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published: 24 October 2013

CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2013.00068

A central role for aspartate in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

physiology and virulence
Alexandre Gouzy 1,2 , Yannick Poquet 1,2 and Olivier Neyrolles 1,2*
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale, Toulouse, France
Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale, Université de Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
*Correspondence: olivier.neyrolles@ipbs.fr
Edited by:
Monique Barel, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, France
Reviewed by:
Greg Cook, University of Otago, New Zealand
Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, macrophage, phagosome, aspartate, nitrogen

A commentary on Chief among these questions is the other members of the SLC superfamily
origin and molecular mechanism(s) of allow M. tuberculosis to access aspartate
Mycobacterium tuberculosis nitrogen transport allowing mycobacterial access and multiply inside host cells remains to
assimilation and host colonization require to aspartate inside host cells. TB lesions be evaluated.
aspartate are enriched in aspartate, and this likely Another issue raised by our study is:
by Gouzy, A., Larrouy-Maumus, G., Wu, T. relies on global metabolic changes in how is nitrogen transferred from aspartate
D., Peixoto, A., Levillain, F., Lugo-Villarino, immune cells during granuloma forma- to other nitrogen-containing molecules
G., et al. (2013). Nat. Chem. Biol. doi: tion (Somashekar et al., 2011). How in M. tuberculosis? Once acquired by
10.1038/nchembio.1355 nutrients, such as aspartate, access the the bacillus through its unique aspar-
M. tuberculosis phagosome during infec- tate importer AnsP1, we showed this
The tuberculosis (TB) bacillus, tion is an intriguing issue. Using mass amino acid species mostly serves as a
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a faculta- spectrometry imaging, we further showed nitrogen provider and barely enters car-
tive intracellular pathogen that multiplies that aspartate can access the mycobacterial bon metabolism through the Krebs cycle
inside macrophages, in which it resides phagosome, at least in vitro (Gouzy (Gouzy et al., 2013). Nitrogen assimila-
within a specialized compartment, the et al., 2013). In mammalian cells, aspar- tion from aspartate must rely on transam-
phagosome, where nutrient sources tate uptake relies on transporters of the ination steps allowing the transfer of
are likely limited. A number of stud- solute carriers (SLC) superfamily, and in aspartate-derived nitrogen to glutamate,
ies provided compelling evidence that particular on those of the high-affinity glu- which in turn, together with glutamine,
M. tuberculosis has the ability to exploit tamate and neutral amino acid (SLC1) and provides nitrogen to most of biosyn-
host-derived carbon sources, such as of the cationic amino acid (SLC7) trans- thesis pathways. In M. tuberculosis, two
triglycerides, cholesterol and glucose, and porter families. Among these transporters, aspartate transaminases, called AspB and
to proliferate inside host cells (Mckinney SLC1A2 was reported to mediate aspartate AspC, are predicted to mediate nitro-
et al., 2000; Pandey and Sassetti, 2008; transport inside macrophages (Rimaniol gen transfer from aspartate to gluta-
Daniel et al., 2011; Marrero et al., 2013). et al., 2001; Ye et al., 2010). Interestingly, mate (Cole et al., 1998). Interestingly,
In addition to carbon, nitrogen is an essen- we reported the expression of the slc1a2 the aspC gene is thought to be essen-
tial constituent of all living organisms. As gene is increased in human macrophages tial in M. tuberculosis (Sassetti et al.,
compared to carbon requirements, little upon M. tuberculosis infection (Tailleux 2003), which may indicate that AspC is
is known about the nature of nitrogen- et al., 2008). Increased expression of involved mostly in aspartate biosynthe-
containing molecules utilized by the TB this transporter could impact consider- sis, rather than in aspartate catabolism
bacillus during infection. We recently dis- ably the ability of M. tuberculosis to and glutamate synthesis. Genetic inac-
covered that nitrogen incorporation from multiply inside macrophages, as it is tivation of aspC may thus result in
exogenous aspartate is required for host the case for the neutral amino acid aspartate auxotrophy. The aspB gene, on
colonization by M. tuberculosis (Gouzy transporter SLC1A5 in the context of the opposite, is not essential in vitro
et al., 2013). This study highlights, for the Francisella tularensis and Legionella pneu- (Sassetti et al., 2003). Interestingly, aspB
first time, the potential of amino acids, mophila infection (Wieland et al., 2005; is expressed at higher level in bac-
and aspartate in particular, as a major Barel et al., 2012). These studies sug- teria withstanding conditions mimick-
nitrogen reservoir supporting M. tuber- gested the transport of yet to be identi- ing the intracellular environment (Fisher
culosis virulence in vivo. It also opens a fied amino acid(s) is important to sustain et al., 2002). AspB may thus be involved
series of questions to be addressed in the intracellular multiplication of these two in aspartate-derived nitrogen assimilation
future. bacterial species. Whether SLC1A2 and/or during infection, and may be required

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology www.frontiersin.org October 2013 | Volume 3 | Article 68 | 1
Gouzyet al. Aspartate in Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence

for M. tuberculosis virulence. Noteworthy, molecules since i/ they possess no homo- Gopalan, G., Chopra, S., Ranganathan, A., and
AspB and AspC possess two homologue logue in humans, and ii/ their inhibition Swaminathan, K. (2006). Crystal structure of
uncleaved L-aspartate-alpha-decarboxylase from
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Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Proteins 65, 796–802.
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alternative pathways for aspartate-derived 2010). A., Levillain, F., Lugo-Villarino, G., et al. (2013).
nitrogen assimilation in the TB bacillus In conclusion, we believe aspartate Mycobacterium tuberculosis nitrogen assimila-
tion and host colonization require aspartate. Nat.
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Finally, our study suggests aspartate should be further considered as promising ahead of print].
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tuberculosis and infected human dendritic cells and high sequence coverage mass spectrometric This article was submitted to the journal Frontiers in
and macrophages. PLoS ONE 3:e1403. doi: characterization of human excitatory amino acid Cellular and Infection Microbiology.
10.1371/journal.pone.0001403 transporter EAAT2. Protein Expr. Purif. 74, 49–59. Copyright © 2013 Gouzy, Poquet and Neyrolles. This is
Wieland, H., Ullrich, S., Lang, F., and doi: 10.1016/j.pep.2010.04.006 an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Neumeister, B. (2005). Intracellular mul- Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The
tiplication of Legionella pneumophila Received: 30 September 2013; accepted: 09 October use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is per-
depends on host cell amino acid transporter 2013; published online: 24 October 2013. mitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are
SLC1A5. Mol. Microbiol. 55, 1528–1537. doi: Citation: Gouzy A, Poquet Y and Neyrolles O (2013) A credited and that the original publication in this journal
10.1111/j.1365-2958.2005.04490.x central role for aspartate in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice.
Ye, R., Rhoderick, J. F., Thompson, C. M., and Bridges, physiology and virulence. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which
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