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ANNEXURE ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI - 25, Cone coe cL [= Ie College Name Velommal engineeyin Register Number ete tee Te Name of the Candidate Degree Branch Question Paper Code Date ‘Subject Code Subject Name sum an 03 03 No. of Pages used All particulars given above by me are verified and found tobe correct A fb \rDerit09 Se Signature of the Student wih date | 2 For Office Use Only Lesirictions tothe Candidate: Put Tick mark (| forthe quesilonsatended in the ick mark column against each question PART—A PART— 6 &C Oueston oto aa wens | cuestionn. pee ° [mans Ty Tare 7 [ers] Grand Total 1 Ja a (in words) V4 Grand Total Name the Examines Signature ofthe Examiner M3at 8104052. 83089 Yokn solomon «4 Hex parr-A - Ergonomics : Ergonomics (ov roman pacers) is tre scantipic discipline concern) with the: onelerstancling SF jneencckions emeny humans and) then EIaMeNts oF all system, anc the profession thar appites thesn + Pundiptes , deus and merrocl to clesiqn eo optimize homan well - being and wena) system peneormance , 2:=]b chomnels : > Homan intenacdon with The owsside world ecatos Enrough IngeMason being secdived and sent i coed jnpte - OUERUE Areton El. _s various JO channels aTe.: visual channel a Avditery dnannel # Hapdc chanel & movement 02-08 ~ 2022 - A fang N3zi2 Yosz es20%4 ohn so tomon A act 3 Teevarior and prototyping: > mreraton design alow designers t create and rest idiects ae c — > srenwive design and procoryping is by precelly, more efpident Han a raditional design process besanse exeasing pew design and protoey pes “ye poseand simple + —> The Wieial design process \asts only PNA Few days HOO FEW WESKS depending oR the complendty ofthe design : A> USARIEY > psabiliel veers to the extent em uhicl a produck can be vsed by specidied usexs tp achieve specisied owls with eprecdveness epridiency and satispoction in a specified concen, st USE: > The word vsabitity also vepens w methodls Fer Improving, pose oF use doning me aesigh process the panciples MA SLPPOTE Usa ity we learnability Plerdteltiey, and robustness , 08-03-2922 ve. SI fre WBZ BLOUTs 2 cS B0F4 ohn sotsrnon “A ner B. socio - Srganizcttiona Tesves \ There ane general tssues thar affect Me accepranc oF technology by users : > syseM May Noe LAKE ines Account « conelice and powen relasonship - — Ros] who penefir may not dw rE work > Roe everyone may ose syseM. © » stove hotden *. A stavehniden % anyone who t& agcecked by the evceess oy Failure py te system. “Types \ pamany —> people who aeevally Use the system, seconclastyy —> who donot divectly USS the SYSeeM + purreccive owcpur &Y provide Inpur to te Tenicaoy — peopte who one drvectly apfected) py me success sy FATE SFE system, Factitaning —> people who ane invewed in the design rdevetopment and moinenine ce the aysrem « 05-03 ~ 2022 03 AAA Us2ietoyos2 es20 4 Her Tom solomon +A “hs Application Frame ove » — Applicct¥ion prameweor yun on wp oF ead system shaming are services suchas caymontcakions , messaging , graphics ¢ wwcakion ) secuiicy + ay thenticas on and many etre, —> AppUicarion Framework GRE VsEcl ED YEAHS | | applicarion sven as game ,aWeb Prowsen + comenc or media player . Z. Mabie design tool: > prow shop — Ner Beans —> Flash > smentace Bolder > tL 4a. wemtouy > pverntays one Tecwly jose Viqhe weight Popsps: we vee th Lem lightweight tomaye a clean Aisdincion pexamecn Trend the nemel Fale sto browser Pop LP “Types > miaisg derall and npur everttay 03-93 ~2022. ly ol fh A es 8074 nee io Landing pages. ~ tancting page va seancatone wel page Urde o pexson “ lands * on aRen cttcretng, thYoDgh prom an mei tel, aod cy Sthhet Aigita) lecaion — standing pages ere avseomized tea specie esmpaiqn oF orpemand quide visitors towands a single can te ooeton . rART—r (4k Elemers ysed in mobile design - God mote design requires trres abilities > zs a name git Fr belncy ale to see visvonty yous somerning swwid tok Phat proces & des\ed emotion with Bre Eager andience. 5 oS He abiticy ws manifese thar Vision Wto eomanning Fv omen es see se and Participate , — xs weno ing hou to VEliz= the mecivm ce achieve yout desive goals. | context * As oa designer Et ME Job Wmaxe SITS thar the. 9o3 -03-2022 os A ABV Haziwtoyos2 esBong Toln sotymon A Hor sex can Figure our how be addvess concene in youn app. — > who ane the SES FT what cdo YOU lenouws ahouk thlem & —> when will hey Ineracke whars happening Pere, mMESSOME » | Ano ther destyr element wm youn Message sy whak you ane tiging Scy alos “your site ov apptiecrion | Visvally, | message —> menred impression creciss roy trough me visod design . Branding — =smpressisn OF ENE coMPpang {go g name, ex. ae yahoos cdisne » witeipectia » Amazon ete. Look ancl FEE] | The wreept oF tog Fee} is adel one, being | evbjective. and had to define. src BH Used w desmiibe TE appecanence oF NE suyte| on loge MULE proyece ov companies with moWiple designers aswte guid] ow parcenn torcoy ws emetic moaneoining, cORSiSKENE Wore , layour> xt % one st the important design element , ecayse rd % hous ME vsen wil — process the 03-08 ~ 2022, ALA ob be NS 218 Duos CS ROFF ver ohn sotomon-A page hak Sewetura) and Visval componenc ot Leow corre Got Meyvsedl TOgeCnen ; cvedking epnfosion and maneing youn desiqn more divetenre to precoce MECYEAkeS SOME probliEM EHMES VSST ound ab pinecl IH ME Wnida) swage vEthe achivectuve , colows & sn tong yeas ago 7 the mobile screen ane in black and wre seresn + Recently we hare dirrenente Spectrum ot colors wb cheeses. For mobite design. qRe_mose COMMON Spseaci|e YOU” |nicooner wren deaung torn mobile Screens wlich come jo rember oe ateFeriene color F singe biemepped Anaqge, | gee. — Ugh, reverence 1 Puri pemtn exc pink, — spring + socmlism ;eminitey . OT PALSHES | pesining ploy pabettes cON LE. VSEPI FOY maineaining qe consterents use ot olor HW MOLE AESIAN » sequendal — primary Seconcdcory reentiany SiS yeverages me Mest common coloy Adapdve — anspred — nepirect coy - +3 -03 2022, oF A full | NI2\Bloyose Jobn solomon: A Type grap hy > < . S me ME pose wovtd pring in the mind) "|, Svrpinels and pire! densiey y A svb pixel \s the division of Each pixel nto we ved green and bwe ene vsing a micvoseppic level . FONE YEplaAceMENe 5 THe ability co vse BUSS wypegqraphy thar az noe NEcordy jaded! nme device, Readers Sy > the mporeant WIS TF mobile design excenent’ reclaloiitt} - ep provid] Me VSEV wit Graphics + =r used © establi ES a SUPPlEMENE tosls t& HS aites and the tse Vsh NUNne vith igh oy aid avisval eoupentenc art QNY er toons W the Iphone # Used to ESecy! ree. — weens thas ts OSERLI tO communtcak=_ spoonogyapny teas and acxots to MS VWs|n y constrained visual spare: phows and rm po @neen’ sFLEN by “snowing, avisval lise lay OF a conapes aqes > we vsed to adel meaning oB A Akl 8-03-2022 NZzUBtOy.Ssz CSBOFF Torin sotomon -A ee Neb) pramewone SF ROL she inven core aycle can bE Aivided into Ew6 paajoy phases * exeuteion and eval aston - These can be evpdivicval ines EURTNET SEQGES + seven in all + The stages fa Newman ts Modet st {presceelon oe % | Eowablishing goal cs eneenpreding 1 ~ FORMING ene tncention eyotem stoke > specieying action sequen =— —S Evadscuan F the system ea mreauding me. action with veopene © goals Sg ndons. > perceiving ce System YS and Wee! The Theemacdon PramMewerk sec CS amore Yealistic dessiiption 5 incemcesd on by, mawding the system expircity and ereaks into FOUR main components. Ly eyscem evore tanguage) Ss user — Crasle tangues ©) — rnpue > oukpurs ach componente hae tks own tonhquage.. IN actalition bs ME VSEN’s PAsle LaNngvyaqe and system's ¢sTe jangvage, Thereane language Fey both FNP BE OUrpUs re 4 A fisBdlepe / “ NB2tBlogoSz cSB0T4 Tonn sotomon-A Hor sFhpsus anc) ouepur wdgethen Form Me shc&ypace presen vation / epsevarion ° ° a ate ae ouryut| ty a vo 8 v corre net core = eae k “a 2 Z inp, a A ™s a iy, aontfen TARO perromana Genenad mMeencerion erronstwyen bERWeEEN components The system then trans Poms Bsere as escnibeal py mre openaxtons + the Grecueion phase of the aye is camptete g the evatvatten phase NOWbEMINS . The system “we lna yeu stare which most be epmmontecse ch tS me vsen . he corent Valdés ge system akmilures ane. endlenedt as 8 FEGHUVE oF ERE OURPUE Nae 8 > Me yoen Ud ObsSwe ENE OUEPUE and occess tae yEsuIbSt jrrenciesion WELOURVE bo origina gocu. naling: the evaluation phase and hena Me incenacdon cle po moth components eranstasions tpvowed in Interaction, > ATdOvLALoN —> presentation — > perrovmanca > seseswaxion 03 fo8 | 2022. eS ALDI 3 ZB wYysse esBotd cfohn sotamonsA om | aveioviarion 3 Fie handting a clering 1 dnag 9 drop Pempomance —S shee preratsdon st vse acon Lrespon sive] presentation —> Gwaphss screen veports , ObSEAVAON 3 tp File has be down lead apte VSET | ppacaves hE progress bon and decides FurtMet acton . promeworke oF Wor seeen desiay = A a Bygonomy vu *\ faaele]] f=3 py WH) rrece Memipolesson » = eae, Comey 1480s 4 as the pre of Post and hign - quality Qraphtes honcware was srecdity decreasing, _ desiqners WET] pegimning > see thanth ely proccts WES gaining prporarita oe the Visval eoneent ancreased - 63-03-2922 A AA 22 Ss MNRIBIOUoS 2. caBora ohn soteman- A ror > As tong af Tre us]En ~Sysvem Aaleg yemainded Voorqeuy bndrectiona) ~ From vsen commancal te system commancl Uin= promt comp wet ng, wl. going, w me stay with We Minoctiey poputaton sf hacvess Who Teveltted in ehalGn ge st comprerdey > Rapid visvuad and) asdie reedlback on high resotudon disptayseresn oy EhyODgh « high qualiey sound system maes t& possible b© Provide eyalsation Inpematon For ervey exeuredl ysen acdon, + vapid Feedbaa % just on Fecevre oF the Inter ccto technique Enoton ag divest maniputarisn, Ber smneidenman's peceore st diveck Mantportarton , > veshotl by oF ime object oF Intes1esle, > treremental action ar Wrengeice with vapid peedback ot all accion —> pevensibity TF Allaction . so Mak vse ame encovraged D> explore. without SEXVeE penaidides, —S synade @necchess of all accionss So thak every vest action Woledcs spenasion | 03-03-2022. a dha 2 NB AB wLeS> eSeOt4 Wet Zohn solomon’ A iz .a) software. process Wire cyole. model * eworre prodwck 1 THE CHSEOMA =n AEvelopMENt oF s who requives Me vse oF Une proctoce ond the designer who provide me produrs nie: ELIS main pardes, SopLWONES Engineeni no —» ar provide means w onderscctnd rhe sumare pF AES TAN process and US ee ppesdiveness in intenackve system design . usabivel Enginesning —> promows ME usect esp Wer | exitentA EO fudge tne svecess TF produce Inesnn SF | psabi Teey < renecsue design que axucid edstemey eeedbark eat in he expctal decision whitch vfrect practices wsorte to Trooyv poy’ design process to \neorm psvakiley + warenFanl model, Requirement v i Jnitecnsseed speciticaion “— 7 design geradledt —], design . G eX activinies in eecting 8 resing ywakenrall Model St + an Son & best | eopeene Vee cya aes & testing openateion A mead nance | 08-08-2022 . =a A fp / UB2BlOysS 2 ae - eS B0F4 ohn sotomon «A wer Requirement specipecaton - “Regvivement begin arstante ot proclock deveuspment smovgh EB A EDSKCOMET!S penpentiVE . hey Must be Formvtaked fn langueqe suitalte cor imptementaripn , THe Srey EUS LANG VODES Foy SOFIE ane move dese t= machemariecd lang vag = with predse_ orp cen pre cad on Avyanireceoral: design . =t & hour how the system provides the eenvices expected FM & + TEPENOYMS cLECOMPost oN oF system jee components. rharcan eimey be boughe From euseing cor) Aevetopedt from secrete «FE ALA desontbe the tncen dependencies streriween Ssepancvs components) g sharinoy vesousices HICH aise btw components , percited design +, “Rey ane YErinement st componenc clesotipegan provided by anchitectoral design - They must scuisty pon — poncetonadl veq OHEMENts a mvchas possibi€ » sothey Must, andyse the design inowlen to access LE prwpentwes, veodrng and unit casting: they must ke psswie Wimptemenc in some LECwLALE PHOGYAMNMINTA IENGUARE + ACE coding the 03-03-2092 te A fA : N3ZASiOwdOS 2 cSBOFT ReT Cohn sotomen: 4 the emyponenc ean be ECStect ro veTifYy chee Os PENEDTM CONERELY + those oF WON In Forma] Methods opercuSs unclort me hypothesis > smtegrarion ancl testing: once Enough components hove been imp! yeqrakect tn Lementect and Indiv tetoatey restecdt ,pmey mos& we in anohitectu ra design - Teseing ts done te ensure eewece pehaveir and accepedele Use SF shomed TEspumces, Mainenatce s Agen product YEIEASE, AIL tDONe ON WE System be pened onda EHS ceeegory ok Mainraln onett such Me ens) eo demands Estar design / ae NEW version of Pro procluce phased oils. yeriticarion + re BD ENSUE ME i bot saxisties me high level yequivemencs aqresd with evstomet end seam piece consistent + Management contractual [SsSVe 4, she tire cyoie tesortloe epneantraked! 87 Me Lechotey Pesteore TE SSEEW OTS alevetopment + the arererent dedutey SE the Vive cycle ME toqicouty yetarecl to each obhen , 6 Afi Nszieloyosz. BLOT dol s otpmon 4 ae | meeiccektve system g sortwonre (ite cyole . Requivemens = | specittecttion —Aclibeckturel! | SPEEA on th =empiementcuin unite wasting exntegretion treating ppenarion - Me warenkall model > meintednce, | the Weecyoe cor devetopment we asseai ahwe presenttne process chesiqn me Some pro stpetine olen: Tn yecuity, even prorat’ pareh ~ processing system , the actoa) aesiqn process iy TeestaHve - LA Find) point abou rradictonc sstrewane, ee eyqete & Mae i AVES NOt promoce TNS wee SF wees povadon and peahniques thar suppers the vsents. penspective oF wnrencerive system + 03-08-2022 ve ASA Ng PIBIOUOS 2 caZerq Tohn solomon A Wer is.b ‘Web ttnrentecet wel desig n reper bo clesiq” st website thar ane display ed on iWtemer . TWO oF Mose commen Methods POY des igning Websites tur were WEN PotR 97 desveop and mobite are vesponsive and ackoyp Hive design “Prag and chop *- xe BO poMMoN Feature jn medesn web design WhETE YOUN veers can eliciz anol qycs cH object anc) above je tan gliFFENENts tocaddon . ws quite prequentiy usect ) anhal w veovden things in an a UiSt or esvongqe ehings ae, > se lovotwes moving eussey OVER an objeck , Selecting te canal moving & to NEw lecaxion pumpose oF devout and dnop , > modwte —> used for Yeaoran ging moclutes on pace sb —> veovanging vise > obyeete > vsed por changing retorloushie * = action > Xovoxcing action on a chopped ebjess. Seotlection —> medneaining cotleceion trreugh the Aree and drop , 08- v3 ~2022 MIBAZIDYOS2 esBoty ohn sotpmen- A wot prag deleqarion with duop rene using pps deteg abe FOr drove ging, Moletyce trems and dropping on dino p tonqer ' vein cag, plugins with deteqake using olsroue plogins with eeleg aed List olen w/RurRLiNG, » no this Gxaamete shows how EO Mmawe & SOTERHO Vise veing US tom erent BvRFtING andl pede senolting. Lise olen wrocrolting 5 Tis Gxampte shows hous to mote Sortabte lise using opseom event Sood . PAtawle style Sxample * POYEAL sey le Sxckm Pre using cind dp viene beopling ancLanimakion . Vrece selection < “pagie —s epnevoy based) serectisn elected 3 setesrion char spours Mott pie pages vbjece —s divert object Setecd sy Hybytd —> combinacton cr wage and ebyect selection , 03-03 ~ 2022 We2tetoyoss. esB0F4 Torn sotemon-/ Her Teggte setecsions. 5 Acheawdoon eonevol haus three acares — unselected, eeleceect anc intenmeciare, > teggre swicch represent a phystcat suoteds that BMowWs user to cann’tn ing on ov TEE Uke & Night siwitch | AIUSE TeYQle Switch por Inscant response + An Insonk response ok oppNed ‘eectings vi yequived withous an exp Ueicarion: A: sexeing vequires ey on/OFF oy Shou snide FUNetton EO Apter: veaulls, chow Faveurl be best A shaw Favorite bon O Auro bightness Cw AurD byightness: ww “A =2wret ea wiet b) use chectebox por setting eonpiymarion. t Appued seeing neers to be congivmed and Neview ect by usoa Ere MEY OTS svbmitted- detined setring yequire an acon Wie SOMME 1Ole NE re» APPLY before. drsptaying yesuis' email sewing Email setdng U send me nortefconst on fosend me notiscauton Sf AULows acls [oS send me acs (anes) [sae] = 93-03-2022 NETISIOHYE & Wor cfonn sotomron 4 ep vse checklesx Foy motetpte cheloe 5 mewipte aPUon cece avadtede and oresehers bo ARIE OH oF MOTE gHAIATS SHEL, MotIPIE ESINE SWRAES ONE hy SHE aod wodt iq CO SAS PET ANTE AMO | each alele Eetee Gren time, | Hobbies 4 Hobbies LT etreteeb Tom cireke be. | (oJ custing roy eying . cl) vse checkbox por theerm nae Seake. . AD Ineermediare. selection arcue by required When Mvlef ple sub dptlons ese qvovpeal encdona Parent opedon - “ME TReSMedkctke sree tui) VEPESENE that metetpie Sob —aprion eae SeLEctcol tn Hst status us sratus X Elau AW > ST prore (oor dyare Progy ess ‘ | °g [8 tnprogvess j J submitted BO submitted, -08-2000 ob A fable N322MmyosS2 CSBORY ot ohn sotpmon- A b IB-P\ communicaxion and entalovacion model Al compurer sysvem single usen or mutti vse, Wheeract with wore- groups amd organizcasion tn whitish mey ane vsed. Nomad Reman -hsman asmmunteanion ‘ = Fase 68 Face eommunteauion nvotves yes, Foam oc Beas * — cohvesoxten can be analyzed us escaloltsh deraited suvewre , Tes snpwenced y Physfaad Environment —> Experiments ore more Aeereure wo canto). cand record . as Fietd sevdtess Mest tae into eeceD ONE Soaiel | Face te Fetce communiaatton , 03-03 - 2022 2 St fe MQ coe Tg WVo IELNY OSE Wo Gate savomnen 4 LA eMAPEN Elteres camel postsanel aperce LOHED AWE coer EO OSC comp tttert — m ealiocrcal Fea ap corm tect ta) 8 oca Parueare all oust ey TerarePOn gy amet ed POMS LO TO ULE HELD MEATa , WAY WE IPE palhane ds WAEhESS wh UME Ve my Feyamell space Wile @ me tea EYEY Preval cPipversston oy aisecenes. , — FYE coVEACE atnet gore Novrett eonsers cton vses eyes CONTCICE ence nsivety fi Wenoe as Intenety ApEynctio direct: SYS epntact ts Tmpoveant in SseahWshing sense sh ENQaqeEMeENt cena soto presence —> enestbres and bocty tang veo e “sehen the peticipants an& trthe same voom. the existence SF Electyonte eeulpment an Incenpese wich Boa langueqe egecd MW nome race — Face cemmuntectdsn , > We Mee chat Aereneion pocwssect ey Key bdand can Yedves SYS eoneacs , 222079 NS21210yoS 2 B2VZLO WY oe conn sotomon-a => Teor ceed % Se Sond co Mle OF eonvesscteion as a Seoivence oF peremances! A says something then B SCS something then ee! ie oe tae 4 -tumn ~ Farsng conversaxion ; Basic cnvensarondl sersarove » A + RO you FoeYy thok Flim a RB = me vh cs9omg), with the Whack Each veTenance ¢ each Evcgment. St convesanen ms weowity dependert on consent « Tere ane Meenned and SEN) Conte, , Topic ¢ FOCLs aNd Fon oF vkrestance + SA* "began the conversation Lstth wople Oh pose, Set chipes to the vetoed! | HOWEIENA his missed tats shiers in Focus, 93-03-2022 csEotq NZI LOROS 2 Hor olin sotomon 4 (Pesce Beseol commupiccttor ‘te WS JeeuMIlian to tndst people. TN thas trey Wit vewes conttenand recelved) Yes ee Foun WPS wismete —s adiveckecl message as I Emel. there WE No Srxpyelte connection bhw avrrerent msq ' Linecot — > panetcipane nig ane -catated in orden xO tre End St a Single transeiipe, Non- Whee —s' when mag, ane Vinked tm ene: ANOMER ep EY Pemternt Eos hion ' spor ——? where MAG Le eos ged en 2-P sungace , Group woreing, » Group behanory & mov, MOVE COMPLEX + Sart ag Se NanteS dB LALS JNED acewne the aly hembra, sean ~etaefons hip ctusing qroup cay Group dynamics + Sere Te teust OMShIP ONE Te tate svelte; the votes and retcuctonship with a group rou} chonge dvernaeteauy within Cre ehing 03-03 ~ 2022. zy AA esz0tq HS21gteHEs 2 ; her Cohn cote mon A | x : oo Ed Axvequesl Bg Promise & ASENE | a © Shee ay eles | Ke eS | AND Le say eS Ae with ara & withd & y &-counes) v ® Panto \e-al eogniclue modeis A Sey thar procioces = compurartonal modlet st hows PEOPLE PEMNPoM tale eundy solve probiem by veg psych logical privicipies anc) eMprrac) swolies , —> Theailm ct coqnieive “mecet in hai is co design anc evemtisn ot Neentace CULEINALWE S| —~ eeqnicive wyolets ane absrvach; | quenettaxive . approximare and estimate Grom experi _ Tencs. 2S A AB og HE 2TSOHOS2. Eeeos) wer ohn sotamon A ~S oe process the system an genencuc o eognietve modet sk cu end vse7 everett theencc troy telth me clesTgn and modity the interacion oF the Veen wit Yespect to the gesign to ondeistand AYeFenenc ourcomes - = Finatuy cognitive moalets ‘in design can Neptace aqvevg TF Inclivictvals users andl ack in Mose svication thar vequve many panttel pants, comnitive model are POLLS > Got & basi hevanchies t GoOms) cot ) > Unguiese tocatins Cave: TAG) —> Physte and device model ¢ ttm] — Aveomasng snspeaion memods uses OF cegni bve models. (> predtestng human behave sn proposed cassumed ) intemaeive syste: — shang rg ane vse a guide For aclaptve IncenacksN cand obSSenve the SUCLUMS 03-03-2022 2b fA $8074 UZ PIB YS 2 Her pln solomon: A h esuselp one > Reptacing, moclets In place st othen p Jn gyrovP JArerackiTon, ‘Umitarions + —> MWe theony assumes thas changes I) tre. envivonmene witt CURSO MOUTERMUHY Tesict em ehawnges th ME PEON when thi. MAD NO arusetis bE LWVE , > Te theowy ys Weseuy organizes » baxed Sol]eW) on the. LaLM ke TWeesrp: BERSESN person : AY ty (eeny Fenowisr and environment, <> the. wreovy cin ve. broad —veaching eo con be Afeerente to ppermanten aiize in enemy, => he treevy does noc Potts un emsticn . cy motiuarton » Stihem than Enyough refenena to poste-enrcpesionce + There t& mintmro ctetenct sn ONMESS. FACEHXS | = Wesurity Focwsect \eamning \ ene Process of 03 -08-anae. ae Af Bed 13 ZIBLOYOS 2 Ft & Useat to eselmake both cal bose me and evening me —> Atso need bo Ydenuty comp lexdr exror = prone stage TH the clestqn . Ravaneag © bs +> ponte eed to irplement -ay PreSeype oe Ponte NeSd w Les WIT weny sore — Teory has ENP anes power whith provides sdeneine Fsundadon line cthes : engineaiing gieid 93-93-2022, 28 ol AA NBBBOwOS 2. Tonn sotomon eszotq wor 03-03 - 2022. 24 A foB) ros HSSIRIDYOS> cfehn sotomon> A eSBOFF “Wer Og-0B - 2022 30 APA

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