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Exercise: B2 Multiple Choice

Read the text below and choose the correct option (A, B, C, or D) for each gap.

**Coffee Culture Around the World**

Coffee is one of the (1) ____________ popular beverages globally, enjoyed by people from
various cultures and backgrounds. Its rich history and diverse preparation methods make it
an integral part of social interactions.

In Italy, the (2) ____________ espresso is a cultural icon. Italians take their coffee seriously,
often enjoying a quick shot of espresso at a local café. On the other hand, in Sweden, the
tradition of "fika" involves (3) ____________ coffee breaks with friends or colleagues,
accompanied by pastries.

The United States has a vibrant coffee culture, with a preference for (4) ____________
coffee. Many Americans start their day with a cup of coffee from well-known chains, while
others opt for artisanal brews in independent coffee shops.

In Ethiopia, coffee is deeply rooted in (5) ____________ traditions. The traditional Ethiopian
coffee ceremony involves roasting green coffee beans and brewing the coffee in a special
pot. It is a ritual that brings communities together.

(6) ____________ to popular belief, not all coffee in Brazil is the same. The country, known
for its vast coffee plantations, produces a wide range of flavors and types. Brazilian coffee
culture reflects the country's diverse geography and climate.

Japan's coffee scene is characterized by meticulous attention to detail. Japanese baristas (7)
____________ in creating the perfect cup of coffee, using pour-over methods and siphon
brewing. The emphasis on precision and quality has led to Japan gaining recognition in the
international coffee community.

In recent years, Australia has developed a distinctive coffee culture, with a focus on (8)
____________ coffee. Australians appreciate the art of coffee-making, and the flat white, a
velvety microfoam espresso, has become a popular choice among coffee enthusiasts.

1. A) largely
B) minorly
C) recently
D) widely

2. A) notorious
B) traditional
C) exotic
D) contemporary

3. A) spontaneous
B) scheduled
C) occasional
D) regular

4. A) instant
B) filter
C) brewed
D) iced

5. A) ancient
B) modern
C) indigenous
D) foreign

6. A) Similar
B) Opposite
C) Contrary
D) Contradictory

7. A) specialize
B) avoid
C) disregard
D) excel

8. A) exotic
B) trendy
C) conventional
D) traditional

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