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Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

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This article forms part of the Special Issue on Innovation Ecosystem

From early curiosity to space wide web: The emergence of the small
satellite innovation ecosystem
Yue Song a, *, Devi Gnyawali b, Lihong Qian c
Department of Management, Fowler College of Business, San Diego State University, United States of America
Department of Management, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, United States of America
The School of Business, Portland State University, United States of America


Keywords: Innovation ecosystems have gained significant scholarly and managerial attention. Much of the literature focuses
Ecosystem emergence on established ecosystems, and the limited research that examines ecosystem emergence does not dig deeper into
Multilateral interdependence the dynamics and challenges during the process of emergence. With a focus on the transition from birth to growth
Nongeneric complementarity
of an ecosystem, this paper fills this important gap by systematically examining how a nascent ecosystem de­
Collective value creation
velops into a thriving one. Employing a conceptualized composition approach, we conduct an in-depth quali­
Ecosystem value proposition
Modern small satellites tative study on the emergence of the modern small satellite ecosystem from 1981 to 2017. Our case analysis
demonstrates a dynamic process through which a seed innovation gradually grows into a thriving ecosystem
without a centralized sponsor. We explicate how tensions arise within an evolving ecosystem and how forces
hindering specialization delay the emergence process. We then develop a process model of ecosystem emergence
to conceptualize how actors gradually become specialized, how their specialization decisions coevolve with the
ecosystem value proposition, and how tensions get resolved through a complex and iterative process. We
contribute to the literature by advancing an evolutionary view of ecosystem emergence with an in-depth analysis
of the transition from birth to growth of an ecosystem.

1. Introduction 2018), and the ecosystem value proposition may be unclear or unap­
pealing (Adner, 2017; Stonig et al., 2022). For an ecosystem to gain a
Research on ecosystems has grown substantially in recent years momentum of growth, these challenges need to be addressed. Answers
(Adner and Kapoor, 2016; Baldwin, 2020; Bogers et al., 2019; Jacobides from extant literature are rather scattered and limited. This paper fills
et al., 2018; Thomas and Autio, 2014) as ecosystems represent a new this important gap by answering the question: “How does an innovation
analytical lens to explain value creation through innovation (Adner and ecosystem emerge and develop into a thriving ecosystem?
Kapoor, 2010, 2016; Ansari et al., 2016; Beltagui et al., 2020). However, We address our research question by conducting a longitudinal case
relatively little is known about how a newly formed ecosystem grows study of the modern small satellites (MSS) from their inception in 1981
into a thriving one. This is particularly important as a seed innovation to 2017. We follow the “conceptualized composition” approach1
may fail to develop into a successful ecosystem (Moore, 1993; Pidun (Berends and Deken, 2021) in examining the emergence of the MSS
et al., 2021). The early stages of ecosystem emergence can be chal­ ecosystem. By distilling the extant literature, we identify four key ele­
lenging (Beltagui et al., 2020; Dattee et al., 2018; West and Wood, 2013) ments for a thriving ecosystem—multilateral interdependence (Adner
as self-interested actors may not want to join an ecosystem due to and Kapoor, 2010), nongeneric complementarity or specialized in­
various uncertainties and risks (Adner, 2006; Dattee et al., 2018), actors vestments (Jacobides et al., 2018; Baldwin, 2020), collective value
may hesitate to make specialized investments with the fear of being creation (Bogers et al., 2019), and value proposition (Adner, 2017)—
“locked into” an emerging ecosystem (Pierce, 2008; Jacobides et al., and use these as theoretical guideposts for our case analysis. Our

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Song), (D. Gnyawali), (L. Qian).
This qualitative research method exemplified in Berends and Deken (2021) starts with identifying some key concepts from the literature, and then diving deeper
into the context through an exploratory process and identifying key narratives relevant to the research questions. The goal of this approach is to integrate the insights
from the narratives and theoretical concepts to develop a theoretical framework.
Received 16 October 2020; Received in revised form 4 July 2023; Accepted 1 December 2023
Available online 11 December 2023
0048-7333/Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

findings show that the MSS ecosystem emerged very slowly over a that need to interact in order for a focal value proposition to materialize”
period of 30+ years. The process of emergence was filled with chal­ (Adner, 2017, p.40). Interdependence arises when a focal actor depends
lenges and tensions experienced by different actors over time. Building on others to create value (Adner and Feiler, 2019; Kapoor, 2018).
upon the narratives, we develop a conceptual framework that system­ Interdependency suggests that an ecosystem is decomposable into
atically identifies tensions that arise during ecosystem emergence. We different actors and activities (Baldwin and Clark, 2000; Jacobides et al.,
provide theoretical insights on how actors gradually become specialized, 2018) that richly interact with one another (Simon, 1962; Lee and
how their specialization decisions shape the evolution of the ecosystem Alnahedh, 2016).
value proposition, and how the interplay between the two helps to Ecosystem scholars have developed Teece's (1986) concept of
resolve tensions and lead to a thriving ecosystem. We explain how and specialized assets to explain the complementary nature of ecosystem
why forces for or against specialization shape collective value creation relationships. Complementarity occurs when the marginal value of a
and the progression of the ecosystem value proposition from the variable increases with another variable (Edgeworth, 1897; Lenox et al.,
establishment of initial technology viability to the creation of significant 2010; Milgrom and Roberts, 1990). It suggests that the nature of inter­
economic benefits for customers. action among actors is value-enhancing and provides economic motives
Our study of the process of ecosystem emergence builds on the for actors to become multilaterally interdependent. Complementarity
existing literature (e.g., Beltagui et al., 2020; Moore, 1993; Ritala et al., varies by the level of nongeneric investments required (Teece, 1986).
2020; West and Wood, 2013) and advances the literature with an Generic complementarity exists when a good or service, although
evolutionary view of ecosystem emergence. Our conceptual framework needed for the materialization of the value proposition, is standard and
explains why the emergence process can be long, complex, and chal­ does not require any specific coordination across actors (Jacobides et al.,
lenging. Unpacking the process from the birth of an ecosystem to its 2018). Nongeneric complementarity, on the other hand, requires a
growth, our study complements extant studies on ecosystem evolution certain level of relationship-specific coordination and non-fungible in­
with a granular understanding of the tensions and challenges during the vestment among actors (Shipilov and Gawer, 2020). Without nongeneric
emergence process. Further, our process model explicates the mecha­ investments, actors have a limited economic basis for creating specific
nisms of how an ecosystem emerges despite challenges. We demonstrate alignment structures (Adner, 2017). While many actors contribute in
that the ecosystem emerged through the complex interplay among the some ways, it is the core actors, i.e., those who make nongeneric in­
ecosystem value proposition, actors' specialization decisions, and the vestments and are committed to the ecosystem, that fundamentally
underlying driving or hindering forces that shape specialization and drive the ecosystem emergence. Nongeneric complementarity sets the
value proposition. foundation for sustainable value creation within an ecosystem.
Complementarity can be unilateral or bilateral. In unilateral, A helps B
2. Conceptual overview: key elements of a thriving innovation to create value, but not vice versa. In bilateral, both A and B mutually
ecosystem contribute to each other's value creation, and this reciprocal process
expands to multiple parties to make it multilateral.
We start off by briefly describing an innovation ecosystem, Collective value creation is a central goal of an ecosystem and pro­
ecosystem emergence, and key features of a thriving ecosystem. Moore vides the motivation for various self-interested actors to become
(1993, 1996) suggests that an innovation ecosystem is a firm-centric ecosystem participants (Bogers et al., 2019). Value creation can occur in
business community where the focal innovator works “with customers production and in consumption. Upstream components, when bundled
and suppliers to define the new value proposition around a seed inno­ with the core technology, help the focal technology producers to
vation” (p.77). Similarly, for Autio and Thomas (2014: p.3), it is “a advance the core technology, contributing to value creation in produc­
network of interconnected organizations, organized around a focal firm tion; Downstream complements, when bundled with the focal technol­
or a platform, incorporating both production and use side participants, ogy, help customers to better utilize the focal technology, contributing
and focusing on the development of new value through innovation.” to value creation in consumption (Adner and Kapoor, 2010, 2016).
Adner and colleagues explain how a set of actors interact to “combine Value creation in production often precedes value creation in con­
their individual offerings into a coherent, customer-facing, innovative sumption (Adner and Kapoor, 2010, 2016).
solution” (Adner, 2006: p.98; Adner and Kapoor, 2010, 2016; Kapoor, Value proposition refers to “the promised benefit that the target of
2018). Thus, an innovation ecosystem is about a particular (focal) the effort is to receive” (Adner, 2017: 43). It represents the unique and
innovation, its value proposition, and the constellation of autonomous compelling benefits that the ecosystem offers to its customers (Lanning
and self-interested actors that shape the ecosystem (Shipilov and Gawer, and Michaels, 1988). Innovation ecosystems are essentially value de­
2020; Kapoor, 2018). livery systems (Lanning, 1998); hence, a strong value proposition is
Emergence is “a process that involves (a) the creation of novelty, (b) important for an innovation ecosystem to emerge, to succeed, and to
its growth to a salient size, and (c) its formation into a recognizable sustain (Adner, 2017; Moore, 1993; Shipilov and Gawer, 2020). A strong
social object, process, or structure” (Seidel and Greve, 2017: p.2). ecosystem value proposition goes beyond what an ecosystem can pro­
Ecosystem emergence starts with the “creation of novelty” or the “birth duce to what economic gains it offers to customers (Moore, 1993; Lan­
stage” of a seed innovation (Moore, 1993). The “growth stage” occurs ning, 1998). It encompasses the collective value created by the
with sales taking off (Moore, 1993), participation of many actors interconnected participants and their offerings, and provides holistic
(Thomas and Autio, 2014), and broader market acceptance and scal­ solutions that no single participant can achieve alone.
ability (Beltagui et al., 2020; Pidun et al., 2021). A thriving ecosystem is Using these key elements as theoretical guideposts, we next dig
formed when a recognizable structure arises with multiple actors and deeper into the dynamics of the emergence of the modern small satellite
their relationships (Adner, 2017). Accordingly, we define ecosystem ecosystem.
emergence as a process that starts with a seed innovation (birth) to the
establishment of a thriving ecosystem (growth), and we focus on the 3. Research setting and methods
transition from birth to growth.
Literature suggests four elements as being critical for a thriving 3.1. Research setting: modern small satellites
ecosystem: multilateral interdependence, nongeneric complementarity
(or specialized investments by actors), collective value creation, and We situate our research question in the context of modern small
value proposition. Multilateral interdependence is crystallized in the satellites (MSS). Small satellites are satellites below 500 kg (Euro­
concept of “ecosystem as a structure,” which views an innovation consult, 2017) and can perform sophisticated functions with only a
ecosystem as “the alignment structure of the multilateral set of partners fraction of the mass, time, development and launch costs of large

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

satellites (Helvajian and Janson, 2008). The dominant design of MSS, internationally recognized conferences in the MSS industry) and two
the CubeSat, is made up of multiple 10 * 10 * 10 cm cubic units and Satellite Innovation Conferences from 2016 to 2019 to better understand
weighs around 1.33 kg per CubeSat. The small size and light weight of the industry. At these conferences, we conducted 36 semi-structured
small satellites significantly reduce the launch cost to around $40,000, interviews with founders, top management team members, and in­
while the average launch cost for a typical large satellite is around $100 dustry consultants. During the interviews, we first asked the in­
to $400 million. The design and manufacture of small satellites consist of terviewees to provide their perspectives on the history of the MSS, using
the spacecraft bus (i.e., the platform that allows the spacecraft to sup­ questions like “What are key turning points in the history of the MSS?”
port a particular mission in space) and the payload (i.e., the hardware to and “What are some of the key events that have shaped the evolution of
carry out the mission, such as imaging cameras for earth observation) the MSS?”. We showed them a figure with the number of small satellites
(Jakhu and Pelton, 2013). Small satellite manufacturers integrate pay­ launched per year (Fig. 1 in this paper) and asked them to explain any
loads with the spacecraft bus subsystems and sell the satellites to sat­ major changes in the figure. After identifying the key events, we asked
ellite operators, who then arrange launch services with launch vehicle follow-up questions regarding what led to these events, the key orga­
(rocket) providers. Actors occupying these key positions constitute the nizations involved in these events, the specific actions taken by these
core actors of the MSS innovation ecosystem: satellite manufacturers organizations, and the roles they played. At the end of the interviews, we
(focal technology producers), satellite bus and payload suppliers asked for any additional sources to understand the history of the MSS or
(component providers), launch vehicle providers (complementors), and to collect quantitative data. Each interview lasted about 1 h on average.
satellite operators (customers).2 All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim.
We chose the MSS as our research context for several reasons. It of­ To complement the interviews, we cross-referenced the information
fers a revelatory case (Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007) to illustrate the provided by our interviewees with the proceedings of the Small Satellite
tensions, differential perceptions, and heterogeneous decisions among Annual Conference, books, and other publications. The Small Satellite
actors over a long period of time. Long-term historical data are impor­ Annual Conference proceedings provide comprehensive documentation
tant for process research that investigates these dynamics (Beltagui of key topics presented at the conference since 1987. Multiple in­
et al., 2020). The historical development of the MSS ecosystem provides terviewees confirmed that this is a valid source for us to gather addi­
rich data on how and when the four aforementioned key elements of a tional qualitative information. We also cross-referenced two
thriving ecosystem develop over time. Since 1981, the MSS evolved from books—Small Satellites: Past, Present and Future by Helvajian and Janson
a university science experiment using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) (2008) and Small Satellites and Their Regulation by Jakhu and Pelton
components to a complicated system of interrelated and specialized (2013)—for detailed historical accounts of small satellites. In addition,
satellite buses, manufacturers, and launch vehicles. As shown in Fig. 1, we examined an article by Sir Martin Sweeting (2018) that provides an
the average number of small satellites launched per year more than overview of the history of MSS. This article is a particularly useful source
quadrupled from the 1980s to the 2010s. In the 1980s, only five bus as Sweeting and his team are the inventors of the first MSS. Lastly, we
designs were available for small satellites. It took more than a decade for collected press releases by key actors involved in the innovation
this number to reach 52. On the complementors side, new entries of ecosystem from the websites of the companies/organizations.
dedicated small launch vehicles peaked even later – for the first 30 years
of small satellite history, very few companies developed a dedicated 3.2.2. Quantitative data
small satellite launcher. More complementors started to join after 2010. To further triangulate the data (Jick, 1979), we collected quantita­
Challenges also occurred in commercial applications of small satellites. tive data on all 5583 satellites launched between 1981 (the year when
As shown in Fig. 2, before the mid-1990s, only 6 % of small satellites the first MSS was launched) and 2017 from Gunter's Space Page Chro­
launched were used for commercial applications such as communica­ nology, a database that tracks all satellites that have been launched.
tion, traffic monitoring, and earth observation. Since the early 2010s, Multiple industry experts confirmed with us that this database is widely
more than 60 % of small satellites launched are used for commercial used as a space analysis source and the information it provides is ac­
purposes. This extended period for MSS to develop from a seed inno­ curate and reliable. We removed satellites with a mass over 500 kg
vation into a thriving ecosystem provides us with a rich context for an in- (large satellites) using satellite mass information provided in the same
depth qualitative study. database. For satellites with missing mass information, we supple­
mented the database with data from NASA's Spacecraft Query (https
://, Encyclopedia Astro­
3.2. Data sources
nautica (, a database that catalogs
launch vehicles and satellites, and Spacecraft Encyclopedia (http://cla
Following the conceptualized composition approach (Berends and, another database that tracks
Deken, 2021), we inductively develop our theoretical framework from
all spacecrafts launched. Removal of large satellites and small satellites
the empirical narratives and connect the narratives with the key con­
with missing information yielded a total of 2098 small satellites used for
cepts from the literature as our guideposts (Locke, 2001). This approach
our analysis. For each satellite, we collected its name, configuration (bus
is particularly useful when concepts can be derived from the existing
design), key application purpose of the payload, launch vehicle used,
literature, while the empirical context is complicated (Berends and
and launch date.
Deken, 2021). To compose our narratives, we collected qualitative and
quantitative data from various sources.
3.3. Data analysis
3.2.1. Qualitative data
We collected qualitative data from interviews and supplemented it We followed other process research papers that adopted the
with publications from secondary sources. We attended two Small Sat­ “conceptualized composition” approach (Berends and Deken, 2021;
ellite Annual Conferences (one of the most well attended and Deken et al., 2018; Mantere et al., 2012) and conducted our analysis in
three steps. First, we identified key events (Poole et al., 2000) related to
small satellites innovation, and this step was guided by the interview
The current innovation ecosystem of MSS includes other actors such as responses and the key concepts of multilateral interdependence, non­
ground equipment providers, geospatial analytical companies, and insurance generic complementarity, collective value creation, and value proposi­
companies etc. For the depth of analysis, we focus on four core set of actors our tion. We coded the interview transcripts to identify the events and
interviews have confirmed as being most important in enabling or limiting the satellites that multiple interviewees repeatedly mentioned, and then
emergence of the ecosystem. focused on events that marked significant changes in the level of

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

Fig. 1. Number of small satellites launched by year and key events in the modern small satellite history.

Fig. 2. Number of small satellites launched by application purpose1 by year.

This figure shows top ten small satellite application purposes, covering around 82 % of all small satellites launched from 1981 to 2017.

nongeneric investments from different actors, interdependent relation­ the “Gioia method” (Corley and Gioia, 2004; Gioia et al., 2013). We
ships, and value propositions. We further used secondary sources to identified and organized our first-order themes based on the ecosystem
substantiate and triangulate the accuracy and timing of these events. structure (Adner, 2017). Specifically, for the key events and their cor­
Fig. 1 summarizes key results from this round of coding. The timing and responding satellites, we inductively coded the actors involved, activ­
occurrence of these key events also explain the major shifts in the ities undertaken, actor location, links among actors, and overall value
number of small satellites launched by year (Fig. 1) and the changes in proposition to provide narratives from an ecosystem perspective. The
the primary application purposes of small satellites (Fig. 2). We used results of this round of inductive coding are presented as first-order
these events, the moments of major shifts in the number of small satel­ categories in Figs. A1 and A2 in Appendix A.
lites launched, and the primary applications, to roughly divide the In the third step, we created higher-order theoretical categories
timeline of the emergence process of the MSS. We further confirmed the based on the key concepts and organized the first-order categories of
validity of how we divided the timeline with conference participants at ecosystem structure into aggregated theoretical themes of multilateral
the 2022 Small Satellite Symposium. interdependence, nongeneric complementarity, collective value crea­
In the second step, we started to build our data structure by following tion, and value proposition. We then integrated the second-order themes

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

into aggregated dimensions. component providers (e.g., RCA, FCS, and EEV) provided products with
To demonstrate our coding and how we have linked the narratives to little customization (Davies et al., 2007). For example, the RCA 1802
our theoretical concepts, in Tables 1 and 2, for each theoretical concept microprocessors used in the UoSat-1 had other uses in home computers,
(second-order themes), we show its corresponding empirical evidence vehicles, and pinball machines. A small satellite manufacturer noted
using: 1) quotes from interviews, 2) quotes from published sources that the development of component technologies at that time “had
whenever possible, and 3) illustrative quantitative data. For example, nothing to do with satellites” (see the full quote and other empirical ex­
we used the number of specialized small satellite bus designs to indicate amples in Table 1).
the level of nongeneric investments from component providers, and the Still, in this early phase, the cost-effectiveness and short develop­
percentage of launch vehicles that launched small satellites and the ment time of small satellites attracted attention from budgeted cus­
number of small launchers in development to indicate the level of tomers such as developing space nations, educational institutions, and
nongeneric investments from complementors. We followed other qual­ nonprofit organizations. Sweeting and his team started to train other
itative studies (see Bogers et al., 2019 for a summary) and used market countries with developing space programs to build their own satellites.
share, number of players, and number of small satellites launched per Ph.D. students led the effort in building the first version and countries
year as indicators of collective value creation. Lastly, we used the pri­ built their own satellites in the second version. Early usage of the
mary application purposes of small satellites (e.g., commercial technology also included low-cost, “last mile” communication links
communication, earth observation, and military communication) as between medical institutions and healthcare workers in rural areas for
proxies for value proposition. nonprofit organizations. This initial usage of small satellites in non-
commercial markets enabled continuous development of the MSS
4. Findings: emergence of the modern small satellite innovation ecosystem.
4.2. Mid-1980s-early 1990s: specialized component providers
How did small satellites, once considered “useless”, “unwelcomed”,
and “parasites” by most space actors, grow into a vibrant innovation Potential for commercial applications motivated specialized
ecosystem attracting “enormous investments from a large number of component providers to join the focal technology producers. Several
companies” (Sweeting, 2018: p.360)? In this section, we outline our factors contributed to the MSS ecosystem emergence at this stage. First,
findings, illuminate the process through which diverse actors gradually following the UoSat-1 and 2 missions in the early 1980s, the Surrey
came together to develop a thriving ecosystem, and explain how and Satellite Technology Ltd. (SSTL) was founded in 1985 as a spin-off
why the process was slow, iterative, tension-filled, yet perseverant. company of the University of Surrey. One of the key missions of SSTL
was to develop “a flexible spacecraft bus (specialized component) based
4.1. Early 1980s: focal technology demonstration on the experience gained from the UoSat-1 and 2 missions” (Bean, 1988:
p.1). Second, initial orders from non-commercial customers created a
The successful launch of UoSat-1 marked the beginning of the MSS. need to produce multiple small satellites. Repeated production created
Frustrated by the lack of infrastructure and resources to build a so­ both the engineering capabilities and the economic incentives to
phisticated large satellite, the University of Surrey (under the leadership develop a reusable satellite structure (a key component of satellites):
of Sir Martin Sweeting) experimented with commercial-off-the-shelf
“After years of building satellites one by one, doing a full engineering
components to build a low mass (54 kg) and low cost (£250,000)
development, prototype, and flight model on each one, it was real­
spacecraft. In our interviews, a small satellite manufacturer noted:
ized that satellite systems had many components in common and that
“It was the very beginning of the explosion of microelectronics… if a defined, modular approach could save considerable effort. The
you were to take these microelectronics, you could, for the first time result of this refinement in approach is the MicroSat”
make a physically small, relatively low cost spacecraft in a university
The MicroSat 70 configuration, with an adaptable, modular design
lab with a relatively small team of people.”
capable of supporting a wide range of missions, started to become a
To demonstrate the UoSat-1 technology, the University of Surrey standard satellite bus design (Davies et al., 2007) and was repeatedly
purchased components (e.g., microprocessors and 2D-CCD imaging used in six small satellites (e.g., HealthSat-2 as illustrated in Fig. 3.2)
cameras) from companies like Radio Corporation of America (RCA), between 1990 and 1995. In addition to MicroSat 70, 25 specialized small
Ferranti Computer Systems (FCS), and EEV, and integrated these com­ satellite bus designs became available from the late 1980s to the mid-
ponents. NASA launched the satellite using the Delta-2310 rocket 1990s. Third, because the production value of an assembled small sat­
(Fig. 3.1 illustrates the key players involved). ellite stemmed from its compactness, low cost, low power, and adequate
Although the focal technology producer combined offerings from performance, each of its components had to be designed using novel
multiple actors, their relationship was not multilaterally interdepen­ approaches that were different from the “tedious, costly, and timing
dent, and other key elements of a thriving innovation ecosystem were consuming” (Spencer, 1988: p.1) traditional space engineering
still lacking. Not all actors involved were core actors who were fully approach. All these factors motivated specialized component providers
committed to the ecosystem. Despite initial excitement about this to make specialized investments by adjusting their engineering
technology among radio amateurs, schools, and universities during the approach to develop compact and low-cost imaging systems (Backman
1980s, small satellites were largely considered to be “of interest but little and Tate, 1989), power systems (Salim and Dakermanji, 1988), and
real use, except perhaps for education and training” and “an unwelcome altitude sensing systems (Abdou and Tantiphanwadi, 1988). With the
distraction” (Sweeting, 2018: 347) from large satellites that could deliver development of specialized small satellite components, “the pace of
more impressive capabilities. Actors other than the University of Surrey development of small satellite complexity and capabilities accelerated in the
had little incentive to make nongeneric investments in small satellites. late 1990s” (Sweeting, 2018: p.347). In this stage, small satellites
NASA's Delta-2310 rocket was primarily designed for large satellites, demonstrated their technological reliability and usefulness, mainly in
and the “piggyback” launch service of a small satellite was only avail­ the non-commercial markets (Helvajian and Janson, 2008; Sweeting,
able when there was leftover capacity. As Sweeting notes, “Early 2018).
microsatellites were launched virtually for free on a ‘favor’ basis…but these Despite the engagement of component providers, many actors were
launch opportunities were infrequent and unpredictable” (1999: 404). On unwilling to make specialized investments or be “locked in” to small
the component side, The University of Surrey made nongeneric in­ satellites for several reasons. First, the limited overall market demand
vestments to adjust each component to ensure functionality, but the for small satellites did not provide enough incentives for self-interested

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

Table 1
Empirical examples of the key elements of an ecosystem: multilateral interdependence and nongeneric complementarity.
Quotes from interviews Quotes from published sources Other data

Focal unidirectional dependency

Limited nongeneric investments from Component providers: “Electronics and Component providers: “The … Component providers: In 1981, only 1 new
actors other than focal technology computing is just totally different … and that microelectronics production techniques… bus design was uniquely available to small
producers had nothing to do with satellite. That happened developed for the consumer mass market of satellites
to be telecommunications and computers” millions or billions of devices” (Sweeting,
2018: 344) “There were no ‘small satellite’
components on the market” (Davies et al.,
2007: 3)
Complementors: “Small satellites have long Complementors: “Early microsatellites were Complementors: In 1981, only 12 % of the
been treated like second class citizens and can launched virtually for free on a ‘favor’ basis… launch vehicles available offered service to
only get a launch when there's leftover capacity but these launch opportunities were small satellites. Less than 5 % of the launch
on the rocket, after accommodating the big infrequent and unpredictable” (Sweeting, vehicles available offered dedicated
satellite” 1999: 404) launch services for small satellites
Unidirectional dependency from the Dependency on component providers: “One Dependency on component providers:
focal technology producer to other of the key drivers of this [modern small sat “Small sat developers had to leverage the
actors technology] is consumer electronics technology capability of Commercial-Off -The- Shelf
[components of smallsats]. Flying commercial (COTS) components, in order to design
consumer technology and showing that it could systems…” (Davies et al., 2017: 2)
work, and basically cut the cost of satellites by a
Dependency on complementors: “I think Dependency on complementors: “The
there needs to be a stronger word for shape and mass of small spacecraft is
complementors [launch vehicle providers], therefore determined by … a piggyback
because it doesn't just complement it, it's a launch opportunity. …spacecraft structures
necessity.” needed to be developed to meet particular
specifications on very tight schedules. It is rare
for similar opportunities to occur again”
(Davies et al., 2017: 3);

Upstream bilateral nongeneric complementarity

Increased nongeneric investments from Component providers: “We [owners of a Component providers: “Surrey Satellite Component providers: From 1982 to mid
component providers, but still low satellite component provider] … could supply Technology Ltd. developed a novel ‘standard’ 1990s, only 25 new bus designs were
nongeneric investment from something that relates to that small satellite small satellite structure, which could be re- uniquely available to small satellites
complementors trend… and we knew that small satellites were used without significant re-design and
going to be more and more popular… we should structural qualification” (Davies et al., 2017:
shrink our electronics so we could fit it onto 3)
smaller satellites”
Complementors: “The problem has always Complementors: “The typical 1990's small Complementors: From 1982 to mid 1990s,
been there were more ideas for the small satellite was very…constrained driven, only 12 % of the launch vehicles available
satellites than they could ever find a launch primarily, by the available launch offered service to small satellites. 5 % of
for… the problem was no one could find a opportunities. Most small satellites ‘hitch- the launch vehicles available offered
launch. There were very few.” hiked’ a ride with a larger satellite” (Davies dedicated service for small satellites
et al., 2017: 2)
Development of complementarities With component providers: “Because of the With component providers: “the Surrey
between the focal technology development of smallsats, there's many more Satellite Technology Ltd Microsat (a
producer and component providers; constellations being discussed…and they're all specialized configuration for small satellites)
but lack of complementarity with smallsats…what we're really looking for is being used a design whereby the electronics was
complementors a partner on some of these constellations where loaded into stackable Aluminum ‘micro trays’
we [satellite component providers] get an order which also provided the primary structure for
for 50 systems [subsystems of a satellite]” the satellite. The approach reduced the
development time that was required for each
mission” (Davies et al., 2017: 3)
With complementors: “I'm [the With complementors: “Small satellites up to
complementors are] spending $350 M to build a the 1990s benefited from sporadic
rocket to launch a large satellite, why would I opportunities as secondary payloads carried
risk that to launch this $100 K small sat that either free or at only nominal cost. Once
could blow up my entire rocket. The risk wasn't microsatellites and then nanosatellites
worth it.” became more business-like in the 1990s, ‘free
launches’ were no longer offered” (Sweeting,
2018: 357)

Downstream bilateral nongeneric complementarity

Initial but not yet fully dedicated “Previously, the smallsats hitchhiked their way “Arianespace was the first to offer a From mid 1990s-late 2000, 21 % of the
nongeneric investments from to space. In the past few years, with increased repeatable, commercial launch service for launch vehicles available offered launch
complementors demand [for small sats], more launchers are microsatellites on their Ariane-4 ‘ASAP’ service to small satellites. 13 % of the
willing to offer a dedicated rideshare”; (Ariane Structure for auxiliary Payloads) launch vehicles available offered
and this proved to be a key stimulus to the dedicated launch service for small
nascent smallsat industry but limited to 50-kg satellites
maximum mass and a maximum envelope of
approximately 35 × 35 × 70 cm.” (
Sweeting, 2018: 357)
(continued on next page)

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

Table 1 (continued )
Quotes from interviews Quotes from published sources Other data

Initial development of multilateral “These smallsats have very limited options, so “Despite the simplicity…, there are significant
interdependence and nongeneric [in order to get to space], there was one rocket obstacles in the … commercial rideshare
complementarity that launched over 100 smallsats at one time. concept…significant technical challenges
However, most people [small satellites] don't include: integrating a variety of mass and
want to go to the same place, but they have to, volumes…accommodate a wide range of
because that's where the rocket is going.” orbital altitudes…all payloads will not
adversely impact the mission or the other
payload” (Kehrl and Steele, 2012:3)

Ecosystem multilateral interdependence and nongeneric complementarity

Increased level of nongeneric “Before, multiple small satellites have been “The mushrooming of nanosatellites and From the early 2010s-2017, 30 % of the
investments from complementors taking the same ‘bus’ (large launchers) to space, microsatellites in the last few years has launch vehicles available offered service to
now, we need ‘taxies’ (dedicated small encouraged a surge in small launcher small satellites. 14 % of the launch vehicles
launchers).” “(In 2016) There were 28 small developments, both from agencies and available offered dedicated service for
launch vehicles [launch vehicles dedicated to startups. Indeed some 50 new small launch small satellites, and more than 50 small
launch small satellites] in development … now vehicles are in various stages of launch vehicles were in development in
(in 2017) the number's 32” development.” (Sweeting, 2018: 358) 2018
Establishment of multilateral “What small launch vehicles allow … is more “CubeSats and new constellations are leading
interdependence and nongeneric customization… more utility out of the satellites the demand now. As small satellite capability
complementarity that are launched, and greater diversity of increases, operators are no longer satisfied
potential applications because the orbits they go with the traditional rideshare and secondary
into will be better tailored. With greater payload opportunities available to them….For
applications, more demand for smallsats, so many of the new entrants, the drive to develop
more business for launch” “At the time, these a new vehicle is purely commercial. Driven by
were all small steps, but adding them together visions of hundreds, if not thousands, of small
become this exponential change” satellites launching annually” (Frick and
Niederstrasser, 2018: 1)

actors, especially complementors, to make specialized investments to although small satellites offered some useful capabilities to budgeted
accommodate the small satellite customers. With an average of only 31 customers such as universities and non-profit organizations, small sat­
small satellites launched per year, launch vehicle providers still focused ellites had not yet made it into mainstream space activities to attract
on providing services for large satellites, and considered small satellites high-paying commercial customers because their capabilities were still
merely as the “secondary payload”, a.k.a., “piggyback spacecraft”, a.k. limited by upstream production. From the perspective of launch vehicle
a., “hitch hikers” (Lim and Armstrong, 2014). Second, the small satellite providers, “there were no real examples of missions being justified on the
technologies were not yet established with stable technical specifica­ basis of… a commercial ‘business case’”. One small satellite manufacturer
tions and proven performance metrics, hence compatibility with launch described a rejection from a launch company during our interview:
vehicles was not proven. Many rocket companies refused to launch small
“We went to Company X (a launch vehicle provider) to talk to the
satellites, considering them a burden and risk:
people there about flying secondaries. They said, well, if you give us
“I'm spending $350M to build a rocket to launch a large satellite, why half a million dollars, we will study about putting your satellite on.
would I risk that to launch this $100K small sat that could blow up my Of course, we didn't have half a million dollars… Essentially, they
entire rocket. The risk wasn't worth it.” said no. If it is not a good business practice, then they will not do it.”
(Launch vehicle provider interview)
Because self-interested actors waited for others to make specialized
The lack of launch services and specialized investments from rocket investments first so that the collective value creation would be high
companies, in turn, aggravated the lack of demand for small satellites, enough for themselves to participate, the emergence process stuck at
because small satellites must adhere to the large satellite's requirements this stage for nearly a decade.
and timeline, or “they will be left by the side of the road, sic, the launch
pad.” (Lim and Armstrong, 2014). Similarly, many component providers 4.3. Late 1990s – late 2000s: semi-specialized complementors
hesitated to specialize in small satellites because demand was neither
stable nor high enough to justify the investment. As one of the compo­ Amid these doubts and tensions, continuous efforts from the early set
nent providers noted: of actors gradually increased the benefits small satellites could deliver to
“I need to have an addressable market that is more than other shaky customers. As a result, complementors started seeing the potential for
small satellite startups. If my customers are just other shaky startups, collective value creation, so they made semi-specialized investments.
it's a risky business.” While the investment decisions of actors have been categorized as either
generic (not specialized) or nongeneric (specialized) in previous work
The majority of actors were hesitant to make specialized investments (e.g., Jacobides et al., 2018), our case study supports a more recent
due to concerns that they would not succeed without investments from perspective that complementarities are not either/or but happen in a
others. Upstream component providers complained that it only made continuum of weaker to stronger (Holgersson et al., 2022). In the mid-
sense to build more small satellites if the launch vehicle providers could 1990s, launch vehicle providers began to offer more dedicated ride­
offer more launch services. As one of our interviewees noted: “If you share services (i.e., launching multiple small satellites in a single ride).
build a satellite, but you can't launch it, it is pretty pointless”. “The problem We labeled these dedicated rideshare services as “semi”-specialized in­
until recently has always been there were more ideas for the small satellites vestments: although they were specialized enough to launch small sat­
than they could ever find a launch for”. Without specialized investments to ellites without having a large satellite to dictate the mission, these
develop more capable, low-cost, compact components, the economic investments were not fully non-fungible because complementors were
viability of small satellites remained insufficient, limiting the overall still building large rockets that could be easily redeployed to launch
demand (see quotes and data in Table 2 for more illustration). large satellites if there was not enough demand for small satellites.
Moreover, downstream launch vehicle providers argued that Our analysis shows that these semi-specialized investments from

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

Table 2
Empirical examples of the key elements of an ecosystem: value proposition and value creation.
Value proposition Data Collective Data Value creation in Data
value production and
creation consumption

Early 1980s: Illustrative quotes: UoSat-1 “set out Low Illustrative quotes: “When it Initial value creation Illustrative quotes: “Commercial-
Technology to investigate and demonstrate the started, everyone thought it was in production off-the-shelf (COTS) microelectronics
viability feasibility of … a scientific small a) impossible, b) crazy, and c) devices have thus effectively
satellite at low cost” useless.” established a new benchmark for high
reliability devices in space”
Other relevant data: Military Other relevant data: average Limited value Illustrative quotes: “During the
communication as the dominant of 29 small satellites launched creation in 1980s, microsatellites were largely
application purpose (Fig. 2) per year; (Fig. 1); consumption considered to be ‘of interest but little
Small satellite market share: real use’, except perhaps for education
19.4 %; and training.”
Number of players: 19
Mid-1980s-early Illustrative quotes: “SatelLife, a U. Some but still Illustrative quotes: “Small Increased value Illustrative quotes: “The pace of
1990s: S. nonprofit organization, provides limited satellites had attracted attention creation in production development of small satellite
Technology desperately needed low-cost ‘last mile’ by offering useful capabilities, but complexity and capabilities accelerated
reliability and communication links between medical had not yet made it into the in the late 1990s.”
initial economic institutions and health programs in the mainstream of space activities.”
benefits developing world”
Other relevant data: Military Other relevant data: average Limited value Illustrative quotes: “While
communication as the dominant of 31 small satellites launched creation in interesting and educational, the image
application purpose per year; consumption resolution and fidelity had no real
Small satellite market share: commercial value.”;
23.6 %; “There were no real examples of
Number of players: 56 missions being justified on the basis
of… a commercial ‘business case’”
Late 1990s- late Illustrative quotes: “Somewhere Increased Illustrative quotes: “Small Increased value Illustrative quotes: “The
2000s: around the year 2000, the modern collective satellites demonstrated their creation in production combination of improved sensors,
Technology SmallSat concept matured value ability to support a range of enabled increased onboard data storage handling
superiority and sufficiently… to cross the threshold of creation missions contributing useful value value creation in capacity…greatly increasing
expanded commercial viability” across institutional, commercial, consumption performance (value creation in
economic benefits and training uses” production), and enabled the
Other relevant data: Commercial Other relevant data: average transition from demonstration missions
communication and technology of 42 small satellites launched to operational and commercial services
testing as the dominant application per year; (value creation in consumption),”
purpose Small satellite market share:
33.26 %;
Number of players: 216
Early 2010s: Illustrative quotes: “Small satellites High Illustrative quotes: “Small High value creation in Illustrative quotes: “The
Customer centric to center stage sometime around 2010 collective satellites have become production and combination of commercial utility
with significant and stimulated proposals for new value fashionable and form a major consumption (value creation in consumption) and
economic benefits applications and business models” creation component of the so-called low unit cost (value creation in
‘NewSpace’ environment” production)”
Other relevant data: Other relevant data: average
Earth observation as the dominant of 167 small satellites launched
application purpose per year;
Small satellite market share:
63.08 %;
Number of players: 392

complementors would not have happened without the progressive in­ in size and improve in capabilities, the quality of the images captured by
vestments from early small satellite manufacturers and component small satellites finally crossed the threshold of commercial value. The
providers. During our interviews, we learned that several key events led first fully commercial operational class small satellite constellation,
to positive reinforcement among actors. First, the “piggyback” launch RapidEye, launched in the late 2000s, is an example. With the relatively
opportunities offered in Stage 2 encouraged focal technology producers high processing power and resolution of their imaging system (Tyc et al.,
to develop the CubeSat standard so that the chances of small satellites 2003), the RapidEye satellites provided useful geospatial information to
“being embarked on a space launch as a secondary passenger were maxi­ commercial customers (e.g., pipeline and transmission corridor moni­
mized” (Sweeting, 2018: 352). Developed in 1999 and later becoming toring for oil and gas companies, damage assessment and risk manage­
the dominant design of MSS (Helvajian and Janson, 2008), the CubeSat ment for insurance companies). Because a single small satellite can only
standard design and interface allowed multiple small satellites to be cover a limited area, it is necessary to construct constellations of small
stacked and integrated on a launch vehicle without much complexity or satellites to achieve persistent global coverage and frequent imaging of a
risk, subsequently decreasing coordination costs for rocket companies particular area (Sweeting, 2018). In sum, the combination of these
and motivating them to offer rideshare. factors gave the launch vehicle providers strong incentives to offer
Second, the development in component technologies continued to dedicated rideshare services. As one interviewee noted, all five Rap­
increase small satellites' value creation in production, which enabled idEye satellites were launched together on a single Dnepr rocket, thus
more value creation in consumption, thus increasing the demand for small satellites were no longer treated as “second-class launch citizens.”
small satellites. “Microsatellites and then nanosatellite became more With these developments, we observed some momentum and an
business-like in the 1990s…As the demand for SmallSat launches increased, a initial sign of a virtuous cycle: specialized investments from early actors,
number of launchers became available” (Sweeting, 2018: 357). To illus­ including focal technology producers and component providers, created
trate, as the imaging systems used in small satellites continued to shrink some value, attracting initial attention from budgeted non-commercial

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

Fig. 3. Illustrations of actors and relationships over time.

3.1 Focal technology demonstration.
3.2 Emergence of specialized component providers.
3.3 Emergence of tangential specialized complementors.
3.4 A thriving innovation ecosystem.

customers and then interest from commercial customers; the expanding hence the need for dedicated launch service became apparent—as one
customer base created incentives for complementors to be semi- satellite operator put it, “Before, multiple small satellites have been taking
specialized, which further promoted the production of more small sat­ the same ‘bus’ (large launchers) to space, now, we need ‘taxies’ (small
ellites. Collective efforts from multiple actors increased collective value launchers)!”
creation. The average number of small satellites launched per year
increased to 42 during this period (as summarized in Table 2). In
addition, the increase in the use of small satellites for commercial ap­ 4.4. Early 2010s: specialized complementors and a thriving innovation
plications such as earth observation and communication (Fig. 2) sug­ ecosystem
gests that the value proposition evolved from technological reliability to
some economic benefits. After more than 30 years of struggle, MSS finally developed into a
Our analysis shows that development in this period was not smooth. thriving innovation ecosystem in the early 2010s.3 The presence of
Although complementors' willingness to make some initial specialized multilateral interdependence among many actors, nongeneric in­
investments created the potential for collective value creation, the po­ vestments by complementors, and a strong value proposition that is
tential was not high enough for them to become fully specialized or to customer-focused and generates significant economic benefits for the
develop launch vehicles just for small satellites: ecosystem, suggests that the MSS ecosystem has developed to become a
thriving one with some prominent patterns.
“So where the industry was, there's not enough small sats to sustain the
First, the emergence of dedicated launchers for small satellites in the
other launch vehicles (dedicated small launchers)… You have to crawl,
early 2010s is a strong indicator that the launch vehicle providers
walk, run. You wouldn't expect a toddler to ride a bike. So rideshare just
(complementors) were increasing their nongeneric investments and
makes the most sense.”
finally became a core actor of the MSS ecosystem. The investments to
(Launch vehicle provider interview) develop small launchers were non-fungible because the limited capacity
Launch service providers were only willing to supply rideshare ser­ of these rockets made launching traditional large satellites impossible.
vices, while upstream actors continued to complain that not having From the early 2010s to 2017, 30 % of the launch vehicles available
mission-tailored launch services limited the performance of their satel­
lites. Different small satellites were developed with different time
schedules, different masses and sizes, and different destinations of or­ We searched the proceedings of the Annual Small Satellite Conferences and
bits. The rideshare approach could not accommodate these differences, found that the term “ecosystem” appeared only 9 times in the proceedings
during 1987–2010, and 52 times after 2010.

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

offered launch service to small satellites. 14 % of the launch vehicles Companies like Orbital Insights used satellite images to count the
available offered dedicated launch service for small satellites, and more number of cars parked in parking lots to predict the stock price of re­
than 50 small launch vehicles were in development in 2018. tailers. In addition to earth observation, OneWeb started launching a
Second, the specialized complementors would not have joined communication constellation to deliver broadband internet services
without the collective efforts of actors in the previous stages. Small worldwide (see Kopacz et al., 2020 for more examples). Strong eco­
satellite manufacturers and component providers improved their tech­ nomic value creation led to a surge in the number of small satellites
nologies, demonstrated technological reliability, and showed value launched (Fig. 1). Multiple interviewees emphasized that the formation
creation potential, which incentivized launch vehicle providers to of this thriving ecosystem is really a result of collective contribution
dedicate resources to small satellites. All these factors led to increased from multiple actors:
demand for small satellites in the early 2010s, with the average number
“It's just a snowball, because the way I like to look at it is, there's tradi­
launched per year more than quadrupling from stage 3 to stage 4
tional space, and we were parasites. We were just piggybacking on their on
(Fig. 1). Our interviewee also emphasized the “snowball” effect, and
their systems. But now we have a whole new ecosystem that has all the
how demand for small satellites finally convinced specialized com­
pieces independent on the big satellites.”
plementors to join:
(Small satellite manufacturer interview)
“It's a snowball, because now that you have all these people launching
“It's the sort of confluence of technologies… The key point here is if you go
these (small) satellites. People start saying we want more, so we go to 6Us
back over the last 20 years, and you look at technologies that were
(6 CubeSats) and 12U (12 CubeSats), and now the mass to orbit gets big
available every few years, there were chances in one technology, but you
enough that somebody says oh I can build a rocket, you know, specifically
couldn't really exploit it because you needed some other ones around it…
for those customers. That's how RocketLab, Vector (companies developing
The whole thing sort of supports each other. Unless you have all these
dedicated small launchers), showed up”4
things around it, it doesn't really go.”
(Small satellite manufacturer interview)
(Small satellite component provider interview)
Third, we observed a virtuous cycle and high levels of complemen­
In sum, our longitudinal analysis reveals that it took more than 30
tarity among actors at this stage. As more dedicated small satellite
years for the seed innovation to develop into the thriving MSS innova­
launchers became available, small satellite manufacturers and compo­
tion ecosystem. Nongeneric investments from upstream players were
nent providers became more motivated to increase their investment. In
critical for complementors to join, but the complementors did not make
this stage, the thriving ecosystem exhibited characteristics of highly
non-fungible investments until they saw the potential for significant
specialized investments from each actor. Take the Proxima satellite as an
economic gains. The process of emergence was long, complex, and
example (Fig. 3.4). Pumpkin Inc., a company specializing in designing
fraught with challenges.
CubeSat kits and components, delivered highly reliable, flight-tested,
In Section 5, we consolidate our findings to develop theoretical in­
and rapidly developed buses, receivers, and battery modules to Fleet
sights on ecosystem emergence, and in Section 6.1, we explain how
Space Technologies. Fleet Space Technologies integrated these compo­
these insights specifically contribute to the ecosystem emergence
nents into its own small satellite constellation, the Proxima, and
launched the satellites on the Electron, a rocket dedicated to providing
low-cost, frequent, and mission-tailored launch services for small sat­
ellites. The unique and cost-effective components provided by Pumpkin 5. A long and complex process of ecosystem emergence
improved the performance of the Proxima satellite and reduced the time
and costs of building a satellite, which enabled Fleet Space to build a Prior studies have suggested that the process of emergence of many
constellation of small satellites. The use of the CubeSat design enabled successful ecosystems is rather rapid (e.g., 1–5 years5 based on case
the easy integration of the Proxima satellite onto the Electron rocket, analyses from Moore, 1993 and Thomas and Autio, 2014). In contrast,
whose dedicated launch service further reduced the cost and the wait our qualitative analysis of the MSS ecosystem reveals a long and com­
time to launch a small satellite. Such an orchestrated effort from plex process of ecosystem emergence (30+ years). We develop theo­
component providers, focal technology producers, and complementors retical insights that help to understand why and how the emergence
improved the viability of small satellites to provide commercial process can be long and complex, focusing on two inquiries: (a) Why the
communication services to their customers. Increased value delivery to interplay among the key elements of an emerging ecosystem occurs,
customers in turn increased demand for satellite components, integra­ leads to tensions, and delays the emergence process; and (b) How various
tion, and launches. forces drive and hinder specialization and how specialization coevolves
with the ecosystem value proposition, which together, propel the
“What small launch vehicles allow you to do is allow more customization emergence process forward.
in terms of where the satellite ends up, so you'll see more utility out of the
satellites that are launched, and greater diversity of potential applications
that they can serve, because the orbits they go into will be better tailored 5.1. Why ecosystem elements and their interplays spur and delay the
for the application. With greater applications, you have more demand for emergence process
small sats, so that also brings more business for launch”
(Data analytics company interview) Fig. 4 lays out four core elements of an innovation ecosystem and
their interplays. The top two boxes illustrate the multilateral set of actors
Fourth, increased multilateral nongeneric complementarity grew the (element 1) and their nongeneric investments (element 2), and the bot­
number of commercial applications, which in turn led to a strong tom three boxes illustrate collective value creation (decomposed into
ecosystem value proposition with a wider set of interconnected actors. value creation in production and consumption, element 3), and value
These developments generated stronger economic returns from the proposition (element 4). We theorize that the interplays among the core
satellites and therefore increased value creation. As shown in Fig. 2,
earth observation (i.e., analyzing data gathered by small satellites to
provide intelligence) became the top application of small satellites. 5
For instance, IBM entered personal computer in 1981, and its ecosystem
reached growth by 1986 (Moore, 1993). Amazon' ecosystem took a year to
reach growth, from 1994 (birth) to 1995 (Thomas and Autio, 2014), and Ebay's
The underlined portions in all the quotes represent the authors' emphasis on ecosystem took two years, from 1995 (birth) to 1997 (growth) (Thomas and
these specific portions. Autio, 2014).

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

Fig. 4. Illustration of ecosystem relationships and tensions.

elements help or hinder ecosystem emergence in the following manner. being created in production. Finally, Tension Three arises because
First, critical investments by some actors can trigger a virtuous cycle and specialization increases complementarity (Teece, 1986) as each actor
fuel the emergence process, and a lack of timely investment by others can potentially create more value by cooperating with others (Agarwal
can lead to stagnation and delay. Second, nongeneric investments from and Kapoor, 2023), but developing specialized offerings for new tech­
component providers increase value creation in production; and non­ nology is often costly and uncertain (Kapoor and Furr, 2015). Actors
generic investments from downstream complementors boost value cre­ become concerned about being “locked in”. Overall, the conditions
ation in consumption. Value creation in production and consumption noted above for a virtuous cycle spur the process, while the tensions and
are complementary, jointly contributing to collective value creation and the possibility of a vicious cycle explain the struggles and the prolon­
the evolution of the value proposition. Third, collective value creation gation of the process. Thus, understanding tensions and ways of
and progression of the value proposition generate a positive feedback resolving them is critical for understanding ecosystem emergence. We
loop and further encourage both upstream and downstream actors to discuss next why and how the forces for and against specialization spur
make more nongeneric investments. Such interplays can spur a virtuous and hinder the process of emergence.
emergence cycle among these ecosystem elements (the arrows). Some
nongeneric investments from one actor (the University of Surrey in our
case) attract more actors to join, increase the potential for collective 5.2. How various forces shape specialization decisions
value creation, and move the emergence process forward. More actors
are drawn to the ecosystem (e.g., West, 2008) as the market grows and Building upon the discussion above, we identify a set of forces that
become core actors (those who make specialized investments). On the drive or hinder actors' specialization decisions and portray such forces in
flip side, as we explain below, such interplays can also cause tensions Fig. 5. The top part of the figure illustrates incentives, motivations, and
and make the emergence process slow and iterative. conditions that provide the momentum for specialization. The bottom
Our analysis shows three important tensions (Fig. 4, illustration of part illustrates hesitations, risks, pauses, and setbacks impeding
tensions): actors' self-interest vs. collective value creation (Tension specialization. The arrows above the value proposition line represent the
One), value creation in production vs. consumption (Tension Two), and reinforcing influences between specialization decisions and value
specialization vs. fungibility of the investments (Tension Three). These proposition and how the emergence moves forward. The arrows below
tensions make the emergence process slow and iterative. First, Tension the value proposition line represent the obstacles and challenges that
One arises because “autonomous” (Baldwin, 2022: p2) and “self-inter­ lead to stagnation. Our process model (Fig. 5) is actor agnostic, so we
ested” (Bogers et al., 2019: p6) actors do not make specialized in­ focus on forces that could apply to all types of actors. Although the
vestments until they see the potential for collective value creation, yet columns in the figure (looking vertically) roughly reflect the stages of
collective value creation would be hindered if many actors do not join. ecosystem emergence we observed, we refrain from labeling stages in a
This tension slows down ecosystem emergence because actors priori­ strictly sequential way because the emergence of other ecosystems may
tizing their self-interests may want to “wait and see”: they wait for other skip a stage, or two stages may occur concurrently.
actors to invest first and see how much collective value is created before The ecosystem emergence process starts with nongeneric in­
they commit. However, the collective value would be limited unless vestments, oftentimes led by new members. Forces driving specializa­
some actors join first. Second, Tension Two arises because incentives to tion at this early stage include technology enthusiasm, passion, hobby,
create value in production are limited without value creation in con­ and early experimentation with new technologies (illustrated on the left
sumption, while value creation in consumption would be challenging side of Fig. 5). What we observe in this beginning state is similar to what
without enough value creation in production first. For example, other scholars have described during the birth stage of their emergence
component providers may defer their investments until there is suffi­ models: “a bet on a seed innovation” and “a period of experimentation”
cient demand for the focal technology, but the demand depends on how (Moore, 1993: p.78). Some actors may hesitate to specialize due to
much value is created downstream by complementors. Similarly, com­ perceived risks or unclear value potential. However, early nongeneric
plementors would not be motivated to invest unless enough value is investments sharpen the early value proposition of technological
viability (far left of the value proposition flow). Enthusiasm for the

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

Fig. 5. A process of ecosystem emergence.

technology often leads to “optimistic, albeit vague prediction” (Beltagui support the progression. However, not all actors may see potential gains
et al., 2020: p.8) of its potential, drawing “the community towards a and some may choose not to specialize. Several forces could hinder ac­
grander future” (Moore, 1993: p.79). tors' specialization decisions, and such forces could include increased
The middle section of Fig. 5 shows how the value proposition evolves competition because the potential for high collective value creation can
over time. As the technology becomes more viable, the forces for entice new entrants, co-specialization which makes it difficult for others
specialization become stronger: there are signs of collective value cre­ to join, and increased interdependence among actors that can lead to
ation; and more actors begin to realize the potential for commercial concerns of being “locked in”.
gains. Consistent with previous discussions on ecosystem emergence, It is important to note that the forces for or against specialization
the innovation is first adopted by a small but dedicated group of cus­ shape the ecosystem value proposition and get shaped by it. Initially,
tomers (Thomas and Autio, 2014; Moore, 1993); and these early technology viability alone is insufficient to incentivize component pro­
adopters encourage the expansion of production and the creation of viders to invest. As the focal technology producers refine the technology
economies of scale, leading to more firms entering the market with and make the value proposition more appealing, specialized component
specialized investments. However, there are still challenges to overcome providers get attracted, and the technology and products become more
and forces hindering specialization, such as low collective value creation appalling to customers. This, in turn, will attract specialized investment
and uncertain demand, which make value creation in production unat­ from complementors who can help deliver economic benefits to cus­
tractive and specialized investments risky. These hindering forces could tomers. The potential to create significant economic benefits further
lead to ecosystem stagnation. Despite these challenges, with the initial attracts specialized investments.
market demand, the innovation/technology starts to demonstrate its
reliability and generate some initial economic benefits (an improved 6. Discussion and implications
value proposition).
Demonstrated technology reliability and initial economic benefits How does an innovation ecosystem emerge and develop into a
enable the emergence process to move on to the right side of Fig. 5. thriving ecosystem? This study was motivated by this overarching
Specialization investments in this stage are driven by increased collec­ question. This motivation was reinforced by the frequent use of the word
tive value creation, as more actors join and expand the “pie” (Gnyawali “ecosystem” at the small satellite conferences the authors attended from
and Ryan Charleton, 2018). This, in turn, motivates more value creation 2016 to 2019, suggesting that the focal innovation of small satellite
in both production and consumption, resulting in increased investments technology has become a thriving ecosystem.
from upstream component providers and downstream complementors. We grounded our study of ecosystem emergence (with a focus on the
As a result, multilateral complementarity is enabled, which enhances the transition from birth to growth) on four key elements suggested by the
value of specialized investments from each actor, leading to technology literature as being critical for a thriving ecosystem: specialized in­
superiority and expanded economic benefits. Progression on the value vestments, collective value creation, value proposition, and multilateral
proposition flow generates a positive feedback loop and further en­ interdependence. In contrast to prior studies on ecosystem emergence,
courages upstream and downstream actors to make more nongeneric we traced these elements over a long period and illuminated their roles in
investments. New entrants with new ways of creating value further the transition process. We laid out detailed theoretical insights in Section

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

5 above. We articulate next how our study affirms prior literature, offers gradually. For instance, the complementors in our study were semi-
new insights, and therefore advances our understanding of ecosystem specialized before they were fully specialized. We further extended
emergence. this conversation by identifying forces that drive or hinder specialization
(forces and arrows in Fig. 5). In addition, these forces interact in a dy­
6.1. Contributions namic fashion with the ecosystem value proposition: actors' decisions to
specialize during the initial period contributed to a slightly stronger
Our paper affirms three important aspects of ecosystem emergence value proposition, which subsequently encouraged more actors to
discussed in the literature. First, our findings confirm prior literature in specialize in the following period, which, in turn, led to another slightly
terms of key characteristics of the birth stage, such as a bet on seed stronger value proposition (upper part of Fig. 5), and so on. Our
innovation and the role of technology enthusiasts, and key character­ contribution provides a basis for future scholars to examine similar
istics of the growth stage, such as specialized investment by multiple challenges. For instance, a lack of specialized complementors is often
actors and their efforts to create value (Beltagui et al., 2020; Moore, identified as a bottleneck during the emergence process (e.g., Adner and
1993; Thomas and Autio, 2014). Second, we affirm prior literature's Kapoor, 2016; Kapoor and Furr, 2015). Our findings indicate that having
findings that ecosystem emergence has inherent uncertainties and semi-specialized complementors can serve as a stepping stone for
challenges (Dedehayir et al., 2018; Pidun et al., 2021; Thomas and improving the value proposition and attracting more specialized
Ritala, 2022). Finally, our study joins prior papers in underscoring the complementors.
importance of the following for successful ecosystem emergence: (a)
specialized investments to create complementarity (Holgersson et al., 6.2. Limitations, boundary conditions, and future research directions
2022; Jacobides et al., 2018), (b) value proposition (Adner, 2017), and
(c) collective efforts for value creation (Autio and Thomas, 2014; We highlight a few limitations, which also provide opportunities for
Thomas and Ritala, 2022; Wang, 2021). future research. First, for analytical purposes, we focused on groups of
Our overarching unique contribution lies in the advancement of an actors (e.g., focal technology producers, upstream component providers,
evolutionary view of ecosystem emergence with an in-depth analysis of the downstream complementors, and customers) and assumed away firm-
transition from birth to growth. Our evolutionary view has two sub- level heterogeneities that may shape a firm's strategic behaviors dur­
areas: a) why the dynamic interplay of the ecosystem elements can ing ecosystem emergence. Our focus on the group level has enabled us to
cause tensions and delay the emergence process; and b) how the juxta­ do an in-depth analysis of the intergroup dynamics, but we are by no
position of forces for or against specialization shape value proposition means claiming that firms in the same group would behave similarly.
and get shaped by it, and how the iterative interplay between speciali­ Ecosystem actors often play different roles and exert different influences
zation and value proposition can propel forward or delay the transition (Dattee et al., 2018; Hannah and Eisenhardt, 2018), so they could
process. We explain below how our evolutionary view advances our differently accelerate or hinder ecosystem emergence. Future research
understanding of ecosystem emergence. could examine how incumbents and new entrants differ in their
Our first unique contribution lies in explaining the prolonged and dy­ specialization decisions and contributions to ecosystem emergence.
namic process of the transition from birth to growth, which is a critical but Similarly, to what extent do firms originally engaged in complement
underexamined area in ecosystem emergence literature. Prior studies on technologies proactively seek opportunities for specialization? To what
emergence dynamics have often taken an actors-centric approach and extent do focal technology producers search for complement technolo­
studied how ecosystem architects (Daymond et al., 2022), champions gies to materialize the value proposition? How do firms originally
(Dattee et al., 2018), pioneers (Beltagui et al., 2020), or platform affiliated with independent innovation ecosystems interact with each
sponsors (Gawer, 2009; Murthy and Madhok, 2021) orchestrate the other to develop a new technology bundle that provides unprecedented
emergence process with ecosystem strategies. Well-known cases of value propositions to end-users? Our work sets a foundation for such
ecosystems with strong sponsors, such as IBM, eBay, and Amazon future inquiries.
(Moore, 1993; Thomas and Autio, 2014), show that at the birth stage, Second, because of our focus on the subgroup level, our discussion on
the sponsors create compelling ecosystem “blueprints” (Dattee et al., the development of nongeneric complementarities, value proposition,
2018) that generally have a customer-centric value proposition. In such and value creation largely assumes away firm-to-firm interactions. As an
ecosystems, the value proposition at the birth stage already starts ecosystem develops and becomes more attractive, firms often engage in
“defining what customers want” and “the best form for delivering it” simultaneous competition and cooperation (or coopetition) with each
(Moore, 1993: 76). In contrast, our study focused on a context that other both within (Beltagui et al., 2020; Gnyawali and Ryan Charleton,
cannot be attributed to a single leader and revealed that ecosystem 2018; Hannah and Eisenhardt, 2018) and across ecosystems (Moore,
emergence could be slow, complex, and lengthy. Specifically, we laid 1993). Such inter-firm dynamics are helpful to understand further the
out unique dynamics and challenges during the transition: the interplay ways in which tensions, contradictions, and heterogeneous perceptions
among ecosystem elements, such as actors' nongeneric investments and among ecosystem actors get resolved. Coopetition dynamics could stall
collective value creation, value creation in production and consumption, or speed the process of ecosystem emergence as firms jockey for superior
and the fungibility and flexibility of actors' investments can be sources of positions and create value. It will be intriguing to study how coopetition
tensions that prolong the emergence process. Prior studies suggest that emerges, intensifies, and helps or hurts ecosystem emergence.
ecosystems can struggle during emergence (e.g., Pidun et al., 2021). Our Third, our context is an innovation ecosystem that emerged without
study provides two unique explanations for such struggles, and hence a centralized sponsor. An important boundary condition question is
the prolonged process of emergence: (a) the emergence and persistence whether our theoretical framework would generalize to other ecosys­
of tensions among the actors; and (b) actors' hesitation to make tems such as platforms (e.g., Gawer and Cusumano, 2002; Gawer, 2009)
specialized investments for various reasons, as noted earlier about forces that typically emerge with a sponsor. Our findings show that it is the
against specialization, which delays the development of a strong emergence of tensions, inhibitors of specialization, and the lack of a
ecosystem value proposition and collective value creation. strong ecosystem value proposition that caused the ecosystem struggle
Our second unique contribution lies in the explication of how an to emerge. Are these findings unique to our case? Do other types of
ecosystem emerges despite the challenges. Our study demonstrated that ecosystems face similar challenges? On the one hand, all ecosystems are
actors' specialization occurs gradually. Recent studies (Baldwin, 2022; likely to face the inherent tensions (such as the tension between col­
Holgersson et al., 2022) call for studying specialization as a spectrum lective value creation and actors' self-interest) and experience the forces
from weak to strong, rather than a binary concept. We answered this call for or against specialization. On the other hand, it is likely that when an
and provided empirical evidence on why specialization can occur ecosystem has a sponsor, the dynamic interplay among key elements

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

may differ, resulting in a faster or slower process. Ecosystem sponsors emergence provides a helpful guide to determining how and when
often have a clear vision for the ecosystem value proposition from an public policy could help build the ecosystem. Since the private sector
early stage. The sponsors make significant specialized investments to lacks economic incentives to specialize during the emerging and nascent
rapidly increase value creation in production and facilitate collective periods, government support (such as from NASA and other space
value creation, which will minimize tension between actors' self-interest agencies in our case) could be instrumental in addressing the risk and
and collective value creation and strengthen the forces for specializa­ incentivizing the private sector. Public policy can play a crucial role in
tion, thus speeding up the emergence process. For instance, in cases of supporting the establishment of key elements of an emerging ecosystem.
fast-growing ecosystems such as Amazon, eBay, Facebook, and Sales­ Public policy can facilitate access to funding and financing options for
force (Thomas and Autio, 2014), the sponsors made significant in­ ecosystem participants, particularly those focused on customer-centric
vestments early on, which provided clear signals for collective value value creation, by creating grant programs, venture capital funds, or
creation and incentivized other actors to join. Similarly, ecosystem loan guarantees targeted specifically at ecosystem startups or innovative
sponsors could play powerful roles in quickly establishing standardized projects. For instance, a small investment from the Department of De­
interfaces, thus reducing the amount of specialized investment required fense played an instrumental role in modularizing the semiconductor
from other actors and expediting ecosystem emergence. However, not ecosystem, reducing barriers to specialization, and propelling ecosystem
all ecosystem sponsors are always effective at maintaining control, emergence (Kuan and West, 2023). Public policy can also foster
exemplified by the rise and fall of the Symbian platform (West and collaboration and partnerships between ecosystem participants by
Wood, 2013), which might also lead to challenges during ecosystem facilitating knowledge sharing, resource pooling, and joint initiatives to
emergence. In sum, tensions and the forces for or against specialization support the co-creation and realization of the ecosystem value propo­
are likely to generalize to all ecosystems, but their intensity is likely to sition. Regulatory frameworks can help stimulate market demand and
vary. Future studies could dig deeper into conditions in which the enable the delivery of customer-centric value within the ecosystem. In
emergence process would be fast versus slow, how the intensity of the all, by creating a favorable market environment, public policy can help
identified conditions would differ, and how common would be the drive customer adoption, develop a stronger value proposition, and
struggles during the process of emergence. expedite ecosystem emergence.
Finally, while we were able to illustrate how a customer-centric and The role of government support changes as the ecosystem evolves.
commercially attractive value proposition developed and played a crit­ Once the ecosystem becomes a thriving one, it can become self-
ical role in ecosystem emergence, our focus on the ecosystem level limits sustainable with reduced government support. A thriving ecosystem is
our ability to address firm-level questions such as how individual firms likely to have attracted private investments, established market de­
identify, perceive, and orchestrate the development of a strong mand, and achieved profitability, thus making government support less
ecosystem value proposition. Building on our study, future research important. Indeed, research shows that after a long period of govern­
could probe further into how ecosystem members individually and ment support, recent policy in NASA (Mazzucato and Robinson, 2018;
collectively develop their perception of the potential value proposition Robinson and Mazzucato, 2019) has changed to support a self-
of the ecosystem. Ecosystem members often have diverse perspectives sustainable innovation ecosystem in the space sector, leading to more
on the potential value proposition due to their different experiences and collaborative efforts from the private sector and less dependence on
business objectives. A research question worth exploring is how government agencies. We expect the exploration of these policy changes
ecosystem members can engage in collaborative ideation, such as con­ and implications to be fruitful, and we hope our study has paved the way
ferences and forums (e.g., hackathons as a social forum for exchanging for scholars to push this research agenda forward.
knowledge, as discussed in Fang et al., 2021), to achieve convergence
among the diverse perceptions of the ecosystem's value proposition. CRediT authorship contribution statement
Future studies could also explore how the ecosystem value proposi­
tion gradually converges towards a more commercially attractive value Yue Song: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Formal
proposition that is customer centric with significant economic benefits. analysis, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, Visuali­
In this convergence process, how do firms shift their cognitive strategies zation. Devi Gnyawali: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation,
(e.g., from technology enthusiasm to commercial application in the MSS Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, Visualization.
ecosystem)? How do entrepreneurs learn about and implement the new Lihong Qian: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Writing –
commercial opportunities inherent in a commercially attractive value original draft, Writing – review & editing, Visualization.
proposition? The convergence process may take certain initiatives, so
future studies could further study how ecosystem sponsors (if present)
orchestrate the process so that ecosystem members collectively share Declaration of competing interest
and deliver the value proposition. Such orchestration requires strong
leadership, shared vision, and a collaborative governance structure that The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
can create alignment of incentives, reduce tensions, and encourage interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
specialization. the work reported in this paper.

6.3. Public policy implications Data availability

Our in-depth examination of the dynamics during the process of The data that has been used is confidential.

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

Appendix A. Data analysis and final data structure

Fig. A1. Structure elements, multilateral interdependence, and nongeneric complementarity.

Y. Song et al. Research Policy 53 (2024) 104932

Fig. A2. Value proposition and value creation.

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