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Computers are useful tools in a language classroom

In this text I’m going to write about how computers are useful tools in a language classroom.
First of all I want to say that I’m according with that and I will put some arguments to
convince you.

My first argument is the simplicity that a computer offer us to learn the language for
example, when you want to do an structure or a draw of your ideas to view it clearly, you can
use a lot of apps or websites which help you to do it easier. In case that students don’t have
a computer, they have to memory things without an easier view of them and it can produce
poor marks in this language subject.

Therefore it’s easier for the teacher have a computer to teach the language. Like a tool the
teacher can add a resume video to his explication to be confident about students had
understand it. Another example can be when the teacher want to put a listening, if this
teacher don’t have a computer, he have to read the text by himself and probable he make
an error reading. Despite this, if you put the computer’s listening, it will read it perfectly.

As a result , if we use this tool in language classroom, it will be easier for both parts, from
teacher part to teach the material, and for students to learn it.


In this text, I'm going to write about how computers are useful tools in a language classroom.
First of all, I want to 1. express my agreement with this idea and provide some arguments to
convince you.

My first argument is the simplicity that computers offer us when it comes to learning a
language. For example, when you want to create 2.a structure or a visual representation of
your ideas for better clarity, you can use 3.various apps or websites to make this task much
easier. If students don't have access to a computer, they may have to 4.memorize
information without a convenient visual aid, 5.which can lead to poorer performance in their
language studies.

Therefore, it's advantageous for teachers to have a computer as a teaching tool. As a tool, a
teacher can 6.incorporate a video summary to enhance their explanations and ensure that
students have understood the material. Another example is when a teacher wants to include
a listening exercise. Without a computer, they would have to read the text themselves,
potentially making errors in pronunciation. However, 7.if a computer is used for the listening
exercise, it will be read perfectly.
As a result, when we employ this tool in the language classroom, it benefits both the teacher
and the students. It facilitates the teaching process for educators and enhances the learning
experience for students.

1.clearer and clearer way of expressing agreement

2.Corrected the article "an" to "a" for grammatical agreement.
3.I used "various" instead of "a lot of" for greater precision.
4.I corrected "memory" to "memorize" for correct verb usage.
5.I replaced "it can produce poor marks" with "which can lead to poorer performance" for
clarity and variety of vocabulary.
6.I changed the expression to make it more precise and clearer.
7.I changed the wording for clarity and consistency.

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