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Jl. Jembatan Tiga, Ruko Tama Indah #36 BE-BI,

Jakarta-Utara 14450
Telp: (+62) 6611071-72; Fax: (+62) 6611073

Name : _____________________ Score : Teacher’s Parent’s
Class : Primary 3 Signature : Signature :

Date : _____________________
Subject / Test# : Science / Test 4
Put a cross (x) on a), b) or c) that shows the
correct answer.
1. A period of a year that comes with certain weather conditions is a _____.
a) season b) weather c) climate
2. _____ are very strong winds that come from powerful thunderstorm.
a) Tornadoes b) Typhoons c) Hurricanes
3. We are not allowed to use _____ appliance when there is a lightning.
a) cooking b) electrical c) painting
4. Some actions that we should do when thunderstorm comes are, except _____.
a) turn on TV b) stay indoor c) stay away from tall trees
5. One of the actions that we should do before tornadoes come is to _____.
a) prepare some emergency supplies
b) go to a higher place
c) turn off the air conditioner
6. Scientists who study and predict the weather is called _____.
a) Weathermen b) Meteorologists c) Photographers
7. When the temperature of the air around us is high, it means the condition is _____.
a) hot b) cool c) frozen
8. We should wear thicker clothes when the temperature is _____.
a) high b) medium c) low
9. This symbol represents _____.
a) drizzle b) shower c) thunderstorm

10. Which of the following places shows an unhealthy environment?

a) b) c)

11. The _____ is warm and very wet. More than half of the different types of animals and plants in
the world are found here.
a) garden b) tropical rainforest c) desert
12. A _____ is very heavy rain and comes with lightning and thunder.
a) thunderstorm b) drizzle c) tornado
13. The place where living things live is called _____.
a) cage b) house c) habitat
14. The plant in the picture lives in the _____.
a) ocean b) desert c) forest

15. The animal in the picture lives in the _____.

a) ocean b) desert c) forest

16. One of our emergency supplies during the flood are, except _____.
a) torch b) fan c) battery-operated radio
17. When the temperature of a room is high, we can use, except _____.
a) b) c)

18. Some plants that can be found in the garden are, except _____.
a) bougainvillea b) hibiscus c) anemone
19. The air is generally _____ when there is a lot of sunlight.
a) colder b) warmer c) cooler
20. Very cold season with very little of sunlight is known as _____.
a) winter b) summer c) spring

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers from the box.
Climate Desert Spring Sidewinder Weather Temperature
Itch Population Drizzle Saltwater Industrial Wind speed
Windsocks Breathing Cloud cover Weather chart

1. ___________________ is a group of a particular living things that live and reproduce in the same
2. ___________________ is a hot dry area with very little rainfall.
3. We use a ___________________ to record the weather that we observe around us every day.

4. The pattern of weather that occurs over a long period of time is called ___________________.
5. The object that is used at the airports to show wind direction and wind speed is called
6. Warm season with a lot of sunlight is known as ___________________ season.
7. ___________________ tells us how warm or cold the air is.
8. Smoke can make our eyes ___________________ and affect our ___________________.
9. ___________________ tells us how fast the wind is blowing.
10. The ___________________ snake moves sideways so that only a small part of its body touches
the hot sand.
11. A very light rain is called ___________________.
12. The condition of the air around us is called ___________________.
13. Sea water is known as ___________________.
14. ___________________ tells us how much of the sky is covered by clouds.
15. ___________________ area has a lot of smoke.

C. Essay !
1. Mention 3 objects that can be recycled !
 _________________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________________

2. Mention the movement of wind at day and at night time!

 ___________________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________________________

3. Mention 4 types of season?

 ___________________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________________________

4. Mention 3 ways to care for the environment!

 ___________________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________________________

5. Look at the table below.

Animals Plants
Manta ray Creosote bush
Jaguar Vines
Jackrabbit Coral Moss

Put the animals and plants in the table to their correct groups.

Habitat Desert Forest Ocean


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