Business Analytics

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22. Explain use of Power BI Gateway in detail? Write a note on Power BI Mobile.

Ans: The uses of power BI Gateway are as follows: -

i. Keep Data Updated: It ensures that the data in your Power BI reports is always up-to-date by regularly
refreshing information from your local databases.
ii. Connect Directly: You can connect directly to your on-premises databases without moving the data to the
cloud, which is useful for sensitive information.
iii. Real-Time Analysis: For certain data, like sales or inventory, you can analyse it in real-time without delays.
iv. Combine Data Sources: It lets you combine data from different sources in one place for a more comprehensive
v. Security: Power BI Gateway ensures secure communication so that your data is safe and complies with
vi. Collaboration: Multiple people can work on the same reports even if the data is stored locally, fostering

Power BI Mobile: -
Power BI Mobile is a mobile application suite designed by Microsoft to extend the capabilities of Power
BI to users on smartphones and tablets. This application facilitates on-the-go access to business intelligence, enabling
users to interact with their data and gain insights anytime, anywhere.

Here are some key features of Power BI Mobile:

i. See Dashboards on Your Phone: View your important business metrics and charts on your mobile.
ii. Check Reports Anywhere: Access detailed reports from your Power BI on-the-go.
iii. Interact with Data: Tap, swipe, and explore your data directly from your phone or tablet.
iv. Read Reports Offline: Download reports for offline reading when you don't have an internet connection.
v. Keep Data Secure: Use secure login methods to ensure your business data is safe.
vi. Works on iPhone and Android: Power BI Mobile is available for both iPhone and Android devices.

23. Write a note on Power BI Service.

Ans: Power BI Service is a robust cloud-based platform that serves as the heart of Microsoft's Power BI ecosystem. It
offers a suite of tools and services that enable businesses to turn their data into meaningful insights, fostering informed
decision-making and collaboration across organizations.
Power BI Service is a dynamic cloud platform that empowers organizations to harness the full potential of their
data. It promotes collaboration, provides real-time insights and offers a user-friendly environment for creating and
sharing impactful reports and dashboards.

Here are some key features of Power BI Service:

i. Cloud Reports: Create and view reports online, no matter where you are.
ii. Dashboard Magic: Build dashboards that show all your important info in one place.
iii. Always Updated: Get real-time updates so your data is never out of date.
iv. Easy Sharing: Share your reports with others for better teamwork.
v. Automatic Refresh: Set your data to update on its own at scheduled times.
vi. Top-Notch Security: Your data is kept safe and secure with the latest security measures.
vii. Connect with Apps: Bring in data from different apps and services easily.
viii. Ask Questions, Get Answers: Use everyday language to ask questions and get visual answers.
ix. Mobile Access: Check your reports and dashboards on your phone with Power BI Mobile.
x. Collaboration Central: Work together with colleagues by commenting and collaborating on shared data.
24. Explain below terms in regards to Power BI:
Ans: 1.) Database:
In Power BI, think of a dataset like a virtual container for your information. It's where you organize
and store your data so that you can make cool reports and charts. Imagine it as a digital box holding all the numbers,
text, and details you want to analyse. Whether it's sales figures, customer details, or anything else, the dataset is like
your digital filing cabinet for creating powerful insights in Power BI.

2.) Report:
In Power BI, a "report" is like a smart and interactive document that helps you understand and share your data
easily. It's a way to organize and display information, using colourful charts, graphs, and tables. Think of it as a digital
summary that turns your raw data into a story that makes sense. You can create reports to show trends, compare
numbers, or highlight key insights, making it much simpler for you and others to grasp what the data is telling you.

3.) Dashboard:
In Power BI, a dashboard is like a digital control centre for your data. It's a single page that shows a
snapshot of your most important information in an easy-to-understand way. Think of it like your car dashboard where
you quickly see crucial details like speed, fuel, and temperature. In Power BI, a dashboard pulls together key charts,
graphs, and numbers from your reports, giving you a quick overview of how your business is doing at a glance. It's a
visual summary that helps you make sense of your data without diving into detailed reports.

4.) Subscription:
In Power BI, a "subscription" is like getting a regular update about your reports and dashboards. It's a
way for you to stay in the loop and receive notifications when there are changes or new information in the data you're
interested in. Think of it as a way to have Power BI keep you informed automatically, so you don't have to keep
checking for updates yourself. When you subscribe to something in Power BI, it's like saying, "Hey, let me know
whenever there's something new or different here!"

25. What is Profit ratio? How to calculate it and explain significance of it with example.

Ans: The profit ratio, also known as the profit margin or net profit margin, is a financial metric that expresses the
profitability of a business as a percentage of its revenue. It measures the proportion of revenue that translates into
profit after deducting all expenses.

The formula to calculate the profit ratio is:

Net Profit
Profit Ratio (%) = ( Revenue ) × 100

Let's say a company has a total revenue of $100,000 and net profit of amount $20,000.

Profit Ratio (%) = ( ) × 100 = 20%

So, the profit ratio in this example is 20%. This means that for every dollar of revenue generated, the company is
making a profit of 20 cents.

i. Money in the Bank: It shows how much money the company gets to keep from every sale after paying all the
ii. Healthy or Not: A higher profit ratio is like a thumbs-up—it means the business is doing well. A lower one
might signal some financial challenges.
iii. Smart Choices: Knowing the profit ratio helps businesses make smart decisions about prices, costs, and how
to grow.
iv. Investor Insight: Investors use it to decide if they want to invest in a company. A higher ratio can attract more
26. Why data transformation is needed? Explain some advance data transformations in Power BI.
Ans: Data transformation in Power BI is like getting your data ready for a big show. Here's why it's needed:
i. Clean and Tidy: Raw data can be messy with mistakes. Transformation cleans it up, fixing errors and making it
ii. Fit Together: Data from different places might not fit. Transformation makes sure all data plays well together,
so you can analyse it without a hitch.
iii. Easy Understanding: Transformed data is organized and easy to understand, making it a breeze to analyze
and get insights.
iv. Quick Analysis: Well-prepared data makes your analysis faster. It's like having a well-organized toolbox for
your work.
v. Discover More: Transformation helps you uncover hidden patterns and insights in your data that might have
been overlooked before.
Here are some advanced data transformations in Power BI:
i. Mixing Data Together: Imagine you have data about sales in one file and customer details in another. Power
BI lets you mix them together like you're making a recipe. Now you have a super useful combined dataset.
ii. Creating New Categories: Say you want to categorize your sales as "Good," "Medium," or "Bad." Power BI
helps you do this easily, like sorting your toys into different boxes.
iii. Turning Data Sideways: If your data is like a long list, and you want to see it like a table, Power BI helps you
turn it sideways for a better view.
iv. Setting Special Rules: You have a rule that says if something is more than a certain number, it's important.
Power BI helps you apply these rules to your data automatically.
v. Custom Tools for Your Job: Imagine you have a special way of calculating things, and you want to use it every
time. Power BI lets you create your own special tool for your data work

27. What is YTD QTD and MTD? Explain it with suitable example. Write DAX to calculate it.

Ans: 1.) YTD (Year-to-Date): It means the time from the beginning of the year until the present date.
- Example: If today is June 30, the YTD would include all data from January 1 to June 30. It's like adding up everything
that happened in the year so far.
-DAX: Total Sales YTD = TOTALYTD(SUM('Sales'[Revenue]), 'Sales'[Date])

2.) QTD (Quarter-to-Date): It represents the time from the beginning of the quarter until the present date.
- Example: If today is June 30, and we're in the second quarter, QTD would include all data from April 1 to June 30. It's
like looking at everything that happened in the current quarter.
-DAX: Total Sales QTD = TOTALQTD(SUM('Sales'[Revenue]), 'Sales'[Date])

3.) MTD (Month-to-Date): It covers the time from the beginning of the month until the present date.
- Example: If today is June 30, MTD would include all data from June 1 to June 30. It's like focusing on everything that
happened in the current month.
-DAX: Total Sales MTD = TOTALMTD(SUM('Sales'[Revenue]), 'Sales'[Date])

28. What are the ways to perform calculations in Power BI? Explain with suitable example.
Ans: The ways to perform calculations in Power BI are as follows:
i.Power Query Transformations: Clean, transform, and shape data using Power Query Editor.
Example: Extracting the month from a 'Date' column.
ii.Calculated Columns Using User Interface: Add a new column to your data table based on existing columns using UI.
Example: Creating a 'Total Sales' column by multiplying 'Quantity' and 'Price.'
iii.Quick Measures: Use a user-friendly interface to create common calculations without writing DAX.
Example: Quickly generate a measure for calculating averages, percentages, etc.
iv.Drag-and-Drop Aggregations: Simply drag and drop fields onto visuals to create basic aggregations.
Example: Dragging 'Sales' and 'Quantity' fields onto a table visual to see total sales and quantity.
v.Conditional Formatting: Visually highlight data based on conditions without complex calculations.
Example: Apply colour scales to a column to instantly see high and low values.
29. What are the types of connection? Explain each in detail with example. What is schedule refresh? For
which type of connection schedule refresh is not required?

Ans: In Power BI, there are primarily three types of connections: Import, Direct Query and Schedule Refresh
i. Import: In an Import connection, data is imported and stored in the Power BI dataset. The imported data is a
snapshot, and any updates in the source won't reflect in the Power BI report until a manual refresh is performed.
- Example: Importing data from an Excel file into Power BI. You bring the data into Power BI, and it stays there until
you refresh.

ii. Direct Query: With Direct Query, Power BI connects directly to the data source in real-time. There's no need to
import the data into Power BI, as queries are sent to the source for every report interaction, ensuring the latest
information is always displayed.
- Example: Connecting Power BI to a SQL Server database in Direct Query mode. Power BI interacts with the database
directly, avoiding the need to import the entire dataset.

iii. Schedule Refresh: Schedule refresh is a feature that allows you to set up a regular automatic update of the data in
your Power BI dataset. It's crucial when your data changes frequently, and you want your Power BI reports to reflect
those changes without manual intervention.
- Example: If you have an Import connection and your data source (e.g., an Excel file on OneDrive) is regularly updated,
you can set up a schedule refresh to automatically bring in the latest data at specified intervals.

When Schedule Refresh Is Not Required:

Schedule refresh is not required for Direct Query connections. Since Direct
Query connects directly to the source in real-time, there's no need to schedule regular refreshes. Every time a user
interacts with the report, the data is fetched directly from the source.

30. Differentiate between Tableau server and Tableau online.

Description Tableau Server Tableau Online
Location Installed on servers within an organization's Hosted on Tableau's cloud servers.
own infrastructure.
Control Organizations have full control over security, Tableau handles infrastructure, security, and
customization, and maintenance. maintenance. Limited customization compared to
Tableau Server.
Access Typically accessed within the organization's Accessed via a web browser from anywhere with
network or through a VPN. an internet connection.
Development Suitable for organizations with a preference Suitable for organizations preferring a cloud-
for on-premises solutions. based, managed service.
Cost Upfront costs for hardware and software Subscription-based model with regular payments
Structure licenses. Ongoing costs for maintenance. for cloud hosting and services.
Security Organizations have direct control over Tableau implements robust security measures,
security measures and can implement and organizations rely on Tableau's built-in
custom configurations. security features.
Example It's like having your own private meeting It's like hosting a virtual meeting room where
room to discuss and share reports within people from different places can join to view and
your company. discuss reports.
31. Explain advantages and features of tableau.

Ans: Advantages of Tableau:

i. Easy Visualization: Tableau makes data easy to understand by turning it into visualizations like charts and graphs.
ii. User-Friendly: It's designed for non-techy folks. You don't need to be a data expert to create insightful reports.
iii. Interactive Dashboards: Dashboards allow users to interact with data, filter it, and drill down for deeper insights.
iv. Fast Performance: Tableau works quickly even with large datasets, giving you instant visual results.
v. Wide Data Connectivity: Connects to various data sources like Excel, databases, and cloud services, making it

Key Features of Tableau:

i. Drag-and-Drop Interface: Easily create charts and dashboards by dragging and dropping fields.
ii. Real-Time Data Analysis: Analyse data in real-time, ensuring that your insights are always up-to-date.
iii. Data Blending: Combine data from different sources seamlessly for a more comprehensive analysis.
iv. Ad-Hoc Analytics: Perform on-the-fly analysis without predefined reports.
v. Publish and Share: Share your interactive dashboards securely with others.

32. How Business analytics plays role in HR management? Explain in detail.

Ans: The role of Business Analytics in HR management are as follows: -

i. Hiring the Right People: Analytics helps identify the traits and skills that lead to success in a job. This way, HR
can make better decisions when hiring, ensuring the right fit for the company.
ii. Employee Performance: Analytics can measure and analyse employee performance, helping HR understand
who's excelling and who might need extra support or training.
iii. Retention Strategies: By analysing data, HR can identify factors that contribute to employee turnover. This
helps in creating strategies to retain valuable talent, such as adjusting benefits or improving work-life balance.
iv. Workforce Planning: Analytics helps HR predict future workforce needs. This means they can plan ahead,
ensuring the right number of people with the right skills are available when needed.
v. Employee Engagement: Surveys and data analysis can reveal insights into employee satisfaction. HR can then
take actions to boost engagement and create a positive workplace.
vi. Training and Development: Analytics identifies skill gaps and areas for improvement. This guides HR in
designing targeted training programs to enhance employee skills and knowledge.
vii. Diversity and Inclusion: Analytics can track diversity metrics, helping HR assess and improve diversity and
inclusion initiatives within the organization.

33. How Business analytics plays role in educational industry? Explain in detail.

Ans: The role of Business Analytics in Education Industry are as follows: -

i. Student Performance Improvement: Analytics helps teachers and administrators understand how students
are performing. By identifying trends, they can create targeted interventions to help students succeed.
ii. Resource Allocation: Schools can use analytics to allocate resources efficiently. This means putting the right
teachers, materials, and support where they are needed most.
iii. Predictive Analysis for Student Success: Analytics can predict which students may need extra support or are
at risk of falling behind. This allows educators to intervene early and provide necessary assistance.
iv. Curriculum Enhancement: By analysing data on what works and what doesn't, schools can improve their
curriculum. This ensures that students are getting the most effective and relevant education.
v. Budget Planning: Schools can use analytics to plan budgets more effectively. This involves understanding
spending patterns and optimizing resources for maximum impact on education.
vi. Student Engagement: Analysing data on student engagement helps educators understand what teaching
methods are most effective. This fosters a more engaging and interactive learning environment.
vii. Quality Assurance: Analytics ensures that educational programs meet quality standards. Schools can track and
improve upon key performance indicators to maintain or enhance educational quality.
34. How Business analytics plays role in retail or marketing industry? Explain in detail.

Ans: The role of Business Analytics in retail or marketing industry are as follows: -
i. Understanding Customer Behaviour: Analytics helps retailers understand what customers like, buy, and when
they shop. This information guides decisions on product placement and promotions.
ii. Inventory Management: By analysing sales data, retailers can predict which products are popular and manage
inventory efficiently. This avoids overstocking or running out of products.
iii. Personalized Marketing: Analytics allows retailers to create personalized marketing campaigns. They can send
targeted offers and recommendations based on individual customer preferences.
iv. Optimizing Pricing Strategies: Retailers use analytics to set competitive prices. They analyse market trends
and customer behaviours to find the right balance between profit and customer satisfaction.
v. Effective Promotions: Analytics helps retailers understand the impact of promotions. They can identify which
promotions are most successful and adjust future strategies accordingly.
vi. Supply Chain Efficiency: Analytics is used to streamline the supply chain. Retailers can track the movement of
products, identify bottlenecks, and optimize the entire supply chain process.
vii. Fraud Detection: Retailers use analytics to detect fraudulent activities, such as suspicious transactions or
account behaviour. This ensures the security of transactions and customer data.

35. How Business analytics plays role in healthcare industry? Explain in detail.

Ans: The role of Business Analytics in healthcare industry are as follows: -

i. Improving Patient Care: Analytics helps doctors and nurses understand patient data better. It guides
treatment plans, predicts disease risks, and ensures personalized care.
ii. Operational Efficiency: Hospitals use analytics to manage resources effectively. This includes optimizing
staffing, reducing waiting times, and ensuring the smooth flow of patients.
iii. Cost Management: Analytics helps hospitals control costs. It identifies areas where resources are being used
inefficiently and suggests ways to save money without compromising patient care.
iv. Predictive Medicine: By analysing vast amounts of data, analytics predicts potential health issues. This allows
for preventive measures and early intervention, improving patient outcomes.
v. Inventory and Supply Chain Management: Hospitals use analytics to manage medical supplies. It ensures they
have the right medications and equipment in stock, preventing shortages or excess inventory.
vi. Fraud Detection: Analytics helps identify fraudulent activities in healthcare billing. It ensures that insurance
claims are legitimate and reduces financial losses due to fraud.
vii. Patient Engagement: Analytics helps create personalized healthcare plans. It engages patients in their own
well-being, making them active participants in managing them heal.
viii. Public Health Planning: Analytics assists in tracking and analysing disease outbreaks. This information helps
public health officials plan interventions and allocate resources effectively.

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