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Dear Consulate General,

Upon completing my studies at the Painting Art School in Dornach,

Switzerland, formerly known as the "Dornach Free Painting School" at Malkunst
Dornach, I've been deeply influenced by the unique training I've received. My
post-study plans are as follows:

1.Teaching and Mentorship: I aim to share the methods and insights I've
gained from Malkunst Dornach with aspiring artists through workshops and art
classes, focusing on color dynamics and the musical aspects of color.

2.Artistic Research: I'll continue my artistic research, exploring color

relationships and form based on Rudolf Steiner's principles.

3.Cultural Exchange: I plan to facilitate cultural and artistic exchange

between Switzerland and my home country, Georgia, through exhibitions,
workshops, and collaborative projects.

4.Return to Georgia: In the long term, I intend to return to Georgia, bringing

back the knowledge and experiences I've gained in Switzerland to enrich the local
art scene.

5.Personal Growth: Alongside my professional pursuits, I'll prioritize

personal growth and self-improvement, maintaining a balance between my career
and well-being.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to study at the Painting Art School in
Dornach and excited about the prospects ahead, guided by the artistic principles
and training from Malkunst Dornach.

Thank you for considering my post-study plans.

Salome Chlachidze

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