1.exercises. Demonstratives

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Check near or far Circle the correct answer

near far
1. This These are pretty flowers.
2. That Those is my brother.
1. this cat
3. This These is a beautiful day.
2. those presents 4. These This shoes are mine.
3. that chocolate cake 5. Those That red car is my father’s.
6. These This pencils are new.
4. those tomatoes
7. That Those house is new.
5. these party hats
8. That Those presents are for you.
6. these potato chips

7. those flowers

8. this ice cream

Near or Far?
9. that glass
10. this dish 1. this
2. those
3. that
4. these
5. this man
Make these sentences plural 6. those boys

1. This mouse is grey.

2. That child is very cute.

3. This apple tastes yummy.

4. This pencil is not mine.

5. That cherry is sweet and red.

6. That baby is sleeping.

7. This brush has got paint on it.

8. That foxes has got a long tail.

9. This witch has got a long nose.

10. This present is from the new toy store.

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