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Industrial Electrical/Electronic

Control Technology

Based on October, 2021 (Version-I) Occupational
standard (OS)

March, 2022
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Author/Copyright : Version - I
Page 1 of 107 Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills
LEVEL – IV March, 2022
The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the labor
market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark and standard
for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work are analyzed and documented –
taking into account international benchmarking – as occupational standards (OS).

In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role
with regard to quality driven comparable TVET-Delivery. The Curricula help to facilitate the
training process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills,
knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational
standards (OS).

This curriculum has been developed by a group of professional experts from different
Regional TVET Bureaus, colleges, Industries, Institutes and universities based on the
occupational standard for Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology IV.

The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by Ministry
of Labor and Skills.

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
1.TVET-Program Design
1.1. TVET-Program Title: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level IV
1.2. TVET-Program Description
The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the
trainees to the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this program are in line
with the occupational standard. The Trainees who successfully completed the Program will
be qualified to work as a Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology with
competencies elaborated in the respective OS. Graduates of the program will have the
required qualification to work in the Economic Infrastructure sector in the field of
Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology.
The prime objective of this training program is to equip the Trainees with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to Manage Installation
and Maintenance Operation, Develop and Test codes for Microcontroller devices, Install
Mechatronics Device, Calibrate and Repair Measuring and analysis System, Maintain and
Troubleshooting Mechatronics Devices and Process Instrument, Diagnose and Rectify Faults
in Digital Controls Systems, Commission Mechatronics System, Set up and Adjust PID
Control loops, Commission Mechatronics System, Provide solutions to problems in electro
pneumatic hydraulic system operation and control, Solve problems in single/three phase
electronic power control circuits.

1.3. TVET-Program Training Outcomes

The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the following
units of competences:
EIS IEC4 01 0322 Manage Installation and Maintenance Operation
EIS IEC4 02 0322 Develop and Test codes for Microcontroller devices
EIS IEC4 03 0322 Install Mechatronics Device
EIS IEC4 04 0322 Calibrate and Repair Measuring and analysis System
EIS IEC4 05 0322 Maintain and Troubleshooting Mechatronics Devices and Process
EIS IEC4 06 0322 Diagnose and Rectify Faults in Digital Controls Systems
EIS IEC4 07 0322 Commission Mechatronics System
EIS IEC4 08 0322 Set up and Adjust PID Control loops
EIS IEC4 09 0322 Provide solutions to problems in electro pneumatic hydraulic system
operation and control
EIS IEC4 10 0322 Solve problems in single/three phase electronic power control circuits

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
1.4. Duration of the TVET-Program
The Program will have duration of 795hours including the on school/ Institution training and
on-the-job practice or cooperative training time. Such cooperative training based on realities
of the industry, nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institution, and other factors
will be considered in the training delivery to ensure that trainees acquire practical and
workplace experience. Unit competency TVET Institution Cooperative Total Remarks
training training hours
Theory Practical
Manage Installation and 9 12 9 30
Maintenance Operation
Develop and Test codes for 36 48 36 120
Microcontroller devices
3. Install Mechatronics Device 45 60 45 150
Calibrate and Repair Measuring 13 18 14 45
and analysis System
Maintain and Troubleshooting 18 24 18 60
5. Mechatronics Devices and
Process Instrument
Diagnose and Rectify Faults in 30 40 30 100
Digital Controls Systems
Commission Mechatronics 12 16 12 40
Set up and Adjust PID Control 25 34 26 85
Provide solutions to problems 12 16 12 40
9. in electro pneumatic hydraulic
system operation and control
Solve problems in single/three 37 50 38 125
10. phase electronic power control
Total 238 318 239 795

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
1.5. Qualification Level and Certification
Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVET Qualification
Framework (NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is “Level IV”.

The trainee can exit after successfully completing the modules in one level and will be
awarded the equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. However, only
institutional certificate of training accomplishment will be awarded.

1.6. Target Groups

Any citizen with or without disability who meets the entry requirements under items 1.7
and capable of participating in the training activities is entitled to take part in the Program.

1.7 Entry Requirements

The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the requirements or
directive of the Ministry of Labor and Skills.

1.8 Mode of Delivery

This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical skills.
The mode of delivery is co-operative training. The time spent by the trainees in the real work
place/ industry will give them enough exposure to the actual world of work and enable them
to get hands-on experience.

The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion, simulation

and actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees are exposed to the
industry environment.

Hence based on the nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institutions, and interest
of the industry alternative mode of cooperative training such as apprenticeships, internship
and traineeship will be employed. In addition, in the areas where industry is not sufficiently
available the established production and service centers/learning factories in TVET
institutions will be used as cooperative training places. The Training-Institution and identified
companies have forged an agreement to co-operate with regard to the implementation of this

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
1.9. TVET-Program Structure
Unit of Competence Module Code & Title Training Outcomes
(In Hours)
EIS IEC4 01 0322 Manage Installation EIS IEC4 M01 0322 Managing Installation  Develop operational plan 30

and Maintenance and Maintenance  Plan and schedule work activities

 Plan and manage resource acquisition
Operation Operation
 Monitor and review operations
 Review and evaluate work
EIS IEC4 02 0322 Develop and Test EIS IEC4 M02 0322 Developing and  Identify microcontroller device code 120

codes for Testing codes for to specifications

 Develop microcontroller device code
Microcontroller Microcontroller
to specifications
devices devices  Test and document microcontroller
device code to the required
EIS IEC4 03 0322 Install EIS IEC4 M03 0322 Installing  Prepare and Plan to install 150

Mechatronics Mechatronics Device mechatronic device

 Install Mechatronics devices
 Configure and adjust mechatronics
EIS IEC4 04 0322 Calibrate and EIS IEC4 M04 0322 Calibrating and  Prepare to calibrate and test/repair 45
measuring and analysis system
Repair Measuring Repairing Measuring
 Calibrate measuring instrument
and analysis and analysis System /system
System  Repair and test analysis system

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Complete report of calibration, test
and repair activities
EIS IEC4 05 0322 Maintain and EIS IEC4 M05 0322 Maintaining and  Plan and prepare for maintenance/ 60

Troubleshooting Troubleshooting diagnosis of faults

Mechatronics Mechatronics Devices  Maintain Mechatronics devices
Devices and and Process  Troubleshoot Mechatronics devices
Process Instrument
EIS IEC4 06 0322 Diagnose and EIS IEC4 M06 0322 Diagnosing and  Prepare to diagnose and rectify faults 100

Rectify Faults in Rectifying Faults in  Diagnose and rectify faults

Digital Controls Digital Controls  Complete and report
Systems Systems
EIS IEC4 07 0322 Commission EIS IEC4 M07 0322 Commissioning  Plan and prepare to undertake 40

Mechatronics Mechatronics System commissioning process

 Commission Mechatronics systems
 Test commissioned Mechatronics
EIS IEC4 08 0322 Set up and Adjust EIS IEC4 M08 0322 Setting up and  Prepare to work on process control 85

PID Control loops Adjusting PID Control loops

 Solve process control loops problems
 Complete work and provide status

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
EIS IEC4 09 0322 Provide solutions to EIS IEC4 M09 0322 Providing solutions to  Identify problem in electro pneumatic 40

problems in electro problems in electro hydraulic system operation and

pneumatic pneumatic hydraulic
 Provide solution to problem in electro
hydraulic system system operation and pneumatic hydraulic system operation
operation and control  Provide solution to problem in electro
control pneumatic hydraulic system control
 Test and document solution
EIS IEC4 10 0322 Solve problems in EIS IEC4 M10 0322 Solving problems in 125
 Identify problems in single/three phase
single/three phase single/three phase
electronic power control circuits
electronic power electronic power  Solve problems in single/three phase
control circuits control circuits electronic power control circuits
 Test and document
*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution.

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Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
1.10 Institutional Assessment
Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which training outcomes
are achieved. The specific training outcomes are stated in the modules. In assessing them,
verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.

The formative assessment is incorporated in the training modules and form part of the
training process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding success
or failure in attaining training outcomes. It identifies the specific training errors that need to
be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful performance as well. For the teacher,
formative evaluation provides information for making instruction and remedial work more

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been
achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the term of
institutional Assessment implementation guidelines..

Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral or
written test, demonstration and on-site observation.

1.11 TVET Teachers Profile

The teachers conducting this particular TVET Program are A Level and above who have
satisfactory practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronics Control Technology Level IV
MODULE TITLE : Managing Installation and Maintenance Operation
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required
to develop and monitor the implementation of operational plan and to provide efficient and
effective workplace practices within the organization’s productivity and profitability plans.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Develop operational plan
LO2. Plan and schedule work activities
LO3. Plan and manage resource acquisition
LO4. Monitor and review operations
LO5. Review and evaluate work performance
LO1. Develop operational plan
1.1. Researching, analyzing and documenting Resource requirements
1.2. Consulting with relevant personnel, colleagues and specialist resource managers
1.3. Developing & implementing Consultation process
1.4. Developing operational plan & Key performance indicators
1.5. Developing & implementing contingency plans
1.6. Developing and presenting proposal for resource requirements.
LO2. Plan and schedule work activities
2.1. Identifying and prioritizing task/work activities
2.2. Breaking down tasks/work activities into achievable components
2.3. Allocating organizational resources
2.4. Coordinating schedule of work activities
LO3. Plan and manage resource acquisition
3.1 Developing and implementing organizational strategies
3.2 Developing and implementing organization’s policies, practices and procedures
LO4. Monitor and review operations
4.1 Monitoring and reviewing performance system and process
4.2 Interpreting and analyzing budget and financial information

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
4.3 Identifying areas of underperformance
4.4 Providing mentoring and coaching
4.5 Negotiating variation in operational plan
4.6 Implementing and developing system to manage procedure
LO5. Review and evaluate work performance
5.1 Reviewing workplans, strategies & implementation
5.2 Comprehensive consultation
5.3 Reviewing policies, process and activities
5.4 Conducting performance appraisal
5.5 Preparing performance appraisal report
5.6 Preparing and presenting recommendation to improve operational plan
5.7 Feedback mechanism

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class room  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating seating arrangement to be seating arrangement to be
Audio/video to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to trainees accessible for wheelchairs
 Organize the class room contact  Speak loudly users.
seating arrangement to be  Make sure the luminosity of the  Ensure the attention of  Facilitate and support the
accessible to trainees light of class room is kept the trainees trainees who have severe
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Present the lecture in impairments on their upper
black/white board using large vocabularies video format limbs to take note
text  Use short and clear sentences  Ensure the attention of  Provide Orientation on the
 Make sure the luminosity of  Give emphasis on visual lecture the trainees physical feature of the work
the light of class room is and ensure the attention of the shop
kept trainees
 Use normal tone of voice  Avoid movement during lecture
 Encourage trainees to record time
the lecture in audio format  Present the lecture in video
 Provide Orientation on the format
physical feature of the work  Summarize main points
 Summarize main points

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Demonstratio  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & short  Facilitate and support the
n  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
the process of guidance  Provide structured training material equipment/ machines
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention of  Assign peer trainees to assist
trainees  Use gesture to rovide tutorial the trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Prepare & use simulation support  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) rovide tutorial support
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration  Introduce the trainees with
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of of trainees with group their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members members
 Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up
other group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Introduce the trainees
 Brief the thematic issues of group member with other group member
the work  Inform the group
members to speak loudly
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance and guidance  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support hours if necessary
necessary necessary if necessary
 provide special attention in  provide special attention in the  provide special attention
the process process/practical training in the process/ practical
 Introduce new and relevant training
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107 vocabularies Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
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 prepare the assignment  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual questions in large text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to the assignment assignment
prepare and submit the  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual recorded
assignment in large texts material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as an
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language option for the trainees
proper communication was interpreter if necessary having speech challenges
conducted with the trainee through
the service of the sign language
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as an
large texts sentences, multiple choices, True sentences, multiple choices, option to give answer for
 Use interview as an or False, matching and short true or false, matching and trainees having severe
option if necessary answers short answers if necessary. upper limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in  Avoid essay writing  Time extension for trainees

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
audio format  Time extension having severe upper limb
 Assign human reader impairment
 (if necessary)
 Time extension
Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity based
ion provide them in large  Brief on the instruction of the assessment assessment
/Observatio text exam  Brief on the instruction of the  Conduct close follow up
n  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical exam  Time extension
assessment method  Use loud voice
 Time extension  Time extension

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
LO1. Develop operational plan
 Resource requirements are researched, analyzed and documented and an operational
plan is developed and/or implemented in consultation with relevant personnel,
colleagues and specialist resource managers
 Consultation processes are developed and/or implemented as an integral part of the
operational planning process
 Operational plans are developed to contribute to the achievement of the organization’s
performance/business plan
 Details of the operational plan include the development of key performance indicators
to measure organizational performance
 Contingency plans are developed and implemented at appropriate stages of
operational planning
 The development and presentation of proposals for resource requirements are assisted
by a variety of information sources, and specialist advice is sought as required
LO2. Plan and schedule work activities
 Tasks/work activities to be completed are identified and prioritized as directed
 Tasks/work activities are broken down into achievable components in accordance
with set time frames
 Resources are allocated as per requirements of the activity
 Schedule of work activities is coordinated with personnel concerned
LO3. Plan and manage resource acquisition
 Strategies are developed and implemented to ensure that employees are recruited
and/or inducted within the organization’s human resource management policies and
 Strategies are developed and implemented to ensure that physical resources and
services are acquired in accordance with the organization’s policies, practices and
LO4. Monitor and review operations
 Performance systems and processes are developed, monitored and reviewed to assess
progress in achieving profit and productivity plans and targets
 Budget and actual financial information is analyzed and interpreted to monitor and
review profit and productivity performance

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Areas of underperformance are identified, solutions recommended, and prompt action
is taken to rectify the situation
 Implementation of developed systems are monitored to ensure that mentoring and
coaching are provided to support individuals and teams to use resources effectively,
economically and safely
 Recommendations for variations to operational plans are negotiated and approved by
designated persons/groups
 Systems are developed and implemented to ensure that procedures and records
associated with documenting performance are managed in accordance with the
organization’s requirements
LO5. Review and evaluate work performance
 Work plans, strategies and implementation are reviewed based on accurate, relevant
and current information
 Review is based on comprehensive consultation with appropriate personnel on
outcomes of work plans and reliable feedback
 Results of review are provided to concerned parties and formed as the basis for
adjustments/simplifications to be made to policies, processes and activities
 Performance appraisal is conducted in accordance with organization rules and
 Performance appraisal report is prepared and documented regularly as per
organization requirements.
 Recommendations are prepared and presented to appropriate personnel/authorities
 Feedback mechanisms are implemented in line with organization policies

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS IEC4 M01 0322 Managing installation and maintenance operation

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended Ratio

No. Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM prepared by the trainer 25 1:1
2. Reference Books 25 1:1
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room M2 30 1.2:1
2. Library M2 100 4:1
3. Workshop M2 112.5 4.5:1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Marker White board marker 1 Packet 1:25
Marker Permanent Marker 2 Packet 2:25
2. Paper A4 1 Packet 1:25
3. Paper Chart paper 1 Packet 1:25
4. Chalk Colored 1 Packet 1:25
D. Tools, Equipment and Testing Devices
1 Steal rule 0-50 cm 25 pcs 1:1
2 Tape Rule 5m---10m 25Pcs 1:1

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level IV

MODULE TITLE : Developing and testing code for microcontroller devices
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module Covers the skills and knowledge required to develop
and test structured programming instructions for microcontroller devices at a fundamental level.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Identify microcontroller device code to specifications
LO2. Develop microcontroller device code to specifications
LO3. Test and document microcontroller device code to the required application
LO1. Identify microcontroller device code to specifications
1.1. Applying WHS/OHS risks, and control measures
1.2. Determining scope of specification to be developed from job performance
1.3. Planning activities to meet scheduled timelines in consultation
1.4. Selecting development kit and software
1.5. Implementing strategies to ensure programming
LO2. Develop microcontroller device code to specifications
2.1. Applying microcontroller functions and features .
2.2. Applying structure and syntax for developing program specification
2.3. Identifying and applying key features of the assembler programming language
2.4. Testing microcontroller device solutions
2.5. Analyzing approaches to provide most effective solutions
2.6. Monitoring quality of work
LO3. Test and document microcontroller device code to the required application
3.1 Developing testing procedures to analyze developed code
3.2 Identifying and rectifying problems, faults and bugs to ensure specification
3.3 Writing and presenting intermediate and final work reports

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class room  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating seating arrangement to be room seating
Audio/video to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to trainees arrangement to be
 Organize the class room contact  Speak loudly accessible for
seating arrangement to be  Make sure the luminosity of the  Ensure the attention of wheelchairs users.
accessible to trainees light of class room is kept the trainees  Facilitate and support
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Present the lecture in the trainees who have
black/white board using large vocabularies video format severe impairments on
text  Use short and clear sentences  Ensure the attention of their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of  Give emphasis on visual lecture the trainees take note
the light of class room is and ensure the attention of the  Provide Orientation on
kept trainees the physical feature of
 Use normal tone of voice  Avoid movement during lecture the work shop
 Encourage trainees to record time
the lecture in audio format  Present the lecture in video
 Provide Orientation on the format
physical feature of the work  Summarize main points

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Summarize main points
Demonstratio  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & short  Facilitate and support
n  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
the process of guidance  Provide structured training material impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention of equipment/ machines
trainees  Use gesture to rovide tutorial the trainees  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation support  assist P
(if necessary) rovide tutorial support  Conduct close follow
(if necessary) up
Provide tutorial support
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of of trainees with group with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members members
 Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up
other group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Introduce the trainees
 Brief the thematic issues of group member with other group member
the work  Inform the group
members to speak loudly

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance and guidance  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support nominal hours if
necessary necessary if necessary necessary
 provide special attention in  provide special attention in the  provide special attention
the process process/practical training in the process/ practical
 Introduce new and relevant training
 prepare the assignment  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual questions in large text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to the assignment assignment
prepare and submit the  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual recorded
assignment in large texts material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as an
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language option for the trainees
proper communication was interpreter if necessary having speech challenges
conducted with the trainee
through the service of the sign
language interpreter
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using  Use oral response as an
texts sentences, multiple choices, short sentences, multiple option to give answer for
 Use interview as an option if True or False, matching and choices, true or false, trainees having severe
necessary short answers matching and short upper limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio  Avoid essay writing answers if necessary.  Time extension for trainees
format  Time extension having severe upper limb
 Assign human reader impairment
 (if necessary)
 Time extension
Demonstration/  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity based
Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the assessment assessment
 Time extension exam  Brief on the instruction of  Conduct close follow up
 Provide activity-based/ the exam  Time extension
practical assessment method  Use loud voice
 Time extension  Time extension

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
LO.1: Identify microcontroller device code to specifications
 Work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) processes and
workplace procedures for a given work area are obtained and applied
 Hazards are identified, WHS/OHS risks assessed, and control measures and workplace
procedures are implemented in preparation for work
 Scope of specification to be developed is determined from job performance requirements
and in consultation with relevant person/s
 Activities are planned to meet scheduled timelines in consultation with person/s involved on
the worksite
 Appropriate development kit and software are selected in accordance with specified
requirements and required performance standards
 Strategies are implemented to ensure programming is in accordance with relevant industry
LO.2: Develop microcontroller device code to specifications
 Microcontroller functions and features are applied to developing microcontroller device
code specifications
 Structure and syntax are applied to developing program specification for target
microcontroller function
 Key features of the assembler programming language are identified and applied to develop
and test microcontroller device solutions
 Approaches to issues/problems are analyzed to provide most effective solutions
 Quality of work is monitored in accordance with performance agreement/specification
and/or workplace procedures or relevant industry standards
LO.3 Test and document microcontroller device code to the required application
 Testing workplace procedures are developed to analyze code developed
 Problems, faults and bugs are identified and rectified to ensure specification in the creation
of the code is met
 Intermediate and final work reports are written in accordance with relevant industry
standards and presented to appropriate person/s

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS IEC4 M02 0322: Developing and testing code for microcontroller devices
Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended Ratio
No. (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by the trainer 5 1:5
2. Reference Books
Microcontroller Engineer Note Volume 1
2.1 5 1:5
PIC Microcontroller and
2.2 Embedded Systems: Using 2008 5 1:5
assembly and C
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1 Library M2 100 4:1
2 Computer lab M2 112.5 4.5:1
3 Lecture Room M2 30 1.2:1
4 Installation board 50cmx70cm 25 1:1
Micro controller.
6 Software packages Programming and
simulation software
C. Consumable Materials
1. Marker Maxflow
2 Paper A4 50 2:25
3 Chalk Different color 5 1:25
1mm2 , best standard,
4 Wires Roll 1
Euro cable
5 Connector/terminal block 4mm - 6mm, @ 25A
Screws Good fitting size or job
D. Tools and Equipment
PC Gen 3 and above, Core
1. Computer i3 & above, RAM 4G, and 25 1:1
storage 500GB, any brand

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Microcontroller Trainer Microcontroller Trainer
2 5 1:5
hardware Laborator
3 Screw driver Sorted 25pcs 1:1
4 Pliers Sorted 25pcs 1:1
Insulated handle,
Wire striper 25pcs 1:1
projector, Epson Power
LCD/LED Projector Lite X39 LCD, ports-USB, 5pcs 1:5

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level IV

MODULE TITLE : Installing Mechatronics Device
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude
required in preparing, identifying, installing and testing mechatronic devices.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Prepare and Plan to install mechatronic device
LO2. Install Mechatronics devices,
LO3. Configure and adjust mechatronics devices
LO1: Prepare and Plan to install mechatronic device
1.1 planning and preparing Installation
1.2. Selecting and checking tools and testing devices.
1.3. Obtaining materials and component
LO2. Install Mechatronics devices,
2.1. Understanding mechatronics device
2.1.1. Pneumatics & electro-pneumatics
2.1.2. hydraulics and electro-hydraulics
2.2. Reading and interpreting work instruction
2.3. Identifying tools, equipment testing devices and materials
2.4. Installing mechatronics devices
2.5. Perform testing on the installed mechatronics device
LO3. Configure and adjust mechatronics devices
3.1 Following instruction of configuration and adjustment
3.2 Identifying tools, equipment testing devices and materials
3.3 Configuring and adjusting mechatronics devices
3.4 Conduct test on the configured and adjusted mechatronics devices

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class room  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in interpreter seating arrangement to room seating
Audio/video  Arrange the class room seating be accessible to trainees arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating to be conducive for eye-to-  Speak loudly accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to eye contact  Ensure the attention of wheelchairs users.
trainees  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and
 Write short notes on the the light of class room is kept  Present the lecture in support the trainees
black/white board using large text  Introduce new and relevant video format who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the vocabularies  Ensure the attention of impairments on
light of class room is kept  Use short and clear sentences the trainees their upper limbs
 Use normal tone of voice  Give emphasis on visual to take note
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture and ensure the  Provide
lecture in audio format attention of the trainees Orientation on the
 Provide Orientation on the  Avoid movement during physical feature of
physical feature of the work shop lecture time the work shop
 Summarize main points  Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method support the trainees
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded having severe
process of guidance  Provide structured training material upper limbs
 facilitate the support of peer  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention of impairment to
trainees  Use gesture the trainees operate equipment/
 Prepare & use simulation  Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial support machines
(if necessary) (if necessary)  Assign peer
trainees to assist
 Conduct close
follow up
 Provide tutorial
(if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration  Introduce the
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of of trainees with group trainees with their
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members members peers
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up
group member  Introduce the trainees with  Introduce the trainees
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member with other group
work member
 Inform the group
members to speak loudly

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up  Assign peer
guidance guidance and guidance trainees
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support  Use additional
necessary necessary if necessary nominal hours if
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in  provide special necessary
process the process/practical training attention in the process/
 Introduce new and relevant practical training
 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text  Provide briefing /orientation /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare on the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual recorded
large texts material material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as an
 Ensure or conform whether the proper  Using sign language interpreter if option for the trainees
communication was conducted with necessary having speech challenges
the trainee through the service of the
sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as an
large texts sentences, multiple choices, True or sentences, multiple choices, true or option to give answer for
 Use interview as an False, matching and short answers false, matching and short answers trainees having severe
option if necessary  Avoid essay writing if necessary. upper limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in  Time extension  Time extension for
audio format trainees having severe
 Assign human upper limb impairment
 Time extension
Demonstration  Brief the  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation instruction or  Brief on the instruction of the exam  Brief on the instruction of the assessment
provide them in  Provide activity-based/ practical exam  Conduct close follow up
large text assessment method  Use loud voice  Time extension
 Time extension  Time extension  Time extension

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
LO.1: Prepare and Plan to install mechatronic device
 Installation is planned and prepared in line with job requirements
 Work instructions are read and interpreted to determine job requirements.
 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out the installation work are
selected in accordance with established procedures and checked for correct operation
and safety.
 Materials necessary to complete the work are obtained in accordance with job
LO2. Install Mechatronics devices
 Read and interpret work instruction according to the installation job requirements
 Identify tools, equipment testing devices and materials needed for installation
 Install mechatronics devices
 Conduct test on the installed mechatronics devices
LO3. Configure and adjust mechatronics devices
 Instruction according to the configuration and adjustment job requirements
 Identify tools, equipment testing devices and materials needed for configuration and
 Configure and adjust mechatronics devices according to standard operating
 Conduct test on the configured and adjusted mechatronics devices

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Annex: Resource Requirements
EIS IES4 M03 0322 Installing Mechatronics Device
Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended
No. Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM prepared by the trainer 25 1:1
2. Reference Books

2.1. Control and 2nd edition By J. David Inwin 5 1:5

Mechatronics Vol-2 By Robert H. Bishop
2.2. system, sensors & 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room m2 30 1.2:1
2. Library m2 100 4:1
3. Workshop m2 112.5 4.5:1
C. Consumable Materials
White board marker 1
1. Marker 1:25
A4 1
2. Paper 1:25
Colored 1
3. Chalk 1:25
D. Tools, Equipment and Testing Devices
Mechatronics This training equipment contains
Trainer kit multi types industrial sensors,
pneumatic control unit, electric
switch, PLC programmable
1. controller, HMI. Input power: single 5 1:5
phase, three wires: 220V±10% 50Hz.

Whole capacity <1.5KVA

2. Electronic tools kit Utility component storage box, Long 5 1:5

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
nose plier 5.31 inches, Diagonal
cutting plier 4.33 inches, Flat nose
plier 5.31 inches, Super drill set
w/adaptor, 3pcs soldering aid tools, 1:5
Soldering iron stand with sponge, 5
Ceramic soldering iron, Screwdriver
handle, Pro-soft screwdriver 3/16
inches, 1/4 inches,3.2x75 mm, #0x75
mm, 5.0x75 mm, Brush, Crimping
tool, DE soldering pump, Precision
screwdriver set 6pcs, 5pcs needle file
set, Mini-vacuum kit, Cleaning fluid,
head (60cc), Cleaning fluid, head
(18cc), 3-1/2 compact digital multi
meter, Testing screwdriver, IC
extractor, Flash light, 7pcs folding
type hex key set, 3 prong holder,
PVC insulated tape, Stainless scissors
6 inches, Solder core 63%, SN,
Utility knife (3 blades self-loading),
10pcs electronic combination wrench,
Hobby vise (Jaw opening 1.57 inches
/width 2.36 inches), Aluminum frame
tool case w/1 pallet.

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level IV

MODULE TITLE: Calibrating and repairing Measuring and analysis system
MODULE DESCRIPTOR This unit covers calibration, adjustment, testing and repairing of
measuring instruments, analysis and control systems.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Prepare to calibrate and test/repair measuring and analysis system
LO2. Prepare to calibrate and test/repair measuring and analysis system
LO3. Repair and test analysis system
LO4 .Complete report of calibration, test and repair activities
LO1. Prepare to calibrate and test/repair measuring and analysis system
1.1. Identifying and following OH& S procedures and risk control measures
1.2. Checking Measuring Instruments for Calibration
1.3. Obtaining and checking Tools, Equipment and Materials
1.4. Calibration of Measuring Instruments.
1.5. Process specification and equipment manuals.
1.6. Determining Instrument/system parameters
LO2. Calibrate measuring instrument/system
2.1. Arranging and Setting up Calibration of measuring instruments
2.2. Determining Factors affecting instrument error
2.3. Establishing Instrument set-point based on manufacture specification
2.4. Testing measuring system and making adjustment
2.5. Discussing and documenting Established methods
2.6. Dealing with Unexpected situations
2.7. Undertaking Ongoing checks of the quality of process output
2.8. Carrying out Calibration efficiently
LO3. Repair and test analysis system
3.1. Using appropriate personal protective equipment
3.1. Checking Normal function of gas or liquid analysis system

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
3.2. Diagnosing Fault/s problem/s in system or component
3.3. Responding necessary adjustments and unplanned events.
LO4. Complete report of calibration, test and repair activities
4.1. Cleaning work site
4.2.Documenting calibration and repair

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter class room seating arrangement to
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating be accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to seating to be conducive arrangement to wheelchairs users.
trainees for eye to eye contact be accessible to  Facilitate and support
 Write short notes on the black/white  Make sure the luminosity trainees the trainees who have
board using large text of the light of class room  Speak loudly severe impairments on
 Make sure the luminosity of the is kept  Ensure the their upper limbs to
light of class room is kept  Introduce new and attention of the take note
 Use normal tone of voice relevant vocabularies trainees  Provide Orientation on
 Encourage trainees to record the  Use short and clear  Present the the physical feature of
lecture in audio format sentences lecture in video the work shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical  Give emphasis on visual format
feature of the work shop lecture and ensure the  Ensure the
 Summarize main points attention of the trainees attention of the
 Avoid movement during trainees
lecture time

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Present the lecture in
video format
 Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language  Illustrate in  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description interpreter clear & short the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Use video recorded method severe upper limbs
process of guidance material  Use Video impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Ensure attention of the recorded equipments/ machines
 Prepare & use simulation trainees material  Assign peer trainees to
 Provide structured training  Ensure the assist
 Show clear and short attention of the  Conduct close follow up
method trainees  Provide tutorial support
 Use gesture  Provide tutorial (if necessary
 Provide tutorial support support
(if necessary) (if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members interpreters integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up  Facilitate the integration trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other of trainees with group group members
group member members  Conduct close

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Brief the thematic issues of the  Conduct close follow up follow up
work  Introduce the trainees with  Introduce the
other group member trainees with
other group
 Inform the
group members
to speak loudly
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance and guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention support if
process in the process/practical necessary
training  provide special
 Introduce new and attention in the
relevant vocabularies process/

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language  Provide briefing
Individual large text interpreter /orientation on
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare  Provide briefing the assignment
and submit the assignment in large /orientation on the  Provide visual
texts assignment recorded
 Make available recorded  Provide visual recorded material
assignment questions material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or
hard copy

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Interview  Use sign language  Speak loudly  Use written
interpreter  Using sign language response as an
 Ensure or conform interpreter if necessary option for the
whether the proper trainees having
communication was speech
conducted with the challenges
trainee through the
service of the sign
language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in  Prepare the exam  Prepare the exam using  Use oral
large texts using short sentences, short sentences, multiple response as an
 Use interview as an multiple choices, True choices, true or false, option to give
option if necessary or False, matching matching and short answers answer for
 Prepare the exam in and short answers if necessary. trainees having
audio format  Avoid essay writing severe upper
 Assign human reader  Time extension limb
 (if necessary) impairment

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Time extension  Time extension
for trainees
having severe
upper limb
Demonstration/Observation  Brief the instruction  Use sign language  Provide activity based  Provide activity
or provide them in interpreter assessment based
large text  Brief on the  Brief on the instruction of assessment
 Time extension instruction of the the exam  Conduct close
exam  Use loud voice follow up
 Provide activity-  Time extension  Time extension
based/ practical
assessment method
 Time extension

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
LO1. Prepare to calibrate and test/repair measuring and analysis system
 OH& S procedures for a given work area are identified, obtained and understood
 Established OH& S risk control measures and procedures are followed in preparation
for the work.
 Safety hazards that have not previously been identified are noted, and established risk
control measures are implemented.
 Measuring instruments to be calibrated and gas/fluid analysis system to be
tested/repaired are identified based on job/service order or instructions
 Measuring instruments and analysis system for calibration, test and repair are checked
against specifications and requirements.
 Instrument/system parameters are determined by reviewing process specification and
equipment manuals.
LO2. Calibrate measuring instrument/system
 Calibration of measuring instruments/system are arranged, connected and set up in
accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and certification requirements for a
particular instrument.
 Factors effecting instrument error are determined and taken into account in the
calibration process.
 Instrument set-point is established and error adjustments are in accordance with
manufacture’s and compliance specification
 Measuring system are tested and adjustment made as necessary to ensure instrument
meets calibration requirements.
 Established methods for dealing with unexpected situations are discussed with
appropriate person or persons and documented.
 Unexpected situations are dealt with safely and with the approval of an authorized
 Ongoing checks of the quality of process output are undertaken to ensure control loop
is tuned as required.
 Calibration is carried out efficiently without waste of materials
LO3. Repair and test analysis system
 Normal function of gas or liquid analysis system is checked in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions.

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Fault/s or problem/s in system or component is/are diagnosed in line with the
standard operating procedures.
 Necessary adjustments and other correction measures are responded appropriately
 Unplanned events or conditions are responded in accordance with established
 Appropriate personal protective equipment is used in line with standard procedures
LO4. Complete report of calibration, test and repair activities
 OH& S risk control work completion measures and procedures are followed.
 Work site is cleaned and made safe in accordance with established procedures.
 Calibration and repair are documented in accordance with certification

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Annex: Resource Requirements
EIS IEC4 M04 0322 Calibrating and repairing Measuring and analysis system
Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended Ratio
No. Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by the trainer 5 1:5
2. Reference Books
Advanced Industrial Peng Zhang,
3.1 5
Control Technology, 2010 1:5
Natural Gas Measurement James E. Gallagher 1:5
3.2 5
Handbook, 2006
B Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1 Workshop M2 112.5 4.5:1
2. Lecture Room M2 30 1.2:1
C Consumable Materials
1 Calibration Cable CA 20-48 Cal. Cable m 1:1
Probe Excitation Voltage (V)
2 Pcs 2:1
15 Accuracy(in) 0.0002
D. Tools and Equipments
Electronics tool kit Soldering Repair Tool
1. 5 1:5
Set Kit
2 multi meter Digital Fluke 25 1:1
3 Oscilloscope, DSO 1GHZ 5 1:5
Analogue Oscilloscope 20 MHz-60MHZ Dual
4 5 1:5
Digital Function/Signal 5 MHz DDS Function
5 generator Generator 5 1:5

relevant pressure meter Digital Pressure Gauge

LCD with 4 1/2
6 5 1:5
positions / with
7 Temperature meter,Digital Fluke 971 Temperature 5 1:5

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
& Humidity meter
35-130db . Compact
8 Level meter Digital Sound Level 5 1:5
Meter (9v)

flow meter LEFM 220C Ultrasonic

9 5 1:5
Flow Meter - ODS-NL
10 calibration meter DFT Meter Calibration 5 1:5
motion meter Vibration Meter VM-
11 5 1:5

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level IV
MODULE TITLE : Maintaining and Troubleshooting Mechatronics Devices and process
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to
maintain and troubleshoot defects in mechatronics devices.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Plan and prepare for maintenance/ diagnosis of faults
LO2. Maintain Mechatronics devices
LO3. Troubleshoot Mechatronics devices
LO1. Plan and prepare for maintenance/ diagnosis of faults
1.1. Following OH&S policies and procedures.
1.2. Planning and preparing maintenance or troubleshooting work
1.3. Identifying mechatronics device standards
1.4. Identifying and checking mechatronics devices
1.5. Obtaining and checking tools, equipment and testing devices
LO2. Maintain Mechatronics devices
2.1 Performing scheduled/periodic maintenance
2.2 Checking normal function of mechatronics device.
2.3 Responding adjustments, replacement of components/ parts of mechatronics.
2.4 Responding unplanned events or conditions
LO3. Troubleshoot Mechatronics devices
3.1 Checking normal function of mechatronics devices.
3.2 Troubleshooting fault/s or problem/s in system or component.
3.3 Responding necessary adjustments and other correction measures
3.4 Responding unplanned events or conditions

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter class room room seating
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to seating to be conducive for arrangement to accessible for
trainees eye-to-eye contact be accessible to wheelchairs users.
 Write short notes on the black/white  Make sure the luminosity of trainees  Facilitate and
board using large text the light of class room is kept  Speak loudly support the trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the who have severe
light of class room is kept vocabularies attention of the impairments on
 Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences trainees their upper limbs
 Encourage trainees to record the  Give emphasis on visual  Present the to take note
lecture in audio format lecture and ensure the lecture in video  Provide Orientation
 Provide Orientation on the physical attention of the trainees format on the physical
feature of the work shop  Avoid movement during  Ensure the feature of the work
 Summarize main points lecture time attention of the shop
 Present the lecture in video trainees

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in  Facilitate and
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material clear & short support the trainees
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the method having severe
process of guidance trainees  Use Video upper limbs
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Provide structured training recorded impairment to
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method material operate equipment/
 Use gesture  Ensure the machines
 Provide tutorial support attention of the  Assign peer
(if necessary) trainees trainees to assist
 Provide tutorial  Conduct close
support follow up
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial
(if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the
discussion with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of trainees with their
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with peers
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up

Page 49 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the group
members to
speak loudly
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer
guidance guidance follow up and trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary  Provide tutorial support if guidance  Use additional
 provide special attention in the necessary  Provide tutorial nominal hours if
process  provide special attention in support if necessary
the process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual large text  Provide briefing /orientation /orientation on
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare on the assignment the assignment
and submit the assignment in large  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
texts material recorded
 Make available recorded assignment material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

Page 51 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Interview  Use sign language  Speak loudly  Use written
interpreter  Using sign language response as an
 Ensure or conform interpreter if necessary option for the
whether the proper trainees having
communication was speech
conducted with the challenges
trainee through the
service of the sign
language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in  Prepare the exam  Prepare the exam using  Use oral
large texts using short sentences, short sentences, multiple response as an
 Use interview as an multiple choices, True choices, true or false, option to give
option if necessary or False, matching matching and short answers answer for
 Prepare the exam in and short answers if necessary. trainees having
audio format  Avoid essay writing severe upper
 Assign human reader  Time extension limb

Page 52 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 (if necessary) impairment
 Time extension  Time extension
for trainees
having severe
upper limb
Demonstration/Observation  Brief the instruction  Use sign language  Provide activity based  Provide activity
or provide them in interpreter assessment based
large text  Brief on the  Brief on the instruction of assessment
 Time extension instruction of the the exam  Conduct close
exam  Use loud voice follow up
 Provide activity-  Time extension  Time extension
based/ practical
assessment method
 Time extension

Page 53 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
LO1. Plan and prepare for maintenance/ diagnosis of faults
 OH& S policies and procedures are followed in line with job requirements.
 Maintenance or troubleshooting work is planned and prepared in line with job
 Mechatronics Device standards are identified in line with job requirements
 Mechatronics devices to be maintained or troubleshoot are identified based on
job/service order or instructions
 Mechatronics devices for maintenance or troubleshoot are checked against
specifications and requirements.
 Materials necessary to complete the work are obtained in accordance with established
procedures and checked against job requirements.
 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed for the maintenance/troubleshoot are
obtained and checked for correct operation and safety
LO2. Maintain Mechatronics devices
 Scheduled/periodic maintenance is performed in accordance with manufacturer’s
 Normal function of mechatronics device is checked in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions & standard procedures.
 Necessary adjustments, replacement of components or parts of mechatronics and
correction measures are responded appropriately.
 Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in accordance with established
LO3. Troubleshoot Mechatronics devices
 Normal function of mechatronics devices is checked in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions.
 Troubleshoot fault/s or problem/s in system or component in line with the standard
operating procedures.
 Necessary adjustments and other correction measures are responded appropriately
 Unplanned events or conditions are responded in accordance with established

Page 54 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Annex: Resource Requirements
EIS IEC4 M05 0322 Maintaining and Troubleshooting Mechatronics Devices and Process
Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended
No. Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Material, but not limited
1. TTLM prepared by the trainer 25 1:1
2. Reference Books
The Mechatronics By Robert H. Bishop 2002
2.1 5 1:5
Mechatronic Systems By: Clarence W. de Silva
2.2 Devices, Design, 2008 5 1:5
Control, Operation and
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure (included but not limited to)
Contextual area /Lecture 8*7m
1. 01 1:25
2. Library standard 01 1:25
3. Resource area 3*4m 01 1:25
Practical/assessment 7*8m
4. 01 1:25
5. Computer lab 7*8m 01 1:25
C. Consumable Materials (included but not limited to)
1. Paper A4 set 5 rim 1:5
2. Pencil HB 25 1:1
3. Pen Ball point 25 1:1
4. White board 2m*1m 1 1:25
5. copper wire Flexible 1.5mm 3 Roll 1:10
6. Jumper wire 0.2,0.3mm 5 5:1
D. Tools and Equipments (included but not limited to)
1. Multimeter Digital 05 1:5
2. Multimeter Analogue 05 1:5

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
3. Insulation tester/megger Digital 05 1:5
4. Clamp meter Digital 05 1:5
5. Oscilloscopes Digital 05 1:5
6. Signal generators Digital 05 1:5
7. Electronics tool kit Standard 05 1:5
8. Mechanical toolkit Standard 05 1:5
9. Soldering iron 40 W 05 1:5
10. Bellower 1000W 05 1:5

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level IV

MODULE TITLE : Diagnose and rectifying faults in digital controls systems
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module Covers the skills and knowledge required to diagnose
and rectify faults in digital controls systems. It includes preparing, diagnosing and rectifying faults.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Prepare to diagnose and rectify faults
LO2. Diagnose and rectify faults
LO3. Complete and report
LO1. Prepare to diagnose and rectify faults
1.1 Applying (WHS)/(OHS)
1.2 Assessing hazards and implementing risks control measures
1.3 Reporting safety hazards not previously identified
1.4 Determining extent of work from reports
1.5 Consulting and coordinating works to appropriate person
1.6 Obtaining Tools, equipment and testing devices
LO2. Diagnose and rectify faults
2.1. Understanding digital control system
2.1.1 Digital Vs analogue control system and signal conversion
2.1.2 Combinational vs sequential logic networks
2.1.3 Digital display devices
2.2. Determining need to test or measure live electrical components
2.3. Checking and isolating circuits/machines/plant
2.4. Applying logical diagnostic methods .
2.5. Testing scenarios suspected cause of system faults
2.6. Identifying fault causes
2.7. Engaging relevant person/s where fault is outside scope of digital subsystems
2.8. Rectifying faults in digital electronic components of control system
2.9. Testing and verifying system

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
2.10. Responding unplanned situations
2.11. Performing diagnosis and rectification work activities
LO3. Complete and report
3.1 Documenting and reporting rectification of faults

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter class room room seating
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to seating to be conducive for arrangement to accessible for
trainees eye-to-eye contact be accessible to wheelchairs users.
 Write short notes on the black/white  Make sure the luminosity of trainees  Facilitate and
board using large text the light of class room is kept  Speak loudly support the trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the who have severe
light of class room is kept vocabularies attention of the impairments on
 Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences trainees their upper limbs
 Encourage trainees to record the  Give emphasis on visual  Present the to take note
lecture in audio format lecture and ensure the lecture in video  Provide Orientation
 Provide Orientation on the physical attention of the trainees format on the physical
feature of the work shop  Avoid movement during  Ensure the feature of the work
 Summarize main points lecture time attention of the shop
 Present the lecture in video trainees

Page 59 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in  Facilitate and
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material clear & short support the trainees
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the method having severe
process of guidance trainees  Use Video upper limbs
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Provide structured training recorded impairment to
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method material operate equipment/
 Use gesture  Ensure the machines
 Provide tutorial support attention of the  Assign peer
(if necessary) trainees trainees to assist
 Provide tutorial  Conduct close
support follow up
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial
(if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the
discussion with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of trainees with their
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with peers
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up

Page 60 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the group
members to
speak loudly
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer
guidance guidance follow up and trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary  Provide tutorial support if guidance  Use additional
 provide special attention in the necessary  Provide tutorial nominal hours if
process  provide special attention in support if necessary
the process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual large text  Provide briefing /orientation /orientation on
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare on the assignment the assignment
and submit the assignment in large  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual

Page 61 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
texts material recorded
 Make available recorded assignment material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

Page 62 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Interview  Use sign language  Speak loudly  Use written
interpreter  Using sign language response as an
 Ensure or conform interpreter if necessary option for the
whether the proper trainees having
communication was speech
conducted with the challenges
trainee through the
service of the sign
language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in  Prepare the exam  Prepare the exam using  Use oral
large texts using short sentences, short sentences, multiple response as an
 Use interview as an multiple choices, True choices, true or false, option to give
option if necessary or False, matching matching and short answers answer for
 Prepare the exam in and short answers if necessary. trainees having
audio format  Avoid essay writing severe upper
 Assign human reader  Time extension limb
 (if necessary) impairment
 Time extension  Time extension

Page 63 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
for trainees
having severe
upper limb
Demonstration/Observation  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language  Provide activity based  Provide activity
provide them in large interpreter assessment based
text  Brief on the  Brief on the instruction of assessment
 Time extension instruction of the the exam  Conduct close
exam  Use loud voice follow up
 Provide activity-  Time extension  Time extension
based/ practical
assessment method
 Time extension

Page 64 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
LO1. Plan and prepare for maintenance/ diagnosis of faults
 OH& S policies and procedures are followed in line with job requirements.
 Maintenance or troubleshooting work is planned and prepared in line with job
 Mechatronics Device standards are identified in line with job requirements
 Mechatronics devices to be maintained or troubleshoot are identified based on job/service
order or instructions
 Mechatronics devices for maintenance or troubleshoot are checked against specifications
and requirements.
 Materials necessary to complete the work are obtained in accordance with established
procedures and checked against job requirements.
 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed for the maintenance/troubleshoot are obtained
and checked for correct operation and safety
LO2. Diagnose and rectify faults
 Need to test or measure live electrical components is determined in accordance with
workplace procedures
 Circuits/machines/plant are checked and isolated in accordance with workplace procedures
 Logical diagnostic methods are applied to diagnose digital electronic control system
apparatus faults by employing measurements and estimations of system operating
 Scenarios are tested as suspected cause of system faults
 Fault causes are identified and relevant person/s engaged where fault is outside scope of
digital subsystems
 Faults in digital electronic components of control system are rectified
 System is tested and verified as operating to specified job requirements
 Unplanned situations are responded to in accordance with workplace procedures in a
manner that minimizes risk to personnel and equipment
 Methods for dealing with unplanned situations are selected based on safety and specified
work outcomes
 Diagnosis and rectification work activities are performed using sustainable energy
principles and practices without wasting materials, damaging apparatus, the surrounding

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
environment or services
LO3. Complete and report
 WHS/OHS work completion risk control measures and workplace procedures are followed
 Worksite is made safe in accordance with workplace safety procedures
 Rectification of faults is documented in accordance with workplace procedures
 Rectification of faults is documented in accordance with workplace procedures

Page 66 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Annex: Resource Requirements
EIS IEC4 M06 0322 Diagnosing and Rectifying Faults in Digital Controls Systems
Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended
No. Ratio
A. Learning Material, but not limited
3. TTLM prepared by the trainer 25 1:1
4. Reference Books
Fault Detection, Diagnosis By Fausto Pedro García
4.1. 5 1:5
and Prognosis Márquez
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure (included but not limited to)
1. Contextual area /Lecture room 8*7m 01 1:25
2. Library standard 01 1:25
3. Resource area 3*4m 01 1:25
4. Practical/assessment area 7*8m 01 1:25
5. Computer lab 7*8m 01 1:25
C. Consumable Materials (included but not limited to)
7. Paper A4 set 5 ream 1:5
8. Pencil HB 25 1:1
9. Pen Ball point 25 1:1
10. White board 2m*1m 1 1:25
11. copper wire Flexible 1.5mm 3 Roll 1:10
12. Jumper wire 0.25,0.5mm 5 5:1
D. Tools and Equipment’s (included but not limited to)
11. Multimeter Digital 05 1:5
12. Multimeter Analogue 05 1:5
13. Insulation tester/megger Digital 05 1:5
14. Clamp meter Digital 05 1:5
15. Oscilloscopes Digital 05 1:5
16. Signal generators Digital 05 1:5
17. Soldering iron Standard 05 1:5

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
CREST 50PCS With Plastic 05 1:5
18. Electronics tool kit
61PCS With Plastic 05 1:5
19. Mechanical toolkit
20. Blower 1000W 05 1:5

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level IV

MODULE TITLE : Commissioning Mechatronics System
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to
commission mechatronics system
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1: Plan and prepare to undertake commissioning process
LO2: Commission Mechatronics systems
LO3: Test commissioned Mechatronics systems
LO1. Plan and prepare to undertake commissioning process
1.1. Following OHS & policies procedures
1.2. Using Appropriate personal protective equipment
1.3. Checking tools, equipment and testing devices
1.4. Obtaining necessary materials
1.5. Planning and preparing commissioning procedures
1.6. Checking Commissioning procedures against specifications and requirements
LO2. Commission mechatronics systems
2.1. Checking mechatronics systems
2.2. Performing commissioning procedure
2.3. Responding to unplanned events or conditions
LO3. Test commissioned Mechatronics systems
3.1. Testing commissioned mechatronics systems
3.2. Responding to unplanned events or conditions
3.3. Preparing report on the commissioning process

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter class room room seating
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to seating to be conducive for arrangement to accessible for
trainees eye-to-eye contact be accessible to wheelchairs users.
 Write short notes on the black/white  Make sure the luminosity of trainees  Facilitate and
board using large text the light of class room is kept  Speak loudly support the trainees
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the who have severe
light of class room is kept vocabularies attention of the impairments on
 Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences trainees their upper limbs
 Encourage trainees to record the  Give emphasis on visual  Present the to take note
lecture in audio format lecture and ensure the lecture in video  Provide Orientation
 Provide Orientation on the physical attention of the trainees format on the physical
feature of the work shop  Avoid movement during  Ensure the feature of the work
 Summarize main points lecture time attention of the shop
 Present the lecture in video trainees

Page 70 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in  Facilitate and
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material clear & short support the trainees
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the method having severe
process of guidance trainees  Use Video upper limbs
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Provide structured training recorded impairment to
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method material operate equipment/
 Use gesture  Ensure the machines
 Provide tutorial support attention of the  Assign peer
(if necessary) trainees trainees to assist
 Provide tutorial  Conduct close
support follow up
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial
(if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the
discussion with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of trainees with their
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with peers
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up

Page 71 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Introduce the
trainees with
other group
 Inform the group
members to
speak loudly
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer
guidance guidance follow up and trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary  Provide tutorial support if guidance  Use additional
 provide special attention in the necessary  Provide tutorial nominal hours if
process  provide special attention in support if necessary
the process/practical training necessary
 Introduce new and relevant  provide special
vocabularies attention in the
process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual large text  Provide briefing /orientation /orientation on
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare on the assignment the assignment
and submit the assignment in large  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual

Page 72 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
texts material recorded
 Make available recorded assignment material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

Page 73 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Interview  Use sign language  Speak loudly  Use written
interpreter  Using sign language response as an
 Ensure or conform interpreter if necessary option for the
whether the proper trainees having
communication was speech
conducted with the challenges
trainee through the
service of the sign
language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in  Prepare the exam  Prepare the exam using  Use oral
large texts using short sentences, short sentences, multiple response as an
 Use interview as an multiple choices, True choices, true or false, option to give
option if necessary or False, matching matching and short answers answer for
 Prepare the exam in and short answers if necessary. trainees having
audio format  Avoid essay writing severe upper
 Assign human reader  Time extension limb
 (if necessary) impairment
 Time extension  Time extension

Page 74 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
for trainees
having severe
upper limb
Demonstration/Observation  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language  Provide activity based  Provide activity
provide them in large interpreter assessment based
text  Brief on the  Brief on the instruction of assessment
 Time extension instruction of the the exam  Conduct close
exam  Use loud voice follow up
 Provide activity-  Time extension  Time extension
based/ practical
assessment method
 Time extension

Page 75 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
LO.1: Plan and prepare to undertake commissioning process
 Appropriate personal protective equipment is used and OHS & policies procedures are
 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed are obtained and checked for correct
operation and safety.
 Materials necessary are obtained in accordance with job requirements
 Commissioning procedures are planned and prepared in line with job requirements.
 Commissioning procedures are checked against specifications and requirements
LO2. Commission Mechatronics systems
 Mechatronics systems are checked using specified procedures
 Commissioning procedure is performed in accordance with requirements without damage
to the surrounding environment or services
 Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in accordance with established
LO3. Test commissioned Mechatronics systems
 Commissioned Mechatronics systems are tested according to established procedures or
manufacturer’s instructions.
 Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in accordance with established
 Report on the commissioning process is prepared according to the company requirements.

Page 76 of Version - I
Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Annex: Resource Requirements
EIS IEC4 M07 0322: Commissioning Mechatronics System
Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended Ratio
No. Specifications (Item: Trainee)

A. Learning Materials
prepared by the
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2. Reference Books
By Mike Star
Guide for Commissioning
3.2 Building Electrical Systems 5 1:5

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure

1. Workshop/practical area m2 112 4.5:1
2. Lecture Room m2 30 1.2:1
3. Library m2 100 4:1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 size 50 2:25
2 Marker different color 5 1:5
4 Wire m roll 4m
5 Chalk Pcs 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Megger / insulation tester Resistance Tester 5 1:5
2 Multimeter Digital Fluke pcs 1:1
3 Screw driver pcs 1:1
Magnetic Head
4 Pliers Side Cutting, Pcs 1:1
Long Nose

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
5 Wire striper Automatic 25 1:1
7 Multi-tester Digital, Fluke 25 1:1
Signal generator
Tektronix DG2040
8 Digital Pattern 5 1:5

9 Oscilloscope DSO D5202P 5 1:5

11 Safety hat Safety Helmet 5 1:5
12 Safety shoes Leather Pair 1:1
13 Ear muffs Standard Pair 1:1
14 Goggles Standard Pcs 1:1
15 Safety belt/Harness Standard Pcs 1:1
16 Gloves Standard Pair 1:1
17 Mask Standard Pcs 1:1

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level IV

MODULE TITLE : Setting up and adjusting PID control loops
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module Covers the skills and knowledge required to set up and
adjust proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control loops.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Prepare to work on process control loops
LO2. Solve process control loops problems
LO3. Complete work and provide status report/s

LO1 Prepare to work on process control loops

1.1 Applying WHS/OHS and workplace procedures to risk control
1.2 Obtaining Scope of control problem
1.3 Requiring advice from the work supervisor
1.4 Determining Sources of materials required
1.5 Obtaining and checking Tools, equipment and testing devices .
LO2 Solve process control loops problems
2.1 Understanding process controllers
2.2 Determining need to test and measure live work
2.3 Checking and isolating process controller/transmitters/converters and control loops
2.4 Using measured and calculated values .
2.5 Dealing with Unexpected situations
LO3. Complete work and provide status report/s
3.1 Completing and notifying Status report/s
3.2 Documenting and Reporting

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class room  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter seating arrangement to be room seating
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room accessible to trainees arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to seating to be conducive for  Speak loudly accessible for
trainees eye-to-eye contact  Ensure the attention of wheelchairs users.
 Write short notes on the black/white  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
board using large text the light of class room is kept  Present the lecture in the trainees who have
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Introduce new and relevant video format severe impairments
light of class room is kept vocabularies  Ensure the attention of on their upper limbs
 Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences the trainees to take note
 Encourage trainees to record the  Give emphasis on visual  Provide Orientation
lecture in audio format lecture and ensure the on the physical
 Provide Orientation on the physical attention of the trainees feature of the work
feature of the work shop  Avoid movement during shop
 Summarize main points lecture time
 Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & short  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
process of guidance trainees material impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Provide structured training  Ensure the attention of equipment/ machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method the trainees  Assign peer trainees
 Use gesture  Provide tutorial support to assist
 Provide tutorial support (if necessary)  Conduct close follow
(if necessary) up
 Provide tutorial
(if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members  Facilitate the integration of of trainees with group with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members members
 Introduce the trainees with another  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up
group member  Introduce the trainees with  Introduce the trainees
 Brief the thematic issues of the work another group member with other group member
 Inform the group
members to speak loudly

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance and guidance  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if necessary  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if nominal hours if
 provide special attention in the necessary necessary necessary
process  provide special attention in  provide special attention
the process/practical training in the process/ practical
 Introduce new and relevant training
 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual large text  Provide briefing /orientation /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare on the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in large  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual recorded
texts material material
 Make available recorded assignment
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language interpreter if an option for the
proper communication was necessary trainees having speech
conducted with the trainee through challenges
the service of the sign language
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as an
large texts sentences, multiple choices, True or sentences, multiple choices, true or option to give answer
 Use interview as an False, matching and short answers false, matching and short answers if for trainees having
option if necessary  Avoid essay writing necessary. severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in  Time extension impairment
audio format  Time extension for
 Assign human reader trainees having severe
 (if necessary) upper limb impairment
 Time extension
Demonstrati  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
on/ provide them in large  Brief on the instruction of the exam  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
Observation text  Provide activity-based/ practical  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow up
 Time extension assessment method  Time extension  Time extension
 Time extension

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
LO1 Prepare to work on process control loops
 WHS/OHS processes and workplace procedures for a given work area are identified,
obtained and applied
 WHS/OHS risk control work preparation measures and workplace procedures are
 Scope of control problem is obtained from documentation and/or from work supervisor
to determine work to be undertaken
 Advice is sought from the work supervisor to ensure the work is coordinated effectively
with others
 Sources of materials required for work are determined in accordance with workplace
 Tools, equipment and testing devices required to carry out work are obtained and
checked for correct operation and safety
LO2. Solve process control loops problems
 Need to test and measure live work is determined in accordance with WHS/OHS
requirements and workplace procedures
 Process controller/transmitters/converters and control loops are checked and isolated in
accordance with WHS/OHS requirements and workplace procedures
 Measured and calculated values are used for solving process control loops problems
 Unexpected situations are dealt with safely and in accordance with workplace
 Problems are solved without damage to apparatus, the surrounding environment or
services using sustainable energy principles
LO3 Complete work and provide status report/s
 WHS/OHS risk control work completion measures and workplace procedures are
 Status report/s is completed and work supervisor notified in accordance with workplace

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Annex: Resource Requirements
EIS IEC4 M08 0322: Setting up and adjusting PID control loops
Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by the Trainers 25 1:1
2. Reference
PID Controllers: Theory, 2nd Edition, Tore Hagglund
2.1 5 1:5
Design, and Tuning
Jens Graf
2.2 PID Control Fundamentals 5 1:5

Handbook of PI and PID

3 Journals/Publication/Magazines Controller Tuning Rules - [Book 5 1:5
Review], Juergen Hahn
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room 15m*15m Which has ramp 1 1:25
2. Library Which has ramp 1 1:25
3. Workshop 25m*25m Which has ramp 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 Pack 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1 pliers (assorted) Standard 15 3:5
2 screw drivers (assorted) Standard 15 3:5
3 Multimeter Standard 5 1:5
4 Calibrators CA700 calibrator 1 1:25
Signal simulators Tekelec te820b simulator 1
5 1:25
instruments-pcm frame analyser
Proportional-integral-derivative FLOW/LEVEL/TEMPERATURE/ 5
7 1:5
(PID) training module PH/TDS 5A, 230V, 50 Hz AC
Control loop components AMATROL ,Process Control
8 Training | Level / Flow, 5
Temperature, Analytical, Pressure

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Sensors, transmitters To 20 MA DC Pressure Indicator
10 Transmitter, T-PRO RTD PT100 5 1:5
Temperature Sensor
Indicators, recorders, Damper position 4 to 20 m A
11 1:5
controllers, annunciations 5

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level IV

MODULE TITLE:Providing solutions to problems in electro pneumatic hydraulic system

operation and control.


MODULE DESCRIPTOR: This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to provide solution to
electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation and control problem.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Identify problem in electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation and control
LO2. Provide solution to problem in electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation
LO3. Provide solution to problem in electro pneumatic hydraulic system control
LO4. Test and document
LO1. Identify problem in electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation and control
1.1 Applying WHS/OHS
1.2 Assessing and implementing risk control measures
1.3 Determining electro pneumatic and hydraulic system operation
1.4 Planning Work activities
1.5 Obtaining and checking Tools, equipment and testing devices.
LO2. Provide solution to problem in electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation
2.1. Developing Solution
2.2. Obtaining Parameters, specifications and job requirements
2.3. Evaluating Electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation problems
2.4. Responding to Unplanned situations
LO3. Provide solution to problem in electro pneumatic hydraulic system control
3.1 Applying electro pneumatic hydraulic system control problems to develop solution
3.2 Evaluating Electro pneumatic hydraulic system control problems
LO4. Test and document
4.1 Applying Solution
4.2 Justifying and documenting the solution

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter class room seating arrangement to
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating be accessible for
arrangement to be accessible to seating to be conducive arrangement to wheelchairs users.
trainees for eye to eye contact be accessible to  Facilitate and support
 Write short notes on the black/white  Make sure the luminosity trainees the trainees who have
board using large text of the light of class room  Speak loudly severe impairments on
 Make sure the luminosity of the is kept  Ensure the their upper limbs to
light of class room is kept  Introduce new and attention of the take note
 Use normal tone of voice relevant vocabularies trainees  Provide Orientation on
 Encourage trainees to record the  Use short and clear  Present the the physical feature of
lecture in audio format sentences lecture in video the work shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical  Give emphasis on visual format
feature of the work shop lecture and ensure the  Ensure the
 Summarize main points attention of the trainees attention of the
 Avoid movement during trainees
lecture time

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Present the lecture in
video format
 Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language  Illustrate in  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description interpreter clear & short the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Use video recorded method severe upper limbs
process of guidance material  Use Video impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Ensure attention of the recorded equipment/ machines
 Prepare & use simulation trainees material  Assign peer trainees to
 Provide structured training  Ensure the assist
 Show clear and short attention of the  Conduct close follow up
method trainees  Provide tutorial support
 Use gesture  Provide tutorial (if necessary
 Provide tutorial support support
(if necessary) (if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion with group members interpreters integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up  Facilitate the integration trainees with
 Introduce the trainees with other of trainees with group group members
group member members  Conduct close

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Brief the thematic issues of the  Conduct close follow up follow up
work  Introduce the trainees with  Introduce the
other group member trainees with
other group
 Inform the
group members
to speak loudly
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
guidance and guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention support if
process in the process/practical necessary
training  provide special
 Introduce new and attention in the
relevant vocabularies process/

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language  Provide briefing
Individual large text interpreter /orientation on
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare  Provide briefing the assignment
and submit the assignment in large /orientation on the  Provide visual
texts assignment recorded
 Make available recorded assignment  Provide visual recorded material
questions material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or
hard copy

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language response as an
the proper communication interpreter if option for the
was conducted with the necessary trainees having
trainee through the service of speech challenges
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
exam in large sentences, multiple choices, using short sentences, an option to give
texts True or False, matching and multiple choices, true answer for trainees
 Use interview as short answers or false, matching and having severe upper
an option if  Avoid essay writing short answers if limb impairment
necessary  Time extension necessary.  Time extension for
 Prepare the trainees having
exam in audio severe upper limb
format impairment
 Assign human

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 (if necessary)
 Time extension

Demonstration/Observation  Brief the  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity
instruction or  Brief on the instruction of assessment based assessment
provide them in the exam  Brief on the  Conduct close
large text  Provide activity-based/ instruction of the follow up
 Time extension practical assessment method exam  Time extension
 Time extension  Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
LO1 Identify problem in electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation and control
 WHS/OHS requirements and workplace procedures are identified and applied
 Hazards are identified, risks are assessed and control measures implemented
 Extent of electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation and control problems are
determined from job specifications, situation reports and consultations with relevant
 Work activities are planned to meet scheduled timelines in consultation with relevant
 Tools, equipment and testing devices required for work are obtained in accordance with
workplace procedures and checked for correct operation and safety
LO2. Provide solution to problem in electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation
 Electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation devices, circuit operation characteristics
and applications are applied to develop solutions to problems
 Parameters, specifications and job requirements for each electro pneumatic hydraulic
system operation problem are obtained in accordance with workplace procedures
 Electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation problems are evaluated to determine most
effective solution
 Unplanned situations are responded to in accordance with workplace procedures in a
manner that minimizes risk to personnel and equipment.
LO3 Provide solution to problem in electro pneumatic hydraulic system control
 Electro pneumatic hydraulic system control devices, circuit operation characteristics and
applications are applied to develop solutions to problems
 Parameters, specifications and job requirements for each electro pneumatic hydraulic
system control problem are obtained in accordance with workplace procedures
 Electro pneumatic hydraulic system control problems are evaluated to determine most
effective solution
LO4 Test and document solution
 Solutions to electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation and control problems are
tested to determine effectiveness and modified, as required
 Adopted solutions are documented including instructions incorporating risk control
 Solutions used to solve electro pneumatic hydraulic system operation and control
problems are justified and documented in accordance with workplace procedures

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Annex: Resource Requirements
EIS IEC4 M09 0322 Providing solutions to problems in electro pneumatic hydraulic
system operation and control.
Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Prepared by the trainer 5 1:5
2. Reference Books
Pneumatic and 1st edition Elsevier
3.1 Hydraulic Control 5 1:5
1st edition Mahmoud Galal El-
3.2 Fluid Power 5 1:5
Engineering Din
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Workshop M2 112 4.5:1
2. Lecture Room M2 30 1.2:1
3 Library M2 100 4:1
D. Tools and Equipment
Electronics tool kit Utility component storage box,
Long nose plier 5.31 inches, 5 1:5
Diagonal cutting plier 4.33
inches, Flat nose plier 5.31
inches, Super drill set
w/adaptor, 3pcs soldering aid
tools, Soldering iron stand with
1. sponge, Ceramic soldering iron,
Screwdriver handle, Pro-soft
screwdriver 3/16 inches, 1/4
inches,3.2x75 mm, #0x75 mm,
5.0x75 mm, Brush, Crimping
tool, DE soldering pump,
Precision screwdriver set 6pcs,
5pcs needle file set, Mini-

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
vacuum kit, Cleaning fluid,
head (60cc), Cleaning fluid,
head (18cc), 3-1/2 compact
digital multi meter, Testing
screwdriver, IC extractor, Flash
light, 7pcs folding type hex key
set, 3 prong holder, PVC
insulated tape, Stainless scissors
6 inches, Solder core 63%, SN,
Utility knife (3 blades self-
loading), 10pcs electronic
combination wrench, Hobby
vise (Jaw opening 1.57 inches
/width 2.36 inches), Aluminum
frame tool case w/1 pallet.

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology Level IV

MODULE TITLE : Solving problems in single/three phase electronic power control circuits
MODULE DESCRIPTION : This module covers the skills and knowledge required to solve
problems in single/three phase electronic power control circuits
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Identify problems in single/three phase electronic power control circuits
LO2. Solve problems in single/three phase electronic power control circuits
LO3. Test and document
LO1: Identify problems in single/three phase electronic power control circuits
1.1. Applying WHS/OHS requirements and workplace procedures
1.2. Identifying hazards, assessing risks and implementing control measures
1.3. Understanding single /three electronic power control circuits
1.3.1. Single and three phase power rectifiers
1.3.2. Single and three phase power inverters
1.4. Determining single /three electronic power control circuits problems
1.5. Planning work activities to meet scheduled timelines
1.6. Obtaining equipment and testing devices
LO2. Solve problems in single/three phase electronic power control circuits
2.1. Applying solution to control problems
2.2. Obtaining Parameters, specifications and performance requirements
2.3. Evaluating solutions to single/three phase electronic power control problems
2.4. Responding unplanned situations .
LO3 Test and document
3.1 Testing single/three phase electronic power control problems
3.2 Justifying and documenting solution

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class room  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in interpreter seating arrangement to be seating arrangement to
Audio/video  Arrange the class room accessible to trainees be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating seating to be conducive for  Speak loudly wheelchairs users.
arrangement to be accessible to eye-to-eye contact  Ensure the attention of the  Facilitate and support
trainees  Make sure the luminosity of trainees the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the the light of class room is kept  Present the lecture in video severe impairments on
black/white board using large  Introduce new and relevant format their upper limbs to
text vocabularies  Ensure the attention of the take note
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees  Provide Orientation on
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual the physical feature of
 Use normal tone of voice lecture and ensure the the work shop
 Encourage trainees to record the attention of the trainees
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during
 Provide Orientation on the lecture time
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points format
 Summarize main points

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & short  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded material severe upper limbs
process of guidance trainees  Ensure the attention of the impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer  Provide structured training trainees equipment/ machines
trainees  Show clear and short method  Provide tutorial support  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture (if necessary) assist
 Provide tutorial support  Conduct close follow up
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration of  Introduce the trainees
discussion trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of trainees with group members with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members  Conduct close follow up
 Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up  Introduce the trainees with
group member  Introduce the trainees with other group member
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member  Inform the group members to
work speak loudly
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance guidance  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if hours if necessary
necessary necessary necessary
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in  provide special attention in
process the process/practical training the process/ practical training

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Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
 Introduce new and relevant

 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing /orientation
Individual in large text  Provide briefing /orientation on the assignment
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare on the assignment  Provide visual recorded
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded material
large texts material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

Page 100 of Version - I

Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response as
 Ensure or conform whether the proper  Using sign language interpreter an option for the
communication was conducted with if necessary trainees having speech
the trainee through the service of the challenges
sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as an
large texts sentences, multiple choices, True or sentences, multiple choices, true option to give answer
 Use interview as an False, matching and short answers or false, matching and short for trainees having
option if necessary  Avoid essay writing answers if necessary. severe upper limb
 Prepare the exam in  Time extension impairment
audio format  Time extension for
 Assign human reader trainees having severe
 (if necessary) upper limb impairment
 Time extension
Demonstration/  Brief the instruction  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity based
Observation or provide them in  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment assessment
large text  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the instruction of the  Conduct close follow
 Time extension assessment method exam up
 Time extension  Use loud voice  Time extension
 Time extension

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
LO1. Identify problems in single/three phase electronic power control circuits
 WHS/OHS requirements and workplace procedures are identified and applied
 Hazards are identified, risks are assessed and control measures implemented
 Extent of single/three phase electronic power control problems are determined from performance
specifications; situation reports and consultations with relevant person/s
 Work activities are planned to meet scheduled timelines in consultation with relevant person/s
 Tools, equipment and testing devices needed for work are obtained in accordance with workplace
procedures and checked for correct operation and safety
LO2. Solve problems in single/three phase electronic power control circuits
 Single/three phase electronic power control devices, circuit operation characteristics and
applications are applied to developing solutions to control problems
 Parameters, specifications and performance requirements in relation to each single/three phase
electronic power control problem are obtained in accordance with workplace procedures
 Solutions to single/three phase electronic power control problems are evaluated to determine most
effective resolution
 Unplanned situations are responded to in accordance with workplace procedures in a manner that
minimizes risk to personnel and equipment
LO3. Test and document
 Solutions to single/three phase electronic power control problems are tested to determine
effectiveness and modified, as required
 Solutions are documented, including instructions for implementation, incorporating risk control
 Solutions used to solve single/three phase electronic power control problems are justified and
documented in accordance with workplace procedure

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Annex: Resource Requirements
EIS IES4 M10 0322 Solving problems in single/three phase electronic power control circuits
Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Recommended
No. Ratio
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM prepared by the trainer 25 1:1
2. Reference Books
Power electronic Vol-1 J. Pollefliet
2.1. switches & 5 1:5
2.2. Power Electronics 4th edition Mohammed H. Rashid 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
1. Lecture Room M2 30 1.2:1
2. Library M2 100 4:1
3. Workshop M2 112 4.5:1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Marker White board marker 1 Packet 1:25
2. Paper A4 1 Packet 1:25
3. Paper Chart paper 1 Packet 1:25
4. Chalk Colored 1 Packet 1:25
D. Tools, Equipment and Testing Devices
Power electronics A self-contained system, equipped with
trainer the power supply modules, various
1. experiment plugs in modules, user 5 1:5
guide, experiment manual, connection
cables and related accessories.

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
Electronic tools kit Utility component storage box, Long
nose plier 5.31 inches, Diagonal cutting 5 1:5
plier 4.33 inches, Flat nose plier 5.31
inches, Super drill set w/adaptor, 3pcs
soldering aid tools, Soldering iron stand
with sponge, Ceramic soldering iron,
Screwdriver handle, Pro-soft
screwdriver 3/16 inches, 1/4
inches,3.2x75 mm, #0x75 mm, 5.0x75
mm, Brush, Crimping tool, DE
soldering pump, Precision screwdriver
set 6pcs, 5pcs needle file set, Mini-
vacuum kit, Cleaning fluid, head (60cc),
Cleaning fluid, head (18cc), 3-1/2
compact digital multi meter, Testing
screwdriver, IC extractor, Flash light,
7pcs folding type hex key set, 3 prong
holder, PVC insulated tape, Stainless
scissors 6 inches, Solder core 63%, SN,
Utility knife (3 blades self-loading),
10pcs electronic combination wrench,
Hobby vise (Jaw opening 1.57 inches
/width 2.36 inches), Aluminum frame
tool case w/1 pallet.

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
The Ministry of Labor and Skills wishes to thank and appreciation for the trainers who donated their
effort and time to develop this outcome-based curriculum for the TVET program industrial
electrical/electronic Control Technology. We also thank coordinators and all regional TVETs and
Colleges, for active facilitation of their trainers for the development of this curriculum.

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022
The trainers who developed the curriculum
No Name Qualification Educational background Region College Mobile E-mail
1 Tesfaye Tsegaye Yeshigeta BSC Industrial Automation And Amhara Kombolcha 0912797236
Control Technology PTC
2 Tamrat Ayele Birru MSC Elec. Communication Oromia Sebeta PTC 0913244977
Technology (Telegram-0913244977)
3 Sirgut Wondmagegn wase MSC Industrial Automation And Addis Etoto PTC 0911966234
Control Technology Abeba
4 Abebe Kebede Demekssa MSC Industrial Automation And Oromia Woliso PTC 0911956760
Control Technology
5 Lisanework Milkias MSC Electrical Engineering SNNP Arbamich 0911051351
Hameso PTC m
6 Ditame Desta G/Wold MSC Industrial Automation And Sidama Hawasa 0911014492
Control Technology PTC
7 Biruk Anikley Tefera MSC Industrial Automation And Dire Dawa Ethio-Italy 0920131850
Control Technology PTC

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Author/Copyright : Industrial Electrical/Electronic Control Technology
Ministry of Labor and Skills LEVEL – IV March, 2022

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