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First of all lets learn how to play Chess.

Chess is a two-player strategy board game that is

played on a square board divided into 64 of alternating colors,
typically black and white. The game is played with 16 pieces, 8
pawns, and 8 major pieces: 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, a queen,
and a king. The objective of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king,

first of all let us know how do these pieces move

The King only moves one square in any

direction at a time - up, down, to the sides, and

The Queen moves in any one straight

direction-forward, backward, sideways, or
diagonal. So basically just a mixture of
a Bishop and a Rook.

The Rook moves forward, backward, and

to the sides.

The Bishop moves diagonally

The Knight moves by going two squares

in one direction, and then one more in
a right, down, left and right depending
on the postion just like an “L” shape.
Knights are the only pieces that can jump
over other pieces.

Pawn - A Pawn moves forward, but captures

pieces diagonally. It can never move backwards.
the pawn can advance two squares at a time.
Succeeding moves will be one square at a time.

yet we should first know how to set up a chess board

by knowing 3 simple things

1.) White on the right make sure the position of the

right rook is a light square in the bottom
right-hand corner.

2.) The White Queen goes on the Light Square and The
black queen goes directly accross the white queen
and the kings go to their side

3.) And then they go to smallest to tallest

Bishop - Knight and then the Rook
and the Pawns right infront of them

Ever since the Existence of chess there has been

many tactics has been made to lead to mate

We also have Chess board coordinates

Chess has been split to 3 phases

We have the Opening, Middlegame and the Endgame.

first let us know about the Opening

●Opening is the starting of chess of how will u

establish or structure your minor pieces to the board

theres multiple variations of openings for chess like the

London System, Ruy López, Queen's Gambit, Caro-Kann,
French Defense, Sicilian Dragon, Bong Cloud
and The most popular and commonly used of all is the Italian Game
because it teaches them to mobilize and activate the minor pieces and to castle
it starts of Pe4 Nf3 and Bc4

●The Middlegame is the portion of a chess game between the opening

and the endgame. It is generally considered to begin when each player
has completed the development of all or most of their pieces and brought
their king to relative safety,

●The Endgame is when both the Queen is now gone and the endgame is
the stage of the game when few pieces are left on the board.

We Also Have Forcing Moves

Forcing Moves are category of Moves that are some of the strongest.

● Checks - If you give me a check i have to respond to the check

● Captures - If you capture a piece of mine very likely i would try

to take back if i can

● Threats - If u threaten my Queen very likely i would try to move my

Queen or if u threaten mate i would likely try to avoid it

We also have tactics used in Chess

Castling - It consists of moving the king two squares toward a

rook on the same rank and then moving the rook to the square
that the king passed over, you cant castle when the square is
under attack by a piece or when the king is in check

Fork - is when Two pieces are underattack by a single piece

most forks when happen with a Knight forking the Queen
and a King is also called a Royal Fork

Pin - Pinning is when u pin a piece to a another piece

like when u pin a knight to the queen you cant move the
knight or else the other piece will just take your queen
and thats a big no no

Skewer - A Skewer is when a A skewer is a move that attacks two

pieces in a line, similar to a pin, except that the enemy piece of
greater value is in front of the piece of lesser value. after it move
away it capture the piece behind it

Desperado - A desperado tactic happens in chess when a player

makes one last advantageous move with a piece that cannot be
saved from being captured. The falling piece can take an enemy
piece or damage the position of the opponent before being captured.
En Passant - En passant is a special chess rule that gives
pawns the option to capture a pawn which has
just passed it.

Discovered Check/Attack - Is when the king gets check by a piece

moves out of the way to uncover a check given by another piece
and another important piece is also in trouble at the same time
but you got no other options other than to move the king and lose
that other piece

Botez Gambit - Just Blundering your Queen for free without earning
anything back

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