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ANNEXURE -I ANNA UNIVERSITY CHENNAI - 25 came Ta Jv ts le] College Name Register Number Name of the Candidate Degree Branch Question Paper Code Subject Code ‘Subject Name * ement. ‘Session No. of Pages used PART-B&C a Tol —o marks [7 [ares Grand Total {in words) Grand Total Declaraionby the Examiner: Verfed that al the questions atended by the student are valued and he folalle found tobe correct Name ofthe Examiner Signature of the Examiner TS VZBZ1Btopo G2 OB John sotomen -A Hes pied management pART-A 4+ succession planning 5 — successive pleuning & Me Metnodical process to byiloling ensvve leadership pipetine and a qoclitied Lalent pool ue ensvie deadenship wommuricy For wy ergonizarions swwiv od and Success . —> zbsrpeys a smsyt? wensPen st renaweda ana | | ensure thar there ane successors Wt place te Fill rey position - 2 challenge ts hospital admin? sexiion , “ ensuing efrective ; erpiclent hecuthcane serves For wommunities , > shorcoge we numses and sen heartrcane workers — Bising heattheane asts | — An aging psputasion 3. perention oF Eni ploy Ges b — providing an exciting and chatlenging wore envivonment = appresiaxing a gol performer tw moxe them peel noticed. Ob + 08-2022 0} KB be UBz Boys oaMmitSse. ohn sotymon: A pospiedd Monegements > providing Yeguiat Feedback in WRedy providing a pew ovic employee & weed’ empwyee , rm Maineaiming preqvent cnccce with A> Role OF NBD ene oe ‘ > Peamntement and Retention oF staft —> Meinesince oF the arrenclonce man eyeMrene preces 8 a Sans pore qieNance and déeiplina process ano) appeals > Tre design andl dett very. oF Ecining and devetopment | "Programs - 2 raining guidelines + > Training opportunities should be qiven to all employ se jwespecive oF thely age ,qendar and yank . = Wai ning peegaan= Sour Pe bol6ed on Job analysis + > A systematic Means oF assessment should ke used white eetecting empwyees for exaising ypes \ Enery training joe wraining . axaining oY promotion , Re HeESshen eet . 0-03 ~ 2022 vb, / : l fBhge NSz1310yOS 2, -OBMIS 2 own sovmon-A Hospreal Momag ements b-urtiey TE ses’, The vtittey Test tepesvs ee tHE overall vsepullness St & person) Sefection « This tse Evellucttes te accuracy and Imporcenes, oF pesonnel decision - Aaminiscracion Test+, Wigs vest evaluates me candiclazets eomperency W axendon te deta idime managements LwenteeN communication and yeeipesomel Sits, as weas ety qenen a aptucte For tagteat » PUMErical and Venlo eae - F< equipments weecled pov Leclangy in pospitsd © eS WeAWEr— ey erorcesy Swng moehin & > Devrie door washing machi ne > Wyck Sxerecarsy — “Tabr1] erovey — band tron —> Aiv compressoy Aven needed Poy Lewnolny 5 the Laur dny shotd be weared hh anemea thar har Sample dacutiqhe ancl meccsvad ver Mteutton , te should CE on the FYOUNA poy an orared wottasind: ann Gcteo} ob 08-2022 om A AB k NBABIDYOS 2 OBMTS2. “John someon A lacspicad MW ONAGEMENS B-svpporws SesWices vstag APPorMaxish System . > Pleaeyonie. Meciecd ecorol LEMP ) and Electronic. Weal Record CEbEY, ~—> Masten patient moder (MP ) = Ppaxient yoreals , > vemsre padent TOMES ERE) r 4 + Down os1al comm untacidt on *. Mevereus wine message and informaton Mab preceent Cesee lay down the chat vt commene FON? anager who QNMINatke ina aownuware aivecrton @iM Smpwoyees thar YEpore cd them , EX? Gpand st clivectors Jnoervecing ‘maRegEMeNs wo payee Spesitic oodon . At FOCEDYS yistakion ot yuie — ean CaaS! > Padqve tate SS eer accident ip hospital + ‘srreguian waaleing stmcaces , madecquare Vgheing ,jacike GF Propen AnNANATE 4 gangqerovs STABNDAYS » ELOOY Motes a TUNNELS , ob-03 - 2022 on DAB NW3E1IBIOYOS 2 eBMTS] Tonn sotomon-A Hospital Management | Part J2-b) Need @ Benedes of Mcnpowen planning ana objeskives Man powsr anid Manpower maning ‘ — Wen power praning caespreed ancl es objeckivies Fe stoos with We analysts 6F me pure reeds oF WE > xt qerenmines me organization styucnure, goctdes wae Joe> have vo Filtec! ancl Whar Enely vequivement Narsve and scope } Tew akd pcened wien the WeeStacion pew ech organ’ Saxon and veto) envivonment Needs ° - : : shortage oF -cencain eakeqorvies F the emptoyee s > AdvanceMent SF Medkcal science and technology el ih need of new sells and rew cousgeries of empwyess . —> change in oF onisaston alesign anol styuctre! arrecdng ne monpowen demand 0b -03 ~ 2022- aS df : USS wus > eoRMtISs2 hn sotomon A Hospice) Nanogemenc —> Gevetmment policies in respec: ME yvesenv ation st SeaeS Por scl st somcthandicapped peswon women tedbsun laws. aereccin q demand & supply OF tHe tabou7. —* Intesnation cd Scen arte oF Enployement oy empmyMeNe oF NUZBES , dloctors ; past —mediica) personVe\ | WUSA Vice ME WF wuneties ere, > xpepducsion oF com parse Weje ate the voritsus Needs oF Manpower Paning \ “Generics + =m | tani ce x ON POU 1 orn) QnScipabes Not oMly the yequ bred) kind ancl no. SF empteyees bur also te action plan Pr at puneion oF KRM y ¢ — Enabies an deen eo have the vqht ote Me vight place aright me > providers te scope For deyewpmens and advancement SF EMpwWYyees Grrouqn eared eke. —> Werps in on ee odventisement and satony Coste : 06 -03 2022, oe GABOR oRMTSse PISTOYOSe len ootomon +A qos Pica) Management > plans por the peter ne worl at cqndiion a. 1 FYING & a eral ning, needs. benenes on <> erwes an iclea oF the tUpes TF ESSE tH HE t x to) woect and iprenview -techniques seleusion 005 en the jevel ot SIMS > quewificarien (neeriqence, Nawes Gees oF FUIONE MeN powert 5 Veipe Improve semuice tw parienes and the caneiburions oF coercing gessonne! . _> nese ane the vanious beets Sth] manpowss! Pranpine, y thjectives + > Epsvre Maximum villzacton o the pessonnel > assesing pure Ved vivements oF Ae ovgariiecucion . me Derermining me yeusitMene soumiSs, pa Andel paxing Wom te past records - > Ne signasion discharge stmpicitey / simple dischang © — nisissals + 6b- 03-2022 oe Af rS WS 213OYOS? CBMTS> A : doin eotomon hospital Managements = Pevenmi ning raining yequivem ents poy HS management. ASvety pment anal ce csleveropmeny | Mappowen acy STEPS | > Dan power pLannin q cavers the torah aosiey oF pewonvel poncstMs sveh as veowit¢MEeNnt 1 selecrion , training ecaneey development stare epprasn ecc, => scnuriiey oF PESENE pews mnel suength = Anetcipanon oF moanpowesr neecls ~— sEnyestig aston ok cUIN OVEN SE pPEsonne, > pranning, Jeb vequveM SACS and yoo chesertipeion , > These ane Me seeps oF he Man pow pian ning . _s Te need bene mes and sbjeattves of i STS % me manpower eran nina discaseo) , 0b- 03-2022 08 Aha os 13 218104052. "3 i oBMTS2. hn solomon Gobne . Hospital Manag emenc Thay vespicay Actminiseralen 5, Admimiserasion on 2 ploamect and selener Re bes Wey B necesseoy Tor We smonsn vanning st eveny Wsduudon « A Wospiea we NO Sxcapetan wrnis rundamentals ule « Adminis ercizton plays & vied wore in the FuresionTney a a sapiced + pS Maps more mark does m ang Sten yaseievtion sn ovel em tp PeSrFOr” ees Pusesion epeicientyy , hospieciis Must be erqan\=eat and administered nh & sclenttRic mannen_ ehalenges in risopicd Adminiseration + chatiengs adminiserative aqbitities have. come evom wimin me heclth filet as wetlas prom poic . — > Business and proressiona) leadens Wo Were wieiacecl Into tHE hOSprectl Seen ss ensteea oy ee boopitd + > Me lange number stphysicians who comprise the sweep ot Sdays hospitaland whe Ane espeday conconned wooue the padvitios and services avucabic por ME cane oy thely parlents i “ foie 06-08 ~ 2022, 2 Se 418 2 1SIDUO oBMTS= Tol solomon «A liespital Managemen & — proPessiono rq antzations Which presative Vortiows qrandands othospira) openction while grancing e@pprovd). ee te hospicdy « > Academteians Whe ane copcennesl abows makch ashouemey reach wih ME Yequivemente oF te pakjents ane hospra) cdmintserasion - —S taooun Sera scandarnds skem ployment and eponding ceonatidims ar lao Eval co TE not perur than Mose pre valing WW ah en Maysevies. <5 Twerees oF ME eUSt hospitals, MEMbST oF segiscened sodietey hospitals: Shanehotders and EME we N we BEEN thely own MASEL LO sh NO vee mraltt sq FOOT WI OWE bo Paice nereasin of proresa anaism + HrSssenne Me pou st and existence , => these preressionals wit brag protessionali “ _ cy osm rospital » meaning Aecentrarization t* in swonind aenision moudting and seraradto momagement i vecdwe ip the socket > No ceo SF ea hos precel wiht be ctlole to Ob- 03-2022, fC IAB MB21B OOS 2 osm tse, Town solomon A Wospiea) Maneg ement xop Wis hsepital wvensur cee aed pnolk his pctikiencs yarnen than exsvees shamenh oid ens crc. > ofloue a new challenge % Noe being q envionment FHendty + when Me ivtemccon Fos Non safe environment, hospice Whish do ror pay encod anencion wit be. eliminatecl prom scommoniey , ~s xe shovid be tembetect thab cect bie efPeckveness BS Mo ENANA dependant g yeoporeionia). aAK]E’ CeO MUSE quost evedt Wii ey ae Ol cost and provide. Ith st resh nology and viston | ED Mast push ESY ae whENEVSTt req vireo) and will howe eDSSNe ae a earalyst SOY velarion peenesn padent ancl emplojees . goverinm StS ogendes and his hes pital and perweon nespi : —> ED must be ken provtden ot hosel phils Sophy and vision cs me pasient, em ptoy ces, = The cclmimiseraden st ecotlen hospices) psvally Were NWKES whe opt th ea} wumsing OAK usen -Pertormane a, svpeswwisioy TF SUPpPYy oF near geeding ot pastents and house eeap ing. ' 6-03-2022 uw file, US21BL0yoS2 ORNTS2 aon sotomon A yespieal Management > As Medic eSpecte pecamE more aymprer physicians bemme adminiserarors . somechyisdian Vespreats placed priccts «minister and sisters In admins tarlve position: eS AS Wospltad afpasn qvew sore vom p ect red pme brands UF LYUSESES choose -aren oneal women RM Pleiades oF actminiserccton . haende =stace st inrastuany] | > manta adiey Hs adeqeake manpower > eign ee sno no ss mocdvarton TF ¢ Hespital > moat SATS «} apm > Lega) iss0e ~> onion aceividdes fe | > puntie setaston . Monagement| = egisd acy N 2 polleccal DW ET A > saat agent) io — Plearviay management 2 — waren supey . => aearics — avalicd > Lap andificcteisn > Kops tia SUNG Sy ob-03-2022— ve of feeg— [WB2S loys 2 ABM ISS Tohn solomon A Hospteal Manag, ement NSO) Bosnian ot communtaccton '. comMonteaxion . te & Me process of possing sk inpormen=ion From one protess co aNotHen prose . se shold says we alecr and Sndensevod by tMe pesteon who yeceive ne. YR ALON » —Impereence + ~> Pr ensuring agovcl evoralindson » comm nication Us MUSE + MDSE TE ENE problem es poman ecco alue to jack sv fasuFticiene com Muntectetons sey he Process SF Anietoxing » transmiced ancl vecalvind: inrormesion , — Among mese mree stage My any one tack dempiep tre wm Leads the misconcept + purpose ° —> to eseaotish and spread qous ~F an encevprise —> To develop plons for Further achiev Gm ent > evelep » Select and dppyise Me memMben of the. orgpountrctnt mn —> Tolead ,mottvare and cvecke oa goa wsoveing envi ronmert , @b-03-2022- 3 A bB ge i i = 162 UBz1RoyoSe cam Zorn sotomen- A Hospieal Management —> TO wntrol and maiaeain tre ounieovm penrmance thyou gy oe: Lanning vrqanising srareing teacding controllin Planning organ'ging avaming 4 4 eee “Surenhal pEnvivonment: supp viers evsesmens Governments omens 5 Boowiens to Eppective mammonteacion. MEssaqe Sent by senden May nobke ae understpecd py vecelven in some sense, Reasons classthect Inte Groups: , organisa on Phy Staal Banyien s EXvspment Faeuers thar tecdwee the sendin 4 and vecsiving oF MeOMMALON - ob -98 ~2022 y ASAD M3218 Loose, : ceMiIS 2 Ton solomon -A Hospital Management > Se incwde physica) distance + detreueing noisesn and ornen Inrenfenences + > Te difNane me possing oF Messages madnby mererie with distance . socio~ psychsiogicad oy personal Bamviend t_ PSE CMISES From Motives , axttcude 1 hudgemene and emotion - —> sb leach b> psychologica clistonc= , > sb capsed due co problems in encesting and decoding ones sentiments , artitoae and mativace « org anisctet on oll Beavis +. PS Mfomax on Fiotwslbesed) on Lown w oral communica ehsdvah Mexanchicay seuckore, We Kety discovered a pets Ww venassing eRroves oe SceRkUS vpon HRaN commpniccsior , > ww scacos MEMben communicate vs gaenue asa svubsriente For opwand > SE geus Filtered iy extch \eve), -semandc Serviens ; > FE anises dvwe toUmitadon of symbole aystem Symbols May ke Teach Aperson barcuis through ang 2ense as Feeting or Baers sb- 93-2022 is Af Og osmt Se USABsioYoS 2 Jonn solomon» Hospital Management. > xt symbots one classi Red as fanqueae « prety e or aden + SS LetNYyouge %& veERloa) eomMOUNicaeton ancl plesre = pieeoriad ov Graphteal — simpreand clean —> shooid be enown as rangusac —> veachante > Acimow nedqemene For tle reached Ingrmation Mest be oltctined , Eftecss ot Banvion: ™ clean tangquase must be used > Wwe teved communtecttton mostbe alean anol csienow teria amen & Must be. oprentn, — me mecium whene che Weormant'oy sent K chooseol cera oh-03~2022. tb A AE NBZ\EIOROS > oemtsz. Ton cotomon A \Wospitad Managements 13) arndoeton Program vt a hospital. ebjecstivies . ea The-qoot oF the Inavcelon program 2 > provide standosiclizecd jppoymakion on me policies, procectunes ; provocsts encl doemmertation the Followed tn the hospieat ancl co FeMiiavize the new semetr wn He Vision + goals anct organisttisna) Stroccuve sf vaspital . — “The evaining & do tneendedi wo ment Ne et veuvited Staff noes and other rember on their wires and vespmsibiities and: devetwp thetr com pniccttion ¢ eieiced ra and de ciston toreing SANS to Enable them PSTRM Ee fors espectamy, fo improving ene quate, SF hearth Fare co che pobtra , <=> resoibe the oa ce sweyuckdre , ernical and teqal aspeers endl participate eppicl vey As % MEME For health team + —> Apply the principles ancl techniaues oF reporting anct ressrSlng ip maineainin a vevis ows parent anct beapicd Tecovds . Oo~ 03-2022 i gi fig UszlswyoSz peBMmTs2 Town solomon A Hospical Mancigemene ° ay — provide promouve ; preven ave and yvesroranve yewtw senvices > Aypty ME principles and techrigoes Foy ingeceton conerotand biomedical wase= incinad ete in hospice: soning +, Fredvesion waning meenadstogyy 4 a rt re Condvaind pee eveuvarton Jrmowledge arcl sul SSSESsMENe on the. selected) ‘Copies VE the new em ployee + — > plannecl exanings ascoroling eo gaps in mnowledg inc proceive ,basect on standard and soutced) mocwter « => erp tering cneorertaal and pracetest homcls on eradning => exiening cbusise cumvfeutom along win oe qodieroue MIX FF case studies , gyoop ctiscyssion eve: sony haSpenr nts and Pollow ups — condwaring post: - KES Gvawatin poate eompterion SF indvetton Preajcomme , some seers / Treuining opres: > wowing inmain hospice: 06-03-2022 2B AA Alea WSztsiweyos2— oantes. Jon solomon A Hespiesd Manogement= 5 worteing in pamily sing sk the hospirel = secunicy retarted sve and deaoymenteut or — > rospical ourvench preqran Scone of cteceve'madiend Savipmens —> pateem oF Wreseriviing medicines — emporeance GE doeome ntaton > Noms of Sesvien — sisdptine anc sthen administrasve veaulrementt > Sicle \eave procectusos Soules and rotor > condusring vise or dig pieardes > Bevery wvidtg — end ot he NPE cme => aastte proressimatism => xprepexsond) auits —> TMporeamee ye aaa cal > sowie nowyns > . Meckitine desoip von Ob~ 03 - 2022 4 A fpBrg_ MIB A1BIBYOS = mes! Torn sotomor A mpopical Managemen Advanta e-* > Exhaness employSe procvartvity born in tems oF “qvanery and quate reading eo the Nghest profics | ~ Sqvips the FuroTe mamNajen who can take sven in cage ot emendanc , ‘3 thereases EMptoySe Morale and rectuees absenrenism andl employes tuxnovenr . —> Hers in eecoudn SPecvEe VESponse to FaAe changing eEnvironmene rechnotsy Tecuruy- =s NOVEA sre\\ > Ie sieils and wnowledae 5 faenc ‘ leaner een ating SE Mectica) equipments, Tes tess EYES bo Error and False analysts > Bercer em ployee ~ PATENT cetacienshtp Th ene hospival + Bb-o3~2022 =r AKI SZ Us2isVU0s> eon ann sotomon-A Hospital Nanoge mens 1G b) Imporennce oF Neditar Teco +, This Ban ineegvare pane sF every moden haspieat « the guiding practise v people FAYQer 1 Vecprals Yemembon- Fonesion au the mrp B Aivided tate —> Reception — > meaicat records Vilrany — > storisuicad section our diene wie % donele Svcces8ive yeasts. OP eemwrds — S Yeas Tp Rewmrds —> WHYSary, . medics legal records > T= E07 wow with ~@mpuremizasten the file eap be encased nee cOMPpPUEEr aNd eon we yditized when yequivest ’ Baste pincipies otmeniioa) Tecraa, ~> Mey muse be aceunciety wvitcen 1 propery elle and anit, accessibte, —> medic yeoordk ane used as primacy, beols © evowware AWOE Sw POLTENE come. yondenest ey Mediccd store ob -03 = 2022, a A AO oats 2 WSBBOYOS2. r ce Jokn solomon: 4 Hospitad Managemen ~ medical yecoro4 ane widety: used FOC as end reseanch pumpsse - To=d BN ME contends st Increasing “‘Malpracrice \raitte suies againse pospicod and physions , bbfectves », <> To erase exisdng medics yeosrd keeping system. —> arcess and evaludre the efrecktivevees st the. esVent meclical Yecords syste . ~ > TD Assess Wtea) and teqgal aspecks OF correnc Mental secrdd eeaeat systeny —? wD tdleney Shorecoming Fang 2 provide, svirawte recommendation Foncd ons AS agenenrod Me. the Mose succesapo\ men Lo who has best intermation - he mecticat record & a sclendete document ond Patience jolencrtfeas mdates , Wess ,hisery , phystest @xaminasion » aictqonsis brearement etc, =| 06-03-2022 22 Ns2\a1wyose CRS dorm solomon A yospies) Manogemente > he Mectea yecorls senves as a pessone; , J pensoncd cnc diso jega? claewwment depenct vpow peace anct time of vsad @ , > Te ourpartene in - poriene xeqyiscres on seceion and medtecl yecuret WlepanEMene ane compurentzeck + Meret record sFFIEN eecord heens seovisdcion Messages sporeeoviEsS eacking clestes srenoqrephen ——> mecticd legal case yecorls anck dea cose ane Sepanceed FIOM sthen case recorole . > he Aectth reqisven is being mofnectined | soneain ing svpATlen & japormaxion abour paren’ dred atone, wich ee ans! cede wo» > We caccidene veqtseet Cre vecolued prom the eames Arouy and cde corls st wedbed Pastepes care Sneed in a sepancre nominod veqiseat FY Mecties Vequal Ke Foy yeges ence. pb-03- 2022, oe A feB Uae NZzaoyOSe oBM1S2 Zonn eotoman-A Nespitol. Manag ement sm pavtenc dischanged case rerords. —— + Se - er + He a pcseniing erence chschasae oxaing ~paveid — keying clone SHEK enatysis oF cpERANe usenet comptes) swath st procedwre. FWeS ~eoords vu . aagansis 04 coded ae fev weisnaciea! = as prenombeor) olasstPicacion st oF FaIdovs - diseats & compucenized Our pariene reqtseraien + 5 me concealised subpariene communicarton % ENE process oF LSSITG measay © ErOM DNE mind co ahothen, — > temmonicarion syscem tw hospices enenm p aes? Wwera~deparemencal jngeneom ,LSNEPhoNe ¢ paginoy , Piss ]© call» AAEL cofMMonieceton 1 com purst zed visvat Alispiay , ect peelemealieine ; telero maptking ancl so on Pasting eommuntaaeton , planing van ali powastte and Fundamental yonction cE Management + eommunicatien F ALso tend aspect: of Managentcol process - Then] pote gtaning or Ommentcarion & essenete Oo procloce Qesired TEsutte + The Foucwing omestepe co clo so D lenow youn obj ecrive whee & Ue that ysv intend ed Accomplish BY his commoniettion 2 IKE Shanpon pre Fouls; Ere. pernern te resvlb + Ob-03- 2022. 2s ALR G_ US2stoyLs 2 eBMts> Ton sstomen *A Hospital Manaqement 2) Adenity youn aschierce , we % Necessase to enous sahonn You asus: Commentestrcing with poy better smpact . 3) pereamine ysun medicines ARE Methool oF wMM vpicciisn WH OFEEN derenmme the Stet]ess of the communtecel on 4) Taller the eommontcteton ~ “ Fit he vetactonship bew senda en jue The wen ¥ Ens eeMEnt or the eftective em munteceion ix pre verosionslip climaxe. BS) Establish mutual Trbslest , Bem poche he Site e see me othen penenss porne ese shovidibe ditowed op oweline melt vseeviners > MAE person should be Made reseonsibte for Pueting vp Reelees and removing SEM apcen shey howe. Sevect Hnely punpose . — House meqezines te SE Providles ck pleterm Gor Lop MEN AEM ENE to communicate mich Empteyess We Informal and treet cecims | —S FE promoces teem spire anal male SMpWyces Anone vt Yastiovs WelRame Schemas For Mey DENENE a aqanteatton, “gpes* News Rulesn —> Wews | MoLES ur topica) AEETNEst ane publisheal. 0b ~ 08-2022 at a feng NS21Z10405= osMise dohn cotomon A Yospieal Managemens propest magamize —> Arttcles POEMS and Tetos cull Final a pletce, I> Svggeseion schemes ., ~ Svggestim schemes enewmge em pteyee - perrefcipasion a hetp them teTdended themaelve a in the vrqaniscusten + A FOSEOTS 5 — A Jolne wommiere shsvtal be formed = > emptoyees Shovid be encowrased wo PULTOTEh mety views —? Foul inFormation shovtal be dtesem inated, 3 & FOU MRONSEAR ay non — Mon exxsuy Yew cach For vee FUL SUggesd on meetings and contenenma > re osldleuy, “sed Method «Tecan be beey eppective when group SF Yeopte shone tdeaa and en coundge wsId wong, COM MUOTUCAEAD 1 ¢ 28 G BWA 0b- 083-2022 NBZLB wos 2 eBMtSs2 onn solomon A Hos pital Management Hospice and departmental leteens , > esc ane sent Wy oes st hospivad and shopta be addvesset by name Ywstend Tr Si¥ ED cur emptoy ce co MaKe ib More perisonal cand Sree fore. eptecsty &. Eman : —> Each & | ev ganizcsion Finds % & penfteck WAL ES Eclite b6 LES StEEES + As bsspitel empwyee worr wound the clock e those -emptoyees whd Hove in pm g nigh shires . Pewsonnet poviey munvedl +, > these manvel shovid be cdesigqnect ce Promore MU too vndansrancting ancl to - ppesscition 20 46 Ss MoM ize He kevvery BE GOV in cho hospicad, ob- 03 -2022- 24 AFB bp VV32138 Loyd 2 CoB MTS] Jorn sowmen A Yespica) Managemens Essential UF etteaive sommuntsadon oy cestatslishing tne YeUppove = uetening ees : — wor beng oagemenca! = wow vsing, ennecess astt medliced janqon 3 Waving « pavoratinie body Languasye ww Tch helodes EYES Conecab pp sscUre Sts + yr rowing em party wer cheanitig coves cured conprremin a Wherhesen ene howe enycves sions, obr03-2022 ao df

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