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L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad.

Software Engineering Question Bank (SEM-V-2023 CE/IT/CSD/AIML/AIDS/RAI/CSE )

Note :
This question bank is only for reference purpose. LJU Test question paper may not be completely set from this question bank.
Unit answer
Sr. No. Question text marks option A option B option C option D
Number _text
set of programs,
documentation and None of the
1 1 Software is defined as ___________ A 1 documentation & set of programs
configuration of data mentioned
configuration of data
Application of
2 1 What is Software Engineering? C 1 Designing a software Testing a software engineering principles to None of the above
the design a software

____________ is a software development activity that is not a part of

3 1 D 1 Validation Specification Development Dependence
software processes.

Product Line
4 1 Compilers, Editors software come under which type of software? A 1 System Softwares. Application Software. Engineering Softwares.

Tools,Methods,Peopl Tools,Project,Process, Tools,Method,Process, Tools,Method,Projec

5 1 What are the four Layers of Software Engineering? C 1
e,Quality Quality Quality t,Quality

Instructions,people,co Instructions,computer, Instruction,data-
6 1 Software is a collection of which three things? C 1 structure,descriptive
mputer. performance. structure,people
“Software is not susceptible to the environmental maladies that cause Data is insufficient to
Statement is
7 1 hardware to wear out”. Which of the following option is true for above A 1 Statement is true Statement is false deduct anything for the
statement. statement

Which layer is the bedrock that supports software engineering? Which layer Product Layer,Quality Tools Layer,Method Method Layer,Product Quality Focus
8 1 D 1
is the foundation for software engineering. Focus Layer Layer Layer layer,process layer

9 1 What is the first step in the software development lifecycle? D 1 System Design Coding System Testing Investigation and

Which of the following is involved in the system planning and designing

10 1 D 1 Sizing Parallel run Specification freeze All of the above
phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?

Rapid Application Rapid Application Relative Application

11 1 What does RAD stand for? B 1 None of the above
Document Development Development

It requires highly
It necessitates It increases the
12 1 The major drawback of RAD model is __________. D 1 skilled Both (a) & (c)
customer feedbacks. component reusability.

13 1 Which of the following does not relate to Evolutionary Process Model? D 1 Incremental Model WINWIN Spiral Model All of the above
Development Model

Object-oriented Object-oriented analysis

14 1 If the objects focus on the problem domain, then we are concerned with A 1 Object-oriented design All of the above
analysis and design

15 1 Identify the simplest model of SDLC? C 1 Agile RAD Waterfall Spiral

Programs+hardware Instruction+hardware
16 1 Choose the correct option among the following. The software consists of? A 1 on operating Set of programs
manuals manuals

17 1 Total phases of RAD software model is- B 1 6 5 3 2

Instructions,computer, Instructions,people,com Instruction,data-
18 1 What does Software consist of? A 1 structure,descriptive
performance. puter. structure,people

19 1 Identify the incorrect phase of the prototype model. C 1 Prototype refinement Engineer product Coding Quick design

20 1 Select the correct option which refers to internal software equality? A 1 Reusability Scalability Reliability None

21 1 Identify the first invented nodel from the following A 1 Waterfall Model Agile Model Spiral Model Prototype Model

Development team Project types and

22 1 On which of the following is model selection based upon? D 1 Requirements All of the above
and users associated risks

Which one of the following models is not suitable for accommodating any
23 1 D 1 Build & Fix Model Prototyping Model RAD Model Waterfall Model

System Development Software Design Life System Design Life
24 1 SDLC stands for A 1 Development Life
Life cycle Cycle Cycle
It is an evolutionary process model that couples the iterative nature of
prototyping with the controlled and systematic aspects of waterfall model. It
25 1 C 1 Waterfall Model Agile Model Spiral Model Prototype Model
provides the potential for rapid development of increasingly more complete
versions of the software. What is the model with above characteristics?

Easier to test and

It is used when there is debug & It is used
Customer can respond Easier to test and
26 1 What is the major advantage of using Incremental Model? D 1 a need to get a product when there is a need
to each increment debug
to the market early to get a product to
the market early

set of instructions,
data structures and
27 1 Software is D 1 set of instructions data structures descriptive information

None of the
28 1 _____________&_____________ are two kinds of software products. C 1 CAD, CAM Firmware, Embedded Generic, Customised

Software project Construction

29 1 Which is not an umbrella activity? C 1 Risk management Measurement
tracking and control management

The software life cycle can be said to consist of a series of phases. The
classical model is referred to as the waterfall model. Which phase defined as
30 1 A 1 Requirements Specification Design Implementation
“The concept is explored and refined, and the client’s requirements are

31 1 In which of below mentioned model “blocking of state” condition occurs? A 1 Linear sequential Incremental RAD SCRUM

Convincing the
Helping us understand Managing the various
A systematic approach to software development, as epitomized by the customer that we Filling texts on software
32 1 D 1 the nature of the activities necessary to
various life-cycle models, is useful in know what we are engineering
software product get the job done

A client wants himself to be visualized with the product that he has given an
organization for development. This is because he does not have a detailed
view of his requirements but has a general idea of what features he wishes in
the system. He expects the team to ask for his reviews and incorporate
33 1 C 1 Waterfall Model Spiral Prototype Model RAD Model
changes if any in the ongoing regular development phase. The final product
should be delivered only after the complete simulation of the product has
been verified by him. Which development model should the Project
Manager choose?
A system has to be developed in Modules. It has complete support from the
Higher Management and has surplus Budget and a well-equipped
34 1 infrastructure allotted for the on time and high quality delivery. It has a D 1 Waterfall Model SCRUM Spiral RAD Model
highly dedicated and expertized team working to achieve customer
satisfaction. Which model should best work in these circumstances?
The requirements of the customer are completely clear with no scope of
changes. An inexperienced team is supposed to work on the project which a The linear sequential
35 1 A 1 SCRUM Spiral RAD Model
clone of an existing application. Which model should be suggested for the model
above case?
The customer is requesting to use the core functionalities of word-
processing software to be delivered like basic file management, editing, and
document production functions as soon as possible. More sophisticated
36 1 editing and document production capabilities, spelling and grammar B 1 Waterfall Model Incremental Model Spiral RAD Model
checking and advanced page layout capabilities can be delivered afterwards
gradually using a planned approach. Which process model is best suited for
above scenario?
The customer is willing to wait for using the product until late in the project
time span. Also he is ready and sure about all the requirements at the start of
37 1 project. So developers will be able to get all the requirements explicitly A 1 Waterfall Model Incremental Model Spiral RAD Model
without any scope of change. Which model should be suggested for the
above case?
There is a client who wants to develop library management system which
will be divided into three modules. All the requirements are well understood
and project scope is constrained. The customer is willing to get the fully
38 1 D 1 Waterfall Model Incremental Model Spiral RAD Model
functional system within 2 months of time. Also the company has full
human resource and financial feasibility to accomplish the project. Which
model should be suggested for the above case?

What is the appropriate pairing of items in the two columns listing various
activities encountered in a software life cycle?
P. Requirements Capture 1.Module Development and Integration
39 1 B 1 P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1 P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4 P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-4 P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
Q. Design 2.Domain Analysis
R. Implementation 3.Structural and Behavioral Modeling
S. Maintenance 4.Performance Tuning

Which of the following models doesn't necessitate defining requirements at Prototyping &
40 1 C 1 RAD & Waterfall Spiral & Prototyping Spiral & RAD
the earliest in the lifecycle? Waterfall

41 1 Which activity of the generic process framework provides feedback report? A 1 Deployment Planning Modeling Construction
The requirements
Consistency and
document also
completeness of Requirements review
describes how the Prototyping is a method
functional is carried out to find
42 1 Which one of the following is TRUE? C 1 requirements that are of requirements
requirements are the errors in system
listed in the document validation
always achieved in design
are implemented

Multiple change
Software suffers from Defects are more likely Software spare parts
Software does not wear-out in the traditional sense of the term, but software requests introduce
43 1 C 1 exposure to hostile to arise after software become harder to
does tend to deteriorate as it evolves, because : errors in component
environments has been used often order

a useful approach
a reasonable approach the best approach to use a risky model that
when a customer
44 1 The prototyping model of software development is: B 1 when requirements for projects with large rarely produces a
cannot define
are well-defined development teams meaningful product.
requirements clearly

45 1 Which of the following is not a software process model? C 1 Prototyping Iterative Glass-boxing Waterfall Model

The process of
analyzing software to
The process of create a
The process of existing Concerned with
analyzing software representation of a
software artifacts and reimplementing legacy
46 1 Software Reuse is B 1 with the objective of higher level of
knowledge to build systems to make them
recovering its design abstraction and
new software more maintainable
and specification breaking software
down into its parts to
see how it works

47 1 Select the appropriate option: Which model incurs more cost? A 1 RAD Prototype model Spiral All of these

48 1 The key feature of spiral model is B 1 requirement analysis risk management quality management

49 1 The most important feature of spiral model is B 1 Requirement analysis Risk analysis Quality management

Which activity combines code generation and the testing that is required to
50 1 A 1 Construction Deployment Planning Communication
uncover errors in the code?

Linear nature leads to the “blocking” states in which some team members
51 1 must wait for others to complete dependent tasks. This statement is A 1 Waterfall Model Prototype model Spiral RAD
applicable to which model?

Software project Software Quality

52 1 Pick the odd one out? D 1 Risk Management Deployment
tracking and control Assurance

A company is working on software development which is large scale

project. Customer primarily wants software with basic functionalities while
53 1 more complete version of software can be delivered after some iterations. C 1 Incremental RAD Spiral Waterfall Model
Here, company is including risk analysis for their software development
project. Which model should company choose?

Software project
54 1 Which of below activity is not an umbrella activity? D 1 Risk management Technical reviews Planning

In which of below mentioned activity one can defined activities required for Software project
55 1 C 1 Risk management SQA WP preparation
software quality? tracking and control

56 1 Which of following model is also known as “Meta”? C Incremental RAD Spiral Waterfall Model

57 1 How is risk analysis carried out in the spiral model? B 1 In the first loop In every loop In the second loop In the third loop

58 1 Which one of the following is not an evolutionary model? B 1 Spiral model Incremental model RAD model Both 2 and 3

Identify the umbrella activities that manage the effects of change throughout
59 1 A 1 configuration Measurement Technical reviews Risk management
the software process?

Which of the following activities of the generic process framework delivers

60 1 A 1 Deployment Modelling Planning Measurement

Waterfall model, Incremental model, Waterfall model, RAD Incremental model,

61 1 Spiral model is a result of combination of elements of which three models? B 1 RAD model, and Prototype model, and model, and Incremental RAD model, and
Prototype model Waterfall model model Prototype model

If you were a lead developer of a software company and you are asked to
62 1 submit a project/product within a stipulated time-frame with no cost D 1 Prototype Model Spiral Model Build & fix Model RAD Model
barriers, which model would you select?
The spiral model has two dimensions namely _____________ and diagonal,
63 1 C 1 diagonal, angular radial, perpendicular radial, angular
____________ perpendicular

Which of the following enables the software program to adequately

64 1 C 1 Instructions documents data structures testing
manipulate information?

Choose the correct option according to given below statement. Statement 1:

Umbrella activities are independent of any one framework activity and occur
throughout the process. Statement 2: software quality assurance, software Only statement 1 is Statement 1 and Only statement 3 is all statements are
65 1 B 1
configuration management are umbrella activity. Statement 3: software correct statement 2 are correct correct correct
quality assurance, software configuration management are not umbrella
A reasonable A good approach The best approach to A revolutionary
approach when when a working core use for projects with model that is not used
66 1 The incremental model of software development is B 1
requirements are well product is required large development for commercial
defined quickly teams products
A client wants himself to be visualized with the product that he has given an
organization for development. This is because he does not have a detailed
view of his requirements but has a general idea of what features he wishes in
the system. He expects the team to ask for his reviews and incorporate
67 1 1
changes if any in the ongoing regular development phase. The final product
should be delivered only after the complete simulation of the product has
been verified by him. Which development model should the Project
Manager choose? Give reason and justification for your answer
A system has to be developed in Modules. It has complete support from the
Higher Management and has surplus Budget and a well-equipped
infrastructure allotted for the on time and high quality delivery. It has a
68 1 1
highly dedicated and expertized team working to achieve customer
satisfaction. Which model should best work in these circumstances? Give
reason and justification for your answer
The requirements of the customer are completely clear with no scope of
changes. An inexperienced team is supposed to work on the project which a
69 1 1
clone of an existing application. Which model should be suggested for the
above case? Give reason and justification for your answer

The customer is requesting to use the core functionalities of word-

processing software to be delivered like basic file management, editing, and
document production functions as soon as possible. More sophisticated
70 1 editing and document production capabilities, spelling and grammar 1
checking and advanced page layout capabilities can be delivered afterwards
gradually using a planned approach. Which process model is best suited for
above scenario? Give reason and justification for your answer

The customer is willing to wait for using the product until late in the project
time span. Also he is ready and sure about all the requirements at the start of
71 1 project. So developers will be able to get all the requirements explicitly 1
without any scope of change. Which model should be suggested for the
above case? Give reason and justification for your answer.

There is a client who wants to develop library management system which

will be divided into three modules. All the requirements are well understood
and project scope is constrained. The customer is willing to get the fully
72 1 1
functional system within 2 months of time. Also the company has full
human resource and financial feasibility to accomplish the project. Which
model should be suggested for the above case?

73 1 What is Software Engineering? 1

List and Describe very briefly various activities of software engineering

74 1 5
process framework.

75 1 What are umbrella Activities? 3

Describe Software Development Lifecycle Model (SDLC) applicable for

76 1 5

77 1 What are process framework activities? 5

A customer wants a system which has to be developed in Modules and has

to be complete within 3 months. This customer has complete support from
the Higher Management and has high Budget and a well-equipped
78 1 infrastructure allotted for the on time and high quality delivery. A customer 5
has a highly dedicated and expertized team working to achieve customer
satisfaction. Which model should best work in these circumstances? Explain
that model in detail
A client come up with an idea to develop a project in Modules. Higher
Management has complete support in favor of this idea and promise to
provide surplus Budget and a well-equipped infrastructure allotted for the on
79 1 time and high quality delivery. The company has highly dedicated and 5
expertized team. Suggest model which will best work under these
circumstances? Give reason and justification for your answer. Also, mention
merits and demerits of the model suggested.

Explain various activities of software engineering process framework. Enlist

80 1 5
generic process framework with figure.
The requirements are very well documented, clear and fixed at the start of
the project. The project is short and the product definition is stable. So,
developers will be able to get all the requirements explicitly without any
81 1 5
scope of change. Suggest and draw a model for the above scenario and
explain the different phases involved in the suggested model with advantages
and disadvantages.
The customer is requesting to use the core functionalities of word-
processing software to be delivered like basic file management, editing, and
document production functions as soon as possible. More sophisticated
82 1 editing and document production capabilities, spelling and grammar 5
checking and advanced page layout capabilities can be delivered afterwards
gradually using a planned approach. Which process model will you use for
this situation? Justify your answer and explain the model in detail.

A client wants himself to be visualized with the product that he has given an
organization for development. This is because he does not have a detailed
view of his requirements but has a general idea of what features he wishes in
the system. He expects the team to ask for his reviews and incorporate
83 1 5
changes if any in the ongoing regular development phase. The final product
should be delivered only after the complete simulation of the product has
been verified by him. Which development model should the Project
Manager choose? Give reason and description of model suggested by you.

Producing only
Recent application Abolishing the project
84 2 Choose the option which is not applicable to agile software development? C 1 essential work of None
development and planning

Both Incremental and

85 2 Agile Software Development is based on D 1 Iterative Development Linear Development Iterative

Incremental development in Extreme Programming (XP) is supported

86 2 B 1 TRUE FALSE None
through a system release once every month.

87 2 In XP Increments are delivered to customers every _______ weeks. B 1 1 2 3 4

none of the
88 2 User requirements are expressed as __________ in Extreme Programming. C 1 implementation tasks functionalities stories

It may vary from None of the

89 2 Is a customer involved test development and validation in XP ? C 1 Yes No
Customer to Customer mentioned

90 2 Tests are automated in Extreme Programming. A 1 TRUE FALSE None

analysis, design, planning, analysis, planning, design, planning, analysis,

91 2 Which four activities are found in the Extreme Programming(XP) ? C 1
coding, testing design, coding coding, testing coding, testing

Individuals and
92 2 Select the option that suits the Manifesto for Agile Software Development D 1 Working software Customer collaboration All of the mentioned

Agility is defined as the ability of a project team to respond rapidly to a

93 2 A 1 TRUE FALSE None

An agile software process is characterized in a way that reduces a number of

94 2 A 1 TRUE FALSE None
important assumptions about the majority of software project.

Scrum is an agile
method which means
95 2 How many phases are there in Scrum ? B 1 2 3 4
it does not have

Uses incremental Eliminate the use of

Only essential work
96 2 Which of the following does not apply to agility to a software process? C 1 product delivery project planning and All of the mentioned
products are produced
strategy testing
In agile development it is more important to build software that meets the
97 2 customers’ needs today than worry about features that might be needed in A 1 TRUE FALSE None
the future.
__________ is a software development methodology, which is intended to
Estimate Functional Embedded
98 2 improve software quality and responsiveness to changing customer B 1 Extreme programming
programming programming programming

99 2 Extreme Programming (XP) is based on the __________ values. B 1 4 5 6 7

It encourages team
Proponents of agility
structures and attitudes
argue that a well-
that make It emphasizes rapid
designed agile process
communication delivery of operational
“does not flatten” the It adopts the
(among team software and de-
cost of change curve customer as a part of
100 2 What is not true for agility? A 1 members, between emphasizes the
which means it does the development
technologists and importance of
not allow a software team.
business people, intermediate work
team to accommodate
between software products.
changes late in a
engineers and their
managers) simpler.
To satisfy the
customer through Deliver working Build projects around All of the mentioned
101 2 Amongst which of the following is/are the Agility Principles, D 1
early and continuous software frequently motivated individuals above

Identify the following test, which are specified by the customers in XP

102 2 B 1 Integration test Acceptance test Unit test Both 2 and 3

Working software is Changing requirements

Frequent delivery of
103 2 Which of the following does not describe the principles of agility? B 1 the primary measure late in development are Simplicity
working software
of progress. not welcomed.

A prioritized list of
project requirements
List of List of human List of technical tools
or features that
104 2 What do you mean by Backlog in SCRUM? D 1 hardware/software resources required to required to develop the
provide business
resources in a project. develop software. software.
value for the

The number of user stories completed in one iteration or the number of user
105 2 B 1 Competence Project velocity Decision making ability Both 2 and 3
stories implemented during the first release in the XP model is known as?

Welcome changing
Our highest priority is requirements, even late
Business people and
to satisfy the customer in development. Agile
developers must work None of the
106 2 Which of these is not an agility principle? D 1 through early and processes harness
together daily mentioned
continuous delivery of change for the
throughout the project
valuable software customer’s competitive

Who is responsible for defining features, creating a product backlog,

107 2 A 1 Product Owner Scrum master Project manager Team leader
managing input from end-users and managing stakeholders?

108 2 A key concept during the coding activity in XP process is: D 1 design planning testing pair programming

109 2 What is Agility? Describe how the Agile process works? 3

110 2 Describe the Extreme Programming for agile development. 5

111 2 Describe the Scrum Agile Model and write about Scrum meets 5

112 2 List and explain any one Agile Model. 5

113 2 State the advantages and disadvantages of Agile Process. 3

114 2 What's the difference between sprint backlog and product backlog? 2

What’s the difference between Agile methodology and Traditional

115 2 2
methodology of Software Development?

116 2 What do you mean by Pair Programming? Write its advantages. 2

What do you mean by Scrum Master? What are the responsibilities of

117 2 3
Scrum Master?

118 2 What are different roles in Scrum? 3

Which model in agile process follow the concept of pair programming?

119 2 5
Describe that agile model in brief.

A manager demands for refactoring and pair programming for executing

120 2 certain project. Suggest and explain which model is best suited for this 2
condition. Also justify your answer in detail
A client demands for demonstration of features before each delivery. Also,
each delivery must be completed within 1 to 4 weeks. Suggest and explain
121 2 3
which model is best suited for this condition. Also justify your answer in

122 2 Discuss in detail Scrum and Sprint used in industries. 3

Explain agile process with all assumptions. Also, describe the scrum agile
123 2 5
124 3 The user system requirements are the parts of which document ? B 1 SDD SRS DDD SRD

The narrow spectrum of tasks and techniques that lead to an understanding

125 3 False 1
of requirements is called requirement engineering. True or False?

The broad spectrum of _____________and techniques that lead to an

126 3 B 1 activity tasks action feasibility
understanding of requirements is called requirement engineering.

The broad spectrum of tasks and___________ that lead to an understanding

127 3 C 1 activity action techniques coding
of requirements is called requirement engineering.

_________________ engineering is a major software engineering action

128 3 that begins during the communication activity and continues into the D 1 inception negotiation elicitation Requirements
modeling activity.
Requirements engineering is a major ____________engineering action that
129 3 begins during the communication activity and continues into the modeling C 1 hardware web software server

Requirements engineering is a major software engineering action that begins

130 3 A 1 communication planning coding deployment
during the ___________ activity and continues into the modeling activity.

Requirements engineering is a major software engineering action that begins

131 3 during the communication activity and continues into the____________ A 1 modeling planning coding deployment

To establish business To establish None of the

132 3 In requirements engineering tasks Elicitation refers, D 1 To establish integration
goals communication mentioned above

The broad spectrum of tasks and techniques that lead to an understanding of requirement
133 3 D 1 inception Requirement gathering elicitation
requirements is called _______________ engineering.

134 3 Requirements engineering builds a bridge to design and_______________ A 1 construction. planning coding deployment

135 3 Requirements engineering builds a bridge to___________and construction A 1 design planning coding deployment

___________________ engineering builds a bridge to design and

136 3 A 1 Requirements inception negotiation elicitation

Design and
137 3 Requirement engineering builds a bridge to A 1 Design and testing Design and models All of these

To specify the problem

To define the scope
Amongst which of the following is / are the necessary steps for requirements To define what is and reviewed or All of the mentioned
138 3 D 1 and nature of the
engineering, required validated to understand above
the problem

None of the
139 3 Which one of the following is a functional requirement ? D 1 Maintainability Portability Robustness

___________________is defined as the practical extent to which a project

140 3 B 1 product milestone Feasibility analysis task activity
can be performed successfully.

Feasibility analysis is defined as the _______________ extent to which a

141 3 C 1 product milestone task practical activity
project can be performed successfully.

____________________ is defined as the product milestone extent to

142 3 B 1 product milestone Feasibility analysis task activity
which a project can be performed successfully.

For the success of project development Requirements analysis is the critical Based the size of None of the
143 3 A 1 Yes No
stage project mentioned

__________ does not correspond to a good Software Requirements

144 3 D 1 Verifiable Complete Traceable Ambiguous
Specification (SRS)

its structure and style

no subset of
are such that any
every requirement individual
changes to the
stated therein is one every requirement stated requirements
145 3 The SRS is said to be consistent if and only if D 1 requirements can be
that the software shall therein is verifiable described in it
made easily while
meet conflict with each
retaining the style and

146 3 Feasibility study is performed to evaluate______________ C 1 product milestone task feasibility activity

147 3 __________________ study is performed to evaluate feasibility. C 1 product milestone task feasibility activity
Which of the following property does not correspond to a good Software
148 3 B 1 Verifiable Ambiguous Complete Traceable
Requirements Specification (SRS) ?

in customer’s in all of the

149 3 Why is Requirements Management Important ? It is due to the changes D 1 to the environment in technology
expectations mentioned

Although you are new

to the company, and
Read the following paragraph and identify the correct statement. Since you are new to
you hardly know
“Imagine that you were recently hired as a software engineer to a company the company, and
You should anything about the
that specializes in aircraft navigation control software. While orientating you are unfamiliar
immediately resign internal processes and
yourselves to the company’s work practices, you observe that they in fact do with the internal
from the company You should do nothing politics, you should
150 3 not conduct a few tests that they should in order comply with the relevant D 1 processes and
and file a complaint and let the matter slide insist on company
safety standard. When you inquire about this from the project manager, he politics, you should
with the relevant changing its work
dismisses it saying that those tests unnecessary (and takes an unreasonably first find-out more
standard institution practices immediately;
long time to conduct, as well as being superfluous) and that they have about issue and its
failing which you
managed with the other so long, without any problems.” background
threaten to report the

An SRS is said to be of high quality when the developer and user easily
151 3 D 1 communication requirements costing prepared document
understand the ____________________

An SRS is said to be of high quality when the _______________ and user

152 3 C 1 Client customer developer trainee
easily understand the prepared document

153 3 How many feasibility studies is conducted in Requirement Analysis ? B 1 2 3 4 5

SRS is consistent when the subsets of individual requirements defined do

154 3 C 1 agree coincide conflict verify
not ____________ with each other.

Backward tracing implies defining each requirement explicitly referencing its

155 3 B 1 sink source. customer client

Depends upon the size

156 3 Requirements analysis is critical to the success of a development project. A 1 TRUE FALSE None
of project

______________ tracing implies defining each requirement explicitly

157 3 D 1 Forward Negative Non-Functional Backward
referencing its source.

The objectives and goals that are stated for a product or system during
158 3 A 1 Normal requirements Expected requirements Exciting requirements None
meetings with the customer are_________________

Depends upon the size

159 3 Requirements should specify ‘what’ but not ‘how’. A 1 TRUE FALSE None
of project

In which elicitation process the developers discuss with the client and end Requirement Organizing Negotiation &
160 3 A 1 Documentation
users and know their expectations from the software. gathering requirements discussion

These requirements are implicit to the product or system and may be so

161 3 B 1 Normal requirements Expected requirements Exciting requirements None
fundamental that the customer does not explicitly state them.

These features go beyond the customer’s expectations and prove to be very

162 3 C 1 Normal requirements Expected requirements Exciting requirements None
satisfying when present.

______________ techniques are applicable to the requirements elicitation


To define a set of
To establish a basis for
To describe what the requirements that can be
164 3 The requirements model must achieve which of these primary objectives. D 1 the creation of a All mentioned above
customer requires validated once the
software design
These are the examples of
1) Search option given to user to search from various invoices. Functional Non-functional
165 3 A 1 Both A & B None of the above
2) User should be able to mail any report to management. Requirements Requirements
3) Users can be divided into groups and groups can be given separate rights.

Software requirement Software requirement

166 3 Which is focused towards goal of the organization? A 1 Feasibility study Requirement gathering
specification validation

Which document is created by system analyst after the requirements are Software requirement Software requirement Requirement
167 3 A 1 Feasibility study
collected from Various stakeholders? specification validation Gathering

requirements are
User Requirements Design description
Software Requirement Specification should come up with following expressed in structured
168 3 D 1 are expressed in should be written in All of these
features: language, which is
natural language. Pseudo code.
used inside the
If they can be If they are valid and as
If there are any
169 3 Requirements can be checked against following conditions. D 1 practically per functionality and All of these
implemented domain of software
Software Refining Software Resource
170 3 Abbreviate the term SRS. A 1 Requirement None of the above
Solution Source

Requirements are well Customer is reluctant Developers are Requirements change

171 3 What do you mean by problems of volatility in Elicitation? D 1
established to use your s/w technically incapable over time

Using an iterative
approach that prioritizes
requirements, assesses
Developer’s opinion Only initial their cost and risk, and
What method should be used for Negotiation in Requirement should be given requirements should addresses internal
172 3 Engineering?Give importance to customer’s requirement and discard all C 1 priority as he is the be considered and later conflicts, requirements All of the above
other opinion as customer is paying. one developing the conflicts should be are eliminated,
s/w ignored combined, and/or
modified so that each
party achieves some
measure of satisfaction

It is defined as the
Feasibility is the It is a software
practical extent to
It is a method of specification task of configuration
173 3 What is Feasibility? A 1 which a project can
negotiation Requirement management
be performed
engineering technique
Algorithms for
Which one of the following is NOT desired in a good Software Functional Non-Functional Goals of
174 3 D 1 Software
Requirement Specifications (SRS) document? Requirements Requirements Implementation

Which of the following requirement specifications can be validated?

(S1) If the system fails during any operation, there should not be any loss
of data
(S2) The system must provide reasonable performance even under
175 3 C 1 S4 and S3 S4 and S2 S3 and S1 S2 and S1
maximum load conditions
(S3) The software executable must be deployable under MS Windows 95,
2000 and XP
(S4) User interface windows must fit on a standard monitor's screen

None of the
176 3 Which one of the following is a functional requirement D 1 Maintainability Portability Robustness

Which one of the following non-functional quality attributes is not highly

177 3 C 1 Performance Reliability Usability Portability
affected by the architecture of the software?

_______________ feasibility assesses the extent to which the required

178 3 software performs a series of steps to solve business problems and user B 1 Technical Operational Economic option a and b

In requirement engineering, problem of understanding occurs in which

179 3 B 1 Inception Elicitation Negotiation Elaboration

A set of activities that help the project team identify, control, and track
180 3 requirements and changes to requirements at any time as the project A 1 Elicitation Negotiation Elaboration
proceeds, is called

Assess the current

This feasibility is
resources and
Assesses the extent to dependent on human Determine whether
technology, which are
which the required resources and involves the required software
required to
software performs a visualizing whether the is capable of
181 3 What do you mean by operational feasibility? B 1 accomplish user
series of steps to solve software will operate generating financial
requirements in the
business problems and after it is developed and gains for an
software within the
user requirements. be operative once it is organization
allocated time and

What is the task of requirement engineering that focuses on developing a

182 3 refined requirements model that identifies various aspects of software C 1 Inception Elicitation Elaboration Specification
function, behavior and information?

Which of software engineering action begins during communication and requirement

183 3 A 1 inception elicitation validation
continues till modeling? engineering

How the system is to

Which of the following is not a part of Inception task in Requirement Business need is Business case for idea Rough feasibility
184 3 C 1 be used on day-to-day
Engineering? identified is defined analysis

Which of below mentioned task helps project team to track and control Specification Requirement
185 3 D 1 Negotiation Validation
requirement of project? management

In which of task technical skills and capabilities of team member are

186 3 B 1 Operational feasibility Technical feasibility Economical feasibility QFD

187 3 What are the characteristics of SRS? D 1 Correct Consistent Complete all of above

What is requirement engineering? State its process and explain requirements

188 3 5
elicitation problem with respect to Online Airline Reservation System.
List and explain requirement engineering tasks. Prepare a note on how the
189 3 requirment engineering tasks can be carried out for preparing an Order 5
processing system.

190 3 Prepare a SRS document on Online Ticket Booking System 5

191 3 Prepare a SRS document on Online Airline Reservation System 5

192 3 Prepare SRS document for Library Management Software (LMS) 5

193 3 Prepare SRS document for ATM in Banking System 5

194 3 Prepare SRS document for Library Management System 3

195 3 Prepare SRS document for Hospital Management System 3

196 3 Prepare SRS document for Inventory Management System 3

197 3 Prepare SRS document for Hostel Management System 3

198 3 Prepare SRS document for Hotel Management System 3

199 3 Describe a SRS for Hospital management system 5

What are the characteristics of a good SRS? Write a SRS for an application
200 3 5
that manages doctor and patient appointment and consultation

201 3 Describe a SRS for Bus Reservation system 5

202 3 Describe a SRS for College management system 5

203 3 Describe a SRS for Online Examnation system 5

204 3 Describe a SRS for Inventory management system 6

Which of the following statements are TRUE?

I. The context diagram should depict the system as a single bubble.
II. External entities should be identified clearly at all levels of DFDs.
205 4 C 1 II and III II and III I and III I, II and III
III. Control information should not be represented in a DFD.
IV. A data store can be connected wither to another data store or to an
external entity.

206 4 A context model of a software system can be shown by drawing a A 1 LEVEL-0 DFD LEVEL-1 DFD LEVEL-2 DFD LEVEL-3 DFD

depicts functions that indicates how data are

depicts relationships
207 4 The data flow diagram D 1 transform the data transformed by the both b and c
between data objects
flow system

Which diagram is really useful for providing overview of data as well as

208 4 C 1 Use case diagram Activity diagram DFD Class diagram
functionality to software designers?

Data cannot move

No process can have Internal logic should No process can have directly from an
209 4 Which rule is incorrect for Data Flow diagram B 1 only output data be shown like loops, if- only output data flows external entity to a
flows. else in DFD (a miracle) data store without a

210 4 A rectangle in a DFD represents C 1 Input unit Input data flow External Entity Output data flow

211 4 Which symbol represents external entity in DFD B 1 square rectangle oval circle
A store is in the business of selling paints and hardware items. A number of
reputed companies supply items to the store. New suppliers can also register
with the store after providing necessary details. The customer can place the
order with the shop telephonically. Or personally. In case items are not
available customers are informed. The detail of every new customer is
stored in the company’s database for future reference. Regular customers
212 4 are offered discounts. Additionally details of daily transactions are also 5
maintained. The suppliers from time to time also come up with attractive
schemes for the dealers. In case, scheme is attractive for a particular item,
the store places order with the company. Details of past schemes are also
maintained by the store. The details of each item i.e. item code, quantity
available etc. is also maintained.
i) Draw a level 1 DFD for the above requirement....

Explain DFD with symbols used and draw context diagram and DFD for
213 4 5
Air line reservation system

Explain DFD with symbols used and draw context diagram and DFD for
214 4 5

List five requirement of Library management System. Draw DFD lavel-0

215 4 5
and DFD Level-1 for Library Management System

Draw the Data Flow Diagram with different levels for withdraw and deposit
216 4 5
of money in a bank.

217 4 Prepare DFD for College Management System 5

Draw context diagram and data flow diagram (DFD) for Airlines
218 4 5
Reservation System

219 4 Prepare DFD for Library Management System. 5

220 4 Prepare DFD for Employee Attendance System 5

221 4 Prepare a DFD for Ticket Reservation System 5

222 4 Draw the DFD for order processing 5

223 4 Prepare Data Flow Diagram for Course Registration System. 5

224 4 Draw context level and DFD level 1 diagram for food ordering system 5

225 4 Draw a data flow diagram with different levels for loan application process. 5

Consider the following scenario for Scholarship management system and

draw level 0, 1 & 2 DFD with all necessary details included.
•Any student can register for scholarship.
• Students can fill up registration form by providing necessary details
226 4 5
required in form.
• Govt. employee can view student’s details and check eligibility of students
from data-store to get list of eligible students.
•Students can get eligibility status from system.

227 4 Prepare DFD for online clothes ordering system. 5

Unified Modeling User Modified Union Modeling Unified Modeling

228 5 What is full form of UML? A 1
Language Language Language List

229 5 The UML supports event-based modeling using ____________ diagrams. C 1 Deployment Collaboration State chart All of the mentioned

The relationship between a derived class (or subclass) and base class is
230 5 B 1 Association Inheritance Polymorphism Instantiation
referred to as?

231 5 Which of the following is not a UML diagram? C 1 Use Case Class Diagram Analysis Diagram Swimlane Diagram

The method of design encompassing the process of object oriented

Object-oriented Object-oriented Object-oriented
232 5 decomposition and a notation for depicting both logical and physical and as B 1 None of the above
Programming Design Analysis
well as static and dynamic models of the system under design is known as?
Represents the Show the directional These shapes indicate
It splits a single
beginning of a flow, or the activities that
233 5 What is the use of Fork symbol in activity diagram? A 1 activity flow into two
process or workflow in control flow, of the make up a modeled
concurrent activities.
an activity diagram activity process

234 5 It splits a single activity flow into two concurrent activities? D 1 Start Connector Merge Fork

What are symbols “-, +, #” used in class diagram called?

235 5 B 1 Dependency Access modifier Aggregation Interface

An actor must be
An actor can be Multiple actors can be
What is true for the relationship “Association between an actor and a use associated
236 5 D 1 associated associated All of the mentioned
case”. with at least one use-
with multiple use case. with single use case.

237 5 A class consists of which of these abstractions? D 1 Set of the objects Operations Attributes All of the above

Used to depict
Used to indicate
Used to indicate static Used to indicate elements which are
238 5 What is the use of generalization symbol in class diagram? C 1 dynamic view of
view of model inheritance made up of smaller
Include relationship
show that the The base use case is
The included use case is
behavior of the incomplete
239 5 Pick the odd one out for include relationship between two use cases? D 1 mandatory and not None of the above
included use case is without the included
part of the including use case.
(base) use case.
Which relationship of use case shows the behavior of the ancestor is Generalization of a Generalization of an Association between an Include relationship
240 5 A 1
inherited by the descendant? use-case actor actor and use-case between two usecase

To reuse the common actions across multiple use cases is the main reason Association Generalization
241 5 B 1 Include relationship Extend relationship
for which relationship in use case? relationship relationship

Which of below mentioned diagram uses Association, Generalization

242 5 relationship? C 1 Use Case Activity Class State

243 5 A generalized description of a collection of similar objects is a? A 1 Class Instance Subclass Superclass

Which diagram indicates the behaviour of the system as a consequence of Control specification
244 5 B 1 Data flow diagram State diagram Work flow diagram
external events? diagram

Which of the following relationship is conditional and not mandatory in use Association Aggregation
245 5 A 1 Extend relationship Include relationship
case diagram? relationship relationship

246 5 Which of the following UML diagrams has a static view? B 1 Collaboration Use case State chart Activity

Each message is Reading the diagram

They should appear in
indicated as an from the top of the Control information
What is false with respect to message passing between objects in Sequence chronological order
247 5 D 1 arrow between the bottom would show the cannot be added to
diagram? from top to the
lifelines of two sequence in which the message
objects. message occurs
It shows the sequence It shows the sequence
It shows the sequence It shows object
of tasks to of communication
248 5 What does Sequence diagram depict? C 1 of interactions arranged in
be performed in a between people
requirements in SRS time sequence
given schedule. involved in project.

249 5 A class is divided into which of these compartments? D 1 Name compartment Attribute compartment Operation compartment All of the above

250 5 Which of the following diagram is time oriented? B 1 Collaboration Sequence Activity None of the above
Match the following:

List-I List-II

a) State Diagram i) Describe how the external

entities can interact with system

251 5 b) Use-Case Diagarm ii) Used to describe the static or C 1 a-i, b-iv, c-iii, d-ii a-ii, b-iv, c-i, d-iii a-iv, b-i, c-ii, d-iii a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv
structural view of the system

c) Class Diagram iii) providing a graphical

representation of the flow of interaction within a specific scenario

d) Activity Diagram iv) Used to describe the dynamic

behaviour of an individual objects
What type of relationship is represented in below figure?

Generalization of an Association
252 5 A 1 Extend relationship Include relationship
actor relationship

Which UML diagram is shown below?

253 5 C 1 Activity diagram Use-case diagram State diagram Class diagram

Which type of UML diagram is shown in figure?

254 5 D 1 Use Case Activity Class State

What type of core-relationship is represented by the symbol in the figure


255 5 B 1 Dependency Aggregation Generalization Specialization

What type of core-relationship is represented by the symbol in the figure


256 5 A 1 Aggregation Dependency Generalization Association

What type of relationship is represented in below figure?

Association Generalization
257 5 B 1 Include relationship Extend relationship
relationship relationship

Identify the name of the following symbol as shown below in the figure?

258 5 D 1 Join Transition Connector Fork

What type of relationship is represented by Shape class and Square ?

259 5 B 1 Realization Generalization Aggregation Dependency

Which UML diagram is shown below?

260 5 A 1 Use Case Collaboration Diagram Class Diagram Object Diagram

Which UML diagram is shown below?

261 5 B 1 Use Case Activity Diagram Class Diagram Object Diagram

Which UML diagram is shown below?

262 5 B 1 Use Case Sequence Class Diagram Object Diagram

Which UML diagram is shown below?

263 5 C 1 Use Case Diagram Sequence Diagram Class Diagram Object Diagram

Which UML diagram is shown below?

264 5 B 1 Use-Case Diagram Activity Diagram Class Diagram Object Diagram

The below figure represents which one of the following UML diagram for a
single send session of an online chat system?

265 5 B 1 Package diagram Activity diagram Class diagram Sequence diagram

Attributes and
Class symbols must Compartment can be
operations can be
266 5 Which among these are the rules to be considered to form Class diagrams? A 1 have at least a name in random None of the above
listed at any suitable
compartment order

267 5 What does a simple name in UML Class and Objects consist of? D 1 Letters Digits Punctuation Characters All of the mentioned

268 5 Class consists of which of these abstractions? D 1 Set of the objects Operations Attributes All of the mentioned

How is Generalisation implemented in Object-Oriented programming

269 5 C 1 Encapsulation Abstract Classes Inheritance Polymorphism
Which of the folowing diagram shows flow of interaction as a graphical
270 5 C 1 Use case Class activity state

Design a Use-Case diagram for forgot password functionality for any login
271 5 5
based software system.

ATMs are deceptively simple, although customers only need to press a few
buttons in ATM system to receive cash, there are many layers of security
272 5 that safe and effective ATM must pass through to prevent fraud and provide 5
value for banking customers. Draw neat State diagram for above mentioned

273 5 Draw a Class diagram for Resort Management System. 5

Draw the class diagram representing following functionalities of Library

Management System. “A Library lends books and magazines to member,
who is registered in the system. Also it handles the purchase of new titles for
the Library. Popular titles are bought into multiples copies. Old books and
274 5 magazines are removed when they are out or date or in poor condition. A 5
member can reserve a book or magazine that is not currently available in the
library, so that when it is returned or purchased by the library, that person is
notified. The library can easily create, replace, and delete information about
the tiles, members, loans and reservation in the system.”

275 5 Create a Class diagram for Bank Management System. 5

276 5 Draw an Activity diagram for book issue in the library. 5

Draw a neat state diagram for the order management system in which
following scenarios are included:
1.Registration process,
277 5 5
2.Order processing,
3.Order confirmation and,
4.Dispatching the order.
Software is to be developed for hospital management system in which
information is provided for all type of activities conducted in hospital. The
major users of the system are hospital staff, patients, and doctors.
278 5 5
Information for the billing system, hospital account management, staff
salary, hospital room information is provided by software. Prepare Use-Case
Diagram for the given condition.

279 5 Design a Use-casse for the Login functionality of any software system. 5

280 5 Draw a Use-case diagram for university student registration system. 5

Software is to be developed for hotel management system in which

information is provided for all type of activities conducted in hotel. The
major users of the system are hotel staff, people who stay in the hotel and
281 5 5
people who visit the restaurant. Information for the billing system, hotel
menu information, hotel room information is provided by software. Prepare
different scenarios and draw the Use-Case Diagram for each scenario.

282 5 Draw a Sequence diagram for Library Management System. 5

283 5 Draw the time-line chart for the Hospital Management System. 5

284 5 Draw a Sequence diagram for Tourism Management System. 5

285 5 Draw an Activity diagram for Billing Counter of a shopping mall. 5

Draw the Use-Case diagram representing following functionalities of Library

Management System. A Library lends books and magazines to member,
who is registered in the system. Also it handles the purchase of titles for the
Library. Popular titles are bought into multiples copies. Old books and
286 5 magazines are removed when they are out or date or in poor condition. A 5
member can reserve a book or magazine that is not currently available in the
library, so that when it is returned or purchased by the library, that person is
notified. The library can easily create, replace and delete information about
the tiles, members, loans and reservation in the system.
Software is to be developed for hotel management system in which
information is provided for all type of activities conducted in hotel. The
major users of the system are hotel staff, people who stay in the hotel and
287 5 people who visit the restaurant. Information for the billing system, hotel 5
account management, staff salary, hotel menu information, hotel room
information is provided by software. Prepare Use-Case Diagram for the
above scenario.

288 5 Draw an Activity diagram for billing Counter of a shopping mall. 5

289 5 Draw an Use-Case diagram of ATM Machine. 5

What is Object Oriented Design of a system? Create a class diagram

290 5 5
showing all possible relationships between classes of a system.

Draw Class diagram for Hospital Management System and show

291 5 5

292 5 Prepare Sequence diagram for ATM Pin Validation. 5

Draw the Use-Case diagram and Class diagram for Library Management
293 5 5

Establish project Define required

294 6 What is not part of Project Planning Process? D 1 Estimate cost and effort None of the above
scope resources

295 6 Project metrics are estimated during which phase? B 1 Feasibility study Planning Design Development

296 6 Which of the following is not a direct measure of SE process? A 1 Efficiency Cost Effort Applied All of the above

Pages per
297 6 Which of the following is not an example of size-oriented metric? A 1 Productivity Error LOC

298 6 Which of below mentioned is not principle of project scheduling? B 1 Risk management Interdependency Effort validation

How many questions should be answered to know the value adjustment

299 6 C 1 10 9 14 20

Which of the following is not an information domain required for Number of user Number of external
300 6 D 1 Number of user Input Number of errors
determining function point in FPA ? Inquiries Interfaces

It compares the
It compares the It regulates when a
activity’s starting time It directs when a project
301 6 What is the earliest start time rule? B 1 activity’s end time for project
for an activity can start
an activity predecessor must begin
Pages per
302 6 What is the most common measure for correctness? A 1 Defects per KLOC Errors per KLOC $ per KLOC documentation/KLO

Productivity=FP/Effor Productivity=FP*effor Productivity=defect/effo Productivity=defect*

303 6 For any given system, how we can calculate the productivity? A 1
ts ts rts efforts

Complexity of the None of the above

304 6 Which is not the cost driver to calculate EAF in intermediate COCOMO? D 1 Turn around time Application experience
product mentioned

What is the correct order in which a software project manager estimates Cost, Effort, Cost, Duration, Effort, Size, Effort, Duration, Size, Cost, Effort,
305 6 C 1
various project parameters while using COCOMO? Duration, Size Size Cost Duration

306 6 According to the COCOMO model, a project can be categorized into? B 1 2 types 3 types 4 types 5 types

Which of model computes software development effort as function of Advanced

307 6 C 1 Basic COCOMO Advanced COCOMO Intermediate COCOMO
program size and cost drivers? COCOMO

Comparison of actual
Balance of work to be Progressive cost of the
308 6 Gantt Chart indicates? A 1 progress with the Inventory costs
done project
scheduled progress

In Intermediate COCOMO model, Effort Adjustment Factor (EAF) is Adding and Multiplying Taking their weighted
309 6 B 1 Adding them Multiplying them
derived from the effort multipliers by? them average

What is the formula for effort calculation by COCOMO for an organic

310 6 A 1 2.4*(KLOC)^1.05 3.0*(KLOC)^1.12 2.4*(KLOC)^1.12 3.2*(KLOC)^1.05

311 6 ________ is an indirect measure of the software development process. D 1 Cost No. of developers Line of Code Efficiency

LOC is a language LOC is a language LOC can be

Which of the following are advantages of using LOC (lines of code) as a LOC is easily
312 6 A 1 dependent independent computed before a
size oriented metric? computed.
measure measure design is completed.

Manufacturing 20 line of code (LOC) of the product comes under which

313 6 B 1 Indirect measure Direct measure Coding None of the above
type of measures?

Which of the following is used to predict the effort as a function of LOC or Both COCOMO-FP Process based
314 6 C 1 COCOMO Model FP based estimation
function Point (FP)? based estimation estimation
No. of lines of code Amount of memory
315 6 In size-oriented metrics, metrics are developed based on the? C 1 No. of Functions No. of user inputs
(LOC) usage

316 6 Which of the following is an indirect measure of product? D 1 Quality Complexity Reliability All of the above

The degree of structural

317 6 What are the factors that affect while doing project estimation? D 1 Project Complexity Project scope Determine feasibility

Which of the following is NOT a recognized software project type under

318 6 C 1 Embedded Semidetached Detached Organic

A company needs to develop digital signal processing software for one of its
newest inventions. The software is expected to have 40000 lines of code.
The company needs to determine the effort in person-months needed to
319 6 develop this software using the basic COCOMO model. The multiplicative A 1 234.25 932.5 287.8 122.4
factor for this model is given as 2.8 for the software development on
embedded systems, while the exponentiation factor is given as 1.20. What is
the estimated effort in person-months?
Consider the basic COCOMO model where E is the effort applied in person-
months, D is the development time in chronological months, KLOC is the
E = a(KLOC)b, D = E = a(KLOC)a, D = E = b(KLOC)b, D = E = b(KLOC)a, D =
320 6 estimated number of delivered lines of code (in thousands) and ab, bb, cb, A 1
db have their usual meanings. The basic COCOMO equations are of the c(E)d d(E)d c(E)c c(E)d
effort and duration size and duration effort and cost based on size, effort and
In a software project, COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) is used to
321 6 A 1 based on the size of based on the effort of the duration of the duration based on the
the software the software software cost of the software

Which model computes the software development effort as a function of

322 6 program size, and a set of cost drivers that includes subjective assessments C 1 Advanced COCOMO Basic COCOMO Intermediate COCOMO None of the above
of product, hardware, personnel, and project attributes.

A simple stand - alone software utility is to be developed in ’C’

programming by a team of software experts for a computer running Linux
and the overall size of this software is estimated to be 20,000 lines of code.
Considering (a, b) = (2.4, 1.05) as multiplicative and exponention factor for
323 6 B 1 10.52 months 11.52 months 12.52 months 14.52 months
the basic COCOMO effort estimation equation and (c, d) = (2.5, 0.38) as
multiplicative and exponention factor for the basic COCOMO development
time estimation equation, approximately how long does the software project
take to complete ?

A company needs to develop digital signal processing software for one of its
newest inventions. The software is expected to have 20000 lines of code.
The company needs to determine the effort in person-months needed to
324 6 develop this software using the basic COCOMO model. The multiplicative A 1 196.77 206.56 199.56 210.68
factor for this model is given as 2.2 for the software development on
embedded systems, while the exponentiation factor is given as 1.50. What is
the estimated effort in person-months?

The value of Effort Adjustment Factor (EAF) in intermediate COCOMO

325 6 B 1 0.6 to 1.35 0.9 to 1.4 0.9 to 1.1 0.6 to 1
model ranges from?

Portability, Robustness,
Maintainability, Correctness, reliability,
interoperability, efficiency, reliability,
326 6 Which of the following are external qualities of a software product? B 1 reusability, portability, robustness, efficiency,
maintainability, maintainability,
efficiency, correctness usability
reusability reusability
Identify the activities,
Compare actual and
Which one from the following is highly associated activity of project Keep track of the milestones and
327 6 C 1 planned progress and Both (b) and (c)
planning? project progress deliverables produced
by a project
Calculated from
Calculated from user Calculated from lines
328 6 The Functions Point (FP) metric is? C 1 software complexity None of the above
requirement of code

Assume the following regarding the development of a software system P: -

Estimated lines of code of P : 33, 480 LOC - Average productivity for P :
620 LOC per person-month - Number of software developers : 6 - Average
329 6 salary of a software developer : ` 50,000 per month If E, D and C are the B 1 (48, 8, 24) (54, 9, 27) (60, 10, 30) (42, 7, 21)
estimated development effort (in person-months), estimated development
time (in months), and estimated development cost (in ` Lac) respectively,
then (E, D, C) =_________.

Offers a visual Presents the time to

Tracking of critical
330 6 Which of the following is an advantage of critical path method? D 1 representation of the complete the tasks and All of the above
project activities. the overall project.

331 6 Different activity of a project management is? D 1 project planning project monitoring project control All of the above

project monitoring and Project cost

332 6 This activity is undertaken once the development activities start? B 1 project planning Project size estimation
control estimation

In the project planning, which of the following is considered as the most

333 6 A 1 project size project effort project duration project schedule
basic parameter based on which all other estimates are made?
334 6 During project estimation, project manager estimates following? D 1 project cost project duration project effort all of the above

335 6 Which of the following serves as metrics for project size estimation? D 1 Lines of codes function point Number of persons Only A & B

the number of source the comments in the

336 6 Lines of Code measures the size of project by counting? A 1 the header lines All of the above
instructions code

Insufficient details
Larger code size doesnot necessarily mean better quality or higher The statement is
337 6 A 1 The statement is true. Can't say. given in the
efficiency. wrong.
Insufficient details
The statement is
338 6 We can accurately estimate lines of code from the problem specification. B 1 The statement is true. Can't say. given in the

Project Planning
339 6 Which of the following technique overcomes drawback related to LOC? B 1 Function Point Metric COCOMO COCOMO-2

Which of the following can estimate size of project directly from problem Project Planning
340 6 B 1 Function Point Metric COCOMO COCOMO-2
specification? Sheet

341 6 Which of the following serves as project estimation technique? D 1 Empirical estimation Heuristic technique Analytical estimation All of the above

Conditional Cost Complete Cost Constructive Cost Collaborative Cost

342 6 What is the full form of COCOMO? C 1
Estimation Model Estimation Model Estimation Model Estimation Model

Collabrative Project Content Planning

343 6 What is the full form of CPM? B 1 Cost Per Thousand Critical Path Method
Management Module

Ability to work in Good Domian Weak programming
344 6 Which of the following is not a characteristics of a good software engineer? C 1 Communication
different team Knowledge knowledge

Conditional Path
345 6 In CPM, when slake time is zero then it is called? B 1 Critical Path Activities Common Path Analysis None of the above

Complexity of the
346 6 Which of the following is a product attribute? A 1 Memory Constraints Turn around time Analyst Capability

347 6 Management of software development is dependent upon? D 1 People Product Process All of the above

Know the cost of the Know the user Know the status of the
348 6 Milestones are used to? C 1 None of the above
project expectations project

Plan how and by Plan resources for

whom each Prepare the acceptance providing information
349 6 Which is not the responsibility of customer/ user of the software? C 1 Prepare resource plan
acceptance activity plan on which to base
will be performed acceptance decisions

350 6 Which of the following is not a size-oriented metrics? B 1 Errors/KLOC Complexity $/LOC LOC/(Person.month)

Insufficient details
Change cannot be easily accommodated in most software systems, unless The statement is
351 6 A 1 The statement is true. Can't say. given in the
the system was designed with change in mind. wrong.

Work Breakdown Workproduct Breaking Workproduct

352 6 What is the full form of WBS? A 1 None of the above
Structure Structure Breakdown Scheduling

You are working in a MNC company and your responsibility is to do

353 6 Project Planning. How you can effectively complete this task explain using 2
what are various task sets associated with Project Planning.
Your company has been assigned with a big project and you are asked to do
354 6 Project scheduling. What are the basic principles involved in Project 3
scheduling elaborate your answer.

355 6 Explain Project Scheduling Process. Also Explain Gantt Chart in detail 5

Among all the software processes, which process primarily focuses on

356 6 tracking and managing changes in the software development process, 5
explain the process in detail.

357 6 Which are the types of software metrics? Describe in detail. 5

358 6 Discuss about COCOMO model for project/software estimation. 5

359 6 Explain project scheduling and tracking. 5

Draw the critical path and Find the ES, EF, LS, LF and slack time in the
below mentioned activity table.

360 6 5

Find the ES, EF, LS, LF time and activities on the Critical Path in the below
mentioned activity table.

361 6 6

Consider a semi-detached project to develop a photo editor. Major modules

of project are:
1. Menu Panel (4KLOC)
362 6 2. Text editing window (6KLOC) 3
3. Short cut keys handler (2KLOC).
Use COCOMO to determine the overall cost of the project and duration of
Consider a project to develop a text editor. Major modules of project are:
1. Menu Panel (size 9KB)
2. Text editing window (size 5 KB)
363 6 5
3. Short cut keys handler (size 6 KB).
Use COCOMO to determine the overall cost of the project and duration of
Explain function point analysis method. Compute the function points for the
364 6 following data set: Inputs =8, Outputs= 12, Inquiries = 4, Logical files = 41, 5
Interfaces =1 and ∑ Fi = 41.
Compute function point value for a project with the following domain
No. of user I/P = 30
No. of user O/P = 62
365 6 No. of user Inquiries = 24 5
No. of user files = 8
No. of external interfaces = 2
Assume that all the complexity adjustment values and weighting factor are
Consider a project with the following functional units:
Number of user inputs = 50
Number of user outputs = 40
Number of user enquiries = 35
Number of user files = 06
366 6 4
Number of external interfaces = 04
No of person involved = 4, No of month = 3
Assume all complexity adjustment factors and weighting factors are average.
Compute the function points for the project. Also calculate productivity for
above project.
You are being asked to Compute function point value for a project with the
following domain characteristics:
No. of user I/P = 40
No. of user O/P = 82
367 6 No. of user Inquiries = 10 3
No. of user files = 18
No. of external interfaces = 12
Assume that all the complexity adjustment values and weighting factor are

For event management system, project manager wants to calculate

productivity based on given information:

Number of user inputs = 50 (Simple complexity)

Number of user outputs = 40 (Average complexity)
Number of user inquiries = 35 (Simple complexity)
368 6 5
Number of user files = 6 (Complex complexity)
Number of external interfaces = 4 (Complex complexity)

Assume that all the complexity adjustment values are average. If the number
of people involved in the project for its overall duration of 18 months is 5,
then calculate productivity for the above project
For event management system, project manager wants to calculate
productivity based on given information:

•Number of user inputs = 5 (Simple complexity)

•Number of user outputs = 3 (Average complexity)
•Number of user inquiries = 5 (Average complexity)
369 6 5
•Number of user files = 8 (Complex complexity)
•Number of external interfaces = 3 (Complex complexity)

Also, out of 14 characteristics considered for adjustment, all of them are

average. If number of people involved in project for overall duration of 18
months are 5, then calculate productivity for above project.

An application has the following:

10 low external inputs,
12 high external outputs,
20 low internal logical files,
370 6 3
15 high external interface files,
12 average external inquiries, and a value of complexity adjustment factor of
What are the unadjusted and adjusted function point counts?
Compute the function point, productivity for the following data:

Number of user inputs = 24

Number of user outputs = 46
Number of inquiries = 8
Number of files = 4
371 6 Number of external interfaces = 2 5
Effort = 36.9 per month
Technical documents = 265 pages
User documents = 122 pages
Cost = $7744/ month
Various processing complexity factors are: 4, 1, 0, 3, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4,
Suppose a project was estimated to be 400 KLOC. Calculate the effort,
372 6 development time and no. of people require for each of the three model i.e., 5
organic, semi-detached & embedded.

A project size of 200 KLOC is to be developed. Software development

373 6 team has nominal experience on similar type of projects and the project 3
schedule is on high priority. Calculate the productivity.
A project size of 200 KLOC is to be developed. Software development
team has nominal experience on similar type of projects and the project
374 6 3
schedule is on high priority. Calculate the Effort and development time of
the project.

Suppose a project was estimated to be 400 KLOC. Calculate the effort and
375 6 3
development time for Organic Mode

Suppose a project was estimated to be 350 KLOC. Calculate the effort and
376 6 3
development time for Organic and Semi detached Mode

Suppose a project was estimated to be 400 KLOC. Calculate the effort and
377 6 3
development time for Semi-detached Mode

Suppose a project was estimated to be 200 KLOC. Calculate the effort and
378 6 3
development time for Organic and Semi detached Mode

Suppose a project was estimated to be 250 KLOC. Calculate the effort and
379 6 3
development time for Semi- detached Mode.

Suppose a project was estimated to be 400 KLOC. Calculate the effort and
380 6 3
productivity for Embedded Mode

Consider a software project with the following information domain

characteristic for calculation of function point metric.

Number of external inputs (I) = 30

Number of external output (O) = 60
Number of external inquiries (E) = 23
Number of files (F) = 08
381 6 3
Number of external interfaces (N) = 02
It is given that the complexity weighting factors for I, O, E, F and N are 4,
5, 4, 10 and 7, respectively. It is also given that, out of fourteen value
adjustment factors that influence the development effort, four factors are
not applicable, each of the other four factors have value 3, and each of the
remaining factors have value 4. The computed value of function point
metric is
A company needs to develop digital signal processing software for one of its
newest inventions. The software is expected to have 40000 lines of code.
The company needs to determine the effort in person-months needed to
382 6 develop this software using the basic COCOMO model. The multiplicative 3
factor for this model is given as 2.8 for the software development on
embedded systems, while the exponentiation factor is given as 1.20. What is
the estimated effort in person-months?
A company needs to develop digital signal processing software for one of its
newest inventions. The software is expected to have 20000 lines of code.
The company needs to determine the effort in person-months needed to
383 6 develop this software using the basic COCOMO model. The multiplicative 3
factor for this model is given as 2.2 for the software development on
embedded systems, while the exponentiation factor is given as 1.5. What is
the estimated effort in person-months?

Generic and customised

384 7 Infrastructure software is covered under which of the following categories? B 1 Customized product Generic product None

385 7 By whom is unit testing done? C 1 Users Customers Developers None

Validation of Software’s protection Software’s data

386 7 What is the target of unit testing? C 1 Boundary condition
customer requirement mechanism recovery

387 7 Which of the below mentioned is not target of unit testing? D 1 Module interface Local data structure Boundary conditions Design

388 7 Which is the smallest part of a software system that can be test? D 1 design requirement integration unit

389 7 Driver and stub testing comes under which of the following testing types? C 1 Integration testing Acceptance test Unit testing System testing

In the maintenance phase the product must be tested against previous test
390 7 C 1 Unit Integration Regression Module
cases. This is known as _________ testing.

391 7 Which tests are designed to confront the program with abnormal situations? C 1 Recovery testing Security testing Stress testing Performance testing

What is the normal order of activities in which traditional software testing is

392 7 B 1 c-a-b-d c-a-d-b d-c-b-a b-d-a-c
(a) Integration Testing (b) System Testing (c) Unit Testing (d) Validation

What is the full form of DFS and BFS in Incremental integration testing Down first search, Drive first search, Depth first search, Demo first search,
393 7 C 1
(Incremental approach)? Bottom first search Break first search Breadth first search Bottom first search

None of the
394 7 Software mistakes during coding are known as: C 1 Failures Defects Bugs

Software testing is process to evaluate ________ of software application

395 7 with an intent to find whether developed software has met specified C 1 Planning Portability Functionality Planning
requirements or not and to produce quality product.

396 7 Which of the testing is carried out throughout all steps in testing process? B 1 Recovery testing Performance testing Unit testing Integration testing

Which of the following are integration approaches?

397 7 1. Top – Down integration 2. Bottom -Up integration 3. Sandwich D 1 1,2 2,3 1,2,3 all of these
integration 4. Big bang integration

Which testing includes series of different tests to fully exercise computer-

398 7 D 1 Unit testing Incremental testing Collaboration testing System testing
based system?

Which of the following statement are correct?

1. Stubs are used in bottom-up approach. 2. Stubs are used in Top-down
399 7 D 1 1,2 1,3 1,4 2,3
approach. 3. Drivers are used in bottom-up approach. 4. Drivers are used in
Top-down approach.

During the development phase, which of the following testing approach is

400 7 D 1 Unit testing Bottom up testing Integration testing Acceptance testing
not adopted

Which of the following testing techniques ensures that the software product
401 7 D 1 Path Testing Integration Testing Unit Testing Regression Testing
runs correctly after the changes during maintenance ?

Which of the following are facts about a top-down software testing

402 7 A 1 only I Only II Both I and II Neither I nor II
I. Top-down testing typically requires the tester to build method stubs.
II. Top-down testing typically requires the tester to build test drivers.

403 7 Which activity includes human based checking of documents and files? B 1 design verification integration validation

404 7 Stress testing also known as? B 1 Unit testing Sensitivity testing Recovery testing Acceptance testing

405 7 Alpha and Beta testing are forms of A 1 Acceptance testing Integration testing System testing Unit testing

406 7 Testing of software with actual data and in the actual environment is called B 1 Alpha testing Beta testing Gama testing Unit testing
407 7 Spiral test consist of? D 1 Unit testing Integration testing Validation testing All of the above

In which testing strategy requirements established during requirements

408 7 A 1 Validation testing Path Testing Integration Testing Unit Testing
analysis are validated against developed software?

409 7 Which is a type of system testing? C 1 Beta testing Alpha testing Recovery testing Validation testing

In which of method, integration and testing start with most atomic module in
410 7 B 1 Top-down testing Bottom-up testing Sandwich integration Black box testing
control hierarchy?

User's and developer's

411 7 In which environment we can perform the Alpha testing? B 1 User’s end Developer’s end Manager’s end

Implementation and Function

Use cases and user Detailed specifications
412 7 Software validation mainly checks for inconsistencies between C 1 system design specifications and use
requirements and user requirements
blueprints cases

expose defect in helps reduce defect in

413 7 A Careful testing C 1 Both None
program program

414 7 Which of the following term is not related to testing? D 1 error failure test case test-bot

Verification focus on phase containment of errors while validation focus to

415 7 A 1 TRUE FALSE Sometime true None
make final product error free.

416 7 Which of the following is not a testing technique? C 1 Unit testing integration testing collaboration testing system testing

417 7 Which of the following is refered to as testing in small? A 1 Unit testing integration testing collaboration testing system testing

418 7 Which of the following is refered to as testing in large? D 1 Unit testing integration testing system testing Both b and c

419 7 After module is coded and reviewed, this testing is carried out? A 1 Unit testing integration testing system testing Both b and c

420 7 Enviornment created to carry out unit testing requires D 1 Stub driver motor both a & b

421 7 Which of the following is not an activity invoved in system testing? D 1 α- testing β- testing Acceptance testing None of the above

Which of the following statement is correct?

(i) The aim of integration testing is to check whether different modules of
422 7 program interface with each other properly. C 1 only (i) only (ii) both none
(ii) Integration testing can be carried out after all the modules or atleast some
of the modules has been unit tested.

423 7 Which of the following is not integration testing approach? B 1 Big bang approach Small bang approach Top-down approach Bottom-up approach

Which of the following integration testing apporach integrates all modules

424 7 A 1 Big bang approach Small bang approach Top-down approach Bottom-up approach
making up system in a single step?

425 7 In a pure bottom up testing, we require B 1 only stubs only drivers both are required none

426 7 In a top-down integration approach, we require only A 1 only stubs only drivers both are required none

427 7 The testing carried out by the test team within the developing organization is A 1 Alpha testing Beta testing Acceptance testing User testing

428 7 The testing performed by selected group of friendly customer B 1 Alpha testing Beta testing Acceptance testing User testing

The testing carried out by the customer to determine whether he should take
429 7 C 1 Alpha testing Beta testing Acceptance testing User testing
delivery or not is

Which approach verifies low level data processing early in the testing
430 7 B 1 Top-down testing Bottom-up testing Validation testing All of the above

To check whether the system meets the non-functional requirements

431 7 B 1 Alpha testing performance testing Acceptance testing Unit testing
identified in the SRS document, which testing is done?

432 7 Which of the following is not a performance testing technique? D 1 stress testing volume testing both a & b blue-box testing
433 7 The software product that process confidential data needs C 1 compatibility testing usability testing security testing Volume testing

Which testing checks whether the data structures have been design to
434 7 D 1 compatibility testing usability testing security testing Volume testing
success fully handle extra ordinary situations?

435 7 Which testing is carried out to check software protection mechanism? A 1 Security testing Recovery testing compatibility testing none

Which testing has the practice of running an old test suite after each change
436 7 to the system or bug fix to ensure no new bug is introduced due to the A 1 Regression testing Usability testing Recovery testing compatibility testing

When system needs to interface with external system, this testing is carried
437 7 A 1 compatibility testing Regression testing Usability testing Recovery testing

Which testing checks if the system behaves normally during abnormal

438 7 A 1 Stress tetsing Regression testing Usability testing Recovery testing
quantity or frequency?

Which of the following integration testing techniques can be used to test thread-based
439 7 C 1 Use-based approach both none
object oriented program? approach

Which of the following are the important task (s) involved in software prepare set of test observe if the system modify the code to fix
440 7 D 1 Only A & B
testing? inputs behaves as expected the defect

441 7 Discuss integration testing used for construction of software architecture. 3

442 7 Distinguish between verification and validation 3

Which are the different testing strategies? Describe any one with a suitable
443 7 5

444 7 Describe in detail the system testing. 5

445 7 Discuss unit testing and integration testing in detail? 5

446 7 Describe the validation testing in detail. 5

Error guessing
447 8 In which of the following categories can white-box testing be classified? B 1 Design based testing Structural testing None

448 8 When can white-box testing be started? C 1 After SRS completion After Installation After Programming After Designing

_________, sometimes called glass-box testing, is a test case design method Control structure
449 8 A 1 White-box testing Black-box testing Grey-box testing
that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. testing

450 8 What are techniques available for White box testing? D 1 Path coverage Branch coverage Statement coverage All of the mentioned

In white box testing techniques, every node should be tested at least once is
451 8 C 1 Path coverage Branch coverage Statement coverage Network coverage
known as?

452 8 Which of the following is another name of white box testing? C 1 Black box testing Behavioral testing Structural testing Input-output testing

To execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds
453 8 D 1 Black Box Testing Alpha Testing Recovery Testing White Box Testing
is an example of

454 8 Black box testing is also called A 1 behavioral testing Structural testing Verification Unit testing

The Black box testing method is applicable to which of the following levels
455 8 D 1 Integration testing System testing Acceptance testing All of the mentioned
of software testing?

Tests can be conducted Since tests can be

Tests are done from a
Tester need not know by a body independent very complex, highly
user’s point of view
programming from the developers, skilled resources are
Pick the odd one out for black box testing and will help in
456 8 D 1 languages or how the allowing for an required, with
software has been objective perspective thorough knowledge
discrepancies in the
implemented. and the avoidance of of programming and
developer-bias. implementation
457 8 Analysis of Boundary value belong to? B 1 White Box Testing Black Box Testing Clear box testing Open box testing

Boundary value
458 8 Which of the below testing is related to black-box testing? B 1 Statement coverage Branch coverage Path coverage

Test control Test case design/ data

Test verification Test execution
459 8 What is error guessing in software testing? D 1 management management
techniques techniques
techniques techniques

The following program is to be tested for statement coverage:

if (a== b) {S1; exit;}
else if (c== d) {S2;]
else {S3; exit;}
460 8 D 1 T1, T2, T3 T2, T4 T3, T4 T1, T2, T4
The test cases T1, T2, T3 and T4 given below are expressed in terms of the
properties satisfied by the values of variables a, b, c and d. The exact values
are not given. T1 : a, b, c and d are all equal T2 : a, b, c and d are all
distinct T3 : a = b and c != d T4 : a != b and c = d Which of the test suites
given below ensures coverage of statements S1, S2, S3 and S4?

Match the following

List-I List-II
A. Condition coverage 1. Black-box testing
B. Equivalence class partitioning 2. System testing
C. Volume testing 3. White-box testing
D. Alpha testing 4. Performance testing
461 8 C 1 a b c d
(a) 2 3 1 4
(b) 3 4 2 1
(c) 3 1 4 2
(d) 3 1 2 4
Consider the following C program segment.
while (first <= last)
if (array [middle] < search)
first = middle +1;
else if (array [middle] == search)
462 8 C 1 3 4 5 6
found = True;
else last = middle – 1;
middle = (first + last)/2;
if (first < last) not Present = True;
The cyclomatic complexity of the program segment is __________.

None of the
463 8 Cyclomatic complexity can be calculated by D 1 E+N+2 E+N-2 E-N-2

The system testing carried out by the customer to determine whether he

464 8 B 1 Recovery testing Acceptance testing Unit testing Regression testing
should take delivery or not is called as?

465 8 A program with high cyclomatic complexity is almost likely to be: C 1 Large Easy to test Difficult to test Small

466 8 Cyclomatic complexity is? B 1 Black box testing White box testing Grey box testing Red box testing

467 8 The flow graph has 10 nodes and 13 edges. What would be the CYC? D 1 2 3 4 5

468 8 Exhaustive testing is C 1 always possible always impossible impractical but possible never possible

Evaluating deliverable None of the

469 8 Which of the following terms describe testing? B 1 Finding broken code Stages of all project
to find errors mentioned

Which of the following statements is/are FALSE with respect to software

testing ? S1 : White-box tests are based on specifications; better at telling
whether program meets specification, better at finding errors of omission.
Only S1 and S2 are Only S1 and S3 are Only S2 and S3 are All of S1, S2, and S3
470 8 S2 : Black-box tests are based on code; better for finding crashes, out of A 1
bounds errors, file not closed errors. S3 : Alpha testing is conducted at the
developer’s site by a team of highly skilled testers for software that is
developed as a product to be used by many customers.
Consider the method mcq ( ):
int mcq(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c, boolean d) {
int ans = 1;
if (a) {
ans = 2;
} else if (b) {
ans = 3;
471 8 } else if (c) { A 1 (16, 3, 5) (8, 5, 3) (8, 3, 5) (16, 4, 4)

if (d) {
ans = 4;
return ans;

472 8 The set of test-case using which a program is to be tested is known as C 1 test-set test-case test-suite debuy points

473 8 ___________ is carried out to identify the statements that are in error. B 1 test cases debugging error correction All of the above

Test cases are designed from an examination of the input/output values only
474 8 B 1 white box testing black box testing integration testing All of the above
and no knowledge of design or code is required in

equivalence class Boundary Value

475 8 Following approach can be used to design black-box test cases? C 1 both corner value analysis
partitioning Analysis

476 8 A white box testing can be C 1 coverage-based Path-based both none

477 8 Which testing method does cyclomatic complexity method comes under? A 1 White box testing Blackbox testing both none

Execute all loops at

Exercise internal data Exercise all logical
their boundaries and
478 8 White-box testing methods are useful as, D 1 structures to ensure decisions on their true All of the mentioned
within their operational
their validity. and false sides.
What is Cyclomatic Complexity? Explain with example how to find
cyclomatic complexity. Derive cyclomatic complexity for the code given
below using flow graph. A = 10
479 8 ELSE 1
Print A
Print B
Print C
Find cyclometic complexity for the below code.i = 0;
n=4; //N-Number of nodes present in the graph

while (i<n-1) do
j = i + 1;

while (j<n) do
480 8 1
if A[i]<A[j] then
swap(A[i], A[j]);

end do;

end do;
void foo(void)
if (a)
if (b)
481 8 1
} Find the CYC for the above code
void foo(void)
if (a && b)
482 8 x=1; 1
} Find CYC for the above code
Find cyclometic Complexity for th below mentioned code1 while (x != y){
2 if (x>y) then
3 x=x-y;
483 8 else 1
4 y=y-x;
6 return x;
Calculate cyclomatic complexity using control flow graph for given code.
if X = 50 then
if Y > Z then
X = Y;
else X = Z;
484 8 3
end if
end if
print X;
print Y;
print Z;
Consider below source code and calculate Cyclomatic complexity using
Control flow graph.
IF A = 354
485 8 3

Consider below code and calculate cyclomatic complexity using control flow

if A = 10 then
if B > C then
A = B;
486 8 else 2
A = C;
end if
end if
print A;
print B;
print C;
Compute the CYC for the code given below
IF P = 230
487 8 2

488 8 Describe the concept of Test Case. 5

Design a test case for the login functionality for any software being
489 8 4

Design a custom Validation form to validate the email address of a user and
490 8 state which method will this form be tested by? Design test case for the 4
Design a test case for a student form asking for his age as one of the
491 8 paramters. The form should be tested using BlackBox-Eqivalence 4

What is cyclomatic complexity? Define steps to find cyclomatic complexity

492 8 5
using flow graph?

493 8 Compare black box testing and white box testing. 5

494 8 Discuss white box testing with an example. 5

For below given programme, how we can apply techniques of white box
Read A
Read B
if A + B > 200 then
495 8 3
print “maximum”
end if
if A > 100 then
print “A maximum”
end if

496 8 Describe black box testing with a suitable example. 5

The following program is to be tested for statement coverage:begin
if (a== b) {S1; exit;}
else if (c== d) {S2;]
else {S3; exit;}
end The test cases T1, T2, T3 and T4 given below are expressed in terms of
the properties satisfied by the values of variables a, b, c and d. The exact
497 8 values are not given. 3

T1 : a, b, c and d are all equal

T2 : a, b, c and d are all distinct
T3 : a = b and c != d
T4 : a != b and c = d
Which of the test suites given below ensures coverage of statements S1, S2,
S3 and S4?
Consider the below code:

Read D
Read Y
if D + Y > 300 then
print “large”
498 8 end if 3
if D > 70 then
print “D large”
end if

Determine the statement coverage, path coverage, and branch coverage for
the above code.
Consider below code,

Read X
Read Y
If X + Y > 110 then
print “large”
499 8 end if 3
if X > 60 then
print “X large”
end if

Find out the Statement coverage, Branch coverage and Path coverage for
given code.
Consider the code given below and determine statement, branch and path
Read e;
read d;
500 8 if e>d 3
print "E is greater than D";
print "Dis greater than E";
end if;

501 9 The ISO quality assurance standard that applies to software Engineering is B 1 ISO 9000 : 2004 ISO 9001 : 2000 ISO 9002 : 2001 ISO 9003 : 2004

prevent profitable
affect the reliability of may cause an entire may result from user
502 9 Software safety is quality assurance activity that focuses on hazards that B 1 marketing of the final
a software component system to fail input errors

Who identifies, documents, and verifies that corrections have been made to
503 9 B 1 Project manager SQA Group Customer Developer
the software?

The primary objective of formal technical reviews is to find _________

504 9 during the process so that they do not become defects after the release of B 1 Root cause Error Equivalent faults Failure cause
the software.

The extent to which a software performs its intended functions without

505 9 A 1 Reliability Robustness Fault tolerance Portability
failures, is termed as

A server crashes on the average once in 30 days, that is, the Mean Time
Between Failures (MTBF) is 30 days. When this happens, it takes 12 hours
506 9 C 1 0.962 0.971 0.983 0.999
to reboot it, that is, the Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) is 12 hours. The
availability of server with these reliability data values is approximately :

Error leads to failure Fault leads to failure Fault leads to error

Error leads to fault and
507 9 In software testing, how the error, fault and failure are related to each other? C 1 but fault is not related but error is not related and error leads to
fault leads to failure
to error and failure to fault and failure failure

508 9 Which one of the following is not an element of SQA? C 1 Change Management Vendor Management Design Quality Safety

509 9 How many levels are there in Capability Maturity Model? B 1 6 5 4 8

Imagine we have four pieces of equipment. The first one failed after 10
510 9 hours, the second one failed after 12 hours, the third failed after 6 hours and C 1 12 15 9 13
the fourth failed after 8 hours. Then find Mean Time To Failure.

511 9 The intent of Technical review is __________ D 1 To Collect activities To improve education. To improve quality. To uncover errors.

Prepares an SQA plan Quality control

512 9 Which one of the following is SQA Task? B 1 Requrements quality Code quality
for a project effectiveness
Audits designated
Reviews software
software work products
engineering activities
Prepares an SQA plan to verify compliance
513 9 Pick the odd one out for SQA Tasks D 1 to verify compliance None of these
for a project with those defined as
with the defined
part of the software
software process.

Mean Time Between Mean Time Begin Mean Term Between Mean Term Between
514 9 MTBF stands for A 1
Failure Failure Failure Fault

Records any non

Establish the elements
Which one of the following is not basic element of ISO 9001 : 2000 compliance and Support quality control Defines methods for
515 9 A 1 of a quality
standard? reports to senior and assurance remediation
management system

516 9 ISO 9001: 2000 does not address the following topic D 1 Contract review training Servicing Maintenance

The FIT (Failure In Time) is another way in which one can REPORT

Error / Defect
518 9 Which is the key contributor to improvement in SQA? C 1 collection and Vendor Management Education Testing
Imagine that a given piece of equipment has been fully operational for 1000
519 9 hours over a period of six months. It broke five times. Find Mean Time B 1 500 200 450 300
Between Failure.

Imagine your organization spent 64 hours repairing a given device. Such

520 9 C 1 10 9 8 15
equipment broke down 8 times during a year. Find MTTR for given data.

Imagine software has four modules. The first one failed after 20 hrs., the
521 9 second one failed after 22 hrs., the third failed after 8 hrs., the fourth failed D 1 6 hrs. 8 hrs. 12 hrs. None of these
after 30 hrs. Find MTTR for given data.

Minimum time to Maximum time to Measured time to

522 9 MTTF stands for B 1 Mean time to failure
failure failure failure

Minimum time to Minimum time to

523 9 MTTR stands for C 1 Mean time to restart Mean time to repair
repair restart


524 9 Which of the following is true formula? D 1

525 9 Which one of the following is not a level of CMM? D 1 Repeatable Defined Optimizing Training

Capability Manual Capable Manual Capability Maturity Capable Maturity

526 9 What is the full form of CMM? C 1
Model Model Model Model

Key Point Area of Level 3 (Defined) of Capability Maturity Model Software Project Software Project Software Quality
527 9 A 1 Pear Reviews
is__________ Planning Tracking Assurance

Quality Management and Quantity Managemement are the key point areas
528 9 D 1 Defined Initial Optimizing Managed
of which level of CMM?

529 9 MTBF is a summation of which two metrics? B 1 MTTR & MTFF MTTR & MTTF MTRR & MTTF MTBF & MTTR

530 9 State and explain Capability Maturity Model. 5

531 9 Describe the CMM levels related to software industry. 5

Which model is developed by Software Engineering Institute to provide an

532 9 overall indication of the process maturity exhibited by a software 5
organization? Briefly describe that model.

533 9 Describe in detail the ISO 9001 : 2000 Standard used in market. 5

Discuss the meaning of SQA? Which are the elements of SQA. Or What is
534 9 7
SQA? Explain elements of SQA in detail.

What is the importance of SQA? Also explain CMM Levels related to

535 9 5
software industry.

536 9 Define Software Reliability? Discuss about MTTF, MTTR, and MTBF. 3

537 9 What is SQA? Describe the tasks required for SQA. 5

In Software Configuration Management (SCM), which of the following is a
use-case supported by standard version control systems ? (a) Managing
538 10 several versions or releases of a software (b) Filing bug reports and tracking A 1 Only (a), (c), and (d) Only (a), (b), and (c) Only (a), (b), and (d) Only (b), (c), and (d)
their progress (c) Allowing team members to work in parallel (d) Identifying
when and where a regression occurred

In software maintenance tackling the changes in the hardware or software Corrective Preventive
539 10 C 1 Perfective maintenance Adaptive maintenance
environment where the software works, is maintenance maintenance

Which is a software configuration management concept that helps us to None of the

540 10 A 1 Baselines Source code Data model
control change without seriously impeding justifiable change? mentioned

A single software
A separate Software Configuration
Software Configuration Management can be administered in several ways. configuration Management distributed
541 10 A 1 management team for All of the mentioned
These include management team for among the project
the whole
each project members

To ensure that the

542 10 The main aim of Software Configuration Management (SCM) is _____ D 1 Identify change Control change change is being properly All of these

Which of the following is the process of assembling program components,

543 10 data, and libraries, and then compiling and linking these to create an A 1 System building Release management Change management Version management
executable system?

Which of the following is not a Software Configuration Management Configuration item

544 10 B 1 Risk management Release management Branch management
Activity? identification

Select the Software Configuration Management concept that aids to control

545 10 B 1 Procedure Baseline Audit None of the above

546 10 The Software Configuration items are ________ D 1 Design Specification Source Code All of these

The task that is not a part of Software Configuration Management (SCM) is Configuration status
547 10 D 1 Change control Version control None of the above
______ reporting

The items that comprise all information produced as part of the software Software A. Software system Software change All of the mentioned
548 10 A 1
process are collectively called a ____. configuration maintenance management above

A Software Configuration Management Plan defines the project strategy for Process & change None of the
549 10 A 1 Process management Change management
____. management mentioned above

None of the
550 10 Software configuration management is a set of ___ activities. C 1 Change management Process Tracking and control
mentioned above

All of the mentioned

551 10 A software configuration items is all or part of ____. A 1 A work product A process A tracking and control

Which of the following combines procedures and tools to manage different

Configuration status
552 10 versions of configuration objects that are created during the software D 1 Version control Change control None of the above
Match the terms related to Software Configuration Management (SCM) in
List – I with the descriptions in List – II.

553 10 B 1 1 2 3 4

What complements the formal technical review by assessing a configuration Software Software configuration None of the
554 10 A 1 Baseline
object for characteristics that are generally not considered during review? configuration audit management mentioned

What involves preparing software for external release and keeping track of
555 10 B 1 System building Release management Change management Version management
the system versions that have been released for customer use?

Mechanisms and data None of the

556 10 The SCM repository is the set of ____. B 1 Project database A tracking and control
structures mentioned above

A typical configuration management (CM) operational scenario involves a All of the mentioned
557 10 A 1 A. Project manager System engineer System administrator
____ who is in charge of a software group. above

558 10 Which of these are valid software configuration iteams? D 1 Case tools Documentations Executable programs All of the above

Which of the following is not considered one of the four important elements
559 10 D 1 component element human elements Process elements validation elements
that should exist when a configuration management system is developed?
Which of the following tasks is not part of software configuration
560 10 C 1 Change control reporting statical quality control Version control

Amongst which of the following is / are the elements of a configuration Component elements, Construction elements, None of the
561 10 C 1 Both A and B
management system. Process elements Human elements mentioned above

When software configuration management is a formal activity the software quality assurance
562 10 B 1 development team senior managers testing specialists
configuration audit is conducted by the group

Which of the following is incorrect activity for the Configuration Internship

563 10 D 1 Change management Version management System management
Management of a software system? management

What combines procedures and tools to manage different versions of None of the
564 10 B 1 Change control Version control SCIs
configuration objects that are created during the software process? mentioned

The extent to which the s/w can continue to operate correctly despite the
565 10 B 1 Reliability Robustness Fault tolerance Portability
introduction of invalid inputs is called as

choice of hardware
controlling changes to controllling maintaining versions
566 10 Configuration management is not concerned with B 1 configuration for an
the source code documentation changes of software

The extent to which a software performs its intended functions without

567 10 A 1 Reliability Robustness Fault tolerance Portability
failures, is termed as

The extent to which a software tolerates the unexpected problems, is termed

568 10 B 1 Reliability Robustness Fault tolerance Portability

569 10 Describe the SCM process with the help of an example. 6

570 10 What is SCM? Discuss SCM process in detail. 6

Among all the software processes, which process primarily focuses on

571 10 tracking and managing changes in the software development process, 6
explain the process in detail.

572 10 Explain Version & Change Control Management. 6

573 10 Describe the version control in SCM? List tools available for the same 4

What is change control in SCM Process? List tools available for the same.
574 10 Or Explain change control procedure of software configuration management 4
in detail.

575 10 List the SCM software tools available in market 2

576 10 Describe about the configuration management task? 3

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