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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. stopped B. looked C. talented D. distinguished
Question 2: A. appear B. pear C. fear D. clear
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in
the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. persevere B. judgement C. fortunate D. influence
Question 4: A. invade B. figure C. private D. slander
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 5: He _________my laptop without asking for permission when he _____the room with us
last year.
A. always used/was sharing B. always uses/ shared
C. was always using/shared D. is always using/ shares
Question 6: His reputation has been greatly……… the success of his new book.
A. expanded B. enhanced C. enlarged D. heightened
Question 7: Do you know a nearby restaurant……has good food?
A. that B. where C. whose D. and
Question 8: “How many books does she have?” “She possesses …… books.”
A. a great deal of B. very much C. plenty of D. lots

Question 9: My brother has just bought the house, but he said that he had to……………………for it.
A. pay through the nose B. cost him the nose and mouth
C. cost him an arm and a hand D. pay through the teeth
Question 10: …………………...for a picnic than it started to bucket down.
A. We set off no sooner B. No sooner had we set off
C. No sooner set we off D. We had set off no sooner
Question 11: The information you’ve got is………so be careful if you intend to tell anybody else.
A. consideration B. confidential C. considering D. considerable
Question 12: We wish that you…………….in that class. Your English level is so much better.
A. weren’t put B. hadn’t been put C. would not be put D. are not put
Question 13: I was glad to find something _________to wear for the party.
A. respectful B. respectable C. respected D. respect
Question 14: I have never ………….any experience of living in that country.
A. had B. wished C. done D. made
Question 15: She …………doing the ironing, as she hadn’t wanted to go out anyway.

A. minded B. doesn’t mind C. didn’t mind D. minds
Question 16: Ancient Egyptians mummified their dead through the use of chemicals, ………….
ancient Peruvians did through natural processes.
A. because B. whereas C. even though D. whether or not
Question 17: It was her.....................................that I was impressed with.
A. big beautiful round black eyes B. beautiful black big round eyes
C. beautiful big round black eyes D. beautiful round big black eyes

Question 18: It’s essential that every student _____ the exam before attending the course.
A. would pass B. pass C. passed D. passes

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 19: “It is a really difficult matter to decide how to solve now. I will need time to think it
A. to sleep on it B. to make it better
C. to make up for it D. to think out of time

Question 20: In spite of our best endeavors, it has proven impossible to contact the boy.
A. failure B. successes C. attempts D. endurance

Choose the word which has OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined word
Question 21: People who live in the country enjoy a rustic life style.
A. slow B. simple C. complex D. happy
Question 22: J.p. Morgan had a reputation for being a prudent businessman, so we all think his
decision would not put the city budget at risk.
A. careless B.honest C. careful D. dishonest

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentences that best
completes each of the following exchanges.
Question 23: Mr Black: “Can you lend me a pound?” Susan: “………”
A. Not at all, sorry B. Afraid no C. No, sad to say. D. I’m afraid not.
Question 24: “Would you mind closing the window?” – “______________”
A. Not at all. I will close it now. B. Yes, very soon.
C. Yes, certainly. D. Yes, I would. Go ahead.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.
Around the age of sixteen, you must make one of the biggest decisions of your life. Do I stay on at
school and hopefully go on to (25)_______ later? Do I leave and start work or beginning a training
The decision is yours, but it may be worth remembering two things: there is more unemployment
among who haven’t been to university, and people who have the right skills will have a big
(26)__________ in the competition for jobs. If you decide to go straight (27)____________ a job,
there are many opportunities for training. Getting qualifications will help you to get on more quickly in
many (28)________, and evening classes allow you to learn while you earn. Starting work and taking a
break to study when you are older is another possibility. This way, you can save up money for your
student days, as well as (29)____________ practical work experience.
Question 25: A. life B. university C. company D. work
Question 26: A. advantage B. challenge C. disadvantage D. difficulty
Question 27: A. at B. in C. on D. into
Question 28: A. finances B. work C. careers D. job
Question 29: A. making B. doing C. catching D. geting
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your ansiver sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
Probably the most famous film commenting on the twentieth-century technology is Modern
Times, made in 1936. Charlie Chaplin was motivated to make the film by a reporter who, while
interviewing him, happened to describe the working conditions in industrial Detroit. Chaplin was told
that healthy young farm boys were lured to the city to work on automotive assembly lines. Within four
or five years, these young men's health was destroyed by the stress of work in the factories.
The film opens with a shot of a mass of sheep making their way down a crowded ramp. Abruptly,
the film shifts to a scene of factory workers jostling one another on their way to a factory. However,
the rather bitter note of criticism ill the implied comparison is not sustained. It is replaced by a gentle
note of satire. Chaplin prefers to entertain rather than lecture.
Scenes of factory interiors account for only about one-third of Modern Times, but they contain
some of the most pointed social commentary as well as the most comic situations. No one who has
seen the film can ever forget Chaplin vainly trying to keep pace with the fast-moving conveyor belt,
almost losing his mind in the process. Another popular scene involves an automatic feeding machine
brought to the assembly line so that workers need not interrupt their labor to eat. The feeding machine
malfunctions, hurling food at Chaplin, who is strapped in his position on the assembly line and cannot
escape. This serves to illustrate people's utter helplessness in the face of machine that are meant lo
serve their basic needs.
Clearly, Modern Times has its faults, but it remains the best film treating technology within a
social context. It does not offer a radical social message, but it may accurately reflect the sentiment of
many who feel they are victims of an over-mechanized world.

Question 30: According to the passage, Chaplin got the idea for Modern Times from_______.
A. a conversation B. a movie C. fieldwork D. a newspaper
Question 31: The young farm boys went to the city because they were __________.
A. attracted by the prospect of a better life B. forced to leave their sheep farm
C. promised better accommodation D. driven out of their sheep farm
Question 32: The word “vainly”ill the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to “______________”.
A. effortlessly B. recklessly C. hopelessly D. carelessly
Question 33: The word “This”ir the fourth paragraph refers to____________ .
A. the situation of young workers in a factory
B. the scene of an assembly line in operation
C. the scene of the malfunction of the feeding machine
D. the malfunction of the twentieth-century technology
Question 34: According to the author, about two-thirds of Modern Times__________ .
A. is more critical than the rest B. is rather discouraging
C. was shot outside a factory D. entertains the audience most

Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each question.
Since the world became industrialized, the number of animal species that have either become
extinct or have neared extinction has increased. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the
jungles in vast number, now number only about 2,300. By the year 2025, it is estimated that they will
become extinct. What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have
been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not always interested in
material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is contributing to
the problem of extinction. Animals, such as the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are
valuable parts of the world ’s ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted
to ensure their survival-and the survival of our planet. Countries around the world have begun to deal
with the problem in various ways. Some countries, in an effort to circumvent the problem, have
allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They then charge admission prices to help defray
the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must also depend on world organizations for support.
This money enables them to invest in equipment and patrols to protect the animals. Another response
to the increase in animal extinction is an international boycott of products made from endangered
species. This has had some effect, but by itself it will not prevent animals from being hunted and
Question 35:. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The Bengal tiger B. International boycott
C. Endangered species D. problems with industrialization.
Question 36: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “alarming” ?
A. dangerous B. serious C. gripping D. distressing.
Question 37: The word “poachers” as used in the first paragraph could be best replaced by which of
the following?
A. illegal hunters B. enterprising researchers
C. concerned scientists D. trained hunters.
Question 38: The word “callousness” in the first paragraph could best be replaced by which of the
A. indirectness B. independence C. incompetence D. insensitivity
Question 39: The above passage is divided into two paragraphs in order to contrast …
A. a problem and a solution B. a statement and an illustration
C. a comparison and a contrast D. specific and general information.
Question 40: What does the word “this” in the first paragraph refers to in the passage?
A. Bengal tiger B. interest in material gain
C. killing animals for personal satisfaction D. the decrease in the Bengal tiger population
Question 41: Which of the following best describes the author ’s attitude?
A. forgiving B. concerned C. vindictive D. surprised
Question 42: What does the term “international boycott ” in the passage refer to?
A. selling of animal products oversea. B. a refusal to buy animal products worldwide
C. a global increase in animal survival. D. defraying the cost of maintaining national parks

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs

Question 43: Found in the 12th century, Oxford University ranks among the world's oldest
A. Found B. ranks C. among D. universities
Question 44: I was working in my office the moment he arrives.
A. was working B. in C. office D. arrives
Question 45: Species like snakes, lizards, coyotes, squirrels, and jack rabbits seems to exist quite

happily in the desert.

A. like B. seems C. quite happily D. the
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to each of the following questions.
Question 46: Slightly more than twenty-five percent of the students in the class come from Spanish-
speaking countries.
A. Seventy-five percent of the students in the class speak Spanish.
B. A considerable proportion of the students in the class are Spanish.
C. A small minority of the students in the class are Hispanic.
D. The percentage of the students speaking Spanish fell by twenty-five percent.
Question 47: “Shall I make you a coffee?” the girl said to the lady.
A. The girl wanted to make the lady coffee. B. The girl offered to make the lady a coffee.
C. The girl refused to make the lady a coffee. D. The girl promised to make the lady coffee
Question 48: Be he rich or poor, she will marry him.
A. She doesn’t want to marry him because he is poor.
B. She wants to marry him if he is rich.
C. She will marry him whether he is rich or poor.
D. She will marry him however poor he may be.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: Everyone was watching the film. They were greatly fascinated with it.
A. The film was greatly fascinated by the way everyone was watching it.
B. Everyone felt great and fascinated when the film was watching them.
C. The film was being watching and every one would be fascinating.
D. Everyone was greatly fascinated with the film that they were watching.
Question 50: If you want to become a good leader, you have to listen to others’ ideas.
A. You have to listen to others’ ideas in order for you to become a good leader.
B. In order to become a good leader, so you have to listen to others’ ideas.
C. To become a good leader, you have to listen to others’ ideas.
D. You become a good leader so that you can listen to others’ ideas.

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