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DOFE Reflection

What were the best and most challenging parts of the experience?

The best part of the Duke of Edinburgh Silver experience was the expedition overall. Having
prepared effectively, my team and I were able to maintain organisation throughout the
walk, in terms of navigation. Even when we made mistakes or took a wrong turn, we
collaborated to achieve the mutual goal of completing the expedition safely and efficiently.
Furthermore, our organisation allowed us to take our time to set up the tent without
making any mistakes. Another part of the experience that I highly enjoyed was when we felt
that joint sense of achievement when we reached the finish point. The feeling that our had
work had paid off was unforgettable, and made the challenging parts, like the harsh weather
and tiring terrain, worth it.

What advice would you give to another DofE team setting out on their expedition?

The number one piece of advice I would give to another DofE team setting out on their
expedition is to ensure your bag is organised, and you know where everything is. For
example, make sure your food is easy access and your necessities for the night are at the
top of your bag so you don’t get your bag wet while opening it, or risk not closing it in the
night. Another piece of advice I would give to them is to ensure you have more food than
you think you need. It is never a smart idea to ‘save weight’ by bringing less food. If you
need to save weight, I would recommend you to ensure your sleeping bag and mat are
lightweight, and do not bring any tracksuit bottoms or hoodies. Instead, opt for thermals
and a fleece. A final piece of advice that I would give them is to really enjoy the walk. The
walk is a chance to be away from social media and really connect to your teammates. It
might be a smart idea to bring some cards with interesting questions on them to keep you
entertained, build trust, and lose track of time.

Did people take on different roles (leader, navigator, motivator, helper, chef) or did you all
share the different roles? What role do you think you would take on in a different team

I think that it is really important to play to your strengths, and ask for help with your areas
of weakness. For example, I know that I am a good cook and motivator. Therefore, these
were the roles that I took on during our expedition. I offered words of encouragement to my
teammates in times of need, and when we arrived at the campsite, I immediately got the
stove boiling water to get our food ready as soon as possible. However, I know that my
navigation skills are an area of weakness for me, therefore, I asked my teammates to explain
the map in order to improve this skill for the Gold expedition. In different team
environments, I tend to take on leadership roles.

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