Preprocessing Steps: 1. Standardization On The Data

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Preprocessing steps:
 Every stock is cross sectionally ranked
1. Standardization on the data
Usual method: subtract mean and divided by standard deviation
Paper: cross-sectionally ranked and mapped

2. Train test split

a. 18 Y training
b. 12Y for validation and tuning parameters
c. 30 Y testing
No cross validation
 Neural networks + CV = extensively computationally expensive
 Respect the time series dimension
3. Missing Values
a. ??
4. Interactions
a. Not only stock characterisitcs but also cross products like Book to market
Duplicating infrequently reported data to match the most frequently
reported data
GKX 1.8 Performance evaluation

Important aspect of GKX R2 is the denominator is the sum of squared excess returns without
demeaning i.e. demeaning is when you compare the variance of erros against the errors of
the bench mark model. In GKX they compare the prediction errors to the sum of simple
model that always predicts zero because predicting future excess returns with historical
average tend to typically underperform the naïve forecast of zero (GKX, 2020)

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