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Metasurface inspired wideband high isolation THz MIMO antenna for nano
communication including 6G applications and liquid sensors

Article in Nano Communication Networks · November 2022

DOI: 10.1016/j.nancom.2022.100421


10 270

10 authors, including:

Gaurav Saxena Sanjay Chintakindi

Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College King Saud University


Yogendra Kumar Awasthi Sanjay Kumar

SGT University Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology (GCET)


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Nano Communication Networks
Metasurface Inspired Wideband High Isolation THz MIMO Antenna for Nano
Communication including 6G Applications and Liquid Sensors
--Manuscript Draft--

Manuscript Number: NANOCOMNET-D-22-00037R1

Article Type: Full Length Article

Keywords: ― Circular complementary split-ring resonator- CCSRR; Rectangular complementary

split-ring resonator- RCSRR; Multiband- MB; Wideband- WB; Beyond Fifth
Generation- B5G; Axial Ratio -AR; Terahertz-THz; MS-Metasurface

Corresponding Author: Yogendra Kumar Awasthi, Ph.D

Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies

First Author: Gaurav Saxena, Ph.D

Order of Authors: Gaurav Saxena, Ph.D

Sanjay Chintakindi, Ph.D

Mohsin Ahmed Kasim, Ph.D

Praveen Kumar Maduri

Y K Awasthi, Ph.D

Sanjay Kumar, Ph.D

Sahil Kansal

Rishabh Jain

Manish Kumar Sharma

Charul Dewan

Abstract: In this paper, a circular-shaped microstrip feed wideband THz antenna with a small
dimension of 480×480×150μm3 is presented on a gold-plated diffused quartz substrate
with a relative permittivity of 3.50. It has an impedance operational bandwidth of 0.51-
1.46 THz (80.76%) with a peak gain of 10.16 dBi. Throughout the desired bandwidth,
radiation efficiency is more than 70%. This single-element antenna is transformed into
a two-element MIMO antenna using a butterfly-shaped decoupling structure that
included an electromagnetic coupling structure and a metasurface absorber to
increase isolation and diversity characteristics along with impedance bandwidth 0.4-
2.0THz.[1]Return loss, gain, radiation efficiency, co-cross E and H-polarization, electric
field, magnetic field, current density, SAR, and diversity parameters such as Envelope
Correlation Coefficient (ECC), Directive Gain (DG), Total Active Reflection Coefficient
(TARC), and Channel Capacity Loss (CCL) are all within acceptable limits for Nano
wireless applications. The proposed wideband THz MIMO antenna can also be used
as a sensor to measure the proportion of crystallized sugar (C12H22O11) and salt
(NaCl) in water. The fields in which this antenna has applications include 6G, imaging,
3D printing, THz-wave radar, healthcare, liquid sensors with excellent sensitivity, and
astronomy radiometric.

Suggested Reviewers: Manoj Kumar MESHRAM, Ph.D

Professor, IIT BHU: Indian Institute of Technology BHU Varanasi


JNU: Jawaharlal Nehru University


JNU: Jawaharlal Nehru University


Powered by Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® from Aries Systems Corporation
University of Delhi


Response to Reviewers: Dear Prof. (Dr.) Chong Han,

Authors would like to thanks to editor, associate editor, and the reviewers for taking the
time in reviewing the manuscript and providing your valuable comments that are meant
to improve the quality of proposed work. Authors have tried to incorporate all the
comments and suggestions into the revised version of the manuscript to the best of
their knowledge. All the corrections made are highlighted in red.
Area Editor Chong Han,:
Comments to the Author:
I have completed my evaluation of your manuscript. The reviewers recommend
reconsideration of your manuscript following major revision. With my own reading, I
suggest the authors to further stress the novelties, and significantly improve the quality
of presentation in the revision. When revising your manuscript, please consider all
issues mentioned in the reviewers' comments carefully: please outline every change
made in response to their comments and provide suitable rebuttals for any comments
not addressed. Please note that your revised submission may need to be re-reviewed.
Answer: Authors are greateful to area editor’s comments. The manuscript has been
extensively revised to the best of their knowledge with all corrections marked in red.
Comments from Reviewer 1:
This paper present a circular-shaped microstrip feed wideband THz antenna with a
small dimension. I have some significant concerns as follows:
1. The reasearch topic of ultra-wideband MIMO THz antennas is clearly introduced.
The literature review is lacked. What are challenges to design such wideband THz
antennas? What limitations do the related work have?
Answer: The authors appreciate the reviewer's comments, and the amended version of
the manuscript includes a significant revision of the literature. The challenges that
motivate the development of wideband THz antennas are attempted to be expressed
by the authors. The revised manuscript also briefly expresses the limitations of the
related work and highlights them in red in introduction section at page No. 3.
2. The novelty of this paper is not clear. What are the differences between the
proposed antenna and other antennas in the literature? The key contributions of this
work is not highlighted.
Answer: The authors made an effort to highlight the uniqueness of the suggested work
in the last paragraph of the introduction section, and the table-2 and table-3 at pages
No. 15–16 list the differences from the literature. The key contribution of the proposed
work are as follows:
Wideband width (0.6-1.5THz), diversity and other antenna parameters like gain (>
10dBi), ECC (< 0.001), DG (> 9.99dB), TARC (> 25dB) and CCL (< 0.12bps/Hz) for
high speed RADAR health-care and astronomical radiometric 6G applications. The
proposed MIMO antenna also used as sensor for sensing the salt and sugar content
percentage in water and highlighted in red in revised manuscript at page No. 2.
3. The organization and presentation of this paper need to be improved. Many
parameters or metrics are not formulated or defined. Section II does not explain the
design procedure and directly goes to result discussion.
Answer: The reviewer's comments were gratefully received by the authors, and all the
parameters have been correctly formulated and specified in the updated version of
manuscript with red highlights. In the revised manuscript, Section-II was also modified
Comments from Reviewer 2:
The manuscript presents a wideband THz antenna with high isolation. Results are
presented through simulation. Here are my suggestions in a point-by-point:
1.The title of Fig. 2 and Fig. 9 moves to the next page.
Answer: Authors are highly grateful to the reviewer’s comments and have arranged the
title of the Fig. 2 and Fig. 9 on the same page in the revised manuscript at Page Nos. 3
& 12.
2. So many plots are shown in Fig. 3 a, which is confusing. Could the author provide
detailed explanation of those plots and compare them. Also, could the author explain
more on the SAR estimation of head voxel model. (Fig. 3 c.)
Answer: The authors acknowledge the reviewer's comments and elaborate on Fig.
3(a), which is related to the antennas (design processes) shown in Fig. 2. Yes, it is

Powered by Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® from Aries Systems Corporation
compared, and the revised manuscript with red highlights also includes a thorough
explanation. Explains SAR estimate of the head voxel model, the revised manuscript's
section-II, which is highlighted in red.
3. Generally, it would be helpful to present the modeling and design part of the antenna
behavior before showing the simulated performance.
Answer: The authors are agreed to the reviewer's comments and the changes have
made in the revised manuscript.
4. In this paper, the equivalent network analysis is applied. Instead of listing how the
value of each element changes with frequency, it would be better to analyze on how
the topology of the network is generated, i.e., how each element in the lumped model
is mapped into the physical antenna structure.
Answer: Authors are agreed to the reviewer’s observation and all the network analysis
part of proposed wideband antenna is modied in Equivalent Network Analysis section
and as shown in Fig. 4 (a-c) in the revised manuscript at page Nos. 6 & 7.
5. When analyzing the performance of the antenna, it is helpful to analyze the both the
magnitude and direction of the current distribution of the proposed antenna.
Answer: Authors concur with the reviewer's opinion and has analyzed both magnitude
and phase of the current distribution of the proposed MIMO antenna in Fig. 9 (c) in
revised manuscript at Page No. 12.
6. In page 9. The author states "This antenna's metasurface can also be employed for
sensing applications". It would be helpful if the author could list the desired
performance specification for the specific application and show how this work satisfy
those specs.
Answer: Authors are agreed to the reviewer’s percpactive and have added the results
of metasurface works as sensor (liquid sensor) which are discussed in Section-VI and
highlighted red in revised manuscript at page No. 15.
7. One advantage of the proposed antenna is its wideband operation functionality.
Could the author provide some analysis on how the wideband is achieved.
Answer: The authors have made an effort to respond to the two reviewer's queries.
First, regarding the wideband functioning of the proposed design, It will be useful for
detecting cancerous biological tissue and estimating SAR. Additionally, it is crucial for
military systems that need multifunctionality or spectrum agility.

Second, regarding the wideband achievement, as per the basic information, the
bandwidth is inversely proportional to quality factor of the antenna and the quality
factor is calculated as follows:
Q = 2π × (Energy Stored / Energy Loss).
Therefore, etching the antenna's ground plane would reduce plate capacitance and
reduce the amount of electric field energy stored per unit length. As a result, the
antenna's Q would likewise fall, increasing bandwidth. The electromagnetic coupling
structures have also been embedded in the ground plane to increase the impedance
matching over the achieved bandwidth and highlighted red in revised manuscript at
page No. 4.

Powered by Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® from Aries Systems Corporation
Cover Letter

Cover Letter
We, the undersigned declare that the manuscript entitled " Metasurface Inspired
Wideband High Isolation THz MIMO Antenna for Nano Communication in
High-Speed Radar, Health-Care and Astronomical Radiometric 6G Applications"
is an original paper which has neither previously, nor simultaneously, in whole
or in part been submitted anywhere else. We confirm that the manuscript has
been read and approved by all named authors and that there are no other
persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed. We further
confirm that the order of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by
the undersigned. We understand that the Corresponding Author is the sole
contact for the editorial process. The corresponding author " Proff. Y.K. Awasthi"
is responsible for communicating with the other authors about process,
submissions of revisions, and final approval of proofs.
Y.K. Awasthi
Date: -06th June 2022
Response to Reviewers

Dear Prof. (Dr.) Chong Han,

Authors would like to thanks to editor, associate editor, and the reviewers for taking the time in reviewing
the manuscript and providing your valuable comments that are meant to improve the quality of proposed
work. Authors have tried to incorporate all the comments and suggestions into the revised version of the
manuscript to the best of their knowledge. All the corrections made are highlighted in red.

Area Editor Chong Han,:

Comments to the Author:

I have completed my evaluation of your manuscript. The reviewers recommend reconsideration of

your manuscript following major revision. With my own reading, I suggest the authors to further
stress the novelties, and significantly improve the quality of presentation in the revision. When
revising your manuscript, please consider all issues mentioned in the reviewers' comments carefully:
please outline every change made in response to their comments and provide suitable rebuttals for
any comments not addressed. Please note that your revised submission may need to be re-reviewed.

Answer: Authors are greateful to area editor’s comments. The manuscript has been extensively
revised to the best of their knowledge with all corrections marked in red.

Comments from Reviewer 1:

This paper present a circular-shaped microstrip feed wideband THz antenna with a small dimension.
I have some significant concerns as follows:

1. The reasearch topic of ultra-wideband MIMO THz antennas is clearly introduced. The literature
review is lacked. What are challenges to design such wideband THz antennas? What limitations do
the related work have?

Answer: The authors appreciate the reviewer's comments, and the amended version of the
manuscript includes a significant revision of the literature. The challenges that motivate the
development of wideband THz antennas are attempted to be expressed by the authors. The revised
manuscript also briefly expresses the limitations of the related work and highlights them in red in
introduction section at page No. 3.
2. The novelty of this paper is not clear. What are the differences between the proposed antenna and
other antennas in the literature? The key contributions of this work is not highlighted.
Answer: The authors made an effort to highlight the uniqueness of the suggested work in the last paragraph
of the introduction section, and the table-2 and table-3 at pages No. 15–16 list the differences from the
literature. The key contribution of the proposed work are as follows:
Wideband width (0.6-1.5THz), diversity and other antenna parameters like gain (> 10dBi), ECC (<
0.001), DG (> 9.99dB), TARC (> 25dB) and CCL (< 0.12bps/Hz) for high speed RADAR health-
care and astronomical radiometric 6G applications. The proposed MIMO antenna also used as
sensor for sensing the salt and sugar content percentage in water and highlighted in red in revised
manuscript at page No. 2.
3. The organization and presentation of this paper need to be improved. Many parameters or metrics
are not formulated or defined. Section II does not explain the design procedure and directly goes to
result discussion.
Answer: The reviewer's comments were gratefully received by the authors, and all the parameters
have been correctly formulated and specified in the updated version of manuscript with red
highlights. In the revised manuscript, Section-II was also modified appropriately.

Comments from Reviewer 2:

The manuscript presents a wideband THz antenna with high isolation. Results are presented through
simulation. Here are my suggestions in a point-by-point:

1.The title of Fig. 2 and Fig. 9 moves to the next page.

Answer: Authors are highly grateful to the reviewer’s comments and have arranged the title of the
Fig. 2 and Fig. 9 on the same page in the revised manuscript at Page Nos. 3 & 12.

2. So many plots are shown in Fig. 3 a, which is confusing. Could the author provide detailed
explanation of those plots and compare them. Also, could the author explain more on the SAR
estimation of head voxel model. (Fig. 3 c.)

Answer: The authors acknowledge the reviewer's comments and elaborate on Fig. 3(a), which is
related to the antennas (design processes) shown in Fig. 2. Yes, it is compared, and the revised
manuscript with red highlights also includes a thorough explanation. Explains SAR estimate of the
head voxel model, the revised manuscript's section-II, which is highlighted in red.

3. Generally, it would be helpful to present the modeling and design part of the antenna behavior
before showing the simulated performance.

Answer: The authors are agreed to the reviewer's comments and the changes have made in the
revised manuscript.

4. In this paper, the equivalent network analysis is applied. Instead of listing how the value of each
element changes with frequency, it would be better to analyze on how the topology of the network is
generated, i.e., how each element in the lumped model is mapped into the physical antenna structure.
Answer: Authors are agreed to the reviewer’s observation and all the network analysis part of
proposed wideband antenna is modied in Equivalent Network Analysis section and as shown in
Fig. 4 (a-c) in the revised manuscript at page Nos. 6 & 7.

5. When analyzing the performance of the antenna, it is helpful to analyze the both the magnitude
and direction of the current distribution of the proposed antenna.

Answer: Authors concur with the reviewer's opinion and has analyzed both magnitude and phase
of the current distribution of the proposed MIMO antenna in Fig. 9 (c) in revised manuscript at
Page No. 12.

6. In page 9. The author states "This antenna's metasurface can also be employed for sensing
applications". It would be helpful if the author could list the desired performance specification for
the specific application and show how this work satisfy those specs.

Answer: Authors are agreed to the reviewer’s percpactive and have added the results of metasurface works
as sensor (liquid sensor) which are discussed in Section-VI and highlighted red in revised manuscript at
page No. 15.

7. One advantage of the proposed antenna is its wideband operation functionality. Could the author
provide some analysis on how the wideband is achieved.

Answer: The authors have made an effort to respond to the two reviewer's queries. First, regarding
the wideband functioning of the proposed design, It will be useful for detecting cancerous
biological tissue and estimating SAR. Additionally, it is crucial for military systems that need
multifunctionality or spectrum agility.

Second, regarding the wideband achievement, as per the basic information, the bandwidth is
inversely proportional to quality factor of the antenna and the quality factor is calculated as follows:
Q = 2π × (Energy Stored / Energy Loss).
Therefore, etching the antenna's ground plane would reduce plate capacitance and reduce the
amount of electric field energy stored per unit length. As a result, the antenna's Q would likewise
fall, increasing bandwidth. The electromagnetic coupling structures have also been enbaded in the
ground plane to increase the impedence matching over the achieved bandwidth and highlighted red
in revised manuscript at page No. 4.
Manuscript File Click here to view linked References

Metasurface Inspired Wideband High Isolation THz

MIMO Antenna for Nano Communication including
6G Applications and Liquid Sensors
Gaurav Saxena1, Sanjay Chintakindi2, Mohsin Ahmed Kasim2, Praveen Kumar Maduri1, Y K
Awasthi3*, Sanjay Kumar4, Sahil Kansal5, Rishabh Jain6, Manish Kumar Sharma6, Charul
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Galgotia College of Engineering and
Technology, Greater Noida, UP India-201306
College of Engineering, King Saud University, Post box 800, Riyadh,11421, Saudi Arabia
Electronics & Communication Engineering, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and
Studies, Faridabad, HR India-121004
Department of Information Technology, Galgotia College of Engineering and Technology, Greater
Noida, UP India-201306
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, JIMS Delhi-110053
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Galgotia College of Engineering and
Technology, Greater Noida, UP India-201306
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology
& Management, New Delhi, Delhi 110053

Abstract: In this paper, a circular-shaped microstrip feed wideband THz antenna with a small
dimension of 480×480×150μm3 is presented on a gold-plated diffused quartz substrate with a relative
permittivity of 3.50. It has an impedance operational bandwidth of 0.51-1.46 THz (80.76%) with a
peak gain of 10.16 dBi. Throughout the desired bandwidth, radiation efficiency is more than 70%.
This single-element antenna is transformed into a two-element MIMO antenna using a butterfly-
shaped decoupling structure that included an electromagnetic coupling structure and a metasurface
absorber to increase isolation and diversity characteristics along with impedance bandwidth 0.4-
2.0THz.1Return loss, gain, radiation efficiency, co-cross E and H-polarization, electric field, magnetic
field, current density, SAR, and diversity parameters such as Envelope Correlation Coefficient (ECC),
Directive Gain (DG), Total Active Reflection Coefficient (TARC), and Channel Capacity Loss (CCL)

*Correspondence Author: Y K Awasthi: E-mail:


are all within acceptable limits for Nano wireless applications. The proposed wideband THz MIMO
antenna can also be used as a sensor to measure the proportion of crystallized sugar (C12H22O11) and
salt (NaCl) in water. The fields in which this antenna has applications include 6G, imaging, 3D
printing, THz-wave radar, healthcare, liquid sensors with excellent sensitivity, and astronomy
Keywords: ― Circular complementary split-ring resonator- CCSRR, Rectangular complementary
split-ring resonator- RCSRR, Multiband- MB, Wideband- WB, Sixth Generation- 6G, Axial Ratio -
AR, Terahertz-THz, MS-Metasurface.
1. Introduction:
The need for high-speed data rates in growing wireless communication doubles every 18 months,
reaching Tbps in the next several years. Because the number of users is growing day-by-day, requests
for data rates in Tbps are increasing, hence THz bandwidth will be necessary to meet the
aforementioned needs. In 2030, 6G technology will be vital in meeting the demands for large channel
capacity and high data rate transmission. THz frequency spectrum as shown in Fig.1 is ideally suited
for achieving 6G technology criteria in health monitoring systems, internet of nano-things, ultra-high-
speed nano-processors, weather forecasting, and other applications [1]-[5].

Fig. 1 Frequency spectrum with state-of-art THz Communication.

Many antennas employ a partial ground plane to accomplish the wide bandwidth, which lowers the
plate capacitance and quality factor (Q) of the antenna achieving a maximum gain for medical and
military applications in THz range [6]-[8].
Furthermore, through a novel decoupling technique, ultra/super-wideband MIMO (Multiple-Input-
Multiple-Output) THz antennas have been built for maximum isolation, gain, and efficiency [9]-[12].
Multi-band circularly polarized with polarization diversity THz MIMO antennas are also designed

using novel materials like tunable metamaterial, graphene, etc. for point-to-point communication,
imaging and medical applications [13]-[23].
Today's antennas function as sensors and are extensively utilized because of their easy configuration,
low cost, capacity for multimodality sensing, and passive operation. The antenna also functions as a
sensor for detecting moisture, temperature, ice and frost, dissolving particles, sugar content, and water
quality [24]-[26]. A graphene based 1.3 - 1.6THz antenna is designed for sensing oblique and
incidence angle having different polarization [27]-[28]. A monopole/UWB/T-shaped slot antenna is
used as a sensor for measuring different concentration of sugar and salt, frost and ice in water in terms
of magnitude of return loss and frequency shift [29]. If the temperature rises by 25o to 90o, the printed
antenna's 1.2 - 5.8GHz frequency works as a temperature sensor and changes in the s-parameters are
more than 3.5 dB [30].
In this article, a circular-shaped antenna on a quartz substrate (εr = 3.5) with a height of 150µm is
designed with an elliptical-shaped slot etched to prevent charge accumulation on the patch and
RCSRR & CCSRR-shaped electromagnetic coupling structures is used in ground plane to convert
multiband to wideband operation. CST Microwave Studio simulates all antenna parameters such as
return loss, isolation, gain, and radiation efficiency. Antenna design process will be explained in
section-II. The S-parameter, gain, efficiency (radiation and total), co-cross polarization, E & H, and
current density distributions are studied in section-III. In section-IV and V, design and diversity
performance of MIMO antenna is discussed. Section-VI contains details about the proposed design's
application as a sensor and conclusion of the article is mentioned in section-VII.


The proposed multiband to wideband characteristic antenna is designed on a gold plated (50µm)
quartz substrate with a loss tangent (tanδ) of 0.009 as illustrated in Fig. 2. This antenna is constructed
up of a circular patch with an oval-shaped etched-slot with different ground structures shown in Fig.
2 with same patch. Antenna-1 has a complete gold laminated conductor ground and is capable of
multiband operation at frequencies of 0.57, 0.73, 0.90, 1.07, 1.22, and 1.38 THz, as shown in Fig. 3
(a). Further, modifications in the ground plane have been made to improve the performance of
antenna-1, and antenna-2 now has a partial ground plane. The findings still demonstrate multiband
functioning at frequencies of 0.65, 0.78, 0.95, 1.25, 1.3, and 1.42 THz as shown in Fig. 3(a). Moreover,
antenna-3 has displayed partial ground plane changes as well as electromagnetic coupling structure
integrated (RCSRR) in the ground plane to modify the performance of antenna-2 from multiband to
wideband from 1.05-1.45THz. Similarly, antenna-4 has displayed partial ground plane changes along
with electromagnetic coupling structure integrated (CCSRR) in the ground plane to modify the

performance of antenna-2 from multiband to wideband from 0.9-1.50THz. Antenna-5 demonstrates

the final ground plane modification by combining both electromagnetic coupling structures
(RCSRR/CCSRR) within a partial ground plane to change the performance of antenna-2 from
multiband to wideband from 0.51-1.46 THz as shown in Fig. 3(a).

Patch Patch

Full Ground Partial Ground Bottom

Antenna-1 Antenna-2 Antenna-3

Top Top

Bottom Bottom

Antenna-4 Antenna-5 (Proposed)

Fig. 2 A planar monopole antenna with different ground structures to convert multiband to
wideband operation for THz Application.

In addition, Fig. 3(b) shows that the proposed antenna has a radiation/total efficiency of more than
65% and a maximum gain of 10.3 dBi at 0.95 THz frequency. For SAR analysis human head used for
calculation of SAR having some typical parameters used in Table-1. SAR (Specific absorption rate)
is a key criterion for determining the mobility of antennas that will be utilized in near-field mobile

Table:1 Parameters of the human head used for calculation of specific absorption rate by the
proposed antenna at constant permeability

Thermal Metabolism
Density (ρ) Heat capacity Blood flow
Type Conductivity rate
kg/m3 kJ/K/kg W/K/m3
(σ) S/m W/m3

Bio-tissue skin 1100 0.293 3.5 9100 1620

Bio-tissue Bone 1850 0.41 1.3 3400 610


Bio-tissue Brain 1030 1.13 3.675 40000 7100

The typical value of SAR for 1g and 10g of bio tissue for satisfactory application in 6G mobile
communication is less than 1.6 W/Kg and 2.0 W/Kg respectively. The SAR values for 1g and 10g of
bio-tissue at 0.95 THz frequency are 0.095 and 0.087 W/Kg, respectively, which are less than 1.4
W/Kg and 2.0 W/Kg of the permitted value given in Fig. 3(c) [17] without any plastic jacket or cover.
The SAR of electromagnetic energy is calculated by equation (1) [17]

1 (r) E(r)
SpecificAbsorption Rate(SAR)   dr (1)
V0 (r)

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3 Simulated results of the proposed antenna (a) S-parameter as per antennas given in Fig. 2 (b)
Efficiency, and (c) Set-up for SAR estimation of head voxel model.

Where Erms(r) is rms electric field associated with input signal in V/m, ρ(r) is bio tissue sample density
in kg/m3, σ(r) is thermal conductivity of human voxel model in S/m, and V is the volume of the bio
tissue sample in m3. SAR is directly dependent upon input power used imposed by mobile phone to
human head skeleton and 500mW power is used for SAR calculation.

Equivalent Network Analysis: Understanding the electrical behavior of antennas through geometrical
adjustments to produce the desired outcomes is extremely challenging in planar antenna technology
because planar antennas are the amalgamation of two conductor-dielectric interfaces but it is easy
through analogous network analysis. Hence, the equivalent network analysis of the proposed antenna-
5 is shown in Fig. 4(a)-(h) corresponding to the results given in Fig. 3(a), where the first interface
(patch conductor and dielectric) forms a parallel LC equivalent network and the second interface
(Dielectric-ground conductor) forms a series LC equivalent network under the lossless condition, with
the values of inductances and capacitances given in Table-2. Where C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and L1, L2, L3,
L4 are gap capacitance and inductance associated with proposed ground structure depicted in Fig. 4(a)

respectively. The value of gap capacitance is to be calculated Cgap  o r  w  l where o and r are
the absolute and relative permittivity, w, l, and s denotes the width, length and separation of
transmission line, C1 = 4.905×10-16F, C2 = 5.242×10-16F, C3 = 6.554×10-16F, C4 = 7.865×10-16F, C5 =
1.647×10-16F. So, the total capacitance associated them 2.599×10-15 F at central frequency 1.0 THz.
Loop inductance associated with transmission line can be calculated by L  2 107  log e H
r  e0.25

where, d is the thickness of the transmission line and r denotes the radius associated with transmission
line, L1 = 1.236pH, L2 = 1.836pH, L3 = 3.985pH, L4 = 2.689pH so that L1+L2+L3+L4 = 9.746pH.
Table-2: Inductances and capacitances values of the equivalent network of the proposed antenna-5
given in Fig. 1, where port impedance is 50 Ω
Frequency (THz) Parallel LC (Patch-dielectric) Series LC (Dielectric-ground)
0.57 L = 3.464pH and C = 22.51fF L = 56.27pH and C = 1.3860fF
0.73 L = 2.112pH and C = 22.51fF L = 56.27pH and C = 0.08447fF
0.90 L = 1.389pH and C = 22.51fF L = 56.27pH and C = 0.5558fF
1.07 L = 1.996pH and C = 11.25fF L = 28.13pH and C = 0.7864fF
1.22 L = 1.512pH and C = 11.25fF L = 28.13pH and C = 0.6049fF
1.38 L = 1.182pH and C = 11.25fF L = 28.13pH and C = 0.4748fF
0.5-1.5(Proposed) L = 6.497pH and C = 3.898fF L = 9.746pH and C = 2.599fF

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Fig. 4 Equivalent network analysis of the proposed antenna at (a) Electrical equivalent model (0.5-1.5THz) (b) S-
parameters from 0.5-1.5THz (c) 0.57 THz (d) 0.73 THz (e) 0.90 THz (f) 1.07 THz (g) 1.22 THz (h) 1.38 THz.


The distribution of electric and magnetic field intensity in planar antennas is essential because it shows
which modes are propagating across the proposed antenna surface as shown in Fig. 2 (Antenna-5).
Therefore, the distribution of E-field intensity propagating TE13, TE15, and TE16 modes at 0.65, 0.95,
and 1.05THz is shown in Fig. 5(a) respectively. The E-field distribution is only one half-wavelength
change in the x-direction and three half-wavelength changes in the y-direction, indicating TE13 mode
at 0.65 THz, and in similar ways at other frequencies. The current distribution in Fig. 5(b-c) shows
that the magnetic field intensity is highest in the ground plane, including electromagnetic coupling
structures (RCSRR and CCSRR). This means that the ground radiates the least amount of radiation at
the frequencies listed below, while the patch emits the most, indicating high radiation efficiency. The
distribution of electromagnetic energy in free space, which might be directed or omini-directional, is
represented by the 2D/3D radiation pattern of an antenna. Figure 6(a)-(b) shows simulated far-field
radiation patterns in the E- and H-planes at 0.65, 0.95, and 1.05 THz at a distance of 1.0m. The
proposed antenna's radiation patterns are directional at all desired frequencies, with peak gains of 7.8,
10.3, and 9.9dBi. The difference between the 2D radiation patterns of antenna at co- (yz-plane) and
cross- (xz-plane) polarization is around 80dB, which is quite far apart as seen in Fig. 6(a).



0.65THz 0.95THz 1.05THz
Fig. 5 Simulated results at 0.65THz, 0.95THz and 1.05THz (a) Electric field (b) Magnetic field (c)
Vectored Current density
Hence, this antenna is appropriate for both multiband and wideband THz applications. To improve
the proposed design's practical feasibility, this single-element antenna is transformed into a two-
element MIMO antenna using a butterfly-shaped decoupling structure that included an
electromagnetic coupling structure and a metasurface absorber to increase isolation and diversity
characteristics along with impedance bandwidth 0.4-2.0THz.



0.65THz 0.95THz 1.05THz


0.65THz 0.95THz 1.05THz
Fig. 6 Simulated far-field radiation patterns at 0.65THz, 0.95THz, and 1.05THz (a) 2D (b) 3D.


MIMO technology is used to enhance channel capacity of antennas due to spatial diversity and
multiplexing; the channel capacity of a two-element MIMO system is nearly double that of a SISO
(Single-Input-Single-Output) system, making the system more reliable and efficient. The Signal-to-
Noise Ratio and correlation between elements determine the quality of signal transmitted/received by
MIMO antennas. SNR and correlation are affected by diversity characteristics such as DG (Directive
Gain), ECC (Envelope Correlation Coefficient), TARC (Total Active Reflection Coefficient), and
CCL (Channel Capacity Loss), among others.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig.7 Two-element THz planar MIMO antenna (a) front view with ground (b) front view with
dimensions (c) bottom view with dimensions (d) 3D view of the proposed design.

The aforementioned information in section-2 is used to construct a two-element MIMO antenna

including a metasurface between the antenna elements to achieve more than 20dB of isolation over

the intended bandwidth of 0.4-2.2THz. Both antenna elements are positioned in the same plane at a
distance of less than λ/2 to decrease the size of the MIMO antenna, as illustrated in Fig. 7. (a) - (d).

The proposed MIMO antenna's s-parameters are shown in Fig. 8, with a return loss of less than 10dB
and isolation of less than 20dB for the proposed bandwidth. This antenna's metasurface can also be
employed for sensing applications such as identifying cancerous tissue in the breast and brain [20].

Fig.8 Simulated s-parameters of the proposed MIMO antenna.




0.8 THz 1.6THz

Fig.9 Field Intensity of the proposed MIMO antenna at 0.8 and 1.6THz (a) Electric -V/m (b)
Magnetic- A/m (c) Vectored current density-A/m.

The distribution of charge accumulation and charge flow over the suggested design is represented in
Fig. 9 (a)-(b), which depicts the electric and magnetic field strength at 0.8 and 1.6THz. The maximum
electric field is confined in the metasurface and electromagnetic coupling structures in the ground, as
shown in Fig. 9(a), and radiates through both elements. Its shows that metasurface and split ring
resonators are well designed at proposed band. According to Fig. 9(b), the square-shaped metasurface
between the elements plays an essential role in preventing current migration from element-1 to
element-2 when element-1 is excited and element-2 is terminated with a 50ohm load. Moreover, TE10
and TM11 mode is propagating which is helpful in high-speed radar, healthcare and radiometric
applications.Fig.9(c) denotes the vectored current density of proposed MIMO antenna which provides
that charge has been accumulated on the ground and due to gap discontinuity on the patch this antenna
radiates and no current migrated from exited patch to 50 ohm terminated patch.

5. Diversity Parameters of MIMO Antenna:

Envelope Correlation Coefficient: ECC is one of the important diversity parameters to judge the
amount of correlation between antenna-elements. The amount of correlation between antennas has an
impact on the MIMO system's channel capacity. If the amount of correlation between antennas is low,
the channel capacity will be higher, and the data speed will be faster. According to empirical evidence,
ECC should be less than 0.1 [8, 17, 18-19], and ECC variation with regard to the intended bandwidth
is less than 0.0012, which is suitable for high-data rate wireless transmission as shown in Fig. 10(a)
and determined using equation (2) in terms of s-parameters [8,19, 22-23].
 N  

 Sin Snj 
 n 1 
ecc,ij  (2)
 N
2 
N 
 
1  Sni   1  Snj 
  
 n 1   n 1 

Diversity Gain: The benefits of MIMO over SISO antennas in terms of signal-to-noise ratio are
determined by diversity gain, and the diversity gain of a MIMO antenna in a correlated medium is
determined by ECC. In wireless communication, the permissible DG value is more than 9.5dB. As a
result, the suggested antenna's diversity gain is 9.9999dB, as illustrated in Fig. 10. (b), and will be
determined by equation (3) [8, 19, 22-23].

DG 10  (1 ecc,ij 


Total Active Reflection Coefficient: TARC is the square root of all reflected power at MIMO input
ports divided by the total throughput power available at the same ports [8, 17-22]. It should be larger
than 10dB for an applicable MIMO antenna, and it is greater than 25dB over the intended bandwidth
in the proposed system employing metasurface as visible in Fig. 10(c). Equation (4) will be used to
determine TARC in terms of s-parameters [8, 19, 22-23].

(Sii  Sij )2  (S jj  S ji ) 2
n 1
 (4)
n 1

Where ai and bi is an incident (from port to patch) and reflected (patch to port) EM wave respectively
and n denotes the number of antenna elements involved in MIMO system at Tx/Rx ends.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig.10. Simulated diversity parameters of the proposed antenna (a) Envelope Correlation Coefficient
(b) Diversity Gain (c) Total Active Reflection Coefficient (d) Channel Capacity Loss.

Channel Capacity Loss: The channel capacity of the MIMO system is majorly linearly dependent
upon how much antenna elements involved in particular MIMO system and amount of correlation
between two antenna elements. Increased antenna elements provide better channel capacity, but when
the correlation between antenna elements increases, channel capacity loss also increases, decreasing
the data rate. Reduced CCL is a key requirement for assessing how well a MIMO system handles

actual data rate. For an effective transceiver link, the threshold value for two-port antennas should be
less than 0.35 bits/sec/Hz. For the desired frequency band, the CCL of the proposed two-element
MIMO antenna is less than 0.12bits/sec/Hz, as shown in Fig. 10(d) [17-23] and it is calculated by
equation (5) – (7) [8, 19, 22].

CCL   log2 (p ) (5)

11 12
where,  p

21 22

 N  
ii  1  
  Sin Sni 
 (6)
 n 1 

 N  
ij   
  Sin Snj  where i, j, and n = 1, 2
 (7)
 n 1 
The antenna is best suited for usage in THz applications in terms of gain, efficiency, and size,
according to a comparison of the proposed antenna characteristics with existing antenna literature as
illustrated in Table-2.
6. THz MIMO Antenna as a Sensor:
Antenna sensors, which use an antenna as both a sensing platform and a signal transmitter and
receiver, are used to detect a wide range of compounds in both liquid and solid form. In this article,
when salt and sugar are added in different quantity, the suggested antenna detects the conductivity of
the water, demonstrating the sensor's nature. Salt and sugar are crystalline compounds, easy to dissolve
in water and the dielectric properties change when salt and sugar added in water. These changes
reduced the ionic conductivity of the water and polarization of the water content [24]. When increases
the concentration of salt and sugar in water free ions decreases hence ionic conductivity also decreases,
these decreases in ionic conductivity will be identified by variations in the return loss of the antenna
with respect to the frequencies as indicated in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. For detection of percentage
(like 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%) content salt and sugar in water. For investigating antenna as a sensor, the
solution has been divided in two categories.

(a) (b)

Fig. 11(a) Set-up for sensing concentration of water with NaCl and C12H22O11 (b) S11 Vs Frequency
graph for sensing concentration of water with NaCl and C12H22O11

In first categories four different salt (NaCl) concentration like 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% samples with
water have been taken and second categories four different sugar (C12H22O11) concentration like 20%,
40%, 60%, 80% samples with water have been taken for MIMO antenna as a sensing application. The
return loss variation at the peak resonant frequencies at 0.58, 1.059, 1.232 and 1.384 THz with the
percentage change of salt and sugar concentrations in water are shown in Fig. 11(a) – (b). In these
figures, identified that reflection coefficient increases with increases the percentage of salt and sugar
in water.

Table: 3 Comparison of the proposed single antenna element with existing literature on various

Frequency (THz) Efficiency Gain (dBi) Size (µm2) Substrate References

0.7 13.92 90×90 polyimide [2]

0.58-6.6 - 12.5 400×600 - [3]

5.64-37.56 0.8 15.28 80×100 polyimide [4]

0.22-0.32 - 9.03 400×500 polyimide [6]

0.33-10 0.7 19 1000×1400 Roger-5880 [8]

0.52-1.47 0.7 10.3 480×480 Quartz [P]

Table-4: Comparison of the proposed two-element MIMO antenna with existing reference on
various aspects.

Frequency Isolation DG TARC CCL(Bits/sec/Hz)

(THz) (dB) (dB) (dB) /References

0.010 ≥ 15 ≥9.95 - -[2]

5.64-37.56 0.110 ≥ 20 ≥ 9.93 - - [4]

0.500 ≥ 20 ≥ 8.50 - 0.25 [5]

0.33-10 0.0015 ≥ 25 ≥ 9.99 ≥ 10 0.25 [8]

0.4-2.0 0.025 ≥ 20 ≥ 9.95 ≥ 20 0.12 [P]

[P] Proposed Antenna


A microstrip feed wideband THz antenna has been designed with excellent performance listed in
Table-3 including stable omnidirectional radiation patterns. This single-element antenna has also been
transformed into a two-element MIMO antenna with impedance bandwidth 0.4 - 2.0THz having exotic
diversity performance mentioned in Table-4 which is useful in future 6G, High-speed RADAR,
Healthcare and astronomical radiometric and liquid sensing applications. CST Microwave studio
simulator is used to design and simulate proposed MIMO antenna and its application as liquid sensor.


This Work is funded by deanship of scientific research of King Saud University, Riyadh11451, Saudi
Arabia for this work-Research Group (RG 1441-535)


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Author Biography



Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Dr. Gaurav Saxena received his Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.)

Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering, from Uttar

Pradesh Technical University Lucknow, India, in 2007, M. Tech

degree in Microwave Electronics, from University of Delhi, South Campus, Delhi,

India and Ph.D. from Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India, In 2021 and 2022

awarded a Commendable Research Award for SCI articles Published in 2019-2020 and

2020-2021 session. He also received a meritorious scholarship from July 2010 to July

2012 given by the University of Delhi. From Dec.2011 to May 2012 he has worked as

an internship trainee at CSIR, NPL Delhi where he established traceability of the VNA

and received an appreciation certificate from Scientist-F. Now, he is working as an

Associate Professor in Electronics & Communication Engineering Department from

Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh and

published one patent and numerous research articles in peer reviewed International

Journals and Conferences. His recent research interest includes modelling of passive

microwave components like filters Power divider/combiner, Microwave antenna for 5G

and Wireless applications, Meta-material absorber, MIMO Antenna

receiver/transmitter, THz MIMO antenna, absorbers and LNA etc.

Award Summary and Publication Details
Category Title Number of Publications
Commendable Research Award 02 for award +01 for certificates
*Note: Do not include the rows for awards which are not applicable

1. Gaurav Saxena, Y K Awasthi, Priyanka Jain, “Design of metasurface absorber for low
RCS and high isolation MIMO antenna for radio location & navigation”, AEU
International Journal of Electronics, Elsevier, 2021): Volume 133, May 2021, 153680
(SCI Journal with Impact Factor: 3.186),
(Certificates Only)

2. G. Saxena, P. Jain, and Y. K. Awasthi, “Design and analysis of a planar UWB bandpass
filter with stopband characteristics using MMR technique,” International Journal of
Microwave and Wireless Technologies, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 999–1006, 2021.
(SCI Journal with Impact Factor: 1.064)

( For Research Award)

3. G. Saxena, Y. K. Awasthi, and P. Jain, “Four-element pentaband MIMO antenna for

multiple wireless application including dual-band circular polarization
characteristics,” International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, pp. 1–
12,2021. (SCI Journal with Impact Factor: 1.064)
( For Research Award)

1. Design of metasurface absorber for low RCS and high isolation

MIMO antenna for radio location & navigation

Gaurav Saxena, Priyanka Jain and Y. K. Awasthi

Abstract: In this article, a novel metasurface absorber is designed for RCS reduction
as well as high isolation in a 4-elements MIMO antenna. A unit cell of metasurface
absorber is amalgamated by concentric circular and elliptical-shaped rings with four
300 ohms lumped resistances. Absorbance at the intended frequency band (i.e., 8.75
GHz-9.00 GHz) of metasurface absorber is more than 90.0% and its reflectivity is
tending to zero. Therefore, the isolation between antennas due to this absorbance is
improved by 12 dB, and the total isolation of the antenna is achieved less than 23 dB.
Similarly, the Radar cross-section (RCS) of the antenna is also significantly reduced
by 10dBm 2. This MIMO antenna with an absorbing structure is fabricated on a richly
existing FR4 substrate with dimensions of 55 × 40 × 1 mm 3. The performance of
the designed MIMO antenna is also judged by diversity parameters similar to
Envelope correlation coefficient (ECC), Directive gain (DG), Mean effective gain
(MEG), Channel capacity loss (CCL), Total Active Reflection Coefficient (TARC), and
channel capacity, etc. for the proposed frequency band. The simulated and measured
ECC of the proposed MIMO is less than 0.073 which exhibits that this antenna is
suitable for military application in radiolocation and navigation.
DOI Link:
* First Author

2. Four-element pentaband MIMO antenna for multiple wireless

application including dual-band circular polarization characteristics

Gaurav Saxena, Priyanka Jain and Y. K. Awasthi

Abstract: In this article, a meander line-shaped pentaband (2.18–2.24, 2.38–2.46, 2.65–2.70,

3.10–3.32, 3.38–3.46 GHz) four-element multiple-input–multiple-output antenna is presented.
The proposed antenna is also circularly polarized in two bands (at 2.2 and 2.4 GHz) with dual-
polarization like right-handed at port 1 or 3 and left-handed at port 2 or 4, which is widely used
for mobile satellite services (MSS) and Internet of Things applications. This antenna is
designed and fabricated with compact size 50 × 70 × 1.6 mm3 on the FR-4 substrate with good
diversity performance in pentaband. Simulated results of antenna-like return loss, isolation,
and parameters-related diversity have also been tested experimentally in a controlled
environment, which is within the permissible limit. The designed antenna will be appropriate
for MSS, industrial scientific and medical (ISM), broadband radio services and educational
broadband services, WiMAX radio location services, and amateur radio services. Meanwhile,
specific absorption rate of the designed antenna has been examined in an empirical
environment for the Fresnel radiating near-field applications.
*First Author

3. Design and analysis of a planar UWB bandpass filter with stopband

characteristics using MMR technique

Gaurav Saxena, Priyanka Jain and Y. K. Awasthi

Abstract: In this paper, an ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filter with stopband characteristics
is presented using a multi-mode resonator (MMR) technique. An MMR is formed by loading
three dumbbell-shaped (Mickey and circular) shunt stubs placed in the center and two
symmetrical locations from ports, respectively. Three circular and arrowhead defected ground
structures on the ground plane are introduced to achieve UWB bandwidth with a better roll-off
rate. The proposed filter exhibits stopband characteristics from 10.8 to 20 GHz with a 0.4 dB
return loss. The group delay and roll-off rate of the designed filter are <0.30 ns in the passband
and 16 dB/GHz at lower and higher cut-off frequencies, respectively. The dimension of the
filter is 0.74λg × 0.67λg mm2 and was fabricated on a cost-effective substrate. All simulated
results are verified through the experimental results.

*First Author
Author Photo Click here to access/download;Author Photo;GAURAV
Conflict of Interest

Declaration of interest statement

We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication
and there has been no significant financial support for this work that could have influenced its
outcome. We confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved by all named authors
and that there are no other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed.
We further confirm that the order of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by all
of us. We confirm that we have given due consideration to the protection of intellectual
property associated with this work and that there are no impediments to publication, including
the timing of publication, with respect to intellectual property. In so doing we confirm that we
have followed the regulations of our institutions concerning intellectual property. We
understand that the Corresponding Author is the sole contact for the Editorial process
(including Editorial Manager and direct communications with the office). He/she is responsible
for communicating with the other authors about progress, submissions of revisions and final
approval of proofs. We confirm that we have provided a current, correct email address which
is accessible by the Corresponding Author. Signed by all authors as follows:

Gaurav Saxena
Sanjay Chintakindi, Praveen Kumar Maduri, Y K Awasthi, Sanjay Kumar, Sahil Kansal, Rishabh Jain,
Manish Kumar Sharma, Charul Dewan

Author Statement

Author Agreement
Submission of work requires that the piece to be reviewed has not been previously published. Upon
acceptance, the Author assigns to the “Nano Communication Networks” the right to publish and
distribute the manuscript in part or in its entirety. The Author's name will always be included with
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manuscript in the Author's teaching activities; (2) to publish the manuscript, or permit its
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own personal or departmental (but not institutional) database or on-line site; and (4) to license
reprints of the manuscript to third persons for educational photocopying. The Author also agrees to
properly credit the Nano Communication Networks as the original place of publication. The Author
hereby grants the Results in Optics and exclusive rights to the manuscript, all revisions, and the full
copyright. The Nano Communication Networks rights include but are not limited to the following: (1)
to reproduce, publish, sell, and distribute copies of the manuscript, selections of the manuscript, and
translations and other derivative works based upon the manuscript, in print, audio-visual, electronic,
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databases; and (5) to license the manuscript for document delivery. These exclusive rights run the
full term of the copyright, and all renewals and extensions thereof. I hereby accept the terms of the
above Author Agreement.
Author: - Gaurav Saxena, Sanjay Chintakindi, Praveen Kumar Maduri, Y K Awasthi, Sanjay Kumar,
Sahil Kansal, Rishabh Jain, Manish Kumar Sharma, Charul Dewan


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