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4 Test (TST): The American Revolution Test

English 11 Sem 1 Name:

1. Short-response prompt (15 points)

Read the following excerpt from Patrick Henry's speech to the Convention of
Delegates in Virginia (1775):

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry,

peace, peace — but there is no peace. The war is actually begun.
The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears
the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the
field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish?
What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be
purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty
God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give
me liberty, or give me death!

In your response, discuss how this part of the speech fits into the overall structure of
the text and analyze how well it supports the author's overall purpose. Be sure to use
specific details from the speech to support your answer.

In this part of the speech, Patrick Henry is basically saying, "Gentlemen may talk about peace, but there's
no peace. War has started, and our fellow countrymen are already fighting. Why are we standing around?
Is life or peace more important than freedom? I say, give me liberty, or give me death!" This part adds
intensity to his argument, making it clear that he believes war is unavoidable and that the choice is
between freedom and a life of oppression. It strongly supports his overall message of urging immediate
action against British tyranny.

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2. Short-response prompt (15 points)
Text: Declaration of Independence

Describe Thomas Jefferson's purpose for writing the Declaration of Independence.

Then analyze how his use of pathos helps develop this purpose. Be sure to use
specific details from the text to support your ideas.

The main purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to state the fact that the colonies wanted to
become independent from England. However, Jefferson wanted all people affected (both colonists and
Englishmen) to understand why the colonists decided to declare independence.

In order to achieve this purpose, Jefferson employs various devices, one of which is pathos. Pathos refers to
a rhetorical appeal based on emotions. In order to achieve this, Jefferson presents several arguments that
are intended to give rise to an emotional response on the part of the readers. One example of this is the fact
that Jefferson talks about the actions on the part of the king of England. He is considered to have been
unresponsive and unsympathetic to the plight of the colonists. By presenting this argument, Jefferson hopes
to convince the readers of the importance and legitimacy of independence.

3. Short-response prompt (15 points)

In a speech to high school students, a business owner makes the following
statement: "Nowadays a high school diploma alone will get you nowhere in life."

Write a short argument either for or against this statement. Be sure to include a clear

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claim and to provide and respond to at least one counterclaim. Use specific details
from your own experiences and observations to develop your argument.
We may agree that, in an ever-changing world, information is of capital importance. We may also agree that
there is much more to learn nowadays than there ever was in history. We've been accumulating knowledge
throughout the centuries and, in order to not reinvent the wheel constantly, such knowledge must be passed
along from generation to generation.

However, as important as a high school diploma is for those who wish to attend a good university, we cannot
say it's so vital as to determine the whole of mankind's success. Some of the most famous people we know
of quit high school while in their teens to pursue their dreams. Dreams that high school might have delayed
or even hindered altogether, had they decided to stay. People such as Billy Joel, Robert De Niro, Jay-Z, or
even Carl Lindner (whose estimated net worth is $1.7 billion) are drop-outs who have achieved more than
the majority of the population ever will, even with a post-graduate degree in hands.

I believe in formal education and in its importance for the world to walk toward advancements in every area.
But it is a cruel generalization to say there is only one path to get there, one right path for billions of different
people. Instead of motivating, such an idea may actually be a sad one to those individuals who are able to
see a unique path (maybe one not including a diploma) for themselves.

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