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The heat rising up from the asphalt, mercilessly shined down upon by the
glittering heat, made it look like the atmosphere was shaking.

—It’s completely summer now, I think to myself. At a bit past 8am in the
morning, no other people were seen in front of the school gate, with the
school being on vacation right now. I headed through the gate, making my
way to the school building.

“So hot…” I wiped away the sweat on my forehead with a handkerchief.

Since I, Saigi Makoto, have good manners, I don’t just wipe it away with my
hands, you see. Anyways, I entered the school building, and walked down the
long, empty hallway. As expected, no sounds could be heard, besides my
own footsteps. Apparently, even the students that had club activities during
the summer wouldn’t arrive as early as I.

“…Excuse me.” I knocked on the door, and slowly opened it.

“I have been waiting for you, Saigi-kun! Now, let’s start today’s education


“…Mm? What’s wrong?”

This voice, forcing herself to sound energetic… Standing in the room that I
entered, the English material preparation room, was a teacher, wearing a
white robe, with a short-cut hairstyle. It was the well known Japanese
language teacher, Renku Hiyori. Today again, there was a ring glittering on
her left ring finger.

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“Ah, nothing. Good morning, Renku-sensei.”

“Yes, good morning, Saigi-kun~ Perfectly on time~”

Renku-sensei was alway nonchalant, in both her actions and voice, but it was
extremely bad this morning. Not to mention that the very fact of the Japanese
language teacher being in the English material preparation room was giving
me the creeps.

“Everything is prepared already…Look, over there.”

“…Thank you very much.”

I gave a slight bow, and looked over at where Renku-sensei was pointing. On
top of a very familiar desk, a workbook and notebook, as well as some
various documents, all ready to be used. Besides that, a cardigan and blanket
on top of a chair nearby, even a case made for classes on top of that. Wasn’t
she wearing this when she was cosplaying as a teacher…

“This should be everything~ Can you take that home?”

“Yes no problem. I prepared a huge back for this…”

I put down a huge traveling back on a nearby desk. On the way here, it was
light and easy to carry, but it’s probably going to get heavy on my way home.
Not like I can complain just because of that though…

“Sorry about this, Saigi-kun~ It would have been fine if I got my car to use,
but today I really can’t.”

“No, I don’t have to write the written apology anymore, so it’s fine.”

As I gave a bitter smile, I started to carefully stuff everything into the bag. I
wonder if there’s information I shouldn’t be seeing written in those
workbooks and notebooks. Normally, I wouldn’t even be allowed to touch
them, but just this once, it couldn’t be helped.

“It was actually planned that Kisou-chan would come to pick things up. But
she’s not feeling too well apparently?”

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“Ah, yes. She seems to have gotten a fever. That’s why I’ll be picking it up

With the cardigan and blanket, I was even more hospitable as I put it in the

“…This should be everything. Thank you very much, Renku-sensei.”

“It’s fine~ A teacher’s summer vacation is pretty short, so I was supposed to

work today anyway.”

“…Yes, it seems like teachers have it rough.”

That was a phrase that I, Saigi Makoto, never expected to say in my life. To
be sympathetic towards ‘Teachers’, unbelievable. I looked down at the desk.
The desk that belonged to the person who loved to proclaim this room to be
her ‘castle’.

It took three train stations from the school to our flat. While I was shaking
back and forth inside the train, I was gazing at the passing scenery. I didn’t
even feel like checking my smartphone out of boredom. Getting off the train,
I started trotting my way back to the flat. The heavy bag on my shoulder
slowly started to cut into my skin. That reminds me—

“The first time I’ve seen that red car must have been around here.”

I was walking down the street near my home, as suddenly that red car gave a
sudden stop. Even though it hasn’t been too long since, I couldn’t help but
feel nostalgic for some reason. I really hated this red car, that I gave the
nickname ‘Nightmare’, but it might have actually been fun riding on it, even
if just a bit. The lingering, sweet scent in the car itself, the frantic driving as I
was shaking from left to right. Normally I didn’t even know the destination,
but I often found myself just gazing at the person to my side, gleefully
moving the handles. And now, I can never see that profile again—

Arriving at the flat, I went up the floor with my own apartment. Passing past
the apartment where my little sister is right now, the Saigi Household’s, I
stood in front of the room next to it.

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I took a deep breath, took out the duplicate key, and opened up the door. It
was the same entrance, the same floor like ours, but still a bit different.
Moving through the short hallway, I entered the living room, still equipped
with the same sofa and TV, neatly lined up. Knowing the person’s true side,
seeing this felt very off. Since she was always concerned as to how she was
perceived by her surroundings, she always kept good care of the living room
because it was the thing visitors saw the fastest when visiting her. I wonder
who is going to take care of the organization here…After all, that person is

“Saigi-kuuun, welcome~!”


Someone suddenly clung to me from my back.

“W-What are you doing…!” I panicky turned around, and…

“Just a small surprise~ A simple ‘Boo!’ from the back might have been a bit
too weak to surprise you~”


It was the owner of this home, as well as my homeroom teacher—Fujiki

Maka-sensei. Not to mention that she greeted me with a very thin, revealing

“W-What are you wearing, Sensei?!”

“Is it weird for me to wear this in my own four walls? It’s not, right?”

“You knew I was coming, right?!”

“My calculations of your estimated arrival were off by two minutes and
eleven seconds. Seems like I’m lacking some practice.”

“You’re not lacking anything!”

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Kisou-san told me to just enter the room, having lent me the key, but to think
that a trap like this was waiting for me.

“Glad to hear that. Seems like it was worth wearing clothes that might please
you, Saigi-kun.”

Maka-sensei pushed out her hips, purposefully taking a very erotic position…
Today as well, she’s overflowing with sex appeal…

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The negligé was in a pleasant pink color, with plenty of frills around her
chest. Beneath that, from her belly to hips, her thighs, and even down to the
color of her skin, everything was clearly visible, and erotic. I can even see her
panties, having a similar pink color…

“Look, look. I can move freely in this.”

“…Is that so.”

Ugh…I can’t argue against that…!

Around Maka-sensei’s right wrist, I clearly see the bandage. In that state,
organizing her living room surely isn’t possible. Currently, Maka-sensei is
still undergoing medical treatment. The shock back then, when I heard about
the accident from Kisou-san—

Right now, I feel like an idiot for being this scared, seeing that she is
gleefully dancing around in front of me, with this thin negligé. Really, that
distant day, where Maka-sensei was unable to come back to this very
apartment, feels like a bad dream—

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Chapter 1: Maka-sensei’s Holidays

A certain day, when summer break had just started—

Seikadai Academy’s high school division’s English teacher, Fujiki Maka, had
left for a teacher’s trip in another prefecture, driving her beloved red fiat.
Crossing the prefectural border on the highway, driving down the normal
street, that’s where it happened. A car that was driving towards Maka-
sensei’s red fiat suddenly slipped off it’s own side, suddenly driving towards
Maka-sensei. Apparently, said driver was hammering the gas, not able to
come to a stop even after stomping those breaks. Luckily, the driver managed
to avoid a direct confrontation—but sadly, the timing was off, and the driver
would drive into a group of high school students on their way come from
club. As a counter reaction, where you would normally hit the brakes, Maka-
sensei accelerated even more. And of course, that wasn’t just a mistake in the
heat of the moment.

Sensei turned the steering wheel, with the position of a swordsman’s weapon,
ready to intercept a vertical strike, throwing the car into the other driver’s,
slightly altering the direction it went. Thanks to that, it slipped past very
closely to those high school students, driving into a field near the road.
Although the Fiat was spinning, it came to a quick halt, luckily not hitting
any other cars. A bystander that happened to spot that with their phone out
took a video of this, and uploaded this short incident to the video website
‘Youtsube’. Thanks to that, everyone could admire her quick reaction and
divine driving skill. Even the view counts were quickly passing the millions.
Naturally, I watched it as well. Although it barely lasted a few seconds, it was
quite skillfully recorded.

“…Quite the spectacle to watch, yes. Not only the high school students, but
also the driver was fine.”

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“Yes, that’s all that matters.”

“What do you mean ‘that’s all that matters’?! Why did you do something
dangerous as that?!”

“E-Ehh…Are you mad at me, Saigi-kun?”

“Of course I am!”

I had Maka-sensei sit down on the sofa, while I was on my knees, on the
floor. I’m actually lecturing her right now, but I can’t have an injured person
like her sit on the floor.

“I agree that what you did was very formidable, but what would have
happened if things didn’t work?! Although things went fine this time, but…!”

“I-I’m sorry, Saigi-kun…It’s not like I was playing cool or anything, I just
happened to do it before realizing it…”


Weirdly enough, Maka-sensei didn’t try to talk back. But, that doesn’t mean
that I was done quite yet. Back when Kisou-san heard about the accident—
not to mention from Maka-sensei’s…her own father, she was breaking out in
tears. And for me, thinking that something worse might have happened, I
even felt my heart stop for a second. Well, just the wound on her wrist is
enough for Kisou-san, who truly looks up to Maka-sensei, to receive a shock
I wouldn’t be able to understand probably.

“…It’s not just me, but also Kisou-san, and Sensei’s father as well, we were
all worried. Not counting all the students at school.

“I-I know that. Once I’ve fully recovered, I’m planning on apologizing to all
of them for making them worry.”

Maybe it’s because of her erotic negligé she was wearing, but seeing her
being this apologetic, I couldn’t stay mad any longer.

“…Well, besides from going to see them, I don’t think there’s anything that

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you have to apologize for.”

“That won’t do. I did worry them all after all…”

“If that helps you deal with it all…How’s it looking with your wrist?”

“A-Ahh, well, it still hurts a bit, but it’s gotten much better. Look—Ouch!”

“Ahhhhh, what are you doing?!”

Maka-sensei tried to wave her right hand at me, but her face distorted in pain
shortly after. The only person that suffered any sort of injury from the
accident was Maka-sensei. While ramming the other car, she hurt her wrist as
she was holding the steering wheel apparently. It was a relatively light injury,
which should heal in about ten days, but until that bandage is gone, she
couldn’t properly use her right hand. Naturally, she received proper
inspection and treatment of her injury at a hospital. A true blessing in
disguise that there wasn’t anything worse.

“Don’t force yourself like that. You got off the hook with a slight injury, so
don’t force it and make it worse.”

“The flank of my Fiat was dented though…Ahh, I wonder if I can get it back
to normal. The repair apparently takes a month. It might be an import car, but
it still takes far too long if you ask me!”

“Yeah, I’m sure it will be repaired …”

Probably the greatest victim of that whole situation was the red Fiat. Still, just
as Maka-sensei stated, things didn’t look so grim. Just when I thought I
wouldn’t be able to gaze at her profile from the passenger seat.

“You can’t drive for a while anymore anyway, so isn’t it fine? The doctor
said it himself, you need rest more than anything else right now.”

“I know that. I did get a week off as well.”

Apparently, teachers have a different summer vacation than us students.

Though I barely know much…but there seems to be a reason for it.

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“That reminds me, what about you-know-what?”

“Ah, hey, Saigi-kun…!”

I picked up the remote from the low table in the living room, and turned on
the TV. Right now, a broadband show was running.

‘My body just moved on it’s own. Being a teacher myself, I’m happy that
those students got away without any injuries.’

In front of several microphones pointed at her, Maka-sensei was giving her

side of the story.

“…Phew, they’re showing it today again.”

“Kyaaa! Don’t look, Saigi-kun!”

As Maka-sense jumped at me in an attempt to steal back the remote, I showed

unexpectedly skillful reactions, and separated from her.

“Maka-sensei, calm down! No rampant movement! Stay!”


That’s Maka-sensei for you, quickly reacting to my scream. She just froze up,
sitting on the sofa.

“Also, there’s no need to rush after all this time. I’ve seen it countless times

“Uuu…Saigi-kun, you teaser…” Maka-sensei beautifully puffed out her


This childlike behaviour in front of me was the exact opposite of the calm
beauty shown on the TV screen right now. After the accident, Maka-sensei
was immediately hospitalized, but that didn’t save her from all the media
rushing in on her. Well, couldn’t blame that, after all those views it got on
Youtsube. Receiving the permission from the school, Maka-sensei agreed for
an interview, and this is what’s being broadcasted basically everywhere.

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“Seeing myself on TV like this, I feel like an idiot…Also, it’s been three days
since the incident, so why are they still showing this…?”

“Maybe because they don’t have any better material right now? The video on
Youtsube is still getting tons of views each day after all.”

“I did pull a Youtsuber debut, but to think that I would go viral yet again…”

Oh right, something like that happened. To save the cat cafe ‘Nekoranya’, we
uploaded a video of cat ears maid Maka-chan on Youtsube.

“Your face has sold pretty well, I’d say. You’re better off being more careful,
or there’ll be some scandal soon.”

“Public mass media sure are scary nowadays…” Maka-sensei gazed at

herself in the TV show with a troubled expression.

Well…she has the face of an actress…and if you don’t know what’s inside
that body of hers, you’d be deceived with her looks. With that driving
technique, and this beauty, there’s no way the mass media wouldn’t be all
over her.

“Sensei, you’ll be able to enjoy your holidays a bit like this, right? But, it
would be bad to just walk around outside, wouldn’t it.”

“Probably, yes. Though I’m happy that I’m not being blamed for anything.”

“That’s good to hear. Being arrested for saving people isn’t a laughing

“Well, I don’t mind if the school can use this story for their own good, but
too much of a rukus would be troublesome.”

“Then you just have to lay low for a bit. Well, there’s not much to do with
that hand of yours anyway, right?”

“Yes, it still hurts pretty badly. I can’t hold a pen, and just from typing on the
keyboard, my skin vibrates, so working is impossible.”

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“Ehhh…That sounds tough.”

Doesn’t that mean that working as a teacher isn’t possible right now?

“I had you bring my materials for me, but that was probably for nothing. I’m
sorry about that.”

“I had enough time on my hands, so it’s fine.”

“Once the training was done, I was supposed to handle the supplementary
lessons for the 3rd years, but I can’t even write on the blackboard.”

“I thought you got away with a slight injury, but it seems more difficult than I

“…Yea, it’s a big deal. Uu…Uuuuuu…”


She held her head with her free left hand.

“My job! Let me do my job at least! Ahhhhhhhh!”

“Were you always that much of a workaholic?!”

What kind of development is this! She’s hurt more about this than the actual

“…Ahh, I’m sorry for screaming out like that. I mean, I know that I have to
recuperate. Yes, I won’t even go outside during my break. And I can only
finish my shopping online.”

“If there’s anything you need, just tell me and I’ll buy it. I’ll take care of the
other things as well.”

“Eh? Saigi-kun will?”

“Of course. You can just relax, Maka-sensei. It might sound cheeky, but how
about you just forget about your job for a while?”

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“S-So basically…You’ll be taking care of me?”

“I’m living right next to you after all. I can just call Shiya-chan to look after
Miharu and Kagome.”

“T-Three dishes every day, and a nap together with Saigi-kun…! A summer
vacation with you…! Are you serious…!”


Maka-sensei jumped up from the sofa, tightly embracing me…The almost

direct feeling of her 88cm breasts through the thin negligé! Directly pressing
on me! …Maybe I judged too quickly? But, the impact of Kisou-san’s tears
and her words are still stuck in my chest—

Maka-sensei is the direct neighbour of our Saigi Household. The technical

owner of this apartment is still Maka-sensei’s father, but since he lives in his
cat cafe ‘Nekoranya’, he’s barely home at all. I came to Nekoranya a few
times, and I haven’t even met him there. After his failure in management
before, he’s apparently doing pretty badly with other people. Maybe we’re
pretty close.

“This should do it, I guess.”

Properly grilling the pork, lettuce and onions, and cool it down with some
tomatoes. With a good volume, it looks pretty delicious, I had to say. It’s a
classic summer menu for the Saigi Household, and one of the recipes I’m
pretty proud of.

“Maka-sensei, it’s done.”

“My cute Saigi-kun is bringing me dinner…I’m so happy…!”

As I moved from the kitchen to the living room, Maka-sensei was sitting in
front of the low table, her eyes sparkling. On a side note, the negligé was too
appealing, so I had Maka-sensei change. This time she was wearing a loose t-
shirt, and short pants, revealing her thighs. With a style like hers, even if she
was wearing the most plain private clothes like this, the stimulus was too

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much. Putting down the food and some rice on the table, I lined up plates for
the two of us.

“Saigi-kun, I knew you were doing everything household related, but you
sure know your way around it.”

“When you were making breakfast in that naked—Excuse me, with that
apron on, it looked good to me as well, you know?”

Maka-sensei might be a clutz at times, but the general rule of thumb is that
she’s doing good at everything if she’s with other people.

“Until my father started shutting himself in the cafe, I was taking care of
most of the housework.”

“Ohh, you must have been busy.”

Didn’t she tell me before that she was part-time jobbing like crazy during her
high school time…’So much that it’s weird for her to still be alive’ or
something along those lines…There’s gotta be limits as to how much you can
overwork yourself.

“I couldn’t help it, my father was being haunted by debts here and there. I
think of myself as lucky,for not having been sold off to Hong Kong.”

“Didn’t you use the exact same example but with Macao?!”

Hong Kong and Macao are beautiful tourist spots, and not an epicenter for

“W-Well, anything, it’s been busy, I guess. Rather than that, let’s enjoy the

“Yes, thank you very much for this. If you would.”

“Huh? If I would…?”

“I can’t use my chopsticks right now, you know? You have to feed me.”

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N-Not good…I let down my guard. I should have prepared something that is
edible with a spoon and a fork…!

“You don’t need to hesitate that much. We already went through this, right?”

“That doesn’t mean I can thoroughly enjoy it the second time.”

Still, the fact that she will have trouble eating like this still remains. Hence,
while observing her, I went to pick up some meat and vegetables from the
plate, and pushed it towards her.

“H-Here…Open wide…”

“Ahhhhnn…Mmm…Delicious. Gazing at Saigi-kun like this, I would keep

eating forever!”

“Don’t make me the side dish here!”

Rather, enjoy the actual side dish I prepared.

“Now, next one. I have to eat a lot, so that I get back to full health soon.”

“…I’m slowly starting to think that I made the wrong decision here.”

But, having no other option, I went to pick up meat and vegetables again,
bringing it closer to Maka-sensei’s mouth.

“Mmm…Yeah, so delicious. Some rice, some rice too!”

“Yes yes, wait a second.”

I never fed Miharu or Kuu like this before. Feeding someone food like this
has only happened twice now in my life, and it was the same person both
times, an older beautiful teacher. Just…What is going on in my life? Well,
until the end of the dinner, I still had no idea.

“Thanks for the food! Ahh, that was delicious…The best dinner in my life so

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“I’m really worried about how your life has gone so far…Well, I’m happy if
you enjoyed it.”

To think that just eating dinner would lead into something exciting like this.
Not to mention…will I be forced to feed her three times a day for a whole
week now…? Will my heart survive until her hand is completely healed?

The second day of my adventurous duty to take care of my homeroom


For breakfast, I prepared a simple toast, edible even with her left hand. See,
I’m learning.

“My…So embarrassing…”


And today again, she was in her lax private attire. This time around, her face
was flushed, going “Ahnn…” as her body was twisting and turning.

“…You should be able to do the laundry with one hand, right?!”

“I can’t change it when it’s difficult!”

I can’t say anything back to that… I was despairing as I was standing in front
of the washing machine in the changing area before the bath. Since she’s
living alone, she seems to be pretty used to doing the laundry. But, the
laundry in this casket is also from yesterday…

“Are you really telling me to wash this…?”

“It’s really embarrassing…but if it’s Saigi-kun, I don’t mind…”

It didn’t seem too much of a joke, as Maka-sensei started blushing. And the
same was for my own face I think. After all, the item on top of the pile was
the negligé from yesterday…!

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“R-Rather than the negligé, can I just wash the underwear?!”

“I wasn’t wearing a bra though?”

“So you’re the no-bra type when you’re at home I see…”

“No, only when it’s just Saigi-kun and me, then I don’t wear one.”

“You better fix that bad habit!”

Ahh, that feeling of her pressing her breasts on me in the classroom comes
back to me…

“But, think about this. If things end up with me stripping in front of you, I
have to properly pick out a bra, and that takes time. And then, eureka! It
came to me! If I don’t wear one from the beginning, I can enjoy myself, and
Saigi-kun is happy. Right?”

“There’s so much I’d like to retort on there!”

“Since I’m trying to recover from the accident, more relaxing clothes make it
easier for me. A bra is bad for my body.”

“I really can’t argue against that…Though I don’t feel like this is related to
your injury in the slightest…”

Is she not wearing a bra beneath that t-shirt either…? Though I feel like I can
see a string of a camisole peeking over her shoulder.

“Also, I gotta give you some sort of service~ This time, by wearing some
light clothes~”

“I came here to help you purely out of goodwill, so I don’t need any service
for that.”

“You say that, as you’re taking care of me, wearing a t-shirt and shorts, that’s
quite the service for me.”

“I didn’t wear this with that kind of intention! I’m always wearing this during

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the summer!”

“A-Are you okay? If you walk around with those clothes, you might get
abducted by some weird women.”

“Are you one to talk?”

Just where does she see any value in those plain clothes of mine…

“A-Anyway…I never washed Miharu’s sports bra and panties, so I’d rather
not ruin your negligé in any way! I’ll leave that to you!”

“Ehhh, but you’re supposed to be caring for me, right?”

“I’ll do the cleaning, so I’ll leave the rest to you!”

Without waiting for her response, I dashed out of the changing area. Though
taking care of the laundry might be a bit tough with one hand, I’ll just ignore
that for now. First is…cleaning, cleaning…with that, there won’t be any lewd
development, right? I moved to the living room, picking up the wireless
vacuum cleaner. Maka-sensei’s apartment was similar to ours, a normal
combined living room, dining room, and kitchen, with three other rooms. A
bit too big for just her and her father if you ask me. Besides Maka-sensei’s
room, and the almost empty Maka Papa room, there’s one that’s not even
being used. Talking about Maka-sensei’s room, I never really set foot in

“Ah, Saigi-kun.”


Maka-sensei suddenly poked out the changing room with her head.

“I’m thankful that you’ll take care of the cleaning, but you can’t enter my
bedroom, alright? It’s a teacher’s room after all. It would be troublesome if a
student saw that.”

“Y-Yes, I know that. It’s a woman’s room, so I won’t just enter.”

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“You really can’t, okay? No matter what happens, okay?”


—If you’re that adamant on it, I can’t help but want to check now. Maybe
there’s some sort of secret in her room? Well, I guess that her bedroom being
normal would be more suspicious than anything. Ahh…my Saigi
SuspicionTM is awakening again…

“She didn’t put any pictures of me on your walls, did she? …No no, that
would be way too meta.”

That being said, I can’t completely factor that out, which shows how scary
Maka-sensei can be. But for now, I decided to shake off this curiosity, and
focussed on the cleaning. You could technically use the vacuum cleaner with
one hand, but by using both, things sure went much more pleasant.

“Can’t think of anything unnecessary, and just take care of Maka-sensei…Oh


I took out my smartphone that I had stuffed in my pockets, and operated it. I
had received a message while I didn’t check—

‘Maka-tea was in the news again this morning! She’s slowly but steadily
becoming more famous than me!’

“…………Nui, don’t cry.”

Amanashi Nui is my classmate, as well as a high school girl gravure idol. She
was very popular to begin with, but after a certain breakthrough in her career,
she had been getting more and more jobs. Hearing the talk about Maka-
sensei’s accident, she barged into our apartment for some reason, making a
pretty big ruckus. Nui really took a liking to Maka-sensei after that

‘Curse you, Maka-tea. Trying to be more famous than me! I won’t forgive

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…Or did she…?

“Saigi-kun, Saigi-kun, do you have a second.”

As I was busy cleaning the entrance, Maka-sensei waved me over as she was
standing in the living room. Did she already finish the laundry?

“Perfect timing, I just finished cleaning. What is it?”

I moved over to the living room, putting down the vacuum cleaner near the
charging station.

“I finished the laundry. And since you got angry at me just now, I thought of
asking you to help me.”

“Huh? What are we talking about again?”

Maka-sensei sat down on the floor…and, what is she holding there?

“I decided to wear bras even when I’m together with you, Saigi-kun. That
being said, could you help me put on the bra?”

“Gyaaa?! What are you doing?!”

Without giving me any warning, Maka-sensei just took off that loose t-shirt
she was wearing. Her long, brown hair slowly fell down onto her pure white
back. and she pulled it towards her chest.

“It’s pretty difficult to put on a bra with just one hand. So I was hoping that
you could help me.”

“A-Are you serious…? Shouldn’t you be able to put it on with one hand?”

“How about you try it with one hand then?”

Still with her back pointed towards me, Maka-sensei reached out to me with
the bra in her hand. It was a very adult one, black, with laces, with a
commendable size, fit for the E-cups that Maka-sensei has.

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“What meaning is there?! I never even put one on with both hands, so how
would I be able to do it with just one! Also…are we really doing this?”

“Saigi-kun, I might be on vacation right now, but there is one job that I
cannot neglect. That is, your ‘education’, see.”

“Just go take a break from that as well!”

“It’s my most important project that I am working on. Just think of this as
‘summer supplementary lessons’.”

“Summer supplementary lessons…”

While being the topic of all the mass media, this beautiful teacher is giving
one of her students a private lesson…Really, I only get bad vibes from this.

“Also, weren’t you supposed to be putting on a bra for your little sister all the

“She can do it herself since she’s wearing a sports bra!”

“You sure know a lot about the bra situation with your little sister…Anyway,
hurry up, will you.”

“Are you serious…” I swallowed my saliva.

Reading myself, I slowly moved forward to start putting the bra on for her. I
tried not to look at her front as much as possible, moving her arms through
the straps. Uuu…the volume of her breasts is way too much…Getting these
into the cups will be a difficult task. Not to mention that I can’t directly touch
them. Trying neither to look at them, nor grope them…what kind of difficulty
level is this! And with one hand!


Everytime the bra hit her chest, she let out a moan. Although this might just
be acting on her side, it’s still bad for my heart…

“T-This should be fine, right? It is, right?!”

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Though I’m not sure if her chest is actually in there, my mental stamina is at
it’s limit here! Trying not to touch her back, I closed the hook.


Ah, this might have worked out pretty well? But, let’s keep it a secret that I
used both hands there in the end.

“Hold on a second, Saigi-kun. Why are you this good at putting on a bra? I
thought you weren’t doing it for Miharu-san?”

“Ehhh, you’re complaining even though I did a good job?”

Just when I made it through without touching her body!

“Y-You weren’t doing this for Amanashi-san or Jinsho-san, right…? Or don’t

tell me, Muku-san is already wearing one, and you are…?”

“S-Sensei, don’t just turn towards me!”

Your breasts, wrapped in that way too erotic black bra…! And even with the
bra, they’re shaking all over the place…!

“Ah, excuse me. B-But, you really were way too good at this!”

While holding the t-shirt she had taken off beforehand in front of her chest,
Maka-sensei closed in on me.

“Even if you say that…Ahh, that reminds me, when Shiya-chan first started
wearing a bra…I think it was in her first year of middle school. I remember
she put me through lessons on how to properly put on a bra.”

“That university girl again…! She was seducing you even back in middle

Says my homeroom teacher as she’s trying to seduce me.

“She’s looking after Miharu-san, isn’t she. Basically, she’s right next-
doors…I need a wire and puppet, as well as the layout of this flat…”

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“Hey hey, you’re not planning an assassination, are you?!”

I don’t need to be a detective to guess that she’s definitely about to do

something really bad.

“I’m joking. Even I can’t pull off a perfect crime with just one hand.”

“So it’s just a problem because of that injury…”

Isn’t she kind of walking down the path of violence?

“Well, this is what I sow after not keeping up my guard against Keimi-san.
But anyway, with this, you’ve cleared this problem of the summer
supplementary lesson.”

“W-Well, thanks for that… Wait…’this problem’…? Why do I feel like this
isn’t over yet…?”

“You can’t grow by just taking care of me for this one week, right? Time is

“I really feel like I don’t need to grow in that area…”

What merit is there if I turn into a professional at putting on bras? And here I
was, foolishly hoping that taking care of Maka-sensei would be done without
any problems…

“Woah, so hot…”

The eco bag filled with the items I bought during my shopping trip felt heavy.
After lunch, I took a small walk to a nearby supermarket. Having bought the
necessary ingredients and daily necessities, I was now on my way home. The
temperature in Japan right now felt similar to my own body’s, and even I felt
like eating ice cream while staying at home all day, just like Miharu does all
day. However, I have the duty of caring for Maka-sensei right now, so
shopping is my job.

“Sensei’s request was ‘Something that gives vigor’ right.”

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That is way too vague if you ask me. All I could think of on the spot was
some meat as a main dish. During this heat, I’d rather recommend something
refreshing, you know. Also, the vigor part is so that she recovers from her
injury as quickly as possible, right…? Why do I feel like things won’t end
well for me, then…? Well, putting on a bra for her should have told me

“Something that gives her vigor…but still is refreshing…isn’t there


“Stop with your muttering, Saigi. You look like a suspicious person.”

“Woah?! K-Kisou-san?”

Before I even realized it, Kisou-san had lined up next to me, giving me a
tough glare. She had her long, brown hair in her usual twintails hairstyle, and
although I couldn’t read her expression at all, her facial features were as
beautiful to look at as ever. Wearing a frilly, cute one-piece, her small stature
made her look like a doll. Since I normally saw her in her school uniform,
this was quite the refreshing feeling.

“What’s that stare? So perverted, your glare.”

“S-Sorry, I was just a bit surprised, seeing you with these clothes. They really
fit you.”

“…………Saigi, were you always that type of character? Praising every girl
you see?”

Rarely enough, the expressionless’ Kisou-san’s cheeks color turned into a

slight red. Gazing at her like this, she really is related to Maka-sensei.

“A-And…what did you want, Kisou-san? Ah, how are you feeling?”

Presumably because of the shock after hearing about Maka-sensei’s car

accident, Kisou-san had developed a heavy fever.

“The fever went down, so I’m fine. Now I’m on my way to visit Onee-chan. I
got some things for her, like meat.”

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“I’m glad to hear that…But, bringing meat during a visit, that’s pretty
innovative. Also, I’m on my way home from a shopping trip myself.”

Maka-sensei really likes meat. The first restaurant she ever took me to was a
yakiniku shop after all. That’s what you’d expect from her biological little
sister, she knows that Sensei likes meat.

“Perfect timing. Let me ask for your impression on this, Saigi. What do you

Kisou-san opened the bag she was holding, taking out a pack of meat.

“Eh, isn’t this pretty expensive? Especially if you’re just on a visit…”

Though I didn’t know where she got it from, I immediately realized that this
must have been some expensive Japanese black beef.

“I’m not lacking money. To make Onee-chan happy, this meat is nothing.”

“That’s not a phrase you’d normally hear from a high school student…”

Really, ‘I’m not lacking money’… I want to try saying that at least once in
my life. Well, not having a part-time job, and getting fed through by our
working parents, I can’t say much…

“Well, I’m sure that Maka-sensei will be happy about that. Should I make
yours for her before mine?”

“That’d be great, Saigi. Thanks for looking after Onee-chan.”

“N-No, it’s something I blurted out in the heat of the moment, so…”

Being thanked so directly, from Kisou-san of all people, I was a bit flustered.
Not to mention that, unlike most girls around me, Kisou-san is pretty difficult
to read.

“…That reminds me, Kisou-san and I don’t have any connection from the
past, right?”

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“Huh? Connection?”

“Ah, sorry, that question must have been weird. Forget it, it’s fine.”

It’s because things turned out that I had some past connection with SID’s Nui
and Karen-kaichou that I had forgotten about. With my Saigi SuspicionTM, I
can’t help but think that there might be other people that fit that pattern. But
anyway, we dropped that topic, and went our way to Maka-sensei’s

“I’m back!”

“Welcome home, Saigi-kun! You sure took your time! I was so lone—Ah,
huh?! You picked up another girl already?!”

“This is your little sister you know?!”

“It’s fine. I’m used to these reactions from Onee-chan.”

“I’m just joking. Come on in, Tenka.”

Apparently even the very jealousy-driven Maka-sensei doesn’t harbour any

ill-will towards her little sister. Accepting the ingredients that Kisou-san
brought with her on her visit, I put it in the fridge, together with the things I

“But, Tenka, aren’t you busy during summer break? I’m doing fine, so
there’s no need to worry about me.”

“I am busy, but not busy enough that I have to miss out on visiting Onee-
chan. I even left the personal care to Saigi, so this is the least I can do.”


Hmmm, pretty weird to see them talk all friendly and close like that. At
school, they’re hiding the fact that they’re sisters after all. Though I have to
say, I knew that Kisou-san was looking up to Maka-sensei, but Sensei is
having an oddly kind expression on her face.

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“Thanks for waiting, Kisou-san. Here, Sensei as well.”

Having taken care of the organization in the kitchen, I brought over two cups
of cold barley tea, and put it down in front of them.

“Thank you, Saigi.”

“Sorry about this, Saigi-kun.”

“It’s fine. Do you want something else? I could ready some sweets or—”

“Ah, Saigi-kun, could you do me a favor and help me with my hair, having it
down like this is too hot.”

“Ah, yes.”

I stood behind Maka-sensei, and accepted the hair tie she handed me. Well
then, let’s make it a bit special today…

“Now then…”

After combing Maka-sensei’s hair a bit, I quickly moved my hands around it

with the hair tie. Since I often do Miharu’s hair, I was pretty used to working
with a woman’s hair.

“I’m done. How about this?”


After inspecting her new hairstyle in the handheld mirror, her face burned up
with a strong red.

“Twintails with my age?! Ahh…I can’t look…!”

“You don’t have to say that much.” I gave a bitter smile.

Maka-sensei’s long brown hair was connected to the left and right of her
head, hanging down. Or to put it simply, the same hairstyle that Kisou-san

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“I’m a bit happy, having a matching hairstyle with Onee-chan.”

“I wouldn’t mind having a matching hairstyle, but twintails are a no-go!

Saigi-kun! Please forgive me!”

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“Just when I made you look so cute, you have to ruin it no matter what…?”

I tried throwing her dog eyes.

“Uuu…I-I really want to keep it, since Saigi-kun was the one that made it for
me, but…Uuuu…Okay, I get it!”

“I’m glad to hear that. Then let me take a picture while we’re at it.”


“Kisou-san, can you cling a bit more to Sensei.”

“Of course.” Kisou-san gave an honest nod, and clung closer to her twintails

Taking out my smartphone, I pointed it at them in a quick manner, and took a

few shots. Just to make sure that I can savour this moment, two beautiful
sisters with the same hairstyle. Yeah, even a beauty like Maka-sensei with
overflowing grown-up charm looks cute with this hairstyle.

“Ahaha, this is really nice. Maka-sensei, please keep that hairstyle for the rest
of today.”

“Saigi-kun…there are times when you really like to play with me…”

“…Rather, you’re always being clingy and lovey-dovey. What are you trying
to show me here?” Kisou-san complained from the side lines.

“W-We’re not being lovey-dovey or anything!”

Though I feel like with our recent lifestyle, it seems like the distance between
Maka-sensei and I had gotten smaller.

“R-Rather than that…With the two of you next to each other like this, you
really look alike.”

I sat down in front of the two of them, gazing at the Maka-Tenka sisters

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combo. Maka-sensei had a pretty high stature as a woman, while Kisou-san
was rather small, the exact opposite.

“I mean, we have the same parents. I think Tenka goes more after our mother
though, with her small stature.”

“Ohh, that reminds me, your mother—”

“She retired after the marriage, but she was a former pro car racer.”


I had trouble holding myself back from spitting out the tea in my mouth after
hearing Kisou-san’s words.

“C-Car racer? T-That explains a lot…”

“I feel like I’m being made fun of. My mother never taught me how to drive.
Well, I do remember being very enthusiastic about driving with her when I
was younger.”

“You probably unconsciously picked up her driving skills back then…I can’t
tell if that’s good or bad.”

Because she has picked up those driving techniques, she saves a lot of people
from heavy, or possibly even deadly, injuries after all.

“I’m also doing my driver’s license next year. I’m looking forward to it.”

“E-Ehh…Are you sure about that, Kisou-san…?”

“Y-Yeah, he’s right, Tenka! Cars are dangerous after all, and you might get
hurt while driving!”

“…Why is Saigi also worried about me? Also, Onee-chan, you’re not one to

I mean, having been forced to drive in Maka-sensei’s Nightmare, I’m just

worried that another devil like Sensei might be born, that’s all.

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“B-But, Mother is not allowed to teach you. She thinks that doing a spin turn
on the spot is what’s necessary after all.”

Here I have to agree with Kisou-san. You’re really not one to talk right now.

“Don’t worry, I’m a calm and relaxed driver.”

“T-Then that’s fine…Ah, it’s from Hiyori-sensei. Excuse me for a second.”

The moment Maka-sensei showed a relieved expression, her smartphone

which she had put on the table suddenly vibrated. Picking that up, she
returned to her own room.

“…Seems like she still can’t catch a break from her job even under this

“Working in a company-like system like this, it’s normal. No wonder you

don’t understand it.”

While responding to me, Kisou-san started tapping on the small keyboard

that was attached to her mobile phone.

“Again with your ‘Records of Love and Youth’…?”

“Yeah. I won’t show you though, Saigi.”

“Fine by me…”

Really, I wonder what she’s writing in there. Wait…Wasn’t a novel with that
name the topic a while ago…?

“You’re just like my little sister, who’s always playing games.”

“But our reason is different, between Mii and me.”

“Mii? Is that supposed to be Miharu?”

Ah, right. I was so focussed on the accident that I completely forgot.

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“You were talking with Miharu in front of the gate a while ago, right? You
knew each other?”

“Mii is really persistent about observing your surroundings, and she got her
eye on me.”

“That’s pretty scary…Both you and Miharu.”

There’s a lot of people around me, so why did she get hung up on Kisou-san?

“Can’t ignore her investigation skill. To think that she would sniff me out.”

“Sniff you out…”

And what exactly did Miharu grasp of Kisou-san…?

“Your little sister, cute and competent, although there might be a problem
with her personality. Her brother, not cute nor competent, and even has a
problem with his personality.”

“Your sentences aren’t really connected…?”

“Reflex, nothing more…”

Without giving too much explanation, Kisou-san continued to tap on her

keyboard. Riddled with mysteries…

“But, I’m thankful to you, Saigi.”

“W-What’s with you, so suddenly?”

Kisou-san lowered her mobile phone, and quickly approached me. Her face,
way too close.

“I was supposed to be the one looking after Onee-chan. Father is busy with
his cat cafe, and mother can’t let go of her job.”

“Y-Yeah, that’s what I heard.”

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Thanks to Maka-sensei’s PR operation before, Nekoranya was doing fine
now with the amount of customers they were getting. Now that summer break
arrived, that number went up even higher, and they’ve apparently gotten
really busy. Sekiya-san even asked me for help, but I had to decline since I
was busy with looking after Maka-sensei.

“I’m a bit busy, myself. One day, I will repay this debt.”

“Again, I brought this up myself. Having my homeroom teacher living

directly next to me, I can’t just ignore her if she’s in trouble.”

“…Saigi is…a good guy?”

“This is just normal. Well, it’s a bit troublesome because of how she is…”

“Just ‘troublesome’? Onee-chan’s personality? You’re crazy.”

“Kisou-san?! Aren’t you going a bit too far here?!”

Also, could you let go of me already! Your breasts are completely pressing
onto me, and they’re way too stimulating for a normal high school boy like

“We’re at the level where we meet outside school during the holidays. And
you’re still adding san…Then, ‘Tenka-san’.”

“Huh?! The -san was the problem here?!”

At Seikadai Academy, you normally don’t often use ‘-kun’ or ‘-san’. Hence,
using this, not to mention with the first name, was pretty rare, even amongst

“Repeat after me, ‘Tenka-san’.”


“If you’re that against it, I wouldn’t mind never letting you go—”

“Tenka-san! Yes, I will call you Tenka-san!”

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I feel like this flow of events is similar to a certain teacher’s way of doing

“…W-What are you…!”


I didn’t realize it in time, but Maka-sensei had returned into the living room,
and was already shaking massively as she stared at us.

“B-Being NTR’d by my little sister…! While I couldn’t move because of the

accident, the two people I trust the most…!”

“You were just away for a few moments for a call, weren’t you?! And I
wasn’t cheating or anything…!”

Wait, Sensei and I aren’t even going out, so there’s nobody to cheat and be
cheated on!

“…I see, NTR’ing the boring boy from my beautiful older sister. Pretty
cliché, but realistic. This might get interesting…?”

“What are you talking about, Kisou—Tenka-san! And don’t continue


“Don’t worry about it. I got what I wanted, some great material…Ah!”


Tenka-san almost dropped her phone, and quickly wrapped her hands around
it to catch it. I did the same—when the two of us bumped into each other,



I ended up lying on the floor, with Tenka-san clinging to me as she was

above me. Immensely intense soft bulges were pressing against my face.

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“God thing you had a cushion. Although it’s small, it still helped.”

“Tenka-san sure is small but has a huge ch—No, um, you’re pretty heavy, so
could you get off?!”

“What were you about to say, just now? Any complaints about me, say now.”

“I-It’s nothing… Also, could you really get away from me, I can feel some
crazy killing intent coming from behind my back!”

Rumble rumble, I could almost hear the air shake, as a dark aura started to
build up behind Maka-sensei.


“C-Calm down, Maka-sensei! That just now was me being careless!”

Maka-sensei took a step towards Tenka-san, as I frantically stopped her.

“No, you wait, Saigi-kun. Don’t get the wrong idea!”

“Wha?! W-What are you on about?!”

Just when I started guessing what she was about to do, she frantically took off
her t-shirt. Beneath that was the familiar sight of the black bra I had put on
her before.

“Look closely, mine are still bigger than hers! Her’s just look like they are
bigger because of her small stature!”

“Who cares about that?!”

Maka-sensei pushed her chest towards me, while comparing it to her little
sister’s…No problem at all with that, right?!

“Ah, am I still losing? Haven’t I caught up, in size?”

“Show me them, Tenka.”

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“Okay, Onee-chan.”


Tenka-san just nodded along Maka-sensei’s words, taking off her frilly one-
piece, and opened up the chest part of the blouse beneath that. Wrapped in an
unexpectedly fashy red bra, two big mountains appeared.

“T-Tenka-san, why are you just going along this?! Aren’t you forgetting
about me being here?!”

“I even forget that you’re present when we’re in class.”

“…Well sorry for not having a stronger presence.”

No, that’s not the point here. Tenka-san isn’t supposed to be part of Maka-
sensei’s education, nor is she a member of any fishy group like SID.

“Whatever Onee-chan says is absolute. But don’t stare too much, you
perverted brute.”

“Isn’t Tenka-san the bigger pervert here…?”

“…’Tenka-san’ already, huh…Fu fu fu, Saigi-kun, even though I went out of

my way to reduce the summer supplementary lessons, you sink your teeth
into my little sister.”

“Don’t make it sound like I’m some demon!”

“Well, it’s fine. Comparing this to the university girl you call with -chan, this
is nothing. Rather than that…Have a close look. Mine are bigger!”

“I keep losing against Onee-chan. But, with my chest size, I should be



The situation: Maka-sensei and Tenka-san, both beautiful blood-related little

sisters, were now pushing their chest, only protected by their bras, right in

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front of my face. Just a few centimeters away from me, two pairs of giant

“Now, a special question during your summer supplementary lesson. Answer

me, between Tenka and me, who has a bigger chest. You are only allowed to
touch my chest to check.”

“I know that Tenka-san knows about your true identity, but this is a bit too
bold if you ask me?!”

I can’t tell which one is bigger just from a glance. Also, do the two of them
know it themselves?

“What are you doing to Onee-chan, who’s acting rashly, while I’m looking
away. What’s your plan, playing with the chest of someone else’s older

“I’m not playing with her chest or anything!”

It was the same expressionless Tenka-san. But, I could still see that her
cheeks were flushed ever so slightly. Her flustered expression is pretty erotic

“Hey! Just when I mustered up my courage to give you the permission to

touch them! Why are you being entranced by Tenka!”

“Saigi is a boy after all, and maybe he prefers them young?”

“Tenka-san, don’t just pour more oil into the fire!”

Also, you two are getting way too excited over this—Ahh see, your breasts
are already hitting my cheeks! Pushing them against me like this really
doesn’t help me in figuring out which ones are bigger…Really, how long will
this special lesson continue…I hope for not too long. Some people might be
jealous about the situation I currently am in, but my stomach can only take so
much of their heated battle…

“Hmm~~~ Hm hmm hmmmm~~~”

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Having survived the heavenly hell without any great injuries (?), Tenka-san
went home. On a side note, since Maka-sensei started begging me to change
her hair from the twin tails with tears in her eyes, I had no other choice but to
give in. As dinner ended, I quickly took care of the dishes, allowing me to
relax for a bit. Zapping through the different TV channels, Maka-sensei was
humming to herself. Luckily, her good mood seems to have returned, but I
don’t feel like I can relax just yet…

I had Maka-sensei, who still was supposed to rest, sit on the sofa, while I
took a slight bit of distance, sitting on the floor. At a distance where I would
always be able to dodge. Although the other person is indeed a woman, we
are talking about Maka-sensei here. I don’t believe for one second that I
would get the upper hand in a battle of raw strength.

“You sure are in a good mood, Maka-sensei.”

“Having my mood ruined by something trivial is a real waste, you know.

After all, I am currently living together with Saigi-kun. Something I have
always dreamed of.”

“We’re not living together though?!”

“Ahh, yes, you’re going home for the night, right…Then maybe a commuting

“…I’d rather take the first option.”

It’s not like Maka-sensei’s injury is that grave that I would have to stay over.
My home is right next to this after all, and I asked Shiya-chan to take a look
after Miharu once she gets the time. Still, I am a bit worried about my little

“Also, I feel like, with you being the hot topic of the mass media now, isn’t it
pretty bad that a student is with you until this time of the day?”

“You’re saying that now? It’s fine, this flat is pretty old, but they have a strict
security here, so no weird people can get in here. That’s why your parents
can rest easy on their work as you and your little sister are living in this flat

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all by yourselves.”

“Is that…so?”

Incidentally, I never heard of any trouble occurring in this flat. Also, if it was
me, I would already regard Miharu, Shiya-chan, and especially Maka-sensei
as ‘weird people’.

“With nobody being able to get in and out that’s not a resident here, not to
mention uninvited, I saw this as the perfect place to move to.”

“What are you implying?”

“Even if those kids from SID turn into stalkers, I have an iron wall to guard
myself here. Nobody will be able to obstruct my lovey-dovey lifestyle with

“…Well, there are one…no, two members of SID already living in this flat.”

“That reminds me, Miharu-san didn’t show any moves as of yet, right. No, is
she the Trojan horse…?”

“I really don’t want to know what you’re thinking there, but Miharu really is
only rolling around on the sofa all day. Even if Shiya-chan tries to teach her,
she’s just running away. Really troublesome, I tell you.” I happened to sigh
to my own words.

“…Saigi-kun, did you know? Miharu-san is actually pretty diligent at school.

Apparently she’s never forgotten her homework even once.”

“Eh? My slothful little sister?”

“Though there seem to be times when she would just stop her calculations in
the middle of class, and instead starts writing down the translations of long
English sentences in hiragana.”

“Now that sounds like Miharu…”

That reminds me, these past few years, I’ve never actually seen Miharu study

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properly. Before, she would join when I was teaching Kuu, and I realized that
she actually is really clever.

“Every single member of SID has some sort of knack to them. Amanashi-san,
Muku-san…ahh, I remembered that with Jinsho-san…Seems like the cloister
will be wrapped up in a tragedy soon…”

“Again, you’re definitely plotting something there, so please don’t!”

With ‘that’, she was probably referring to the time when Karen-kaichou
kissed me…It might sound weird coming from me, but she must have been
really jealous then.

“Though it might look like you put an end between the two of you, you’re
wrong! This is just the first step for her, I’m sure!”

“I-I wonder about that…But, she said that she’ll stay in Seikadai, and use the
next four years to aim for me.”

“How naive! She’s aiming for the time when you let down your guard! She
even has more than half a year until she graduates, so there are still many
chances for her to turn things around. Really, being the student council
president, she’s trying to seduce her cute Kouhai…”

“Says the teacher that is trying to seduce her student…?”

“The difference is that Jinsho-san isn’t allowed, but I am.”

“I’m amazed you can say that without blinking twice…”

Is it really fine to let her roam freely as a teacher? Wouldn’t I be able to

achieve world peace by locking her away in a room?

“Well, I still have time. I just have to come up with a good plan to take care
of her if it comes down to it…”

“I feel like I’ll be turned into an accomplice for a tremendously dangerous


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Well, as long as the others from SID don’t hold a grudge against us. Still, to
think that I would be watching TV with my homeroom teacher, and during
summer break of all times. The me from back in spring sure wouldn’t have
anticipated a turn of events like this. We’d be holding idle talk while
watching TV, sometimes typing something on our smartphones—



I was dozing off for a second, only to look over at Maka-sensei, finding her
asleep. She was showing me her completely guardless sleeping face, as she
was lying sideways on the sofa. Never expected to see this kind of face from
the Unobtainable Flower. Not to mention that this isn’t even the first time I’m
seeing it.

“Sensei…Sensei. If you’re going to sleep, go back to your bedroom.”

“N-No…Good job Makato…Keep toddling like that…”

“…Your dream from back then has a continuation?”

The Makato from back then, who was only able to drink her mother’s milk,
grew so much that he could even walk now, huh. No, before that, who even is

“Maka-sensei, you can’t sleep on the sofa. Sensei…Wow, she’s not waking
up at all…”

Maybe she really is the type to not wake up again anytime soon once she’s
sound asleep. Back when she fell asleep while drunk, no matter how much I
tried to wake her up by shaking her, she didn’t show any response. Probably
a deep sleeper.

“H-Hmm…What to do…”

Though Maka-sensei might be relatively light to carry, I’m not too confident
in my muscles. Wait…even if I was to carry her…Isn’t this a pattern where I
definitely have to enter her bedroom?

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“Sensei, Maka-sensei, I’ll enter, okay?”

“Mmmmm…Welu kamuuu (Welcome)…Come on…in…”

Lending a shoulder to Maka-sensei, she somehow made it to the bedroom on

her own two feet. She even gave rather erotic sounding responses for no
apparent reason. This person really doesn’t give her surroundings too much
of a thought. Anyway, I couldn’t help it, and since I technically received her
permission, I allowed myself to enter.

“Excuse me…”

Still lending Maka-sensei my shoulder, I carefully opened the door—


The second I entered Sensei’s private sanctuary…

“T-This is…Woah…”

In a certain sense, it was just as I had anticipated. However, it also passed my

wildest expectations. To keep it short, it was pure chaos. I can’t even set foot
normally in Miharu’s room with all her games, but this is even worse. The
room was decorated with a bed and a desk,a dresser, and bookshelves. To
begin with, there are countless books here. But, about half of the books
weren’t sorted in the shelves, but just randomly scattered on the ground. It
almost felt like there was no room in the selves anymore, and they all just
ended up thrown around once done with them. How many hundreds of books
are here…No, thousands? Or even more?

“Over there, it’s full to the brim with English reference books, right? Are
there so many different editions?”

Some of those even I have at home. Still, all the books that entered my eye
had post-it notes in them, with the paper being worn out and crumbly, clearly
having been used one too many times.

“This is…Huh? A classic literature workbook? Over there is…physics? Why

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does she even have books for subjects that she’s not responsible for?”

Naturally, the English related books were clearly more in number, but the
amount of workbooks and reference book for other subjects weren’t losing
that much either. Isn’t this basically for every single subject that we have?

“Ah, can I pass through here…?”

Though the towers of books were all around me, reaching up to my head
even, there were a few spots where I could see the floor. A line that went
straight to the table or bed…I guess. Having no confidence that I would be
able to carry Sensei, I left her at the door, and moved forward on my own.

“This is…A book about the theory of education? A reference book for
teachers, I guess.”

Besides teachers, or someone that aspired to be one, this book probably had
no value to anyone.

“T-This is way too crazy…How much does she read? Ah, even fashion
magazines. Maybe as a break. Well, it makes sense that she has other books
just for enjoyment—”

Ah, no…The magazines that were open, scattered around, all had words and
corrections written in red. At school, she’s always wearing a suit, or a plain
blouse and skirt during the summer, but she apparently keeps a good research
on current fashion trends.

“Well…She is the Unobtainable Flower after all…She might meet a student

even during her holidays, so she has to keep up her act even then.”

I’ve seen Maka-sensei’s private clothes a lot of times already, and she always
had a great sense. Besides fashion, there’s even these young girl magazines,
saying what is popular right now.

“What’s this on the desk…? Notebooks? What was she writing about?”

With several notebooks piled up, I opened one out of a whim.

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“Amanashi Nui, consistently a Seikadai student ever since the grade school
division. Results from the first end-of-term exam in her second year…An
analysis after comparing her past grades—Wait, this is data from the students
that she’s responsible for?”

Woah, I really shouldn’t be seeing this! I mean, I knew the gist of the
situation around her grades before, and although I’m glad that there’s no
other private information in there…No, never mind! It really was a blessing
in disguise that I happened to flip on Nui’s page, really. Is she doing this only
for this class, or for every student that she’s teaching english to…? Giving it
another quick glance, it wasn’t just an analysis for the present, but also
assumptions and expectations for Nui’s future studies.

“Zzz…Makato also needs a younger brother, or younger sister, right…?



Maka-sensei, who I had left at the door, was giving off some weird sleep-talk
again. You wouldn’t even be able to imagine that just from her sleeping face
right now, but apparently Maka-sensei is always working this hard, huh. It’s
been two years since she became a full-fledged member of society, and not
even one and a half years ever since she started teaching. All in all, around
three years of preparation for becoming a teacher, I’d say, counting back
from her university days. Just in that rather short amount of time, her room
has turned into such a mess, after all the studying she did…This doesn’t
doesn’t compare at all to someone like me, who’d start studying just before
the exams.


I always regarded her as a beautiful Onee-san, a bit weird in the head…Well,

that certainly isn’t wrong, but this overwhelming scenery here speaks for
itself. I realized this countless times already ever since the past spring, but
Maka-sensei is a good teacher. And, on top of being a good teacher, she
doesn’t back down from the immense effort it takes to be a teacher.

“Mmmm…I know, I have to change…The negligé…Where is it…”

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Maka-sensei suddenly got up, and started making her way through the small
openings on the floor, towards the closet on wobbly feet. Also, her eyes
aren’t even open. She’s still half-asleep?


Opening the door of the closet, something fell down towards her at great
momentum. Well, the only thing that could come flying out of the closet were
clothes though.


“Ahh! Are you okay, Sensei?!”

The overflowing clothes pushed down Sensei. Inside there, I spotted familiar
costumes like the cheerleader girl outfit, the apron, a maid uniform, a
swimsuit, the bunny girl costume, and even Seikadai’s high school division’s
girl uniform. Not to mention that there were even other costumes I haven’t
seen before, like a shrine maiden’s attire, or a nurse’s uniform…

“S-Saigi-kun, can you help me out here…”

“Sensei…What’s with this amount of clothes…?” I grabbed Maka-sensei by

the hand, and pulled her out of the mountain of clothes that she was buried

“T-This is what you would call a maiden’s secret. Bad taste of you to gaze at
the contents of a woman’s closet, you know.”

“…Well, I’m glad to see that you’re finally awake.”

Maka-sensei had finally opened her eyes, and her cheeks started to be colored
in a faint red. Apparently, she’s using the ‘Convenient Maiden Mode’ right

“I-I’m still half asleep. There’s a trick to opening the closet. Carefully open
the door, hold back the clothes that are about to fall out, and grab whatever

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you need.”

“…Let’s just throw away the unnecessary stuff like the cheerleader outfit or
the maid uniform. You’re not going to wear it again, right?”

“W-Wait! Although I might have worn these clothes before to seduce you,
depending on the situation, I can technically reuse them to make your heart
flutter again!”

“What are you on about…”

“…Ah?! Forget about that, why are you even in my bedroom, Saigi-kun?!”

“That sure took you long enough to realize!”

This time, she had definitely woken up for sure.

“Y-You’ve seen my room right…N-No way…so embarrassing…”

“Well, I have to agree that this line-up of clothes is taking it a bit too far…”

“That’s not what I meant! I mean, that’s also a part of it but…Having my

room seen like this still is embarrassing!”

“…All I can see is that you are working really hard. I don’t think you should
be embarrassed about somebody seeing this.”

“I still am! I can’t properly put it into words, but it’s still embarrassing!”

So someone else seeing how hard she is working is bad…? Seems like even a
person like her can feel normal emotions like embarrassment.

“Saigi-kun, are you thinking something rude again?”

“I would never.”

She sure is sharp for having only truly woken up a few seconds ago.

“A-Anyway, forget everything that you’ve seen. Ahh, I’d rather have you see

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me completely naked.”

“Don’t start stripping now!”

“Saigi-kun, what exactly do you think of me? I wouldn’t strip in front of you
without any important reason!”

“How about you just never strip in the first place, no matter the reason?!”

Ah, this is tiresome to retort on everything. Just because you’d rather be seen
naked than having your room seen doesn’t mean that you have to strip.

“I’d really love to keep discussing on that topic, but can I say one thing?”

“Ehh, there’s something else?”

“Well…When I was hit by the avalanche of clothes, I feel like I heard a snap
in my right hand. On top of that, it’s throbbing in pain now.”

“A-Are you okay?!”

Not good, I was so overwhelmed with the scenery of this room that I had
forgotten about Maka-sensei still not being back to full health! Alright, first I
have to take her of her, above everything else. She has to hurry and go back
to her job after all.

Yeah, after seeing this room, I yet again realized how hard she is actually
working as a teacher. Only her, only her as a teacher, I cannot ever
underestimate. I don’t want her to quit her precious job just because of the
feelings that she has for me—

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Chapter 2: Maka-sensei’s Summer

Ahh, the sun is so dazzling…Gazing outside from the car window, I started
feeling hot. Even though we put on the A/C in the car, huh.

“Hey hey, Shiya-paisen, can I put on some music?”

“Sure sure, Manasshii. Give me some hype music!”

“Leave it to me, I’ll play some music that’s really popular with the fangirls
right now!”

Nui tapped around on her smartphone for a bit, sitting on the passenger’s seat
in the front row, and turned up some unnecessarily energetic, flashy music. I
feel like Nui and Shiya-chan really resemble each other. They’re always so
energetic, almost noisy. While the buoyant music filled the car interior,
Shiya-chan gleefully focussed on her driving. The car she was driving was
rather big, being able to fit around 7 people in the interior, a land rover of
sorts.And it wasn’t her own own car, but the car owned by the Keimi
Household’s father.

“I’m surprised that your father lent you the car. Isn’t this car pretty important
to him? Is he really fine with you driving it, Shiya-chan?”

“Hey hey, Mako. You shouldn’t underestimate your friendly neighbourhood

Onee-san like this. I took money from my parents to properly get a license,
and am now driving around in the car from my parents, so can’t you trust me
a bit more?”

“…Well, I guess.”

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As of right now, she’s not overdoing it with the speed, and she isn’t making
any dangerous turns either after all. But, sitting in the same car driven by a
childhood friend, I can’t help but feel a bit nervous. Ever since she was
young, Shiya-chan had always had tendencies to be a birdbrain at times. That
incident before with Karen-kaichou mainly happened because Shiya-chan
was the trigger for it after all…

“It’s fine, Sai-kun. I’m watching her as well, so if anything happens I’ll
quickly take over the steering wheel to save the day!”

“Says the person with no driver’s license. Nui…I can’t lie, but having you sit
in the passenger seat like this is pretty scary in itself.”

“Shouldn’t you be glad to have a gravure idol like her sit in the passenger
seat in the first place? Right, Manasshii?”

“Right, Shiya-paisen~”

“…You sure have gotten close while I wasn’t there…”

Even though Nui and Shiya-chan were supposed to never have had this much
contact before today, they’re talking like they’ve known each other for
months. Well, it’s probably because they are very similar to each other.

Shiya-chan had her bright chestnut-colored, long hair waved today, wearing a
cutsew that showed her shoulders, with a long skirt. Nui on her part had her
normal semi-long hairstyle with her red hair, also wearing a cutsew that
revealed even more of her shoulders, a tank-top inside, and hot pants,
exposing her thighs. The Shiya-chan that had a university debut, and next to
her an active JK gravure idol, Nui. Truth be told, their style was great, and
everyone would agree that they looked really styled-up.

“Sensei, Sensei. I thought that the driving would be stressful on Kagome-

chan, but she seems to be doing pretty fine.”

“There’s no way that Kagome could be stressed by anything. After all, she’s
living at our house like she’s been there since the beginning. Also, stop with
the cat punches!”

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Sitting in the second row of the car were Miharu, Shinju Muku—aka Kuu,
and me. I was made to sit between them, while Kuu had a carry bag on her
lap, with Kagome in it. Said Saigi Kagome was just rolling around inside
there, not paying any attention to what was happening outside.

Kuu had her marine blue hair bound up into a bob on the side of her head,
wearing a short-sleeved white blouse, with a mini skirt. Miharu’s black hair
was the same as always, put up behind her head in the form of a ponytail.
Talking about her clothes, she was yet again wearing the long-sleeved
hoodie, half pants that reached until the lower part of her knees. I can’t lie,
she kind of looked like a boy in that. Apparently, Kagome was very keen on
not letting Miharu pay any more money into the social games she was
playing, as she continuously gave her cat punches. Good job, keep doing that!

“Shinju Muku, how about I take the cat back to me. There’s still space back

In the last row, sitting behind us was Jinsho Karen-kaichou. Her long, black
hair was as radiant as ever, shining with a slight blue tone, wearing
something like a rich lady’s one-piece that reached down to her knees, which
fit her pretty well.

“It’s okay, Karen-oneechan. I want to keep hugging Kagome like this.”

“Also, Kaichou-san, that outfit of yours is pretty girly. You sure are
motivated, aren’t you?”

“Motivated?! Wait, Saigi Miharu, this is just something that Raiha—A friend
of mine forced me to buy when we went out shopping. I really wanted some
more plain, comfortable clothes, but since I don’t have many anyways, she
pushed me into a corner, and I didn’t have any other choice…!”

What a lengthy explanation. On a side note, Sekiya Raiha is a part-time

worker at the cat cafe ‘Nekoranya’ that Maka-sensei’s father is managing, as
well as a high school student that was raised in the same cloister like

“Well, not like Miharu cares about Kaichou-san’s clothes anyway.”

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“Don’t say that! Saigi Makoto, make sure to properly educate your little

“…I’m planning to look after her at least until she’s at the age where she
could be counted as an adult.”

“What meaning is there if you’re not mentally an adult…”

I cannot agree more, but someone like me cannot do anything against this
inevitable fate.

“No, should I just put more effort in it…? I mean, I’m working really hard. I
tried teaching her countless times, and I told her to take care of her own body
and properly dress…”

“Onii-chan, your grades are the most average they can get, and you get
scolded about your clothes every day by Kaichou-san.”

“…I’m sorry.”

An Onii-chan, apologizing to his little sister. As I am right now, I don’t have

the right to complain to other people about not being grown-up.

“Hey now, no fighting back there. It’ll take a bit more time, so keep calm
back there.”

“I know that. But, it still is pretty far away, that camping spot…Or no, it was
a barbeque spot, right?”

Yes, the plan for today was to hold a barbeque, or BBQ for short. The final
destination of this drive was a certain camping spot in another prefecture.
Apparently, you can enjoy your BBQ there without having to stay the night
in a tent. And of course, the one that came up with this plan was the normie
university student Shiya-chan. Normally, there wouldn’t be a pretense to hold
a BBQ, but just this once, Shiya-chan had one apparently.

“I think it’ll take another 30 minutes. It’s mostly a desolate spot, with few
people, but pretty far away from us. Ah, Mako, are they properly following

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“Let me check…Ah, yeah, they are.”

I turned around, and checked the car that was driving directly after us through
the car window. It was a black BMW. Since we were pretty close, I could
clearly spot the face of the person in the driver’s seat. A beauty with a short-
cut haircut, was opening and closing her mouth in a rhythmic manner. I’d
assume that she’s singing something. To name her, it was the Seikadai
Academy high school division’s Japanese teacher, Renku Hiyori-sensei.

“Seems like they’re getting pretty excited as well.”

The person sitting in the passenger seat next to Renku-sensei was an equal
beauty, with brown, long hair. Obviously, it couldn’t be anyone but Maka-
sensei. I mean, the pretense of this BBQ was Maka-sensei’s ‘Recover
Celebration’. After one week of recovery, the bandage was taken off her
hand, and she could live her normally daily life again, at least to a certain
degree. Though she shouldn’t force herself just yet, she could even return to
her workspace. This today is her first free day after that return, so it was
decided that we’d be celebrating a bit.

“Maybe I should ride with her on the way back. Hiyo-tea is pretty amazing.
A Bi-Em-Vi is pretty expensive, right? I want to try riding on that at least

“Oh my, am I being betrayed here by my trusted Manashii?”

“Sorry, sorry, Shiya-paisen. Still she must get paid a lot as a teacher to be
able to afford a car like that.”

“No, I don’t think their salary is that great…” I reflexively retorted.

Although it might not be the most expensive car in the world, Renku-sensei is
still young. I guess this makes it another mystery about the already
mysterious Renku-sensei. Also, she might have recovered, but just for safety
measures, Maka-sensei isn’t driving yet. Her Fiat hasn’t returned from the
repair yet either, and it can take a bit longer for all I care. Though, I’d really
like to know how she asked Renku-sensei for this. I can see her explaining

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Shiya-chan’s party reason, but what about everyone from SID?

“…Hm? Oh, I’m getting a call.”

As I gazed at the screen, the person calling me was—

“Hello, Kisou-sa—Tenka-san, what’s wrong?”

‘The atmosphere is really heavy. Do something, you’re responsible.’

“I don’t remember doing anything that would make me responsible for this.”

It seems as she’s trying to not get the attention of Maka-sensei, but Tenka-san
was whispering into the phone. Yes, as you probably have guessed already,
Tenka-san is also tagging along, sitting in that BMW.

‘You chose those girls, and went to ride with the university girl, Saigi. I’ll
resent you, until I die.’

“U-Until you die…?”

Apparently, she didn’t quite like the fact that I went to drive with the
members of SID. Naturally, ‘she’ refers to Maka-sensei, not Tenka-san. In
our car, it’s Shiya-chan, Karen-kaichou, Me, Nui, Miharu, Kuu, and Kagome
(Ranked after age). In the BMW, it’s Renku-sensei, Maka-sensei, and Tenka-
san (Equally ranked after age). Meaning, it’ll be 9 people and one cat that are
heading to the BBQ place. Naturally, I cannot help but get a weird
premonition from this…but I couldn’t escape since this was all planned for
Maka-sensei. And everyone is well aware that I have too much free time on
my hands…

It was…truly, the perfect weather for a BBQ. We could see guests here and
there at the spot, already being busy with their own BBQ, but there weren’t
too many people that it would make things uncomfortable. Right next to it,
was a beautifully clean and clear flowing river, with people playing in it
even. They were all so engrossed in playing that they didn’t pay any attention
to the other customers, which I was really thankful for, seeing that Maka-
sensei still shouldn’t be showing her face too openly in public.

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“Mako, could you bring me that charcoal?”

“Yeah, this should be good right, Shiya-chan?”

I put down the box filled with charcoal at Shiya-chan’s feet. With her long
hair down her back, she was working on the fire with fire tongs in her hand.
Putting charcoal into the BBQ machine, a flashy flame started to burn

“Ohh, looking good so far.”

“It’s surprisingly difficult. With an amateur, the flame might disappear

immediately. Once you get on my level though, you’ll be able to control it at
your own will.”

“So you got used to going on BBQ trips thanks to your university debut, I

“Don’t say university debut! Well, I can’t lie that they often do BBQ trips,
making me think ‘Are you a spy of the BBQ industry?!’, you know.”

Seems like Shiya-chan isn’t aware that she’s already a full-fledged normie.

“Once you get into university, I’ll make it so that you get invited as well. At
this point in time, I’ll get so many other girls to join as well, after all~”

“What’s with that implying way of phrasing it…”

“I wonder~ Well, don’t mind me. Anyway, I should be good here, so go help
out Shiya-chan, Mako.”

“Alright, I’ll do that.”

Pretty close to us, Karen-kaichou was currently busy with cutting the
vegetables, showing a rather serious expression.

“Karen-kaichou, let me help you. I’m pretty confident in my cooking skill.”

“…Hm? No, I’m fine doing this on my own. Back at the institution, we also

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have to cook for ourselves after all. Leave the cooking to me and Shiya-

“But, aren’t you tired? You must have been studying a lot for the national
mock exam.”

Because of the incident that Karen-kaichou caused just before summer break
started, her position as a scholarship student is at stake. Since she needs this
scholarship to keep studying at Seikadai’s university, she’s trying to obtain
good results at the upcoming national mock exam. Though she has top grades
in Seikadai, nationals are on a completely different level.

“We came here to take a break, didn’t we. There’s no need to be working
even today, Kaichou.”

“I’m used to looking after the small kids at our institution. It’s much more
calming for me if I see someone playing, so go and have fun with the others.”


It feels like Karen-kaichou grew a bit more calm and docile. Before, she was
much scarier.

“Ahh, right, you can play with them, but no excessive body contact alright.
This isn’t related in the slightest, but I am holding edged tools today.”

I saw a light flash in her eyes, as she held up the knife she was cutting the
vegetables with….Umm, I take back what I said about her being docile. Man,
Saigi-kun really doesn’t have any eye for people. In RPGs, monks or priests
don’t have cutlery…Apparently, this nun (in training) doesn’t have any
restrictions there.

“U-Um…I know, I have to look after Miharu and Kuu.”

While still being wary of Kaichou, I took steps back, trying not to show her
my back, separating from that spot. Pretty close to there, closer to the BBQ
spot, there was a tarp tent built up. The tarp felt like a roof more than
anything, and beneath it, tables and chairs lined up that we rented.

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“…Miharu, I was already guessing this, but you sure show no signs of
helping out.”

“In Miharu’s service manual, it says ‘Flammable’ after all.”

My little sister was laying on a deck chair, playing with her smartphone. No
matter if we’re at home, or somewhere outside, she is always the same,
huh…Well, she might actually set fire to this whole area on accident, so I
don’t mind that.

“Kuu, is Kagome doing fine?”

Our cat was resting on another chair, with Kuu sitting next to that on the
ground, just gazing at her.

“Yes, she’s fine, Sensei. Kagome-chan looks like she’s really enjoying this,
so I’m glad that we took her with us.”

“I see. Yeah, you didn’t want her to be left out after all.”

Although I was thinking of having Kagome look over the house, I decided to
take her with us at Kuu’s request.

“Seems like…she’s not planning on running away.”

“I feel like Kagome-chan would just hop in the car herself once it’s time for
us to leave.”

“If that happened, I’d be pretty doubtful if she’s not actually a cat with
magical powers or something.”

Not like I have any way of denying that though. Well, this just means that
there’s one less problem to worry about.

“You don’t have to worry about anything. I will properly look after Kagome-

“That’s great and all, but you should be careful as well, and not get too close
to the river. Ah, Shiya-chan is currently working on the fire, so stay away

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from there for now. Also, no touching the knives.”

“Sensei, you’re way too protective! I’m already in my fifth year of grade
school you know?!”

“But…you still look like a 3rd year…”

“There’s a great difference between them though! Wait a second, I know!

Sensei! My breasts have been growing more and more recently!”

“Ahhh?! You don’t have to show me!”

Kuu started to get teary-eyed as she frantically opened up the buttons of her
blouse, trying to show me.

“There’s other people around us, so you can’t just show me your breasts!”

“…But, there’s only girls around us?”

“Ah, now that you say it. No other boy in sight.”

All the other guests seemed to be university girls, like Shiya-chan. Now that I
think about it, this place doesn’t have some ban on boys being here, right…?

“Hm? But, I feel like they’ve gotten bigger.”

“Uu…You think so as well…Sensei? Now I feel kind of embarrassed…”

“Can you decide already?”

Well, she is slowly but steadily getting into the complicated age. But instead
of only checking with my eyes, I decided to reach out with my hand, and
directly touch her chest.


“Nyan? Anyway, I did cop a feel before when we compared yours to

Miharu’s chest but…Yeah, you’re catching up.”

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“I-is that so! So I will slowly catch up to Miharu-oneechan! A five years wall
between us nothing, I dare say!”

“What kind of weird phrasing is that…But, you sure are growing. Though
I’m happy, I also feel a bit lonely.”

I kept my hand on her chest, and pat up and down. Albeit small, they gave off
a soft feeling, and the two cute mounds that were entering my view at times
were really cute.

“Fuah….Mmm…Nyaa…S-Sensei…I feel weird…”

“What? Are you getting a fever? Your face is ready, now that I look at it.
You okay?”

“The one not being okay is you, Sai-kun!”

Suddenly, I was grabbed by the neck, and pulled backwards.

“W-What, oh it’s Nui. Look, Kuu is acting a bit weird—”

“Again, the weird one is you, Sai-kun! What are you groping the breasts of
young girl like Kuu in public?!”

“Breasts…It’s Kuu we’re talking about, you know? She’s a fifth grader.”

“That makes it even worse! A total out! Kuu-tan, properly put on your
clothes again!”

Weirdly enough, Nui was actually panicking quite a bit as she frantically
buttoned up Kuu’s blouse.

“Eh, I’m totally okay with Sensei groping my chest though…in about five

“Then you’ll be okay with it in a different way! Though Sai-kun will be


“I don’t really care, but this is pretty weird for you, Nui. No need to cause a

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ruckus like this.”

“W-Weird…I definitely should be in the right here…Sai-kun, come with me

for a second. This time I will lecture you!”

“Ehh, Nui is lecturing me? Is the world going to end tomorrow?”

“You can do it, Sensei! I’ll go play with Kagome-chan.” Kuu waved her hand
at me.

Nui pulled me by the hand, and took me to a nearby shadow next to a rock.

“Listen, Sai-kun. You can’t touch any unripe chest. If you need to cop a feel,
then just ask me!”

“Yeah, I knew it beforehand, but this sure does not feel like a lecture.”

Even beneath the cutsew and tank-top, I could clearly catch glimpses of Nui’s
well-developed chest. Though hearing this proposition from a gravure idol
like her might make your heart shake, for better or worse, I managed to hold
myself back.

“…Huh? That reminds me, Nui, didn’t you say you went to a photoshoot on

“Ah, yeah I did!”

For a second, Nui’s eyes lit up—

“…A day trip.”

“A day trip?!”

Only for her to hang her head low in depression.

“I was looking forward to it so much, but then they tricked me! Boarding the
plane first thing in the morning, quickly get the shot done, and then back to
Japan in the evening! How would you feel?!”

“Pretty frantic if you as me…Did they want to save costs for staying the night

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or something?”

“Of course they did! They said that we had a lot of staff for it, so they made
this a non-stop round trip! I didn’t have time to get a sunburn!”

“W-Well, that wouldn’t be beneficial for you anyway, getting a sunburn I

mean. They say that a sunburn is a woman’s arch nemesis.”

“I really wanted Sai-kun to awaken to a tan fetish, and that plan just went
poof, gone! Since Maka-tea and everyone from SID is fair-skinned already, I
have to stand out in some way! Thanks for nothing, management!”

“That plan wouldn’t have worked even if it wasn’t a one-day trip…”

I really don’t care if you’re tanned or fair-skinned, really.

“Ehhh…But, staying the same as always won’t have enough destructive

power. What should I do then.”

“Destructive power? What are you on about?”

“No no, don’t mind me. Oh right, I might just help out with the food a bit~”

“Nui, I don’t have any medicine with me for an upset stomach, so keep that
in mind.”

“What do you take me for, Sai-kun?!”

A dangerous individual, what else? Naturally, I kept quiet about that, and just
watched the teary-eyed Nui trott off into the distance…Well, it’s nothing
new, but I feel like she might be planning something…

“You seem to be enjoying yourself…”


I heard an ominous sounding voice, as I reflexively stretched my back.

“M-Maka-sensei…How are you feeling?”

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“Not bad, not bad. My right hand is almost back to normal, so I feel like I can
bring up quite the power.”

Maka-sensei was having her right hand at me, as a dark, rumbling aura built
up behind her back…Not good, I let down my guard. She saw me being flirty
—Well, not exactly flirty, but she still saw me talking with Nui like this. I
was expecting her to watch over the playing students, since they are teachers,
although not on official duty right now. Ahh, since Nui and I disappeared,
they probably realized it even quicker. Maka-sensei was wearing no-sleeved
knitted garments, with a black tight mini skirt. Her two, dazzling long legs
and thighs were almost too bright for my eyes. I really can’t see these clothes
being made for outdoor activities like this—

“Today Sensei is in the main role, after all. Come on, take a seat.”

“What’s with you, so suddenly. But, you’re right, I am the protagonist today.
We were driving in a different car, and Saigi-kun has mostly been avoiding
me today…I’m not some hardcore masochist, you know?”

“Avoiding…I was helping Shiya-chan.”

“That university girl…She’s not content with just being referred to by -chan,
but now she’s even keeping Saigi-kun to herself…”

“Aren’t you doing the same, Maka-sensei…”

“Shut up! Today is a celebration for me, so I’ll keep quiet for now, but if the
girls from SID pull any mischief, then…Fufufu.”

“Finish your sentence, please! Covering up with your laugh is scary!”

While laughing, Maka-sensei walked away.

“…Ah, that reminds me, Saigi-kun”

Or so I thought, when she suddenly turned around.

“The truth is…I went on a BBQ before during my university days, but I never
learned how to put on the fire…or how to grill the meat and vegetables. I’d

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probably just turn the food itself into charcoal.”

“You really are clumsy in the weirdest spots…It’s fine, Shiya-chan and
Kaichou are taking care of it.”

“I don’t even have the confidence to properly split up the food on the
respective plates…”

“E-Even that? I-It’s fine, you are the protagonist today, so I’ll do the rest.”

“I’m glad…I really can’t live my life without you Saigi-kun.”

“You’re over exaggerating…”

After I gave Maka-sensei a bitter smile, she turned around and walked away
for good. Even if she’s not planning anything, she still takes a lot of attention.
Just for today, I have to take care of her again…

The BBQ was great. I really am not the outdoor type, but eating delicious
meat beneath the blue sky on a great day like this wasn’t too bad. I feel like I
can finally understand why normies are so hooked on BBQ. Wait…Aren’t I
kind of a normie right now…? I’m surrounded by girls, and all of them are
beauties without question. At least they look like beauties.

“Now then, since that’s done, let’s move on to the next part!”

“Yahooo! It’s finally time for the real deal!”

The second we finished cleaning things up, Shiya-chan and Nui suddenly
started to get noisy. Well, they were pretty energetic during the BBQ as well.

“Hm? Real deal…? There’s more?”

I really thought that the BBQ was the end.

“Hehe, Sai-kun. Now it’s my time as a producer! Everyone, let’s go!”

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Nui said in an arrogant tone, as the girls all headed back to the car. What’s
going on…? All I could do was play with Kagome until they returned—

“Okayy, thanks for waiting! Sai-kun, look at this!”

“What is it now…Woah?!”

Nui, who came walking towards me from the car—was wearing a swimsuit.
It was a similar one I had seen before, when I helped her with her gravure
idol photoshoot, a white bikini. And yet again, her well-endowed breasts, one
part of why she is so popular as a gravure idol, were about to burst out of the
bikini top. Every time she took a small step, her chest was shaking very

“N-Nui? Why are you wearing a swimsuit?”

“We can swim in the river here, you know. So of course, we’d use that


Nui stood in front of me, taking erotic positions you’d see in a magazine with
her. Even if know what’s inside that rocking bod, I couldn’t help but be
flustered…Why, Nui’s an idiot though…Is this what she meant with
‘destructive power’…?

“Sai-kun, aren’t you thinking something rude again? What else but erotic
thoughts could you be having, with me standing in front of you like this?”
Nui got noisy as she walked forward.

If she keeps moving like that, anybody would eventually give in to those

“S-Sensei. How does this swimsuit look…?”

“Even Kuu…”

The next girl that appeared in front of me was Kuu. She was wearing a pastel
pink one-piece type of a swimsuit, with a frilly skirt. I have to say, it really

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looked cute on Kuu.

“Yeah, you look adorable. We took you to the pool last year, but this
swimsuit is different I see.”

“T-The one from last year is a bit tight around my chest…”

“Ahhhh…Well, it’s good if you’re growing.”

As a 5th grader, she might still be small, but she definitely shows signs of

“Hey, Sai-kun! Why is your reaction so different from mine?! You’re a

lolicon?! A lolicon, right?!”

“Hey now, don’t scream out stuff that would get me arrested.”

“…I crushed Nui-oneesan. I won against an active gravure idol…!” Kuu

formed a fist with her right hand, striking a victory pose.

“Y-You…! You can’t fangirl about lolis nowadays! Just looking at them with
a weird gaze will get you arrested! But, you can do whatever you want with
me, whenever you want, and the police can’t say anything!” (sounds like a
plan to me)

“Alright, let’s keep it at that!”

Nui was starting to get worked up a little bit too much there. Also, treasure
yourself a bit more.

“Kuu, go play with Nui-oneesan. Look over her so that she doesn’t do
anything weird.”

“I-I understand. I’ll give it my best, and look after Nui-oneesan.”

“…Weird, where is my respect corresponding to my age…”

Though Nui truly made a hateful expression, Kuu didn’t mind that and pulled
her by the hand, onwards to the river. Fuu…Good thing the dangerous

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individual Nui was the first one to appear…

“Uuuu…I’ve never worn a swimsuit before…”

“Yes yes, you said that countless times before, but you have to enjoy your
life some more, Karen-chan. You’re rocking a good body there, so not
wearing a swimsuit is a crime! Such a perverted body should be shown!”

“P-Perverted…Saigi Makoto tends to tease me about it, but Shiya-senpai,

you’re even more rude!”

“Well yeah, I’m something like a master to Mako after all.”


The next ones that appeared…Karen-kaichou and Shiya-chan, huh. Karen-

kaichou was wearing a cool and soothing blue bikini. That being said, she
was getting close to Nui’s chest size, so looking directly at her would not be
good for my health. Especially the mole on her right chest, it really would
destroy my reasoning. Shiya-chan on the other side rather kept it cute with
hers, a bikini with a flower pattern, with a pareo around her hip. And she’s
rather big in the chest area as well…

“Look at Mako, closely observing us! And Karen-chan’s breasts especially!”

“W-Why are you happy about that! Hey, Saigi Makoto, don’t stare too

“…Karen-kaichou, I already said this before with your nun uniform, but your
swimsuit figure really is indecent…”

“Don’t say indecent! I’d rather have you call me sexy!”

Oops, she got angry at me. But, I can’t help but voice my honest impressions.
She really gives off a lot of sex appeal.

“…A-Ahh, that girl didn’t follow us! Really, all these kids are so
troublesome to take care of!”

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Suddenly, Shiya-chan turned around on her heel and walked away. After that
was Karen-kaichou, walking to the river as her breasts were swaying left and
right. Normally Karen-kaichou was always brimming with confidence, but
once it gets into the being sexy part, she always crumbles.

“Gyaa, Shii-chan, let Miharu go! Miharu wants to live inside the car for the
rest of her life!”

“Haru, just give up. I’ll cut the A/C either way, so you’ll burn up inside the


Miharu was almost brought to tears as she was pulled along by Shiya-chan.

“It says in Miharu’s service manual to ‘Not expose her to too much sunlight’,
you know.”

Babbling on about something incomprehensible as always, my little sister

was wearing a blue-white striped bikini top, with hot pants beneath that.
Looking at her with this swimsuit on, she really is flat… (FLAT IS

“Well, I’m used to seeing your naked breasts even, so I don’t feel any shock
from this~”

“Onii-chan, Miharu anticipated that response, but it’s still frustrating.”

Miharu threw me a sharp glare.

“I really can’t tell if you’re close siblings or not, really.”

Since Shiya-chan knew us from the time we were still young, she knows that
we always took a bath together until fairly recently. I mean, there were often
times where Shiya-chan even joined us for a bath. But, that’s all in the past.

“Now, this should be everyone. Ah, Mako, you’ll be wearing a swimsuit as

well. Be thankful to Onee-sama for preparing one.”

Opening the bag that Shiya-chan pushed towards me, I found a familiar

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looking swimsuit in there.

“I should have properly locked up my room, so why does Shiya-chan…”

“I had someone work together with me. Also, I was really looking forward to
seeing your stash of porn, but I couldn’t find anything. Curse today’s
technology, being able to store all the data!”

“Um, Shiya-chan? I’d like to retort here, so could you stop with the new
revelations one after another?”

She didn’t just selfishly steal my swimsuit, but also went searching through
my room. Also, she probably doesn’t need to tell me, but I can guess this
certain someone that was working together with her.

“Hm? Shiya-chan, where’s Maka-sensei…Renku-sensei, and Tenka-san?”

“Well, Maka-sama went off with that small cute girl somewhere! Ahh, I
really was looking forward to seeing Maka-sama’s swimsuit! Just for that, I
went to buy a new smartphone with a triple camera, to get the perfect

“…Shiya-chan, let’s use the money from your part-time job properly from
now on.”

Shiya-chan was a rather plain JK, but after meeting Maka-sensei, she decided
to become more like her, changing her hair color and everything.

“Ah, Renku-sensei said that a swimsuit is a total no-go. If we really wanted

her to, we should contact her manager.”

“Is Renku-sensei some celebrity now?”

I knew it before, but there really are way too many tiring and bothersome
people around me…Anyway, Shiya-chan told me that Renku-sensei was
relaxing at a nearby cafe.

“Maka-sama’s swimsuit might be too dazzling for my eyes, and end up

making me blind, so I guess I’ll have to give up.”

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“Good thinking…”

Shiya-chan has to drive us home as well, so I’d really appreciate it if she

treasured her eyes. If she can’t…No, I don’t even want to think about the
nightmare awaiting me.

“Go and change, Mako. Haru and I will be going on ahead!”

“Ehhh…It says ‘Do not get in contact with water’ in Miharu’s service manual

My little sister really is a complicated living being to handle. Especially

today, I feel like. Well, she hates being outside, so I should have anticipated
that. But anyway, I went into the shadow, and finished changing.

“Hey, Mako! You’re late!”

“Oh, Sai-kun. Not bad, not bad~ But, get a tan, you’ll look even better!”

“N-No, being fair-skinned like that isn’t too bad either? Ah, not good…my
heart is racing seeing someone else’s naked body, even though I already have

“Sensei, hurry up! Uwa, nyan!”

“Alrighty, Kuu-chan, don’t fall over now. And Onii-chan, don’t get
enchanted by a young girl’s swimsuit.”


What is this gal game like ‘Swimsuit party with beauties event!’ atmosphere.
Everyone from SID was gleefully playing in the river. Luckily the water
wasn’t too deep, so Kuu could play around with no problem whatsoever.

“Sai-kun, Sai-kun, the water is so cold, it feels really good! Come feel good
together with us!”

“Hey Amanashi Nui! Don’t phrase it like that—Kyan!”

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Getting splashed with water by Nui, Karen-kaichou let out a cute shriek.

“Ahahahaha, although I might lose a bit in terms of studying, being outdoors

is my specialty!”

“A bit…? Oho, so you’re trying to start a fight with me?”

Running her hand through her long black hair, Karen-kaichou closed in on

“Who cares about that…Miharu doesn’t want to get wrapped up in this…

Ahh, Kuu-chan, protect Miharu.”

“Kya, Miharu-oneechan, you’re heavy!”

Miharu clung to Kuu from behind her back. Well, as long as they’re having

“Alright, since Mako is here now, I’ll go over there for a bit. Mako, Karen-
chan or Manasshii are fine, but no laying your hands on little girls, okay?”

“I won’t lay my hands on anybody!”

“Ahaha, I allow you to cheat, since I’m a grown adult!”


Shiya-chan waved her hand at me, and walked off somewhere.

“Now then, Saigi Makoto. Since only the original SID members remain.”

“Yeah, I feel like that, recently, Sai-kun’s been treating us rather roughly.”

“S-Sensei…If you don’t pay a bit more attention to me, even I’ll start


Karen-kaichou, Nui, and Kuu, all wet from the river water, approached me.

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Only Miharu, flashing a ‘I can’t be bothered’ expression, was resting at a
nearby rock. Hmm…I feel like getting away from them might be

“Sorry for making you wait, Saigi-kun!”

And then, a beauty appeared, bringing light to my approaching despair.

Running her fingers through her brown hair, she came walking towards us
like a model on a catwalk.

“Since this girl here really hated the idea of wearing a swimsuit, I had to
force her a bit.”

“…There was no need to force me like that.”

Following Maka-sensei was Tenka-san. Apparently, they had some interior

fighting, which made them run late. Maka-sensei was wearing a flashy red
bikini, heavily emphasizing her large E-cups, making them look even bigger
than usual. Not to mention her plump thighs, a sight to behold. No matter
how often I see her like this, I can’t help but admire her great style.

Tenka-san…was wearing a school swimsuit for some reason. Having a small

stature for being a second-year in high school, with breasts that wouldn’t lose
much against her older sister…what is this sense of immorality?

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“Uwah, Ten-chan, a school swimsuit?! How aggressive! Even I, as a gravure
idol, have never worn one before!”

“C-Couldn’t help it. I don’t have any other swimsuits. Onee—Fujiki-sensei

told me to bring one…J-Just let me leave!”

“No leaving. Kisou-san, you have to learn to communicate with your

surroundings a bit better.”


Maka-sensei grabbed Tenka-san’s wrist, and pulled her towards the river.
Woah…Leaving aside Maka-sensei, even Tenka-san’s chest was swaying so
much. Tenka-san was trying to hide her body in embarrassment, but because
of that, her breasts were emphasized even more. Really, did they plan this
just to stimulate me or something?

“S-Saigi…Don’t stare too much…That gaze…you have to see it for


Now this is a side I haven’t seen of Tenka-san before. Well, this clumsy and
flustered side is probably in the Fujiki Household’s blood.

“Now then…Let’s enjoy ourselves, Saigi-kun~”

“I-I’m not going to enjoy myself…!”

The both of them lined up in front of me, leaning forward to show the valley
of their chests. Well, Tenka-san was just doing the same pose as Maka-sensei
because she was forced to.

“Grr…Maka-tea, your grown-up appeal…It’ll take another year until I can

catch up…”

“Rather, Fujiki-sensei has been getting rather bolder…Oh Lord, will you
forgive this person?”

“S-Sensei…I won’t give in just because you two are going out…!”

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“Onii-chan’s gotten in a lot of trouble, huh. All you had to do was forever
take care of Miharu.”

Behind the beautiful sisters, the members of SID followed. What kind of
view is this, the mid-game bosses lining up after the final boss. Either way,
none of them are bosses that I will be able to surpass…Welp, I was looking
forward to some normal, relaxing fun, but looks like that was too much to ask
for I suppose

Or so I thought, but it was actually pretty enjoyable. The water of the river
was cold, and felt really good, and everyone was playing like little kids. Well,
Kuu still is a kid. And Nui might have the body of an adult, but she has the
brain of a child.

“Maybe I’m paying it too much mind…All this SID stuff.”

Having gotten a bit tired, I was taking a walk a bit further away from
everyone. Meanwhile, Maka-sensei, Tenka-san, and everyone from SID were
gleefully playing around. Well, I say that, but with Miharu and Tenka-san
being the indoor type, they were now laying at the tarp. Though I’d like to
retort on the fact they’re having a bit too much fun on this, it does mean that
SID won’t attack me, giving me some time to breathe.

Since only Karen-kaichou knows about Maka-sensei’s true identity, this is

much more calm and collected than the usual ‘education’ of hers. And
apparently, Maka-sensei is enjoying herself, while still acting as our
guardian. Well, she was kind of locked up in her apartment for quite some
time, so a lot of frustration and stress must have built up. Though truth be
told, while relaxing like this, she is still keeping SID in check.

I guess that…me just playing around, not paying any mind to anything,
probably turned into a wall for Maka-sensei. She might have some clumsy
moments, but she’s clever enough. Even now, I’m in a ‘I can’t run away from
Maka-sensei’ situation. When I had to say who was more troublesome to deal
with, all of SID gathered or Maka-sensei, it’d probably be Maka-sensei. And
this Maka-sensei here is acting as the unobtainable flower in front of others,
trying not to harm me in any way.

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“Heeey, what are you mumbling to yourself, Saigi!”

“Ah, Renku-sensei…Not good, was I talking too much.”

Renku-sensei had put down a chair close to the river, relaxing. Is she that
much afraid of getting a sunburn? Why is she wearing long sleeves even in
this heat?

“Renku-sensei, weren’t you supposed to be waiting at a nearby cafe?”

“More people arrived and it got noisier, so I ran away to this place. I’m a
grown-up woman that loves the quiet, you know~”

“I was about to ask for your opinion on quietness.”

“Ha ha ha, as cheeky as ever, I see. By the way, you can just call me Hiyori-
sensei. I mean, usually everyone is referring to me by that anyway~”

“It’d definitely be weird if I started referring to you like that.”

I am known as the Saigi that is always rebellious towards teachers.

“But you call MakaMaka ‘Maka-sensei’…? Then, call me Hiyo~”

“That’s a bit too much of a step-up…”

But, it really seems like nobody cares too much about me calling her ‘Maka-


“Okie dokie. Any stiff way of referring to me is more of a bother than

anything, since I’d rather be an easy and cheap to get along with Sensei, you

“Cheap…Well, it’s fine. I’m probably just being a bother to your quietness
now, so I’ll leave you alone.”

“It’s fine~ I’m here to look after everyone after all. Is MakaMaka enjoying

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herself at least?”

“Yes, she sure is. She must have been stressed out, not being able to leave her
apartment all this time, so this is a good change of pace, I’m sure.”

“Hmmm, you know that she wasn’t able to leave after all, I see.”

“I-I happened to hear about it from Tenka-san. And I mean, I brought her the
items she wanted, so of course I’d be interested in her situation.”

“Hmmm, is that sooo. From Kisou-chan~?”

Ah, her eyes are looking more doubtful than lax. I know that since I often
have this sort of gaze.

“You’re not stalking MakaMaka just because she’s a beauty, are you~? You
better not try to find out the color of her underwear every day, okay?”

“I’m not the clingy type of person to begin with…”

Well, I do know the color of her underwear on a daily basis almost. Rather,
the one being clingy is Maka-sensei…

“Well, you’re just a shitty brat, but not necessarily a bad kid.”

“Shitty brat…”

Isn’t that basically the same as a bad kid?

“I feel like MakaMaka is pretty interested in that? Normally, your

rehabilitation should be a job that nobody wants to take over, but she sure
looks lively to me~”

“…Maybe Maka-sensei is just a workaholic? And she wants the work that’s
rather lengthy and tedious to do. Though it might sound weird coming from

“That might be it, yeah~ MakaMaka loves to challenge herself, ever since she
was young.”

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“…Ever since she was young?”

“Ah, that reminds me. That girl, Keimi-chan. She was walking upstream, on
pretty unsteady feet. It’s pretty hot, so she’s gotta keep up her water supply.
If she collapses, it’ll fall under my responsibility, and I’ll cry if they cut my

“…Shiya-chan is already a grown-up, so that wouldn’t fall under your

responsibility though.”

“Just go. Here, I haven’t opened it yet.”

Hiyori-sensei stretched out a water bottle towards me. She’s clearly avoiding
the previous topic, but…she’s a weird person to begin with.

“I’ll gladly do that, but…Hiyori-sensei, why did you suddenly bring up


“As doubtful as always I see, Saigi. Wanting a reason for every


While handing me the water bottle, she continued.

“Well, with such nice weather, I guess my mouth has gotten a bit loose, what
can I say~ Normally adults don’t say any unnecessary stuff, see.”

“……Is that so.”

That really doesn’t explain much, but…Well, questioning her won’t help me
much now that she’s like this. Guess I’ll go save my childhood friend.

Walking alongside the river for a while—

“Ah, there she is. Shiya-chan!”

Shiya-chan was sitting on a large rock, next to the river.

“Hey Mako, be a bit more quiet. You’ll scare away the fish.”

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“Ah, sorry. But, why are you fishing here, Shiya-chan?”

Just when I was wondering where she went and what she was doing, this is
quite the unexpected development. Still wearing her swimsuit, she was
gazing at the fishing line, reaching out of the water surface.

“Here, have some water. Hiyori-sensei asked me to bring it to you.”

“Ahh, thank you. I’ve actually gotten a bit thirsty, so perfect timing.”

Shiya-chan accepted the bottle, and immediately gulped down almost half of

“Puwa, that feels great, feeling it run down your throat. I completely forgot to
some, so you really saved me.”

“Glad to hear it. And, you’re fishing here?”

“Since fishing is allowed here, I thought I might as well. But, since the kids
are playing back there, the fish are swimming away, so I had to separate a bit.
River fish are pretty delicate, you know.”

“Is that so…”

I’m just guessing that she’s not used to fishing. Shiya-chan can be pretty
crude and rash after all, I really can’t see her catching anything…

“Ah, I remembered! Back in middle school, Shiya-chan’s dad took us out to a

fishing trip! Miharu was with us, right?”

“You forgot about that until now? Yeah, my father really loved fishing, so he
wanted to teach it to his daughter as well. Though, I really wasn’t interested
all that much. That’s why I forced Mako and Haru to come with me, so that I
wouldn’t be bored too much.”

“For that reason?!”

Well, Shiya-chan was always treating me like a pet, or a toy.

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“How many times did we even go there. It was pretty fun, but we eventually
stopped going there, right.”

“Since I never showed any signs of actually wanting to go there myself, my

father stopped pulling me there.”

“…So, why did you start fishing now?”

“If it’s with everyone, there are things I can’t tell Mako, right?” Shiya-chan
lifted up the fishing rod.

“…So you weren’t fishing for the fish, but for me?”

“Good thing my childhood friend understands me that well.” She grinned,

and tapped me on the shoulder. “Hey, Mako. You understand why I decided
to participate in SID, right?”

“…Uuu, you’re coming straight at me, huh.”

So much happened with Maka-sensei’s accident that I completely forgot…

Shiya-chan joined the SID LINE group, and started sending childhood
pictures of me.

“Ah, I see. Maka-sensei isn’t a member of SID, and is still part of their LINE
group. There must be some reason, so you decided to—”

“I’m a proper member of SID. I asked Karen-chan, and she let me in.”

“Uuu…How did you find out about SID’s existence?”

“I know everything about Karen-chan. That includes the suspicious

organization that she is a part of.”

“Ugh…As always, I can’t underestimate this flow of information…!”

For some reason, SID isn’t even as secret as they make it out to be…!

“B-But, wait a second Shiya-chan! You and I are childhood friends…And

right now, we’re private tutor and student, right?!”

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“Isn’t that pretty good porn material and so on?”

“What are we talking about?!”

I’m not 18 yet, so I don’t know much about that topic! Yes, I’m not lying!

“Anyway, never mind that, I’m serious. I didn’t join SID for the laughs. If I
did, Karen-chan would have probably found out, and kicked me out.”


I know that all the members from SID truly have genuine feelings for me.
Nui, Kuu, and Karen-kaichou, I already heard their feelings, and although
their group might be a bit fishy, I can’t deny the very reason of their
existence. Because that would be too rude.

“Oh yeah, everyone from SID already did it with you, right?”

“They didn’t!”

“Hey hey, what are you thinking? I didn’t mean that.”

With a small giggle, Shiya-chan put down the fishing rod, walked around me,
and hugged me from behind. It’s hot already, so why would she…No rather,
why is my heart beating like this, even though she’s just an Onee-san I
sometimes took a bath together with?

“I’m talking about a confession. A con-fes-sion…Fu~”


Pushing her head next to my ear, she faintly blew at it. A shock, akin to an
electric current, ran through my body.

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“I’ll go ahead and say it as well. Mako, Shiya-oneesan…likes you.”


So that’s why she got involved with SID—I had these assumptions from the
moment she joined, but I was hoping that she was just joking and teasing me
like she always had…

“Don’t jo—”

“It’s not a joke. I do like teasing you, but I will never deceive you. Naturally,
Karen-kachen as well. Both Haru, who is like a little sister to me, and
Kuusuke, a serious and diligent girl are in there as well, so we’re not joking


“That’s where you stab in? I heard from Manasshii that your retorting skills
have gotten better over the past few months, but you still have a lot to learn I

“What are you talking about with Nui…?”

“Rather than that…I just confessed to you. Where’s my response?”


Even know, be it Nui, Kuu, or even Karen-kaichou, I haven’t given any of

them a definite answer. It’s like I’m ‘keeping them warm’…

“Haha, I know, I know. You can’t answer immediately. Nom nom~”

“Woah…?! S-Shiya-chan…!”

She suddenly started softly biting into my ear. Ahh, Shiya-chan’s (self-
proclaimed) charm point, her high canine is hitting me…!

“Mako sure is cute. Your looks didn’t change either these past few years.”

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“Leave me alone. A-Are you saying that…you like me…because of my

“Now, I wonder? Maybe Maka-sama is interested in those cute parts of


“Uu…Y-You know even that.”

Right after I received the quadruple confession from SID, in order not to
receive countless attacks and approaches from them, Maka-sensei and I
started a fake relationship. Naturally that would mean that Shiya-chan also
knows about us ‘dating’…

“Well, I know that the two of you aren’t just teacher and student. If not, you
wouldn’t be nursing her like this.”

“What’s with that implying way of phrasing things…”

“I mean, isn’t this what your relationship is like? Well, seeing that Mako,
who hates being deceived, and deceiving others, is telling lies like this, I
guess that Onee-san is a bit happy that you’ve grown this much. My young
boy has grown up.”

“I really don’t believe your confession yet, you know.”

Saigi-kun, time for a counterattack. I didn’t just take Maka-sensei’s education

for nothing. I won’t be done in by an older woman that easily.

“Really? You think that my confession is just a lie? Or is it—”

“Alright, Shii-chan. Can you stop teasing Onii-chan like that.”


“Ah, Haru?”

Suddenly, my little sister’s face suddenly peaked around the corner of a

nearby rock. Wearing her usual hoodie on top of her swimsuit, she was
gazing at her smartphone.

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“…Miharu, you shouldn’t walk while looking at your phone.”

“You’re retorting on that now? Everyone is looking for you, Onii-chan.

Especially Maka-sensei, she seemed really serious.”

“Really serious, huh.”

She probably had problems holding up her unobtainable flower face. Really, I
keep telling her that she has to be more careful. Not to mention that she still
is gathering attention thanks to the video of the accident.

“Good on you to find us like this, Haru.”

“Ah, Miharu put a tracking device in Onii-chan’s smartphone, so she always

knows where he is.”

“So you finally admit it! And that easily?!”

Ahhhhhhhhhh, that took way too long! This doubt I had for so long finally
turned into reality!

“To be precise, it’s the ‘OPS’.”

“W-What’s OPS?”

I took out my phone, starting to look for an app or the like with that name.

“O (Onii-chan) P (Positioning) S (System). Or OPS in short.”

“No intention of hiding anything I see!”

“Ah, you don’t need to look for it. The icon is hidden, and Miharu set it so
that it doesn’t show in your downloads either.”

“You keep throwing the cold hard truth at me…”

Since I don’t really use my smartphone all too much besides messaging, I
wouldn’t even know how to look for something hidden like that…

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“Don’t worry, The OPS that Miharu developed can only gather your GPS
information, and access your camera, so it’s totally safe. No need to worry.”

“It’s not safe at all…Also, it has access to my camera even? Give me a


Doesn’t this mean that she can record sounds with the camera…?

“…Hm? Miharu, when you’re at home, and you’re only on your smartphone,
does this mean…”

“Miharu is also playing social games, but she often checks OPS. She
sometimes checks where Onii-chan has been, or looking at the camera and
the pictures you sent.”

“What about my privacy?!”

“Just a joke. Miharu put in that function for the camera, but she’s not using

“So you’re not denying that you’re checking my location…”

It’s pretty normal I’d say for parents to always look where their kid is going
around. But, isn’t this going a bit too far?

“Ohh, Haru, you’re pretty good with all this technical stuff then?”

“You’ll eventually get to a level like this if you just play around with your
smartphone all day.”

“I-Is that so…?”

Her knowledge might actually be on a whole other level from what I

originally anticipated? To think that she’d make an original app like that…

“By the way, Makoto-kun, Shiya-kun. Miharu took the freedom to overhear
your conversation just now.”

“Why did you suddenly turn into some dandy old man?”

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“Onii-chan, you shouldn’t doubt Shii-chan too much. It’s true that she mostly
treats you like a toy, and she loves teasing you even if that’s a demerit for
you…and she might have done some bad things in the past.”

“Um, Haru, why did this suddenly turn into a diss?”


Miharu walked forwards, and stopped between me and Shiya-chan.

“Since forever ago, Shii-chan was always focussed on Onii-chan. When Onii-
chan was deceived by Kouko-sensei, and ended up hating teachers, Shii-chan
went to complain to her, right?”

“H-Haru, why do you know that?”


Ehh, what’s with that. I never heard about that either.

“And it’s not just that. When Onii-chan was in middle school, a student from
another school was in trouble with a teacher, so she marched in there

“Again, why do you know that?!”

Incidentally, Shiya-chan was pretty surprised at all the knowledge that

Miharu was holding. But, I heard about that story myself. It’s the story that
happened when Karen-kaichou and I first met back then. I really don’t
remember telling Miharu about that…

“Shii-chan, you were warned by your own school back then, right? That’s
why your mother knows, hence why Miharu knows.”

“Were you always this close with my parents, Haru…?”

Shiya-chan was perplexed at the sudden reveal. I wasn’t as much, seeing that
the Saigi Household and Keimi Household had been neighbours in our flat
since forever, so of course our families are pretty close.

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“Miharu, why do you even have all this proactive information gathered like

“The one that holds control over the flow of information holds control over
the entire world.”

“Are you aiming for world domination or something?!”

No, never mind that, I really didn’t expect my slowpoke of a little sister to be
this diligent. She sure doesn’t waste her talent…

“And also, Shii-chan, you—”

“Waahh, Haru, you have even more?!”

“Since Onii-chan is so doubtful, you have to tell him everything or he won’t

believe you. He’s been stuck on Kouko-sensei for ten years plus, you know.”

“Stuck on…”

I’m questioning if my little sister doesn’t actually hate me.

“The reason you didn’t get in contact with Onii-chan after you got into
university is because you were afraid that he wouldn’t grow, and only stick to
you, right? That’s why you took your distance from him.”

“I didn’t tell Mama about that!”

Shiya-chan went completely red, grabbing Miharu’s shoulders, and shaking

her. Miharu on her part just stayed expressionless as before.

“Yeah, this just now was Miharu’s speculation. But, seeing that reaction,
seems like she was right?”


Woah, Shiya-chan is at a loss. This is similar to back at Karen-kaichou’s

incident…Might she actually be pretty weak-willed…?

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“Well, just as Shii-chan knows a lot about us, Miharu knows about her. It’s
pretty easy to arrive at that conclusion. The only one that can’t, is this
doubtful Onii-chan, unable to understand a girl’s heart.” Miharu threw me a
cold stare.

Yeah, seems like my doubtfulness is not helping in that regard…

“I-I’ll go fishing a bit more upstream! This time I’ll definitely catch some

Suddenly, Shiya-chan picked up the fishing rod, and ran away.

“…Umm, does this river actually have sweetfish?”

“Even if it does, Shii-chan can’t catch them anyway. You have to be cool
while fishing after all.”

Yeah, Shiya-chan’s condition is the farthest thing away from cool right now.

“Hmmm…So Shii-chan kept quiet about that…”

“…Hm? Miharu, are you in a bad mood or something?”


Without responding me, Miharu just averted her gaze, and started to operate
her smartphone again. To see my little sister, who barely can’t be arsed to do
anything besides rolling around all day, push Shiya-chan into a corner like
this, I feel like this isn’t the last of this.

“…Should we go after her. It’d be bad if she fell into the river like this.”

“Yeah, let’s do that.”

Though I’m interested as to why Miharu is in a bad mood, she won’t respond
to me, so further asking won’t do me any good. Either way, Shiya-chan is
like an older sister for the two of us. No matter how complicated things might
get, we’re still worried about her.

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“Fu, what a pain, during this heat.”

Miharu complained, as she took my hand. This sure takes me back to when
we were still small…Holding hands with my little sister like this isn’t so bad
once in a while, I guess.

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Chapter 3: Maka-sensei’s steamy
travelling mood

And there was a hot spring inn. There, gods of the Sengoku period , who
proudly fought in the wars for their families and friends, went to soothe their
wounds, and refresh their tired bodies—Well, not as much, but it still is a
pretty famous hot spring, I heard. Though a hot spring’s main season runs
from fall to winter, there’s also a lot of people that like to visit one during the
summer. Especially now, during nationwide summer break, getting a
reservation is no easy feat.

“H-Hmmm…” I groaned, as I looked around inside the inn.

It should be difficult, yes, but we still managed to get one room, thanks to our
good luck, I’d call it. Something similar happened before, so I can’t tell if this
is good or bad luck actually.

A Japanese room, able to fit eight people. We were nine people in total, plus
a cat, so quite a big group. Couldn’t complain that there wasn’t a room big
enough for us, plus we could take the cat in. After all that playing at the river,
we got too focussed, and missed our timing to go home. Since the two drivers
were tired as well, we held off of a long drive for today, and looked for a
place to stay over. Everyone went to call around several inns, and luckily, we
managed to find this one. Sitted in a certain mountain, it felt like an inn that
was mostly meant for distinguished families. Naturally, the pay for it wasn’t
anything to ignore, our two adults quickly agreed to pay. However—

Maka-sensei, the members of SID, Tenka-san, and Hiyori-sensei were all

tending their skin, which had been under the heavy influence of UV rays.
Now they were all sitting on top of the tatami mats.

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“Umm, I’ll just go sleep in the car. It should be big enough for me.”

“No you won’t. If someone is sleeping in the car, it will be me.”

“You’re still recovering from your injury, Maka-sensei! And you’re a


“Either way, we can’t have a student sleep in the car with two teachers
present. Students always go first.”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s just like MakaMaka says. Well, we can fit nine people plus
the kitty in here. Saigi might be a boy, but just this once, we can’t change

It didn’t seem like the two teachers were going to step down from their
opinion. Student and teacher, adult and child, boy and girl, either way, the
two teachers didn’t mind it that a boy like me was sleeping in the same room
as them.

“Uuu…I wonder if the lord, who I’ve sworn my body to, will forgive me for
sharing a bed with a boy…”

Sharing a bed…?

“Alrighto, let’s go check out the hot spring, Sai-kun! Wanna join me?” (YES

“No thanks. Nui, you can’t swim in a hot spring anyway. Also, no wearing a
towel while stepping in, that’s bad manners. Properly close your eyes when
you’re washing your hair, because it’ll ouchie ouchie, okay?”

“Sai-kun is mocking me!”

“My, Amanashi-san learned a new word today ‘to mock’ As a Japanese

teacher, I can’t be happier about this~”

“And now Hiyo-tea is joining in! I even learned the proverb ‘Be called an
idiot one too many times, and you’ll turn into one’, you know!”

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“Before I thought that ‘Nui might actually be pretty clever’, but I guess I’ll
take that back.”

“Noooo! Those words are like my shining ray in despair! Ahh, forget it, I’ll
go enter the hot spring! And I’ll keep my eyes open while washing my hair!”

Nui went to grab the contents of her bag in an aggravated manner, and
stormed out of the room.

“Ah, Nui, you dropped your phone…Well, she’s already gone. Guess she
won’t need her smartphone anyway.”

Ah, it’s even turned on.

“…This is…?”

The screen was locked, but the background…It was the selfie we took
together on the day she confessed to me. Seeing that she’s using this of all
pictures…it must be really important to her.


A lot of time has passed since that confession, but I still haven’t given her a
proper response. Even right now, I’m just running away—

“Saigi Makoto, what’s wrong? You can just put the smartphone away for

“A-Ah, yeah.”

The lock screen had already disappeared, and now what I was staring at was
just a black screen. There’s one thing I’m interested in…but since we’re all
together now, I guess I’ll keep it in the back of my mind for a while.

“Um, anyone is fine, but could you look after Nui? I’m worried that she
might get kicked out if she causes too much of a ruckus.”

“…Can’t help it. Saigi Miharu, Shinju Muku, come with me. I’m used to

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looking after younger girls.”

“Uuu…I don’t want to…But now that we’ve played in the river, I can’t help

Kuu hates baths like a cat. Though, she must have sweated a lot today, so
she’ll definitely take one, even if I have to force her.

“…Wait, huh? Miharu is sleeping.”

My little sister, who was rumbling around in her bag a few seconds ago, had
now completely fallen asleep.

“She doesn’t have any endurance at all. Well, not like I’m one to talk. How
about we just let her sleep for a while? She can take a bath later once she
wakes up.”

“Yeah, you can enter the hot spring around the clock. What are you going to
do, Kisou Tenka?”

“I’ll rest a bit longer. Don’t worry, I’ll take one later.”

“I see. Then, Shinju Muku, let’s go.”

Kaichou pulled Kuu after her, and left the room. Once the room was three
people less, it really was more spacious, allowing me to take a breather.

“Ahh, I’ll go take a bath as well. What about you, Maka-sensei?”

“The room finally got a bit more open, so the adult group will go take a
break. Both Hiyori-sensei and Keimi-san are tired from all the driving, so I’ll
go enter together with them later.”

“I understand. Then, I’ll go on ahead.

We hadn’t planned on staying over for the night, but I’m glad I brought some
change of clothes. Now then, time to enjoy myself a bit.

Holding a towel and a change of clothes, I stepped out of the room, and

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walked down the hallway. We only chose this inn so that we had a room to
stay in, but the atmosphere it gives off is really nice. It’s a quiet and simple
inn that I really enjoy.

“Alright, the man’s bath is here…Wait, huh? It’s currently being cleaned…?”

“Ah, Dear Guest, I’m very sorry. We have another bath over there, so please
feel free to use that.”

“Ahh, is that so. Thank you very much.”

Giving my thanks to an employee that was passing me, I headed to the bath
further down the hallway.

“Ohh, so in here. Pretty convenient, you can put up a sign that says ‘In
Use’…Wait, mixed bathing?!”

“There are a lot of guests that prefer to use one bath as a family. However,
there is no problem if you prefer to enter alone.”

“A-Ah, okay…”

The employee returns. I just heard that employee mumble “That kid is
cute…” as she passed me, but was there someone cute like that around?

“If I’m using it, it’s probably good manners to quickly finish my bath, so let’s
do that.”

I can still take my time in the men’s bath later. That being said, I gave it a
quick check if really nobody was inside. At times like these, one of those
lucky pervert moments tend to happen here, so I have to be careful.
Nevermind Maka-sensei or the girls from SID, this happening with an
unrelated woman would be more than just awkward.

“Yeah, seems fine…Then let’s go in.”

Taking off my clothes in the changing room, I headed further to the bath. It
was an open-air bath, and you could see the mountains in the distance. It had
already gotten dark, so the mountains weren’t able to be seen anymore, which

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was a shame. On the other hand, the moon and starry sky were now in full
sight, and after having washed myself off, I entered the bath, and gazed up at
the sky.

“Haaaa~ This is the best…”

After the BBQ and playing in the river, my body sure had gotten tired. Now,
I could feel all the exhaustion washing away with the slight waves of the
water as I moved my body. I have to get out quickly again, but this pleasant
warmth is keeping me prisoner…

“Ahh, so you were here, Saigi-kun.”

“Maka-sensei?! So you really came?!”

“What do you mean by that?!” She puffed out her cheeks in a sulking

Naturally, entering the bath, she was completely naked—the important parts
only hidden by a full-body towel.

“I mean, going from past patterns, 9 out of 10 times something like this
would happen in mixed bathing springs.”

“Indeed. I have no intention of showing my naked body to another man

besides Saigi-kun.”

Fixing her expression, Maka-sensei walked towards the hot spring. I

panicked, and quickly averted my gaze from her. Her slim shoulders, and
barely visible thighs, were way too blinding.

“Listening to a passing employee, I heard that a boy that fits your description
entered the mix bathing.”

“That employee again…!”

“I already took a shower inside the room. It’d be bad if I stayed too long in
the mixed bath. I’d get a lot of attention.”

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“I-Is that so…”

I guess that girls also show envy towards the naked bodies of other girls.
Maka-sensei has a nice style, and beautiful skin, so I guess she’s right.

“Now then, if you excuse me. Haaa…this feels really great…”


As I peeked to my side, Maka-sensei had properly put away the towel, and
sank into the water. Since the water was more milky white than transparent,
and with the hot steam rising up, I couldn’t really see much, but…I can spot
more than half of her well-endowed chest, and her exposed shoulders are
playing with my reasoning even more than usual.

“M-Maka-sensei, isn’t this pretty dangerous? Today, we even have Hiyori-

sensei with us.”

“Hiyori-sensei just started drinking in the room, so she won’t be coming

anytime soon.”

“…You didn’t recommended her to do so, did you?”

“An open-hair bath beneath the starry sky is the best…And I even have Saigi-
kun with me.”

“Please deny my assumption!”

“By the way, you suddenly call Hiyori-sensei ‘Hiyori-sensei’ don’t you,

“I didn’t expect you to miss that…Well, she herself asked me to.”

“…Well, it’s fine. You’re also calling me by name. This will actually turn
into good camouflage.”

…To think that she of all people would allow this.

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“R-Rather than that, Sensei. Forgetting about Hiyori-sensei, what if the others
join us…”

“I already paid for this, so let me enjoy myself for a little bit. Since we’re
lovers in the heads of SID, doing it like this is much more believable, right?”

“Wah, Sensei…”

While still keeping her body underwater, Maka-sensei slowly was closing in
on me. Ahh, her breasts are right in front of me!

“K-Karen-kaichou doesn’t believe that story anymore, you know—


Maka-sensei sat down next to me—grabbed my shoulders, and pulled me

close. Hugging me from behind, she made me sit on her lap.

“Ahh, this really is calming…I wouldn’t mind paying three times the price
for this.”

“Again, I’m not some bonus or anything!”

And I’m so expensive?!

“Mmm~~~ Let me hug you~”


Maka-sensei clung to me even tighter, and her two soft bulges were wrapping
around my head.

“What, you’re surprised from this, after all that has happened?”

“That doesn’t matter! I’ll never get used to this!”

“…Really, you never forget to retort on anything I see…”

Ahh, this soft, spongy sensation, hitting my head and cheeks! Even the
feeling of her tips—Sometimes, I can see pink spots entering my view!

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“Fufu, even though you like my breasts that much. When I was still injured,
you never helped me with my baths. No need for that at all, you know.”

“…I wanted to face the difficulty and grow.”

“…Why do you feel more like a teacher now.”

No matter what you say, helping you take a bath is impossible for me. She
should’ve been able to wash her body albeit having only one hand, and things
would have ended in a lot of ways besides a proper bath if I helped her out.

“Well, being able to enjoy this situation together with Saigi-kun, I’ll allow

“W-Well, thanks for that…”

“It seems like you’ve gotten pretty close with Keimi-san—Ah, and Miharu-
san as well, right? I…guess I’ll allow that?”

“Don’t put a question at the end!”

Also, how quickly did you realize that! I really can’t relax with her!

“It was obvious that Keimi-san was trying to lure you out to be alone with
you. Did something happen?”

“I-It’s fine.”

Though it doesn’t turn into a response, but ‘I was confessed to’ is not
something I can say. Even if it’s Shiya-chan we’re talking about, this isn’t
something I should tell anybody else.

“…Well, let’s leave that aside for now. What about Miharu-san?”

“Miharu? Well, she was a bit weird. That being said, she’s normally pretty
weird, and difficult to grasp. And, she finally confessed about tracking down
my location all the time.”

“I tend to use that from time to time, so I don’t mind.”

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“I do mind though?!”

I wouldn’t mind if it’s just my little sister knowing my location, but having
Maka-sensei or any other girl constantly being aware of where I am is a bit…

“It’s just, when I think that Saigi-kun might get taken away by some weird
and dangerous girl, I’m just so full of worries…”

Maka-sensei pushed her breasts even stronger against me. It might be

unconsciously, but still.

“…Um, I’m already a second-year in high school. Well, I can see that you
might be worried.”

She still treats me like a kid, huh…

“Haa, who cares about that now. Now that my wrist has recovered, I can
cling and hug Saigi-kun as much as I want. Now this…this is healing…”

“I am not being healed here…Could you…at least stop clinging to me…”

“Fufufu, if you say that, I feel like doing it even more. Maybe I should just
make this today’s education?”


Maka-sensei let go of me, and now used her hands to push her breasts against
my cheeks. Uwa, something pink is about to enter my mouth…!

“S-Sensei, this is bad! That place is about to…!”

“That place…is what place?”

“Don’t do an English quiz here!”

“Normally you would say ‘Breast’, or ‘Tits’ in slang. Though I can’t

recommend using the latter one at school.”

“Don’t continue! What’s pressing on me there is—”

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“You mean the ‘nipple’? Now, what would that mean in Japanese?”

“D-Don’t use your own body to teach me English like that!”

“Fuu…Onii-chan sure is busy as of recently. Before it was so much more

docile with you.”

“Eh, Miharu? Why are you—”

“It’d be troublesome if you’d underestimate Miharu’s OPS.”

I really wish she wouldn’t brag about something like that. But, she ignored
my dubious gaze and walked towards us. Holding a towel in her hand to
slightly hide her body, her breasts are mostly completely visible.

“M-Miharu-san! What are you doing, being completely naked in front of a

boy! Do you not know any shame?!”

“…And you’re one to talk, Maka-sensei?”

This really isn’t something you should say while pressing your own chest
against me.

“Miharu isn’t trying to show it or anything. Not showing Onii-chan at all

would make it more weird and awkward than anything.”

“Do you realize how weird you sound…! You’re not in kindergarten, you’re
in high school, you know?!”

Sadly, this time she’s actually bringing logic to the table.

“Onii-chan, Miharu is tired. Go and wash her body.”

“Ehhh…Can’t help it then…”

“Don’t just agree with her?!”

“If I just leave her be, she’ll just enter the bath without properly washing
herself, that’s just how slothful she is.”

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I let out a sigh, picking up the towel I put down before, and got up from the

“Treat Miharu well, Onii-chan~”

“Aye aye.”

I mean, washing my little sister’s body isn’t that big of a deal anymore, but
being seen by someone else like this is a bit embarrassing…

“Onii-chan, do it thoroughly today. Miharu has been playing outside today

after all.”

“I know that. Ah, your curly hair is especially bad today.”

Fixing her curls here and there, I went to start with my washing program.
There’s a certain knack with washing Miharu’s hair, and I’m probably the
only one that knows it all over Japan. Continuing from her hair, I moved
down, along her unexpectedly soft and elastic body. Naturally, her still
growing breasts as well. I could even feel the tips growing more stiff.


“Ah, sorry.”

I accidently put a bit more strength into it. I relaxed a bit, and started drawing
circles around the tips.

“Hauuu…Mmm…That feels good…~”

“Hey, don’t let out a weird voice like that. Come on, raise your arms.”

Rubbing her side and belly with the sponge, I made her stand up so I could
thoroughly wash her butt, thighs, down to the toes even.

“Here, we’re done.”

“Thanks, Onii-chan. Kiss~”

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“Wah…A kiss even, how rare.”

Miharu softly kissed me on my cheek, so I couldn’t help but pat her on the

“Well, from time to time. Onii-chan, you too.”

“Ahh, yeah, sorry.”

I gave a faint kiss on her slippery cheek.

“Hey! This is definitely, definitely wrong! I can’t even find anything that’s
not wrong here!”

“Wh-What is it, Maka-sensei? A kiss on the cheek is nothing weird between

siblings, right?”

“This isn’t America you know?! Japan, Japan I say! Don’t forget your
Japanese heart!”

“Coming from an English teacher…Well, it’s not like an English teacher

can’t have a Japanese heart.”

Maka-sensei has been getting really agitated. Kissing Miharu on the cheek
and vice versa is something we’ve done back when we were small kids, so I
don’t think anything of it anymore, really. Anyway, having finished the
washing, Miharu and I headed to the open-air bath again.

“Ahhh…a hot spring really is great.”

“But, you always hated it when I invited you to one, Miharu.”

“Miharu would rather stuff all the money for the trip into her gacha.”

“…I really feel like I’ve taken a wrong step while raising you.”

“Then, how about you leave that to me, and I’ll show you how it’s done,”
said Maka-sensei, throwing me a rather serious gaze.

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“No can do. Fujiki-sensei won’t spoil Miharu at all after all. And you won’t
give her any money for the gacha. Even if Miharu made some SPS system,
you’ll probably put up a counter-hack immediately, rendering it useless.”

“The last part sounds pretty amazing, but it’s not like I’m totally in favour of
you being spoiled all the time, not to mention your gacha addiction.”

With SPS, she probably refers to a Sensei Positioning System?

“And also…The only one allowed to spoil Miharu is Onii-chan!”

“……This is taking it even further than a brocon…Miharu-san, you know

that your Onii-san won’t spoil you forever, you know?”

“Miharu likes Onii-chan after all. That’s why she wants to be spoiled by him.
And only by him, because she likes him. That’s all there is to it.”


This is the first time that Miharu’s ever openly admitted her feelings…I can’t
say I’m exactly comfortable with that happening, while being naked together
with my beautiful homeroom teacher, and my little sister…

“Let me just be upfront with this. Miharu-san, Jinsho-san is a nun, Amanashi-

san is in the entertainment biz, Muku-san a little girl…No matter how much
you may like Saigi-kun, the hurdles for you are way too high. But, you have
it the hardest out of all of them, you’re at rock bottom right now.”

“S-Sensei…! That way of phrasing it is…!”

“Eh? Of course Miharu knows that. She’s not an idiot after all. Though her
grades might have the potential to improve.”

Miharu’s expression was like she was saying ‘Why would you bring that up

“I know that you’re not an idiot. You’re not dumb, you just don’t study. On a
side note, I really wish you’d improve on that.”

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No matter how clever she might be, if she never learns about it, she’ll never
remember when the Battle of Sekigahara took place.

“Yes, Miharu knows that, Fujiki-sensei. You know, Miharu really likes Onii-
chan, but she’s not saying that she wants to marry him, or have children.”
“C-Children …?! Miharu-san, your word choice!”

“Fujiki-sensei, do you not want Onii-chan’s children?”

“Of course, I want lots—Mmm, cough, enough of that talk!”

Maka-sensei, what were you about to say there…?

“Yeah, enough of that. How should she say it…Miharu is just irritated by

“Eh, that’s what this is about? Wait, what did I do? Sure, let me hear what
you want to say. I wouldn’t mind borrowing the student guidance counselling
room for a day if necessary.”

“You don’t have to go that far. It’s a pain just to be called there.” Miharu
waved her hand, looking annoyed.

If it was Miharu, I’d imagine she would just ignore it to go home.

“Well, the reason for it is simple. Miharu knows that you must have had a lot
of trouble because of your injury, but because of that, Miharu was abandoned
all this time by Onii-chan.”

“Eh, that’s it? No, I already explained that. It’d be bad if we just let her be,
and she is our direct neighbour, so helping her out is only natural.”

“But Miharu was cast aside.”

“Ehhh…Even if you suddenly get all childish here…”

“Miharu isn’t saying to not help her, but you could have asked her for help.”

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“T-That’s what you’re angry about?”

To think that this slothful little sister of mine says she’d be willing to help

“Miharu can’t forgive the fact that she was just ignored for so long.”

“…Miharu-san, aren’t you actually angry at Saigi-kun, and not me?”

“You can say that. Fujiki-sensei did nothing wrong, and Onii-chan is to

“So you’re still blaming me after all?!”

That’s why she’s been in a bad mood for a while? Shiya-chan just took the

“For leaving her alone all this time, you should spoil Miharu to her heart’s
content.” Miharu says, as she starts hugging me from the side.

Her soft, slippery skin hit my arm, and I can directly feel her softness.

“Ahh, hey! I won’t allow any indecent actions between siblings!”

“Wah, Maka-sensei?! A-And what do you mean by indecent actions?!”

Now this time Maka-sensei took my other free side—Ah, unlike Miharu, her
well-endowed is directly pressing against me…!

“Fujiki-sensei, that’s not fair! You already had Onii-chan spoil you all this
time! Now it’s Miharu’s turn! Onii-chan, hug Miharu, and kiss her!”

“He was spoiling you for the last 16 years! It’s still my turn! Saigi-kun, hug
me more, and kiss me!”

“Do you two even realize what you are saying?!”

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They both ignored me, pressing their chests against my chest even stronger,
kissing me on the cheek. I’m really used to being kissed like this from both
sides, but while being completely naked is a bit!

“Also, Fujiki-sensei, you actually had this kind of personality, huh.”


Ohh, the storm of attacks from Maka-sensei stopped…! Still with her body in
the water, Maka-sensei separated from me.

“Y-Yeah, it would be bad manners to interrupt family time like. Take your
time, the two of you. But, be careful to not get heatstroke in here.”

Maka-sensei only left those words, while trying not to show her body too
much to us, and left.

“…She really isn’t hiding anything with that attitude, is that fine for her?”

“She probably knows that she can’t cover things up anymore at this rate.”

Miharu let go of my arm, and now rested her shoulder against mine.

“Miharu is the one closest to Onii-chan, you know. She is aware of your
relationship with Fujiki-sensei. Looking at Onii-chan, it’s easy to guess what
kind of person Sensei is.”

“You sure got a good eye,huh…”

“Miharu is Onii-chan’s little sister after all. You might be really dubious
about everything, but you have a good idea for people, at least that’s what
Miharu thinks.”


I immediately saw through this ‘Unobtainable Flower’ character, that Maka-

sensei had been honing for years. Although it seems to work for the other
students, Miharu achieved the same as me. I mean, even Karen-kaichou

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happened to see (one part) of her true personality after that ruckus the other

“Naturally, Miharu doesn’t believe the part of you two dating in the

“…Then, why did you just give up on attacking me after your confession?”

“Because Miharu couldn’t be bothered.”

“Hey hey.”

Though it makes sense if it’s Miharu, you really shouldn’t just stop caring
after you actually confess.

“Half of it is a joke.”

“I’m really worried as your Onii-chan to hear that.”

“Miharu told you that she has an eye to see through people. She knows
everything about you. You, who hates teachers over everything, wouldn’t just
go out with a teacher the next day.”

“…I really can’t argue against that…”

Even if Miharu isn’t as doubtful as eye, she has the wisdom and brain

“Yeah, you don’t have the guts to go out with Fujiki-sensei. Be it Kouko-
sensei, or the past Kaichou-san, even if your relation with teachers gets
cleared up, you still would never decide to go out with a teacher.”

“So you even know about Kaichou’s past…”

It might already be a bit too late, but I really want to destroy their information

“But, even if that’s the case, Onii-chan is interested in Fujiki-sensei. The only
reason you can’t take a step further…there has to be something? Sadly,

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Miharu’s information doesn’t reach that far.”


Once I accept her love, Maka-sensei will leave the school. Like a curse or a
spell, that’s been glued to my consciousness. That being said, this really is
just a secret between me and Maka-sensei.

“I’m pretty sure that, from now on, the relationship between Onii-chan and
SID, as well as Fujiki-sensei, will grow even more complicated and

“I wonder…”

“Miharu, the others of SID, and Shii-chan, we all won’t give up. Even if
something happened between Onii-chan and Fujiki-sensei.”

“…Listen, Miharu.”

I faced her, and took a deep breath.

“There’s one thing I have to say. I should have said this much sooner, but…I
cannot go out with my little sister no matter what.”

Besides all the children talk and whatever.

“Figures. After all, the hurdle is even higher than being teacher and student.
It’s just as Fujiki-sensei said.” Miharu suddenly jolted up from the water.

Although they were slightly hidden from the steam, all the parts that she
should never show someone from the other sex are right in front of me…
Can’t she be at least a bit more embarrassed?

“Miharu knows that you won’t go out with her.”

“Then, why would you confess…”

“Because Miharu is serious. And if you bring up the whole siblings part, then
Miharu has something to say as well.”

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“A-Alright. I’ll hear you out, so go and fetch a towel first.”

No wait, I just have to look away, huh…But, when I tried to face the other

“It’s true that this is a definite demerit for Miharu—But, she will always be
your little sister. And Onii-chan can’t run away from that.”


Suddenly, Miharu clung to me, and while the water was splashing—


While hugging me, Miharu closed her eyes and pushed her lips on mine. The
sound of a soft kiss rang out—No mistaking it!

“…You stole your little sister’s first kiss, huh~”

“There was no initiative from my side there though?!”

It’s true that we’ve kissed each other countless times before. But, none of
those were actual mouth to mouth ones like now. Well, it’d be really bad if
this wasn’t. But, to think that Miharu would go this far—



I heard a weird voice, and as I glanced over to the exit of the bath, I found
Maka-sensei’s face, peeking outside the door, over here. She totally saw that,
didn’t she…It seems like I won’t be able to run away from my homeroom
teacher either…

“Dish ish imposshible…”

“Sensei, calm down for a second.”

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You sound like a five-year old Fujiki Maka-chan.

“You think I wouldn’t get angry at this? Your blood-related little sister just
kissed you! She definitely crossed the passable threshold of skinship!”

“I-I have to agree with that, but…”

While I responded, I looked around us to check if nobody was listening on

us. Maka-sensei and I were currently walking through the garden of the inn.
Miharu got heatstroke, and went back to the room alone, leaving just the two
of us. I had to hand it to them though, the garden looked really beautiful, with
lots of green, and small lights that allowed for a night walk. The both of us
were wearing yukata provided by the inn, while Maka-sensei had a thin coat
above hers.

“Ah, Sensei, that yukata looks really good on you.”

“Eh, really? Ahh, you teaser, praising me so directly!”

Maka-sensei truly seemed flustered, as she hid her mouth with the tip of her
coat. I can’t help but think of her as cute like that. To be frank, I really love
the gesture when women hide their mouths with a kimono or the like.

“But, is this really fine…? With a yukata, there’s almost no skin revealed.
Baring just my chest is a bit different…”

“I know that.”

“I have never received a stronger approval of Saigi-kun until now…”

“Kimonos look wonderful, especially when they’re properly worn. You can’t
just take it off.”

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Just when I finished that sentence, my phone vibrated.

‘Sai-kun, where did you go? Nui-chan is waiting in a yukata, you know?’


Together with the message, I got sent a picture of Nui, having bared her chest
from the yukata, making them half-visible.

“Well, this isn’t too bad…”

“Saigi-kun, you’re contradicting your words from ten seconds ago!?”

I’m sorry, but I’m also a boy, so resisting an active gravure idols erotic shot
like this is impossible…

“You know, recently, I thought that it was weird.”

“Weird? What is?”

“Even though Amanashi-san’s, Muku-san’s, and Jinsho-san’s real part

already ended, they’re not stepping down at all. I think they already played
their part as their small role?”

“This isn’t some anime…”

“It’s your fault for not properly throwing them away, you know.”

“Throwing away makes me sound like a bad person!”

“It’s really not good of you to just keep them warm.”

“I’m not keeping them warm either!”

Everyone from SID goes to the same school as me, and I’ve known them for
a long time, building some sort of connection with me, that’s why. I’d be
tough to just completely cut any contact with them.

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“That reminds me, just now, you saw Amanashi-san’s lockscreen.”

“Uuu…How sharp sighted…Yes, just a bit.”

“It was a selfie together with you, right? Being a gravure idol, having that
kind of lock screen is way too dangerous. What if someone were to see it?”

“Nui lives her life while not thinking too deeply into things after all…But, I
wouldn’t be surprised if she actually wanted someone to see this…”

“…This really is in the middle of the mountains. It really gets cold at night.”
Maka-sensei said, as she took off her coat, and put it over my shoulders.

“Eh? I’m totally fine though.”

“I told you before, teachers always have to prioritize their students. And also,
because Saigi-kun just threw a surprise attack in the form of that compliment
in there, my body feels unnaturally hot. I’ll start sweating like this.”

“Sounds tough…”

Since I was feeling a bit chilly, I thankfully accepted the coat.

“…Prioritize their students, huh.”


“…What exactly am I for you, Maka-sensei? A student…or even…”

“What’s with that sudden question? I mean, I really want to give you special
treatment as a student. Like giving you even more homework, and see you
break out in tears.”

“I don’t need that special treatment! Let’s stop with the sadistic character,

My heart’s beating like crazy out of nervosity that she’s putting more work
into mine.

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“That’s not what I meant…I just feel like, everything changed. Even so, I feel
like I didn’t change in the slightest. Like I’m just being spoiled by the

Maka-sensei and the others are constantly attacking me, but I keep holding
my ground. I don’t dare to move forward exactly because they’re all
pampering me.

“To Sensei…I’m probably not just a student. Although it might sound weird
coming from me.”

“I wouldn’t take a walk at night like this with just any student.”

“I mean, Nui isn’t just any classmate to me, and Karen-kaichou isn’t just a
normal Senpai. I’m not just Kuu’s Onii-chan, and neither am I an older
brother for Miharu. Even Shiya-chan…it seems like I stopped just being her
childhood friend.”

It feels like I’m just conceited. Maybe it’s because this whole day has been so

“My surroundings have changed a great deal. But here I am, covering things
up, avoiding everything. This can’t continue forever. Even Miharu—She
must have understood that very well.”

“…Saigi-kun, are you serious?”

It was quite the ambiguous way of saying things, but Maka-sensei must have
picked up on it.

“If you step on that route, you won’t be able to come back.”

A strong breeze of the cold night wind ran through the garden.

“Even so, I have to say it. I’ve been avoiding it all this time. If I don’t,
nothing will end—and nothing will start.”

Yeah, I have to stop lying and covering it up here.

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“Stop, Saigi-kun…”

“Please listen to me, Maka-sensei. I want…to stop lying.”

I took a step forward, and gazed into her beautiful eyes.

“Let’s…end this fake relationship. Between you and me.”

“I don’t want to!”

“Even if you say that…”

I made up my mind to say this, and I’m being denied, huh.

“No matter how close I get to you, our connection is so thin I can barely see
it. I don’t care if it is a lie, but if I don’t have another connection besides
being teacher and student, then…”

“…I’m sorry, Maka-sensei.”

Apologizing like this makes me feel like I’m acting all high and mighty.
But…I’m sorry, I really am.

“It’s not fair of you to apologize, Saigi-kun. Though I can’t explain what
makes it so unfair.”

With a troubled expression, Maka-sensei looked up at the sky. A chipped

moon was shining bright. At this hot spring inn, hidden in the mountains,
inside this green-filled garden, a beauty, wearing a yukata next to me. This
soothing feeling inside my chest kept wishing that time would stand still.
However…time won’t stop. Even if I have to make Maka-sensei sad, even if
I have to cut our bonds—I cannot continue lying like this.

1 1477-1573

2 21st of October, 1600

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3 Miharu uses 子種 (kodane), which can both mean child/offspring and

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Chapter 4: The Time Without

Before one could even blink, summer break was nearing its end. Noo, I don’t
want it to end! Once summer break ends, school starts back up again, you
know? If I was technically aiming for a university unrelated to Seikadai, I
would have to start studying now, you know? Even though I didn’t do
anything wrong, why was this harsh test brought down upon me!


As a yawn escaped my mouth, I panicked and quickly covered my mouth

with my hand. Currently, I was in the city library. It’s pretty close to
Seikadai’s high school division, but I never really came here before. I’m
rather the type to go to a family restaurant or a karaoke box, with their drink
bars. Naturally, what was currently laying open in front of me on the desk,
was of course my summer homework. Every year, our school tends to give
out a ridiculous amount of homework. That being said, if you don’t want to
continue studying at an exterior university, and as long as your grades aren’t
the bottom of the barrel, you can move on to Seikadai’s university, so a larger
amount of homework really isn’t something to complain about.

Today, my plan was to work on my world history report. Researching it on

the internet wouldn’t be too bad, but if you copy paste too much, you’ll be
forced to write it again. Hence, I gave up on the luxury of a drink bar, and
instead was waltzing through the various books in front of me.


My amount of material is lacking…I guess that my wish to just barely

research anything, and finish this report with the least amount of work, won’t

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be granted. Letting out another sigh, I got up from my seat, and started
walking between the bookshelves, looking for fitting material. This time, the
teacher gave us a specific arrangement of possible topics that we could
choose from. The one I chose was ‘Jeanne D’Arc’.

It’s not like I was especially interested in that, but I sometimes heard Miharu
scream out ‘Jeanne-tan! Your Zettai Ryouiki is the best!’, leaving me in
confusion. Apparently, she often appears as a beautiful waifu in her social
games. I’m still in shock about her OPS, though. But anyway, thanks to her
always playing these games, Jeanne-san was burned into the back of my
head, hence my choice.

“It looks pretty easy to find information on, and I thought that it wouldn’t be
so bad…This is actually pretty difficult…”

The most prominent knowledge I had of Jeanne D’Arc was the movie I
watched before. Ahh, the moment she screamed ‘Follow me!’ was really

“If you want to know something about Jeanne D’Arc, I really recommend
this book. Though it might seem like a book telling the events of the 100 year
war, but there’s a lot of pages actually telling about Jeanne herself.”

“Ohhh…Ahh, it looks pretty easy as well, I think I’ll check that—Huh?!”

“Hey hey, don’t start screaming like that, Saigi Makoto. We’re in a library
right now.”


Karen-kaichou suddenly stood next, holding several books in her arms—

wearing her nun uniform for some reason. She had the veil on, a long-sleeved
one-piece, hiding her body, even though it was still late summer.

“Indecent nun uniform…”

“Stop saying indecent…! I-It’s annoying…”

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Karen-kaichou got louder for a second, only to shrink down a bit as she
dropped her volume. She may say that, but her black, glossy hair peeking out
from beneath her veil, or her well-endowed chest, only pushing out her
uniform, was making her look more erotic as always.

“W-Where are you looking. Anyway, enough about my chest…You still

haven’t finished your homework yet, right?”


Though it took me a second, I finally judged that my homework was more

important of a topic than Karen-kaichou’s chest. Luckily however, there
weren’t any people around us, so talking in a quiet voice here shouldn’t
bother anyone.

“…Though picking at it sounds like a pain, why did you know that I was

“That doesn’t matter. But, it seems like I finally got me some time.”

“Ahh, I see. You must have been busy with the national mock exam, right?”

Some people in my class were talking about having taken it as well, so it got
stuck in my head.

“Yeah, it all ended safely. Now I have to wait for around a month until I get
the results back.”

“That sure is a long time. Well, the sheer number of people taking it is
different, so that makes sense. You did a self-check, right?”

“Of course. As of right now, I didn’t find any mistakes, but some questions
required me to state my own opinion and such, which makes it hard for me to
grade it myself. All I can do is wait on that.”


She didn’t find any mistakes? So as of right now, everything is perfect? Is she
actually going to take the top spot?

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“I’ve made you worry, haven’t I. But don’t worry, I’m fine now.”

“But, with your indecent breasts, will you really be accepted as a scholarship

“T-That’s not related to each other! Stop teasing my chest!”

“You say that, but I can’t change it if they’re so indecent…”

“Also, from a while ago, you—Wait, come with me for a second.”

Karen-kaichou apparently remembered that we were currently in a library,

and pulled me to a nearby corner. It was an area, bookshelves filled with
specialist books on various topics.

“Nobody will come here, so we won’t bother anybody. Since this library is
pretty close to our cloister, we would sometimes come in here.”

So that’s why she knows the places where nobody would pass by.

“Yeah, I guess we can’t have anyone hear our talk about your indecent

“That’s not the topic! Why do you always have to run your mouth!”

“I’m not clever nor strong, so I only have—Mm?!”

Before I could keep talking, Karen-kaichou pressed her lips on mine. This
sweet and soft sensation continued to stay for about thirty seconds—

“Puah…I-I can’t…breathe!”

“Kaichou…You were…the one that started this, right?!”

“O-Oh right…It was because you started getting so noisy…Really, this takes
me back to the Saigi Makoto from middle school, your mouth was even more
rotten than it is now. And even back then, I…”

“…Um, Kaichou. Doing something like this…really isn’t like you.”

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“I can’t stay concerned about my appearance only.”

With her face as red as a tomato, she once again pressed her lips on mine.
Um, I really can’t say I’m comfortable with such continuous kissing from a
beauty like you. To think that there would be such a quick 2nd, and even 3rd
time, after that first kiss a while back…

“If you really…are that interested in my chest…I-I don’t mind showing you.
Even touching them is fine…groping them, I don’t care…”

As her face only started to burn in an even more intense red, she pushed her
chest, hidden by her nun uniform, against me. Though they couldn’t win
against Nui in sheer size, they had their own erotic appeal, dealing heavy
damage to my already overheating brain cells. T-This volume…and with her
this close to me, I can’t…

“K-Karen-kaichou…is this fine, even though you’ve sworn your body to


“Of course not. But, I found something…that is worth betraying my faith


“W-Why so suddenly…You haven’t been this aggressive before?!”

“You should know that best!”


Ahh, I thought so. I anticipated a development like this, after the BBQ and
hot spring inn combo of attacks. I let my guard down because it had gotten so
quiet these past few days.

“Lord, please forgive me. Mine, Jinsho Karen’s lips and chest, I offer them to
Saigi Makoto for all eternity…!”

“For all eternity?!”

Not good, with this betrayal, she’s totally serious. There’s nothing stopping
her. Though it might just sound like some weird talk, I can tell that she’s

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Well, I’d really like to know how Jeanne D’Arc-san’s life ended in shambles
like it did, but I guess I have to run away from La Pucelle right here.

The crying of the cicadas was acting as the BGM of this summer heat. Sitting
on a bench in the courtyard of Seikadai’s high school division, I gulped down
a sports drink pet bottle, and let out a sigh.

“Fuahh…I can feel it running down my throat…”

Through hard work and under the expense of all the stamina I had, I ran away
from the witch’s—Karen-kaichou’s hand. Well, what saved me was actually
an employee passing by. Thank you very much, my saviour. Karen-kaichou,
I’m sorry for running away. Let’s meet again once we both calmed down.
She worked really hard at her studies, so maybe we just throw a party for her.

“But, I’m really bad at all this organizing…As well as hyping up the party…”

“Oh, my dear guest. If you need someone to hype up the party, then this girl
here is the best for you.”

“…What perfect timing, my fair lady.”

Standing in front of the bench with a wide grin was—Nui. Wearing a pink
tank-top, short-pants. With the tank-top, she was revealing a lot of her
shoulders, and chest. Not to mention that she was leaning forward, revealing
the valley of her breasts even more clearly.

—Even if I’ve gotten used to seeing the breasts of this active gravure idol in
front of my eyes, it still is bad for my heart.

“Can you not wear that to school, Nui?”

“You’re wearing your own clothes too, aren’t you.”

Since I just came from the library, you know.

“Since I’m wearing a t-shirt, and shorts, I’m looking like a sports club

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member. There’s lots of people like this on school grounds right now, so the
teachers will only get angry at you, you know.”

“Sai-kun, you really have no idea…They all know you’re not in any club.”

“What a flawless rebuttal…And what? You also have some business with

“Ah, yeah yeah, that’s right. I saw that you were entangled in the library, so I
was pondering on how to approach the situation.”

“You could just come inside?”

“An atmosphere with too many books around is like poison for me! Every
time I take a step, it feels like I receive damage!”

“Shouldn’t you have the same homework as me…?”

“It’s fine now, since I met you! Sai-kun, come with me for a second.”

“Ehhh…? I was about to catch a breather though…”

Today, it seems like they’re all coming to meet me without an appointment…

While I was thinking that, Nui grabbed my wrist, and pulled me along. We
entered the school building, walked for a while, until we arrived at our own

“What are we doing at our own classroom…Wait, why are you stripping

“Well, I’m a gravure idol, so I have to use that, right?”

Nui put her arms beneath her clothes, showing a weird way of stripping,
taking off the tank-top. Beneath that was—

“Nui?! You’re not wearing a bra?!”

“It’s fine, I was wearing something above this before I met you, so nobody
found out!”

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“I found out right now!”

Nui hid her gigantic breasts with her arms, but no matter how I looked at it,
she really wasn’t wearing any underwear. Once her arms moved only a slight
bit, I felt like I was about to see something I should not be able to. No, is
there some pink bulge already there…?

“As a gravure idol, I can only go as far as a swimsuit. A hand-bra is no-go.

But, if it’s Sai-kun…And you already saw them bare before, so it’s fine,

“It’s not!”

The reason of ‘Once or twice doesn’t matter right?’ clearly doesn’t count

“Why are you so voracious all of a sudden?! What in the world happened?!”

“Now’s the only chance! Once summer break ends, I won’t be able to do
anything with the sluggishness of these few days assaulting me!”

“That’s some crazy announcement there…If you know that, then just prepare
yourself properly for it.”

“Yes yes, I’m not in the mood for any retorts! Manasshii will just give it her


Nui jumped at me like a cat would at its prey, embracing me, pressing her
chest against my head. No, the tips of her breasts are inside my mouth!

“Ahhnn…Sai-kun, we haven’t even kissed yet, and you’re sucking that part
so intensely.”

“Mmm!!! Mm…! Mmmmmm!!!”

With my mouth full, I could only groan at Nui’s words.

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“Mmmm!! Puha…! A-Are you trying to kill me?!”

“Fufufu… Since you won’t become mine anyway, how about we just die

“Don’t turn yandere?!”

“Well, I thought that I might have to add another attribute besides ‘Big tits’,
you see.”

“That’s free for you to decide, but you’re scaring me!”

“Then, something more cute…Like a kiss.”


She lifted up my head, and kissed me on the lips, like it was the most natural
thing in the world.

“N-Nui…! What are you doing?!”

“My breasts won’t be enough for you anymore, right? Then I’ll just kiss you,
a kiss~ By the way, that was my first kiss~”

“Why would you just waste your first kiss?!”

“It’s fine, I’ll just follow up with my second, third, and a short one~”

“…Alright, you’re really scary today, so I’ll be running away. If you try to
chase after me, I’ll contact Hoshina-sensei.”

“Hoshi-tea?! You would bring out my arch nemesis?! To see Saigi-kun ask a
teacher for help, am I really that scary?!”

That’s an obvious lie actually. I don’t even know Hoshino-sensei’s contact


“Ara…Amanashi-san and Saigi-kun? What are you doing with private

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clothes at school…No, what are you doing in general?”

“Eh, why is Hoshi-tea here?! Don’t tell me?!”

Nui threw a soft glare at me, but I only shook my head. Even if I knew her
contact information, she surely wouldn’t get to us this quickly, you know.

“Hoshina-sensei as well, why are you at the high school division?”

“Since a lot of high school division teachers are on vacation right now, I’m
helping out by walking around to watch over the students…And, Amanashi-
san! Why are you taking off your clothes like this? What were you about to
do with Saigi-kun?!”

“She’s turning me into the assailant, not like she’s wrong though!”

“Saigi-kun might be rebellious towards teachers, but he wouldn’t dare to

jump at a girl like this.”

“Ohhh, she believes me…!”

I couldn’t help but feel moved. Oh yeah, since she was my homeroom teacher
back in middle school, she sure knows a lot about me. As of recently, all
these weird scenes were happening, all these weird misunderstandings being
born, and even if it wasn’t a misunderstanding, it was always a lot of trouble.
I didn’t expect to be this happy for being shown trust like this.

“Hoshina-sensei, I will leave the rest to you. Please properly lecture this bad
girl that started stripping in the classroom.”

“Sai-kun?! You’re throwing away the girl you love?!”

Wait a second, who said anything about that? I really can’t ignore this, but
escaping has the utmost priority right now. I sure am busy, all this running
around today…

“I don’t want to run away anymore…”

The protagonist of the jailbreak TV drama I was watching said the same

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thing, ironically. And I agree, I’m sick of this. Hence, the place I arrived at
after thinking was—The cat cafe ‘Nekoranya’. The business was doing as
good as ever, but I happened to come at a lucky time to get a seat.

“Ohh, Saigi-dono, just take your time. Curry Nina isn’t with you?”

Sekiya-san came walking towards my table, ready to take my order. A

brownish bob-cut as her hair, a red sailor uniform, with an apron on top, the
‘Nekoranya’ logo written on it. But, why is she wearing her uniform during
summer break? Well, looking at her thighs, and the gun holster there, that
might be a rather trivial question.

“I just met Karen-kaichou a while ago. She was in high spirits.”

“With high spirits, her breasts grow even more, after all. They will probably
remain in religious history, with her becoming a famous sister.”

“Kaichou is about to disappear from that history…”

Though I think that her staying would be even worse, I decided to ignore
Sekiya-san’s idle talk.

“Well, we have a lot of guests today, so I can’t talk for too long. Take your

While waving her hand at me, she went to check out the cats that were
strolling inside the store. Oh right, I thought of working at Nekoranya for a
part-time job during my summer break, but I completely forgot.

“Welcome! Oh, Muku-tan!”


As I glanced over into Sekiya-san’s direction, a familiar face had just stepped
inside the store.

“U-Um, I’m sorry…Today, with this pass again…”

“Of course! Muku-tan, right this way!”

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As said familiar face—Kuu showed her a card, Sekiya-san took her towards
my table. Kuu was wearing a white catp, and a white one-piece with a sailor
collar. Though it might have been plain, together with Kuu, it was rather cute
to look at.

“Hello, Sensei.”

“Kuu. Hey there. What was that you just showed to Sekiya-san?”

“I-I received a special pass. I can get the normal menu with a drink for half
the price.”

“That reminds me, Maka-sensei was speaking about introducing a year-long

free pass.”

Though completely for free seemed to be impossible, but half the price isn’t
bad at all. That way a grade schooler like her can afford it.

“Ah, Muku-tan, come here for a second.”

“Muku-chan, please!”

“Ah, I’d like the Muku-chan option as well.”

After Sekiya-san, other guests also called out to Kuu. A Muku-chan


“Sensei, I’ll be right back. It’s show time after all.”

“Show time?!”

Kuu made her way towards Sekiya-san with small steps, sat down in front of
the other guests, and picked up any nearby cats. Hugging the cats, she
showed a bright grin, of which the customers all started taking pictures off.

“W-What is Kuu doing…?”

“Muku-tan is Nekoranya’s idol after all!”

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Showing a boastful grin, Sekiya-san approached me.

“A picture of the cute Muku with a cute cat is very popular with the guests. It
even turned into a service for the regulars.”

“I-Is that legally fine?!”

“It’s fine, it’s fine, this service is only for female regulars. We got the
permission from Muku-tan’s mother as well.”

“Kouko-sensei, what are you thinking…”

“Gala~ Gala~ Galaxy~ The number one in the galaxy, Galaxy Markt~”

“S-Sekiya-san?! She’s even dancing now?! And they’re recording it?!”

Kuu was dancing to her own singing of the Galaxy Markt jingle, with the cats
crawling around her legs. It almost looked like the cats were dancing with

“Before we recorded Muku-tan like this, and uploaded her on the official
video channel online. As of right now, she’s slowly closing in on the
legendary cat-ears maid.

“I-Is this fine? You’re not going to get banned?”

“All good, all good, Muku-tan is just doing a cute dance. Nothing against the
law there!”

“Well, you’re not wrong…”

Sekiya-san returned to serving the customers, while Kuu was called over by
customers here and there—

“Fuu, finally over. Sensei, I worked really hard today.”

“With that much work, they might as well give you a free pass for life…”

My cute Kuu is being used to work for free…

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“It’s fun to play around with all the different cats. On top of that, they treat
me to some cake and cookies.”

It feels like Kuu is being treated as a cat, receiving food here and there.

“I’m a bit lost if this is supposed to be a cat cafe or a little girl cafe…”

If it was a little girl cafe, I’d have to have a serious talk with the management.

“U-Um, Sensei?”


“My job is over now, so do you have a minute? Raiha-oneesan, can I?”

“Ohh, what you said before, right? Sure, use the breakroom!”

What she said before? Breakroom? Before I even knew what was happening,
Kuu already pulled me with her. The breakroom we entered I had seen
several times before already. However, all the employees are currently out on
the job, so nobody was in here besides us.

“Wait a second, Sensei!”

Kuu took out some clothes from the locker, turning her back to me.

“The preparations are complete! Sensei, take a look at this!”

“W-What are you doing, Kuu?”

Kuu took off her cap, and put on white cat ears in return. On her butt, an
equally white, fluffy tail. Beneath the skirt of her sailor uniform, striped
panties were fully visible. But, Kuu paid that no mind, and just walked
towards me.

“Neko neko neko~ neko nyan nyan, nyamber one in the galaxy,

She started humming a cute jingle, that sounded oddly familiar.

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“H-How was that? It’s a theme song for Nekoranya.”

“H-Hold on a second. Kuu, I’m pretty sure that’s fraud what you’re doing.”

“Eh, is it not good…? A while ago, Raiha-oneesan and I came up with it.
There should be no problems if we recorded that while dancing, she said.”

“Well, you’re not wrong there, but…are you fine with this?”

The old jingle of the Galaxy Markt isn’t playing anymore, and if it’s sung by
a cute girl like Kuu, I don’t think anybody would complain. To be honest,
that looked really adorable…

“…But, those clothes are definitely a no-go, okay?! I-I can see your panties!”

“Ah, that’s right. In front of Sensei—You get the director’s cut, and the cast-
off option!”


Kuu quickly took off her sailor-type one-piece, leaving only her camisole and

“Neko neko neko~”

N-Not good…This is dangerous…I don’t know what she meant by director’s

cut and so on, but this isn’t something she should do in front of the other

“Kuu, stop that! Wear some clothes! I’ll watch that dance at home if you
definitely have to show me!”

Though I don’t think that would help much just by changing the location. I
quickly went to pick up the one-piece she had taken off, and pushed it onto
her. Out of momentum, my hands touched her chest, transmitting a small, but
still soft feeling.

“Ahhnn~ Sensei, that hurt a bit, you know?”

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“Ah, sorry. Are you okay, Kuu?”

“I-I think I’m fine, but…could you take a look?”

Kuu pulled on her camisole, and pushed her chest towards me. Crouching
down, I went to look at her skin, and see if I left a bruise somewhere…In
there, I could see her small breasts, and the small summits. Umm…I don’t
see anything red here…? I mean, besides those pink small hills.



Kuu suddenly closed her eyes, and as her face burned up in a bright red, she
brought her lips closer. It was really faint but…our lips touched, right?

“W-What are you doing, Kuu? Leaving aside cheek and forehead, you can’t
just kiss me on the lips…?”

“I-If I don’t, you’ll only think of it as a kid’s kiss. I-I tried my best.”

“…You set me up, didn’t you!”

She wanted me to crouch down, so that she could reach me for a kiss…Not

“I-Impossible…in the room that stands for recovery and relaxation, the
breakroom of Nekoranya, a male high school student and a female grade
school student kissed…No way…”

“Sekiya-san?! W-Wait, you have the wrong idea…Well not quite, but I’m

“Saigi-dono. Let’s go to the cloister. Will you be able to say the same thing in
front of God?”


“W-Wait, Kuu kissed Sensei! Don’t arrest him! Don’t execute him!”

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“Kuu, stop with that lively language!”

Ahhh, this precious place to the Nekoranya employee’s is getting ruined…

And should have been my safe haven! Also, this is the third consecutive kiss,
what is going on today?!

“I-I’m home…”

I somehow made it back to our flat…The time was already past 4pm, but it
was as bright as ever, and warm not to mention. Wiping away the sweat that
built up on my cheek, I went inside—

“…Woah, it’s almost freezing?! Miharu, how much did you turn on the

But, the very first thing that hit me was a cold wave, making me shiver even.
Rushing to the living room—

“Ah, welcome back, Onii-chan.”


My little sister was just lying around on her couch as usual. A white camisole
as a bra replacement, and blue panties. Next to her was our white house cat
Kagome, leisurely rolling around to her desire. Neither of them showed any
motivation. Seeing this after today’s events, I felt myself calm down—Sadly
not as much as I would have liked.

“You didn’t clean up after lunch either! Mmm??? What did you eat, Miharu!”

“ ‘The pasta that the Italian won’t accept’, and ‘the sausage that makes the
German guy go tsundere’, with a side dish of ‘The gyoza the Chinese person
bought in masses’.”

“Ugh…All my hidden emergency rations…! What kind of glutton are you!”

All these rare and expensive ingredients, eaten up in one day by my little

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“Well, no use crying over spilt milk…But, at least raise the temperature of
the A/C a bit!”

Taking the remote, I fiddled with the temperature myself.

“Ahh, how cruel. Miharu went to cool down the room a bit since Onii-chan
must have been hot from all the running around.”

“Stop lying. It was all for your own—Wait, why did you know I was running

“Ahh, because of this.”

Miharu showed me the screen of her smartphone.

“Miharu updated the OPS to version 4.2. Until now, Miharu was only able to
use it with her own smartphone, but now it corresponds with several other
operating systems. She fixed the error that made the app crash without a
constant wi-fi connection. Additionally, she added a speed measuring system.
Updating the UI a bit, she overwrote the previous data. Lastly, Miharu
updated the Onii-chan Information references.”

“What’s with this detailed update information…And I feel like I heard things
there that I shouldn’t ignore…”

I took Miharu’s smartphone, and checked the app out myself. I was shown a
map, and a deformed face of mine, acting as an icon, was currently at the
same position as the flat we were living in.

“So you even know the speed I’m walking at…Ah, there’s another icon
there…is that Miharu?”

“Yeah, with this update, Miharu added the current positions of all other SID
members as well. On top of that, she handed it to everyone in SID~”

“I see, so they also…Wait, that explains why they all knew exactly where I
was at during the day!”

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So that’s why she added the OPS on several other systems!

“It’s so that everyone in SID immediately knows the movement of the others.
Now we can keep each other in check~ Gonna be fun, right?”

“I’m not having fun at all, you know…”

“The newest version still has some bugs that Miharu has to fix though, so the
data might be a bit off at times. Yesterday it said that Nui-chansenpai was in
Addis Abeba.”

“The capital of Ethiopia? Not gonna lie, I could totally see her being there
just for shits and giggles…”

But, the reason that Karen-kaichou, Nui, and even Kuu all appeared one after
another in front of me, was because of this OPS I see. Before, they would all
have to go through Miharu to ask for my location, but that’s not needed
anymore, I see…

“How about you try to become a professional programmer, Miharu?”

“You ask that right now? Normally you would snap all the time if it came to
your location and so on.”

“…I don’t know, maybe I’ve become numb to all of this.”

Well, I guess I might have just been overreacting all this time.

“Ahh, professional programmer? Not at all. Miharu will just have her parents
support her until it gets too much, and after that, she thinks about entering
under the umbrella of Onii-chan Money.”

“What’s that supposed to be.”

You won’t be getting any funds from me.

“By the way, how’s it going for you? Did you learn something about Jeanne-
tan’s life?”

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“I’m not trying to reveal every single event in her life.”

Oh right, my researching ended mid-way, huh. I have to go back to the

library another time.

“Jeanne-tan must have been really cute, right? A blonde-haired beauty in

helmet and armor.”

“Wearing an armor and going to the battlefield, I think that she might have
been pretty buff, you know?”

“Stop! Don’t ruin a boy’s dream like that!”

“You’re a girl though?!”

Stop acting like a middle-aged man!

“Anyway, enough of my summer homework. Not good, but I can’t help it

right now. Why did you give the OPS to everyone from SID?”

“Don’t you understand that best?” Miharu commented, as she lifted up her

Taking back her smartphone from me, she fiddled a bit with it, and showed
me the screen again.

‘I’m sorry, I have been deceiving you all this time.’

‘The fact that Fujiki Maka-sensei and I have been going out was a lie.’

‘Since I was so bewildered at everyone’s confessions, I started this fake

relationship in order to avoid you all’


The message shown on the screen was the same message I sent in the SID
group chat a few days ago. For that, I borrowed Miharu’s account. The
respective responses of SID were—

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‘That was obvious from the very start, Saigi Makoto.’

‘So, the one that likes Maka-tea the most is me?’

‘I’m not angry at all even if Sensei deceives me, you know?’

‘I’m glad to hear that Maka-sama is like a holy maiden, not having been
dirtied by anyone’.

I think it’s clear on who commented what there.

“…Oh right, back then, only you didn’t give any comment, Miharu.”

“Miharu already knew that, so she didn’t bother.”

“…So you’re slothful even at a time like this.”

Anyway, as you saw, I apologized to everyone for lying to them. Seeing that
not one of them was angry made me feel even more apologetic…

“Thanks to you, I finally made up my mind. I realized that I shouldn’t be

lying any more than this.”

I personally hate deceiving and being deceived. Of course, small lies to save
me some hassle are one thing, but doing this as a response towards
everyone’s confession is the worst, I know that myself. On top of that,
because of this lie, I was forced to hide my most dearest feelings. Because
this fake relationship continued, I wasn’t able to meet that person head-on—

“Oh yeah, Fujiki-sensei never gave a comment to that either. Even though
she was your complice.”

“…Returning back to her job, she must have simply been busy, I’m sure.”

Something troublesome was going on with her—But, that was kind of hard to
explain to Miharu.

“Hmm, is that so. Also, seems like SID was on the move today, huh.”

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“Yeah, pretty gaudy…”

“Though they wanted to move immediately after that, Kaichou-san had her
national mock exams, Nui-chansenpai had her job as a gravure idol, and Kuu-
chan had her dancing lessons that she had to worry about, so it took them a
bit more time. That would explain the full-on attack today.”

“Like a full-fledged organization…”

“Miharu just finished the OPS update. For a new attack, we’d need new
equipment and tactics. And, it would only be fair for everyone to have the
OPS. Makes it easier for Miharu to track them.”

“I feel like I hear your true intentions there…”

For that reason, she continuously ignores my apparently non-existent privacy.

“There isn’t that much of a demerit for you even if Miharu knows your
location, right?”

“…I wonder about that.”

I really feel like the distribution of the OPS was a big problem. Well, I’m not
interested in any forbidden places or the like, and although I might not be on
Miharu’s level, I’m more of the indoor type.

“Well, even if they didn’t believe me, the fact that I lied doesn’t change. I
deserve all of this.”

“…Onii-chan, you sure are kind for being such a twisted person.”

“What’s with that fed-up way of saying it.”

And also, I really don’t think I’m that kind of anything. A good guy wouldn’t
start fights with teachers, and not avoid giving responses to serious

“Also, wasn’t this all Fujiki-sensei’s idea? It’s not like you came up with it,

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“…Even so, Maka-sensei did this to save me. She didn’t do anything wrong.”

“You really are kind…Miharu’s older brother sure is a nice person.”

Miharu grabbed my shoulders, forcefully made me sit down on the sofa, and
kissed me.

“H-Hey! Don’t just kiss me out of the blue like that!”

“Fufu, even if Miharu distributed the OPS, she always has the advantage of
being able to kiss Onii-chan.”

“No you don’t.”

Also, once summer break ends, we’ll be out for most of the day.

“By the way, Onii-chan, about that OPS.”

Miharu tightly hugged me as she spoke up. Grrr, this cute little sister of mine!

“There’s three icons closing in on our location. Kuu-chan, Kaichou-san, and

Nui-chansenpai, to be precise. It’ll take them around three minutes to get

“Three minutes?! No time to run away anymore…Wait, is there even a need

to run away?”

The three of them are brimming with motivation and energy, but it’s not like
they’re going to kill me.

“Maybe? You might be better off running away. They are all healthy girls in
their puberty. Especially Kaichou-san and Nui-chansenpai would be more
than glad to satisfy you with their healthy bodies.”

“Phrasing! Let’s not think about too much okay! Ah, but, if I don’t open the
door, they can’t get into this flat, can they?”

According to a certain someone, this mansion has a security system akin to

an ‘Iron wall’.

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“Ah, but, since Kuu-chan stops by fairly often as of late, Miharu got her a
duplicate key.”

“Heeeey?! Kuu is fine, yeah, but don’t give out a key to my safe haven that

So having everyone from SID storm this place is only a matter of time, huh.

“Everyone from SID is really motivated, huh. Can’t help it, Miharu will help
you out this once.”

“Weren’t you one of the main reasons that it even turned out like this?”

That being said, being saved from my current fate sounds mighty good.
Though I feel as pathetic as ever, trying to run away after I decided to stop
lying…Well, I didn’t expect the girls from SID to get this aggressive. Just
how will I be able to get away from them in a mere two minutes…?

The same flat I had been living in for all my life—a floor beneath ours.
Walking down the hallway I knew so well I could make it blindfolded, I
stopped in front of a very familiar door, and rang the bell.

“Yes, wel—come?”

“Hey there, Shiya-chan.”

As Shiya-chan greeted me, I lifted up my hand. However, she was too busy
freezing up as she ogled me.

“W-Wait?! Why is Mako here?! The one that sent me the ‘I’m on my way’
message was Haru right?!”

“Ah yeah, I asked Miharu to send you that message, hoping that I could take
shelter here.”

Shiya-chan’s hair was wet, and her body was only covered by an equally
drenched towel.

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“Anyway, I’m coming in, alright. Phew, it’s been a hot minute since I was

Taking off my sandals, I entered the apartment. Shiya-chan never held back
on entering our house whenever she felt like it, so I’ll accept the nonexistent
hospitality for now.

“That’s a childhood friend for you…Unfazed by my marvelous body. Why

am I feeling like I just lost as a woman.”

“Category-wise, you’re about on the level of Kuu and Miharu. I was a bit
surprised at first after your university debut since I didn’t see you for a year,
but Shiya-chan is still Shiya-chan.”

“I feel like I’m being insulted now…Didn’t my university debut go to waste

at this rate?”

So she finally accepts the fact that it was a debut. I retorted in my head, and
entered her living room. Ahh, all the furniture that didn’t change at all…and
the same scent.

“Alright Mako. I only have some barley tea, but that should be fine, right?
Mama is out today, so I can’t help it.”

Shiya-chan walked towards the kitchen, still only the bath towel around her
body, putting some barley tea in a glass, bringing it over.

“Huh, you’re not drinking bubble tea?”

“As if I’d bring that out at home. I don’t really like it, and I only drink it
when I’m with my friends.”

“So you only drink it with your friends…”

She might not be on Maka-sensei’s ‘Unobtainable Flower’ character level,

but it seems like she’s acting a lot in her daily life as well, huh.

“Haaa…the barley tea really is delicious. The first drink after the bath is the

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best. I just came home myself, you know. I was sweating a bit, so I wanted to
freshen up with a shower.”

“Ah, sorry to bother you at a time like this. But, this is the only place I could
escape to.”

“Haru already explained the situation via LINE. Really, what are you doing?”

“If I only knew that myself…”

Continuously running away from three beauties like that, I totally look like
some arrogant idiot.

“Well…OPS, was it? Well, Haru is somehow covering this up, so just waste
your time here for a bit.”

“You really don’t change, huh.”

“Ah, me? Well, there’s no need for me to rush. I have the advantage of time
spent together with you, and the other girls can’t hope to compare.”

“You say it so casually…But, what about Miharu then?”

What am I even talking about. The fact that Shiya-chan likes me just turned
into a prerequisite.

“Haru might actually be the strongest enemy here. Also, I do feel bad about
the others from SID, but I prioritize Mako over friendship. As your Onee-san,
of course I’d try to save you in a situation like this.”

“Weird…Shiya-chan should be more of a teaser. I thought you were going to

throw me out in front of them.”

“Then, how about we do that? The girls already arrived at the flat, so how
about I send them a selfie of the two of us like this.”

“Ahh, wait wait wait! They’ll definitely get the wrong idea!”

No doubt, a situation similar to my selfie with Maka-sensei at the yakiniku

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date would erupt.

“Too late. I have to show you how scary Onee-san can be.”

“Don’t take out your smartphone, Shiya-chan! Please, I beg you—”

“Ah, hey! I’m not seri—Uwaah?!”

I tried to steal away the smartphone that Shiya-chan had taken out, and
slipped. Ahh, this pattern is—



As expected, we ended up falling on the floor, and it looked like I had pushed
down Shiya-chan. Not to mention that her bath towel moved, and I could now
clearly see her chest and thighs.

“…To think the day would come for Mako to push me down like this.”

“I had a bad feeling that something like this will happen as soon as you
joined SID…”

“You…you pushed down a beautiful Onee-san like me, and now you talk
about a ‘bad feeling’.”

Yeah, even if the other person is Shiya-chan, I shouldn’t be saying that. I

mean, no matter how much of a childhood friend, and Onee-san Shiya-chan
is, she’s really cute, and has a great style. Since she just got out of the bath,
her skin was still faintly pink, making her look as erotic as can be. To think a
day would come where something like this would happen with my childhood

“Hey, Mako, are you doing something like this with the other girls from SID
as well?”

“S-Something like this…”

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I can’t say that I’m not.

“Well, if you are, then I’d be a bit frustrated. Even though I have the longest
Mako history.”

“What is a Mako history?!”

Though I don’t remember, Shiya-chan has known me ever since I was a

freshly born baby. Thinking like that, you could say that I’ve known Shiya-
chan even longer than my own sister.



Out of nowhere, Shiya-chan grabbed my head, and pressed her lips on mine.
After a short kiss, she let go with her hands again.

“…Wow, to think that Mako would be stealing my first kiss. I’m really not
supposed to have a shota fetish, you know.”

“Could you not call me a shota, it really hurts and I can’t say anything back
to it.”

I might be a bit on the tinier side, but I definitely am not a child.

“But, Mako has always been a cutie. I must have been doting on you.”

“I feel like you mean something else besides ‘doting’.”

“Yeah, most of the times you’re just a cheeky little brat, but I was teasing you
exactly because I wanted to see that side of yours. Cute, cute~”

Shiya-chan pushed up her upper body, and moved her lips in for a kiss again.

“S-Shiya-chan…that just now was your first kiss, right? Aren’t you a bit too
used to it already…?”

“If it’s with Mako, it feels completely natural…Come on, again…Kiss~”

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“Mmm…W-Wait a second…!”

I’m not used to this in the slightest!

“Also, Shiya-chan, could you fix your towel already?!”

The towel slid away from its original position so much that her breasts were
completely visible. Though they can’t compare to Nui or Maka-sensei, they
are still pretty big…with every small move, they are swaying!

“Oops, that might have been a bit too much service.”

Even Shiya-chan seems to be a bit flustered at that, as she bashfully fixed the
towel. Not like that helped all too much, because I could still see way too
much skin.

“U-Um…let’s see about SID. Hmm, Haru somehow managed to make your
icon disappear from the map, but everyone else’s is still here in this flat.”

“Well yeah, it sure is weird for me to just disappear like that.”

“On top of that, my icon also disappeared, so they probably won’t assume
that you’re still here.”

“Then, can I bother you for a bit and hide here?”

“Sure. Both Papa and Mama won’t be coming home early today, so how
about you just stay over?”

“I’m sure that they will go home once it gets dark. Ahh, I’ll have to send Kuu

“You’re running away from a little girl, only to get worried and send her
home after all? What a complicated kid you are.”

“Leave me alone. Can’t help it, alright. That reminds me, when Miharu and I
were playing with Shiya-chan before, you’d always escort us home.”

“…I guess?” Pushing up her towel a bit more, Shiya-chan spoke up.

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“We live in the same flat, so there was no need to see us off. You were really
protective towards us, Shiya-chan.”

“Shut it! You were like a little brother and little sister to me, so of course I’d
do that!”


Shiya-chan yet again clung to my head, and forced me to sit down on her lap.
Uuuu…the soft feeling of her thighs…! And I can almost peek past the towel
on her chest!

“You sure are a tough one, Mako. Just give up and be doted on by me!”

“Isn’t this position pretty bad with your current appearance?”

“I’m an adult, so a bit of ‘pretty bad’ is no problem for me.”

Or so she says, but her face is beet red, her hands shaking. Seems like
embarrassing things are still embarrassing, even as an adult…

“But, Mako?”


“Maka-sama must be aware of our current movement, right?”

“Yeah, apparently she can check the SID LINE group as well, so I’m sure she
must have caught on by now.”

“Then…She must be on the move as well, right? After all, she was
desperately trying to hide the fact that the two of you were fake lovers,


“Did you get into a fight or something?”


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A high school student and his homeroom teacher getting into a fight, what a
weird story. Well, rather than a fight—

“A lover’s quarrel?”

“Don’t say it so directly!”

Thanks to the fake relationship, that was now gone, the storm of attacks from
SID was avoided. Naturally, Maka-sensei would try her hardest to keep it up,
in order to protect me from them.

“Come on, tell your Onee-san. What happened with Maka-sama?”

Uuu…She won’t let me go. Miharu might have given me some time to
breathe, but I’m now caught in Shiya-chan’s web.

“…The thing is, after our hot spring trip, we didn’t speak to each other at

“Not at all? Why would you act so childish…”

Shiya-chan was actually a bit bewildered.

“Uwaaah, seriously! So even Maka-sama has a cute side to her! She really is
the best!”

“…Your belief is scaring me.”

Just when she was fed-up a second ago, now she’s in ecstasy.

“But, what should I do, I made Sensei mad…I don’t want to lie, but I didn’t
plan on starting a fight with her like this.”

“Even a private tutor like me can’t teach you a way to make up with her.”

“I’m not asking for that much…”

“Well, you just have to think about what you want to do. For now, how about
you calm down, and enjoy my breasts for a bit?”

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“Wah, again…!”

Shiya-chan grabbed my head again, and pushed it in between her breasts.

While being wrapped in that soft sensation and her pleasant fragrance—

Of course I’m giving it all of my thinking ability, but making up with her
behind the scenes is probably not going to work. Withstand the approaches
from SID, while clearing up the lover’s quarrel with Maka-sensei—No, just a
normal fight, not a lover’s quarrel. I can find my way out of this. But, nothing
will be solved by just running away.

1 exposed skin between top of knee-high socks and hemline of skirt​

2 Jeanne called herself ‘La Pucelle’ which roughly translates to The


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Chapter 5: The Dream the Teacher
Girlfriend saw

Around one week left until the new school term—

The summer break of my second year in high school will soon end. This
summer, I went to a BBQ, visited a hot spring, and even went on a trip with
our parents that came back to Japan for a few days. It was nothing big
though, we just forced my indoor-type little sister out of her beloved home,
and went to Karuizawa. Being able to just waste my time without having to
think of anything, I very much appreciated it.

And this should be around all the events that are worth mentioning. The ones
that are planning on studying at a different university from Seikadai have
most likely started studying during this summer break. Seems like I really
don’t have the time to be hesitant.

“Ahh, what am I even doing?”

Not knowing what to do with these final days of summer break, I made my
way to Seikadai’s high school division. Even though I would have to make
my way here anyway once this week ends. Not for any club activities, or
because I’m running away, I just came here on a whim, huh.

“What are you doing, Sai-kun? Let’s go inside, how about it?”

“Should have expected you to be here, Nui…”

Since I was planning on coming to the school from the very beginning, I was
properly wearing my uniform. At the same time, so was Nui. No matter if it’s
summer or winter uniform, Nui’s breasts are on a different league, huh.

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“I didn’t use the OPS today! In order to protect your privacy, Nui-chan has
decided to change her ways!”

“That’s very much appreciated, but how did you know I was coming to

“I just felt like chilling a bit in the Galaxy Markt close to your flat, ever since
this morning.”

“So you’re stalking me?!”

Since when did she turn into a stalker?!

“Since I didn’t know where you were planning on going, I had both private
clothes and uniform, as well as a nurse uniform and so on, prepared.”

“Even if I went to the hospital, the need to wear a nurse uniform was zero

Oh yeah, back when I caught a cold, she went to visit me, wearing that nurse

“A while ago, when I was wearing private clothes, Hoshi-tea got angry at me.
I always have to wear the right attire for the time and place.”

“I feel like you taking off your clothes at school was the bigger reason that
you got scolded by Hoshina-sensei.”

So the reason she’s overly prepared like that is because she doesn’t want to
get scolded.

“That’s fine. Say, Sai-kun, doesn’t it feel like youth, going to school with a
girl from your class during summer break?”

“Nui has a lot of friends, so your youth must be really fulfilling, right.”

“I just have a lot of friends for show at school. We’re not hanging out all too
much outside of school.”

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“Oh right…”

That reminds me, Nui was a plain and boring girl in middle school, quite the
loner. Seems like she still can’t manage to become a full-fledged normie.

“Well, it’s not like I want to bother you all the time, Sai-kun. But anyway,
what are you doing here? Another uniform play?”

“You’re totally up to bother me, aren’t you…Well, it’s like you though, not
trying to hide it. I’m on my way to meet Maka-sensei.”

Since there was no reason to hide it, I just bluntly told her. What Shiya-chan
told me still sticks with me. Even after all these days passed, Maka-sensei
never showed any intentions of meeting me. She would always leave early in
the morning, and only come back late in the evening, never present when I
went over. Although I want to think that it’s because of her job…it feels like
she’s avoiding me.

“Ahh, I want to meet Maka-tea as well. My agency is still aiming to get her
as a model, you know. Like before, with that video going viral, the
management was all like ‘We saw her first!’, all frustrated.”

“Even the director is?!”

I heard that Nui’s manager was trying to scout Maka-sensei, but to think that
things went this deep.

“I mean, he managed to spot me, so he has a good eye.”

“…It’s a shame, but I can’t deny that…To be honest, with your first gravure
idol shoot, I only thought that you were popular because of your huge breasts,
and that you’re not too different from other gravure idols, so I just skimmed

“So you skimming through was the truth?! A female classmate of yours is
doing a swimsuit gravure idol shoot, so look at that, will you!”

Nui-san, please don’t start crying here. I sadly was completely honest there,
but I later took a good look, so forgive me.

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While having some idle talk, the two of us entered the school building, and
walked down the hallway.

“That reminds me, Kaicho said she came to school. Some job with the
student council apparently.”

“Ahh, really. Should have just told me, and I would have offered to help.”

When she suddenly assaulted me back at the library, the shock got the better
of me, but she wouldn’t do that during her job, right. Probably.

“How about we take a quick peek at the student council office then.”

Shouldn’t be that much harm to check if she’s actually here. And so, we
headed there—

“Hmm? Ah, Saigi Makoto and Amanashi Nui. Good timing.”

“Ah, Sensei, and Nui-oneesan. Hello.”

“Huh? There’s even Nui-chansenpai there…Weird, today she should be in


Inside the hallway that headed to the stairs connecting to the first floor, we
met Karen-kaichou, Kuu, and even my little sister. Not to mention, every
single one of them was wearing their school uniform. Miharu had her usual
hoodie on top, and Kuu her grade school sailor uniform.

“Abluquwhat? Is that some kind of exotic dish?”

“The OPS is still not functioning perfectly.”

Since Nui had the wrong idea, let me quickly clear that up. Albuquerque is
actually a city in America. Having been the stage for a big TV drama hit , it’s
become pretty famous. That’s about all I know.

“Why is everyone at school? Especially Miharu, I was shocked to not see you
at home.”

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“Also, just me and Shiya-chan weren’t informed?! Is there some mobbing
inside SID or something?!”

“Shiya-chan went on a trip with her English circle…So basically, just Nui?”

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“Ehhh?! Why only me?! Are you jealous because of my big breasts?!”

“Now now, Saigi Makoto, don’t tease Amanashi Nui like that. There is no
way we would be doing that to her. Especially me, who is acting only
according to God’s will.”

Yes, of course I am very well aware that you all wouldn’t do something like

“I am the only one that had business at school. The two of them came here to
meet me. There’s actually other student council members working on the
actual student council room, so I’m having the conversation with them here
in the hallway.”

Karen-kaichou gave a bitter smile, as she softly hit Miharu and Kuu on the

“Since the new term is about to begin, they asked me how they should go
about attacking and approaching their target.”

“I wonder who the target of that attack is…” My gaze wandered towards my
little sister and the little girl.

Shouldn’t they be rivals in SID? Why are they asking for advice?

“Hold on a second! Leaving aside Shiya-paisen who is out right now, why
are the two of you not asking me for advice?!”

“Ehhh, Nui-chansenpai…What if MIharu asked you how she should go about

having Onii-chan cross the border of being siblings, what would you

“Ehh, well like baaam and bang of course!”

“Um…Kaichou-san, could you tell me more about that novel with the
forbidden relationship between siblings?”

“I was ignored?! Aren’t you Saigi siblings a bit too cold to me?!”

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“I really think you were asking for that response with your…advice…?”

Nui-like as always, it didn’t turn into any sort of explanation in the slightest.

“Ah but, this might have been not so bad. I was planning on calling everyone
from SID, and Ten-chan.”

“What? Are you still planning something, Nui?”

“He he he, leave this to the still active JK that is me!” Nui flashed a profound

Weren’t all the other girls here, besides one, also active JKs? Nui put down
the backpack she had been carrying, and took out something. With the
change of clothes she was apparently packing, wasn’t it pretty difficult to
walk around with that?

“Lookie! I bought some fireworks! Summer is about to end, so they were

really cheap!”

“Oh, fireworks huh. Didn’t expect something classic and yet intuitive from

“I was praised!? Alright then, let’s all meet at the school once it’s gotten

“Wait, Amanashi Nui! Fireworks are great and all, but you’re planning on
doing it at school?! Of course you can’t do that!”

“Ehhhh, doing it at school feels like youth though…Alright then…let’s all

wear yukata at least!”

“Amanashi Nui! Nobody said anything about that!”

Wow, I sure ain’t getting any time to retort in a girl conversation like this.

“Miharu isn’t really interested…A yukata is difficult to wear, and hard to

walk in. Acting like an adult and all that, that’s a big no no.”

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“Wait a second, Miharu! You’ll definitely be wearing one! I can’t miss this at
all costs!”

“What’s with you, so suddenly? Leaving aside our parents, why are you so
motivated like that?”

“Well, I’m just enjoying watching you grow into an adult, that’s all.”

“I-Is that so…?”

“Sensei, Sensei, what about me?” Kuu pulled on my pants to get my


“Of course I’m coming to watch you as well. How about I help you practice
on how to put one one?”

“Yay, I’m looking forward to it! That’s a promise!”

“Yeah yeah.”

““Are you an idiot?!””

I felt a slap on both my right and left shoulders at the same time.

“T-That really surprised me. What happened with you, Kaichou, Nui.”

“…Hey, Kaicho. It might be weird coming from me, but I really have the
urge to educate Sai-kun right now.”

“What a coincidence. I was thinking the same. If I ask the nuns from my
cloister, they will be willing to reeducate Saigi Makoto for free.”


Did I do something bad? It shouldn’t be weird to help Kuu change though…

Once she gets into her twenties, I’m sure that she’ll be even more beautiful
with an even better style than now. That’s why I’m looking forward to seeing
her grow like that.

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“Alright, Sai-kun. How about we go to the nurse’s office, and do something

“Amanashi Nui, this time it’s you?! What are you planning now?!”

“Teaching Sai-kun about the pleasures of an adolescent girl and her body is
the quickest way to get him away from his lolicon tendencies. I’m a gravure
idol, so I’m not lacking in any department, don’t worry.”

“W-Wait, I think I would be better for that, having sworn my body to the
lord. Saigi Makoto, come over here.”

“Ah, not fair! Kaicho, I was first!”


Both Nui and Karen-kaichou were pressing their bodies against mine. My
opinion? Ignored. How I wish I could ignore their soft breasts pressing
against my head.

“No no, the body that Onii-chan knows the most is Miharu’s, you know? If
it’s about doing something fun with someone, it has to be her.”

“N-No, I am a younger version of Sensei’s first love, so I’m the one most

“…Weird, I feel like my value as a human being is being dragged through the
dirt right now.”

Why is everyone getting desperate at this. Especially Kuu.

“No, Sai-kun will be holding a different kind of firework in the nurse’s


“I will offer my body to accept any sort of desires that Saigi Makoto is
harboring, and the lord will surely forgive me!”

“Mother said that Sensei will soon open a new door!”

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“…In a certain way, isn’t there the least trouble if it’s Miharu? We can’t get
married, so we can just do what we want.”

“Can you all calm down, you’re scaring me!”

The members of SID were all approaching me, while heavily debating with
each other. It might seem like a total harem, but I really can’t feel anything
but bother in here.

“Keep it down!”


With a sharp voice, everyone suddenly went quiet. Even Karen-kaichou

twitches out of shock. Not to mention that Kuu was shaking slightly.

“You can’t just cause a ruckus inside the school building just because still
summer break. Jinsho-san, why are you, the student council president, even
joining them?”

“I-I’m very sorry, Fujiki-sensei…”

Yes, the person that appeared was none other than Maka-sensei. Wearing the
same white blouse with tight miniskirt, she was carrying some workbooks in
her hands.

“Shinju-san as well, I’m not telling you not to come here, but I will have to
contact the grade school division if you don’t behave.”

“I-I’m sorry, Maka-chansen—Fujiki-sensei…”

“It’s fine as long as you understand. I have to apologize for suddenly getting
loud with you. Amanashi-san, will you be able to finish your summer
homework? Last year, you only handed in half.”

“Y-Yes, somehow…With this one week, I can probably finish everything…”

“Glad to hear that. Saigi-san, make sure to properly wear your uniform at
least on the first day of the new term.”

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Somehow, her Unobtainable Flower mode is even more amazing than ever…
Even though she mostly kept it rather calm in front of SID. Before, she even
called Miharu and Kuu by their first names, but now she referred to them
with their family names.

“Saigi-kun, come with me to the English material preparation room. There

are other teachers present today, so don’t bother them too much, will you.”


Seems like the others from SID don’t plan on complaining about me being
taken away. Before, she felt like just another member of SID, but today, she
was the spitting image of a ‘teacher’. I wonder…if she’ll go back to being a
normal teacher towards me as well.

Nobody was present in the English preparation room.

“Eh? Didn’t you say that there would be other teachers…”

“That was a lie.”

“So straight! I really hate lying, you know!”

“The world isn’t that kind to you. The people around you are always lying to
hurt you, you know.”

“…You really sound like a teacher today.”

“I keep telling you, but I really am a teacher.”

Yeah, I know that myself very well now. I saw that mountain of books in her
bedroom after all. And also, recently, she—No, let’s not.

“Rather than that, Saigi-kun, you better be careful. Although you normally
wouldn’t receive a punishment for any ‘Illicit conduct with the opposite sex’,
the teachers already have a grudge against you, so they might use this as a
reason. You’ll likely get more than just an earful if someone else saw you

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like that.”

“…I can’t argue against that at all.”

“Don’t forget that everyone regards you as the mastermind behind the
accident involving Jinsho-san. You didn’t have that much of a high
evaluation before.”

“Y-Yes…Well, can’t change that.”

We’re finally talking with each other again, but it feels dry and awkward. Not
to mention that I don’t see any acting here at all.

“U-Um…Sensei, you seem to have a lot of work recently…”

Maka-sensei’s desk looked horrible with all the books and documents on it.
The mountain of workbooks was about to collapse even. Peeking out between
that was her laptop, her desktop filled to the brim with files.

“Just because I was on a break because of my injury doesn’t mean that

someone else will be doing my job. Thanks to that, I’m sitting here in this

Maka-sensei might have been acting cool about it, but it looked like she was
having a lot of stress. If I had that much work waiting ahead, I’d rather run
away to some island in the south.

“At this point in time, there should be many students still struggling with
their summer homework, but it’s pretty much the same for us teachers. We
have to do class evaluations for the 2nd term, prepare for tests, and other

“The sports festival, the student council election, the culture festival…And
even a field trip.”

“To say it in one word, I’ll die.”

Ahh, all the light from her eyes disappeared…!

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“And while I’m dying here, I see you being so popular with the others on the
school ground, so of course I’d interrupt that at all costs!”

“So you’re finally showing your true intent!”

“…Ha! I didn’t pay attention…!”

Maka-sensei quickly averted her gaze away from me. For a second there, the
usual Maka-sensei came to the surface. Did she lose her touch with her
unobtainable flower mode…? Clumsy as ever, I see. No, rather than that, this
is the perfect chance—

“Maka-sensei, I’m assuming that…you are still angry that I confessed about
our relationship being fake to everyone from SID, right?”

“Not at all, hmpf.”


“…Saigi-kun, you’ve been having a wild goose chase with SID as of

recently, right? That’s what you were wishing for, wasn’t it.”

“I know that I fully deserve it, but you don’t need to pout like that.”

“But, I was the one that came up with the plan. You’re now holding a grudge
against me because SID found out, right?”

“Eh? No no no, why does it end up like that! Although Sensei was the one
that came up with it, I should be the one to be blamed because I agreed to it!”

“Really? You really aren’t angry, Saigi-kun?”

“Again, I thought you were angry at me this whole time…”

Maybe she called me here to eventually see if I was angry or not?

“I’m not really angry…For me, this fake relationship was a good way to buy
time, so I’m more than satisfied with it.”

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“Way to buy time…Yeah, it really had a meaning like that. While being
aware that SID was aiming for me, I could make up my mind after all.”

“It sure looks like you’re still running away though?”

“Uuu…When I was first confessed to by everyone from SID, I didn’t know

Nui or Karen-kaichou that much. Then I couldn’t believe Miharu’s and Kuu’s
confession either…As of right now, I finally understood how serious they
are, and that makes it easier to act.”

“Yeah, you already know the sensation of Jinsho-san’s and your little sister’s
lips after all!”

“You’re snapping at me now?!”

I wonder what would happen if she found out that Nui and Kuu kissed me as

“N-No, I’m not angry. We’re not in a fake relationship anymore after all.
Although I am the reincarnation of perfection, with looks from another world,
breasts of the size which would make every woman jealous, and I possess the
charm of an adult, but I am still your teacher!”

“I don’t know if you’re bragging or inflicting damage on yourself…?”

“Hmpf, being only your teacher, all I did was warn the girls that too much of
a ruckus occured, that’s all.”

Maka-sensei gathered all the books on the desk, and pushed them into one
corner. And she didn’t stop, even after the desk had gotten considerably more
clean than before…

“Well, I’m glad that I checked out the situation of this problem child here.
That being said, I can’t do anything if any trouble occurred with you and
SID, because I got my hands full with my job.”

“Ah, your eyes look dead again…!”

“Of course. No matter how much of a workaholic I am, even I’d shrink down

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at a size like this. And, after being taught, I realized that we’re rapidly
progressing towards paperless at Seikadai.”


If they’re going paperless…then all these mountains of books have to be…

Just how much work would that involve…

“That being said, even after listening to your dangerous situation, I can’t help
you out. I’m nothing but a teacher after all.”


There’s no mistaking it that Maka-sensei truly is busy right now. I mean, she
literally has a mountain full of work. However—I’m slowly starting to feel
like I did something irreversible. All I wanted to do was bring an end to this
fake relationship….

“I didn’t expect to be this tender-hearted…”

“Eh? Saigi-kun, what are you talking about?”

“I wanted to ask this before, but once I accept feelings, you’re going to be
stopping as a teacher…right?”


“In the end, Maka-sensei and I are teacher and student. All we could do was
stay in our fake relationship, huh…”

Ahhhh, what am I even saying…Why am I the one sulking now.

“Well, a full-fledged member of society…especially someone with a lot of

responsibility like Sensei, that’s to be expected, and I know that…Eh? What
am I even saying…”

“S-Saigi-kun…What happened to you? Did I go too far…?”

Maka-sensei reached out with her hand towards my shoulder.

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Unintentionally, I dodged that—

“I-I’m sorry. Just forget what I said.”

Because I was being chased around by SID, I wasn’t aware of Maka-sensei.

The one sulking was me from the very start. Ahh, I really am nothing but a
kid, aren’t I—

“S-Sensei, I know that you must have it rough, but don’t overdo it, okay. If
you collapse, Tenka-san will get sick out of worrying again.”

“…Saigi-kun? Are you really okay?”

“I’m mostly fine except my bad memory plaguing me. I’m sorry, I’ll be
going home now. Excuse me for bothering you during your stressful work.”

I turned on my heel, and directly stepped out of the English preparation room.
I think that, if Maka-sensei chased after me with intention to stop me, she
would have put me at ease. But, that never happened. After what I said, she
must be at a loss on what to do. Or did she just return to her work, being the
workaholic that she is…

I failed…I failed…I can’t believe I did that…! It was like I was blaming
Maka-sensei. Even though she didn’t do anything wrong. After finishing our
fake relationship, the one being troubled by it the most is actually me. I see, I
finally understand. I was comfortable with this fake relationship because
Maka-sensei didn’t have to quit being a teacher—

Without intention, I started walking faster. If I run down the hallway, I’ll get
scolded again, but something like this should be fine.



But the second I was thinking that, I ran into someone while taking a corner.
The person fell down on her butt, and so did I.

“Ouch…Hey, watch where you’re going!”

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“I-I’m sorry…Ah, Hiyori-sensei.”

The person that had fallen back on her butt right in front of me was the all too
familiar slender-figured Hiyori-sensei.

“…Hm? What are these clothes?”

“You got a problem with my robe plus swimsuit combo?”

Well, Hiyori-sensei was wearing her usual white robe, but beneath that, she
was wearing a one-piece type swimsuit.

“…No seriously, why are you wearing that?”

“Suddenly complaining about a person’s choice of clothing, not to mention a

teacher, you really are a rebellious one, Saigi.”

I feel like I just asked a normal question…And for some reason, the
mismatch in her clothes made her look pretty erotic even. After a short
silence, Hiyori-sensei slowly started to lift herself up.

“I’m the advisor of the swimming club, and I’m going to my students for a
lesson. It might not look like it, but I am actually called ‘Seikadai’s Nautilus’,
you know.”

“Doesn’t that just mean that you can’t swim at all.”

Is it really fine to make her the advisor?

“Ah, right. Saigi, did you meet MakaMaka?”

“Y-Yes. Just now, but she seemed really busy.”

“Hmm…Then come with me for a second. I want to talk about something.”

“Huh? Weren’t you busy with the swimming club?”

“And we’re going there together, so stop asking questions.”

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Isn’t our swimming club…

We walked through the school building, arriving at the pool. And—

“…Are you really fine with me?”

“Of course~ The other club members also gave their consent.”

I was sitting next to Hiyori-sensei on a bench, at the poolside. Thankfully she

put up a parasol, hiding us from the burning sun. Inside the pool were the
students, practicing while wearing swimsuits of course. For some reason, the
club was composed of nothing but girls. Yeah, our high school division only
has a girls’ swimming club. When asked if they were fine with me being
here, the club president just commented “Saigi is fine. He’s harmless against
anyone but teachers after all”, and let me sit here. Seems like even the third
years know about my hate for teachers. Not like I didn’t know that though.

“Hey hey, Saigi, our female members are all really cute, right?”

“So the rumours about it being full of beauties was true I see. I feel like my
friends would kill me if I told them I was allowed to watch.”

“Before that happens, how about you take at least one of our girls home with

“What kind of question is that?!”

“I’m joking~ But, there is a weird one mixed in there, don’t you think.”

“Yes, indeed…”

“Yahooo! It’s so cold and refreshing! Ohh, Sai-kun, Hiyo-tea, do you see
these swimming skills?!”

For some reason that was unbeknownst to me, Nui was swimming inside the
pool as well, wearing a school swimsuit. Did she have that with her as well?
She’s a bit too prepared if you ask me.

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“By the way, Saigi. A bit more serious of a talk.”

“This really isn’t the environment for a serious talk…but what is it?”

“I actually graduated from Seikadai as well, I’m technically a year ahead of


“Really? Oh yeah, Maka-sensei said that there were a lot of teachers that had
graduated from Seikadai.”

“Yeah yeah, Though, unlike MakaMaka, I went to a different university than

Seikadai. Had some reasons for it.”

Hiyori-sensei spoke, never separating her gaze from the students inside the
pool. Seems like she’s taking her job really serious.

“We already talked about this during the BBQ but…How much do you know
about MakaMaka?”

“How much…? I mostly know everything about her family circumstances I

feel like…”

“So you know about her parents and little sister?”

“Well, yes…”

I wonder if the teachers know that Tenka-san is actually Maka-sensei’s little


“You see, a lot happened when I finally officially joined society as a member,
but it was rather calm during my student days. I never really fully grasped
just what kind of hard work and suffering MakaMaka had to go through.”

“Is that so…”

I’m sorry, but I can’t imagine Hiyori-sensei having calm student days.
Always going at her own pace, with none of the students having truly grasped
what the deal with her is, I really can’t imagine her having a normal life
before joining society.

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“Saigi, you seem to be doubting me, but even a normal girl has a secret or
two, fufufu~”

Hiyori-sensei gave a mysterious smile, put her left hand in front of her
mouth. On her ring finger was the same ring as always. But, nobody has ever
heard any news of her being married. Maybe it’s just a way to avoid any male
approaches, or only entice people more with her married woman charm.

“The MakaMaka back at high school was really amazing. So many stories I
could tell you about. How she returned 1000 confessions, how she actually
made an exam because the teacher asked her, and many other rumours.”

“That’s just ridiculous.”

There’s no way that in all three student years, there were up to 1000 male
students that confessed. Concerning the exam, I feel like that might be a
problem law-wise.

“Well, that was the talk back then—Ah, hey! Don’t just relax in front of the
goal! There’s always a chance to win, even if you’re just 0.01 seconds faster,
so pull through at all costs!”


The girl that got scolded by Hiyori-sensei stiffened up in the water. So I

guess that, contrary to her classes and everyday manners, she can actually be
quite spartanic during club activities.

“Ohh, sorry to interrupt our talk like that. Yeah yeah, Jinsho-san took the
national mock exam, right? It’s a big talk in the teacher’s office. Maybe she
could even get the top spot!”

“That sure was a change of conversation topics. Well, knowing Karen-

kaichou, she definitely is aiming for the number one rank.”

“The national mock exam is on a different level from our normal exams.
Even the kids with top grades throughout ended up pretty low on the mock
exam, even in the 200 or 300s.”

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“S-Sounds tough…I don’t feel like I could get into the 400s…”

I’m just the normal average neither good nor bad Saigi after all~

“Also, my dear guest, did you know that one student of Seikadai actually
managed to get the top rank in that national mock exam?”

“Who’s a guest here…Wait, don’t tell me?”

“Of course, it was none other than MakaMaka! And not just once, but three

“S-She took the top spot in the national mock exam three times…?”

“After her third time, she actually didn’t even accept the prize. Not just for
us, but she turned into a huge topic for other prestigious schools. Someone
from Seikadai getting a high spot was rare enough, but number one? And she
was crazy cute as well. Like a perfect superhuman. I’m sure you’d love to see
JK MakaMaka, right?”

“I-I am interested, yes.”

She would probably never expect that Maka-sensei already appeared in front
of me as JK Maka-chan. And not just once.

“But, I really think that people who get the top spot are crazy in a certain

“Is it really fine for a teacher to say that?!”

That really surprised me.

“I’m not saying it’s bad or anything. Just, pushing out such a ridiculous result
is not normal. I really think that MakaMaka is special.”

“…Every student knows that Maka-sensei is very enthusiastic about


“Not even on that level. MakaMaka took the top spot of the national mock

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exam three times, won the girls’ singular tennis interhigh, got the top spot in
the national English speaking competition, and was the student council
president. This is like some manga I’ve read before.”

“There are things in there that I haven’t even heard about yet…”

Leaving aside English, even tennis nationals? Well, I knew she had good
reflexes, looking at that godly driving of hers…

“Saigi. Back in middle school, I couldn’t see—Fujiki-san as another human.”

“…Back at the BBQ, you said something about ‘Maka-sensei overdoing

things’ if I remember correctly.”

“At the very least, it’s not normal, right?”

I can’t deny that. Especially because I know her myself. After seeing that
room, that battlefield of hers, I can’t say that she is normal.

“MakaMaka has the nickname ‘Unobtainable Flower’ here, right. As a

Japanese teacher, I was really happy that someone used such an eloquent way
of phrasing it, but

never mind that—”

Hiyori-sensei went to take a smartphone from one of the pockets of her white
robe, operating it.

“Saigi, did you see this already?”

“…I sure did. And I still get chills by watching it, after all this time.”

Naturally, the video that she showed me was about Maka-sensei’s crazy
driving during the accident a while back. I was a bit scared, so I couldn’t
watch it too often, but…Woah, the views are crossing the 5 million mark!

“That’s what I mean, Saigi. I get the chills when I look at MakaMaka. Not
just because it was dangerous. It was because she overdid it, right?”

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“…But, she has always been someone that can do everything, right? Even
back at her high school times.”

Maybe Hiyori-sensei knows Maka-sensei’s true personality—

“MakaMaka is working hard as the Unobtainable Flower—But, she’s clearly

taking it too far. Even though, she’s trying to work her way around this
ridiculous amount of work, right? She looks half-dead, while half the work is
actually not even hers.”

“Eh? But, isn’t it because her injury that she has to —”

“That’s one thing, but since she thinks that she troubled other people with her
absence, she’s now trying to make up for it with that.”

“Y-You’re going that far, Maka-sensei…?”

Even though she complained that much…Just how far is she going…

“Seeing her work this hard quite frankly scares me. Even that accident, no
other person would ever do something ridiculous like covering for the other
person’s mistakes. I’m not saying that what she did was wrong, since she
saved other people, but what good is it if she hurts herself. At the very least,
everyone around her values her more than she does herself.”


That reminds me, when I accepted the package for Maka-sensei from Hiyori-
sensei, she was acting a bit off.

“Ever since high school, I always thought that she was always in danger, and
even when we started working at the same workplace—But, I was unable to
do anything. MakaMaka never complained once at the drinking parties at
work! And it didn’t matter if it was with some higher-ups, or just people she
was bad with! Just a member of society, agreeing to anything! And in the
end, she didn’t even drink anything!”

“Isn’t that just because she’s bad with alcohol…?”

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Come on, where did the serious mode from before go?

“You sure know a lot, Saigi. You can always drink alcohol!”

“Hiyori-sensei, you’re not drunk, are you?”

What is this teacher saying…

“I’m totally sober! I just got too into it, is all! Been holding this back ever
since high school, okay! She already has a Senpai like me, with overflowing
tolerance, so she could just say what she wants, nobody will get mad at her!”

“T-Tolerance, huh…”

Why does it look like all the girls in the pool are swimming further and
further away? Like they don’t want to get involved with this aggravated

“Maybe it’s not that she wants a reliable Senpai…But rather someone she can
protect and help grow instead. I mean, she is a Sensei after all~”

“But, even if there was someone like that, will that really stop her doing all
these ridiculous things…?”

“That’s Saigi for you, you’re a kid but you sure get it. How about you’d use
that head of yours to study a bit more? You’re reading too much into things,
even in modern literature. For example, with a problem like ‘Write the
underlined part in a different expression’, why does this suddenly turn into
some decoding mission. It’s not like the author put an anagram in there.”

“Well, I just thought that answering normally would be too easy…”

I mean, shouldn’t there be endless possible answers if we’re interpreting?

“Also, we weren’t talking about my grades, right?”

“Ohhh, you’re right. I tend to think about my job a lot as well. Well, her
position is one thing, but I think that there has to be someone that can save

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Hiyori-sensei keeps glancing at me. Though I don’t feel like she’s aware of
everything…She probably realized that the relationship between Maka-sensei
and me isn’t exactly normal. The girls from SID, as well as the vice principal
were all speculating on that…

“…Hiyori-sensei, what do you think I should do?”

“Don’t think that a teacher can or will teach you everything in life!”

“Don’t just play around like that!”

Well, my question might have been dumb. I shouldn’t have asked her. I have
to use my own head and think here—

“Hey Sai-kun, don’t just flirt with Hiyo-tea and come take a swim as well!
I’ll give you a glance of these if you do!”

“…Not a bad idea.”

“Hm? Saigi? Ah, wait, what are you—”

I got up from my seat, and took a few steps towards the pool—


Splashes of water went into the air as I took a dive into the pool. Ahh, my
overheated head from the heat and overthinking is slowly cooling down.
Feels really good…

“Wow, you really came, Sai-kun! Not bad!”

“Hey hey, what are you doing, Saigi. It’s bad manners to go swimming with
your clothes on!”

“So it’s a problem of bad manners, huh. By the way, Nui.”

“Yeah, what is it?”

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Nui dove beneath the rope that separated the lines, coming closer to me.

“Where’s that glance?”

“You somehow turned really perverted, Sai-kun!”

After bringing it up herself, Nui hid her own breasts, and sank deeper into the
water. Good thing she still knows some degree of shame. And of course, I
was only joking anyway. Anyway, now that my head has cooled down a bit,
it’s time to use it again, because there’s something I have to think about.

“Saigi-kun, you wait right there!”

“Uuu..H-Hello there, Maka-sensei.”

Having changed into my outdoor shoes, I was about to step out of the school
building, when someone suddenly called out to me. Almost like she had been
waiting for me—Well, maybe she was, with this kind of timing.

“Hello there, you say…I heard what you did. Dived into the pool with your
uniform on.”

“Word spreads fast I see…”

I felt so before, but isn’t the flow of information way too quick in this

“And what are you wearing now?”

“Ahh, Hiyori-sensei got these clothes for me.”

A normal UNI*LO t-shirt with half pants, not too expensive, but also not
exactly cheap. Having gotten even new underwear was pretty embarrassing,
but I’d rather not catch a cold.

“…You could have told me. I really wanted to coordinate your clothes at
least once…Ugh…”


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She keeps on talking…

“Just when I thought you already went home, you went to play at the pool.
Ahh, your hair is still wet. You’ll have to dry that off or you’ll catch a cold.”

“It’s still hot outside, so it’ll dry soon.”

“No. School will start soon again, so can’t have you run the risk of getting a
cold. Let me get you home.”

“Eh, you don’t have to go that far…”

No wait, this might be a good chance. My head finally cooled down a bit, so
having a proper talk with her isn’t a bad idea…

“…Hm? Sensei, get me home with what?”

“With this of course.”

Maka-sensei put one hand in the bag around her shoulder, and took out a car
key. There’s a small figurine attached to it…Which kind of looks like me?

“Huh? D-Don’t tell me…T-The fiat is…?”

“Yes, it just came back from repair yesterday. I was so happy I went to take it
for a ride immediately.”

“…You’d normally have a trauma after that incident.”

“Trauma? Do you think that my mentality is that weak?”

“Of course not, ahaha~”

I take everything back, please let me run away! I was planning on having a
talk with her, but I didn’t expect her to bring out the red nightmare!

“S-Sensei, shouldn’t you be busy with your job…?”

“The vice principal told me to leave for today. My eyes looked dead, she

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“I see…”

I guess even the vice principal couldn’t keep watching her. Now I want to gift
Madam a half-price pass for Nekoranyay.

“I wanted to go home, when I heard that some kid from my class was making
a ruckus at the pool, so I went to check it out. Really, I felt like a grade
school teacher.”

“T-There was another kid called Amanashi that also made a ruckus…”

She won’t complain if I pull her into this, right?

“It’d be more surprising if she wasn’t. I judged it to be fine if I left her alone.
Anyway, let’s go.”

Maka-sensei stood next to me and started walking. Arriving at the parking

space behind the school, I immediately spotted that red fiat.

“Ahh, it’s completely back to normal I see…”

“Indeed, even more clean and proper than before. Haa, I’m so glad. I received
this, so I’d feel really bad if it was destroyed beyond repair.”

“You received it from your previous teacher right, Maka-sensei.”

“Yes. Although I’m sure that they wouldn’t get angry at me, I’d still feel bad
for not treasuring it enough.”

Maka-sensei seemed to be in a good mood. She wasn’t in her previous aloof

mode, and her eyes aren’t in dead mode, but just genuinely happy that her
beloved car was back to normal. As Maka-sensei sat in the driver’s seat, I just
moved along and sat down on the passenger’s seat next to her, like it was
something completely natural.

“Now then.”

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Maka-sensei grabbed the handle for a second, and took a deep breath.

“Eh? What is it?”

“…My attitude hasn’t been very favorable as of recently. I was like a kid. I
was sulking because you were on a constant attack of SID, but I overdid it. I
am sorry.”

“…I’m sorry as well.”

So that’s why she invited me to take me home, so that she could tell me
that…So the whole pool thing was just an excuse.

“I was just being selfish, and my attitude towards you was even worse.”

“No, I wasn’t acting like the grown-up that I am. Even though, I made you
get angry at me.”

“…No, it’s okay.”

Ahhh, I really am nothing but a kid. Why couldn’t I just apologize before her.
Even if she’s childish sometimes, and clumsy, she’s plenty of an adult. On
top of that, she goes to apologize to her student, without having done
anything wrong—A proper teacher.

“Alright, enough of this awkward apologizing! Let’s get going. Time to

check if you’re still used to my fiat!”

“Ahhh, no spin turns please!”

Thankfully she wasn’t crazy enough to pull a spin turn in the parking lot, the
tires were still screeching as she stepped on the gas.

“S-Sensei! The tires!”

“No need to worry, Saigi-kun. Both my love and the tires won’t get worn out

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“Even if you make it sound like a philosophical proverb, the tires will get
worn out, if even just physically!”

The fiat left the school, entering the street.

“—Huh. You’re driving normally?”

“The vice principal told me that I could drive again, but she said I had to keep
it cool. I still have the attention of a lot of people.”

“Can’t you just keep doing that in the future as well…”

“My driving doesn’t go against the law, and I’m not going against any rules

“Weird…It totally looks like some weird car chasing scene straight out of a
Hollywood movie to me…”

But, just as she says, I’ve been riding with her a few times already, and never
did she break any laws.

“Anyways, enough about my driving. Rather than that, the pool. I really can’t
appreciate the fact that you were enjoying the sight of high school girls in
their swimsuits…”

“I didn’t go there to check out their swimsuits! Hiyori-sensei just pulled me

there to talk!”

Though I don’t feel like I can tell her what we walked about.

“Hiyori-sensei just moves according to her feelings. And you as well, just
jumping into the pool with your uniform on and everything.”

“I just didn’t have a swimsuit on me!”

Ugh, I should have chosen a better place to talk after a…

“A-Ahh, I know. Maka-sensei, you were the princess of tennis back in your
high school I heard.”

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Alright, Saigi-kun counterattack was successful.

“W-Why do you know that, Saigi-kun! I tried to hard to hide that!”

“Look ahead while you’re driving! Also, I’ll leave the source for you to find
out. But, I found enough other data after that.”

I took out my smartphone, and turned the screen towards Maka-sensei.

Shown there were the results of the girls’ tennis interhigh a few years back.

“I-I liked tennis, okay. The advisor of the club from back then invited me…
Though I actually wanted to focus on my studies, being a scholarship
student…It’d be problematic if people thought I got the spot for nothing, you

“Well, being good at sports gives you that normie feeling. But, you stopped
mid-way through, right?”

“Our uniform had that specific skort skirt for tennis…and that was pretty
embarrassing. Also, I got a lot of attention during the nationals. Every time I
could feel the skirt flutter, I lost attention to the match. I’m still surprised that
I managed to win.”

“You really go girly on the weirdest things…”

All female tennis players are wearing this skirt—No, that short skirt. And
beneath that, these panties that are meant to be seen during this hasty sport. Is
that really something to be that conscious about?

“I-It’s fine. As a scholarship student, I had to focus on my studies! I won

once, so that was enough for a sportive appeal from my side!”

“Ah, I found a video.”

“Hey?! Saigi-kun, why are you still searching?!”

She sure panicked, but that was all she could do, as she was busy with driving

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safely. The article I found showed a JK Maka-chan, wearing a bright pink
tennis wear, with a short skirt, swimming the racket. Her hair back then was a
bit shorter, as she focused only on the ball in front of her.

“Stop, Saigi-kun…Don’t dig up my embarrassing past…”

“You don’t have to be that flustered…”

No matter how you look at it, this is a past that she should be proud of.

“Also, the one that told you about it must have been Hiyori-senpai, right?!
What is that person doing?!”

Maka-sensei kept beating the steering wheel. What about that driving safely

“So you’ve been calling her senpai before. It seems like Hiyori-sensei knows
a lot more by the way.”

“Ugh…In order to survive this, I have to seal off her mouth it seems…!”

“I-I’m just joking! I won’t dig up any more than this!”

I feel like Maka-sensei has gotten pretty dangerous as of recently. I’d

probably be better off not joking around.

“I feel like you already found out plenty… Really, I should have told Hiyori-
sensei not to talk too much before it came to this. Teachers need a certain
level of dignity after all.”

“I really think that you winning an interhigh is plenty already but…Wait,

isn’t this the wrong way?”

“Fufufu…You weren’t expecting to just get home normally if you’re driving

with me, were you?”

“S-Some hideout? Or some hidden restaurant again? Maybe even some

faraway inn or hotel…?”

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Ahh, having Maka-sensei’s profile next to me is like the devil incarnate!

“Fu fu fu fu fu…It’s still light outside right now, so we can go wherever we

want to.”

“A-At least drive safely, okay?”

Maka-sensei only gave a suggestive grin. I really should have picked a better
place and situation to have a talk with her! The normal Maka-sensei—is the
scariest after all!

“I’ll take a speed that won’t bother the cars after us, okay. Saigi-kun, you’re
bad with more speed, right?”

“So you finally understand. I’d rather take a ride on a roller coaster.”


“And what?”

“You wanted to tell me something, right? I’m a teacher, you know. Even if
I’m not as sharp as you, I can read enough from that expression of yours.”

“…Yeah, there’s a lot that I want to tell you, but…”

Although my head cooled off considerably, my thoughts are still left in

disarray. Maybe I really should study some more. If I don’t, I won’t be able
to use my head properly.

“Maka-sensei…you’re good at studying, and you’re a sports ace. You even

took some classes at the medical facility before, right. Hiyori-sensei said that
you’re like some manga heroine.”

“The truth is stranger than a novel, right. And, in English?”

“Za trusu…isu…wait give me a second…Novel is …noberu…right?”

“You’re not wrong, but if you don’t use the correct words, it’ll be a miss

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“Nevermind that, don’t force me to study even in a situation like this!”

“‘Truth is stranger than fiction’, the words of the English poet Byron.”

“The English was easier than I thought…!”

I really should know that, but I was taken by surprise in this situation!

“A-Anyway…since you basically can do anything you want to…why did you
decide to become a teacher?”

“I feel like you asked me that before.”

“Before, you responded with ‘I don’t regret it’, but that certainly doesn’t
qualify for an answer.”

“You got me there…Or so I’d like to say, but it’s not that big of a deal. To be
completely honest, I don’t really know myself.”

While throwing a wink at me, she took a curve at an intersection.

“I do think that I had a lot of career paths open. Be it a doctor, an attorney,

it’s true that I could have taken whatever I wanted.”

“Don’t you think that you just wasted your talent…?”

“I worked my hardest ever since I was a child to create this ‘Unobtainable

Flower’ character, but I’ve started to grow tired. Don’t you think that I would
have to work even harder than I am now if I chose some crazy career like

“That…is true…”

A job where she can’t be allowed to show any weakness at all times must be
too tough on her for sure…

“Naturally, it’s not that I dislike working hard for something. The feeling of
being accepted after all your hard effort is something that you want to taste as
often as you can.”

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“I really can’t talk along this conversation…”

“You should study a bit more, and then you’ll understand.” Maka-sensei
showed me a soft smile.

Stepping on the gas, she drove up a hill road. Just where are we headed now?

“But even so, I chose the way as a teacher. Well, not like becoming a teacher
at Seikadai is easy. The students might not know, but the teachers that you
keep making fun off had to work really hard and overcome a lot of troubles.”

“Yes, I still don’t know how the world of adults really works. All I know—is
that it’s still far off.”

Spending time together with Maka-sensei, I got glances at the world of adults
—and I realized that I am nothing more than a brat.

“Yeah, that’s perfectly fine. You don’t have to know that yet. Listen to me,
who was forcing herself too much during high school, okay. Pushing your
limits won’t do you any good.”

“…Do you regret doing thatß”

“Ahh, let’s stop here.”

Maka-sensei said so, and parked at a parking space to a nearby convenience

store. As we got out of the car, we entered the store, bought two cups of iced
coffee, and returned.

“I really wanted to take you someplace better than this, but if I kept you for
myself too long, Miharu-san won’t keep quiet about it. This is a sign that we
made up, so take it.”

“Ah, yes. Thank you very much.”

Maka-sensei handed me one cup, and took a sip as she leaned against the fiat.

“They don’t have any good tea here, but the coffee seems to be pretty good,
so go and get a taste. I put some milk and sugar in for you, you like sweet

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stuff, right.”

“Yes, that’s how I like my coffee.”

Completely dark wouldn’t go, but like this, coffee isn’t too bad.

“Ahh, the continuation from before. Leaving aside the question if I regret it
or not…”

A soft breeze blew past us. Now that summer was about to end, the heat
turned down quite a bit. The sun was slowly starting to go down, as the sky
was colored in a strong orange color—

“It’s not just today, right? That you’ve been going around, having these
romcom like events with the girls from SID.”

“T-That’s…Reflexively because I was lying to them…”

“I never knew why I went down the road of a teacher. But, after watching
you, Jinsho-san, Amanashi-san, Miharu-san, Muku-san…Running around,
having fun like that, there’s something that I thought.”

Maka-sensei pushed down her brown hair that got stirred up during another

“I was always desperate in keeping up my character, not wanting anyone to

show sympathy for me…and I regretted my student life, which left me with
nothing but this very character.”


“You hated lies, right, Saigi-kun. That’s why I thought of ending this fake
relationship immediately. It might have been too long. Lying isn’t good, even
kids know that.”

“Maka-sensei…do you hate the you that’s been lying?”

“Acting like the perfect character became the norm for me, and I forgot if I
liked or hated it even. Falling in love with you, who hates lies and being

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deceived, I realized a lot of things. It’s all thanks to you, Saigi-kun.”

For a second, I thought she was going to kiss me, but she didn’t. Instead, she
showed me a kind smile.

“The real me was never able to enjoy her student life—That’s why I felt the
need to do the things I lost. And there is only one way I could have taken to
get back to school.”

That’s why she became a teacher at the school she graduated from? While
smiling still, Maka-sensei took another sip from the coffee. Even now, Maka-
sensei isn’t spending her job as a teacher as ‘her real self’. But, being with
me, she could enjoy herself, be lovey-dovey with me, say anything, do
anything she wanted, without having to hide anything. Even this scary
‘education’ that I had to go through was a precious time to her…? No, to me
as well, I’m sure…

“I’m glad that I came back. After all, I was able to meet you.”

“You’re shifting there.”

I couldn’t help but give a bitter smile. The coffee I took a sip from had sugar
and milk in there, but it was still a tad bit bitter. This sweetness, with a hint of
bitterness, was really delicious. Yeah, Maka-sensei wasn’t the only one that
came up with an answer for herself.

The answer to bring an end to this relationship between me and Maka-sensei,

that continued all the way from spring. I feel like, I finally found my own

1 Breaking Bad

2 I’m assuming UNIQLO

3 A reference to an old manga series called ‘The Prince of Tennis’

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The final day of summer break—

Under heavy work and effort, the report about Jeanne-tan—No, Jeanne
D’Arc came to an end, and I finished the other homework. Depending on my
future I will take, next summer break won’t be as relaxing as this one.
Thinking about the future is tiresome for sure, but it’s something I eventually
will have to do. The day where I will have to have an answer will come, even
if I want it to or not.

“Hey hey, Mako. What’s with that serious expression? Not gonna enjoy that
harem life of yours anymore?”

Shiya-chan walked towards me, a bright grin decorating her expression. And
said Shiya-chan was wearing a thin, rather calm and classic yukata.

“Can you not make me sound like the bad guy? And this isn’t a harem.”

We were currently in a nearby park to Seikadai. The time was a bit past 7pm.
If you were to ask what I was doing outside at a time like this—

“Ahh good thing good thing. I bought too many fireworks, and was worried
that I wouldn’t use them all up this year.”

“Amanashi Nui, you should think about the future a bit more.”

A few meters away from me, Nui was joyfully playing with some fireworks,
while Karen-kaichou was watching over her, expecting something to go
wrong any second. Next to her were also some kids from the cloister,
enjoying the fireworks themselves. Since Nui bought way too many
fireworks, she gathered everyone on here on this final day, trying to use up
the rest that she didn’t use.

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“Alrighto! Use everything, and take them in both of your hands! Ahhh, so

“Hey, Amanashi Nui! Don’t teach these kids anything weird!”

Nui’s yukata had a red pattern, while Karen-kaichou was wearing a deep blue
one. Being a Japanese beauty, it truly fit Karen-kaichou, but Nui also looked
good in it.

“Miharu-oneechan, can you put the fire on for me? Sensei said I shouldn’t do
it myself.”

“Onii-chan sure is protective…Here, Kuu-chan.”

“Thank you, Miharu-oneechan.”

Miharu used a lighter to turn on the fireworks that Kuu was holding. Where’s
that ‘Keep away from fire’ rule you were talking about? Anyways, Kuu was
wearing a yukata with a cat pattern, while Miharu had goldfish on hers.

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Miharu was really against wearing a yukata until the very end, but while I
was looking up the way to put it on online, she put it on herself. Have to be
careful that she doesn’t take it off with people around.

“Haaa…Summer break really is over. Can’t believe school starts tomorrow.”

“What a shame right, Mako. University summer break still lasts for 3 days.
Fu fu fu~”

“Ugh…I want that too…!”

“Once summer break ends, I’ll be resuming my work as a private tutor as

well. This time we’ll get you up 50 more ranks in the second term!”

“F-Fifty? Last time it was only thirty…”

If I go up that much, I’ll be in the upper rank. Isn’t that a bit too ambitious?

“If we don’t get you there, I’ll feel guilt towards your parents! And also…if I
create a big debt with you, you won’t be able to get away from me, right?”

“You sure are planning something scary again…”

“Hehe~ I have a lot of ideas ready, so I hope you’re looking forward to it~”

While Shiya-chan was flashing a devilish smile, Miharu and the others
walked over and started with their fireworks. So from now on, the childhood
friend will be on the attack as well, huh…Oh right, I still don’t know the
reason why Miharu fell in love with me…Going from everyone of SID, we’re
still missing two people then…

“Saigi-kun, do you not want to do any fireworks?”

“Eh, ah, Maka-sensei. Well, everyone was just so hyped-up, I found it

difficult to join in.”

“You’re a chicken at the weirdest times…”

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The bewildered Maka-sensei was also wearing a yukata. It had a rather
classic feeling, but the flower pattern was beautiful nonetheless. The yukata
before at the inn already fit her, but this one has a certain cuteness to it.
Sensei was pretty tall as well, and with her style, so probably everything
she’d wear fits her.

“Fufu, you’re entranced. Good thing I bought that charming and expensive
yukata beforehand.”

“Are you sure you want to waste your money on clothes like this…”

I still remember the sight of all the clothes falling down out of the closet,
burying her.

“It’s fine, I don’t really use money for anything else. I actually prepared a
yukata for Tenka as well, see.”

“Oh yeah, Nui invited her, but she declined.”

“She seems to be limited for today.”

“Eh? Do you mean because of the summer homework?”

Since Tenka-san seemed like the serious type, I was expecting her to have
that done a while ago already.

“Well, something like that. She’d get angry if I told you, so this is all I can


There’s still too many mysteries with Tenka-san as well. Well, she’s not a
member from SID, so there’s no need to look to deep into her I guess.

“Rather than that, Saigi-kun, since we’re here already, let’s enjoy some
fireworks as well.”

“Yeah, we still have lots of them, so we have to use it.”

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The two of us picked up some fireworks, and lit them up. With a small
popping sound, a red and yellow light shot out of the tip, sending sparks

“It’s been a while since I last shot off fireworks like this. I did go to a
fireworks festival with Miharu and Kuu last year though.”

“Wha…S-So unfair! I wasn’t invited!”

“Back then, you weren’t our homeroom teacher, but just a normal English
teacher, you know.”

“And you still told that English teacher ‘Don’t go creating a fake character
like that’, didn’t you.”

I feel like my tone was a tad bit different though.

“Either way, we weren’t in a relationship where I would just invite you over
for some fireworks, right?”

“It’s a shame, but that’s exactly what it was.” Maka-sensei let out a long sigh.

A lot has happened this year, huh…But anyway, I guess it’s about time.


“Please become my Girlfriend Teacher .”

The sparks of the fireworks gave a crackling sound that filled the silence
between us, Nui’s, and everyone else’s voices as well.

“…What did you say just now?”

“You couldn’t have possibly misheard that. I won’t say it a second time.”

Ahh, my face is turning red. I really can’t say this a second time.

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“I am…Saigi-kun’s Girlfriend Teacher …!”

With an almost audible sound, Maka-sensei’s face turned red in a matter of

seconds. As she continued turning red until her ears, her mouth was opening
and closing like a fish waiting to be fed, but the words wouldn’t come out. I
mean, I’m pretty flustered, but she’s even worse—Isn’t she supposed to be a
24 year old adult? Well, it’s not like I didn’t enjoy that sight, since she looked
really cute. However—

“I didn’t say that I like you though, Sensei.”

“Ah?! Don’t just ruin it like that! That’s the most crucial part!”

“I both have my feelings towards Sensei, as well as the wish of not wanting
you to stop being a teacher. Ahh, I really didn’t want this to go into too much

“And and?”

Maka-sensei, you’ve completely lost your cool.

“Though our fake relationship has come to an end, I don’t see a reason why
we can’t go back to our previous relationship either.”

At the very least, I don’t want to go back to just being teacher and student.

“That’s, for now, neither being girlfriend nor teacher, I called it a Girlfriend
Teacher, and thought about going out like that…Like this, you wouldn’t have
to stop being a teacher.”

“What I thought you meant was ‘Girlfriend’ on top of being ‘Teacher’!”

“Well, mine is different.”

It’s getting really tough to keep up my cool. This is really embarrassing.

“Also, you said it before, right. ‘Just for fun’.”

“I often forget things due to saying too much, but I probably did…”

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“Isn’t this fine for now. Will you come along with my ‘fun’?”

“I was confessed to countless times already, but tagging along someone’s fun
like this might be the first time…”

Ahh, I guess I phrased it a bit bad…?

“Ahhnn, Saigi-kun stole my first~ I’m so happy~”


S-So strong…Her mental strength is like the hardness of orichalcum…Well, I

guess I can call this a success, seeing that she accepted it…Ahhh, my heart is
beating like crazy…!

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“Alright then, let’s move to the real deal! Launching some fireworks !”

Nui was gleefully preparing for the main event of today’s fireworks. We
checked to see if it was allowed in this park, and it seems to be okay, but
she’s really doing it, huh.

“Mako, Maka-sama, come over here! You have to look at from up close!”

“Sensei, we still have lots of more fireworks!”

“Miharu is really tired, so can she lean against you, Onii-chan?”

“Fujiki-sensei, it’s not fair for you to just stay with Saigi Makoto all the—N-
No, you’re our guardian, so today it’s fine.”

Everyone was calling for us, so Maka-sensei and I lined up next to each
other, walking towards them.

“Alright, time for the launch!”

Nui put fire on the fuse, and—

With a loud sizzling, the fireworks shot up into the air. Everyone looked up at
the night sky, and at the same time, Maka-sensei and I reached for each
other’s hands, and tightly held them. Just for a second, with the fireworks
going off, it felt like we were really lovers. In the midst of a cool breeze
flying past us, I could feel the warm sensation of her hand.

My Girlfriend Teacher–

I don’t know if this is the connection that goes ‘Beyond teacher and student’,
and it’s not like I have a definitive answer yet. But, just like summer ends,
and moves towards fall, I definitely feel like I have taken an, albeit late, first

1 = Kanojo Sensei. I decided to keep the English part here, since it flows
better into the text.

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Hello there, Kagami Yuu here.

Well, unlike in the novel, we’ve almost made it past the summer heat.
Though to be fair, as a shut-in, you don’t feel like the temperature has
changed much. Since I wasn’t feeling well, as I stated in the afterword of the
4th volume, I kept myself shut in. Thanks to that, I’ve been feeling better
again. Now I’ll be working in a comfortable and relaxed environment.

Now then, after the shocking (?) ending of the previous volume, we’ve made
it to the 5th. How did you enjoy it? Keeping Maka-sensei as the main heroine
still, I tried to give more focus on SID this time, but as always, the story kept
on spinning back to her, as expected. To make up for that, there were parts
where she didn’t appear, but I’m sure that most of you kept her in the back of
your minds still. Almost like she is the legal wife, see.

The season this time around was summer, and Maka-sensei finally got to
wear a normal swimsuit. Before, in the 4th volume and earlier, there weren’t
any chances for the pool or sea, but the novel finally allowed it. Well, Maka-
sensei always looks erotic, no matter the season though.

Talking about the ongoing comicalization, the first full volume of Monrin
Hoshigami is also in the works, and will be on sale soon! Seeing all the
scenes I know so well in a manga like this is a completely new feeling for
me. Maka-sensei and everyone from SID are so cute and erotic, it’s great. I’m
always looking forward to going through the raw drawings and manuscript. If
you like the series, please take a look at it, it would make me very happy!

Oryou-sensei, your illustrations were as great as always this volume, thank

you very much! There were many scenes outside school, so the designs of the
heroines’ clothes must have been a lot of work…I’m truly sorry about that.

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But the heroines in swimsuits and yukatas were amazing!

To my dear editor, a big thanks as always. On top of that, another person was
added to our small group, but since I haven’t met them yet, there’s still the
chance that it’s a beauty, right?

At the same time, my greatest thanks to everyone that was involved with the
making and distribution of this novel. And of course, my eternal gratitude for
all the readers that supported me and the series all this time!

I’d be very happy if we could meet again—

Summer of 2019, Kagami Yuu.

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