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Student’s name: ...................................... Phone:.............................Class:3A1.

Date: 03/09/2021

Exercise 1: Odd one out ( Chọn từ khác loại)

a) sing b) draw c) fly d) ruler

a) pencil case b) ten c) book d) pencil
a) three b) nine c) picture d) five
a) water bottle b) chair c) desk d) board
a) where b) what c) how old d) is
Exercise 2: Rearrange the letter

Exercise 3: Look at the picture and write YES or NO

Lịch học online: Chiều thứ 6: 17h15’ – 19h Chiều Chủ Nhật: 15h15’-17h
Exercise 4: Answer the questions

1. What is she doing? 2. Is this a picture? 3. What is this?

…………………………….. …………………………. ……………………………..

4. What is your favorite toy? 5. What is the man doing? 6. How old is she?
…………………………… ……………………………. ………………………………
Exercise 5: Look at the picture and read the questions. Write one – word answers

1. What is the dog doing?

It’s ………………………………
2. What has the girl got?
a ……………………………

3. Where is the dog?

under a ………………………………
4. How many birds are there on the trees?

5. Where is the teacher?

under the ………………………………
6. What is the crocodile eating?

Lịch học online: Chiều thứ 6: 17h15’ – 19h Chiều Chủ Nhật: 15h15’-17h

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