MAP: Passive Voice

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MAP: Passive voice

“The diagrams below show the change in a town named Lakeside from 2000 to

1- Chỉ vị trí
+ Trên > Bắc: North
+ Dưới > Nam: South
+ Phải > Đông: East
+ Trái > Tây: West
+ The residential area was located/ situated/ positioned in the Southeast
corner of the town.

2- Chỉ sự thay đổi

+ The housing area was demolished/ pulled down/ knocked down.
+ The trees were cut down/ chopped down.
+ The housing area and all of the trees surrounding it were removed/
+ A new hospital was built/ constructed/ erected/ introduced/ established.
+ The industrial complex was expanded/ extended/ widened/ enlarged.
+ The industrial park was narrowed.
+ The river was lengthened >< shortened.
+ The school was replaced with/ converted into/ turned into a hospital.
+ The school was moved/ relocated.
+ The school was maintained/ still existed.
“Khu dân cư được đặt ở trong góc Đông Nam của thị trấn vào năm 2000 đã bị phá
huỷ vào năm 2009, tạo không gian (make way/ room/ space) cho sự mở rộng của
khu công nghiệp phức hợp gần đó. Bên cạnh đó, trong khi con sông chạy qua thị
trấn từ Nam đến Bắc được duy trì trong suốt quãng thời gian này, cái hồ nối với nó
bị thu hẹp và trở thành một cái ao.”

“The residential area located in the Southeast corner of the town in 2000 was
demolished in 2009, making space for the expansion of the nearby industrial
complex. Besides, while the river running through the town from South to North was
maintained over the period of time, the lake connecting to it was narrowed and
became a pond.”

The residential area situated in the Northwest corner of the town and the school
nearby both still existed and did not register any changes in 2009. In contrast, the
housing area by the river and the art center nearby were removed, making room for
the construction of a shopping center and a cinema respectively. Similarly, the
derelict warehouse and the old town by the lake were converted into a car park and
a complex of a university and some offices in the order given.”

NB: Bức tranh 1 dùng the, bức tranh 2 thì dùng a.

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