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CODE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that adversely reflects on

ACCOUNTABILITY one's fitness to practice law, nor behave in a scandalous manner,

whether in public or private life, to the discredit of the legal
Pursuant to Section 5(5), Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution, the profession.
Supreme Court is vested with the power to promulgate rules
concerning the pleading, practice, and procedure in all courts, the SECTION 3. Safe environment; avoid all forms of abuse or
admission to the practice of law, the Integrated Bar, and legal harassment.
assistance to the underprivileged.
A lawyer shall not create or promote an unsafe or hostile
CANON I INDEPENDENCE environment, both in private and public settings, whether online, in
workplaces, educational or training institutions, or in recreational
SECTION 1. Independent, accessible, efficient, and effective legal areas.
To this end, a lawyer shall not commit any form of physical,
A lawyer shall make legal services accessible in an efficient and sexual, psychological, or economic abuse or violence against
effective manner. In performing this duty, a lawyer shall maintain another person. A lawyer is also prohibited from engaging in any
independence, act with integrity, and at all times ensure the gender-based harassment or discrimination.
efficient and effective delivery of justice.
SECTION 4. Use of dignified, gender-fair, and child- and
SECTION 2. Merit-based practice. culturally-sensitive language.
A lawyer shall rely solely on the merits of a cause and not exert, or A lawyer shall use only dignified, gender-fair, child- and
give the appearance of, any influence on, nor undermine the culturally-sensitive language in all personal and professional
authority of, the court, tribunal or other government agency, or its dealings.
To this end, a lawyer shall not use language which is abusive,
SECTION 3. Freedom from improper considerations and external intemperate, offensive, or otherwise improper, oral or written, and
influences. whether made through traditional or electronic means, including all
A lawyer shall not, in advocating a client's cause, be influenced by forms or types of mass or social media.
dishonest or immoral considerations, external influences, or SECTION 5. Observance of fairness and obedience.
A lawyer shall, in every personal and professional engagement,
SECTION 4. Non-interference by a lawyer. insist on the observance of the principles of fairness and obedience
Unless authorized by law or a court, a lawyer shall not assist or to the law.
cause a branch, agency, office or officer of the government to SECTION 6. Harassing or threatening conduct.
interfere in any matter before any court, tribunal, or other
government agency. A lawyer shall not harass or threaten a fellow lawyer, the latter's
client or principal, a witness, or any official or employee of a court,
SECTION 5. Lawyer's duty and discretion in procedure. tribunal, or other government agency.
A lawyer shall not allow the client to dictate or determine the SECTION 7. Formal decorum and appearance.
procedure in handling the case.
A lawyer shall observe formal decorum before all courts, tribunals,
Nevertheless, a lawyer shall respect the client's decision to settle or and other government agencies.
compromise the case after explaining its consequences to the
client. A lawyer's attire shall be consistent with the dignity of the court,
tribunal, or other government agency, with due respect to the
CANON II PROPRIETY person's sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
SECTION 1. Proper conduct. SECTION 8. Prohibition against misleading the court, tribunal, or
A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral, or other government agency.
deceitful conduct. A lawyer shall not misquote, misrepresent, or mislead the court as
to the existence or the contents of any document, argument,
evidence, law, or other legal authority, or pass off as one's own the
ideas or words of another, or assert as a fact that which has not
been proven.
SECTION 2. Dignified conduct.
SECTION 9. Obstructing access to evidence or altering,
A lawyer shall respect the law, the courts, tribunals, and other
destroying, or concealing evidence.
government agencies, their officials, employees, and processes,
and act with courtesy, civility, fairness, and candor towards fellow A lawyer shall not obstruct another lawyer's access to evidence
members of the bar. during trial, including testimonial evidence, or alter, destroy, or
conceal evidence.
SECTION 10. Conduct in the presentation of a witness. Statements insinuating improper motive on the part of any such
officer, which are not supported by substantial evidence, shall be
A lawyer shall avoid all forms of impropriety when presenting or ground for disciplinary action.
confronting a witness.

A lawyer shall not coach, abuse, discriminate against, or harass any SECTION 15. Improper claim of influence or familiarity.
witness, in or out of the court, tribunal, or other government
agency, or talk to a witness during a break or recess in the trial, A lawyer shall observe propriety in all dealings with officers and
while a witness is still under examination. Neither shall a lawyer personnel of any court, tribunal, or other government agency,
direct, assist, or abet any misrepresentation or falsehood by a whether personal or professional. Familiarity with such officers
witness. and personnel thatwill give rise to an appearance of impropriety,
influence, or favor shall be avoided.
SECTION 11. False representations or statements; duty to correct.
A lawyer shall not make false representations or statements. A A lawyer shall not make claims of power, influence, or relationship
lawyer shall be liable for any material damage caused by such false with any officer of a court, tribunal, or other government agency.
representations or statements.
SECTION 16. Duty to report life-threatening situations.
A lawyer shall not, in demand letters or other similar
correspondence, make false representations or statements, or A lawyer who has reasonable grounds to believe that a life-
impute civil, criminal, or administrative liability, without factual or threatening. situation is likely to develop in relation to any
legal basis. proceeding in any court, tribunal, or other government agency shall
immediately report the same to the proper authorities.
A lawyer shall correct false or inaccurate statements and
information made in relation to an application for admission to the SECTION 17. Non-solicitation and impermissible advertisement.
bar, any pleading, or any other document required by or submitted A lawyer shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, or appear to
to the court, tribunal or agency, as soon as its falsity or inaccuracy solicit, legal business.
is discovered or made known to him or her.
A lawyer shall not, directly or indirectly, advertise legal services on
SECTION 12. Duty to report dishonest, deceitful, or misleading any platform or media except with the use of dignified, verifiable,
conduct. A lawyer shall immediately inform a court, tribunal, or and factual information, including biographical data, contact
other government agency of any dishonest, deceitful or misleading details, fields of practice, services offered, and the like, so as to
conduct related to a matter being handled by said lawyer. before allow at potential client to make an informed choice. In no case
such court, tribunal, or other government agency. shall the permissible advertisement be self-laudatory.
A lawyer shall also report to the appropriate authority any A lawyer, law firm, or any of their representatives shall not pay or
transaction or unlawful activity that is required to be reported give any benefit or consideration to any media practitioner, award-
under relevant laws, including the submission of covered and giving body, professional organization, or personality, in
suspicious transactions under regulatory laws, such as those anticipation of, or in return for, publicity or recognition, to attract
concerning anti- money laundering. When disclosing or reporting legal representation, service, or retainership.
the foregoing information to the appropriate court, tribunal, or
other government agency, the lawyer shall not be deemed to have SECTION 18. Prohibition against self-promotion.
violated the lawyer's duty of confidentiality.
A lawyer shall not make public appearances and statements in
Any such information shall be treated with strict confidentiality. relation to a terminated case or legal matter for the purpose of self-
promotion, self- aggrandizement, or to seek public sympathy.
A baseless report shall be subject to civil, criminal, or
administrative action. SECTION 19. Sub-Judice rule.

SECTION 13. Imputation of a misconduct, impropriety, or crime A lawyer shall not use any forum or medium to comment or
without basis. publicize opinion pertaining to a pending proceeding before any
court, tribunal, or other government agency that may:
A lawyer shall not, directly or indirectly, impute to or accuse
another lawyer of a misconduct, impropriety, or a crime in the (a) cause a pre-judgment, or
absence of factual or legal basis. (b) sway public perception so as to impede, obstruct, or
influence the decision of such court, tribunal, or other
Neither shall a lawyer, directly or indirectly, file or cause to be government agency, or which tends to tarnish the court's
filed, or assist in the filing of frivolous or baseless administrative, or tribunal's integrity, or
civil, or criminal complaints against another lawyer. (c) impute improper motives against any of its members, or
SECTION 14. Remedy for grievances; insinuation of improper (d) create a widespread perception of guilt or innocence
motive. before a final decision.

A lawyer shall submit grievances against any officer of a court, SECTION 20. Disclosure of relationship or connection.
tribunal, or other government agency only through the appropriate A lawyer shall, at the first available opportunity, formally disclose
remedy and before the proper authorities. on record the lawyer's relationship or connection with the presiding
officer of any court, tribunal, or other government agency, or any shall be filed as evidence of such facts, and further evidence may
of its personnel, or the lawyer's partners, associates, or clients, that be required by the court.
may serve as a ground for mandatory inhibition in any pending
proceeding before such court, tribunal, or other government No applicant shall be admitted to the bar examinations unless he
agency. has satisfactorily completed the following courses in a law school
or university duly recognized by the government: civil law,
commercial law, remedial law, criminal law, public and private
international law, political law, labor and social legislation, medical
jurisprudence, taxation and legal ethics.
PRACTICE OF LAW Section 6. Pre-Law. — No applicant for admission to the bar
In Cayetano v. Monsod, the Court held that "practice of law" examination shall be admitted unless he presents a certificate that
means any activity, in or out of court, which requires the he has satisfied the Secretary of Education that, before he began
application of law, legal procedure, knowledge, training and the study of law, he had pursued and satisfactorily completed in an
experience. To engage in the practice of law is to perform acts authorized and recognized university or college, requiring for
which are usually performed by members of the legal profession. admission thereto the completion of a four-year high school course,
Generally, to practice law is to render any kind of service which the course of study prescribed therein for a bachelor's degree in
requires the use of legal knowledge or skill. arts or sciences with any of the following subjects as major or field
of concentration: political science, logic, english, spanish, history
RULE 138 and economics.
Attorneys and Admission to Bar
Section 1. Who may practice law. — Any person heretofore duly Section 20. Duties of attorneys. — It is the duty of an attorney:
admitted as a member of the bar, or hereafter admitted as such in
(a) To maintain allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines and to
accordance with the provisions of this rule, and who is in good and
support the Constitution and obey the laws of the Philippines.
regular standing, is entitled to practice law.
(b) To observe and maintain the respect due to the courts of justice
Section 2. Requirements for all applicants for admission to the bar.
and judicial officers;
— Every applicant for admission as a member of the bar must be a
citizen of the Philippines, at least twenty-one years of age, of good (c) To counsel or maintain such actions or proceedings only as
moral character, and resident of the Philippines; and must produce appear to him to be just, and such defenses only as he believes to
before the Supreme Court satisfactory evidence of good moral be honestly debatable under the law.
character, and that no charges against him, involving moral
turpitude, have been filed or are pending in any court in the (d) To employ, for the purpose of maintaining the causes confided
Philippines. to him, such means only as are consistent with truth and honor, and
never seek to mislead the judge or any judicial officer by an artifice
Section 3. Requirements for lawyers who are citizens of the United or false statement of fact or law;
States of America. — Citizens of the United States of America
who, before July 4, 1946, were duly licensed members of the (e) To maintain inviolate the confidence, and at every peril to
Philippine Bar, in active practice in the courts of the Philippines himself, to preserve the secrets of his client, and to accept no
and in good and regular standing as such may, upon satisfactory compensation in connection with his client's business except from
proof of those facts before the Supreme Court, be allowed to him or with his knowledge and approval;
continue such practice after taking the following oath of office
(f) To abstain from all offensive personality and to advance no fact
Section 4. Requirements for applicants from other jurisdictions. — prejudicial to the honor or reputation of a party or witness, unless
Applicants for admission who, being Filipino citizens, are enrolled required by the justice of the cause with which he is charged;
attorneys in good standing in the Supreme Court of the United
(g) Not to encourage either the commencement or the continuance
States or in any circuit court of appeals or district court therein, or
of an action or proceeding, or delay any man's cause, from any
in the highest court of any State or Territory of the United States,
corrupt motive or interest;
and who can show by satisfactory certificates that they have
practiced at least five years in any of said courts, that such practice (h) Never to reject, for any consideration personal to himself, the
began before July 4, 1946, and that they have never been cause of the defenseless or oppressed;
suspended or disbarred, may, in the discretion of the Court, be
admitted without examination. (i) In the defense of a person accused of crime, by all fair and
honorable means, regardless of his personal opinion as to the guilt
Section 5. Additional requirements for other applicants. — All of the accused, to present every defense that the law permits, to the
applicants for admission other than those referred to in the two end that no person may be deprived of life or liberty, but by due
preceding section shall, before being admitted to the examination, process of law.
satisfactorily show that they have regularly studied law for four
years, and successfully completed all prescribed courses, in a law Section 36. Amicus Curiae. — Experienced and impartial attorneys
school or university, officially approved and recognized by the may be invited by the Court to appear as amici curiae to help in the
Secretary of Education. The affidavit of the candidate, disposition of issues submitted to it.
accompanied by a certificate from the university or school of law, GOOD MORAL CHARACTER
A.C. 3405, June 29, 1998 Section 4. Practice Areas of Law Student Practitioners. - Subject to
JULIETA NARAG VS. ATTY. DOMINADOR M. NARAG the supervision and approval of a supervising lawyer, a certified
Good moral character is a continuing qualification required of law student practitioner may:
every member of the bar. Thus, when a lawyer fails to meet the
exacting standard of moral integrity, the Supreme Court may For Level 1 Certification
withdraw his or her privilege to practice law. (1) Interview prospective clients;
(2) Give legal advice to the client;
A.C. 376, ROYONG VS. OBLENA (April 30, 1963) (3) Negotiate for and on behalf of the client;
The grounds for disbarment as enumerated in the Rules of Court is (4) Draft legal documents such as affidavits, compromise
not exclusive and that the power of the Courts to exclude unfit and agreements, contracts, demand letter, position papers, and the like;
unworthy members of the profession is inherent. (5) Represent eligible parties before quasi-judicial or
administrative bodies;
The moral turpitude for which an attorney may be disbarred may (6) Provide public legal orientation; and
consist of misconduct in either his professional or non-professional (7) Assist in public interest advocacies for policy formulation and
activities. The tendency of the decisions of this Court has been implementation.
toward the conclusion that a member of the Bar may be removed
or suspended from office as a lawyer for other than statutory For Level 2 Certification
grounds. (1) Perform all activities under Level 1 Certification;
(2) Assist in the taking of depositions and/or preparing judicial
Counsel de parte: An attorney retained by a party litigant, usually affidavits of witnesses;
for a fee, to prosecute or defend his cause in court. Implies (3) Appear on behalf of the client at any stage of the proceedings or
freedom of choice either on the attorney or the litigant. trial, before any court, quasi-judicial or administrative body;
(4) In criminal cases, subject to the provisions of Section 5, Rule
Counsel de oficio: Attorney appointed by the court to represent a 110 of the Rules of Court, to appear on behalf of a government
destitute party. To defend an indigent defendant in a criminal agency in the prosecution of criminal actions; and
(5) In appealed cases, to prepare the pleadings required in the case.
Attorneys-at-law –that class of persons who are licensed officers
of the courts empowered to appear, prosecute and defend, and upon Section 5. Certification Application Requirements. - The law
whom peculiar duties, responsibilities and liabilities are developed student must submit a duly-accomplished application form under
by law as a consequence. oath in three (3) copies, accompanied by proof of payment of the
necessary legal and filing fees.1âшphi1
Attorney of record: Attorney whose name, together with his
address, is entered in the record of the case as the designated The law school, through the dean or the authorized representative,
counsel of the party litigant. To whom judicial notices are sent. shall submit to the Office of the Executive Judge of the Regional
Trial Court (RTC) having jurisdiction over the territory where the
Amicus Curiae: An experienced and impartial attorney invited by law school is located, the duly-accomplished application form
the court to appear and help in the disposition of issues submitted together with an endorsement under oath.
to it. Appears in court not to represent any particular party but only
to assist the court. Level 1 Certification
The Executive Judge of the RTC shall evaluate, approve, and issue
RULE 138-A the certification within ten (10) days from receipt of the
LAW STUDENT PRACTICE application. The Level 1 certification issued under this provision
shall be valid before all courts, quasi-judicial and administrative
Section 3. Eligibility Requirements of Law Student Practitioners. - bodies within the judicial region where the law school is located.
No law student shall be permitted to engage in any of the activities
under the Clinical Legal Education Program of a law school unless Level 2 Certification
the law student has applied for and secured the following Within ten (10) days from receipt of the application, the Executive
certifications: Judge of the RTC shall (a) evaluate the application together with its
attachments, and (b) recommend to the Office of the Court
(a) Level 1 certification, for law students who have successfully Administrator (OCA) the approval and issuance of the
completed their first-year law courses; and/ or certification. If the Executive Judge finds the application to be
incomplete, the law school shall be notified and required to comply
(b) Level 2 certification, for law students currently enrolled for the with the requirements within five (5) days from receipt of notice.
second semester of their third-year law courses: Provided however,
where a student fails to complete all their third-year law courses, The Level 2 certification issued under this provision shall be valid
the Level 2 certification shall be deemed automatically revoked. before all courts, quasi-judicial and administrative bodies.

The certification issued shall be valid until the student has Section 6. Duties of Law Student Practitioners. - Acting under a
completed the required number of courses in the clinical legal certification, the law student practitioner shall:
education program to complete the law degree, unless sooner
revoked for grounds stated herein. (a) Observe the provisions of Section 24(b), Rule 130 of the Rules
of Court;
(b) Be prohibited from using information acquired in one's i. Engaging in any of the acts provided in Section 4 of this Rule
capacity as a law student practitioner for personal or commercial without the necessary certification or without the consent and
gain; supervision of the supervising lawyer;
(c) Perform the duties and responsibilities to the best of one's
abilities as a law student practitioner; and ii. Making false representations in the application for certification;
(d) Strictly observe the Canons of the Code of Professional
Responsibility. iii. Using an expired certification to engage in the limited practice
of law under this Rule;
Section 9. Duties of Law Schools. - The law school, through its
iv. Rendering legal services outside the scope of the practice areas
dean or authorized representative, must:
allowed under Section 4 of this Rule;

v. Asking for or receiving payment or compensation for services

(a) Develop and adopt a Clinical Legal Education Program; rendered under the Clinical Legal Education Program as provided
in this Rule; and
(b) Develop and establish at least one law clinic in its school;
vi. Such other analogous circumstances.
(c) Endorse qualified students for certification as law student
practitioner under this Rule. Such endorsement shall constitute as a Unauthorized practice of law shall be a ground for revocation of
certification that the dean or authorized representative knows that the law student practitioner's certification and/or disqualification
the applicant is a student enrolled in the Clinical Legal Education for a law student from taking the bar examination for a period to be
course, possesses good moral character, and has met the determined by the Supreme Court.
requirements of Section 3 of this Rule; and
(b) The above provisions notwithstanding, any act constituting a
(d) Ensure compliance by law student practitioners and supervising violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility shall subject
lawyers with the Code of Professional Responsibility. the supervising lawyer, Clinical Legal Education Program Head,
and/or law school dean to disciplinary action, as the circumstances
Section 10. Qualification of Supervising Lawyers. - A supervising may warrant.
lawyer under this Rule shall be a member of the bar in good
I [YOUR NAME] do solemnly swear that I accept the honor,
Section 11. Duties of Supervising Lawyers. - The following are the privilege, duty and responsibility of practicing law in the
duties of a supervising lawyer: Philippines as an officer of the court, in the interest of our people.

(a) Supervise such number of certified law student practitioners as I declare fealty to the constitution of the Republic of the
far as practicable; Philippines.
(b) Personally appear with the law student practitioner in all cases In so doing, I shall work towards promoting the rule of law in a
pending before the second-level courts and in all other cases the regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality and peace.
supervising lawyer determines that his or her presence is required;
I shall conscientiously and courageously work for justice as well as
(c) Assume personal professional responsibility for any work
safeguard the rights and meaningful freedoms of all persons,
performed by the certified law student practitioner while under his identities and communities.
or her supervision;
I shall ensure greater and equitable access to justice.
(d) Assist and advise the certified law student practitioner in the
activities authorized by these rules and review such activities with
I shall do no falsehood, nor shall I pervert the law to unjustly favor
the certified law student practitioner, all to the extent required for or prejudice anyone.
the proper practical training of the certified law student practitioner
and the protection of the client; I shall faithfully discharge these duties and responsibilities to the
best of my ability, with integrity and utmost civility.
(e) Read, approve, and personally sign any pleadings, briefs or
other similar documents prepared by the certified law student I impose upon myself without mental reservation nor purpose of
practitioner prior to the filing thereof, and read and approve any evasion.
documents which shall be prepared by the certified law student
practitioner for execution by the eligible party; and So help me God.
(f) Provide the level of supervision to the certified law student ADVERTISEMENT – WHEN ETHICAL
practitioner required by these rules. The Code of Professional Responsibility provides that a lawyer in
making known his legal services shall:
Section 13. Sanctions. –
(1) use only true, honest, fair, dignified and objective
(a) Without prejudice to existing laws, rules, regulations, and information or statement of facts.
circulars, the following shall be considered as unauthorized (2) He is not supposed to use or permit the use of any false,
practice of law by a certified law student practitioner – fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, undignified, self-
laudatory or unfair statement or claim regarding his
qualifications or legal services.
(3) Nor shall he pay or give something of value to
representatives of the mass media in anticipation of, or in
return for, publicity to attract legal business.

A lawyer’s best advertisement is a well-merited reputation for

professional capacity and fidelity to trust based on his character
and conduct. For this reason, lawyers are only allowed to announce
their services by publication in reputable law lists or use of simple
professional cards.

Professional calling cards may only contain the following details:

(a) lawyer’s name;

(b) name of the law firm with which he is connected;
(c) address;
(d) telephone number and
(e) special branch of law practiced.

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