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Laboratorio IDS

Fecha @November 21, 2023 12:32 PM


PDF IDS_laboratory.pdf

For this laboratory, we will employ the OpenWRT, METASPLOITABLE, IDS and the
Auditing machine, as shown in Figure 1. Start running the OpenWRT and
METASPLOITABLE VMs. We will now assume that the attacker has been able to
bypass the firewall and take control of a machine in the DMZ.

Thus, set all Firewall policies to ACCEPT.

Finally, test that the network configuration is working properly by pinging the
METASPLOITABLE server ( from the Auditing machine. Since the “IDS-
Snort” VM is connected to the “DMZ” subnet in promiscuous mode, it should
nevertheless be able to monitor all traffic exchanged between them (recall the Mini-
Para reiniciar el snort:

sudo snort –T –c /etc/snort/snort.conf

sudo service snort restart

Milestone 1. Checking Snort alerts and

In order to test that Snort is properly configured to monitor the DMZ, run the nikto
scanner in Auditing machine against the METASPLOITABLE server ( nikto –h ) and check the Snort alerts. From these alerts:

1. Would you be able to identify what kind of tests nikto is performing?

a. nikto hace → Web Application Attacks

Laboratorio IDS 1
2. How are these actions being identified/labelled by Snort?

1. How many alerts are generated due to the nikto scan?

Laboratorio IDS 2
a. Se generan 8728

b. Viendo el /var/log/snort.log si lo borramos para que se genere de 0, se

generan 2400 alertas aporx.

c. Ya pondré la imagen

Configurar Snort para que las alertas de local4 se envien a un archivo en especifico.
Esto era un challenge del lab de logs

Modificar la conf del snort → sudo snort –T –c /etc/snort/snort.conf

Laboratorio IDS 3
Log del local4 creado en /var/log/snort.log

No se porque tengo en el segundo log /var/log/syslog.log → tiene que estar


tail /var/log/snort.log

Laboratorio IDS 4
Milestone 2. Configure the alert thresholds
As you remember from the mini-lab, Snort has a default configuration, and even
sending a ping to the METASPLOITABLE server raises an alert. Check it, by sending 10
pings to the METASPLOITABLE server ( ping -c 10 ) from the Auditing
machine host, and write down the Signature ID (SIDs) of the “ICMP PING” and “ICMP
Echo Reply” alerts.

Laboratorio IDS 5
Laboratorio IDS 6
As you may have noticed, each ICMP message in each direction generates a separate
alert (and all packets are logged in case the log_tcpdump output is enabled). In order to
reduce the number of duplicated alerts, we are going to configure the threshold
mechanism to limit the ICMP PING alerts to one every 10 seconds

Para sacar la sig_id → numero entre corchetes

Reglas nuevas threshold.con:

Sin threshold se crean 24 reglas

5 ping se crean 3 alertas:

10 ping ssudoe crean solo 3 alertas:

Laboratorio IDS 7
20 ping se crean 6 alertas:

Modify the /etc/snort/threshold.conf file to limit the number of alerts of the “ICMP PING”
and “ICMP Echo Reply” alerts to one per 10 seconds when pinging the
METASPLOITABLE server from a different source.
Send different number of pings (e.g. 5, 10, 20) from the OpenWRT router and the
Auditing machine host, and watch the alert log to identify the Snort behavior.

Explore different values of the filter type (limit|threshold|both) and track (by_src|by_dst)
options to understand what they do.
Explain such behavior in the report, and justify which filter type and track option
combination are the best for each rule to minimize the number of duplicated alerts while
preventing evasion

Cambiar los valores del tipo de filtro → limit, threshold y both

limit : Este tipo de umbral se refiere a un límite máximo en el número de eventos

permitidos en un período de tiempo dado. Si se supera este límite, se activará la
regla asociada.

Laboratorio IDS 8
threshold : Este tipo de umbral se refiere a un umbral específico que debe
superarse para activar la regla. Te crear una regla cada count, por ejemplo si pones
count 1, se crean 10 reglas. Poniendo count 10 se crean 3 reglas.

Con count 5:

both : Indica que se están configurando tanto un límite como un umbral. Limit es
alertar del primer evento cada Xs, threshold es alertar cada X veces que se ven el
evento en Y segundo. Both es alertar una vez cada cada intervalo de tiempo que se
vean X alertas del evento.

Laboratorio IDS 9
Con count 2

Con count 5

Como en 10 segundos no se han recibido 11 alertas, no se crea una alertas de


Laboratorio IDS 10
Cambiar los valores del tipo de track→ by_src, by_dst → lo mismo pero cambia de
quiern recibes los logs

Cuando utilizas by_src , estás rastreando y contando eventos basándote en la

dirección de origen (source) de los paquetes de red. Esto es útil cuando estás
interesado en limitar o establecer umbrales para actividades específicas que
provienen de una dirección de origen particular.

Vagos mirad las imagenes de arriba

Cuando utilizas by_dst , estás rastreando y contando eventos basándote en la

dirección de destino (destination) de los paquetes de red. Esto es útil cuando estás
interesado en limitar o establecer umbrales para actividades específicas que se
dirigen a una dirección de destino particular.

Con limit

Con threshold

Con both

Milestone 3. Writing custom Snort rules

Although the Snort ruleset is quite comprehensive, in many cases it is necessary to
write custom rules adapted to the protected environment, e.g. monitoring custom
For instance, let us assume that the web application has an administrative interface in
the /private/ directory.

Laboratorio IDS 11
Therefore, we want to raise an alert if any other than the administrators from the subnet access to such part of the website.

Add an alert rule to the /etc/snort/rules/local.rules file to generate an alert when

somebody tries to access the /private/ directory in the web application running at the
METASPLOITABLE server, while avoiding false positives (e.g. “/public/private/”) and
common evasion techniques (e.g. “///private/”, “/PrIvAtE/”).

Test the rule by connecting to the METASPLOITABLE server and sending various
malicious payloads. For example, you can use the wget command from the Kali:


alert tcp ! any → 80 (msg: “Acceso no autorizado a


Depth:8 quita todas las peticiones que tengan algo más que solo /private

nocase → suda de si se usan mayusculas o minusculas

Uricontent para evitar varios '/'

Correo pastrana:


sudo snort –T –c /etc/snort/snort.conf

Laboratorio IDS 12
sudo service snort restart

http inspect

Uricontent para evitar varios '/', Depth para buscar que sea exactamente la ruta que
indica y nocase para nodiscriminar mayus de minus

Laboratorio IDS 13

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