Pauline Sport

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Opinion piece

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In previous times, it was not conventional, and certainly not a self-evident fact, for
women to swim or play tennis as a sport. But nowadays, since the middle of the 20th
century and in the 21st century, it is obvious that women can participate in the very
same sports as men. Sport is relevant for both genders, men and women, and it must
be self-evident that they can also do any sport together. There has to be absolutely no
discrimination when women practise the identical sports as men. There must be no
more prejudices against the practice of sports that perhaps only men have done in the
past, and certainly no more bans. Gender equity has been an issue in society since the
beginning of time. So much for the demands of socio-political equality in sport.
There must be no limits or prohibitions in this regard.
But there is one point that cannot simply be pushed aside or disregarded. There is this
biological difference between men and women. Strength levels, physique and hor-
mones play a not negligible role. And so the realisation that there is a different level
and measurable result when women and men do the same sport is to be respected.
And so I would like us women to have the option, for example in school sports, of
practising different sports together and others separately. This will create fair compe-
tition and not an advantage for one side or the other.

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