USA Jamie 1

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General Facts

- 9.834.000 km² long and it is the the third largest country in the world
- The United States of America consists of 50 states
- There is no border with Canada but there is a border with Mexico and thus with
South America
- The natural border is the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast and the Pacific Ocean on
the west coast
- The largest rivers in America are the Mississippi River, Colorado River, Rio
Grande and Missouri River
- The biggest cities in Amerika are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston,
Phoenix and Philadelphia
- The capital city of America is Washington DC

Special sights

- Visitors to the USA usually visit the following sights:

- In Washington DC, visit the President's residence and seat of government
- In New York, the largest city in the USA, visit the lively Times Square
- Of course, New York also includes a visit to the Statue of Liberty and a walk along
the Hudson River

The Way of Life

- In America, people eat more and eat more calories compared to Germany
- Houses in the USA are traditionally larger and have an average size of 167 m² -
222 m²
- Americans travel 61% of all distances by car
- Seasons are dominated by hurricane season in the south, Gulf of Mexico, heavy
snow and sometimes weeks of cold in the east, as well as dry spells, water short-
ages and high temperatures in California
- For recreation and holidays, Americans have many special places. High moun-
tains, large forests and especially the national parks, such as Yosemite Park

Historic Facts

- On the way to India, Christofer Columbus discovered America in 1492

- In the America's, the indigenous people were a mixture of South Americans, New-
foundlanders and Indian tribes.
- Around 1600, America became a centre of attraction for people from Europe who
emigrated to America for religious or economic reasons.
- 1770s Declaration of Independence because at first, the Crown of England and the
King of France were still in charge of the emigrants
- 1780 Constitution of the United States of America

Cultural Aspects

- Music plays a very important role in the US

- Folk and Country music, Indy Pop, Rockn'Roll play an influential role in America.
For example, the Hip Hop style was invented in New York
- The most important technical developments in the 20th and 21st centuries were de-
veloped in America, especially on the West Coast
- Silicon Valley is where computers, the internet, the mobile phone, tablet, games
and many other technologies were invented

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