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Fecha: 07/11/2023
- Roomate
- Thus
- Antioxidant
- Chiropractic
- Fermented
- Athletes
- Noticeable
- Enhacing
- Ginseng
- Dysfunction
- Alleviate
- Vinegar
- Homeopathy

1. In the previous sentence, you said "traditional medicine AND alternative
medicine..." Thus, in the following sentence, you should use the word "they
are" instead of "this is." Also, this sentence is a run-on sentence.
Correction: They are actually widely used in various regions of the country.
They are used a lot by indigenous communities that are located in different
2. This sentence has a bit of redundancy. Instead of using the word "usually"
twice to describe characteristics of diseases, you can instead say "Many of
these communities usually use different ways to treat diseases that are
typically of tropical origin and occur in places with a humid climate."
3. Since you are stating a fact, you would not say "can."
Correction: An example of these treatments "is" the use of medicinal plants
to address diseases such as stomachache.
4. This sentence also has some redundancy and is a run-on sentence. You
are also referring to two different practices, so you would say "these are"
instead of "this is." I would try using connecting words like "so" or but" for
run-on sentences.
Correction: Aromatic drinks and different techniques such as chiropractic are
also used. These are used in various places, so it is common to hear about
this practice.
5. This is another example of having plural concordancy.
Correction: Alternative medicine such as homeopathy, acupuncture, and
bioenergetics are also commonly used in major cities.

¿Qué aprendí en el área de la salud?

Conocí un poco acerca de la medicina alternativa que se pone en practica en los
Estados Unidos; hay muchas prácticas que son similares a las que se realizan en
Colombia, estos son tratamiento alternativos que permiten tener un menor impacto
a nivel fisiológico. La medicina tradicional empleada en Estados Unidos es mas
que todo practicada por personas de cultura diferente a la estadounidense. En
este caso mi compañera de Intercambio es coreana y me comentaba los
diferentes tratamientos que en su cultura practican para contrarrestar los síntomas
de varias enfermedades.
Me gusto este tema de medicina tradicional, ya que esta medicina es basada en
cultura y es muy interesante conocer un poco de algunas alternativas por parte de
ciertas culturas.
También es muy bueno conocer sobre las distintas medicina alternativas que se
ponen en práctica.
En este videoconferencia pude aprender más palabras del área de la salud e
igualmente mejorar mi pronunciación.

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