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Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is defined as storing and accessing data and computing services over the Internet.

The main advantage of cloud computing is it gives access to many users from single data center which allows users to
store and access their data over the internet without any limitations.

Examples of cloud-based services includes but not limited to: Gmail, Google Maps, Amazon, Netflix, PayPal, Spotify,
Adobe Creative Cloud, Kindle, etc.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

1. Accessibility and mobility- Users may access their tools from anywhere, at any time, and from any type of
devices if they are connected to the Internet.
2. Flexibility -Flexibility in cloud computing means organizations can scale up and down as needed without
buying any additional hardware. For example, an organization can add more data storage if they start
producing more data.
3. Updating and scalability – The service provider, as well as taking care of maintenance, takes care of all
service updates, which allow users to focus more effectively on our work and responsibilities while increasing
our efficiency.
4. Optimized security- the process of protecting cloud environments from unauthorized access, data loss, and
other threats.
5. Controlled costs - Cloud storage is significantly more cost effective because cloud providers manage storage
infrastructure for their users. Rather than paying for hardware purchase, installation, and associated costs,
cloud storage users usually pay a fixed price for their storage.
Limitations of Cloud Computing
1. Server downtime – cloud computing is dependent on an Internet connection, if it goes down, so will your
cloud services.
2. Security and privacy issues – When it comes to handling sensitive data, companies are always concerned
about how safe and private it is. There is still a risk of intruders, even though a cloud provider would have
security processes in place to ensure that your data is maintained and protected properly. Intruders are
constantly attempting to find new ways to break into cloud providers’ systems in today’s digital world.
Therefore, cloud computing services are not completely safe.
3. Data ownership and transparency – Companies may think that there is a lack of transparency concerning
data ownership. Does data that is uploaded to a cloud computing system become the cloud provider’s
property? Another concern is lack of data openness. Companies may be concerned about how their data is
managed and whether it is being compromised or not.
4. Inflexibility – Some cloud computing providers may take a corporation off guard by requiring the usage of
their applications and formats.
5. Lack of support – Cloud-based services, in comparison to other hosting services and providers, provide
minimal to no customer assistance. Customers who are unable to contact cloud providers by phone or email
frequently turn to Internet forums for answers to their questions.
6. Cost – Another disadvantage of this service is the unknown fees. Although cloud hosting eliminates the need
for on-site infrastructure, it is often necessary to ensure that you are paying for all of the features that your
organization needs to get the most out of the service. A cloud computing service can become costly in this
Types of Cloud Computing
There are mainly four types of cloud computing available currently, namely:
1. Public cloud
2. Private cloud
3. Hybrid cloud
4. Community cloud

Public cloud– It is a standard cloud computing model where a service provider’s resources are shared across different
Private cloud – As the name indicates, the private cloud has all resources dedicated to your application

Hybrid cloud – It is the combination of public cloud and private cloud. You can host your public service in the public
cloud, and confidential and data-related services in the private cloud.

Community cloud – It is a collaborative, multi-tenant platform used by several distinct organizations to share the
same applications.

Cloud Computing Services

There are several cloud computing services. The three major cloud computing services are:

o Software as a Service (SaaS)

o Platform as a Service (PaaS)
o Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS) - SaaS is a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or
service provider and made available to customers over a network or the Internet.

Examples of SaaS - are Google Workspace, Dropbox, Microsoft Office 365, Slack, Cisco WebEx, Concur,
GoToMeeting, and many more.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - provides a platform and environment to allow developers to build applications and
services. This service is hosted in the cloud and accessed by the users via the Internet.

Examples of PaaS – are Windows Azure, Heroku,, Google App Engine, Apache Stratos,
OpenShift, and many more.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)- It provides access to computing resources in a virtualized environment- “the
cloud”- on the Internet. IaaS is a complete package for computing. For small-scale businesses that are looking for
cutting costs on IT infrastructure, IaaS is one of the solutions.

Examples of IaaS are - Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cisco Meta pod, Microsoft Azure, Google
Compute Engine (GCE), and many more.

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