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PROTECTED Do Not Reproduce TOYOTA ENGINEERING NO.: TSLO601G TITLE: CLASS: c1 Revit0 kOe 2017 ) Established/Revised: ‘This standard has beer feviéed as a/esul of the sslSning yehanges: (1) addition has beentmede t6 ote (1) and,part of nota (2) has been deleted. (Sections 1 and 3) (2) terms have been integrated.) (Sections Sand 7), (3) criteria have beet changéd in part... (Section a) (4) test congitions of Method A for pigimenied resi parts. (Table 2) (6) statements have been changed to explain that iradiation shall be conducted in accordance with conditions Specified in Table 2. (Section 8) aN (@)measurementitems specified in Sector 8, Test Rebus Rae been mi fo Section 7. Measurement Method PS Design Quality Innovation Div. ‘TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION TDEM 2019/02/21 15:26:39 301639@9722D Sompor Udomphatthraphaisan 2019/02/21 15:26:39 301639@9722D Somporn Ud PROTECTED, Do Not Reproduce TOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARD TSLO601G C1 1. Scope sunlight or heat over time. 2, Parts Subject to Evaluation ¢ NOSSY Generally, all exposed interior parts of the automobile. Gaectio evalyatian® Weorie cases, however, the range of application may be limited atthe di digeretion of the désignér 3. Specimen b The specimen must be prepared either forte parts or ust" San teterals and conditions as for the parts. Ceiling surface matef{als end fidor carpet surface nates must be tested without the base material Note The specimen shal be cleminsdin eerengt Master Interior Color Standard Plate (hereinafter referréd the "Standard Plate’), ee 2 Reece ‘ffrence (8E)/7-~ Visuafjudgment_ _ (1) As the test equipment, use tittaviolét carbon are fadecitetan) (2) Set a prepared specimen-to the hold of the equipfiient, itl its yawns directed downwards if it has pile. The irradiated Surfade of the specimefi must ‘face.the light source. Make sure that the radiated surface does hot etremely protrude fam the holder Fi. 2). (2) Attach the specitien Setto the holder to We ulravilet carbon arc fadeometer inthis condition imap to the uiavjot High jn accordance with conditions speeitied in Table (4) Remove the séelnen from thé folder and evaluate the state of discoloration or fading (2), Carbon are: Single lamp \\_ LS 6} Distance between light sourés ‘and specimen: 250 eon” (1) As the test equipment, use Model 8C-700FT mmancaeurey ‘Suga Test Instruments Co., Ltd (2) Set a prepared specirien to the hoder ofthe teSt equipient? with the yawns directed downwards ifithas pile. The"Fadiated surface of the specimenimust face the light source. Make sure that the iradiated suiface does not extremely protrude-from the holder (Fig. 2), ret. t6 the holder, Bitact(® af ultraviolet fiter glass® to the iradiated surface in this conaition at istall the holdét on the fest equipment, Then subject the specimen to ttrayiolet tight in aécordance with codons specified in Table 2. )| Wind speed betweén the alas and the specimen must not exceed 0.5 mis, The state “ hiege the glass is intalled 6h the holder i Shown in Fig. 8, Fig. § (Unit: mm) See ee eee ee re tsar | Rev. 10 po emewarecc ee eee eee | ee Std 5 13 TDEM 2019/02/21 15:26:39 301639@9722D Somporn Udomphatthraphaisan 2019/02/21 15:26:39 301638@9722D Somporn Ud 2019/02/21 15: PROTECTED Do Not Reproduce TOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARD TSLO601G discoloration or fading (4). After the testis completed, remove the specimen from the holder and evaliate he state of (a) Iradiance: 150 wim? (300 to 400 nm) (b) Fitter Inside: Quartz (Service limit 2000 h) Outside: Borosilicate soda (Service limit 2000 h) (c) Lamp: Water-cooled 7.0 kW, Xenon lamp (d) Black panel temperature of specimen stand: Ro 7333 ‘© foritraciation phase, 38:3 ‘C for nieeradation phase (¢) Relative humidity: 50:5 % for irradiation phasé, 955 ( WS (f) Cycle time: 3.8 for irradiation phase, 1.0 or nonstradiation phae.. errno 6:4 Method D Xenon Lamp (HERAEUS XwC4200) (1) As the test equipment, use Model XW-1200 manufactured Wines {Corporation (2) Set a prepared specimen to th specimen must face the lighitsdurce. (3) With the specimen sef to the hoger, set the holder on Sisk equipment. specimen to ultraviolet light nv accordance with Conditions specified in Table 2 (2) Iradiation etna: Continuo itaiaioh Then subject the (4) Alter the completion of he tet, moe i Speeirien from the holder and evaluate the sate of heding, tb) Inatianes:75 Win? (300% 400.9) (0) Fillers Standard enone fof Shimazu XYf-12005 SSUPURAX 1/9 (2 pigs Serce lint: 29900 h)S Window glass titer (piece) (Service limit: pon)? (a):kamip: Air-cooled 4.5,kW Xenon lamp (3 larnos) (9) Back stander temperature of species sian 10039 © 46) Relative hai 2045 % Beverly Sober fain Cae ce em th ty Rev. 10 ie | ont gor oT TDEM 16:39 301639@9722D Somporn Udomphatthraphaisan 2019/02/21 15:26:39 301639@9722D Somporn Ud PROTECTED ‘Do Not Reproduce TOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARD TSLO601G '5.5 Method E Xenon Lamp (Atlas Ci65, CiSSA, Ci4000) (1) As the test equipment, use Atlas Ci65, Ci65A or Ci4000, by (2) Set a prepared specimen to the holder of the test equipment. The ifradiated surface of the specimen must face the light source. Make sure that the irradiated surface of the somes does not extremely protrude from the holder (Fig. 2). (2) With the specimen set tothe holder, set the holder on thé test equipment. Then Sdbjée he specimen to ultraviolet light in accordance with conditions speeifid in Table 2.-. (4) After the completion of he test, remove the specimen from the holder and evallte he state of discoloration or fading, (@) Irradiation method: Continuous irradiation SS (b) lrradiance: 0.55 Wim? (340 nm). » (©) Fitter . Inside: Borosilicate $ (Servi Outside: Sode-lime (Servi (d) Lamp: Water-cooled 6.5 kt (e) Black panel temperate (f) Relative humidity: 805 % v fit: 400.4) imit; 1000 hi) XerionJamp 5.6 Method F Xenon erp (Soja ‘SC-700FR), (1) As the testequipment;"ése Suga Model SO-700FP. (2) Set a prepared specimen to the holier of ie test equipment. The iradiated surface of the Specimen midst ace the ight soutee, "Mee sure that he radiate surface ofthe specimen does fat extfmely protrudesfom the holder (Fig. 2) (3p With the Specimen set to the hol; set the holder.on theYest equipimelt, Then subject the “specimen to utraviolet light in accordance wi conditions specified in Table 2. “Q) Atlrthe completion ofthe tat, remove jhe specimen fromthe holder and evaluate the state of S| iscoloration or fafing > . ~ "Standard conditions Yor Suga St “(a lraaton metige: Continuous ina (©) Filter.) WON fesides Guartz (Service limit: Shor h) ("Nile #320 (Seryigé tiit2000 hy \\ Outside: Borosilicate sods (Service tit {ah Lamp: Water-cooled :TKW. Xensy amp) $e) Bleck panel tomporture‘f specie sigh fo NOT Mane da a lo eee gen oda i ed ly eg decree ee hey Rev. 10 ‘hrcan ania come rl ersouvcmay maaan Teer Cen, Tyas dd Oct. 2017 oben uber menaerTa eos 718 TDEM 2019/02/21 15:26:39 301639@9722D Somporn Udomphatthraphaisan 2019/02/21 15:26:39 301639@9722D Somporn Ud PROTECTED Do Not Reproduce TOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARD TSLO601G 5.7 Method G Xenon Lamp (Suga SC-700FP) (1) As the test equipment, use Suga Model SC-700FP. (2) Attach the backing (2 to 4-mm thick ABS or PP resin in black) (3) Set a prepared specimen to the holder of the test equipment. ( specimen must face the light source. Make sure that the ia does not extremely protrude from the holder (Fig. 2). 6 (4) With the specimen set to the holder, set the holder on the tes{ Beaipment., Then subject the specimen to ultraviolet light in accordance with copditions spectied in Table’? (5) Aer the completion ofthe es, remove the specimen Te the holder cand evaluate the state of discoloration or fading \ Ved RNS -\U Ss. (2) Iradiation method: Continuous irradiation (0) Irradiance: 150 Wim? (300 to 400 nt) (6) Filter a NS Inside: Quartz (Service imif2000 hy Outside: Borosilicate soda (Series fmit: 2000 h)_< (6) Black panel temperaturé of (© Retave mum 80287 Be 5.8 Method H Xenon. Lan Si 1a SX-75)_ (1) As the test equipment, use Suga Mode! S (2) Set a prepared specimen athe folder ofthe test equipment. The irradiated surface of the speciien mist face the ight source, Make sure thatthe irradiated surface of the specimen (ses not extremely protrude fori thie holder (Fig, 2). Z (3) Within specimen sett the holder, set the foldshon the test equ a \ ‘specimen to ultraviolet lightin accordance-with Conéliions speiified in Table 2. ° (A) Aller the compet¢n ofthe test, remove the’Specimen from the Holder arid evaluate the state of Véiscolorationor fading, rr WZ “ (Counter i) Immerse a prepared\piéce of while oud) i in disted water, Sendwich the moistened cloth between two sheets of weley absorbing paper, and place a weight on thus set cloth for about 10 s to remove-exoessivemeisture. (Fig. 10) Note (8): Example of water absorbing Paper Ki Towel 61000 (wining paper) made by Nippon Paper Grecia Ter lye iment Ora oan ore piace a ty Rev. 10 © TT —— 2/8 TDEM 2019/02/21 15:26:39 301639@9722D Somporn Udomphatthraphaisan 2019/02/21 15:26:39 301639@9722D Somporn Ud PROTECTED Do Not Reproduce TOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARD TSL0601G Weigh OB ig FF om? Water absorbing paper (i rene , (ii) Wrap the rubbing finger ofthe crockmetéf with the White cotton cit ig and secure the cloth with the jig supplied withthe crockmetef7-> (iv) Set the rubbing finger on the spécimen. applies the total load of 9 N).. prepéred in (i) above (When seton the spécimén, the rubbing finger By fotating the hand crah, allow the rubbing finger to reciprocate 60 times on tHe spacimen for the distance of 100 mm. (W) After completing 50 tims Yeciprocation, remove tié white cotton cloth from the rubbing finger and dry the sloth before sdluating its sfaing level. (vi) Measure the stating ofthe white cotton clath by using @ colorimeter, and obtain the color difference SE beiwees the cloth before andl after the testing. Ifa colorimeter is not available, gray scale, nay be used altertiatively. In such a case, use a gray scale Conforming foIS,L 9805 or ISO: TOE-ANG, nc express the result with grades. (¢) Grterig When! etn ‘Bocordance with. the test method specified above, specimens with a SE of 4.8 Applicable Standards Ox ‘ 180 405-002 Textil’s ~ Tests for édlalitfosiness ark 02 SGfey scale for assessing S\ ehainge in cofoue 160 105-409 Textiles ~ Tests ox Golurfasndss Pan hts Grey scale for assessing JIS L 0865S)" Grey scale fot adSessing siaining iSZ8722~)/ __Melhbs af'elour messurement Reflecting and transmiting objects AKICC TEST METHOD 8 Colorfasiness to Cracking AATCC Crockmeter Method SEN. “Bolohmeiy, ardecon NOTES Tepe na li ey enna ng ‘easiagremany aves aoa Oaps oan aed a hy Rev. 10 ‘Tissue end sal mat i ctor ony ato nia Cptin, Ty ti ied ‘Britny anus poe cae fe a Capea Oct. 2017 BIS 2019/02/21 15:26:39 301639@9722D Somporn Udomphatthraphaisan 2019/02/21 15:26:39 301639@9722D

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