Legal Ethics Reviewer

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DISBARMENT (viii) Age;

Rule 138, Section 27. Attorneys removed
or suspended by Supreme Court on what (ix) Number of years in the practice of law;
grounds. — A member of the bar may be
removed or suspended from his office as (x) Humanitarian considerations; and
attorney by the Supreme Court for any
deceit, malpractice, or other gross (xi) Other analogous circumstances
misconduct in such office, grossly immoral
conduct, or by reason of his conviction of a (b) Aggravating Circumstances
crime involving moral turpitude, or for any
violation of the oath which he is required to (i) Finding of previous administrative
take before the admission to practice, or for liability where a penalty is imposed,
a willful disobedience of any lawful order of regardless of nature or gravity;
a superior court, or for corruptly or willful
appearing as an attorney for a party to a (ii) Age;
case without authority so to do. The
practice of soliciting cases at law for the (iii) Number of years in the practice of law;
purpose of gain, either personally or through
paid agents or brokers, constitutes (iv) Employment of fraudulent means to
malpractice. conceal the offense;

(v) Respondent’s act or omission was tainted

2. MODIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES with bad faith or malice, except when it is
Canon VI, Section 38. Modifying an element of the offense;
circumstances. — In determining the
appropriate penalty to be imposed, the (vi) Lack of remorse;
Court may, in its discretion, appreciate the
following mitigating and aggravating (vii) Failure to comply with the orders of the
circumstances Court and the IBP in relation to an
administrative case;
(a) Mitigating circumstances
(viii) Other analogous circumstances.
(i) First offense, except in charges of gross
misconduct, bribery or corruption, grossly
immoral conduct, misappropriating a client’s
funds or properties, sexual abuse, and sale, Canon VI, Section 33. Serious offenses. —
distribution, possession and/or use of illegal Serious offenses include:
drugs or substances;
(a) Gross misconduct, or any inexcusable,
(ii) Absence of bad faith or malice; shameful or flagrant unlawful conduct;

(iii) Return of the amounts owed; (b) Serious dishonesty, fraud, or deceit,
(iv) Expression of remorse; including falsification of documents and
making untruthful statements;
(v) Reconciliation with the complainant;
(c) Bribery or corruption;
(vi) Rectification of wrongdoing;
(d) Gross negligence in the performance of
duty, or conduct that is reckless and
(vii) Act or omission did not prejudice the
inexcusable, which results in the client
being deprived of his or her day in court;
(e) Conviction of a crime involving moral officer of a court, tribunal or other
turpitude; government agency;

(f) Grossly immoral conduct, or an act that (s) Unlawful discrimination under Canon V;
is so corrupt or false as to constitute a and
criminal act, or so immoral as to be
reprehensible to a high degree; (t) Sale, distribution, possession and/or use
of illegal drugs or
(g) Misappropriating a client’s funds or
(h) Gross ignorance of the law or procedure, Canon VI, Section 10. Prohibited
or the disregard of basic rules and settled submissions. — The following submissions
jurisprudence, when either is attended by are prohibited:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
bad faith, malice or corrupt motive;
(a) Motion to dismiss the complaint or
(i) Grossly undignified conduct prejudicial to petition, except on the ground of lack of
jurisdiction, litis pendentia or res judicata;
the administration of justice;
(b) Motion for a bill of particulars;
(j) Sexual abuse;
(c) Motion to reopen or for new trial;
(k) Gender-based sexual harassment or
discrimination; (d) Petition for relief from judgment;

(l) Open defiance to any order of the court, (e) Supplemental pleadings;
tribunal, or other government agency;
(f) Motion for reconsideration of a judgment
(m) Threat of physical or economic harm, on the merits, except a motion for
amounting to a crime, directed at a fellow reconsideration of an interlocutory order or
lawyer, the latter’s client or principal, a resolution.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
witness, or any official or employee of a
court, tribunal, or other government agency; 5. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT
(n) Willful and deliberate forum shopping, Canon III, Section 53. Termination of
and forum shopping through gross engagement by the lawyer. – A lawyer shall
negligence; terminate the lawyer-client engagement
only for good cause and upon written notice,
(o) Intentional violation of the rule on in any of the following cases:
privileged communication;
(a) When the client pursues an illegal or
(p) Violation of the notarial rules, except
immoral course of conduct in connection
reportorial requirements, when attended by
bad faith; with the engagement;

(q) Intentional violation of the conflict of (b) When the client insists that the lawyer
interest rules; pursue conduct that is violative of these
Canons and rules;
(r) Influence-peddling or using one’s
relationships to obtain a favorable action on, (c) When the lawyer’s inability to work with
or outcome in, any pending matter or a co-counsel will not promote the best
proceeding, directly or indirectly, with or interest of the client;
without monetary consideration, from any
(d) When the moral predisposition or the trust relation, it is essential that the
mental or physical condition of the lawyer engagement is founded on the confidence
renders it difficult to carry out the reposed by the client on the lawyer.
engagement effectively; Therefore, a lawyer-client relationship shall
arise when the client consciously, voluntarily
(e) When the client deliberately fails to pay and in good faith vests a lawyer with the
the fees for the lawyer’s services, fails to client’s confidence for the purpose of
comply with the retainer agreement, or can rendering legal services such as providing
no longer be found despite diligent efforts; legal advice or representation, and the
lawyer, whether expressly or impliedly,
(f) When the lawyer is elected or appointed agrees to render such services.
to public office;
(g) Other similar cases.
Canon II, Sections 36-44. Responsible use
6. DIVISION OF FEES of social media - A lawyer shall uphold the
Canon III, Section 42. Division of fees upon dignity of the legal profession in all social
referral. – A lawyer shall, in case of referral media interactions in a manner that
of legal services in favor of another lawyer enhances the people’s confidence in the
with the written informed consent of the legal system, as well as promote its
client, be entitled to a division of fees in responsible use.
proportion to the work performed and
responsibility assumed. Section 36. Responsible use. — A lawyer
shall have the duty to understand the
Where a lawyer undertakes to complete benefits, risks, and ethical implications
unfinished legal business of a deceased associated with the use of social media.
lawyer, a division or sharing of fees is
allowed with the deceased lawyer’s legal Section 37. Online posts. — A lawyer shall
heirs or estate. ensure that his or her online posts, whether
made in a public or restricted privacy setting
7. PROHIBITION AGAINST that still holds an audience, uphold the
dignity of the legal profession and shield it
ROMANTIC AND SEXUAL from disrepute, as well as maintain respect
RELATIONSHIPS for the law.
Canon III, Section 16. Prohibition against
dating, romantic, or sexual relations with a Section 38. Non-posting of false or
client. – A lawyer shall not have dating, unverified statements, disinformation. — A
romantic, or sexual relations with a client lawyer shall not knowingly or maliciously
during the engagement, unless the post, share, upload or otherwise disseminate
consensual relationship existed between false or unverified statements, claims, or
them before the lawyer-client relationship commit any other act of disinformation.
Section 39. Prohibition against fraudulent
accounts. — A lawyer shall not create,
maintain or operate accounts in social media
8. ATTORNEY-CLIENT to hide his or her identity for the purpose of
RELATIONSHIP circumventing the law or the provisions of
Canon III, Section 3. Lawyer-client the CPRA.
relationship. – A lawyer-client relationship
is of the highest fiduciary character. As a
Section 40. Non-disclosure of privileged Canon III, Section 1. Practice of law. — The
information through online posts. — A practice of law is the rendition of legal
lawyer shall not reveal, directly or service or performance of acts or the
indirectly, in his or her online posts application of law, legal principles, and
confidential information obtained from a judgment, in or out of court, with regard to
client or in the course of, or emanating the circumstances or objectives of a person
from, the representation, except when or a cause, and pursuant to a lawyer-client
allowed by law or the CPRA. relationship or other engagement governed
by the Code of Professional Responsibility
Section 41. Duty to safeguard client and Accountability for lawyers. It includes
confidences in social media. — A lawyer, employment in the public service or private
who uses a social media account to sector and requires membership in the
communicate with any other person in Philippine bar as qualification.
relation to client confidences and
information, shall exert efforts to prevent
the inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure
or use of, or unauthorized access to, such an Read judicial ethics Canons I - VI
Section 42. Prohibition against influence AND ACCOUNTABILITY
through social media. — A lawyer shall not
communicate, whether directly or CANON I INDEPENDENCE - The
indirectly, with an officer of any court, independence of a lawyer in the discharge of
tribunal, or other government agency professional duties without any improper
through social media to influence the influence, restriction, pressure, or
latter’s performance of official duties. interference, direct or indirect, ensures
effective legal representation and is
Section 43. Legal information; legal advice. ultimately imperative for the rule of law.
— Pursuant to a lawyer’s duty to society and
the legal profession, a lawyer may provide CANON II PROPRIETY - A lawyer shall, at all
general legal information, including in times, act with propriety and maintain the
answer to questions asked, at any fora, appearance of propriety in personal and
through traditional or electronic means, in professional dealings, observe honesty,
all forms or types of mass or social media. respect and courtesy, and uphold the dignity
A lawyer who gives legal advice on a specific of the legal profession consistent with the
set of facts as disclosed by a potential client highest standards of ethical behavior.
in such fora or media dispenses Limited
Legal Service and shall be bound by all the CANON III FIDELITY - Fidelity pertains to a
duties in the CPRA, in relation to such lawyer’s duty to uphold the Constitution and
Limited Legal Service. the laws of the land, to assist in the
administration of justice as an officer of the
Section 44. Online posts that could violate court, and to advance or defend a client’s
conflict of interest. — A lawyer shall cause, with full devotion, genuine interest,
exercise prudence in making posts or and zeal in the pursuit of truth and justice.
comments in social media that could violate
the provisions on conflict of interest under
lawyer professionally handling a client’s
cause shall, to the best of his or her ability,
10. PRACTICE OF LAW observe competence,
diligence, commitment, and skill consistent lawyer, whether expressly or impliedly,
with the fiduciary nature of the lawyer- agrees to render such services.
client relationship, regardless of the nature
of the legal matter or issues involved, and
whether for a fee or pro bono.
“I (name) do solemnly swear that I accept
CANON V EQUALITY - Every lawyer shall
the honor, privilege, duty, and responsibility
adhere to the principle of equality and hold
of practicing law in the Philippines as an
firmly the belief that every person,
officer of the court, in the interest of our
regardless of nationality or ethnicity, color,
sexual orientation or gender identity,
religion, disability, age, marital status,
I declare fealty to the Constitution of the
social or economic status, and other like
Republic of the Philippines.
circumstances, has the fundamental right to
equal treatment and representation.
In so doing, I shall work towards promoting
the rule of law in a regime of truth, justice,
As such, the lawyer shall accord equal
freedom, love, equality, and peace.
respect, attention, dedication and zeal in
advancing the client’s cause, regardless of
I shall conscientiously and courageously work
personal opinion, religious or political
for justice as well as safeguard the rights
beliefs pertaining on the personal
and meaningful freedoms of all persons,
circumstances of the client, except for
identities, and communities. I shall ensure
justifiable reasons.
greater and equitable access to justice.
I shall do no falsehood nor shall I pervert the
Lawyer’s Oath, a lawyer becomes a guardian
law to unjustly favor or prejudice anyone.
of the law and an administrator of justice.
As such, the lawyer shall observe the highest
I shall faithfully discharge these duties and
degree of morality, adhere to rigid standards
responsibilities to the best of my ability,
of mental fitness, and faithfully comply with
with integrity and utmost civility.
the rules of the legal profession.
Failure to honor this covenant makes the
I impose upon myself without mental
lawyer unfit to continue in the practice of
reservation nor purpose of evasion so help
law and accountable to society, the courts,
me God.”
the legal profession, and the client.
Canon III, Section 5 (Par. F of Judicial Ethics) - The
RELATIONSHIP judge is related by consanguinity or affinity to a
Canon III, Section 3. Lawyer-client party litigant within the sixth civil degree or to
relationship. — A lawyer-client relationship counsel within the fourth civil degree; or
is of the highest fiduciary character. As a
trust relation, it is essential that the NON-LEGAL ACTIVITIES
Canon IV, Section 10. Non-legal activities. -A lawyer
engagement is founded on the confidence
who is engaged in business or other non-legal
reposed by the client on the lawyer.
profession shall likewise observe the ethical duties
Therefore, a lawyer-client relationship shall and responsibilities of a lawyer under the CPRA.
arise when the client consciously, voluntarily
and in good faith vests a lawyer with the
client’s confidence for the purpose of
rendering legal services such as providing
legal advice or representation, and the

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