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For JEE Main

subjective Questions
projectile Motion from Ground to Ground
Nole If nol mentioned in the question take g == 10 m/s2

1. A particle is projected from ground with initial velocity u = 20✓2. mf s at y•

0= 45 o . p·md..
(a) R, Hand T,
(b) velocity of particle after 1 s
(c) velocity of particle at the time of collision with the ground (x-axis). L.....-1.------x
2. In the figures _shown, three part~cles an~ thrown from a tower of height 40 mas shown in figure. ln each
case find the time when the particles strike the ground and the distance of this point from foot of toweT.
20'i2 m/s
20 mis
- 450
40m 40 m
40m 2~m/s

(i) (ii) (iii)

3. A particle is projected from ground at angle 45° with initial velocity 2o/2 mis. Find:
(a) change in velocity,
(b) magnitude of average velocity in a time interval from t = 0 to t = 3s.
4, The coach throws a baseball to a player with an initial speed of 20 mis at an angle of 45° with the
horizontal. At the moment the ball is thrO\VU: the player is 50 m from the coach. At what speed and in
what direction must the player run to catch the ball at the same height at which it was released?
(g=l0m/s 2 )
5. At time t = O a small ball is projected from point A with a velocity of 60 mis at 60° angle with horizontal.
Neglect atmospheric resistance and determine the two times t 1 and r2 when the velocity of the ball
tnakes an angle of 45° with the horizontal x-axis.
6· A particle moves in the xv-plane with constant acceleration a directed along the negative J -axis The
equation of path of the p~icle has the fonn y = bx - cx , where b and care positive constants. Find the
velocity of the particle at the origin of coordinates.
7· A ball is shot from the ground into the air. At a height of 9.1 m, its velocity is obser\ed ll be
v 7.(,i 1 6. ij in metre per second (i is horizontal, j is upward). G1Ve the 3.pprox1ma1e CID~\\(:rs
166 • Mechanics - J

(a) To what maxi~1um height docs the ball rise?

(b) What total honzontal distance docs the baJI travel'!
What arc
(c) the magnitude and
(d) th c direction of th c ball 's velocity just hcforc it hils the ground?
8. Tw~ pa1ticlcs move in a unifonm gravitational field with an acceleration g. At the initial morncnt
pa~rcles wcr~ Iocafc~ ovc_r rt tower at one point and moved with vclo~itics v1 = 3 mis and v2 ::: 4 ~~:
honz~ntaUy m opposite directions. Find the distance between the particles at the moment when the'
velocity vectors become mulualfy perpendicular. ir
9 · A ball i~ thrown from the ground to clear a wa ll 3 m high at a distance of 6 m and falls 18 m away from the
v, all. Fmd the angle of projection of ball.
10 . A particle is projected with Yelocit) ijih, so that it j ust clears two walls of equal height h which are ata
distance of 2/, from each other Show that the time of passing between the walls is zff.
[Hint : iFfrst find velocity at height Ir. Treat it as initial velocity and 2h as the range.]
l I. A particle is projected at an angle of elevation a and after t second it appears to have an elevation of~ as
seen from the point of projection. Find the initial velocity of projection.
l 2. A prrojeorile aimed at a mark, which is in the horizontal plane through the point of projection, falls a cm
short of it when t.he elevation is ex and goes b cm far when the elevation is p. Show that, if the speed of
projeorion is same in all the cases the proper elevation is :
l . _1
[bsin 2a+ a sin 2p]
2 a+b

13. Two parades are simultaneously thrown in horizontal direction from two points on a riverbank, which
are at certain height above the water surface. The initial velocities of the particles are v = 5 mis and
v1 = 7.5 mis _respectively. Both particles fall into the water at the same time. First parti~le enters the
water at a pomt s = l Om from the bank. Determine :
(a) me time of flight of the two particles,
(b) the height from which they are thrown,
(c) the point where the second particle falls in water.

14. A ~Hoon is ascending at th~ rate v = 12 km/h and is being carried horizontally by the wind at
vw - 20 km( h. If a baJJast bag 1s dropped from the balloon at th · _ . ·
needed for Jt to strike the ground. Assume that th b e IDS tant h - 50 m, detenrune the tune
• ,
veJocity as the balloon. Also find the speed with eh. bwas relea~ed from the balloon with the same
• w rc ag the strikes the ground?
Pro1ectlle Motion in Inclined Plane
15. Find time of flight and range of the projectiJe along th . I.
e me med plane as shown in figure. (g = l Oml s 2 )
20~ mis
Chnpt er 4 Projectile Motion • 167
mtl umt' of thght nud 1t1ng0 of the ')l\,ic ' t 1 1
16. I , J \ I Cl\ nnu~ th,~ i11r I'111c, I p1r111c os shown i11 ligurc. (g = IO m / s 2 )
20 ./2 mis

·- _:~
-c_j 30~

I..•· , J ttml' '-'' lli.ght nnd rm1gc- ,,fthi.' p1 '-'icl:'t'

11, l . .
1.: ll '-'"g the 111clincd plnnc ns shown in figmc . (g = IO m/ s
2 )

~ 20mfs /
30" \./

1S. A. r:i\..., ornle •~ 6n'd \\ilh ".' ~' 1'-'~lt\ r, at right nngl~s lo the slope, which is inclined
t n ngk 8 \\1th the honz~1ntal Dl'n,c un l'xprcssion for the distance R to the
~l' "i ('f itupnCl.

Rdarive Mot.ion in Projectiles

\om ~e oan also be solved without using the concept of relative motion.

19. \ p:.;-nc.e is ~jecte<l upwards with velocity 20 mis. Simultaneously another particle is projected with
,clocil) 2°' ~ m s st 45°. (g = 10m/s )
a \\ bat is aocele:ration of first particle relative to the second?
o, What is initial , elocity of first particle relative to the other?
c) Whai is distance between two particles after 2 s?
20. Passenger of a train just drops a stone from it. The train was moving with constant velocity. What is path
of tlle stone as observed by
a} the passenger itself, (b) a man standing on ground?
2L An elevator is going up with an upward acceleration of l m/ s . At the instant when its velocity is 2 mis, a
stone is projected upward from its floor with a speed of 2 m/s relative to the elevator, at an elevation
of 30~.
fa) Calculate the time taken by the stone to return to the floor.
{b) Sketch the path of the projectile as observed by an obser:-er outdside the elevator. .
(c) If the elevator was moving with a downward acceleration equal tog, how would the motion be
altered? y (m)

22· Two particles A and B are projected simultaneou~ly in. a 20 -----------------~B

V~rtical plane as shown in figure. They collide at t~1~e t m
arr. Write down two necessary equations for collision to
take place.

L . . __ _ 0 _ _ _ _3...._0__,. X (m)
. . 1.1_
68 • Mechanics - I

bjective Questions
ingle Correct Option
➔ I\ I\

1. A particle has initial velocity,~= 3 i + 4 j and a constant force F = 4 i - 3 j acts on it. The Path
particle is of ~
(a) straight line (b) parabolic (c) circular (d) elliptical
2.. Identify the correct statement related to the projectile motion.
(a) It is ooifonnly accelerated everywhere
(b) It is unifonnly accelerated everywhere except at the highest position where it is moving with constan
. t
(c) Acceleration is never perpendicular to velocity
(d) None of the above
3. A ball is projected with a velocity 20 ms- 1 at an angle to the horizontal. In order to have the maximllll}
range. Its velocity at the highest position must be 1 1
(a)lOms- 1 (b)14ms- 1 (c)18ms- (d)16ms-
4. Two bodies are thrown with the same initial velocity at angles 0 and (90° - 0) respectively with the
horizontal, then their maximum heights are in the ratio
2 2
(a) 1: 1 (b)sin0:cos0 (c)sin 0:cos 0 (d)cos0:sin0
5. A gun is firing bullets with velocity v 0 by rotating through 360° in the horizontal plane. The maximum
area coyered by the bullets is
• ? 2 2 4 2 4
. ) 7tvo (b) 7t Vo (c) 7tvo (d) 7t Vo
ta - -- g2
g g g

·th thathan ·angle 60° with

6. A body is projected
· makes
. the horizontal with kinet·1c energy K . When th e veloc1ty
an angle 30 w1 e onzontal, the kinetic energy of the body will be
(a) K/2 (b) K/3 (c) 2K/3
· - (d) 3K/4
7 • Th e range of a proJect11e at an angle eis equal to half Of h . .
The angle of projection 0 is given by t e maxnnum range 1f thrown at the same speed.
(a) 15° (b) 30° (
8. If T and T are the times of flight fo tw c) (d) data insufficient
1 2 r o complementary angle th th
(a)R=4gT,T (b) s, en erangeofprojectileRisgivenbY
I 2 R=2gfiT2 (c)R=.!,r, (d)R- 1
1 2 - -gT.T2
9. A grass h,QPPer can jump maximum d.1sta 2 I
go in 10'12 s?· nce 1.6 m. It spends neg1·igible . on ground. How far can it·
· tune
( a) 45 m (b)30m
10. Average velocity of a art. . . (c) 20 m
trajectory is (projectio~ sp~e~ ~roJectile motion between its start·
{a) u cos e
. (d) 40 m
u 'angle of projection from h . mg pomt and the highest point of its

(b) - ✓ I + 3 cos 2 0 u onzontal =0)

11. Atrainism • 2 (c) ✓2+cos 2 0
2 (d) u / 2
at3O -1 ovmgonatrackat30ms-I A 2 vl+cos e
. ms at 45° fr h . · ball is thr
pomt where it . om onzontal. Find th . own from it perpend· .
a) 90 strikes the ground e distance of ball fr th icular to the direction of monort
( m . om e po. t O f .
(b) m m ProJection on train to the
(c) 60 m
(d) 60.Jj m
Chapter 4 Projectile Motion • 169
A body is pmjcctcd at time , = Ofrom .11 c 1 • •
J2, ·. ~er a,n point on a planet's surface with a certain velocity at a
certain angle with the planet 's i;urfocc (,1ssumc<I horizontal) Th h . I d . l d'
. , ., , , . , . . · . e on:1.0nta an vert1ca 1sp Iacementsx
andy(111mctrc)1c.:bpl:ct1vclyvuryw1thLJmctin i;ccond as x (IO ~ d
v 3J J Lan y = 10 t - t . Th e ma,omum
' , =
height ulfained by the body is
(a) 200 m (b) I 00 m
(c) 50 m (d) 25 m
A pn1ticlc is fired hori ✓.ontally from an inclined plane f · 1- •
1,3• _
. ,-
2 o me mat1on 30 0 wit• h horuonta1 wit· h sp eed
50 ms • If g = 0 ms , lhe range mca~urcd along the incline is
(o) 500 111 (b) 3 m (c) 200 ✓2 m (d) 100 ✓3 m

14, 1'wo stone!> arc projected with the same speed but making different angles with the horizontal. Their

horizontal ranges arc cqua l. The angle of projection of one is 7t and the maximum height reached by it is
102 m. Then the maximum height reached by the other in metres is
(a)336 (b)224 (c)56 (d)34
J5. A ball is projected upwards from the top of a tower with a velocity 50 ms- 1 making an angle 30° with the
horizontal. The height of tower is 70 m. After how many seconds from the instant of throwing, will the
ball reach the ground. (g = 10 ms - 2 )
(a)2s (b)Ss (c)7s (d)9s
16. A fixed mortar fires a bomb at an angle of53° above the horizontal with a muzzle velocity of80 ms- 1• A
tank is advancing directly towards the mortar on level ground at a constant speed of 5m/s. The initial
separation (at the instant mortar is fired) between the mortar and ta~ so that the tank would be hit is
[Takeg = lOms-2 ]
(a) 662.4 m (b) 526.3 m
(c) 486.6 m (d) None of these
Assertion and Reason
Directions : Choose the correct option.
(a) If both Asserlion and Reason are true and the Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) If both Asserlion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation ofAssertion.
(c) IfAssertion is true, but the Reason is false.
(d) IfAssertion is false but the Reason is true.
1. Assertion : A particle follows only a parabolic path if acc~ler~tion is constant. .
Reason : In projectile motion path is parabolic, as acceleration 1s assumed to be constant at low heights.
2· Assertion : Projectile motion is called a two dimensional motion, although it takes place in space.
Reason : In space it takes place in a plane.
3· Assertion: If time of flight in a projectile motion is made two times, its maximum height will become
four times
Reason : 1·n proJecb
• .e • H y2
1 motion oc , where His maximum height and T the time of flight.
) • Mechanics - r

Assertion ·• A pa rt'IC lc 1s
· pro_1cctcd
• with velocity ~u a1 nnglc 45° with ground. Let -+v be the vcl .
t' 1 · -> -· oc,1y 01
pnr ,c eat tnne t (;t O} then value of"·{, can be zc10.
Reason : Value of dot produc1 is 2crl1 when angle between two vectors is 90°
• Assertion : A partick has ronstant accclcralion is~, -y phlllc. Out neither of its acccJcrntion cornpone~
(a, and a,.) is zero. llndtr this condition I'"' 1iclc ,·:in not hnvc pnrabol ic pal . ~
Reason : ln proJccttk motion, hori1.ont:.1l component of acceleration is zero.
4 -4
"2 - v,
. \s,crtion : ln projectile mot:inn at any t" 0 po:.-i1i0t1s -=-~- always remains constant.
t2 - I I
Rea~on : The giYen quantlt) is 3
, eragc acceleration, which should remain constant as acceleration i3

7. ~sertion :: P.artide A is projcctNi upwards Simultaneouly particle B ~s proje~ted
a< pr-0iectile ss shown. Particle A returns to ground 1s 4 s. At the same tune particle
B col,ides wt.Ii ~. Ma.~imum height H attained by B would be 20 m. (g =IO ms - ) B A
Reac.;on ~ Spe.ed ofproJe.ction ofbotb the particles should be same under the given
S. A:sc.;crtion: T\\o projecules have maximum heights 4H and H respectively. The ratio of their horizontal
COffit""IOnents cf, elocines should be I : 2 for their horizontal ranges to be same.
Reason: HorizontaJ range= horizontal component of velocity X time of flight.
9. A:ssertion : if g = 10 m 1'S 2 dlen in projectile motion speed of particle in every second will change by

:nt<i- .
Reason : Aooelerancm is noihing but rate of change of velocity.
10. Assertion: In projectile motion if particle is projected with speed u, then speed of particle at height h

~ould be , u 1 - 2gh
Ruson: If parude is projected with vertical component of velocity u Y. Then vertical component at the

ncigtn h v.ould be± ,fu; -2gh.

For JEE Advanced

Objective Questions
Single Correct Option

of0 = 30? to the horizontal 'rL • • • sly 1ron:1 the~ same pornt,
1. Two bodies were thrown simultancou I . . one straight up, and the other
at an angle
. Neglecting air resistance, we
• • 1 ue 1n1t1a vcloc1ty of
distance between the bodies , t _ .
h bOd ·
cac - I
Y 1s 20 ms '
1 12 1
(a) 20 m a - • atcr 1s
(c)24m (b)30m
(d) 50 m
Chapter 4 Projectile Motion • 171

J-\ particle is dropped ITQm n height h. Another particle which is inilially at a horizont~I distan~e d from
:. the first is simul11mcously prvjcctcd with n hmizontnl velocity II and the two particles JUSt co Ihde on the
ground. Th<'n :
., u h _,}. _ "' 2,
l b) ,, - ~ (c) d = h
(o)d" =-- '2J1 g

I. A ball ts projected from point A with \lcloc1ty l Oms ~, pc1vcnd1cular to the inclined
plane a~ shown in figure. Range of the ball on the inclined plane is
~o (b) -
(a)..:... m 3
12 60
(tj-m ~ - m
3 3
.. A hra,y pmide 1s pmiected with a, elocity at an angle with the horizontal into the unifonn gravitational
field. The slope or the trajectory of the particle varies as
j (1)
(l'I (1) (1)
0. a. a. a.
2, 0 0 0
.,- en in in
0 0 0 0

(a) (b) (c) (d)

• A partide sOUtS from the origin of coordinates at time t = 0 and moves in the xy plane with a constant
acceleration a in the y-direction. Its equation of motion is y = ~x . Its velocity component in the
x-direction is
(a) variable (c)-
a (d) ~
2~ ~lf3
' A projectile is projected with speed u at an angle of 60° with horizontal from the foot of an inclined
plane. If the projectile hits the inclined plane horizontally, the range on inclined plane will be
2 r;;-;2 3 2
(a) u v L 1 (b) ~
2g 4g

(c){ (d) 21 u2

2~ 8g

r. A particle is projected at an angle 60° with speed 10/3 mis, from the point
A, as shown in the figure. At the same time the wedge is made to move with
speed 10 ✓3 mis towards right as shown in the figure. Then the time after
which particle will strike with wedge is
(a) 2 s (b) 2 /3 s

(c) ..i_ s (d) None of these

t A particle moves along the parabolic path x = y + 2y + 2 in such a way that Y-component of velocity
vector remains 5 ms - I during the motion. The magnitude of the acceleration of the particle is
(a) 50 ms-2 (b) 100 ms- 2 (c) 10 ✓2 ms- 2 (d) 0.1 ms-
172 • Mechanics - 1
D. A shell fired from lhc b.isc of a mountain just clears it. Ifa is the angle of projection,
then the nngulur ckvntion of the summit Pis
(a) 2 {b) tan - t (
(c) tan - t (tan --a.) (d) tan - t ( 2 tan a)
to. In the figure shown, the two projc~tilc~ are _fired simultaneously, The minimum 20..n m/s
distance between them during their flight ts 20 mis
(a) 20 m (b) 10 ✓3 m
(c) 10 m (d) None of these

Passage (Q. No. 11-12)

Two inclined planes OA and OB intersect in a horizontal plane having
their inclinations a and ~ with the horizontal as shown in fi~e ._ A
particle is projected from point P with velocity u along a direction
perpendicular to plane OA. The particle strikes plane OB
perpendicularly at Q.
11. Ifa. = 30° ,~ = 30°, the time of flight from P to Q is
(a)-ll (b) -fj u ( C) ti (d) 2u
g g g g

12. If a.= 30°, ~ = 30° and a= 4.9 m, the initial velocity of projection is
(a) 9.8 ms- 1 (b) 4.9 ms - 1 (c) 4.9 ✓2 ms- 1 (d) 19.6 ms- 1

More than One Correct Options

1. Two particles projected from the same point with same speed u at angles of projection ex. and pstriket~i
horizontal ground at the same point. If h1 and h2 are the maximum heights attained by the projectile,Ru
the range for both and t I and t 2 are their times of flights, respectively , then
(a)a.+~=2 (b)R=4AA
(c)-1 = tan a. Fi
(d) tan a=
• hA ~all is dropped from a height of 49 m. The wind is blowing horizontally Due Lo wind a con~rar;
onzontal acceleratio · 'd d th · ,,,
n ts prov1 e to e ball. Choose the correct statement (s). [Take g = 9.8 rns •
(a) Path of the ball is a straight line
(b) Path of the ball is a curved one
(c) The time taken by the ball to reach th d. 3
(d) Actual distance e groun 1s .16 s
travelled by the b 11 .
a is more then 49 m
8. A particle is projected from a point p with a v . . . . @C
moves at right angles to its initial d' . elocity vat an anglee with honzontal. At a certain po
. trection. Then
(a) velocity of particle at Q is v sin 8
(c) time of flight from P to Q is ( vlg) cosece (b) velocity of particle at Q is vcot 0
(d) time of flight from P to Q is(, ) ~,fi
• f

Chapter 4 Projectile Motion • 173

At a height of 15 m from ground velocity 0 f . -►
4, ,. . . a rro.1cctill' is v = (IOI •• IO h Jlcrc, j is vertically upwards
aod I is along honz~ntal d1rcc1 ion then (g = 10 ms _2 )
(a) particle was pro.1cctcd at an angle of 450 th. l __
· l1t o1· p1•?Jech
• · • Wl 101 izontal
(b) time o 1g11 le 1s 4 s
(c) horizontnl ra~gc ol proj<.'ctilc is 1oo m
(d) n,aximum height of proJcctilc from ground is 20 m
Which of the followmg quantities remain coma· t d . . .
6, . an unng proJcctilc motion?
(a) Average wlo\;tty between two points (b) A .
vcrage speed between two pomts
2 ➔
dt 2
6. In the projc-cti!e motion shown is figure, given t AB = 2 s then (g = 10 rm - 2 )


:1s m :
0 -=.2~0:-m-.--_---:4~0-m-

(a) particle is at point B at 3 s

(b) maximum height of projectile is 20 m
(c) initial vertical component of velocity is 20 ms- 1
(d) horizontal component of velocity is 20 ms - 1

Mitch the Columns

l. Particle-I is just dropped from a tower. 1 s later particle-2 is thrown from the same tower horizontally
with velocity 10 ms -l. Taking g = 10 ms - 2 , match the following two columns at t = 2 s.

Column I Column II
(a) Horizontal displacement between two (p) 10 SI units
(b) Vertical displacement between two (q) 20 SI units
(c) Magnitude of relative horizontal (r) 10✓2 SI units
component of velocity
(d) Magnitude of relative vertical (s) None of the above
component of velocity

2. In a projectile motion, given H = ~ = 20m. Here, His maximum height and R the horizontal range. For
the given condition match the following two columns.
Column I Column II
(a) Time of flight (p)
(b) Ratio of vertical component of velocity and (q)
horizontal component of velocity
(c) Horizontal component of velocity (in mis) (r) 10
ml) ( s) None of the above
(d) Vertical component of velocity (in s
174 • Mechanics . I

3. A paiiicl b } When it is thrown at 15° With h .

j c. IIe can et 1rown at a constant speed at different angles: s ecd of particle match folio 0'.'«>n~
t ,a s at a distance of IO m froni point of projection. For th,s P Wing t '
columns. - ______ Wo

Column JI
Cofumn I
(a) , can bc wken with (p) 10 m
J\1aximum hotizonlal rnngc which
this speed . ed (q) 20 m
(b) k
Maximum height which can be ta en with this spe (r) 15 m
(c) Range at 75° (s) Noneoftheabove
(d) Hetght at 30° . .
-----~- - . . . ased to two tunes, keepmg horizo
· component of velocity 1s mere
4. In projectile motion if llta!
component unchanged, then
Column 11
Column I
(a) Time of flight (p) will remain same
,b) i\faximurn height (q) will become two times
(c) Horizontal range
(r) will become four times
(d) Angle of projection with (s) None of the above

5• In projectile motion shown in figure.

0 B

Column r Column II
(a) Change in velocity between O and A (p) u cose
(b) Average velocity between O and A (q) u sine
(c) Change jn velocity between O and B (r) 2u cose
(d) Average velocity between O and B (s) None of the above

6. Particle-I is projected from ground (take it origin) at time t = O, with velocity (30i I\
+ 30j) ms -1 ·

ParticJe-2 is projected from (130 m, 75 m) at time t = I second with velocity (-20 i + 20 ~J) ms -1 · I\

Assuming }to be vertically upward and i to be in horizontal direction, match the following two col]lllllll
at t = 2s.

Column I
Column II
(a) horizontal distance between two
(p) 30 SI units
(b) vertical distance between two
(q) 40 SI units
(c) relative horizontal component of
velocity between two (r) 50 SI units
(d) relative vertical component of
velocity between two (s) None of the above
Chapter 4 Projectile Motion • 17 5
th '\
,. fhc trajectories of c motion of 3 parti~lcs arc shown in the figure . Match the entries of column I with
,. the entries of column I J. Neglect air resistance.

Column I Column 11

(a) Time of flight 1s least for (p) A

(b) Vertical component of (q) B
velocity is greatest for
(c) Horizontal component of (r) C
velocity is greatest for
(d) Launch speed is least for (s) same for all

Subjective Questio ns

L Determine the horizontal velocity v 0 with which a stone must be projected

horizontally from a point P, so that it may hit the inclined plane
Vo.-,.---: 1

perpendicularly. The inclination of the plane with the horizontal is 8 and point P : h

is at a height h above the foot of the incline, as shown in the figure.

_ ____.___..\l
2. A particle is dropped from point Pat time t = 0. At the same time another particle is thrown from point 0
as shown in the figure and it collides with the particle P. Acceleration due to gravity is along the negative
y-axis. If the two particles collide 2 s after they start, find the initial velocity v 0 of the particle which was
projected from 0. Point O is not necessarily on ground.

I y


1 O~ x
a Vo

· Two particles are simultaneously projected in the same vertical plane from the same point with velocities
u and vat angles a and~ with horizontal. Find the time that elapses when their velocities are parallel.
' Projectile talces off with an initial velocity of 10 mis at an angle of elevation of 45°. It is just able to
~-ear two hurdles of height 2 m each separated from each other by a distance d.2 Calculate d. At what
1stance from the point of projection 'is the first hurdle placed? Take g = 10 ml s •
176 • M·echan1cs
. -1

r,. /\ stone
is. ~IOJcctcd
. · .
from the 'fOII ,, . , . . . .
pnst of height 1, and , ft•. g nu in such a dircc:lion so HH to hit H hird on the top nf ;1 tel,
• . ,l tlfllS the m· · h If' cgr•
pro1cct1on the I · · 1 • • ,1
ax111111m r1e1gbt of 2/, uhovc t c gro11nu. at th i.: inst• <tp
hori1.011t · 1' I )~re were tony away horizonla/)y with fl uniform Rpccd , fjnd the rntio hi.:tw/nt I,
hi rd I .,1 vc ocrty .of' hird ,lllc
, I 11nc I1011m111a/
. ·r thc stone h't1en U
• o 1· stone, 1
component of ve Jocity
w 11 1~ c.ksccnd 111g. Kti
8 · /\ particle is rclca~cd from a ccr1Hin height// = 400m Due to the wind the particle gathers the honz
1 . :()J )
vc _oc1ty component I\ = aywhcrc a = fs 8- 1 and y 18 the vertical displacement of the particle frornlhi
pomt of release, then find :
(~) the horizon~al drift of the particle when i1 strikes the ground,
(b) the speed with which particle strikes the ground.
(Takl' g = 10m/s 2 )
ml · . 1 f d' y
7. A train is moving with a constant speed of 10 s m a circ e o ra ms -;- m
The plane of the circle lies in horizontal x-y plane. At time t = 0 train is at
point P and moving in counter-clockwise direc!ion. At t?is instant a ston~ is
thrown from the train with speed 10 mis relative to tram towards negative
x-axis at an angle of 37° with vertical z-axis. Find
(a) the \ elocity of particle relative to train at the highest point of its
(b) the co-ordinotcs of points on the ground where it fmally falls and that of
the highest point of its trajectory.
Take g = l 0 mis~ sin 37° = ~
8. A particle is projected from an inclined plane OP1 from A
with velocity v = 8 ms-' at an angle 60° with horizontal.
An another particle is projected at the same instant from B
with velocity v = 16 ms- 1 and perpendicular to the plane
OP2 as shown in figure. After time IM sec there
separation was minim11m and found to be 70 m. Then find
distance AB.
9· A particle is projected from point O on the ground with velocity u = s...fs y

mis at angle ex= tan_, (0.5). It strikes at a point Con a fixed smooth plane
5-./s mis; . - - - - 8
AB h · me
. avmg · 1·tnation of 37° with horizontal as shown in figure. If the
particle does not rebound, calculate
(a) coordinates of point C in reference to coordinate system as shown in (X
the figure. 0 A
(b) maximum height from the ground to which the particle rises -(10/3) m-i
(g = IO mis 2). .

10. A plank fitted with a gun is moving on a ho . . .

Thez-axis is in vertically upward d' f nzontal surface with speed of 4 mis along the positivex-ax
~en the plank reaches the origin ::~ ~n.fThe mass of_the plank including the mass of the gun is 50 k
with a speed of v = 20m!s wi'th ' e O mass IO kg 1s fired at an angle of60° with the posiLive r-11~
t . . respect to the gu · . .. ~
= 2s after firmg 1t. Take g = 9.8 mis 2. n m x-z P1ane. Fmd the pos1t10n vector of the ~hell
ductorY Exercise 4.1
jr,trO 2. True
2u cos O 2
3. (a) T = - - (b) H - u cos2 0 (c) R-- u2 sin 20 R u2 t 450
}. false g - 2g - - - (d) max= - a 0 =

rnls at angle tan-
(½) with horizontal (b) 100 m g
5. 1 s and 3 s

. 20Jm/s,2(/3 :tl)s 8. 2u sina(downwards)

7. ucoscx.
.,, een two points lying on the same horizontal I·ine •
b,. sei•' 10. time= 0, 0.8 s, x•coordinate = 0, 2.4 m
Jl. j s
uctory Exercise 4.2
10 mis 2. 5 mis 3. 20 m 4. No 5. 600 6 40 I 7. (a) 300 (b) m
1-~ . ~3ms
'..; -.J;)

For JEE Main

Subjective Questions
1 1
1. (c) 80 rn, 20 m, 4 s (b) (20i + lOj) ms- (c) (20i - 20j) ms-
2. 5.46 s, 2.83 s, 1.46 s, 109.2 m, 56.6 m, 29.2 m
1 5 -1 5. t1 = 2.19 s, t2 = 8.20 s
3. (a} 30 rns- 1 (vertically downwards) (b) 20.62 ms- 4. J2 ms

1 1
5. v=~~ (l+ b2 ) 7. (a) 11 m (b) 23 m (c) 16.6 ms- (d) tan- (2), below horizontal

8. 2.5 m 9. tan-1 (~) 11. u = gt cos~ 13. (a) 2 s (b) 19.6 m (c) 15 m
3 sin(cx-~)
14. 3.55 s, 32.7 mis 15. T = 4 (./3 - l) s =1.69 s, R = (/3 - 1) m= 39 m
J3 3

16. T = 4( ~ l) s = 6.31 s, l~O (./3 + 1) m= 145.71 m 17. T = ~ s = 2.31 s, R = l~O m= 53.33 m

l8. R = 2u2 tane sec e 19. (a) zero (b) 20 ms- 1 in horizontal direction (c) 40 m
20 • (a) A vertical straight line (b) A parabola
21. (a) 0.18 s (c) a straight line with respect to elevator and projectile with respect to ground
22, (IL · Q
... (i) (½, sin0 1 - u2 sin02) t = l ...
- 1 cose1 + u cos e ) t = 20
2 2

· Questions
7.(a) 8.(d) 9.(d) 10.(b)
l.(b) S.(c) 6.(b)
2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(c)
11.(a) 15.(c) 16.(d)
12.(d) 13.(b) 14.(d)

Asserrton and Reason

7.(c) 8.(a orb) 9.(d) 10.(b)
l,(d) 5.(d) 6.(a)
2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(b)
178 • Mechanics - I

For JEE Advanced

Objective Questions
1.(c) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(a) 7 .(a) 8.(a) 9.(c)
5.(d) 6.(d) 10,(b)
11.(b) 12.(a)

More than One Correct Options

l. (all) 2. (a,c,d) 3. (b,c) 4. (b,d) 5. (c,d) 6. (all)

Match the Columns

1. (a)~ (p) (b) ➔ (s) (c) ➔ (p) (d) ➔ (p)
2. (a)~. (s) (b) ➔ (q) (c) ➔ (r) (d) ➔ (s)
3. (a) ➔ (q) (b) ➔ (p) (c) ➔ (p) (d) ➔ (s)
4. (a) ➔ (q) (b) ➔ (r) (c) ➔ (q) (d) ➔ (s)
5. (a) ➔ (q) (b) ➔ (s) (c) ➔ (s) (d) ➔ (p)
6. (a) ➔ (r) (b) ➔ (r) (c) ➔ (r) (d) ➔ (s)
7. (a) ➔ (s) (b) ➔ (s) (c) ➔ (r) (d) ➔ (p)

Subjective Questions
I. V0 = gh
2 + cot 2 0
2. -126 ms- 1 at angle 0 = tan- 1 (5) with x-axis uvsin(a - J3)
3. t = - - - - -- -
g(v cos J3 - u cos a)
4. 4.47 m , 2.75 m 5. 2
6. (a) 2.67 km (b) 0.9 kms- 1
J2 + l
7. (a) (- 6 i+ 10]) ms- (b) (-4.5 m, 16 m, 0), (0.3 m, 8.0 m, 3.2 m) · 8. (a) 250 m
9 . (a) (5 m, 1.25 m) (b) 4.45 m 10. [24 i-15 k] m.

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