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BOOK TV 10 episode script for the interviewer (8-12 minutes) *

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Book TV 10. Today our guest is
______________(NAME) and we will discuss his or her selected reading assignment.
Please, give a round of applause for our guest!



Please, explain the title of the book you have selected to read…
What category or genre do you think it fits into (fiction, historical, thriller, romance etc.)?
Is there something you liked about it?
Something, perhaps, you disliked about it?
Please, describe the setting.
Which character did you like most?
Which character did you like least?
Can you describe one of the main characters in detail?
What changes does a main character go through?
Which character in the story do you think you can connect with and why?
What serves to motivate the main characters of the story?
Please, describe one significant episode.
How did reading it change you, or, perhaps, your views?
Can you summarize the book in one written sentence or a one minute speech?
What do you think the author’s purpose was?
What feedback would you give the author?
How might you have written it differently?
What do you think of the ending?
What happens, or should happen, after the ending?
Is there any part of the story that you want to change? Why?
What would you want to read about in a sequel or prequel?
In your opinion, what is the significance of the story to what is happening in the present
What would you say to persuade a friend to read it or not to read it?

Thank you very much and now I am going to take questions from our patient audience…
Any questions?

Thank you for being such a great audience and I would like to thank NAME for sharing his or
her reading experience with us!


3 minute break before the next Book TV classroom interview

BOOK COVER is shown on the screen to the left.

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