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1. PROJECT BATCH NO.: (To be allotted by Project



Sl. E-mail ID
Register No. Student Name Mobile No.
1. 312417104054 Moses Jebakumar P 9962023789

2. 312417104055 Mothish B.K 9791164804

Note:​ Team size will be restricted by two members. Individual projects are encouraged.


Name of the Team Leader Mothish B.K

Project Domain Image Processing

Tentative Title of the Project Prevention of covid 19 through Image processing

As the world is facing a huge health crisis due to the rapid transmission of
coronavirus(COVID-19).The outbreak has reflected unfavourable mental health
impacts and symptoms. This pandemic has also affected the healthcare department
that is treating the patients suffering from diseases other than corona. It is very
difficult to monitor people manually in these areas. Several guidelines were issued by
the World Health Organization (WHO) for protection against the spread of
In this method a Deep learning model is proposed on the real-time automated
monitoring of people to detect safe social distancing ,face masks and temperature
screening in public places by implementing the model on raspberry pi4 to monitor
and detect violations through cameras,both captures the frame and analyse it by
Transfer learning approach to identify the region to detect, test, and validate After
validating the violation the proposed system send and alarm to the control center.
This is achieved by certain deep learning algorithms and pre-trained models. Thus,
the proposed system favors the society by saving time and helps in lowering the
spread of coronavirus. It can be implemented effectively in current situations when
lockdown is eased to inspect persons in public gatherings, shopping malls etc.
Automated inspection reduces manpower to inspect the public and also can be used in
any place.

Existing systems used to monitor whether people are wearing face masks or not and
whether they are maintaining distance between them by using MobileNetV2
architecture which consists of single shot detection and transfer learning technique
which can be used to reduce the speed of corona at about 85-95 percent.

The proposed system has the same feature from the existing system with additional
features such as temperature detection which is used to detect whether a person has a
fever or not without any manpower which can be used to avoid the risk of labours
The proposed system used real time computer monitoring system such as Raspberry
pi which use MobileNetV2 architecture with single shot detection and transfer
learning technique with fine tuning for detecting face mask of a person and euclidean
distance algorithm to calculate the distance between two persons for maintenance of
social distancing and thermal screening which is used to check temperature of a


This system is used to improve public safety through saving time and helping to
reduce the spread of coronavirus. This system will operate in an efficient manner in
the current situation when the lockout is eased and helps to track public places easily
in an automated manner.


Register No. Student Name Signatures
1. 312417104054 Moses Jebakumar P

2. 312417104055 Mothish B.K


Selected / Rejected


Project Coordinator HOD / CSE


Project Initiation Document (PID) is ​the top-level project planning document. This PID
brings together all of the information needed to get the project started, and communicate
that key information to the project's stakeholders.
Project Initiation Document does the following:
● Defines the project and its scope.
● Justifies the project.
● Defines the roles and responsibilities of project participants.
● Gives people the information they need to be productive and effective right from the

PROJECT DOMAIN:​ (Specify the area of the project work)

Image Processing

TITLE: ​(Tentative title of the project work)

Prevention of covid 19 through Image processing

MOTIVATION: (Why are you doing this project work? Describe by considering the
environmental, societal, health, safety, legal, cultural issues and needs.)
According to data obtained by the World Health Organization (WHO), the global
pandemic of COVID-19 has severely impacted the world and has now infected
more than fifty million people worldwide. It also caused one million people to
death. In order to prevent corona from spreading, we need to follow government
rule. So we had decided to build an automatic computer monitoring system to
check whether people are following the rules or not. This will help to reduce the
corona rate in the world.
DESCRIPTION: ​(Describe briefly about the proposed project. Highlight how you are applying
knowledge of Mathematics, Information Technology fundamentals and engineering specialization.)

In order to prevent Covid19 spread, we are going to build a automatic computer

monitoring system using Raspberry Pi which will continuously monitor whether
people following rules or not such as
❖ wearing face mask or not-Calculated by “Semantic Segmentation”
❖ maintaining social distancing or not,- Calculated by “Object detection”
❖ person having fever or not -Calculated by Calibrated Formula
We are going to build automatic computer monitoring systems by using
MobileNetv2 architecture in combination with D-SSD and Transfer learning
technique in Raspberry pi. Whenever they violate these rules, it will send an alarm
signal to the organization.

PROJECT SCOPE:​ (Define the boundaries of this project)

This project can be used as a surveillance monitor in public places such as
schools, colleges, shopping malls, Pilgrim areas and so on. This can also be used
in public places.

SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: ​(Specify the software components required for the proposed





HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: ​(Specify the software components required for the proposed

Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-5005U/i5

CPU :2.00GHz
Internal RAM:4.00GBmin /16gbmax
System-type:64 bit Operating System
Raspberry Pi 4 , FLIR-2.5
EXPERTISE: (Enter a brief description of the past project that you have done on the identified
technical area, expertise to technology in terms of applying appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern IT tools )

Previously we had implemented a project of how to detect the multiple faces and
creating and labelling frames for each face by using opencv packages in PyCharm

PROJECT OUTCOMES / DELIVERABLES (What specific outcomes / deliverables will be

achieved, and how will you measure these outcomes)
The automatic surveillance monitoring system will help to reduce corona rate by
ensuring whether people follow rules or not. The outcome can be measured by
seeing a decrease in corona rate in the world.

PROJECT BENEFITS ​(Specify the benefits out of your project applicable to the need of the
This project can be used to reduce the spread of coronavirus in the world by
ensuring whether people follow corona preventive rules or not.

ETHICAL PRINCIPLES ​(Highlight the ethical principles and commitment towards professional
ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice, you are going to adhere in this
project development)
❖ Share the knowledge and provide the best services for the betterment of
❖ Follow the best ethical and legal principle for the project
❖ Accept and Acknowledge the responsibilities
❖ Creating a trustworthy and safe environment

CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT (​Highlight the possible avenues for further developments in

the future and how this project is going to help you in your professional career)
We can improve our project by adding coughing and sneezing detection to check
whether a person is coughing and sneezing or not by analyzing body gesture.
PROJECT CONSTRAINTS (What things must you take into consideration that will influence
your project.)
Dataset that has been used must be correct else data analysis will fail to predict
the correct output. The distance between two people must be calculated correctly
by using an effective algorithm. Identifying the correct ROI part should be done
to get an accurate result The dataset used must be pre-trained properly by using
the effective algorithm.

MULTIDISCIPLINARY ASPECTS ​(Highlight the multidisciplinary components to be

incorporated in to the project development)
The multidisciplinary components which we incorporated in this project are
❖ Raspberry Pi 4
❖ FLIR-2.5
❖ Normal Camera

PROJECT TEAM ​(Describe the roles and responsibilities of members of the team in the project
Moses Jebakumar P
❖ Gathering face mask Dataset
❖ Training our model
❖ Coding and Testing
❖ Preparing documentation
❖ Presentation

Mothish B.K
❖ Gathering face mask Dataset
❖ Training our model
❖ Coding and Testing
❖ Preparing documentation
❖ Presentation
Project Title: ​Prevention of Covid19 through image processing

Will you recommend this project? (Place tick)

Strongly Recommended Recommended with reservations
Marks awarded by Signature of the Supervisor
Name of the Supervisor
the Supervisor (20) with Date

Approval by Project Coordinator________________________________________________


Title of the Base Paper:

IoT-based System for COVID-19 Indoor Safety Monitoring

Author Details:
Nenad Petrović and Đorđe Kocić

Publication Details:

This paper provides an cost-effective IoT-based system aiming to help
organizations with respect to COVID-19 safety rules and guidelines in order to
reduce the corona. They used an Arduino UNO microcontroller for temperature
screening and Raspberry pi for face mask detection and social distancing by
using Viola-Jones object detection framework based on Haar feature cascades.
They used Message Queuing Telemetry Transport(MQTT) protocol for
machine-to-machine communication such as arduino, raspberry pi and security
guard to communicate and send an alert signal.

The system consists of two subsystem:
❖ They use an Arduino UNO microprocessor with contactless thermal
camera sensor to check the temperature of the passenger. If the passenger
temperature is greater than 37 degree it will prevent the passenger from
entering the building by locking the door.
❖ They use a Raspberry pi system to monitor people whether they wear
masks or not and whether they maintain social distancing or not by using
Viola-Jones object detection framework based on Haar feature cascades.
The camera captures the image and then it converts into grayscale and
uses three libraries such as haarcascade_frontalface_default,
haarcascade_mcs_mouth, haarcascade_mcs_nose to detect faces and
create frames for it. It processes each frame for face mask detection and
calculates distance between each frame by using the euclidean algorithm.
This system can be used to prevent passengers from entering the building if the
person has a temperature greater than 37. Whenever a passenger is not wearing a
mask or not maintaining a social distance, then the system will send an alarm
signal with location to the security guard. The security guard will insist the
passenger follow the rules. This will prevent the spread of coronavirus upto 60

Thermal cameras used must calculate the accurate temperature of the passenger
else it will prevent the passenger from entering the building. The dataset that is
used must be accurate and the Euclidean distance that is calculated must be
correct, if that goes wrong it will lead to wrong prediction and send the wrong
signal to the organization.

Future Scope:
This system has some limitations such as it can process less number of frames
per second. This system can be improved by using various deep learning and
computer vision frameworks for object detection on Raspberry Pi in order to
achieve higher frame rate.

Approval by Supervisor__________________________________

Title of the Supporting Paper 1:

Deep Learning based Safe Social Distancing and Face Mask Detection in Public
Areas for COVID-19 Safety Guidelines Adherence

Author Details:
Mrs. Shashi Yadav

Publication Details:
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)

This paper suggests that in order to prevent covid 19, we need to develop a
system to monitor people whether they are following prevention rules or not. So
they used the Raspberry pi system to monitor people at public places to ensure
whether people were wearing face masks or not, whether they maintain social
distancing or not by using a single shot detection algorithm with Transfer
learning technique and TensorFlow Object Detection API.

They use MobileNet V2 architecture with pre-trained ImageNet weights and
custom face mask dataset and split these dataset into two parts: 80% training
dataset and 20% testing data set. They used a single shot detection algorithm to
detect faces in an image and used transfer learning techniques to train their
model with training dataset to check whether they wear masks or not. They
received real time camera video feeds through Network Video Recorder (NVR)
which are streamed via Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) which is
converted into grayscale and sent to raspberry pi. Then it creates a boundary box
on the person to check whether they wear face masks or not. They used the
Euclidean distance algorithm to calculate distance between two boundaries to
ensure whether they maintained social distancing or not.
Raspberry pi systems monitor people at public places to ensure whether they are
wearing face masks or not, whether they maintain social distance or not. If not it
sends an alarm signal to the organization so that they will insist people wear face
masks and to maintain distance between them.

The dataset that is used must be accurate and the Euclidean distance that is
calculated must be correct, if that goes wrong it will lead to wrong prediction
and send the wrong signal to the organization.

Future Scope:
In order to prevent covid 19 they suggest some more idea such as
❖ Coughing and Sneezing Detection to check whether a person is coughing
and sneezing or not by analyzing body gesture.
❖ Temperature Screening is used to check whether a person has a fever or
not by using thermal camera sensors.

Approval by Supervisor__________________________________

Title of the Supporting Paper 2:

A Thermal Camera based Continuous Body Temperature Measurement System

Author Details:
Jia-Wei Lin, Ming-Hung Lu, Yuan-Hsiang Lin

Publication Details:
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision
(ICCV), 2019, pp. 0-0

This paper contributes an Continuous body temperature measurement
system,which plays a key role in providing a Contact less measurement based
on Infrared-thermal camera,which captures the stream at a rate of 9hz and
gathers it as thermal image at a size of 80x60 pixels then locates it to face
then identifying the ROI part to calculate the temperature based on calibered
Formula.which also follows an efficient Transferred Learning algorithm to
process the face with no reaction time and delay in the desired result.

In this method Long wave range FLIR camera is used to capture the video at 9hz
and each frame is analyzed by transfer learning technique and some pre-trained
Deep learn model to obtain the face with less reaction time further by locating
the Region of interest(ROI) the values are calculated to obtain the surface
temperature .

In This CBTM system ,FLIR Lepton 2.5 is used to capture the thermal image
and further the image is processed and it locates the face by a fast tracking
algorithm then processed by a pretrained model in locating the ROI part to
calculate the temperature using calibered formula.
In this the locating face then obtaining the thermal image and Calculating the
value based on the formula must be done correctly even a slight change
constitutes a big problem in outcome of result.

Future Scope:
In addition to body surface temperature, it is also possible to measure the core
rates of the human body.(i.e) Heart rate.

Approval by Supervisor__________________________________
They use an Arduino UNO microprocessor with thermal camera
sensor to check the temperature of the passenger. If the
passenger temperature is not normal it will prevent the passenger
from entering the building by locking the door. They also used
the Raspberry pi system using a builtin camera to check for face
mask detection and social distancing by using Viola-Jones object
detection framework based on Haar feature cascades. They used
Base Paper
three libraries such as haarcascade_frontalface_default,
haarcascade_mcs_mouth, haarcascade_mcs_nose to detect faces
and create frames for each frame and recognise whether they
wear masks or not.They used euclidean distance algorithm to
calculate distance between two frame to check for social
distancing. If they violate these rules, it sends an alert signal to
security guards.
They used MobileNet V2 architecture which consists of a single
shot detection algorithm to detect objects in the image and
transfer learning technique that is used to train our model dataset
which is used to detect whether a person is wearing a face mask
or not.They received real time camera video feeds through
Network Video Recorder (NVR) which are streamed by
Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) which is converted into
Supporting Paper 1
grayscale and sent to raspberry pi which is processes with its
dataset and created boundary boxes for each face and checks
whether he wear a mask or not and then used the Euclidean
distance algorithm to calculate the distance between two
people(boundary boxed) to maintain distance.If the people
violate the rules them it sends an alarm signal to the organization
to insist people to maintain rules.
The temperature measurement includes only an IR blaster and a
volunteer so that the risk of danger seems high when involving a
person or using the same equipment to measure so that in this
method the purpose method is Contactless body temperature
measurement system (CBTMS) where automation seems to be
Supporting Paper 2
a key part in it. In this the method is obtained by an long wave
range IR video camera where each Frame is analysed by object
detection method to gather the Face image without any delay in
reaction time then further processing the ROI part to calculate
the Temperature efficiently
Paper Paper Details

T. Meenpal, A. Balakrishnan, A. Verma, “Facial Mask Detection using

Semantic Segmentation”, 2019 4th International Conference on
Computing, Communications and Security (ICCCS), pp. 1-5, 2020.


Rapid object detection using a boosted cascade of simple features

Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition. CVPR 2001-p.viola,Mjones


M. Kopaczka et al. A combined modular system for face

detection, head pose estimation, face tracking and emotion
recognition in thermal infrared images. In IEEE International
Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST), 2018.


C.Fu, W.Liu, A.Ranga, A. Tyagi, A. Berg, "DSSD: deconvolutional single

shot detector model," arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.06659, (2017)


Real-time facial feature tracking in poor quality thermal imagery.

Alicja Kwaśniewska; Jacek Rumiński

J. F. Henriques, R. Caseiro, P. Martins, and J. Batista. Highspeed
tracking with kernelized correlation filters. arXiv:
1404.7584, 2014.
Laura Matrajt and Tiffany Leung

Comparison of deep transfer learning strategies for digital pathology

Romain Mormont Pierre Geurts Raphael Mar ¨ ee´ University of Liege,


Background modelling and background subtraction performance for object

S. S. Mohamed, N. Tahir, R. Adnan
Published 2010, Computer Science, 2010 6th International Colloquium on
Signal Processing & its Applications


Sandler, Mark, Andrew Howard, Menglong Zhu, Andrey Zhmoginov, and

Liang-Chieh Chen, "Mobilenetv2: Inverted residues and linear
bottlenecks," IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition in 2018.


S. J. Pan and Q. Yang, "A Survey of Transfer Learning," in IEEE

Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, ​Volume: 22, Issue​:
10, Oct. 2010

From this paper, we are going to observe and extract the

idea and features of how they implemented temperature
Base Paper screening by using Arduino UNO microprocessor with
thermal camera and face mask detection, social distancing
by using Raspberry pi with builtin camera and custom mask
and unmask face dataset.

From this paper, we are going to extract the idea of how to

capture real time video streaming and analyzing face mask
detection, social distancing by using MobileNetV2
Supporting Paper 1 architecture which consists of single shot detection with
pre-imaged and custom face mask dataset and applying
transfer learning to train our model to detect face mask and
applying euclidean distance algorithm to check whether
people maintaining distance or not.

From this paper we extract the idea of capturing the ir

video and analysing the thermal image frames by effective
Supporting Paper 2 object detection algorithm to detect the face and identifying
the (Region) and testing based on pre trained models ,which
is used to lessen the reaction time with best result as
Paper Details
1. From this paper we extract an efficient feature of detecting the face by
“Semantic segmentation” which gets the rgb image of any size then
processed with Pretrained VGG-16 Architecture .the training is done
based on Fully Convolutional Network,to semantically segment out the
face from the image ,this removes the unwanted noise and avoid false
predictions,if any disturbances.

2. From this we compare the efficiency of the model .In this paper ,It can
detect objects based on Haar-like features,Integral image, Adaptive
Boosting (AdaBoost), and Cascade Classifier. This method has been
successfully applied in several object detection applications such as
face,animal, and vehicle detection. but this process has failed in certain
circumstances because the results indicated that the method was sensitive
to the subject’s head movement.

3. From this paper we compare the efficiency where In this they introduced a
high-resolution thermal facial image database, which can be used to adapt
methods from the visual domain for IR images. But unfortunately,the
training images data of this database is too different from our camera
specifications where this only process with high quality image but our
image may or may not be on that resolution

4. We extract the DSSD model from this paper.The main contribution of this
paper is an approach for introducing additional context into state-of-the-art
general object detection. To achieve this we first combine a state-of-the-art
classifier (Residual) with a fast detection framework (SSD).this deep
learning model is used to process effective Detection by combining with
MobileNet architecture,to get the desired results

5. From this paper we extract the technique of processing these low quality
thermal images, we focus on face tracking in low quality thermal images.
We compared four interest points detectors for facial feature tracking in
thermal images. All methods were tested for processing time,
displacement of detected areas and errors of calculated mean value of
pixel intensities in the detected ROI
6. From this paper we extract the face tracking algorithm to improve the FPS
in this system. Once the face is detected, a kernel correlation filter (KCF)
tracker will be used to track the face region across each image . KCF is a
highly accurate tracking algorithm.which helps in processing time is too
short, which leads to an increase in frames per second (FPS).

7. In this paper, we extract a deep transfer learning method of overcoming

object recognition challenges encountered in the real time .In they process
this technique, through several experiments and investigate various uses of
pre-trained neural network architectures and different combination
schemes with random forests for feature selection. which help in
recognizing the system effectively.

8. This paper process moving object detection in video applications is

usually performed based on techniques such as background subtraction,
optical flow and temporal differencing. The most popular literature
technique to detect moving objects from video sequences is background
subtraction. This approach utilized the mathematical model of static
background and compared it with every new frame of video sequence.
Thus from this we extract the technique of background subtraction in
object detection through video.

9. From this paper we are going to extract the MobileNetV2 architecture

which contains the initial fully convolution layer with 32 filters, followed
by 19 residual bottleneck layers used for object detection and
segmentation. MobileNetV2 architecture uses COCO dataset which
improves efficiency in terms of high prediction accuracy and model

10. From this paper we are going to extract the transfer learning technique
which focuses on categorizing and reviewing the current progress for
classification, regression and clustering problems. It is used to hold the
data in the same feature space and have the same distribution. Whenever it
holds data in different spaces or distribution, it applies knowledge transfer
to transfer data to be in the same space and distribution. It is used to
improve the performance of learning by avoiding much expensive data
labeling efforts.

As the world is facing a huge health crisis due to the rapid transmission of
coronavirus(COVID-19).The outbreak has reflected unfavourable mental health
impacts and symptoms. This pandemic has also affected the healthcare department
that is treating the patients suffering from diseases other than corona.It is very
difficult to monitor people manually in these areas. Several guidelines were issued
by the World Health Organization (WHO) for protection against the spread of
In this method a Deep learning model is proposed on the real-time automated
monitoring of people to detect safe social distancing ,face masks and temperature
screening in public places by implementing the model on raspberry pi4 to monitor
and detect violations through cameras,both captures the frame and analyse it by
Transfer learning approach to identify the region to detect ,test ,and validate After
validating the violation the proposed system send and alarm to the control center
.This is achieved by certain deep learning algorithms and pre-trained model .Thus,
the proposed system favors the society by saving time and helps in lowering the
spread of coronavirus. It can be implemented effectively in current situations when
lockdown is eased to inspect persons in public gatherings, shopping malls, etc.
Automated inspection reduces manpower to inspect the public and also can be used
in any place.

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