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Cranston High School East JROTC

Syllabus School Year 2023-2024

This syllabus contains important information about the Cranston H.S. East JROTC Leadership
Program for the 2023-2024 School Year.

1. JROTC Purpose: The U.S. Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) is a
program that is offered at the high school level and teaches high school students the value of
citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of
accomplishment, while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline.

2. U.S. Army Cadet Command Motto: Leadership and Excellence

3. Mission Statement: To motivate young men and women to become better citizens.

4. Accreditation: JROTC curriculum is accredited by Cognia, the parent organization of the

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School
Improvement SACS CASI. Regulatory guidance is contained in Cadet Command Regulation
145-8-3 JROTC Program for Accreditation.

5. Curriculum: The JROTC curriculum (CMv3) contains the following units of instruction. The
SY 22-23 Curriculum Plans on file in the Cranston East JROTC office lists specific lessons for
each Leadership, Education and Training (LET) level.

Unit 1: The Emerging Leader (LET 1)

Unit 2: The Developing Leader (LET 2)
Unit 3: The Supervising Leader (LET 3)
Unit 4: The Managing Leader (LET 4)
Unit 5: Continuing Education for Leaders (Electives)
* LET = Leadership Education Training Level

a. SMART Cadet: SMART Cadet is a web based portal that is nested with the JROTC
curriculum and allows JROTC Cadets to access textbooks and other lesson resources
electronically. The system is also used by Cadets to maintain their Electronic Portfolio. Cadets
access their personal account through utilizing their username and

b. Conover Online TM: Conover Online is a web based system JROTC uses for
assessing, teaching and building emotional skills in Cadets using the following tools:

(1) The Success Profiler: skill building tool Cadets use for social & emotional
(2) Personal Responsibility: skill building tool Cadets use for goal setting and

JROTC Syllabus SY 23-24 (continued)

(3) Anger Management: skill building tool Cadets use for developing a healthy
(4) Bullying Prevention: skills building tool Cadets use for developing an emotionally
competent personality
(5) Anxiety Management: skill building tool Cadets use for learning self-control,
managing stress and physical wellness

6. JROTC Program Emphasis:

 Effective leadership
 Functioning as a team member
 Character building
 Responsible citizenship
 Current events and government
 Financial wellness
 Physical wellness
 Personal accountability and growth
 US Army customs and courtesies
 Drill and Ceremony

7. JROTC Corps Abilities: JROTC Core Abilities describe the life-long skills Cadets will need
to be successful in their future life and career.

 Apply critical thinking techniques

 Build your capacity for life-long learning
 Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
 Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
 Take responsibility for your actions and choices
 Treat self and others with respect

8. JROTC Program Outcomes: The five JROTC Program Outcomes describe what Cadets will
know and be able to do upon successful completion of JROTC. Cadets will show success
achieving program outcomes through their Electronic Portfolio in SMART Cadet where they will
archive artifacts linked to Outcome milestones.

ACT with integrity and personal accountability as you lead others to succeed in a diverse and
global workforce
Engage in civic and social concerns in the community, government, and society
Graduate prepared to succeed in post-secondary options and career pathways
Make Decisions that promote positive social, emotional, and physical health
Value the role of the military and other service organizations

9. JROTC Program Grading: Cadets earn 1.25 credits towards graduation each Leadership,
Education, and Training (LET) completed in JROTC. The .25 credit is linked to the monthly
mandatory Leadership Lab. The following criteria outline the quarterly and cumulative grading
methodology for the Cranston East JROTC Program.
JROTC Syllabus SY 23-24 (continued)

a. Class Assessments (CA) - 70% of grade: Cadets will receive assessments in three
areas including Academics, Uniform Wear, and leadership Labs.

1. Academic Assessments: These assessments include; End of Lesson

Evaluations, Homework, Information & Decision Briefings / Public Speaking, Writing
Assignments, Service Learning Project Planning & Execution, Continuous Improvement
Project Planning & Execution, Class Participation, and Note Books.

2. Uniform Assessments: In accordance with Cadet Command Regulation 145-2,

Cadets are required to wear their uniform one day each week (see annual uniform
schedule). Personal appearance is a hallmark of discipline. Failure to comply with the
uniform policy and or the personal appearance standards can result in coordination with
the Guidance Department to initiate a student’s dismissal from the JROTC Leadership

3. Leadership Lab Assessments: Participation in monthly Leadership Labs

account for .25 credits Cadets earn for taking the JROTC Leadership. Labs are
mandatory for all Cadets. If a parent has difficulty getting their Cadet to the high school
at the designated time and day for a scheduled lab, the parent should notify the Army
Instructor (AI) or the Senior Army Instructor (SAI) prior to the Cadet failing to report.

b. Participation and Execution of Assigned Duties (PA)– 30% of grade: Cadets will be
evaluated on the successful completion of all assigned duties and tasking’s from the cadet chain
of command and CHSE JROTC Cadre.

10. Behavior expectations:

 Treat everyone with dignity and respect
 Be ready to Think–Participate–Learn
 Be prepared
 Be accountable for your actions
 Listen carefully and follow instructions
 Turn assignments in on time

11. Extra-curricular activities:

 Academic and Leadership Teams
 Drill Team
 Color Guard Team
 Raider “physical fitness” team
 Marksmanship Team
 Annual Cadet Military Ball
 Community and School Service
 JROTC Summer Camp (JCLC)
 Drones
 Robotics

JROTC Syllabus SY 23-24 (continued)

 Cybersecurity “CyberStart” Club

12. Program Standards / Cadre Expectations: The following standards should guide your son or
daughter’s conduct as a Junior ROTC Cadet within the Cranston High School East school

 JROTC Cadets are students first. Cadets will strive to maintain satisfactory academic
achievement and standing in all their classes (C or higher).
 Cadets will aggressively seek out extra help when experiencing difficulties in any
assigned course and devise a plan to achieve long term academic success in the class.
 Cadets will be on time and prepared for JROTC and all their classes every day.
 Cadets will work to develop the ability to think logically and to communicate effectively
both orally and in writing.
 Cadets will conduct themselves at all times as respectful young men or women while
treating all others with dignity and respect.
 Cadets will strive to be a positive role model for all Cranston East students.
 Cadets will maintain a professional and well-groomed appearance.
 Cadets will wear the assigned uniform properly on all prescribed uniform days.
 Cadets will achieve a satisfactory “Citizenship” grade in all classes.
 Cadets will be honest and trustworthy, and appreciate the ethical values and principles
that underlie good citizenship which include integrity, responsibility, and respect for
constituted authority.
 Cadets will attend all leadership labs scheduled for the school year.
 Cadets JROTC teams, JROTC adventure training, and volunteerism in support of the
school and community.
 Cadets will strive to develop leadership potential to the best of their ability.

13. CHSE JROTC Instructors:

LET 1 (Freshman) and LET (Juniors)
 Moises A. Moniz, Command Sergeant Major, USA (R)

LET 2 (Sophomores) and LET 4 (Seniors)

 Jason M. Lafferty, Colonel, Infantry, USA (R)

JROTC Syllabus SY 23-24 (continued)

Cadet / Parent

Acknowledgement of CHSE JROTC Syllabus and Standards

A Cadet’s failure to uphold these standards and expectations, as well as, for reasons outlined in
United States Army Cadet Command Regulation 145-2 Organization, Administration,
Operation, Training and Support, paragraph 3-24, page 21, may result in dis-enrolled from the

I understand that my son/daughter’s participation in the Cranston High School East JROTC
Leadership Elective requires that he/she conform to the standards outlined in the program
syllabus and that purposeful failure to do so will result in counseling, probationary status, a
failing grade, and or dismissal from the JROTC elective.

I have been made aware of and understand the grading policies and requirements of the Cranston
High School East Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Leadership Elective.

Cadet’s Name: _____________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________

Date: ___________________

Parent’s Name: _____________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________

Date: ___________________

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