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EXAMPLES: Single degree of freedom system

Exercise 1: Equivalent stiffness

Determine the equivalent stiffness of 2 springs:

a) Parallel combination b) Serial combination

Exercise 2: Part of car suspension

A car suspension element is subjected to laboratory tests. In static conditions, the weight of a mass M
generates an elongation δ. The measurement of free oscillations leads to a measurement of the
frequency f1.

Calculate the characteristics of the element of suspension k and c.

M=350 kg, δ=0.28m, f1=0.835Hz

Exercise 3: Pendulum

Consider the simple pendulum of a relatively

massive object hung by a string from a fixed
support. The string has a fixed length l and no 𝑔
Determine the equation of motion by using:
- Newton’s law
- Lagrange’s equation

Application: Which would have the highest frequency of vibration?

Pendulum A: A 200-g mass attached to a 1.0-m length string
Pendulum B: A 400-g mass attached to a 0.5-m length string

Exercise 4: Single degree of freedom system

We consider the single degree of freedom system with motion of the foundation

Supposing that 𝑘 = 𝑘0 (1 + 𝑗𝜉) where 𝜉 is the loss factor in the case of hysteretic damping
By using the complex notation, determine the motion transmissibility 𝑇 = | |

Application: Make recommendations for the choice of the stiffness of each of the 4 neoprene anti-
vibration mounts (assumption of hysteretic damping with a loss factor of 0.1) used to isolate a
microelectronic machine from vibrations on the ground. The amplitude of the vibrations of the
machine must be less than 1 µm. The measurement of the vibrations of the ground with an
accelerometer gave a high level at the first natural frequency of the slab: 0.1 m / s² at 10Hz. The
machine has a mass of 100 kg.

Exercise 5: Damping by friction

Calculate the displacement of an undamped single degree-of-freedom system with dry friction with
the foundation.
The friction force is written:
−µ𝑁 ; 𝑥̇ > 0
𝐹𝑑 (𝑥̇ ) = { 0
µ𝑁 ; 𝑥̇ < 0
Application: Determine the friction coefficient considering that the amplitude of vibration of a mass (1
kg) is 30 mm at the initial time and 3.5 mm at the final time. The duration of the movement is 4 periods
with a total time of 1 second.

EXAMPLES: Two degree of freedom system

Exercise 6: Simple two degree of freedom system

By supposing 𝑚1 = 𝑚2 = 𝑚 :
- Determine the natural frequencies and the mode
shapes of the system shown.
- Determine the modal mass matrix and the modal
stiffness matrix.
- Determine the amplitudes of 𝑚1 and 𝑚2 in free
vibrations (considering that the following initial
conditions 𝑥1 (0) = 𝑥0 , 𝑥2 (0) = 0, 𝑥1̇ (0) =
0, 𝑥2̇ (0) = 0)
- Determine the amplitudes of 𝑚1 and 𝑚2 in
forced vibrations (permanent regime)

Exercise 7: Coupling by mass

We consider the system shown corresponding

to a simplified model of car. The bar has a
mass m and an inertia I around G.

Determine the natural frequencies for the

conservative system and the mode shapes.
Exercise 8: Dynamic vibration absorber

1. Consider the primary system shown, which is a model of

a single DOF vibrating structure, acted upon by a
harmonic force. Determine and plot the vibration
amplitude of the mass 𝑚1 according to the exciting
frequency 𝜔.

We can choose : 𝑘1 = 1 𝑁/𝑚 and 𝑚1 = 1 𝑘𝑔 for the


2. Now, we suppose that the exciting frequency 𝜔 is

constant and is equal to the natural frequency of the
system. We add a secondary system, consisting of a mass
𝑚2 and spring 𝑘2 as shown. Show that the system helps
to reduce vibration at the exciting frequency.

The system is called tuned dynamic absorber.

EXAMPLES: N degrees of freedom system

Exercise 9: 4 degrees of freedom system

Determine the natural frequencies of the 4 degrees of freedom system.

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