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Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before each number. Use CAPITAL letters only. (15 pts)

_______ 2. Which type of animals give birth to live young?

- A. Terrestrial
- B. Amphibians
- C. Viviparous
- D. Aquatic

_______ 5. What term describes animals that spend most of their life on trees?
- A. Terrestrial
- B. Arboreal
- C. Aquatic
- D. Viviparous

_______ 6. Which animals live part of their lives in water and part on land?
- A. Vertebrates
- B. Invertebrates
- C. Amphibians
- D. Mammals

_______ 7. Animals with a backbone are called:

- A. Vertebrates
- B. Invertebrates
- C. Mammals
- D. Amphibians

_______ 8. What type of animals have hair or fur, breathe through their lungs, and are viviparous?
- A. Reptiles
- B. Fishes
- C. Mammals
- D. Birds

_______ 9. Animals with beaks, feathers, and lungs are categorized as:
- A. Mammals
- B. Fishes
- C. Birds
- D. Reptiles

_______ 10. Which category of animals has scales and gills, is aquatic, and lays eggs?
- A. Birds
- B. Mammals
- C. Fishes
- D. Amphibians

_______ 11. Characteristics of mammals include:

- A. Oviparous and cold-blooded
- B. Scales and gills
- C. Hair or fur, viviparous, and warm-blooded
- D. Beaks, feathers, and lungs

_______ 12. What do birds have that helps them fly?

- A. Scales
- B. Fins
- C. Wings
- D. Fur

_______ 13. Animals with shells, such as snails, are classified as:
- A. Arthropods
- B. Mollusks
- C. Annelids
- D. Nematodes

_______ 14. Which invertebrates have tentacles with stinging cells?

- A. Sponges
- B. Cnidarians
- C. Echinoderms
- D. Flatworms

_______ 15. What adaptation involves animals blending in with their environment to hide from predators?
- A. Camouflage
- B. Hibernation
- C. Migration
- D. Pollination

Match the animal adaptation with its description. Write the letter on the blank before each number. (5 pts)

_______ 16. Hibernation _______ 17. Migration _______ 18. Camouflage _______ 19. Uses of Animals
_______ 20. Importance of Animals

A. Blend in with the environment to hide.

- - B. Seasonal movement in search of better conditions.
- C. Survival strategy to conserve energy during winter.
- D. Animals providing food, clothing, and accessories.
- E. Animals helping in pollination and environmental balance.

Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. (5 pts)

_______ 21. Wool fabric comes from the feathers of some animals.

_______ 22. Flatworms are characterized by a hard, spiny covering.

_______ 23. All mammals are oviparous.

_______ 24. Earthworms help to increase air and water in the soil.

_______ 25. Amphibians have scales and lungs.

Explain the importance of animals in our daily lives. (5 pts)


Identify the word that best matches the relationship of the first pair. Write the letter on the blank before each number. (5 pts)

_______ 1. Ovules : Pistil as Pollens : ?

- A. Stamen
- B. Style
- C. Filament
- D. Sepal

_______ 2. Rigid and brown : Woody as Flexible and green : ?

- A. Herbaceous
- B. Petiole
- C. Ovules
- D. Stomata

_______ 3. Taproot : Main roots as Fibrous : ?

- A. Branching roots
- B. Main stem
- C. Herbaceous
- D. Stamen

_______ 4. Parallel : Veins as Netted : ?

- A. Roots
- B. Leaves
- C. Sepals
- D. Filaments

_______ 5. Simple Leaf : Single leaf as Compound Leaf : ?

- A. Photosynthesis
- B. Parallel veins
- C. Divided into leaflets
- D. Netted veins


Identify the correct part of the flower based on the description. Write the letter on the blank before each number. (5 pts)

_______ 6. Male reproductive part of a flower.

- A. Petal
- B. Pistil
- C. Sepal
- D. Stamen
_______ 7. Sticky surface at the top of the pistil.
- A. Stigma
- B. Style
- C. Ovary
- D. Filament

_______ 8. Outer parts of the flower, often green and leaf-like.

- A. Stamen
- B. Petal
- C. Sepal
- D. Pistil

_______ 9. Flower part that produces and holds pollen.

- A. Filament
- B. Anther
- C. Stigma
- D. Ovary

_______ 10. Female part of the flower.

- A. Stigma
- B. Style
- C. Ovary
- D. Filament


Answer the following questions based on the given descriptions. Write the letter on the blank before each number. (5 pts)

_______ 11. Type of leaf venation where veins run parallel to each other.
- A. Parallel
- B. Netted
- C. Photosynthesis
- D. Herbaceous

_______ 12. What happens during plant pollination and fertilization?

- A. Seeds are formed.
- B. Flowers bloom.
- C. Ovules become pollen.
- D. Ovule meets pollen to create seeds.

_______ 13. Products and needed materials for photosynthesis.

- A. Light, carbon dioxide, water, glucose, oxygen
- B. Roots, stems, leaves, fruits, seeds
- C. Petals, sepals, stamens, pistils
- D. Filament, anther, stigma, style

_______ 14. Type of plant described as soft, green, and flexible.

- A. Herb
- B. Shrub
- C. Tree
- D. Vine

_______ 15. Part of the plant that provides support and carries water and nutrients.
- A. Root
- B. Leaf
- C. Stem
- D. Flower

Certainly! Here's a 10-item quiz on heredity, followed by a 5-item quiz with specific questions:

**Heredity Quiz (10 items)**

1. **What term refers to the passing of traits from parents to offspring?**

A. Evolution
B. Heredity
C. Adaptation
D. Mutation

2. **Identify the male reproductive cell in humans.**

A. Sperm
B. Egg
C. Zygote
D. Ovule

3. **Which of the following is an inherited trait?**

A. Reading ability
B. Favorite color
C. Learned language
D. Sunburn after exposure

4. **Explain how traits are passed down from parents to offspring.**

A. Through acquired skills
B. By environmental influence
C. Via genes and chromosomes
D. Random chance

5. **What determines the traits that offspring inherit from their parents?**
A. Environmental factors
B. Education
C. Genes and DNA
D. Social interactions

6. **Identify the statement that best describes the characteristics of the kittens:**
A. The kittens' traits are determined by their environment.
B. All kittens will have identical traits.
C. The traits of the kittens are influenced by their parents.
D. The kittens' traits are random and unrelated to their parents.

7. **Which of the following is NOT an inherited trait in humans?**

A. Eye color
B. Ability to play a musical instrument
C. Hair texture
D. Blood type

8. **Explain the role of genes in heredity.**

A. Genes are responsible for acquired traits.
B. Genes determine the environment.
C. Genes carry instructions for inherited traits.
D. Genes are unrelated to traits.
9. **Identify the female reproductive cell in humans.**
A. Sperm
B. Ovule
C. Zygote
D. Egg

10. **Describe how traits are inherited through generations.**

A. Traits are only passed to immediate offspring.
B. Traits skip generations randomly.
C. Traits are passed consistently from parent to offspring.
D. Traits are influenced by external factors.

**Instructions:** Choose the correct answer for each question based on your understanding of heredity.

**Heredity Specific Questions (5 items)**

1. **What is passed down from parents to their offspring and determines traits?**

2. **A cat has 8 kittens, 5 females, and 3 males. Which statement best describes the characteristics of these kittens?**

3. **Explain how traits are inherited through genes and chromosomes.**

4. **Identify one inherited trait in humans and explain why it is inherited.**

5. **Describe the role of genes in determining specific traits in offspring.**

a. the kittens will look like their mother

b. the male kitten will look like their father and the females will look like their mother
c. the male kitten will look like their mother and the females will look like their father
d. the kittens will look like their father
e. the kittens will look like their mother and father
explain your answer
**Instructions:** Provide concise answers to each specific question based on your knowledge of heredity.

Answer the following questions about ecosystems. Write the letter on the blank before each number. (5 pts)

_______ 1. What is an ecosystem?

- A. A community of living things only
- B. A community of non-living things only
- C. A community of living and non-living things interacting
- D. A community of humans only

_______ 2. Define the interactions in an ecosystem.

- A. Living things fighting with each other
- B. Non-living things competing for resources
- C. Living and non-living things working together
- D. Living things avoiding each other


Identify the correct water form or landform based on the description. Write the letter on the blank before each number. (5 pts)

_______ 3. A large, deep body of salty water.

- A. Sea
- B. Lake
- C. Ocean
- D. Pond

_______ 4. A body of fresh or saltwater surrounded by land.

- A. River
- B. Sea
- C. Lake
- D. Pond

_______ 5. A landform with steep sides and a flat top.

- A. Plateau
- B. Mountain
- C. Hills
- D. Valley

_______ 6. The tallest kind of landform with steep sides and a pointed top.
- A. Mountain
- B. Plateau
- C. Hills
- D. Valley

_______ 7. A low land between hills or mountains.

- A. Valley
- B. Plateau
- C. Plain
- D. Hills


Identify the natural events or human activities that may change water forms and landforms. Write the letter on the blank before
each number. (4 pts)

_______ 8. Uncontrolled fires in the wild.

- A. Wildfires
- B. Deforestation
- C. Irresponsible disposal of waste
- D. Volcano eruption

_______ 9. Cutting down trees without replanting.

- A. Wildfires
- B. Deforestation
- C. Irresponsible disposal of waste
- D. Volcano eruption

_______ 10. Throwing garbage anywhere without proper disposal.

- A. Wildfires
- B. Deforestation
- C. Irresponsible disposal of waste
- D. Volcano eruption
Identify the uses and importance of air and water. Write the letter on the blank before each number. (4 pts)

_______ 11. How is moving air used to help make electricity?

- A. It powers air conditioners
- B. It turns wind turbines
- C. It fuels cars
- D. It helps plants grow

_______ 12. Why do we need air?

- A. To drink
- B. To breathe and live
- C. To fly kites
- D. To make fire

_______ 13. How does moving air help boats?

- A. It cools the boat
- B. It cleans the boat
- C. It helps the boat to sail
- D. It lifts the boat

_______ 14. Why do all living things need water?

- A. For entertainment
- B. To wash clothes
- C. To bathe and brush teeth
- D. To fly

_______ 15. How is water used to put out a fire?

- A. By making the fire stronger
- B. By cooling and extinguishing the fire
- C. By fueling the fire
- D. By evaporating the fire

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