
Principal’s office ✓ I couldn't see inside the principal office
TLE / EPP room ✓ I couldn't see inside the TLE/EPP
Comfort Rooms ✓ For it was best place because it’s very clean
and the smell it so fragrant
Computer room ✓ Clean and organized but for the only ICT
students to use this computer.
Classrooms ✓ Really spacious and have enough for the
electric fan which is very comfortable.
Taguig Campus

Laboratory ✓ Very clean and organized

Audio-visual room ✓
Stock room / Supply office ✓ Really tiny space and most supplies are not
organized and dusty
Guard house ✓ The are 2 guard houses, which is one of the
manage for the entrance and other one for the

Part 2
The School as a Learning Environment

At the end of this activity, you should be able to determine appropriately a social, psychological, and
physical environment supportive of learning.

Field Laboratory Experience

Your task is to:
1. Describe the school as a learning environment.

Checklist of the School as a Learning Environment

Mark √ if the performance indicator is evident and X if not evident.

Strands of Desired Teaching Performance Indicators Evident Not

Performance Evident
1.Maintains a learning environment of courtesy and ✓
Creates an environment that respect for different learners (e.g., ability, culture,
promotes fairness gender)
2.Provides gender-fair opportunities for learning ✓
3.Recognize that every learner has strengths ✓
4. Maintains a safe, clean and orderly classroom free ✓
from distractions
Makes the classroom 5. Creates challenging activities given the physical ✓
environments safe and conducive environment
to learning 6. Uses individual and cooperative learning activities for ✓
higher learning to improve learner’s capabilities
7. Encourages learners to ask questions ✓
8. Provide learners with a variety of learning ✓
Communicates higher learning 9. Arranges varied enrichment activities to nurture the ✓
expectations to each learner learner’s desire for further learning.
10. Communicates and maintains high standards of ✓
learning performance
11. Handles behavioral problems quickly and with due ✓
respect to children’s rights
Taguig Campus

Establishes and maintains 12. Gives timely feedback to reinforce appropriate ✓

consistent standards of learner’s learner’s behavior
behavior 13. Communicates and enforces school policies and ✓
procedures for appropriate learner’s behavior.
14. Encourages free expression of ideas from students ✓
15. Creates a stress-free environment ✓
Creates healthy psychological 16. Takes measures to minimize anxiety and fear of the ✓
climate for learning teacher and/or subject
Taguig Campus
Taguig Campus

Questions for Reflection

Social Environment
What five questions regarding student diversity would you like to ask the resource teacher?

1. How do you identify and address cultural or linguistic differences among your students?

2. What strategies do you use to support students with learning differences or disabilities?

3. What resources do you recommend to help teachers and students become more culturally competent and
sensitive to diversity?

4. How do you work with families from diverse backgrounds to better support their children's academic success?

5. Can you share any specific success stories or examples of how you've helped students from diverse backgrounds
thrive in the classroom?

Psychological Environment
1. What are the characteristics of the resource teacher that help nurture students’ desire to learn?

- A resource teacher is an educational professional who specializes in providing support and guidance to
students who need additional assistance to succeed academically. 1. Patience resource teachers must
be patient and understanding when working with students who may struggle with certain subjects or
have learning disabilities. They must take the time to explain concepts in different ways and adapt their
teaching methods to the needs of individual students. 2. Positive attitude resource teachers must have
a positive attitude towards learning and encourage students to develop a growth mindset. They must be
enthusiastic about teaching and convey a love of learning to their students.

2. Describe the rapport of the resource teacher with the students.

Taguig Campus

- The addition of points for recitations substantially encouraged class participation and demonstrated to
them that those who responded would be forced to participate in the next round because it would be
recorded in their notebook’s moment, a recitation would take place.

3. Does the resource teacher’s behavior nurture students’ desire to learn?

- Yes! Because imagine that someone, like the resource teacher, is willing to assist you in improving
yourself. As a result, the student is making every effort to develop personally and complete any
assigned seatwork.

Tick the box that corresponds to your observation.

Yes No
1. Believes in his/her students
2. Believes that students can succeed
3. Shows concern for the students
4. Respects the students
5. Is enthusiastic about what she/he teaches and about teaching itself
6. Values the learning process
7. Allows the students to speak in class freely and without fear.
8. Never humiliates or demoralizes anyone in class
9. Never ridicules or uses sarcasm with students who make mistakes
10. Motivates students and make them want to learn
11. Encourages students to express their ideas or opinions even when they are unsure
12. Uses humor which is non-threatening and appropriate

Physical Environment
1. Describe the teacher’s table or desk, students’ seating arrangement, classroom decoration, and music in the
classroom of the resource teacher.

- The teacher’s table has a tv, ma’am Darlene can’t sit in front of her table because of the tv. For the
seating arrangement of the students is very appropriate for them, since the girls has a small number so
they are seated in the middle front. They have no classroom decoration; I saw the cleanliness and
simpleness of the room. The tv has a good sound and it can hear at the back clearly.

2. Does the overall classroom set up accommodate an inclusive learning? Does it require free and quiet
spaces to facilitate learning? Why do you say so?
Taguig Campus

- The classroom setup definitely accommodates Inclusive Learning. Based from the actual materials of
electromagnetic, there are ways to reach the back of the classroom so that the teacher in the front can
go there if she wants to call someone from back there and knowing teachers, they will definitely walk by
on those spaces while they are talking just like what we saw with Ma’am Darlene’s activity. The only
problem is the two windows on left and the right, on the right side is another school which uses a loud
speaker to announce something and it interrupts the lesson or activity.

3. Are the students seated in areas of the class best suited to their needs? Give an example to support your

- Yes, I saw a girl had a blurry eye and she seated in the front, and I observed that they have a person
with disability they are seated in front. The girl has a disability have a one leg only, she near the door

Field Study Student: Joshua C. Aloro Date: 02/24/2023

Resource Teachers: Ms. Darleen Tiña Subject: FS 1 – EIM
Grade Level & Section: Grade 11 Ampere Time: 6:30AM to 9:00AM
School: Bagumbayan National High School

Learners’ Characteristics and Needs

At the end of this activity, you should be able to differentiate learners clearly based on their varied learning
characteristics and needs.

Field Laboratory Experience

Your tasks are to:
1. Observe a class and identify students according to their intelligences using the Howard Gardner’s
Multiple Intelligences Model: and
2. Download a survey questionnaire on Garner’s Multiple Intelligences and ask the students to fill it out.

Questions for Reflection

1. What are the dominant intelligences of the students in the class? Encircle your answer.

Intelligence Type Capability and Perception

Linguistic Language
Logical-mathematical Logic and numbers
Musical Music, sound, rhythm
Bodily-kinesthetic Body movement control
Spatial-visual Images and spaces
Interpersonal Other people’s feeling
Intrapersonal Self-awareness
Taguig Campus

Naturalist Natural environment

Existential/Spiritual Religion and “ultimate issues
Moral Ethics, humanity, value of life

2. Describe the learning activities in the class. Did the learning activities of the resource teacher
accommodate individual learning styles and needs? How?

- From what I’ve observe she put the material inside the box and she explain what is the purpose of this
different kind of material in their specific topic which is the electromagnetic and then she taught what to
do about electromagnetic.

3. What are other insights from the learning activities in the class in relation to Howard Gardner’s Multiple
Intelligences Model?

- From what I saw, most students would prefer experiential learning or learning while doing it because
when they were taking their activity, they weren’t that good, in their recitation, most of them weren’t able
to answer but only relied on their notes. But when they were asked to pass their activities, most of them
hurriedly opened their bags and tried to pass it to their teacher but there wasn’t enough time, so the
teacher gave another instruction on how to pass it.
Taguig Campus

Field Study Student: Joshua C. Aloro Date: 02/24/2023

Resource Teachers: Ms. Darleen Tiña Subject: FS 1 – EIM
Grade Level & Section: Grade 11 Ampere Time: 6:30AM to 9:00AM
School: Bagumbayan National School

Classroom Management and Learning

At the end of this activity, you should be able to acquire a better understanding of the management of time,
space, and material resources necessary to create an environment conducive to learning.

Field Laboratory Experience

Your tasks are to:
1. Observe a class;
2. Determine the general behavior of the learners in the class during the learning activities;
3. Get a copy of the school rules and procedures; and
4. Describe how the resource teacher establishes a classroom management system.

Questions for Reflection

1. How would you describe the general behavior of the learners?
- Those who operate in their own group, yet everyone is friendly and helpful to one another. If someone
is having difficulty with an activity, the other students will try to assist him or her, or the students can ask
a question to the resource teacher.

Taguig Campus

2. Attached on this page a copy of the school rules and procedures. How do you think should the teacher
establish these rules and procedures at the beginning of the school year?
Taguig Campus
Taguig Campus

3. Interview the resource teacher on how she/he establishes a classroom management system at the
beginning of the school year. What does she/he do prior to the start of the school year? What does
she/he do on the first day of classes? How does the resource teacher conduct the first two weeks of

4. Write your comments on how the resource teacher establishes a classroom management system.
Taguig Campus

Field Study Student: Joshua C. Aloro Date: 02/24/2023

Resource Teachers: Ms. Darleen Tiña Subject: FS 1 – EIM
Grade Level & Section: Grade 11 - Ampere Time: 6:30AM to 9:00AM
School: Bagumbayan National High School

Learner’s Characteristics and Learning Activities

At the end of this activity, you should be able to recognize the diversity of learners when providing learning

Field Laboratory Experience

Your tasks are to:
1. Observe a class on a regular recitation day;
2. Describe the characteristics of the learners in the class; and
3. Enumerate and describe the activities that have taken place.

Questions for Reflection

1. How would you describe the general characteristics of the learners in the class?
- They have different personalities, but when it comes to activities, they give it their all to make the
activity a success. And if they're in a group, they have teamwork even if some of them are older than

2. List down the activities that facilitate the learning process of diverse learners in the class.
- It's more able to focus on a student-centered style of learning in which the student does the majority of
the work but with the guidance of the teacher. As is the case with electromagnetic activity. They do it
individually, with some students asking questions to the teacher and others to their classmates.

3. How did the resource teacher address the needs of differently-abled students?
- According to the activity they are working on, the students with disabilities received assistance from
their peers and, like everyone else, they also had access to their teacher's direction to finish the task if
they needed it.
Taguig Campus

Field Study Student: Joshua C. Aloro Date: 02/24/2023

Resource Teachers: Ms. Darleen Tiña Subject: FS 1 – EIM
Grade Level & Section: Grade 11 – Ampere Time: 6:30AM to 9:00AM
School: Bagumbayan National High School

Learner’s Characteristics and Learning Activities

At the end of this activity, you should be able to determine teaching approaches and techniques appropriate
to diverse learners.

Field Laboratory Experience

Your tasks are to:
1. Observe a class on a regular recitation day;
2. Find out if the teaching approaches and techniques of the resource teacher are best suited to the
learners’ characteristics and needs; and
3. Interview the resource teacher on how to implement these teaching strategies effectively.

Questions for Reflection

1. What are the teaching approaches/techniques of the resource teacher? Are they student centered?
Why do you say so?
- The strategy is student focused where the students will complete the task by themselves after
witnessing how the resource teacher did it herself and while the students is conducting the activity the
resource teacher is guiding them.

2. How engaged are the students in class? What are the activities that the students performed in the
- All of the learners are actively engaged in their individual projects, discussing their work with their
peers, and creating magnets with the supplies provided by the resource, such as the solid wire.

3. Why do you think did resource teacher use those approaches/techniques? How can they be
implemented successfully?
- As a result, the students can better visualize the interaction of the solid wire with the nail and battery
when making magnets. The activity will be carried out successfully with the help of the students and the
presence of the necessary materials.

4. Ask three students from the class if they liked the teaching approaches/techniques used by their
resource teacher. Find out which activities they liked the most.
Taguig Campus

5. Do you think the teaching approaches/techniques are suited to the learners’ characteristics and needs?
Explain your answer.
- Yes, because it is a student-centered approach in which the emphasis is on the student while being
guided by the teacher. In addition, if the student does it themselves, they will learn more.
Taguig Campus

Field Study Student: Joshua C. Aloro Date: 02/24/2023

Resource Teachers: Ms. Darleen Tiña Subject: FS 1 – EIM
Grade Level & Section: Grade 11 – Ampere Time: 6:30AM to 9:00AM
School: Bagumbayan National High School

Individual Differences and the Learning Process

At the end of this activity, you should be able to gain a better understanding of and accept the learners’
diverse backgrounds.

Field Laboratory Experience

Your tasks are to:
1. “shadow” two learners of different learning abilities but from the dame grade level;
2. Interview them to gather information on their background;
3. Observe them as they participate in classroom activity; and write a narrative report.

Profile of the Two Learners

Based on your interview and observations, write a profile of the two learners of different abilities but from the
same grade level.

Student 1
Her dream strand is ICT because she believes ICT is important. It is convenient for her knowledge, and she
also wishes to pursue the academic path of STEM. She is also She understands the definition and main purpose of
this strand before enrolling in it. Her senior year of high school. Finally, she enjoys being an EIM because he learns
and continues to learn. She learned about electricity and got to practice new skills she gained from taking this strand.

Student 2

STEM was his dream strand, but he won't question it just because he has a low average to meet the STEM strand
requirement. He also understands fundamental concepts. about EIM like electricity and maintenance. Finally, he
enjoys being an EIM student because their subject is interesting is intriguing.
Taguig Campus

Field Study Student: Joshua C. Aloro Date: 03/06/2023

Resource Teachers: Ms. Darleen Tiña Subject: FS 1 – EIM
Grade Level & Section: Grade 11 – Ampere Time: 6:30AM to 9:00AM
School: Bagumbayan National High School

Individual Differences and the Learning Process

At the end of this activity, you should be able to gain a better understanding of and accept the learners’
diverse backgrounds.

Field Laboratory Experience

Your tasks are to:
1. Observe them as they participate in a classroom activity;
2. Interview the resource teacher on how she/he handles individual differences in the class; and
3. Write a narrative report.

Individual Differences of the Two Learners

List down the individual differences you observed between the two learners in the class.

o A first student is an outstanding academic performer, whereas the second student is a poor
academic performer.
o A first student prefers the strand/track of ICT, and she wishes to pursue the academic programs of
STEM. STEM is the second student's preferred strand/track, but he chose not to pursue it because
of his low-grade point average.
o A first student is familiar with EIM, including its description and applications. before trying to take it
in senior year of high school. The second student only knows the fundamentals of EIM, such as
electricity and maintenance.
Narrative Report
Narrate your field laboratory experience. Reflect as well on how the resource teacher based on your
interview with her/him, handles individual differences in the class.

- Students in the EIM strand come from a variety of backgrounds, including parents, PWDs, returnees,
and students who are older than the teacher. The students have varying strengths and weaknesses,
with some having a strong understanding of the concepts but lacking in skills, and others excelling in
skills but having a limited understanding of the concepts. The teacher uses a flexible teaching approach
to address these varying needs.
Taguig Campus

Field Study Student: Joshua C. Aloro Date: 03/062023

Resource Teachers: Ms. Darleen Tiña Subject: FS 1 – EIM
Grade Level & Section: Grade 11 – Ampere Time: 6:30AM to 9:00AM
School: Bagumbayan National High School

Individual Differences and the Learning Process

At the end of this activity, you should be able to relate the learners’ backgrounds to their performance.

Field Laboratory Experience

Your tasks are to:
1. Interview two students to gather information on their background;
2. Observe them as they participate in a classroom activity;
3. Interview the resource teacher on how she/he makes use of the learners’ backgrounds in optimizing the
teaching-learning process; and
4. Write a narrative report.

Learners’ Backgrounds and Classroom Performances

In a paragraph or two, relate the learners’ backgrounds to their classroom performances.

- Regarding their academic performance and their chosen strand, the two students have very different
perspectives and experiences. Student 1, who excels in academics, understands her academic goals
and how her chosen strand, ICT, can assist her in achieving those goals. She also knows and
understands EIM, the strand she is currently pursuing, and enjoys it because it allows her to learn new
skills and gain knowledge about electricity. Student 2, on the other hand, did not pursue his dream
strand, STEM, due to his poor academic performance. He has a basic understanding of EIM but still
enjoys it because it is interesting to him. This same interactions of the two students show that academic
performance is not the only factor influencing students' choice of strand. Student 1 made her decision
based on her academic goals and interests, whereas Student 2 made her decision based on her
financial situation. Despite his academic limitations, he found his current strand interesting. Despite
their disparities in academic performance, it is clear that both students enjoy their current strand

Narrative Report
Narrate your filed laboratory experience. Reflect as well on how the resource teacher makes use of the
learner’s backgrounds in optimizing the teaching-learning process.

- The teacher observes the students' varying levels of knowledge and understanding in the EIM strand
and uses it as an indicator to determine the areas where each student needs to focus and spend more
time. Supplemental education materials are provided by the teacher to students who are falling behind
the rest of the class. For students who excel in EIM, on the other hand, the teacher provides tips and
guidance on how to apply their knowledge in a practical manner, ensuring that their skills and expertise
are effectively utilized.
Taguig Campus

Field Study Student: Joshua C. Aloro Date: 03/06/2023

Resource Teachers: Ms. Darleen Tiña Subject: FS 1 – EIM
Grade Level & Section: Grade 11 – Ampere Time: 6:30AM to 9:00AM
School: ______________________________________________

Home – School Link

At the end of this activity, you should be able to reflect on the impact of home and family life to learning.

Field Laboratory Experience

Your tasks are to:
1. Select a student a student from the class that you have observed;
2. Conduct a home visit to the selected student;
3. Describe his/her family/home environment; and
4. Interview the parents/guardians about the students’ activities and behavior while at home.

Questions for Reflection

1. Based on your home visit, what family factors do you think impact the student’s academic success?

- I was unable to visit the student's home due to a lack of time, and the location is far from my home. So,
based on my research/observation, I'll say it happens everywhere. The student's relationship with his or
her family is one factor that can influence his or her academic success. Because if the student's family
is close, it can lessen the burden that the student feels and allow him or her to focus more on the
academic side.

2. What family factors hinder students from succeeding in their studies?

- Among the factors is the liability of responsibility that the student faces early in life, when they divide
their attention between work and study. Another factor is that the family is not watching or guiding their
child, so some students do not take their studies seriously and simply mess around.

3. What classroom activities do you think are meaningfully linked to the experiences and aspirations of the
learners in their homes?

- Provided the students' financial situation, classroom activities that are related to their experiences and
aspirations at home could include budgeting and financial literacy lessons. This could teach learners
about financial management and equip them with the skills they need to manage their own finances.
Furthermore, the teacher could provide opportunities for students to earn some extra credit through
community work or part-time jobs in order to relieve financial stress.
Taguig Campus

Field Study Student:___________________________________ Date: ________________

Resource Teachers: ___________________________________ Subject: ______________
Grade Level & Section: _________________________________ Time: ________________
School: ______________________________________________

Perceived Roles of a Teacher

At the end of this activity, you should be able to gain an understanding of the teaching-learning process and
the role of the teacher.

Field Laboratory Experience

Your tasks are to:

1. Observe the class handled by the resource teacher; and
2. Write an observation report on the three essential elements of teaching-learning process.

Observation Report on the Teaching-Learning Process

The Teacher is considered as the main element that has the pivotal role in the teaching-learning process.
As the prime mover of the educational process, she/he directs and facilitates its flow.

What are your salient observations on the resource teacher?

She is doing all that she can to help the students complete the activity on their own. She also
encouraged the students to consider how they would complete the work on their own. And she's doing an excellent
job managing over students enrolled on her own. That is why I hold such high regard for teachers like her.

The Learners are the key participants in the teaching-learning process. They are the primary reason for the
existence of this process. The knowledge and skills acquired by the learners determine whether or not the learning
objective are met. Learners vary in their learning styles and paces.

What are your salient observations on the learners?

Although the resource teacher will show how well the activity was created. The students listened
closely, as well as the teacher then instructed them to create their own based on the activity. They did it themselves,
using their own ideas generated by listening to and watching the teacher perform the activity that they are about to

A good learning environment is important in the teaching-learning process. It provides a smooth flow of
communication between the learners and the teachers. A conducive learning environment fosters effective learning.

What are your salient observations on the learning environment?

Taguig Campus

The environment is big enough to accompany the student that consist of 40+ learners and
the temperature is not too high that will affect the learning ability of the student that will distract them from listening to
the resource teacher.
Taguig Campus

Field Study Student:___________________________________ Date: ________________

Resource Teachers: ___________________________________ Subject: ______________
Grade Level & Section: _________________________________ Time: ________________
School: ______________________________________________

Perceived Roles of a Teacher

At the end of this activity, you should be able to identify the roles of teacher in the teaching-learning

Field Laboratory Experience

Your tasks is to:

1. Interview the resource teacher about the activities she/he uses in the class.

Classroom Activities and the Roles of the Teacher

Based on your interview with the resource teacher, list down the activities she/he uses and classify them according to
the role she/he plays in the classroom.

The teacher as the Designer of the Curriculum and Instruction.

- The use of resource teachers helps students develop deep relationships with the material matter. The
resource teacher helps to produce interesting lesson plans that include exercises, case studies,
simulations, and experiments. The instructor produces genuine and performance-based approach to
their experiments and projects, serving as a model for the students and assisting with the students'
hands-on learning. She incorporates practical exercises. Allowing students to apply the material will
help them develop their critical thinking skills. She also manages to blend to accommodate the different
needs of her students, she used both traditional and student-centered approaches.

The teacher as the Facilitator of learning

- When the resource teacher speaks to the children, she engages them in a unique way by asking for
their kids to be open and not to separate the thoughts that have been ingrained in them. Asking good
questions is the best method for take care of that process. The educator facilitates learning by creating
a friendly and a collaborative learning environment where students are allowed to participate and
express themselves education procedure. By providing students with the opportunity to lead, engage in
debates, and work in groups in this role, the instructor promotes active student engagement in class

The teacher as the Assessor of learning

- Utilizing review strategies to evaluate students may aid in their knowledge development. The instructor
plans. He implements some feedback and corrective actions after carefully assessing the students.
performance. The resource teacher has the opportunity to grade students using a variety of techniques.
Taguig Campus

to give feedback to pupils when serving as an assessor. The instructor, who acts as a learning Each
student's performance is evaluated by an assessor, who also provides feedback so they can
better. Through a variety of assessments, the teacher gauges each student's understanding of the
subject. approaches like tests, projects, performances, and projects.

Field Study Student:___________________________________ Date: ________________

Resource Teachers: ___________________________________ Subject: ______________
Grade Level & Section: _________________________________ Time: ________________
School: ______________________________________________

Perceived Roles of a Teacher

At the end of this activity, you should be able to realize the value of personal accountability of a teacher to
the learner’s achievement and performance.

Field Laboratory Experience

Your task is to:

1. Interview the resource teacher on how the achievement and performance of her/his students impact
her/his professional and personal life?
- Despite working in engineering, where teaching is not her area of expertise, she has a personal
background of she becomes idealistic and noteworthy for the record she establishes due to her
compellation to the state of the government. The students' efforts to get something out of her teaching
could influence how well she works with them. Versatile areas in her area of expertise. Everything she
discovered and gave the kids may be used to determine have an effect on the future of their
engineering careers. More takeaways for educational systems using her services can result in great

2. What is the connection between student achievement and teacher accountability?

- It is demonstrated by a link or relationship between student achievement and instructor responsibility.

There is enough oversight and direction given. The interpretation a teacher makes of a student's
the individual's potential for learning and how well they make use of both their strengths and
weaknesses how she carries out classroom management as part of the duties and obligations imposed
upon her. In order to build or produce the kind of effective students that the changing society some of
the instructor's abilities should be improved with more consideration for the growth of the pupil.
Taguig Campus

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