Str. Dynamics

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) Explain Struture Aape og Stxuckural ystem uith neat dlagrami

2) Explain Stakcs, KineicS, KinemaHcs & Oynamics with an

example hox each?

a) Explain loads, loading classihicalion \oad Combinakion?
u)Enlist diktexent ANPes Stucoxal analysis, £xPlin an t
melhods o analyis?
S) Explain studual aralysis ihe Cqele 2
6) Explain Hhe hollouaing
vibakianosciltalios, keee uiloralion fottedsilnralion mass, shthneas
damping,ime periodFrequenty degree a-reeclom.
) ExPlain Hae Proedure hor Calculakon_euilaue Stibknexs
5or SPrina is in parate & senes?
(8) Explain Dampina&yPes tclamping2-
xplun nedton's second laoomoion n an xample, Stae
2 desehbed D'Alembert pincipal1
Lo) Deriue an expression ho Undamped ee vbrakon sDof
D e i v e an exprtAsion to s0of SHstem undex damped-5ee
ylbraion. Explain also damping Condilions wih neat dinpam)
(2) Explain the methoc to dekrmine he daping 2
13) Explain Raqleigh's meHhocl, eneT}H_melhd&newton melhad
hos Soluina he Simple system a vibrahon ?
14Oerive an exprezslon hos undampee SOof System under
orcee vlbraion ?
15) ExPlain dibherent typeaf hortecd vibraian tondiHons wih
neat diaanam?
(16)Deive an expresion or damped SDof ssiem under
OTCed Vibzakon with net diagyam

ay CCmPEncn

1)Plothe hollooin requeny eponse Curve 5or clikhtent

a) undampec Cade
) elam ped th
Case damping ol,0.2,0.3,1,2Using exe
OXma|ab prdraming ME
C8 Deive an expresion ho olating
Deive an expreskon for 3esponse to Sappast moHon?2
20) Deive An expression horoCed transmilteol 4o supporo

houndaion 2
21) Explajn founer seiewihh neale diagram
22) Fnd he fouries hansform or he hollowiaConclitions
periodic qoadinq
)Cheneral daniami. (oading-
C) Conglant harce
d Recanaular loadina
23) Explain mulk degree gree dam systerm with neat diogram also
nk hemstix fonmulaion s teo degree_and hree degre
eedom ssem ?
2u) Explain moce Super pasilion methoe or tuo eeqree of hseedom
(25) Explain One aeproximate methed & numeical methoc j qnalysis2
(26) Explain chaxackexishts ok Stong rouno mohionsith_neal
(23) DesKnble o he pro ceclure 0 q equilualent staic meho

anaysis to madq| AnalyAiS?

28) Explain Coninuous system o r Ssem tith distri.buted sysom
with eoshic & mouss?
2 ) Deive an exprtaSion ar simpkisuppctedbeqm asconinuaus
ysem& adso olehve bor Cen ilever begm?
0) Exlein Tinclaom variable & randam vibrahons


DAn undamped Soof SHStem ma30A

nithial dispace men
Ke5D N/m s enan
oh \o mm 'nihal Velociok 75 mm/sec
ind natkUral
requenc esiod o vibrahon , amplitude og vibration
the time at whith he
second &Aird maaximum pealk oCCuTS

(2) fn Undamped Soof SHstem is in slakc moion

hro m 7est by
aNin an nihal Nelotit ok oilmls its vibiaBedwih a
amplihud e o ISmm peleTmine ils natna reguen

) The mass o block shotun n fhe kaliouoin s

shthex 1S 1aDd N/m A bulleE ut is2so
is hineal
Speed ok 20m/s into the blocks & hecames embedded in
he blotk Deleiine the C3ulling Undamped mohon ak bleck.

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