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= gue !t Explain Standard jest Signals With Sketch exepvession «=o and Laplace twansfoom: ? ans> - The Standard test Signals are impulse step samp and paralool?c . ~ These Signals are used yo know +e peem formance — O the contsol System Using Hme ‘ Besponse Of OukPut O unt step stgnah > T+ fs define) as - . ect) = 15 E20 a eee Oo; bo S ie Ss 4 | sCEH)EA [et teeny =3 | @ Ramp Signore T+ fe dheGned as - ack) za (ears oy) SCENE mK erin To Stepe A «JET Acer - fo wey sat bt focal A @® parabotie tpt Signal 6- TA is Cefined as — eT PH +t do & see m o vkX O . SR Act Shen scty= E? pl oweky = Agr 2 aa {reer} =A = Bue: Derive the crepression oF curput of Fisst osctez Systecn with @© Tmputse §Poput @ step fnpwt © Ramp ‘mart @® _ exeporemia! (paratoor’e } taput- aor O Response OF It oyclea System usth ort fmpulse Fanction s- aes) Racs)=) ® eCs)= 1 gy Ts +1 -ee fal Ts+1 Tent] 1 Tea - averse Loptace — si = 6 £' ccs) é + @ Response of {SF Osder System When fnpub SS Unit Step 2 | etsy pe Ne! RCs) CTH) cosy) os \ * Res) (Te 1) fos unit Siep~ Portial Fraction of eqn — COs) = Ss 1 (s+4) “Coking Tanerse Laprace — Er] cley= j-e | ~- (t=t) ecey ee et © Response of \S OBdexr System with vnrt Damp Signas fs Input es unte Ramp Res\= cesy vo Acs) Tsay clsy= —t— - Rs) © (Tem) Pae REG) ga eqe © \ \ dae aS oe cos (Ts +1) ce | ccs) = —+— & CTstt) i ox oo cep 2 - Ty e 5 a sit Taxing Faverse — Lapio.ce ecty = E- T 4T eT t-T (Ct-e kit | Response of 1SF opder system sith vnit “oput cece P Batooti'c signat @s— fnpuk iS parabottc ecsy= ee eos) pecs) CTs¥1) cesy = A RCs) Cts) ccs = fk (Te) ( s? \ etsy = a S? (Ts) — partiak Fooation of ccs) ces) = —L—_ = Ay 8 8? (7s) nos ecby t= 1 4 s s* s Tst\ =T c= tp 13) coy el _ Te xt Aer, BLE s° st 5 sad - inverse Laproce ect) = (Ce -te at - He GM ) ee) Ques. Derive the eapressian of output OF Second order sycem With Step Popa 7 Sainte Gs) = _ woh so 4 2€0INS Fenn? S.Ct) oe ~~~ (ees 1 =o EL Ss CCS} = Ges) + Res) ee Ss gt 4220S +002 Cos) = Ar 4 Ass As —® S S* 42 BONS Yorn? Wat = Ay Wet => mel o = Bart =) Roe-s 0 = AMEWnrAs=> a= -2wy — > we ean ® became ccs) = eee ed) 2 st 42 Buns +92 ccs) = 1 ~ Ste 2 tn Ss S* LBW ¥ Wee s + 2209 SF 42 Zums teewer~ er wa® Fw? @ fl ccs) — See en eed oat tee joes = Ay Azs +A S 2 2| \ s* $2 Suns Feo? | ol Ss + 2200 Ss CS¥ Regn \E* wor Ci- 24] whee wor? 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Ty parsfal Vraotion: — ees) = A 4 Ar 4 Ae Cs two C Stern) --- (Arsdy Roe Wo, Ae } son = Aly At Eee s {stunt S Cero? cst) Pca) (Ax Geron\ney Ars As ecsxcon) wert = Ar (Cs? $2u0ns tue? |+ALS A Ag (o? Hwed) wrt = Prawns +Auwrt + Azs 4 (Aas? Agung “A 2AWwo FA + Pewo 20 ton \ cso Csttun) CCS \el By, Laploce Transform - ~! ha ~! “ss eckys Ie wobe rrr eee Tey = EY swore) | gues # ~untiay feectbacy Whet fs sieady Stote exzos 2 Find the Steady State eros fos ype Or Type | and type 2 System with | Step , Bamp and exponentrad fnput Cefinakion s- Ans> “The exzon prevatent in Sqsterm as ‘he Syste veaches stedtly stare ”’ THis. gen c97 am ecty Ces — Beast; Stake Gos is given asa secs) Ces oo 14 G(S) HOS) @ Reference input = Step Fonckion of magniede | SCL) =A “~Rcsys A eS ¢ _ Um SRCS) e. = SS $70 1 +Gcs)H0s) = ico sf sso ——S \ + @cs) MGs) Ain A m 187 VAGCS) HES) A i Ss 1+ Um Ges) He i) A tAKe “ese = ———EE ushere Jee BM Gesyues) | ce position exfos constant: ® Reference tnpur = samp Panckion of Magntude A: eck) = AL RCS) = 4 Cse = oo Secs) VY ¥@csy ues) = s. & 30 s \r Gs) Hes) = Lin A s3° 5A S@CS) HOS) ea = A ea en or _ \renpetty ez 805 uheze | ky = 630 occa) | ae ; @® Reerence yapur = parabeire Funckion of m lagnvtude A ssct) = ALE oF “ecs) = & i secs) so = LD \ © Gets) HES) OS =< Um 3 AY. 7 $30 ——S__ VA Ges) Hesy = em A SOP SF GIS WES) “Ose = a Lohere “Um exey ness occelexasion | Soa) CRESS constant. Ques A unity Feedback contso System has the Open OP jwansfer Function. Gesy= ACV 428) S Cs42) IP he input 40 the System Fs @ ont SamP . Lhe Steady Stare erros will be Solr By Nlehocfky eted constant ae Rv soo SHCS)HCS) —>-O — \ ese¥y oe = Ss Linn 5 hoo s0 — SCs) 4 12 S(sa2) b) Find Suitable talue CF He parameters ky and Ke So that clamping Satio of the Syctern is facseased) Lo OF without affecting Ane Steady - State os as Obrained %9 part Cad- Ans3 - oPEN Woe Avangsher Function — ote = —2ka en S428 28K s[st Crore | — clesed loop TE — 2k = Nese A cate = Nes ee Ros) St 45(2 42 Key + 2k TE fos 2nd Odder System with unit SHED Onit 2. ccs) _ Wri — Res) S 42 BwHSt Wr! where €= damping saxio Wat natura Cngutow Foequenay a Metectey Cxrms coekPicient zs given — kv= Aim sq@csy Hes) sae ky= Lim sg _2@ka 2k sve s[st (aa ey] parane steady Store C%ros fs given by~ cg = ky = \ o.2T 2kq 2heke O2UA= It Ke —® ON Comparing eqn © 46 4e 2+2ke _ Vad Ke 20a Ten ae One Lv Re Veen 4 ke = 03899 Tia Yep ——@ fsom eg © A @& weget Ques: Fos what walues of ‘a’ cloes the System shown Fn Pequre hate G Tero Heady State Crtos for accep input eae 1 yg Bare H(s) 75 Ky ky = Uo Hes) = im lea * SO sau 4 CL TR byn S41 z Meeye Ges) = S+ sera \¥GcsHes) CS+\) 4-—_———— Cerassta\ (sa) aN Cond Cstay Cot455 ta) (S44) (Set) prsy= _Cst (sta) ie st 44Yyd 4598-4205 + aS +4aq ts +1 mosy= Csard CS¥4) rs = rr, S* taer4 Crara\e + (4an) ~ Sveady Store Erzo~ given by- cg = pal Secs) — Am Bele . 7 Ky ae Len s. _ Cs) CS4y) _ es an +924 (aita)s = Rts) fos ort Step input Res) = eas =tm, fre CSH (S44) 445% 4 Coltads +0 ye) = A. Hart loa k4=y azo Quer: The Breck cHogsam ofa Peedbocr System shown = *n the Fegue ans) @ Rnd closed loop TE — — wott) “The gfuen ern of Feedlocrore System- cil TE _ fos —Ne Pondbtonee — Teese Ges) = s$( S43) \4@ts) |e V4 s(st3) tes) = —& = — SCS*3)4+G Ss? 4354G © Cad min?mum Vialue of G@ Fes Which ‘the Step sesponse of cysterr Woule! exhibit on OUesshoot ‘ASshown i0 Piquure a Ans) Masimun peak oUt hoot nad rer Mio = evr =0% “. Bamping watio ig €= OC fou gyuen sesponse Ywansfex Pun? is — G& 6S). = Spee es —® S4BsrG TF fos 998 osder System — ccs) Wr Sea eee Res) gh 4 2ZEWNS + We —O Comparing eq. © 4@ 2twr =% 4+ Wr=G 24% oe UG 2xOG Gr 625 © Wr. G& equa: to fuze the eninimus Nalue Rad Here pertod T indicated infig G=2G@=2, C2 = 12 wet =G' SS Wee fare 23°93 DE = 3 => ee 0-424 Damped Pveq? Of oscillation — wd = We Sire = 2U _ a63 VF Cogent 7 = BIaF Taeser|

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